USING POLYMERS TO ENHANCE SHRUB TRANSPLANT SURVIVAL AND SEED GERMINATION FOR REVEGETATION OF DESERT LANDS Garn A. Wallace Arthur Wallace areas, especially where the annual precipitation is erratic in amount and timing, both germination and survival are problems. To achieve required revegetation under such conditions it is often necessary to transplant. Transplanting is not always successful, and additional procedures are needed to increase success. Irrigation can increase the chances for success of seeding, but in wildland arid areas it is not usually convenient. The amount of water needed is higher than can easily be applied by tank or by hand. The use of watersoluble polymers to improve water relations and soil structure in desert soils was discussed at the last shrub symposium (Wallace and Wallace 1989). ABSTRACT Polymer soil conditioners can be useful for several different purposes in the management of arid lands. Among these is the very inexpensive procedure of applying watersoluble polymers in solution into transplant holes when trees and shrubs are transplanted. The procedure allows for the addition of water without destroying any soil structure. Some gypsum is used with the polymer. Good soil aeration results, and there is no soil interface problem. Another use is a combination of water-soluble and gel polymers, which are predissolved and swollen so that some of the slurry (200 mL to 2,000 mL or more) can be added to a small depression, seeds are applied on top, and then the seeds are covered with as much soil as desired. The polymer mixture supplies water for the germinating seeds and is well aerated. The water is released slowly, is not rapidly dissipated into hot, dry soil, and the linear polymer prevents adjacent soil from crusting. The procedure can enhance seed germination and survival in areas with very low rainfall. POLYMERS IN TRANSPLANT HOLES A solution of water-soluble polymer has been successfully used in the landscape industry to improve transplant survival and subsequent growth of the transplants (Wallace 1988). The reason for inclusion of solution of the polymer is to preserve the stability of the soil aggregates, which results in better aeration around the roots of the transplants. The solution should contain some gypsum. The soil does not slake and lose its structure when wet with polymer solution like it will with water (Wallace and Nelson 1986). The procedure works on sodic soils, especially if some gypsum is used to provide soluble calcium (Wallace and others 1986a). The landscape industry has previously used large amounts of organic amendments in the soil with transplants to improve soil aeration (Morgan and others 1986). The procedure often leads to interface problems in which water will not easily move across the organic soil-regular soil boundary (Morgan and others 1986). The use of water-soluble polymer with a very small amount of organic amendment, if any, gives more satisfactory results and results in no interface problem (Morgan and others 1986; Wallace and Nelson 1986). The concentration in solution of water-soluble polymer usually used in transplant work with shrubs varies from 200 to 500 ppm. For every liter of polymer solution used in transplanting a shrub or tree with each 100 ppm of polymer costs are about 0.1 cent for materials. If 5liters of 500-ppm solution were used for a single shrub, the cost would be 2.5 cents. This is relatively small compared with the total cost of the transplant, which could be $1 or $2. INTRODUCTION Environmental regulations currently require that disturbed lands be returned to reasonably close to natural condition. In areas such as the Nevada Test Site, where average rainfall is near 100 to 120 mm per year with a coefficient of variation of around 100 percent, revegetation is difficult. Ifleft alone, the disturbed sites may not recover for decades (Wallace and others 1980), although 2 successive years of much higher-than-average rainfall such as experienced at the Nevada Test Site in 1983-85 (Romney and others 1989) will give natural revegetation with a high incidence ofburrobrush (Hymenoclea salsola), which has a deep taproot character (Groeneveld and Manning this proceedings). Ih ecosystems where rainfall is 300 mm or more per year, it is usually possible to plant seed in the appropriate season and expect reasonable emergence. In low-rainfall Paper presented at the Symposium on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub Dieoff, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management, Las Vegas, NV, April 5-7, 1989. Garn A. Wallace is Plant Biochemist and Research Director, L L Company, 1647 Manning Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024. Arthur Wallace is Research Plant Physiologist, Laboratory of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, University of California at Los Angeles, 900 Veteran Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1786, operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California under contract No. DE-AC03-76-SF00012. 209 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. The concentration of 500 ppm would be used for clay soils with less for loam and loamy sand (Wallace and others 1986b). For soil without structure, such as disturbed subsoil, it is important that aeration be improved with water-soluble polymers and cultivation where necessary to create aggregates. The polymers used are food grade (Wallace and others 1986c). REFERENCES Azzam, R. A. I. 1985. Tailoring polymeric gels for soil reclamation and hydroponics. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 16: 1123-1138. Henderson, J. C.; Hensley, D. L. 1986. Efficacy of a hydrophilic gel as a transplant aid. HortScience. 21: 991-992. Hunter, R. B.; Wallace, A.; Romney, E. M. 1980. Fencing enhances shrub survival and growth for Mojave Desert revegetation. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs. 4: 212-215. Morgan, W. C.; Wallace, A.; Wallace, G. A. 1986. Soil conditions that restrict plant growth. Landscape and Irrigation. March: 32-36. Pryor, A. 1988. Pretty poly: Water-absorbing polymers have been shown to improve yields in processing tomatoes. California Farmer. 269: 12. Romney, E. M.; Hunter, R. B.; Wallace, A. 1981. Revegetation management and recovery at sites disturbed for solar thermal power systems development. Report UCLA 12-1281. 21 p. Romney, E. M.; Wallace, A.; Hunter, R. B. 1989. Pulse establishment of woody shrubs on denuded Mojave Desert land. In: Wallace, Arthur; McArthur, E. Durant; Haferkamp, Marshall R., compilers. Proceedingssymposium on shrub ecophysiology and biotechnology; 1987 June 30-July 2; Logan, UT. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 54-57. Wallace, A. 1987. Anionic polyacrylamide treatment of soil improves seedling emergence and growth. HortScience. 22: 951. Wallace, A. 1988. Daylily success begins with good soil. Daylily Journal. 43: 258-263. Wallace, A.; Nelson, S.D. 1986. Soil conditioners. Soil Science. 141: 311-397. Wallace, A.; Romney, E. M.; Hunter, R. B. 1980. The challenge of a desert: revegetation of disturbed desert lands. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs. 4: 216-225. Wallace, A.; Wallace, G. A.; Abou-Zamzam, A.M. 1986a. Amelioration of sodic soils with polymers. Soil Science. 141: 359-362. Wallace, A.; Wallace, G. A.; Abou-Zamzam, A.M.; Cha, Jong Whan. 1986b. Soil tests to determine application rates for polymeric soil conditioners. Soil Science. 141: 390-394. Wallace, A.; Wallace, G. A.; Cha, Jong Whan. 1986c. Mechanisms involved in soil conditioning by polymers. Soil Science. 141: 381-386. Wallace, G. A.; Wallace, A. 1989. High-tech polyacrylamides as soil conditioners in the reclamation and stability of desert lands. In: Wallace, Arthur; McArthur, E. Durant; Haferkamp, Marshall R., compilers. Proceedings-symposium on shrub ecophysiology and biotechnology; 1987 June 30-July 2; Logan, UT. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 58-63. GELS FOR SEED PLANTING Cross-linked polymers swell in the presence of water from 50 to 400 times their weight (Azzam 1985; Henderson and Hensley 1986). Depending on the degree of cross linking and the base material in the polymers, as much as 95 percent and as little as 40 percent of the water in the gels can be available to plant roots. Crosslinked polymers do not combine with clay in soil like the water-soluble ones do. They contain water that can be available to plants. Many products are commercially available, including biodegradeable polymers made from starch. They have been promoted for many purposes in agriculture, especially horticulture. Most of these uses are of minor importance, but one of some interest is that of drilling from 5 to 50 kg/ha into seed rows of tomatoes for the purpose of preventing soil crusting, which prevents or inhibits seed emergence (Pryor 1988). The procedure does work reasonably well and has been validated by us with no problem. There is some reported concern that swelling gels applied to seed rows can fracture roots of seedlings. We have not seen any indication of this. Rather than using gels to prevent soil crusting, we prefer to sprinkle irrigate with water-soluble polymer (Wallace 1987). We have done preliminary testing with gel-linear polymer plus gypsum mixtures to promote germination of seed in dry soil, both in containers and in the field. From 200 mL to 2,000 mL of previously swollen gel with linear polymer per seed spot has been placed in the soil with various seed types, then placed on top, and then covered with a thin layer of soil. Seeds have readily germinated and emerged. Especially when the gels have been treated to slow their release of water, the gel applications have sustained the seedlings for 3 or more weeks after seeding into previously dry soil with daytime temperature reaching 38 oc (100 °F) for several of the days. In disturbed soils at the Nevada Test Site that have had no vegetation for a few years, the subsoils contain adequate soil moisture. to support vegetation, but the surface soil due to high temperatures is too dry for seed germination (Romney and others 1981). It is with such conditions that preswollen polymer mixes can be extremely useful in the establishment of new vegetation. The seedlings germinating in 2 to 3 weeks would have time to develop tap roots that are deep enough to penetrate into soil with adequate moisture to promote enough growth before dormancy in summer. In following seasons with reasonable rainfall, the new plant can survive, consistent with lack of competition from herbivores. Rabbits are a regulator of seedling survival at the Nevada Test Site (Hunter and others 1980). 210