This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. TEMPERATURE PROFILES FOR GERMINATION OF CHEATGRASS VERSUS NATIVE PERENNIAL BUNCHGRASSES Ellen Martens Debra Palmquist James A, Young ABSTRACT Profiles for germination in relation to temperature were developed for seeds of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), other introduced brome species (B. mollis, B. japonicus, B. brizaeformis, B. rubens, and B. diandrus), and three native bunchgrass species (Stipa thurberiana, Festuca idahoensis, and Elytrigia spicata). Seeds were incubated at 55 constant or alternating temperatures from 0 oc to 40 °C. Cheatgrass seeds were highly germinable over a wide range of constant and alternating incubation temperatures. The germination of seeds of other brome species and of the native bunchgrasses was much more limited. INTRODUCTION Seeds (caryopses) and germination are obviously a key portion of the ecology of an annual such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.). There are three aspects of the seed ecology of this species that are critical. These factors are simultaneous and continuous germination and soil-litter seedbanks. The inherent potential of the physiologic systems of cheatgrass seeds to support germination must interact with the potential of seedbeds to support germination. Cheatgrass is very plastic phenotypically. The species is established over an immense expanse of diverse habitats in North America. Ecotypic variation has been demonstrated for the species. Variable habitats and perhaps genotypes have led to conflicts in interpreting the seed ecology of the species. Most of these conflicts can be easily accounted for and interpreted if genetic and environmental differences are understood. In the western Great Basin, cheatgrass only germinates in the fall once every 5 years. Germination normally occurs in very early spring when seedbed temperatures are at or near freezing during a portion of each diurnal fluctuation (Evans and others 1970). Competition in such seedbeds is primarily for available soil moisture. A method of partially escaping this competition would be to germinate when temperatures are extremely low during the winter. In the Great Basin environment most precipitation occurs during the midwinter months, almost completely out of phase with temperatures that permit growth (Houghton and others 1972). Considering the limited potential of Intermountain area seedbeds to support germination and establishment of seedlings, it has long been noted that species that have seeds that germinate simultaneously and at the earliest possible time have the highest and most consistent opportunity for success. Simultaneous germination is apparently a great advantage for cheatgrass, but the extreme variability in the frequency of moisture events in temperate desert environments presents the risk that all the seeds would germinate in one flush and then die due to drought. The reciprocal of simultaneous germination is continuous germination. Cheatgrass accomplishes continuous germination through seeds acquiring dormancy in the field (Young and others 1969). The duration of this acquired dormancy can be influenced by the duration of moist incubation and gibberellin enrichment of the substrate. Remember that cheatgrass seeds are only going to acquire dormancy if they are not in a seedbed environment that permits simultaneous germination. The position of cheatgrass seeds in seedbeds in relation to litter and microtopography largely controls simultaneous germination. Litter and microtopography influence extremes in temperature and relative humidity. Therefore, temperatures at which cheatgrass seeds will or will not germinate become important in defining simultaneous germination and partially in the induction of acquired dormancy and continuous germination. A second aspect of this research is how germination of seeds of native perennial species and other annual grasses compares to germination of cheatgrass seeds. Our purpose was to compare germination temperature profiles for various sources of cheatgrass and other perennial and annual species adapted to similar environments. METHODS AND MATERIALS Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-22, 1992. Ellen Martens is a Biochemistry Technician, Debra Palmquist a Mathematician/Statistician, and James A Young a Range Scientist, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 920 Valley Road, Reno, NV 89512. We compared the germination of collections of seeds of cheatgrass from Pyramid Lake and Edwards Creek Valley, NV. Germination-temperature profiles were also obtained 238 Table 1-Definition and explanation of parameters calculated from germination profiles Germination parameter 1. Mean germination Purpose Calculation l: germination Simple, single-factor parameter that can be compared statistically. 55 2. Mean germination of temperature regimes with some germination l: germination No. regimes with germination High value compared with overall mean germination restricted to specific temperature regimes. 3. Regimes with some germination No. regimes with germination Indicates b.readth of response in relation to temperature. 55 By Itself, this is a difficult parameter to interpret. A large number of regimes with optimum germination Is ideal, if the mean germination of the optima is high. 4. Regimes with optimum germination No. regimes with optimum germination 5. Optimum germination max germination - (confidence Interval + 2) 6. Mean of optima 7. Maximum germination 8. Frequency of optima 55 This definition of optimum relates statistically, through the confidence interval, to means associated with the maximum observed germination. We use the narrow definition of one-half the confidence interval to limit the number of optima. Provides measure of temperature regimes that support highest germination not markedly different from maximum. optima No. of optima Gives measure of ultimate potential to germinate under ideal conditions. Mean with highest germination Gives a precise measure of what is optimum temperature for germination of cultivar or group of cultivars. No. times temp. reg. supports optimum germ. No. sources tested for the annual brome species, rattlesnake grass {B. brizaeformis [F. & M.]), Japanese chess (B. japonicus Thurb.), foxtail chess {B. rubens L.), ripgut (B. diandrus Roth.), and soft chess (B. mollis L.). These annual grass seed germination profiles were compared to those of bluebunch wheatgrass (Elytrigia spicata [Pursh] D.R. Dewey), Idaho fescue (Ji'estuca idahoensis Elmer) and Thurber's needlegrass (Stipa thurberiana Piper) from previously published sources. Seeds of the brome species were collected from naturalized stands and stored in the laboratory until tested. Seeds of each source were placed on one thickness of germination paper (blotter paper without germicides) in closed petri dishes and kept moist with tap water during incubation in dark germinators. The seeds were considered germinated when the radicle emerged 2 mm. Germination counts were made after 1, 2, and 4 weeks of incubation. · ~e used four replications of 25 seeds each, arranged in a randomized block design. Seeds were incubated at 0, 2, 5, and 5 oc increments through 40 °C, and at alternating temperature regimes consisting of 16 hours at each cooler temperature and 8 hours at each warmer temperature daily. For example, 0 oc alternated with 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 oc, but 35 °C alternated with 40 oc only (Young and Evans 1973). Where multiple collections were available, we have taken the mean of the data for each species. To present a broader spectrum, for the last section on frequency of optima, we used published and unpublished data from our files on other collections of each of the species discussed in this paper. We used a total of 24 collections of Bromus and 19 other grasses. Quadratic response surface analysis was used to analyze seed germination data in relation to constant and alternating temperatures (Evans and others 1982). Several 239 parameters were calculated from the response surfaces to help interpret the germination response (table 1). Response surface comparisons, among species or collections, were made using procedures developed by Palmquist and others (1987). The response surfaces were compared at different categories of seedbed temperatures (fig. 1), which were derived from microenvironmental monitoring of seedbed conditions in the early spring in the western Great Basin (Evans and Young 1970). CHEATGRASS GERMINATION PROFILE The seeds of both collections of cheatgrass were highly germinable at a wide range of constant and alternating . .c: 0 G l u l,.. e 0 !l E ~ I:. !! 8 Figure 1-Average germination (percent) for general categories of seedbed temperatures. Table 2-Temperature-germination profile of estimated percent germination for cheatgrass from Pyramid Lake, 19891 Warm period 8 h oc Cold period 16h oc 0 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 281 (5) 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 83(4) 86(4) 85(4) 89(3) 92{4) 87(3) 91(3) 96(2) 97(4) 87(4) 92(3) 98(2) 100(3) 97(4) 85(4) 91(3) 98(3) 100(2) 100(3) 90(4) 82(4) 88(3) 96{3) 100(3) 100(3) 93(3) 78(4) 76(3) 83(3) 92(2) 100(2) 100(3) 94(3) 80(3) 59(4) 69(4) n(3) 86{3) 96(3) 99(3) 94{3) 82(3) 62(3) 35(5) 59(6) 68(5) 79(4) 90(4) 95{4) 91(4) 81(4) 63(4) 37(5) 4(7) 1 Temperature-germination profile for Edwards Creek was very similar. in parentheses are one-half the confidence interval for the germination estimate (p .. 0.05). 2 Numbers Table 3-Germination of chaatgrass and three other native perennial bunchgrasses Species Optimum germination Temp. with some germ. Temp. with opt. germ. Mean of optima --------------------Peroent-------------------Cheatgrass Bluebunch wheatgrass Idaho fescue Thurber's needlegrass 1Mean 1 97 90 81 25 100 95 87 80 22 13 7 5 96 86 77 24 of two sources (Pyramid Lake and Edwards Creek). CHEATGRASS VERSUS NATIVE BUNCHGRASSES incubation temperatures (table 2). The Pyramid Lake and Edwards Creek Valley collections of cheatgrass had maximum germination of 100 and 94 percent, respectively (table 3). For seeds produced under semiarid wildland conditions these are both highly viable seed collections. Some germination occurred at 100 percent of the 55 temperatures tested for the two collections. Optimum germination (see table 1 for definition of optimum) occurred at 22 percent of the temperature regimes of both sources. The mean germination of the optima temperature regimes for cheatgrass was 96 percent. In all categories of seedbed temperatures the cheatgrass collections had markedly higher estimated germination than the three native perennial bunchgrasses (table 4). The only statistical overlap occurred at moderate temperatures where the germination of seeds ofbluebunch was not significantly {p 0.05 percent) lower than the cheatgrass collections. At very cold, cold, cold fluctuating, fluctuating, and warm temperatures the estimated germination of seeds of the native bunchgrasses is significantly lower {p =0.05) than the cheatgrass collections. = PERENNIAL GRASS GERMINATION PROFILES OTHERBROMUSSPECmS PROFILES The germination profiles ofbluebunch wheatgrass and Idaho fescue showed a maximum germination of90 and 81 percent, respectively, with some germination at 95 and 87 percent of the 55 temperature combinations (table 3). The mean of the optimum temperature regimes for germination was 96 percent for the cheatgrass selections and 86 and 77 for bluebunch wheatgrass and Idaho fescue, respectively. The number of temperature regimes supporting optimum germination dropped to 13 and 7 percent as compared to the 22 percent for cheatgrass. Thurber's needlegrass was the lowest germinator of the group tested, having a maximum germination of 25 percent. Although 80 percent of the temperature combinations showed some germination, only 5 percent of the temperature regimes supported optimum germination, with a mean of optima of 24 percent. Rattlesnake grass and Japanese chess collections produced the highest maximum germination of the Bromus species tested (table 5). The maximum observed germination for both the rattlesnake grass and Japanese chess was 100 percent for all collections tested and optimum germination occurred in 45 percent of the temperature regimes for rattlesnake grass and 35 percent of the temperature regimes for seeds of the Japanese chess collections. Some germination occurred at 98 and 97 percent of all temperature regimes tested. The mean of optima for both was 99 percent. Germination profiles for seeds offo~ chess were similar to those for collections of cheatgrass seeds (table 5). 240 Table 4-Comparison of response surfaces for germination-temperatures for seed of two collections of cheatgrass and three native perennial bunchgrass1 Collection Very cold Cold Cheatgrass Pyramid Lake Edwards Creek Bluebunch wheatgrass Idaho fescue Thurber's needlegrass 84a 70a 13b 7b 4b 91a 79b 46c 32c 9d Seedbed temperature catego!} Cold Fluctuating Moderate fluctuating 78a 76a 34b 17b 3c 90a 83a 95a 90a 78ab SOb SOb 18c 2d 16c Warm 57b 73a 31c 19c 4d 1Estimated germination means followed by the same letter within columns are not signifiCantly different at the 0.05 laval of probability as determined by overlap of the confidence intervals. Table 5--Germination of cheatgrass and five other annual brome species Species Cheatgrass Rattlesnake grass Japanese chess Foxtail chess Ripgut Soft chess 1Values Optimum germination Temp. with some germ. Temp. with opt. germ. Mean of optima --------------------Pe~nt-------------------197 100 1100 198 81 66 100 98 97 97 84 100 22 45 35 18 18 25 96 99 99 97 77 63 are means of multiple collections. compared to cheatgrass. Estimated germination of seeds of ripgut and soft chess was not significantly different from cheatgrass at only one temperature category each. Ripgut did comparably well at the cold and soft chess did comparably well at the warm category of seedbed temperature as compared to the cheatgrass collection (table 6). Foxtail chess seeds had a maximum germination of 98 percent. There was some germination at 97 percent of the 55 temperature regimes tested, but only 18 percent of the temperatures regimes supported the optimum germination. The mean germination for the optimum temperature regimes was 97 percent. In comparison, the cheatgrass collections tested had an average maximum germination of 97 percent, with 22 percent of the temperature regimes supporting optimum germination. The mean of the optima was 96 percent. Ripgut had maximum germination of 81 percent with 18 percent of the temperature regimes supporting optimum germination (table 5). Some seeds germinated at 84 percent of the temperatures tested. The mean optimum germination was 77 percent. The poorest germinator of the Bromus species tested was soft chess. The maximum germination was 66 percent with 25 percent of the temperature regimes supporting optimum germination. The mean optimum germination was 63 percent. Some germination occurred at 100 percent of the temperature regimes tested. OPTIMUM TEMPERATURE REGIMES The most frequent optimum germination temperature regimes, those regimes where optimum germination occurred 80 percent of the time, for all the plant material tested (15 collections) were 10/20 and 15/20 oc (table 7). For the two collections of cheatgrass tested for this paper, the most frequent temperatures (occurring 100 percent of the time) for optimum germination were 10/15 through 10/30 and 15/15 through 15/35 °C. For a broader spectrum of cheatgrass collections (10 collections), the most frequent optima, occurring 80 percent of the time, occurred at 10/20, 10/25, and 15/20 oc (table 8). The species of Bromus besides cheatgrass (14 collections) had most frequent optimum germination, occurring 93 percent of the time, at 10/20 and 15/20 oc temperatures (table 9). One collection of each of the native perennial grasses was tested. The most frequent temperatures for optimum germination from these data were: bluebunch wheatgrass 10/20, 10/25, 15/20 through 15/30, 20/25, and 20/30 oc; Idaho fescue 15/15, 15/20, 20/20, and 20/25 oc; and for Thurber's needlegrass 15/15, 20/20, and 25/25 oc (table 10). Bluebunch wheatgrass and Idaho fescue had an optima of 15/20 and 20/25 in common, and Thurber's needlegrass and RESPONSE SURFACE COMPARISONS Over all seedbed temperature categories, estimated germination of rattlesnake grass seed was not significantly (p = 0.05) different from that of cheatgrass. There was no significant difference between Japanese chess and cheatgrass at five of the six categories. Significant differences occurred only under the fluctuating temperature regime category, with cheatgrass higher. Seeds of foxtail chess had no significant differences in germination at very cold, cold, and moderate categories of seedbed temperatures 241 Table &-Comparison of response surfaces for biological areas of germination-temperatures for seed of two collections of cheatgrass and five other Bromus species1 Collection Very cold Cold Cheatgrass Pyramid Lake Edwards Creek Rattlesnake grass Japanese chess Foxtail chess Ripgut Soft chess 84a 70ab 87a 51 be 84a 18cd t1d 91a 79bc 99a 86ab 95a 58cd 36d Seedbed temperature category cold fluctuating Fluctuating Moderate 78a 76a 75ab 63abc 58bc 43c 49c 90a 83ab 74bc 63cd 52d 21e 52d Warm 95ab 90ab 96a 96ab 85bc 57b 73a 49bc 51 be 34c 9d 45bc 65cd 61d 'Estimated germination means followed by the same letter within columns are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability as determined by overlap of the confidence intervals. Table 7-Frequency of optima (percent) for 15 collections of plant material tested Cold period 16h°C 0 2 0 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 7 7 27 33 27 13 Warm ~rlod 8 hOC 15 20 53 60 67 67 53 47 53 67 80 80 60 25 30 35 53 60 20 40 7 33 40 73 73 67 7 40 7 40 Table &-Frequency of optima (percent) for 10 collections of cheatgrass Cold period 16h°C 0 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 2 5 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 Warm period 8 h oc 15 20 20 30 40 50 40 10 10 50 80 80 40 25 30 35 30 30 80 70 60 10 10 10 60 70 40 40 10 40 10 10 10 40 Table 9-Frequency of optima (percent) for 14 collections of Bromus, excluding cheatgrass Cold period 16 hoc 0 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 2 5 10 7 7 36 50 36 7 Warm period 8 h oc 20 15 64 79 86 79 43 242 57 64 86 93 93 ....M.. 25 30 35 40 14 43 50 86 86 50 14 7 7 7 57 64 36 14 7 7 7 7 7 21 14 7 7 7 7 7 7 14 7 Table1G-Optimum germination for bluebunch wheatgrass,ldaho fescue, and Thurber's needlegrass (1 = Bluebunch wheatgrass, 2 = Idaho fescue, 3 = Thurber's needlegrass) Cold period 16 hoc 0 2 5 10 Warm period 8 h oc 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 2 5 10 15 20 25 1 2,3 1,2 2,3 1 1,2 3 30 35 40 Table 11-Frequency of optima (percent) for seven collections of bluebunch wheatgrass and 11 collections of Idaho fescue (in bold) Cold period 16h oc 0 2 5 10 15 20 25 0 2 5 10 18 Warm period 8 h oc 15 20 25 30 35 1427 4318 579 57 91 100 100 100 91 8691 100100 5755 10045 10036 43 18 18 40 30 35 40 Idaho fescue had 15/15 and 20/20 in common, but there were no temperature regimes that gave optimum germination for all three collections. With data. from our earlier files, we compared seven collections ofbluebunch wheatgrass and found 100 percent of them gave an optimum germination at five temperature regimes: 15/20 through 15/30, 20/25, and 20/30 °C. For Idaho fescue, we found 100 percent of the 11 collections gave optimum germination at the 15/20 and 20/25 °C temperature regimes. The most frequent optimum incubation temperatures for bluebunch wheatgrass and Idaho fescue are 15120 and 20125 oc (table 11). CONCLUSIONS The only temperature regime that seems to be the best for all Bromus species as well as bluebunch wheatgrass and Idaho fescue is 15/20 °C. All of the above species had optimum germination occurring in one or more other temperature regimes, but not the same ones. Cheatgrass does germinate at a wider range of temperatures than the other plants and at a greater percent germination within that range. 243 REFERENCES Evans, R. A; Easi, D. A; Book, D. N.; Young, J. A 1982. Quadratic response surface analysis of seed-germination trial. Weed Science. 30:411-416. Evans, R. A.; Holbo, H. R.; Eckert, R. E., Jr.; Young, J. A 1970. Influences of weed control and seeding methods on the functional environment of rangelands. Weed Science. 18: 154-162. Evans, R. A; Young, J. A. 1970. Plant litter and establishment of alien annual species in rangeland communities. Weed Science. 18: 697-703. Houghton, J. G.; Sakameto, C. M.; Gifford, R. 0. 1972. Nevada's weather and climate. Spec. Publ. 2. Reno, NV: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Reno. 78 p. Palmquist, D. E.; Evans, R. A.; Young, J. A. 1987. Comparative analysis of temperature-germination response surfaces. In: Frasier, G. W.; Evans, R. A., eds. Seed and seedbed ecology of rangeland plants: Proceedings; 1987 April21-23; Tucson, AZ. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture: 97-103. Young, J. A.; Evans, R. A.; Eckert, R. E., Jr.1969. Population dynamics of downy brome. Weed Science. 17: 20-26. Young, J. A.; Evans, R. A.; Kay, B. L. 1973. Temperature requirements for seed germination in an annual type range community. Agronomy Journal. 65:656-659.