Propagating Bitterbrush Twigs for Restoring Shrublands V. M. Kituku W. A. Laycock J. Powell A. A. Beetle native for bitterbrush establishment may be propagation from stem cuttings (Nord 1959). However, no study has reported success of propagated stems upon transplantation and survival once plants are subjected to winter conditions. Guidelines on soil chemical composition necessary for continuous growth of the transplanted plants is also missing. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine methods of enhancing bitterbrush stem propagation, winter survival, and transplantation success. Abstract—There was no significant difference in rooting success between bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata Pursh) plants from 7 different locations in southcentral Wyoming. Over 60% of all plants had roots at least 2 cm in length 45 to 60 days following propagation. Transplantation from propagation media to containers had no major negative impact on the plants, based on the 85% survival of all transplanted plants. When plants were subjected to artificial winter conditions of –25 °C, 2 hrs/day for 2 weeks, about 50% survived and resumed growth in the spring. The morphological development that followed exposure to winter conditions suggests propagation by cutting and outplanting prior to winter is a feasible method of preparing containerized bitterbrush plants for field planting. Methods During the spring of 1989, bitterbrush populations representative of distinct geographical ranges, elevations, vegetation types, plant morphology, and soil factors were selected in 7 areas within southcentral Wyoming. From each population, 10 mature, vigorously growing plants were selected, and 10 current growth, unbrowsed twigs (total of 100/population), at least 10 cm long, were cut with a heel of last growth in late June 1989. Heels from older wood facilitate leader growth (Nord 1959). At this time, the twigs were capable of withstanding water and nutrient shortage and propagating under a conducive environment. The twigs were put in a cooler containing ice to avoid excessive loss of water. Propagation procedures followed those recommended by Nord (1959). Heels were moistened with water, and dipped in a common rooting hormone preparation containing 0.3% indol-3-butyric (IBA) acid in talc. Stem origin was labeled on a plastic board. Cuttings were randomly planted 2 to 4 cm deep in propagating flats at a greenhouse in Laramie. The rooting medium had equal amounts of sand, sponge rock and vermiculite with a pH of 7.0. To avoid or minimize root disease, a fungicide was applied to the soil. The chemical composition of the soil used is shown in Table 1. Temperature was maintained at 20 to 25 °C, and plants were watered daily until roots developed after 45 to 60 days. Cuttings were transplanted to labeled containers in midAugust and grown for 5 months with 3 watering days/week before they were gradually introduced to winter conditions. In February, the plants were subjected to 8 hours of daylight at 2.2 °C, and watered once a week for 30 days. Plants were put in a freezer at –25 °C, 2 hours/day for 2 weeks before returning them to 2.2 °C, 8 hours of daylight for 2 weeks. From April to June, plants were grown at 20-25 °C, watered twice a week, and kept in weed free conditions. The increasing demands on rangelands for forage necessitate development of cost-effective and efficient methods of increasing forage productivity. Bitterbrush possesses most of the qualities of a desirable browse plant, and diminishing quantities of bitterbrush within its range has prompted substantial restoration efforts (Nord 1965, Nord et al. 1967). However, increasing bitterbrush production through seeding has been only minimally successful. For example, Nord (1959) states, “seed production in bitterbrush, an ice cream plant on western ranges, is erratic and unpredictable. Even well-filled seed may be worthless or at best produce seedlings unable to survive under natural conditions.” Hubbard (1964) amplified the dilemma by noting that “successful seeding isn’t cheap.” However, when justifying the economics of a bitterbrush seeding project, he posed the question of what is more expensive: to let deteriorated ranges alone or to restore them. Failure or minimal success in bitterbrush restoration has been associated with rodents, jackrabbits, grazing ungulates, and insects (Hubbard 1964). Because of the limited success in reseeding bitterbrush, a more viable alter- In: Roundy, Bruce A.; McArthur, E. Durant; Haley, Jennifer S.; Mann, David K., comps. 1995. Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium; 1993 October 19-21; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-315. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. V. M. Kituku is Riparian Ecologist, Idaho Power, P.O. Box 70, Boise, ID 83707; W. A. Laycock, J. Powell, and A. A. Beetle are Professors of Range Management, Department of Range Management, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071. 327 Table 1—Characteristics of the soil used after propagation. rooting success with 0.1% of indol-3-butyric acid compared to 0.3%. Transplantation from propagation media to containers had no major negative impact on the plants, based on the 85% survival of all transplanted plants. By February, when bitterbrush plants would have lost their leaves in the field, about 40% of the plants had green leaves. Also a living plant could not be differentiated from a dead one easily in those plants with no leaves. Thus, no estimate on the actual number of living plants was obtained before artificial wintering. However, all plants were subjected to artificial winter condition. About 50% survived and resumed growth in the spring. Higher survival may be possible with a less rigorous wintering process. Two months after the wintering process (June), the regrowth height ranged from 20 to 26 cm with a mean of 23.1 ± 6.1 cm; overall leaf length ranged from 13.6 to 19.7 mm with a mean of 16.2 ± 2.0 mm; leaf width (based on widest part) ranged from 7.0 to 9.6 mm with a mean of 8.3 ± 1.6 mm. The morphological development that followed exposure to winter conditions suggests propagation by cutting and outplanting prior to winter is a feasible method of preparing containerized bitterbrush plants for field planting. Chemical Composition Total nitrogen (NO3N; ppm) Avail. phosphorus (PO4P; ppm) Potassium (K; ppm) Iron (Fe; ppm) Zinc (Zn; ppm) Organic matter (OM; %) pH Electrical conductivity (ds/m) 18.5 12.0 331.0 4.1 4.6 2.6 7.5 1.5 Texture Sand (85%); silt (10%); clay (5%) Soluble Cations Sodium (Na; meq/l) Calcium (Ca; meq/l) Potassium (K; meq/l) Magnesium (Mg; meq/l) 2.1 19.1 1.2 2.1 Extractable Cations Sodium (Na; meq/100g) Calcium (Ca; meq/100g) Potassium (K; meq/100g) Magnesium (Mg; meq/100g) Cation Exch. Cap. (meq/100g) 0.5 20.7 <0.1 0.7 References 7.4 Hubbard, R.L. 1964. A guide to bitterbrush seeding in California. USDA For. Serv. PSW Exp. Sta. and Calif. Dep. Fish Game Resour. 30 p. Nord, E.C. 1959. Bitterbrush plants can be propagated from stem cuttings. USDA For. Serv. Rep. PSW-149. 4 p. Nord, E.C. 1965. Autecology of bitterbrush in California. Ecol. Monogr. 35:307-334. Nord, E.C., E.R. Schneegas, and H. Graham. 1967. Bitterbrush seed collecting by machine or by hand? J. Range Manage. 20:99-103. Results and Discussion There was no significant difference in rooting success between plants from different locations. Over 60% of all plants had roots at least 2 cm in length 45 to 60 days following propagation. This rooting success was about twice that achieved by Nord (1959) using 9 cuttings as opposed to the 700 used in this study. Nord (1959) reported better 328