This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. PERENNIAL FORB LIFE-HISTORY STRATEGmS ON SEMIARID RANGELANDS: IMPLICATIONS FOR REVEGETATION Stanley G. Kitchen ABSTRACT aboveground structures. As a general rule, these plants have relatively rapid potential growth rates; there is no investment in aboveground woody tissues. Because they run the risk of being shaded by taller woody species, some benefit from frequent aboveground disturbance such as herbivory and fire. Herbaceous perennials are divided into two fairly distinct groups: grasses and grasslike species and forbs (dicots and some monocots). Though extremely diverse, perennial forbs are competitively distinct from grasses, differing significantly in anatomical, physiological, and reproductive features. The seasonal nature of resource pulses in the Intermountain West favors species with perennial life histories. The often short and unpredictable growing season (as dictated by soil moisture and soil and air temperature) typical of valley and foothill landscapes results in numerous combinations of perennial shrub, grass, and forb species (Ream 1963). Perennial forb species are responsible for much of the diversity in these communities even though coolseason grasses often dominate the herbaceous component. Frequent spring cold spells and a continental climate also favor wind-pollinated grasses and shrubs over the predominantly insect-pollinated forbs. Forb diversity is generally greater in communities associated with more mesic sites. On these sites, the canopy cover of tall shrubs and trees may increase, resulting in a shift to conditions that favor shade-tolerant forbs. Establishment and persistence ofperennial (orbs are priority objectives in revegetation. Species adapted to semiarid regions of the Western United States employ lifehistory strategies suited to unpredictable and often extreme environmental conditions. Long-lived (orbs grow rapidly in spring and survive drought through vegetative dormancy. Short-lived species are opportunistic and utilize soil seed reserves to persist through long periods of unfavorable conditions. Seeded (orbs must be adapted to site conditions for successful establishment and long-term survival. INTRODUCTION The evolution of terrestrial plant morphologies reflects tradeoffs between maximization of growth rates by allocation of photosynthate to production and display of photosynthesizing tissues (principally leaves) and the need to invest in other structures (roots, stems) needed to survive in resource-limited environments (Tilman 1988). The development of roots increases in importance as soil resources (such as water and mineral nutrients) become less available. Conversely, plant height becomes increasingly important as soil-surface light intensity decreases due to increases in plant canopy shade, a change generally associated with increases in soil resource levels. Plant height is greatly increased through the development of perennial (woody) stems. The "cost" of root and stem investment is a decrease in growth rate. Competitive strength of a species is dictated by its ability to adjust photosynthate allocation between plant parts, balancing the tradeoff between growth rate and stress tolerance for the often-changing conditions of its environment. Perenniality is generally favored in environments experiencing seasonal pulses in resource availability (Tilman 1988). While increases in both frequency and severity of disturbance favor annual growth, herbaceous perennials may be favored when disturbance-caused losses are primarily to aboveground structures. Herbaceous perennials are characterized by perennating belowground structures and herbaceous, nonwoody, PERENNIAL FORB STRATEGIES Grime (1977) proposed three primary plant strategies in which traits have evolved in response to different levels of competition, stress, and disturbance. He described competitive, stress-tolerant, and ruderal strategies, each adapted to conditions of high levels of one of these environmental forces and lesser levels of the remaining two. He also described conditions that select for secondary or intermediate strategies and suggested that perennial forbs have a range of strategies wider than other plant groups. Successful forb strategies have evolved to address both norms and extremes of the environment. Physical factors such as dependability of growing season, severity and length of drought, and nature and frequency of disturbance are important in determining the "shape" of each strategy. Abrahamson (1979) documented differences in resource allocation between forb species and ecotypes associated with forest understories and those found in open fields. Field forbs allocated a greater share of resources to Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-22, 1992. Stanley G. Kitchen is Botanist, Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Intermountain Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Provo, UT 84606. 342 reproductive organs and a lesser share to leaves and belowground organs than did forest understory species. Specialized animal pollination strategies are favored in wooded understory habitats because of improved efficiency in long-distance pollination among dispersed plants bearing relatively few flowers (Regal 1977). This paper describes life-history strategies suited to non- or open-forested habitats and gives examples native to the Intermountain West. most plants do not flower for several years after seedling establishment (Shaw and Monsen 1983). Other long-lived forb species used in revegetation with high levels of belowground resource storage include Pacific aster (Aster chilensis), western yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Louisiana sagewort (Artemisia ludoviciana), and scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcea coccinea) (Menke and Trlica 1981; Shaw and Monsen 1983). As with these species, belowground reserves are often related to vegetative reproduction. Allium, Calochortus, Erigeron, Eriogonum, Lomatium, Senecio, Solidago, and Wyethia are examples of other forb genera represented by Strategy A species. Strategy A: Long-Lived/Summer Dormant Strategy A species are typically slow to reach reproductive maturity and are long lived. They inhabit communities where the favorability of microsites is relatively constant (Gadgil and Solbrig 1972). Resource pulses are generally predictable (seasonal) and at least adequate for maintenance growth. This strategy is intermediate between the competitive and stress-tolerant strategies proposed by Grime (1977), though species are also tolerant of some forms of disturbance. A distinguishing trait of Strategy A species is the storage of large quantities of mineral resources and photosynthate in belowground perennating structures. These reserves are mobilized rapidly to produce photosynthesizing leaves and stems early in the growing season, making mature plants excellent competitors. Reproductive output intensity is tied to these stored reserves; mast seed production (cycles ofbumper crops spaced by years of minimal or no seed production) is common. Summer drought is avoided through vegetative dormancy. The successful establishment of new individuals or cohorts may be either slow and gradual or rare, as these species are typically associated with somewhat closed, late seral communities (Gadgil and Solbrig 1972). Arrowleafbalsam.root (Balsamorhiza sagittata) is a typical Strategy A species. This long-lived species produces a large taproot with deep soil penetration (Shaw and Monsen 1983). Large basal leaves emerge quickly from the taproot as spring conditions permit. Mast seed production is synchronized, at least in part, by the effects of weather (such as precipitation and spring frost) on resource allocation. Plants enter dormancy in early to midsummer. Seeds are relatively large and are sought out and cached by rodents (Everett and others 1978). Seed dormancy prevents precocious summer or fall germination. Young and Evans (1979) speculated that excessive seed stratification requirements reduce spring germination. In laboratory experiments, I found that seed dormancy is broken with moderate periods of moist chilling (stratification) (Kitchen 1993). Mean germination percentages for 10 collections after 8 and 10 weeks of moist chilling were 59 and 91 percent, respectively. In a parallel field retrieval experiment conducted on an arid Wyoming sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp. wyomingensis) site in southern Idaho, less than 1 percent of seeds planted in midsummer and fall remained dormant in the following spring. Seedling growth and maturation rates are slow; 343 Strategy B: Short-Lived, Opportunistic Strategy B is associated with species that experience episodic recruitment and die-off events, often correlated with extreme weather events or harsh disturbance. Though these species usually benefit from seasonal pulses in soil moisture, vegetative and reproductive growth responses can occur any time effective moisture becomes available and temperatures permit. High mortality rates often follow explosive seed production events apparently due to depletion of stored reserves (Fenner 1985). Species are generally classified as short lived. Strategy B is best described as a stress-tolerant ruderal strategy when Grime's (1977) classification is applied. Strategy B species rapidly reach reproductive maturity and have a proportionately high investment of resources in seed production (Fenner 1985; Gadgil and Solbrig 1972). Individual seeds require relatively small investments in resources and are mobile, allowing the species to explore numerous new sites on both a spatial and temporal scale. Seed dormancy mechanisms, such as hardseededness, that function to ensure that a portion of the seeds produced are committed to a soil seed reserve (remain ungerminated through periods favorable for seedling growth) are essential for species or ecotypes employing this strategy. The successful establishment of new cohorts, though more common than with Strategy A species, is probably tied to disturbance events or sequences of one or more seasonal pulses with higher than normal amplitude or longer than normal duration. A good example of a Strategy B species is Palmer penstemon (Penstemon palmeri). This short-lived perennial forb flourishes on disturbed sites such as washes and canyon bottoms (Cronquist and others 1984). Populations have been successfully established and have persisted on human-caused disturbances such as roadcuts. When soil moisture is plentiful during the growing season, mature plants produce copious quantities of seeds. Typically, these plants become weakened and many die by the following spring (personal observation). Mortality is likely due, at least in part, to stresses caused by high reproductive output. Cold-induced seed dormancy, a light requirement, and a long imbibition requirement before radical emergence ensure maintenance of a soil seed reserve (Kitchen and Meyer 1992; Meyer and Kitchen 1992). Numerous other penstemon species exhibit strategies for preserving a soil seed reserve (Kitchen and Meyer 1991; Meyer 1992; Meyer and Kitchen 1993). Gooseberry-leaf globemallow (Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia) has a strategy similar to that of Palmer penstemon. This short-lived species (West 1979) is well adapted to drought and is widely distributed in desert shrub, pinyon-juniper, and low-elevation mountain brush communities (Welsh and others 1987}. Persistent soil seed reserves allow populations to cycle in response to variable weather patterns (Sharp and others 1990). Typically, extended periods of favorable conditions result in populations spending themselves in explosive reproductive events often followed by episodic die-off (personal observation). The strategy of the closely related munro globemallow (S. munroana) is similar. 100- goQ aoas -=-----=:: -~ ··------~"-.... CD ...c Cl) e 8. 'ii > ·~ :::» tn 70- • Asotin, WA eo~ A Lava, 10 5040 ~ • Cove Fort, UT o Mona, UT 302010- • Provo, UT o- <> \ -~ '-,.-~~::. " ""' '~ '"A ,·~ '\\~ -..... ~ .... ~ ' \ \\ \' \\ ,\. \ .. ··,, 'o '·,, '-. \ ~---- --~ Potosi, NE \ • Confusion Range, UT 1989 "'-............... 1990 ~ 1991 1992 Rating Season lntermne~ateStrate~es Figure 1-Survival of Lewis flax collections in a common garden near Nephi, UT. Greenhouse~ reared seedlings were transplanted in April 1989. Mortality from 1990 to 1991 was significantly correlated with an index of severity of rust infection (p < 0.05, r 2 = 0.75). All plants were treated for rust in 1991, minimizing infection. Mortality from 1991 to 1992 is presumed unrelated to rust infection. The cultivar 'Appar' belonging to the European species perennial blue flax (Linum perenne), remained free of infection though it experienced 26 percent mortality, similar to that experienced by some of the North American Lewis flax collections. Strategies A and B are not mutually exclusive. Species with intermediate strategies combine elements of both. In addition, the relative importance of each strategy, as expressed by key traits, may vary considerably among ecotypes of a single species occupying a wide range of habitats. This variability is not surprising when the differences in moisture regime, disturbance factors, and competition patterns among these habitats are considered. Solbrig and Simpson (1974) observed phenotypic variability in seed production and competitive ability among biotypes of common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). Biotypes with relatively high reproductive output dominate on sites with frequent disturbance (mowing), while more competitive biotypes dominate less frequently disturbed sites. Ecotypes of Lewis flax (Linum lewisii) are adapted to shadscale, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper, grassland, mountain brush, ponderosa pine, aspen, and spruce-fir communities (Welsh and others 1987). In a common garden study with populations selected from diverse habitats, reproductive output varied by more than two times as measured by flower number and total seed weight per plant (Kitchen and others 1993). After 3 years, mortality among ecotypes ranged from 3 to 100 percent (fig. 1). Differential resistance of ecotypes to rust infection significantly contributed to differences in second-year losses. Short-lived ecotypes subject to frequent density-independent mortality events may gain little or no advantage by investing in rust resistance. In addition, much of the mortality over a 3-year period occurred in plants that were rust-free and prolific during the year before death, suggesting that patterns of reserve depletion during seed production may be important to longevity among ecotypes of this and possibly other species (Gadgil and Solbrig 1972). In laboratory germination studies with Lewis flax seeds, a significant fraction of seeds developed cold-induced secondary dormancy for five of21 collections tested (Meyer and Kitchen, in press). Nine of the remaining collections had a portion (13 to 68 percent) of viable seeds that did not become germinable after 24 weeks of stratification. Field retrieval experiments verified the ability of this species to seedbank for multiple years. These results suggest that Lewis flax tactics include provisions for maintaining a soil seed bank, and that the relative importance of a seed bank varies among ecotypes. Another forb with an intermediate strategy is northern sweetvetch (Hedysarum boreale). This moderate to long-lived legume is most common in midelevation communities and may have been reduced in distribution and density by past overgrazing (Plummer and others 1968). Its roots penetrate deeply into the soil. Vegetative dormancy occurs as soil moisture is reduced in mid to late summer. First bloom occurs in spring to midsummer. A second minor flowering sometimes results when initial fruit set fails (personal observation). Both weather and carbohydrate reserves probably play an important role in determining the intensity of single-year reproductive allocation. Seeds are generally hard (do not imbibe water) (Kitchen and others 1987; Redente 1982) and are sought out and possibly cached by rodents. The hard-seeded trait allows for a significant portion of uneaten seeds to carry over in the soil. The species responds favorably to removal of competitive shrub species such as big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii). Large increases in vegetative and reprodu?tive output are common following fires (personal observation). EMPUCATIONSFORREVEGETATION Familiarity with perennial forb strategies is essential to avoid costly mistakes in revegetation projects and in formulating appropriate expectations for seeded species in modified environments. Species and ecotype life-history strategy must be matched to planting site environmental conditions. The following questions and discussions 344 cons~ deration for any seeding project. However, if seeded species are short lived, requiring relatively frequent recruitment episodes, long-term persistence may be prevented by weeds. 5. Will a fraction of viable seeds remain ungerminated after the first season of growth? The seeds of most rangeland species are best planted in the fall. This permits moist chilling of dormant seeds and accelerates spring germination and growth of nondormant seeds. A viable portion of the seeds of many forbs, including penstemons, globemallows, Lewis flax, and northern sweetvetch, will remain ungerminated the first spring following planting (Strategy B). A knowledge of the seed-banking tendencies of each species is useful in planning seeding rate and in judging first- and subsequent-year establishment success. Germination percentage can be increased for some species using appropriate seed pretreatments. For example, hardseeded species such as sweetvetch and globemallows can be scarified prior to planting (Redente 1982; Roth and others 1987) while species such as Lewis flax need only time in dry storage to increase first-year germination (Meyer and Kitchen, in press). Such tactics conserve the genetic capacity for seedbanking, a trait important for the longterm persistence of some species and ecotypes. 6. How important is seed size in planning seeding rate and method? The seeds of some forb species are very small (table 1) and are not able to emerge from typical drilling depths. These seeds must be sown at or near the soil surface. Seeding rates of these species can often be quite low, a real plus considering the cost of obtaining the seeds. should be addressed in determining appropriate species or ecotypes for each revegetation project. 1. Is the species adapted to the climate of the site? For example, when considering precipitation, seasonality and extremes may be as important as annual means in affecting success. 2. Is the expected disturbance regime compatible with the long-term persistence of each planted species? Disturbance effects can be positive or negative depending on the nature and timing of their occurrence. Intensity and frequency of disturbance are also important. For example, occasional fire is beneficial for northern sweetvetch and arrowleafbalsamroot, because of fire's negative effect on competing species, while herbivory is not. Other species such as Palmer penstemon benefit from frequent soil erosion such as is found on steep slopes and in wash bottoms. The severity of damage, if any, to perennial forbs caused by selective herbivory and trampling associated with large ungulates (whether livestock or wildlife) is largely dependent on season of use. There may be times when it is appropriate to plant Strategy B species on sites where they may not persist; their value is as nurse plants for later seral species. 3. Are the forb species to be seeded compatible with other seeded species and remnant perennials on this site? An understanding of the competitive relationships among species in seeded communities is largely lacking, so evalu":tion of this question is difficult. At the very least, caution should be used to not overplant aggressive long-lived grasses on sites where a good representation of forbs is desired. 4. How weed prone is the site? Competition from annual grasses such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), medusahead (Taeniatherum asperum), and jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) inhibits successful establishment of perennial seedlings. Weed control should be a standard Table Efficacy in the use of a great variety of perennial forb species will improve as research provides a more complete understanding of perennial forb life-history strategies and their interactions within different communities. Many species with potential value are presently poorly understood. 1-s~ed size (seeds/lb) for 10 native perennial forb species. Quantities reported are adapted from K1tchen and other~ (198~) and Shaw an~ Monsen (1983). Recommended seeding rates (lblacre) are based ~n the spectes betng a part of a dtverse seed mix. Alfalfa and small burnet are included for companson Recommended seeding rate Scientific name Seed weight Western yarrow Louisiana sagewort Pacific aster Arrowleaf balsamroot Lewis flax Palmer penstemon Firecracker penstemon Rocky Mountain penstemon Gooseberry-leaf globemallow Northern sweetvetch Achillea millieolium Memisia ludoviciana Aster chilensis Ba/samorhiza sagittata Linum lewisii Penstemon palmeri Penstemon eatonii 4,000,000 3,800,000 2,700,000 55,000 280,000 600,000 350,000 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.5 Penstemon strictus Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia Hedysarum boreale 760,000 0.25 500,000 59,000 0.75 1.5 Alfalfa Small burnet Medicago sativa Sanguisorba minor 225,000 45,000 0.5 2.0 Common name No.llb 345 Lblacre - - - - - 1.0 1.25 1.5 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 Our success in managing diverse communities in the semiarid West will depend on carefully planned research and its application. Meyer, S. E. 1992. 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