This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. SPINY HOPSAGE SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING ESTABLISHMENT Nancy L. Shaw Marshall R. Haferkam.p high ratings for persistence and resistance to insects and disease and low ratings for initial establishment and natural spread. They recommended spiny hopsage for use in pinyon-juniper, basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. var. tridentata), Wyoming big sagebrush, shadscale CAtriplex confertifolia [Torr. and Frem.] Wats.), and blackbrush ( Coleogyne ramosissima Torr.) vegetation types. An understanding of requirements for natural or artificial establishment of spiny hopsage seedlings is needed to permit development of direct seeding techniques for the species. This paper summarizes current knowledge of spiny hopsage seed germination, seedbed ecology, and seedling establishment. ABSTRACT Reestablishment of spiny hopsage (Grayia spinosa [Hook.] Moq.) on disturbed native sites improves shrub diversity, contributing to development of subcanopy soils, vegetation, and associated ecosystem stability. Spiny hopsage may be established by fall or winter planting of seeds or bracted utricles at a depth of 0.5 em using drills or seeder-packers. Seeds of Mojave Desert populations germinate in response to fall or winter rains of at least 160 mm; those from southeastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho germinate in early spring following overwinter exposure to cool, moist seedbed microenvironment&. Germination, emergence, and seedling establishment are episodic; success depends on availability of soil water. Survival may be enhanced by site preparation and planting techniques that reduce vegetative competition and improve water catchment. Northern Shrub Steppe and Great Basin-Spiny hopsage plants may remain dormant during dry years, but large quantities of new branches, leaves, and fruits (bracted utricles) are usually produced during years with good spring rainfall (Rickard and Warren 1981; Shaw 1992). Seed quality varies widely with weather conditions, insect infestations, and other factors (Shaw 1992). Filled utricles ripen from late spring to mid-summer. Many utricles normally fail to develop; large numbers of fruiting bracts are normally empty. Consequently, the quantity of viable seeds contributed to the soil seed bank and the potential for seedling establishment may vary considerably from year to year. Establishment of spiny hopsage is episodic with germination, emergence, and survival dependent on local environmental conditions, particularly precipitation. In southeastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho, emerging seedlings were observed only in years with above-average spring rainfall (Shaw 1992; Shaw and Haferkamp 1990). Seedlings emerged in early spring from litter accumulations beneath nurse plant canopies or from shrub interspaces slightly downwind. In addition to female spiny hopsage plants, greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus [Hook.] Torr.), Wyoming big sagebrush, and male spiny hopsage plants growing near seed sources also acted as nurse plants. Compared to interspaces, shrub clumps provide more favorable water, temperature, light, soil texture, organic matter, and nutrient conditions for establishment of many species (Pierson and Wight 1991; Rickard and others 1988; Wallace and Romney 1972; Wallace and others 1980). Maturation of these seedlings, however, occurs only in canopy openings. In contrast to the observations of early spring germination, Glazebrook (1941) reported spiny hopsage seedlings emerged in fall immediately after seeds reached maturity. Although he collected seeds in eastern Washington, he did not specify the site of this observation nor did he comment on the late date of seed maturation. . INTRODUCTION Endemic to the Intermountain West, spiny hopsage (Grayia spinosa [Hook.] Moq.) occurs in Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & A. Young), pinyon-juniper (Pinus L.-Juniperus L.), salt-desert shrub, and Mojave Desert communities (Daubenmire 1970). The species provides cover for birds and other small animals, spring and early summer forage for big game and livestock, and soil stabilization on gentle to moderate slopes (Gullion 1964; McCullough 1969; USDA-SCS 1968). Growth and nutrient content of vegetation growing near spiny hopsage are enhanced by accumulation of litter rich in potassium and other cations (Rickard and Keough 1968). Areas within the native range of spiny hopsage have been depleted or damaged by livestock grazing, wildfires, invasions of weedy annuals, mining, off-road vehicle use, road and pipeline construction, and other human activities (Blaisdell and Holmgren 1984). Reestablishment of the species on these sites is often desirable. Billings (1949), Dayton (1931), Monsen and Christensen (1975), and Plummer (1966), encouraged development of spiny hopsage as a revegetation species. Plummer and others (1968) evaluated its revegetation attributes, assigning Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration oflntermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise,ID, May 18-22, 1992. Nancy L. Shaw is Botanist, Intermountain Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boise, ID; Marshall R. Haferkamp is Range Scientist, Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Miles City, MT. 252 The episodic nature of seedling establishment may partially explain seemingly contradictory reports of native spiny hopsage seedling occurrence. For example, the USDA-SCS (1968) reported spiny hopsage establishes rapidly in eastern Washington bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum [Pursh] Scribn. & Smith) or needleand-thread (Stipa comata Trin. & Rupr.) communities depleted by overgrazing or other disturbances. By contrast, Daubenmire (1970) found no spiny hopsage plants with fewer than 16 xylem rings after extensive searches in eastern Washington. Natural recovery of spiny hopsage on disturbed sites was studied at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Nuclear Test Site (USAEC-NTS) in the southern Great Basin. Shrub recovery was monitored at Pahute Mesa following nuclear testing in 1965. Elevation of the site is 1,800 to 1,890 m and mean annual precipitation 119 to 279 mm. Following testing, no spiny hopsage seedlings remained in the totally killed area (Wallace and others 1977, 1980). Shrub recovery began rather quickly, even though the totally killed area was dominated by Russian thistle (Salsola iberica Sennen and Pau) and the partially killed area by grasses during the first 5 years. In an unusually good precipitation year, a large number of spiny hopsage seedlings emerged and grew to heights of 0.3 to 0.4 m (Wallace and Romney 1972). By 1976, spiny hopsage and total shrub seedling density had increased to the point that shrub recruitment appeared adequate for replenishing the site. Density of new spiny hopsage seedlings was 34 per hectare in the totally killed area, 55 per hectare in the partially killed plot, and 14 per hectare in the control area. Seedlings in the totally killed area presumably established from external seed sources. many size classes. The mean dry weight of spiny hopsage plants was 74.3 ± 85.8 g. Approximately 66 percent of the plants weighed less than the modal size class (24.4 to 64.6 g) and 17 percent weighed more, again indicating an abundance of small (young) plants. They concluded this distribution possibly reflected emergence and survival of many seedlings in response to good rainfall 2 years prior to sampling. The impact of supplemental water on seedling emergence and establishment in a community dominated by goldenhead (Acamptopappus shockleyi Gray) and bursage (Ambrosia dumosa [Gray] Payne) was examined near Mercury, NV, in the northern Mojave Desert (Hunter and others 1980). Plots of native vegetation were sprinkler irrigated to maintain soil water content above 5 percent, increasing annual water input from an average of 100 to 150 mm to about 350 to 450 mm (Wallace and Romney 1972). After 3 years of irrigation followed by 4 years of natural rainfall, spiny hopsage density increased from 288 to 438 plants/ha and biomass from 41 to 241 kglha. On nonirrigated plots density increased from 356 to 465 plants/ha and biomass from 59 to 109 kg/ha. Possible reasons for the increase on nonirrigated plots were not discussed. Wallace and Romney (1972) studied seedling emergence in disturbed creosote bush (Larrea tridentata [DC.] Cov.) communities of the Mojave Desert within the USAEC-NTS. They found few spiny hopsage seedlings emerged unless artificial irrigation was applied. GERMINATION STUDIES Threshed seeds and northern shrub steppe and Great Basin seed sources have been utilized in most studies of spiny hopsage seed germination and in full-scale plantings. Work with bracted utricles and Mojave Desert populations is more limited. Dry afterripening reduces seed dormancy of several shrubby chenopods (Ansley and Abernethy 1985; Pendleton and Meyer 1990; Springfield 1969, 1972). Shaw and others (in press), found no consistent differences between laboratory germination or field seedling establishment of 2- and 4-year-old spiny hopsage seed collections from one southwestern Idaho and one southeastern Oregon site. King (1947) found germination of a 6-year-old seed lot from eastern Washington was enhanced by a 2-week moist prechill at 5 oc, but a 12-week moist prechill was required for a 4-year-old seed lot from the same area. He suggested the differences might be attributed to duration of dry afterripening. Laboratory studies by Glazebrook (1941) indicated light had no influence on germination when 1-year-old spiny hopsage seeds harvested in eastern Washington were incubated at 22 to 26 °C. The positive response (92 percent germination in 35 days) of this seed lot to an alternating temperature regime of 30/20 oc (8 h/16 h) and work indicating seedlings could be "frozen solid while still very young and yet survive" led him to recommend early spring or late fall sowing for nursery production. Mojave Desert-Manning and Groeneveld (1990) found that spiny hopsage seedlings in the Transition Zone between the Great Basin and Mojave Desert in Owens Valley, CA, also developed beneath nurse plants, particularly in heavily grazed areas. Beatley (1979/80) made a similar observation for the northern Mojave Desert. Wallace and Romney (1972) reported Mojave Desert populations of spiny hopsage produced nondormant seeds capable of germinating rapidly when adequate water was available. Ackerman (1979) found seeds of 11 common Mojave Desert shrubs including spiny hopsage germinated following fall or winter rains (October to March) of at least 160 mm. Establishment of these species was considered episodic as only one of 201 seedlings emerging on study plots between 1971 and 1975 survived until spring 1977. Of 63 spiny hopsage seedlings emerging, 62 succumbed the first year and one the second year. Further evidence for episodic seedling establishment was provided by El-Ghonemy and others (1980) who examined size-class distributions of spiny hopsage and nine other perennial species in undisturbed areas of Rock Valley in the northern Mojave Desert. Size classes were defined on the basis of plant biomass. Frequency histograms for size-class distribution on a natural log basis showed a somewhat negatively skewed distribution for spiny hopsage, resulting from segregation of the numerous smaller, and presumably younger, individuals into 253 constant and alternating temperatures. Bracts did not decrease water uptake by the seed or provide mechanical restraint to embryo emergence, consequently inhibition of oxygen uptake was suggested as a possible mechanism for their action. Whether bracts remain intact in the field through winter has not been investigated. Differences in seed dormancy noted by Glazebrook (1941), Shaw (1992), and Wood and others (1976) may have resulted from genetic variation, seed cleaning procedures, or both. Lack of a moist-prechill requirement might be expected for Mojave Desert populations. Shaw (1992) found southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon seeds were rendered germinable by partial or complete removal of the testa. Both normal and abnormal germination were increased by threshing techniques that disrupted the testa. Smith (1974) reported moist prechilling for 60 or 90 days at 4 oc improved the rate of spiny hopsage germination. Germination of prechilled seeds incubated at 22 °C or 30/ 20 °C (day/night) was complete in 8 or fewer days compared to 30 days for controls. Both moist prechilling periods were also effective in increasing total germination of seeds incubated at 22 °C (maximum of 36 percent compared to 21 percent for controls); only the 90-day moist prechill improved total germination (29 compared to 25 percent) when seeds were incubated at 30/20 °C. Shaw (1992) found a 45-day moist prechill at 3 to 5 oc improved both total germination and germination rate of bracted utricles and seeds of one southwestern Idaho and one southeastern Oregon seed source. For the incubation temperatures tested (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 15/5, and 10/2 °C [8/16-h alterations]), germination increased from 9 to 64·percent with moist prechilling. Days to 50 percent germination declined from 24 to 11. Wood and others (1976) examined the germination response of four Nevada (Great Basin) and one California (Mojave Desert) spiny hopsage seed sources to 55 constant and alternating temperatures. All seed sources were nondormant. Highest constant temperature germination percentages were obtained at 10 and 15 °C (66 to 74 percent). A 5 °C low temperature alternating with high temperatures between 0 and 30 °C, inclusive, provided the highest germination percentages (70 to 90 percent) for all five seed lots. After 1 week, greatest seedling elongation of a Dayton, NV, seed lot occurred at 5, 15/20,20, and 5/25 °C. Shaw (1992) found total germination of moist-prechilled (45 days) bracted utricles and seeds from southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon incubated at 5/15 °C was similar to constant temperature germination over the 20to 30-°C range, but the rate was slower. The findings of Shaw (1992), Smith (1974), and Wood and others (1976) may be typical of species adapted to germinate in late fall or early spring when soil water content is most likely to be favorable for seedling establishment. Wood and others (1976) suggested the drifts of spiny hopsage fruiting bracts that sometimes accumulate under and around shrubs, mixing with leaves and other debris to form a thick mulch, may modify the seedbed environment. They found that air-dried bracted utricles are highly hygroscopic, increasing 41 percent by weight when placed over water in a desiccator. Bracted utricles of a Mojave Desert seed source were highly tolerant of osmotic stress. When incubated in polyethylene glycol solutions of -0.8 to -1.2 MPa, their germination was not reduced compared to controls incubated in water, suggesting bracts might function to regulate the osmotic potential of the utricles, enabling them to attain the osmotic potential required for germination. Germination of bracted Mojave Desert utricles incubated in NaCl solutions occurred only at water potentials greater (less negative) than -1.3 MPa, suggesting ion toxicity might be occurring at lower potentials. Wood and others (1976) found constant temperature germination of bracted utricles and seeds of a Mojave Desert seed source did not differ over the 2- to 40-°C range. In contrast, Shaw (1992) reported bracts reduced germination of moist-prechilled southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon seed sources incu~ated at several DIRECT SEEDING Stark (1966) and Plummer and others (1968) recommended use oflocal spiny hopsage seed sources for rangeland plantings. Few data on population differences have been reported. Shaw and others (in press) found germination and establishment of seed lots collected from similar environments in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon and planted at two southern Idaho sites did not differ consistently. Wood and others (1976) found bracted utricles and seeds of a Mojave Desert seed source from California germinated at higher temperatures than did four Great Basin sources from Nevada. Common garden studies of spiny hopsage were recently initiated in southeastern Idaho by the USDA-SCS (Hoag 1992) and should provide considerable information on variability among populations and site requirements for their establishment. Failures of early spiny hopsage plantings in Utah were attributed to planting the small seeds (869 to 932/g) at excessive depths (Plummer 1984; Smith 1974). Glazebrook (1941) recommended seeds be surface broadcast, while Kay and others (1977) recommended a seeding depth of 10 mm. Wood and others (1976) found few or no seedlings established when seeds were broadcast on smooth or packed surfaces in a greenhouse study. Broadcasting bracted utricles on a rough soil surface resulted in 18 percent seedling establishment. Establishment of 48 percent from seeds and 51 percent from bracted utricles was obtained by planting at a depth of 5 nun. Recommended seeding rates range from 0.6 to 4.4 kg/ha (Anderson and Shumar 1989; Rosentreter and Jorgenson 1986). Shaw and others (in press) reported first-year establishment ranged from 0 to 23.5 percent of viable seeds planted in late fall at two southern Idaho sites during 2 years. Seeds were direct seeded or broadcast and covered.. Planting depth in both cases was about 5 nun. Planting spiny hopsage seeds in late fall or winter in southern Idaho exposed seeds to cool, moist seedbed environments, permitting early spring emergence when soil water conditions were favorable for growth prior to the onset of summer drought (Shaw and others, in press). During 1 year, seeds at two sites began germinating in late February and early March when maximum and minimum air temperatures averaged 8 and 0 °C and surface 254 soil temperatures averaged 4 and -2 oc. Seedlings emerged in March and early April when maximum and minimum air and surface soil temperatures averaged 12 and0°C. Shaw (1992) reported field emergence from southwestem Idaho plantings was severely limited if soil water was low. The possibility that some nongerminating seeds may have entered secondary dormancy _was indicated by high viability and low to moderate laboratory germination of seeds recovered from late fall or winter plantings in early summer. Early and late-spring plantings did not provide temperature or moisture conditions necessary to permit germination and emergence. Longevity of field-planted seeds in primary or secondary dormancy was not examined, but limited second and third year emergence was noted. Shaw and Haferkamp (1990) reported developing seedlings produced a single shoot and a taproot system with few lateral roots during the first growing season. They found some seedlings in southwestern Idaho plantings were damaged or destroyed by seed harvester ants (/'ogonomyrmex salinus Olsen) and nymphs of an unidentified plant bug CMelanotrichus spp.). Wallace and Romney (1972) recommended control of herbivores and competing vegetation for establishment of spiny hopsage and other desert shrubs. REFERENCES Ackerman, Thomas L. 1979. Germination and survival of perennial plant species in the Mojave Desert. The Southwestern Naturalist. 24: 399-408. Anderson, Jay E.; Shumar, Mark L. 1989. Guidelines for revegetation of disturbed sites at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. DOE/ID-12114. Idaho Falls, ID: U.S. Department of Energy, Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory. 36 p. Ansley, R. J.; Abernethy, R. H. 1985. Environmental factors influencing Gardner saltbush seed dormancy alleviation. Journal of Range Management. 38: 331-335. Beatley, Janice C. 1979/80. Fluctuations and stability in climax shrub and woodland vegetation of the Mojave, Great Basin and Transition Deserts of southern Nevada. Israel Journal of Botany. 28: 149-168. Billings, W. D. 1949. The shadscale vegetation zone of Nevada and eastern California in relation to climate and soils. The American Midland Naturalist. 42: 87-109. Blaisdell, James P.; Holmgren, Ralph C. 1984. Managing Intermountain rangelands-salt-desert shrub ranges. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-163. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 52 p. Daubenmire, R. 1970. Steppe vegetation of Washington. Tech. Bull. 62. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, College of Agriculture, Washington Agricultural Experiment Station. 131 p. Dayton, William A. 1931. Important western browse plants. Misc. Publ. 101. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 214 p. El-Ghonemy, A. A.; Wallace, A.; Romney, E. M. 1980. Frequency distribution of numbers of perennial shrubs in the northern Mojave Desert. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs. 4: 34-38. Glazebrook, Thomas B. 1941. Overcoming delayed germination in the seed of plants valuable for erosion control and wildlife utilization. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 97 p. Thesis. Gullion, Gordon W. 1964. Wildlife uses of Nevada plants. Contributions toward a flora of Nevada 49. Beltsville, MD: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Crop Research Division, Plant Industry Section, National Arboretum. 170 p. Hoag, C. 1992. [Personal communication]. Aberdeen, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center. Hunter, R. B.; Romney, E. M.; Wallace, A.; Kinnear, J. E. 1980. Residual effects of supplemental moisture on the plant populations of plots in the northern Mojave Desert. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs. 4:24-27. Kay, B. L.; Ross, C. M.; Graves, W. L. 1977. Hopsage. Mojave Revegetation Notes 6. Davis, CA: University of California. 5 p. King, James E. 1947. The effect of various treatments to induce germination of seed of some plants valuable for soil conservation and wildlife. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 97 p. Thesis. McCullough, Dale R. 1969. The Tule elk-its history, behavior, and ecology. Publications in Zoology 88. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 191 p. DISCUSSION Until additional research is completed, general guidelines for reestablishing shrubs should be followed when direct seeding spiny hopsage. In the absence of seed transfer guidelines, seeds from local sources should be planted. Bracted utricles and seeds can be drilled or planted through seeder-packers. Large fruiting bracts may clog some drill drops, but bracted utricles must be threshed carefully to avoid embryo ·damage. Bracted utricles and seeds should be planted about 0.5 em deep. As the ability of spiny hopsage seedlings to compete with herbaceous species is poorly known, the species should be planted separately or in mixtures with other shrubs. Shrub seeds with different planting depth requirements must be planted through separate drill drops; seeds of most shrubs can be mixed together for planting through seeder-packers. Spiny hopsage may be mixed with other grass, forb, and shrub seeds for aerial seeding, but seeds should be covered. A rate of 66 seeds/m2 is frequently used for planting shrub mixes. The planting rate for spiny hopsage often may be dictated by seed availability. Late fall or winter planting is required for spiny hopsage in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon to permit exposure of bracted utricles or seeds to cool, moist seedbed conditions. Fall planting may also be required in the Mojave Desert to permit germination and emergence following fall or winter precipitation. Microenvironmental conditions in prepared seedbeds differ sharply from those in natural seedbeds beneath nurse plants. Consequently, spiny hopsage establishment may be enhanced by mulching or water catchment techniques that moderate soil water, temperature, or nutrient conditions. 255 Shaw, Nancy L. 1992. Germination and seedling establishment of spiny hopsage (Grayia spinosa [Hook.] Moq.). Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International. 53: 2621-2622. Shaw, Nancy L.; Haferkamp, Marshall R. 1990. Field establishment of spiny hopsage. In: McArthur, E. Durant; Romney, Evan M.; Smith, Stanley D.; Tueller, Paul T., comps. Proceedings-symposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub die-off, and other aspects of shrub biology and management; 1989 April 5-7; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-276. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 193-199. Shaw, Nancy L.; Haferkamp, Marshall R.; Hurd, Emerenciana G. [In press]. Germination and seedling establishment of spiny hopsage in response to planting date and seedbed environment. Journal of Range Management. Smith, Justin G. 1974. Grayia H. & A. Hopsage. In: Schopmeyer, C. S., tech. coord. Seeds of woody plants in the United States. Agric. Handb. 450. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture: 434-436. Springfield, H. W. 1969. Temperatures for germination of fourwing saltbush. Journal of Range Management. 22:49-50. Springfield, H. W. 1972. Winterfat seeds undergo afterripening. Journal of Range Management. 25: 479-480. Stark, N. 1966. Review of highway planting information appropriate to Nevada. College of Agric. Bull. B-7. Reno, NV: University of Nevada, Desert Research Institute. 209 p. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1968. Management and uses of spiny hopsage in the State of Washington. State of Washington, Plant Science Handbook. Spokane, WA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Plant Materials Section. Nonpaginated. Wallace, Arthur; Romney, Evan M. 1972. Radioecology and ecophysiology of desert plants at the Nevada Test Site. USAEC Rep. TID-25954. Riverside, CA: Los Angeles Soils Science and Engineering, Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology and Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Radiation Division. 439 p. Wallace, A.; Romney, E. M.; Hunter, R. B. 1977. The challenge of a desert: revegetation of disturbed desert lands. In: Transuranics in desert ecosystems. Las Vegas, NV: U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office. 181: 17-40. Wallace, A.; Romney, E. M.; Hunter, R. B. 1980. The challenge of a desert: revegetation of disturbed desert lands. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs. 4: 216-225. Wood, M. Karl; Knight, Robert W.; Young, James A. 1976. Spiny hopsage germination. Journal of Range Management. 29: 53-66. Manning, S. J.; Groeneveld, D. P. 1990. Shrub rooting characteristics and water acquisition on xeric sites in the western Great Basin. In: McArthur, E. Durant; Romney, Evan M.; Smith, Stanley D.; Tueller, Paul T., comps. Proceedings-symposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub die-otT, and other aspects of shrub biology and management; 1989 April 5-7; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-276. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 238-244. Monsen, Stephen B.; Christensen, Donald R. 1975. Woody plants for rehabilitating rangelands in the Intermountain region. In: Stutz, H. C., ed. Wildland shrubs; proceedings-symposium and workshop; 1975 November 5-7; Provo, UT. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University: 72-119. Pendleton, R. L.; Meyer, Susan E. 1990. Seed germination biology of spineless hopsage: inhibition by bract leachate. In: McArthur, E. Durant; Romney, Evan M.; Smith, Stanley D.; Tueller, Paul T., comps. Proceedingssymposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub die-otT, and other aspects of shrub biology and management; 1989 April 5-7; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-276. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 181-186. Pierson, Frederick B.; Wight, J. Ross. 1991. Variability of near-surface soil temperature on sagebrush rangeland. Journal of Range Management. 44:491-496. Plummer, A. Perry. 1966. Experience in improving salt desert shrub range by artificial planting. In: Proceedings of symposium-salt desert shrubs. 1966 August 1-4; Cedar City, UT. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management: 130-146. Plummer, A. Perry. 1984. [Personal communication]. Provo, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. [Deceased]. Plummer, A. Perry; Christensen, Donald R.; Monsen, S~phen B. 1968. Restoring big-game range in Utah. Publ. 68-3. Salt Lake City, UT: Utah Division ofFish and Game. 183 p. Rickard, W. H.; Keough, R. F. 1968. Soil-plant relationships of two steppe desert shrubs. Plant and Soil. 19: 205-212. Rickard, W. H.; Rogers, L. E.; Vaughan, B. E.; Liebetrau, S. F., eds. 1988. Shrub-steppe balance and change in a semi-arid terrestrial ecosystem. Developments in agricultural and managed-forest ecology 20. New York: Elsevier. 272 p. Rickard, W. H.; Warren, J. L. 1981. Response of steppe shrubs to the 1977 drought. Northwest Science. 55: 108-112. Rosentreter, Roger; Jorgenson, Ray. 1986. Restoring winter game ranges in southern Idaho. Idaho BLM Tech. Bull. 86-3. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office. 26 p. 256