M C I I Department of Accoun ng, Finance & Management Informa on Systems B N S I Department Head: M. Moosa Khan, Ph.D. Hobart Taylor Hall ‐ Room 2C222 Phone: (936) 261‐9275 Business majors who want to minor in another business area can have dual credit for 6 sch (two courses) from the major area count for the minor. Addi onal courses which overlap with the major area courses must be made up with elec ve courses in the minor area. Minor Areas: Accoun ng, Finance, Management Informa on Systems, Personal Financial Planning The Business Administra on minor is not an available op on for business majors. Department of Management & Marke ng Some courses listed may require addi onal pre‐requisites for non‐ business majors. Department Head: Sudhir Tandon, Ph.D. Nathelyne A. Kennedy Architecture Building ‐ Room 201 Phone: (936) 261‐9280 Minor Areas: Business Administra on (Management), Economics, Entrepreneurship, Interna onal Business, Marke ng All elec ves must be at the junior or senior level (3000 ‐ 4000) to be considered for the minor. C OL L E G E OF B U S I N E S S Courses offered may vary depending on Minors the semester; please contact an advisor or department head in the College of Business to discuss a minor. Guidelines and course informa on updated 10.13 Ready to strike out on your own? Minor in entrepreneurship. Accoun ng Minor Requirements (21 sch) ACCT 2113 ‐ Financial Accoun ng ACCT 2123 ‐ Managerial Accoun ng ACCT 3213 ‐ Intermediate Accoun ng I ACCT 3313 ‐ Cost Accoun ng FINA 3103 ‐ Principles of Finance ACCT 4313 ‐ Accoun ng Informa on Systems Add three semester hours of an accoun ng elec ve* Business Administra on Minor Requirements Non‐Business majors only (18 sch) ACCT 2113 ‐ Financial Accoun ng ACCT 2123 ‐ Managerial Accoun ng ECON 2113 ‐ Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2123 ‐ Principles of Macroeconomics Add six semester hours (6 sch) from the following: FINA 3103 ‐ Principles of Finance MGMT 3103 ‐ Principles of Management MRKT 3103 ‐ Principles of Marke ng Economics Minor Requirements (18 sch) ECON 2113 ‐ Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2123 ‐ Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 4213 ‐ Intermediate Microeconomics Analysis ECON 4223 ‐ Intermediate Macroeconomics Analysis Add six semester hours of economics elec ves* Finance Minor Requirements (21 sch) ACCT 2113 ‐ Financial Accoun ng ACCT 2123 ‐ Managerial Accoun ng FINA 3103 ‐ Principles of Finance FINA 3333 ‐ Investment Analysis FINA 3383 ‐ Financial Markets & Ins tu ons FINA 4213 ‐ Managerial Finance Add three semester hours of a finance elec ve* Interna onal Business Minor Requirements (21 sch) ECON 4343‐ Interna onal Trade FINA 4353 ‐ Interna onal Finance MGMT 4413 ‐ Intl. Environment of Business MRKT 4353 ‐ Interna onal Marke ng MGMT 4393 ‐ Coopera ve Educa on III Foreign Language I & II Management Info. Systems Minor Requirements (18 sch) MISY 2013 ‐ Fundamentals of MIS MISY 2153 ‐ VB.Net Applica ons in Business MISY 3323 ‐ Data Communica on MISY 3413 ‐ Business Database Applica ons MISY 3423 ‐ Informa on Systems Analysis & Design Add three semester hours of an MIS elec ve* Marke ng Minor Requirements (18 sch) ECON 2113 ‐ Principles of Microeconomics MRKT 3103 ‐ Principles of Marke ng MRKT 3333 ‐ Consumer Behavior MRKT 4393 ‐ Marke ng Communica on Add six semester hours of marke ng elec ves* Personal Financial Planning Minor Requirements (18 sch) ACCT 3333 ‐ Federal Income Taxa on I FINA 3013 ‐ Fundamentals of Financial Planning FINA 3023 ‐ Principles of Insurance FINA 3333 ‐ Investment Analysis FINA 4113 ‐ Re rement Planning and Employee Benefits FINA 4123 ‐ Estate Planning *All elec ves must be at the junior or senior level (3000 ‐ 4000) to be considered for the minor. Entrepreneurship Minor Requirements (for non‐business majors) (21 sch) MGMT 1013 ‐ Introduc on to Business MGMT 2013 ‐ Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship MGMT 3333 ‐ Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management ENTR 4043 ‐ New Business Venture Crea on Add nine semester hours of entrepreneurship elec ves Entrepreneurship Minor Requirements (for business majors) (18 sch) MGMT 1013 ‐ Introduc on to Business MGMT 3333 ‐ Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management ENTR 4043 ‐ New Business Venture Crea on Add nine semester hours of entrepreneurship elec ves Earn a C E by taking only 3 courses. CERTIFICATE IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP MGMT 1013 Introduc on to Business MGMT 2013 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship MGMT 3333 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management