Stability analysis of a phase-field model of gravity-driven unsaturated flow through porous media The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Cueto-Felgueroso, Luis , and Ruben Juanes. “Stability analysis of a phase-field model of gravity-driven unsaturated flow through porous media.” Physical Review E 79.3 (2009): 036301. © 2009 The American Physical Society. As Published Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Wed May 25 21:14:34 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 Stability analysis of a phase-field model of gravity-driven unsaturated flow through porous media Luis Cueto-Felgueroso and Ruben Juanes* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building 48-319, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 共Received 14 November 2008; published 9 March 2009兲 The formation of preferential flow paths during infiltration of water into homogeneous, dry soil is an important phenomenon whose explanation and prediction have remained elusive under the standard theories of multiphase flow in porous media. We have recently proposed a macroscopic phase-field model of unsaturated flow in porous media, which explains why such fingering occurs 关L. Cueto-Felgueroso and R. Juanes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 244504 共2008兲兴. Here we present a linear stability analysis of the proposed model for constantflux infiltration, which allows a quantitative description of the wetting front instability. The present analysis stresses the critical role of the initial water saturation and applied flux ratio in the asymptotic stability of the system, as well as in the transient growth of perturbations, which is consistent with the experimental evidence. The trends in the frequency and growth factor of the most unstable modes predicted by our analysis are also in quantitative agreement with experimental measurements. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.79.036301 PACS number共s兲: 47.56.⫹r, 47.54.⫺r, 47.20.⫺k, 05.60.⫺k I. INTRODUCTION Gravity-driven infiltration of water into a homogeneous layer of soil is a simple and relevant example of pattern formation in multiphase flow through porous media. Rather than a compact infiltration front, the flow is often unstable and the water invasion takes the form of preferential flow paths 共fingers兲. Intense experimental and theoretical work on the wetting front instability was initiated in the 1970s 关1–3兴 and has been followed by numerous measurements of finger formation and unstable gravity-driven infiltration 共see, for example, 关4–11兴兲. Despite overwhelming experimental evidence, the description of gravity-driven unsaturated flow using macroscopic mathematical models 共continuum balance laws兲 has remained elusive. The traditional model, known as Richards’ equation 关12兴, is a mass balance equation in which the water flux is modeled by a straightforward extension of Darcy’s law to unsaturated media. It accounts for gravity, capillarity, and the fact that the permeability to water is reduced because the porous medium is only partially saturated with water. The inability of Richards’ equation to explain fingered flow was explicitly conjectured, with the support of strong numerical evidence, by Eliassi and Glass 关13兴, considering typical constitutive relations and hysteretic effects. This conjecture has been confirmed by the successive refinement of theoretical and numerical stability analysis of unsaturated flow 关8,14–20兴. After the most recent theoretical results 关18–20兴, the stability of the standard model is no longer a matter of controversy: Richards’ equation is unconditionally stable under both infinitesimal and finite perturbations, which includes both asymptotic 共modal兲 and transient 共nonmodal兲 growth effects. The relevant pattern-forming physical mechanisms are therefore missing in the classical model of unsaturated flow in porous media. Many authors have approached the wetting front instability by drawing an analogy with the two-fluid system in a * 1539-3755/2009/79共3兲/036301共13兲 Hele-Shaw cell 关21兴, and their analyses have led to kinematic models that reproduce trends observed in the experiments, such as relations between finger width and finger tip velocity with the flow rate through the finger 关3,5,22–24兴. Simulation of unstable gravity flows has also been performed with modified invasion-percolation models at the pore scale 关25,26兴. More recently, in light of the complexity of the problem and the growing perception that the classical mathematical model is incomplete, special attention has been paid to onedimensional 共1D兲 experiments, aiming at an understanding of several distinctive features of the wetting front instability, most notably the observed saturation overshoot near the tip of the fingers and the critical relevance of the injected flux ratio and initial moisture content of the soil 关27–30兴. Several alternatives to Richards’ equation have been proposed over the last decade, and most of them rely on extensions of the concepts of saturation 关31,32兴 and macroscopic capillary pressure 关19,20,32–37兴. The dynamics of an invading fluid front in disordered media has also been the subject of considerable interest within the statistical physics community 关38–40兴. Particularly notable in the present context is the use of the phase-field framework to simulate spontaneous imbibition processes 关40兴. The relevant idea behind these models is the incorporation of nonlocal capillary effects in the macroscopic model. A fundamental drawback of these approaches is the assumption that the porous medium is either completely dry or fully saturated by water, which is not acceptable in practice. We have recently proposed a model of unsaturated flow that captures the relevant features of gravity fingering during inflitration 关41兴. Our model is derived following a phase-field methodology, which extends Richards’ equation with an additional term that is formally equivalent to an apparent surface tension at the wetting front. The model predicts a saturation overshoot at the tip of the fingers, a feature that is believed to be essential for the formation of fingers. Our model is similar to that describing the flow of thin films 关42,43兴 and to phase-field models of epitaxial growth of surfaces, binary transitions, and solidification 关40,44–47兴 This paper presents a linear stability analysis of the proposed phase-field model. The starting point is similar to the 036301-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 LUIS CUETO-FELGUEROSO AND RUBEN JUANES one adopted in the context of thin film flows 关43,48–50兴. In a more general context, our analysis follows the recent trends in generalized hydrodynamic stability analysis, considering both modal and nonmodal effects 关51–53兴. The model equation is conditionally stable under infinitesimal perturbations, and the nonnormality of the linearized operator induces, for certain relevant points in parameter space, an intense transient growth of perturbations to the traveling wave solutions of the model problem. The transient growth is conjectured to play a critical role in the velocity and width of the fingers. This transient growth is, on the other hand, limited to the initial stages in the evolution of the perturbation, which suggests that the long-time finger dynamics might be well represented by the wavelengths and growth factors obtained in the eigenvalue analysis of the linearized problem. The present study predicts the observed critical role of the initial moisture content of the soil, as well as the role of the applied flux ratio on the onset of the stability, width, and velocity of the fingers. In accordance with experimental evidence 共and intuition兲 is also the suppression of the instability induced by capillary diffusion. The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the mathematical model and its nondimensional form. The base solutions about which the model equation will be linearized are traveling waves, whose shape and parameter dependence is shown in Sec. III. Section IV introduces the linearized problem and its discretization as an instrumental step towards the analysis of the propagator. Finally, Sec. V presents the results of the modal and nonmodal stability analysis, and in Sec. VI we summarize the main conclusions of the present study. II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL Consider constant-flux infiltration into a porous medium 共Fig. 1兲. The evolution of the system is characterized in terms of the water saturation S 苸 关0 , 1兴—that is, the locally averaged fraction of the pore space occupied by water. It is assumed that the initial water saturation S0 is uniform and that the infiltration rate RF is uniformly distributed and constant in time. The x-spatial coordinate points downwards, in the direction of gravity 共acceleration g兲. The water density and dynamic viscosity are and . The relevant macroscopic parameters concerning the porous medium are its intrinsic permeability k and its porosity . The permeability of the medium is often expressed as a saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks = kg / , which equals the gravity-driven flux under full saturation. Hence, the infiltration rate RF may be expressed as a flux ratio Rs = RF / Ks, with Rs 苸 关0 , 1兴. When this idealized flow scenario is simulated experimentally, the stability of the wetting front seems to be controlled by the flux ratio, initial saturation, and material nonlinearity 关36兴. A saturation overshoot is observed at the tip of the fingers, which grow as traveling waves, advancing with constant velocity 关54兴. The formation of fingers appears as a winnertakes-all process, by which the fastest-growing fingers in the initial unstable front channelize most of the infiltrating fluid and inhibit the growth of other incipient fingers 关5,54兴. The initial moisture content plays a critical role in the fingering FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Schematic of vertical infiltration of water into a porous medium. Initially, the soil is almost dry 共water saturation S0兲. A constant and uniformly distributed flux of water RF共LT−1兲 is allowed to infiltrate into the soil. The flux of water is less than the hydraulic conductivity of the soil, Ks, so that the flux ratio Rs = RF / Ks ⬍ 1. Macroscopically, a diffuse interface 共the wetting front兲 moves downwards. This interface is often unstable and takes the form of long and narrow fingers that travel faster than the base of the wetting front 共see, e.g., Fig. 2 in 关5兴兲. Microscopically, a sharp interface between water and air exists 共see inset兲, which is locally governed by capillary effects. instability: even relatively low saturations lead to a compact, downward-moving wetting front 关55兴. Stable fronts are also observed in dry media when the infiltration rate is either very small or approaches the saturated conductivity. In general, larger infiltration rates produce faster, thicker fingers 关5兴. A. Phase-field model of unsaturated flow Water mass conservation leads to an evolution equation for the water saturation S: 共S兲 + · J = 0, t 共1兲 where J is the water mass flux. We adopt a gradient flow formulation 共see, e.g., 关47兴兲, J = − ⌽, 共2兲 where is the water mobility and ⌽ is the flow potential. The water mobility includes the effect of reduced permeability to water due to partial saturation and takes the form = k k 共S兲, r 共3兲 where kr is the relative permeability to water—an increasing and typically convex function of water saturation 关12,56兴. Under unsaturated conditions 共water saturation strictly less than 1兲, it is well justified to make two assumptions 关56,57兴. First, air is infinitely mobile compared to water and, 036301-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A PHASE-FIELD MODEL OF… 1 as a result, the air pressure remains constant and equal to atmospheric pressure. The water pressure is then equal to the negative suction 共or capillary pressure兲: pwater = pair − Pc共S兲. 共4兲 The capillary pressure is a monotonically decreasing but nonconvex function of water saturation 关56兴. The second assumption is that the compressibility of water and rock are negligible compared to that of air and, therefore, the water density and the porosity are constant. Under these conditions, we write the free energy per unit volume of the system as 1 E = Egr + Ecap + Enl = − gSx + ⌿共S兲 + ⌫兩ⵜS兩2 , 2 nonlocal Pc共S兲 = − d⌿ . dS Combining Eqs. 共1兲, 共2兲, and 共7兲 and the unsaturated flow assumptions of constant water density and porosity, we arrive at the proposed model equation 冉 冊册 2 0.2 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 = 0. 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 S hcap ⬃ ␥ cos g冑k/ , 共10兲 where ␥ is the surface tension between the fluids and is the contact angle between the air-water interface and the solid surface 关59兴. We define the following two nondimensional groups: Ngr = Nnl = L hcap ⌫ gL3 共gravity number兲, 共11兲 共nonlocal number兲. 共12兲 With these definitions and understanding the space and time coordinates 共x , t兲 as their dimensionless counterparts, the model reads u −1 + · 兵kr共u兲关x + Ngr J共u兲 + Nnl 共⌬u兲兴其 = 0, t 共13兲 where we have used u ⬅ S to emphasize that the problem is expressed in nondimensional form. The functional forms of the relative permeability and capillary pressure constitutive relations are chosen to fit experimental data from quasistatic experiments. In the following, we adopt the van GenuchtenMualem model 关60,61兴: 共8兲 Our model is similar to that describing the flow of thin films 关42,43兴 and to phase-field models of epitaxial growth of surfaces and binary transitions 关40,47兴. The traditional Richards’ equation can be recovered by neglecting the nonlocal energy term in Eq. 共8兲. 0.8 FIG. 2. Constitutive relations: relative permeability 共left兲 and Leverett’s J function 共right兲, as given by Van Genuchten’s model. 冉 冊 冋 0.4 S ␦E E E = −· = − gx − Pc共S兲 − ⌫⌬S. 共7兲 ⌽= ␦S S S 1 S kg ⌫ +· Pc共S兲 + 共⌬S兲 kr共S兲 x + t g g J 0 0 共6兲 The nonlocal term models the extra energetic cost associated with the displacement of water-air interfaces in areas of large saturation gradients. The coefficient ⌫ plays the role of an apparent surface tension associated with the wetting front 关23,24,42兴. The flow potential ⌽ is the variational derivative of the free energy: 3 kr 共5兲 which comprises the gravitational 共Egr兲 and capillary pressure 共Ecap兲 energy potentials, as well as a nonlocal energy potential 共Enl兲. The capillary pressure function is derived from the capillary potential: n= 10 n= 5 n= 2 4 0.6 =0 local 0.8 5 n= 10 n= 5 n= 2 kr共u兲 = 冑u关1 − 共1 − u1/m兲m兴2 , 共14兲 J共u兲 = 共u−1/m − 1兲1/n , 共15兲 where m = 1 − 1 / n. This model introduces the material parameter n, which depends on how well sorted the porous medium is 关61兴. These functions are plotted in Fig. 2 for different values of n. B. Nondimensional form of the equations We nondimensionalize the model by selecting an arbitrary length scale L and a characteristic time T = L / 共gk兲 = L / Ks. The capillary pressure is expressed as III. BASE SOLUTIONS AND PARAMETER DEPENDENCE A. Traveling wave solutions 共9兲 The basic states for the stability analysis of constant-flux infiltration are traveling wave solutions to 共13兲 of the form where J共S兲 is a dimensionless capillary pressure function and hcap is the capillary rise, whose dependence on the system parameters is given by the Leverett scaling 关58兴: whose mere existence we conjecture, subject to the conditions at infinity: Pc共S兲 = ghcapJ共S兲, u共x,y,z,t兲 = u共兲 = u共x − ct兲, 036301-3 共16兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 LUIS CUETO-FELGUEROSO AND RUBEN JUANES 兩u兩→−⬁ = u−, 兩u兩→+⬁ = u+ . The wave speed c is given by 共18兲 Let us assume that all the derivatives of the traveling waves vanish as → ⫾ ⬁. With gravity acting along the x axis, the traveling wave solutions satisfy the ordinary differential equation 共ODE兲 冉 冊 du d du d 3u −1 + kr共u兲 + Ngr kr共u兲J⬘ + Nnlkr共u兲 3 = 0. d d d d 共19兲 Integrating once and imposing the necessary conditions at infinity, we arrive at −1 kr共u兲J⬘ − c共u − u−兲 + kr共u兲 − kr共u−兲 + Ngr + Nnlkr共u兲 兩u兩→−⬁ = u−, du d d 3u = 0, d3 with boundary conditions 兩u兩→+⬁ = u+, 2 1 0.8 kr共u−兲 − kr共u+兲 c= . u− − u+ −c −3 共17兲 共20兲 冏 冏 du d = 0. →−⬁ 共21兲 In practical applications, the asymptotic left state u− is expressed as a flux ratio Rs = kr共u−兲 and the asymptotic right state u+ denotes an initial water saturation of the porous medium, S0. The nonlinear boundary-value problem 共20兲 and 共21兲 may be solved numerically on a suitably large domain, to obtain the 1D profiles of the base states for our stability analysis, u0. In the present study the numerical algorithm is a rational pseudospectral method with adaptively transformed Chebyshev nodes 关62,63兴. 1.5 0.6 u0 u0 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 0 15 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 X X FIG. 3. Typical traveling wave solution of 共13兲, obtained with −1 Nnl = 1, Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. Water saturation profile 共left兲 and close-up view of the wetting front region 共right兲. ing instability, as even small initial water contents lead to compact infiltration fronts. From the perspective of the traveling waves, the size of the overshoot reduces drastically as the initial saturation is increased, as depicted in Fig. 4共b兲. The amount of capillary diffusion also affects the stability −1 of the wetting front. Accordingly, higher values of Ngr lead to less pronounced overshoots 关Fig. 4共c兲兴. Finally, the infiltrating flux ratio Rs, measured here in terms of the corresponding asymptotic left state of the water saturation u−, Rs = kr共u−兲, also has a strong influence on the saturation overshoot near the wetting front. More specifically, the overshoot vanishes as Rs → 0 关Fig. 4共d兲兴. Intense saturation at the front 1 0.9 1 + Nl= 0.1 Nl= 1 Nl= 10 Nl= 100 u = 0.001 u+= 0.01 0.8 u+= 0.1 u+= 0.2 0.8 0.6 u0 u 0 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.5 B. Sample traveling wave solutions and parameter dependence The traveling wave solutions satisfying 共20兲 and 共21兲 represent water saturation profiles of compact infiltration fronts. Their most salient feature is a pronounced, low-frequency overshoot upstream of the wetting front and a smaller undershoot immediately downstream. This saturation overshoot has been consistently found in experimental observations 关6,30兴 and is believed to play a critical role in the onset of fingering instabilities. Figure 3 shows a typical traveling −1 = 0.1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, wave, computed using Nnl = 1, Ngr and n = 10. The small undershoot downstream of the wetting front poses a challenge from the numerical perspective of the stability analysis, since capturing this subtle feature is essential to determine the spectral properties of the linearized operator. As Nnl is increased, the characteristic length scale of the overshoot also increases, accompanied by an asymptotically vanishing growth of the maximum saturation at the tip 关Fig. 4共a兲兴. The height-to-width ratio of the bump correlates with the stability properties of the infiltration front. The initial water saturation u+ has been identified as a critical parameter for the onset and suppression of the finger- x 10 −20 −10 0 0 −10 10 −5 X 0 5 10 X (a) (b) 1 1 −1 u−= 0.1 Gr = 0 −1 Gr = 1 0.8 u−= 0.2 0.8 −1 Gr = 5 u−= 0.4 − u −1 u−= 0.6 Gr = 10 0.6 0.6 u u0 0 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 −10 −5 0 5 10 0 −20 −10 0 X X (c) (d) 10 20 FIG. 4. 共a兲 Influence of Nnl on the traveling waves. The other −1 parameters are fixed: Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. 共b兲 Influence of the initial water saturation u+ on the traveling waves. −1 The other parameters are fixed: Nnl = 1, Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, and n = 10. 共c兲 Influence of the gravity number Ngr on the traveling waves. The other parameters are fixed: Nnl = 1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. 共d兲 Influence of the flux ratio Rs = kr共u−兲 on the traveling −1 waves. The other parameters are fixed: Nnl = 1, Ngr = 1, n = 10, and + u = 0.001. 036301-4 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A PHASE-FIELD MODEL OF… u0 = u0共兲, where = x − ct. Therefore u0 = u0共x兲 in a reference frame moving with the speed c, and 共25兲 and 共26兲 can be rearranged as 1 k = u2 r 0.8 kr= u3 4 kr= u 冋 冉 −1 g T1 = Ngr 0.6 u0 + 0.4 冉 d du0 du0 k rJ ⬙ + kr⬘J⬘ dx dx dx 冊 冊 d du0 du0 g 共krJ⬘兲 + krJ⬙ + kr⬘J⬘ + krJ⬘⌬g dx dx dx x 册 共27兲 0.2 and 0 −10 −5 0 5 冋 冉 冊冉 冊 冉 冊册 10 X T2 = Nnl g FIG. 5. Influence of the relative permeability function kr共u兲 on −1 the traveling waves. The other parameters are fixed: Ngr = 1, Nnl − + = 1, u = 0.6, and u = 0.01. may also be triggered by the water conductivity function 关the relative permeability kr共u兲兴: highly nonlinear materials are characterized by larger overshoots 共Fig. 5兲. + kr where + where g共x , y , t兲 is a generic 2D perturbation of order O共1兲 and ⑀ Ⰶ 1. Introducing the above perturbed solution in 共13兲 and retaining terms that are at most O共⑀兲, the evolution equation for the perturbation is, to first order in ⑀, + Nnl · 关kr ⌬g + kr⬘g ⌬u0兴 = 0, 共23兲 where it is understood that kr = kr共u0兲, kr⬘ = kr⬘共u0兲, J⬘ = J⬘共u0兲, and J⬙ = J⬙共u0兲. For convenience, let us use the notation T1 = −1 Ngr 冉 and 冊 共29兲 冊 d du0 du0 G 共krJ⬘兲 + krJ⬙ + kr⬘J⬘ dx dx dx x + k rJ ⬘ 2G − 2k rJ ⬘G x2 册 共30兲 冋 冉 冊冉 冊 3 3 = N G d k⬘ d u0 + k⬘ d u0 G T 2 nl r r dx dx3 dx3 x + · 关krJ⬘ g + krJ⬙g u0 + kr⬘J⬘g u0兴, T2 = Nnl · 关kr ⌬g + kr⬘g ⌬u0兴. 冋 冉 = N−1 G d k J⬙ du0 + k⬘J⬘ du0 T 1 r gr r dx dx dx 共22兲 g −1 + 共k⬘g兲 + Ngr · 关krJ⬘ g + krJ⬙g u0 + kr⬘J⬘g u0兴 t x r 共28兲 . dkr⬘ G G +T = 0, + +G 共k⬘ − c兲 + T 1 2 dx t x r Consider perturbations of the base traveling wave solutions u0 developed in the previous section, of the form u共x,y,t兲 = u0 + ⑀g共x,y,t兲, 4g 4g 4g 4 +2 2 2 + x x y y4 冉 冊 冉 2 4G dkr 3G 2 G 2 G − + k − 2 + 4G r dx x3 x x4 x2 冊册 . 共31兲 共24兲 The above expressions can be rearranged as Rearranging 共29兲, we finally arrive at the linear evolution problem G 4G 3G 2G G + A4 4 + A3 3 + A2 2 + A1 + A0G = 0, t x x x x −1 T1 = Ngr 兵g · 共krJ⬙ u0 + kr⬘J⬘ u0兲 + 关共krJ⬘兲 + krJ⬙ u0 + kr⬘J⬘ u0兴 · g + krJ⬘⌬g其 共32兲 共25兲 where and T2 = Nnl关g · 共kr⬘ ⌬u0兲 + 共kr⬘ ⌬u0兲 · g + 共kr兲 · 共 ⌬g兲 + kr · 共 ⌬g兲兴. 冊 Within the aforementioned reference frame and transforming to Fourier space in the y direction, the evolution equation for the y-transformed perturbation G共x , , t兲 is given by IV. LINEAR STABILITY ANALYSIS: FORMULATION AND DISCRETE OPERATORS A. Linearized flow equation 冉 d d 3u 0 d3u0 g dkr 3g 3g kr⬘ 3 + kr⬘ 3 + 3 + dx dx dx x dx x x y 2 共26兲 Note that the base solution is constant along the y axis; i.e., 036301-5 A0 = 冋 冉 冊 du0 du0 d 3u 0 d −1 + kr⬘J⬘ kr⬘ + Ngr k rJ ⬙ + Nnlkr⬘ 3 dx dx dx dx −1 2 − Ngr krJ⬘ + Nnl4kr , 册 共33兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 LUIS CUETO-FELGUEROSO AND RUBEN JUANES −1 A1 = 共kr⬘ − c兲 + Ngr 冉 冉 d du0 du0 共krJ⬘兲 + krJ⬙ + kr⬘J⬘ dx dx dx 冊 冊 ⬁ etM = 兺 k=0 d 3u 0 2 dkr , 3 − dx dx 共34兲 −1 krJ⬘ − 2Nnl2kr , A2 = Ngr 共35兲 + Nnl kr⬘ A3 = Nnl dkr , dx 共36兲 共37兲 1. Discrete operators The properties of the linear operator in Eq. 共32兲 determine the evolution of infinitesimal perturbations of the base traveling wave solutions u0. The evolution equation 共32兲 can be discretized in the coordinate direction x, and the stability of the linearized perturbed flow can be studied in terms of the resulting discrete linear problem. Define a computational grid 兵x j, j = 0 , . . . , N其 and its associated grid function 兵G j, j = 0 , . . . , N其, where G j = G共x j兲. Define discrete differential operators, through suitable differentiation matrices D1, D2, D3, and D4 关62,63兴, such that G1 = D1G, lim t−1 ln储etM储 = ␣共M兲. t→⬁ 共45兲 In terms of transient growth, an eigenvalue 共modal兲 analysis provides just a lower bound, as ∀ t 艌 0. 共46兲 Pseudospectra provide sharper information about the growth and decay behavior of the system for intermediate times. A simple lower bound is given by 关53兴 G3 = D3G, 共38兲 G4 = D4G, where the grid functions 兵G␣ j, j = 0 , . . . , N其 are to be understood in the sense ␣ . 共39兲 x=x j Under these conditions, the semidiscrete linearized flow problem reads dG = MG, dt 共40兲 sup储etM储 艌 t艌0 M = − 共A4D4 + A3D3 + A2D2 + A1D1 + A0兲. 共41兲 In the above expression, the matrices Ak, k = 0 , . . . , 4, are diagonal, and their entries result from the evaluation of the coefficients 共33兲–共37兲 at the grid points. It follows from 共40兲 that, given a perturbation G共x , , 0兲 = G0共x , 兲—i.e., given the grid function 兵G0j, j = 0 , . . . , N其—the evolution of this perturbation can be compactly written as 共42兲 where the matrix exponential that defines the propagator is to be understood in the sense of ␣⑀共M兲 ⑀ ∀ ⑀ ⬎ 0. 共47兲 The above inequality states that, even when ␣共M兲 艋 0, in which case the system would be diagnosed as stable from a modal perspective, a nonmodal study may reveal intense transient growth if the ⑀-pseudospectra contours protrude significantly into the right half of the complex plane. V. MODAL AND NONMODAL STABILITY ANALYSIS: ONSET AND SUPPRESSION OF THE FINGERING INSTABILITY in terms of the linear, autonomous operator G共t兲 = etMG0 , 共44兲 In the above expression, and hereafter, we loosely write 共z − M兲 instead of 共zI − M兲. The matrix 共z − M兲−1 is called the resolvent of M at z. Note that 储共z − M兲−1储 → ⬁ for z 苸 共M兲. In addition, let us define the spectral 关⑀-pseudospectral兴 abscissa of M, ␣共M兲 关␣⑀共M兲兴, as the supremum of the real part of the spectrum 关⑀-pseudospectrum兴. We are interested in the growth and decay of solutions G共t兲 to the linear time-dependent problem dG / dt = MG—i.e., G共t兲 = etMG共0兲. Asymptotically, the behavior of the system is driven by the eigenvalues of M. More precisely, 储etM储 艌 et␣共M兲 G2 = D2G, G x␣ We denote by 共M兲 苸 C the spectrum, or set of all the eigenvalues, of M. For an arbitrary ⑀ ⬎ 0, the ⑀-pseudospectrum of M, ⑀共M兲, is defined as the set of z 苸 C such that 关53兴 储共z − M兲−1储 ⬎ ⑀−1 . B. Discretization: Asymptotic and transient growth 冏 冏 共43兲 2. Spectral characterization A4 = Nnlkr . G␣ j, ⬇ t kM k . k! A. Eigenvalues and asymptotic growth We start with a classical modal stability analysis. Therefore the relevant parameter to be considered at this point is the spectral abscissa of the linear operator M. Under this perspective and for a perturbation with wave number , the dynamical system is said to be unstable if ␣(M共兲) ⬎ 0, which implies asymptotic exponential growth, and stable if ␣(M共兲) ⬍ 0, which dictates asymptotic exponential decay. This approach does not consider transient growth effects due to interactions between nonorthogonal eigenmodes. Figure 6 shows the dispersion curves 关growth factor  = ␣(M共兲) against wave number 兴 for different values of 036301-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A PHASE-FIELD MODEL OF… 0.6 0.5 0.4 u = 0.0001 + u = 0.001 + u = 0.01 + u = 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 β 1.4 + Nl= 0.01 Nl= 0.1 Nl= 1 −6 1 β 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.1 β 0.1 0 Nl= 10 −5 Nl= 10 −4 Nl= 10 −3 Nl= 10 1.2 0.6 0 0.4 −0.1 0 1 2 3 ω −0.1 0 4 1 (a) 2 ω 3 4 5 0.2 (b) 0 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 Gr−1= 0 Gr−1= 0.1 −1 Gr = 0.5 −1 Gr = 2 0.4 u−= 0.6 − u = 0.4 u−= 0.2 −0.2 0 0.3 β 0.3 β 0.2 ω 20 30 0.2 FIG. 7. Suppression of the instability in the limit Nnl → 0. The −1 other parameters are Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. 0.1 0.1 10 0 0 −0.1 −0.1 −0.2 0 1 2 ω (c) 3 4 5 −0.2 0 1 2 ω 3 4 5 (d) FIG. 6. Growth factor  = ␣(M共兲), as a function of . 共a兲 Influence of the nonlocal number Nnl. 共b兲 Influence of the initial water saturation u+. 共c兲 Influence of the gravity number Ngr. 共d兲 Influence of the flux ratio Rs = kr共u−兲. The default parameters are Nnl = 0.01, −1 Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. 共nearly most unstable mode兲 and = 9 共asymptotically stable兲 reveals that, even though the asymptotic behavior is in accordance with the eigenvalue predictions, there is considerable transient growth which is not predicted by the modal analysis. Notably, the transient growth associated to the “stable” mode = 9 is similar to that of the nearly most unstable one 关Fig. 8共b兲兴. The existence of intense transient 5 0.8 10 β= 0.6962 B. Pseudospectra and transient growth The nonnormality of the linearized operator M in 共42兲 can be illustrated with a simple example 共Fig. 8兲. The model −1 = 0.1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and parameters are Nnl = 10−3, Ngr n = 10. An eigenvalue analysis suggests conditional stability, with unstable modes in the range 苸 共关0 , 8.7兴兲 关Fig. 8共a兲兴. However, the norm of the propagator 储exp共tM兲储 for = 5.4 ||exp(t M)|| β 0.4 0.2 3 10 2 10 1 0 10 β= −0.0825 −0.2 0 2 4 ω 6 0 8 10 10 0 2 4 (a) 8 10 (b) Im(z) 5 0 −5 6 t 5 Im(z) the model parameters. As the gravity number is decreased 共Ngr → 0兲, the traveling waves are unstable for a smaller range of lower frequencies and with smaller associated growth factors 关Fig. 6共c兲兴. This simply reflects the stabilizing effect of capillary diffusion. From the perspective of characterizing the incipient fingers, this can be interpreted as the formation of thicker, slower fingers as Ngr → 0. Increases in Nnl over the range Nnl 苸 关0.01, 1兴 关Fig. 6共a兲兴 show a similar trend, but now the damping of high frequencies is much more pronounced for large Nnl, in accordance with the powerful dissipation properties of the fourth-order term. Consistent with experimental observations, the initial water saturation has a critical effect on the instability 关Fig. 6共b兲兴. Also in agreement with experiments, smaller flux ratios 关Fig. 6共d兲兴 give rise to thinner, slower-moving fingers. Eventually, for a sufficiently small flux ratio, the instability is suppressed. The standard Richards’ model is recovered in the limit Nnl → 0. This limit corresponds also with stability of the system, as illustrated in Fig. 7, and in accordance with numerous numerical and theoretical studies of Richards’ equation 关18–20兴. ω= 5.4 ω= 9 4 10 0.6 −4 −2 0 Re(z) (c) 2 0 −5 −4 −2 0 2 Re(z) (d) FIG. 8. Non-normal behavior of the linearized operator and −1 transient growth. The parameters are Nnl = 10−3, Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, + u = 0.001, and n = 10. 共a兲 Dispersion curve showing the growth factors associated to an asymptotically unstable mode 共 = 5.4兲 and an asymptotically stable mode 共 = 9兲. The transient growth of these asymptotically unstable and stable modes is nearly identical 共b兲, which can be better understood considering their associated ⑀-pseudospectra 关共c兲 and 共d兲, respectively兴. In the pseudospectra we plot the eigenvalues 共쎲兲, as well as the contours ⑀ = 10−1 , 10−1.5 , . . . , 10−8. 036301-7 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 LUIS CUETO-FELGUEROSO AND RUBEN JUANES 6 5 10 10 + u = 0.0001, ω= 2.5 −6 Nl= 10 , ω= 0 + u = 0.001, ω= 2.6 6 10 2 10 u+= 0.1, ω= 2.2 ||exp(t M)|| 10 8 Nl= 10−5, ω= 18.4 10 + u = 0.01, ω= 2.6 4 10 Nl= 10−4, ω= 10.4 Nl= 10−3, ω= 5.4 6 10 Im(z) Nl= 0.01, ω= 2.6 Nl= 0.1, ω= 1.2 Nl= 1, ω= 0.6 ||exp(t M)|| ||exp(t M)|| 4 10 8 10 4 0 10 2 10 2 10 0 10 0 0 5 10 15 10 20 0 0 5 10 t 15 10 20 t (a) 0 5 10 15 −5 20 −4 −2 (b) 0 2 0 2 Re(z) t (a) (b) 6 10 −1 u = 0.6, ω= 2.6 −1 Gr = 0.1, ω= 2.6 − − u = 0.2, ω= 2.5 Gr = 2, ω= 0.2 4 4 10 2 10 0 10 Im(z) ||exp(t M)|| ||exp(t M)|| −1 0 5 u = 0.4, ω= 3 −1 Gr = 0.5, ω= 2.2 10 5 − Im(z) 6 10 Gr = 0, ω= 2.7 0 0 2 10 0 5 10 15 20 10 0 5 10 t t (c) (d) 15 20 −5 −4 −2 0 Re(z) (c) FIG. 9. 共a兲 Influence of Nnl on the transient growth of perturba−1 tions of the base state. The other parameters are fixed: Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. 共d兲 Influence of the initial water saturation u+ on the transient growth of perturbations of the base −1 state. The other parameters are fixed: Nnl = 0.01, Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, and n = 10. 共c兲 Influence of the gravity number Ngr on the transient growth of perturbations of the base state. The other parameters are fixed: Nnl = 0.01, u− = 0.6, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. 共b兲 Influence of the flux ratio 共expressed in terms of u+兲 on the transient growth of perturbations of the base state. The other parameters are fixed: Nnl −1 = 0.01, Ngr = 0.1, u+ = 0.001, and n = 10. growth may suggest that the conclusions derived from an asymptotic analysis of the linearized problem are somewhat misleading, as the powerful initial transients could invalidate the linearization about the basic solution. This transient growth behavior of the propagator can be understood by looking at the pseudospectra of M共兲 关Figs. 8共c兲 and 8共d兲兴. For = 5.4 关Fig. 8共c兲兴, both the largest eigenvalue and the ⑀ contours protrude significantly into the right half of the complex plane, which explains both the transient and asymptotic growth. For = 9 关Fig. 8共d兲兴, while the largest eigenvalue has a negative real part, indicating asymptotic decay, the ⑀ contours advance well into the positive half plane, indicating transient growth of the perturbations. Figure 9 shows the transient growth behavior in terms of the system parameters. While the gravity number Ngr and the nonlocal number Nnl have a relatively modest influence on transient growth 关Figs. 9共c兲 and 9共a兲, respectively兴, suggesting that capillary diffusion is less critical in the early stages of the perturbation growth, the initial water saturation 关Fig. 9共b兲兴 and applied flux ratio 关Fig. 9共d兲兴 seem to be fundamental parameters in the initial growth of perturbations. The approximate scaling with 共u+兲−1 is consistent with the stability of thin film flows 关43兴. Experimental measurements have stressed the central role of u+ and u− in the fingering instability. 2 −5 −4 −2 Re(z) (d) FIG. 10. Suppression of the instability as Nnl → 0. 共a兲 Evolution of 储exp共tM兲储 for different values of Nnl 共most unstable modes兲. ⑀-pseudospectra for Nnl = 10−6 共b兲, Nnl = 10−5 共c兲, and Nnl = 10−3 共d兲. In the pseudospectra we plot the eigenvalues 共쎲兲 as well as the contours ⑀ = 10−1 , 10−1.5 , . . . , 10−8. The return to normality of the operator is obtained when the macroscopic interface effects are neglected, Nnl → 0, which corresponds to the traditional Richards’ equation 共Fig. 10兲. As Nnl is reduced, not only does the largest eigenvalue become smaller, and eventually negative, but also the nature of the linearized operator changes, from a typical non-normal pattern to a nearly normal behavior. Therefore, going back to the standard Richard equation implies asymptotic stability and negligible transient growth, which is consistent with recent theoretical analysis that remark the strong stability of the Richards’ model and its inability to capture fingering phenomena 关13,18兴. C. Optimal perturbations and eigenmodes The disturbance at t = 0 that elicits a final state at time t with maximal growth can be determined within the linearized theory from the singular-value decomposition 共SVD兲 of the propagator 关52兴 according to exp共tM兲 = U⌺V*. The optimal initial disturbance is the first column of V, whereas the final evolved state is the first column of U. The amplification factor of the optimal disturbance is the first 共maximum兲 singular value in ⌺, in the sense that max = 储exp共tM兲储. The normalized shape of the maximal evolved disturbance for late times is given by the eigenmode associated to eigenvalue that gives the spectral abscissa of M. For the present study, we focus on the influence of the initial moisture content of the soil, u+, on the shape of the optimal perturbations. Figure 11 depicts the normalized eigenmodes associated to increasing initial saturations— 036301-8 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A PHASE-FIELD MODEL OF… 1 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.4 u + u = 0.001 0 u+= 0.01 u+= 0.001 + u = 0.1 0.3 u 0.6 u+= 0.01 −0.01 u u+= 0.1 0.2 Base sol. s+= 0.001 Optimal initial pert. (normalized) Evolved state (normalized) BS Init. Evolv. 0.3 u 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 −0.02 0.1 0 −0.1 −6 −0.03 −4 −2 0 0.9 2 1 X X (a) (b) 1.1 −2 −1 1 0.7 2 u+= 0.01 0.95 (b) + 0.8 u = 0.001 0.8 + + u = 0.01 0.3 0.6 u u 0.4 + + u = 0.1 0.6 Base solution s = 0.01 Optimal initial pert. (normalized) Evolved state (normalized) 0.3 u u 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 50 0.9 0.5 u = 0.1 0 0.85 1 + −50 0.8 X u = 0.001 0.4 0.75 (a) 1 0.5 0 X 100 0 −40 −20 0 X X (c) (d) 20 40 −2 0.2 −1 0 1 2 0.2 BS Init. Evolv. 0.4 0.6 X (c) FIG. 11. 共a兲 Comparison of the eigenmode 共normalized兲 associated with the mode = 0.6 in terms of the initial moisture content −1 u+. The other parameters are Nnl = 1, Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, and n = 10. 共b兲 Close-up view of the eigenmodes in the region near the wetting front. 共c兲 Comparison of the initial perturbation associated with the eigenmode 共normalized兲. Model parameters as before. 共d兲 Close-up view of the region near the wetting front. We also plot the traveling wave saturation profiles as a reference. 0.8 1 1.2 X (d) 1 + Base solution s = 0.1 Optimal initial pert. (normalized) Evolved state (normalized) 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 u u 0.2 0.4 BS Init. Evolv. 0.1 0.2 0 0 namely, u+ = 0.001, u+ = 0.01, and u+ = 0.1 关Fig. 11共a兲兴— together with a close-up view of the region near the apparent wetting front 关Fig. 11共b兲兴. As the initial moisture content is increased, the eigenmodes tend to exhibit more spreading around the front. Note that, while the eigenmodes for u+ = 0.001 and u+ = 0.01 are quantitatively similar, there is a pronounced difference with respect to u+ = 0.1. The optimal initial perturbations 关Figs. 11共c兲 and 11共d兲兴 reflect the intense perturbation required in the case of larger initial saturations. It is interesting to analyze the short-time growth of perturbations through the singular-value decomposition of the propagator. Figure 12 shows the normalized optimal initial perturbation with respect to t = 0.1, as well as its normalized evolved state for u+ = 0.001 关Figs. 12共a兲 and 12共b兲兴, u+ = 0.01 关Figs. 12共c兲 and 12共d兲兴, and u+ = 0.1 关Figs. 12共e兲 and 12共f兲兴. The base state is also included as a reference. The growth factor associated to the evolved disturbance is 5.16 for u+ = 0.001. Note that the optimal excitation is sharply localized near the apparent wetting front. The results are similar for u+ = 0.01, although the growth factor is reduced to 1.74. Increasing the initial saturation further results in a qualitative difference, as the initial and evolved states are nearly identical, with a growth factor of just 1.06. The obvious consequence of the analysis above is that, while for u+ = 0.001 a small perturbation localized at the wetting front elicits a disturbance at t = 0.1 that has traveled behind the wetting front and has grown by a factor of 5.16, for u+ = 0.1 we need to start from a perturbation that already ex- −10 −5 0 5 10 −0.1 −1 0 1 2 X X (e) (f) FIG. 12. Normalized optimal perturbation and evolved state for t = 0.1 and different initial saturations: 共a兲, 共b兲 u+ = 0.001, 共c兲, 共d兲 u+ = 0.001, and 共e兲, 共f兲 u+ = 0.01. The other parameters are Nnl = 1, −1 Ngr = 0.1, u− = 0.6, and n = 10. Left: base flow and normalized initial and evolved state. Right: close-up view of the region near the wetting front. The growth factor of the evolved state is 0.001 = 5.16, 0.01 = 1.74, and 0.1 = 1.06. tends behind the wetting front and at the same time level would have grown just by a factor of 1.06. These results are again consistent with the fact that fingering is observed only in wetting fronts infiltrating into sufficiently dry media. The apparent wetting front acts as an amplifier 共this effect has also been observed in contact lines 关43兴兲 and in such a way that for very low initial moisture contents even small perturbations ahead of the front are intensely amplified. For initially wet soils, on the other hand, the wetting front is destabilized only by significantly larger perturbations that extend over larger regions and grow more slowly, thus reducing the likelihood of fingered flow. VI. Stability along Nnl = N−3 gr In 关41兴, we proposed to express the dimensionless group Nnl in terms of the already considered system parameters, 036301-9 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 LUIS CUETO-FELGUEROSO AND RUBEN JUANES thus avoiding the introduction of new independent parameters with respect to Richards’ equation. The introduction of the nonlocal 共gradient兲 term in the energy potential raises the question about the definition of the dimensionless group Nnl, which is formally equivalent to an apparent surface tension at the wetting front. While it is legitimate to postulate its dependence on additional intrinsic properties of the system, the idea of a nonlocal interface is fundamentally a macroscopic construct, which should depend only on the already considered basic parameters. Dimensional analysis then −3 , and we propose the simple leads to the scaling Nnl ⬃ Ngr relation Nl=Gr−3 0 10 0 −3 10 ω −2 10 Nl=Gr β −2 10 Nl Nl −4 −4 10 10 unstable stable unstable stable −6 −6 10 10 0 0 2 10 2 10 10 10 Gr Gr (a) ln(ωmax )(Gr, N) (b) ln(βmax )(Gr, N) 0 10 −2 10 共48兲 VII. DISCUSSION We have proposed a phase-field model of unsaturated flow in porous media. The fundamental phenomenological Rs Rs β/Gr As a consequence of Eq. 共48兲, the gravity number Ngr sets the intrinsic scale of the problem and the proposed model 共13兲 contains a new term, but not a new independent parameter. In terms of the stability of the system, the relevance of this choice becomes clear by looking at the wave number and growth factor of the most unstable modes in the Nnl-Ngr plane 共Fig. 13兲. There is a narrow region in the parameter space Ngr-Nnl where max 关Fig. 13共a兲兴 and max 关Fig. 13共b兲兴 decay exponentially. This region of abrupt decay marks the effective transition from a compact infiltration front to fingering instability and follows a straight line 共in logarithmic scale兲 of slope −3, which is consistent with the arbitrariness of the choice of reference length L. The specific location of this transition 共not its slope兲 is determined by the system parameters Rs, S0, and n. This critical region cannot be −3 , and therefore crossed when Ngr moves along Nnl = Ngr changes in the gravity number do not induce regime transi−3 , max and max are linear tion. Under the scaling Nnl = Ngr functions of Ngr 共Fig. 14兲 and nonlinear functions of S0, Rs, and n. In other words, the scale of the flow is determined by the gravity number and its nonlinear dynamics is controlled by the flux ratio, initial saturation, and constitutive relations. This linear dependence on Ngr is illustrated in Fig. 14. The nonlinear dependence of the scale-invariant frequencies and growth factors, max / Ngr 关Fig. 13共c兲兴 and max / Ngr 关Fig. 13共d兲兴, on the flux ratio, initial saturation, and material nonlinearity, is shown in Figs. 15–17, respectively. They are indicative of the early dynamics of the perturbed flow and the properties of the emerging fingers. The onset of preferential flow paths in the unstable wetting front is more intense for larger flux ratios and smaller initial saturations 关Fig. 13共d兲兴. For very dry media the size of the incipient fingers decreases with the flux ratio. In general, however, for each value of the initial saturation there is a critical flux ratio beyond which smaller fluxes lead to larger finger sizes 关Fig. 13共c兲兴. The growth factor and frequency of the most unstable mode decay exponentially as the initial saturation is increased. This abrupt decay agrees with experimental observations, which have suggested the existence of critical values of S0 for the suppression of the instability 关55兴. ω /Gr −3 Nnl = Ngr . R = 0.217 −4 10 s Rs= 0.130 s s Rs= 0.0697 Rs= 0.0315 Rs= 0.0315 R = 0.0103 s −6 10 R = 0.00469 s Rs= 0.00155 Rs= 0.0103 Rs= 0.00469 Rs= 0.00155 −1 10 R = 0.217 Rs= 0.130 R = 0.0697 −2 10 S0 (c) ωmax /Gr(S0, Rs ) 0 10 −2 10 0 10 S0 (d) βmax /Gr(S0 , Rs ) FIG. 13. Results of the linear stability analysis of Eq. 共13兲. 共a兲, 共b兲 Contours of the logarithm of the frequency max of the most unstable mode and its associated growth factor max, as functions of the dimensionless groups Ngr and Nnl. We set Rs = 0.217, S0 = 0.01, and n = 10. A narrow region of exponential decay, along a straight line of slope −3, marks the effective transition from stable to unstable flow. The position of this transition region, not its slope, is −3 determined by Rs, S0, and n. Since our model assumes Nnl = Ngr , the transition region cannot be crossed by modifying Ngr alone. 共c兲 Exponential decay of the scale-invariant frequencies max / Ngr with the initial saturation S0. For a given S0, the frequencies increase with decreasing Rs up to a critical flux beyond which max / Ngr decreases again. 共d兲 Exponential decay of the scale-invariant growth factor max / Ngr with the initial saturation S0. Within the unsaturated regime, the growth factors increase monotonically with R s. characteristics of the fingering instability in gravity-driven unsaturated infiltrating flow in homogenous porous media can be understood and quantified from a linear stability analysis of the model. We draw two general conclusions from our analysis. 共i兲 The instability is an instrinsic feature of the infiltrating wetting front. The fingering instability will develop, for suitable points in the parameter space, even for infinitesimal perturbations of a steady-state base flow within a homogeneous porous medium. 共ii兲 The instability is an intrisic feature of unsaturated flow. Thus, it is arbitrary to assume that the wetting front has to be fully saturated in order to develop instabilities. Transient growth is fundamental in the onset of the fingering instability. In this sense, transient growth can only be relevant if small perturbations are amplified up to levels O共1兲 within a short period of time. The maximum transient amplification depends strongly on the initial saturation of the porous medium u+ and the applied flux ratio Rs = kr共u−兲 and somewhat weakly on mild variations of other parameters like 036301-10 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A PHASE-FIELD MODEL OF… 600 n= 12 n= 10 n= 8 n= 6 n= 4 50 40 500 400 ω n 30 n 0.02 200 0 10 100 −0.02 200 400 600 800 0 0 1000 200 u 0.04 300 20 0 0 + 0.06 400 Gr 600 800 −0.04 0 1000 Gr (a) u+= 0.0002 u+= 0.001 u+= 0.01 + u = 0.1 + u = 0.2 0.2 0.4 (b) 60 β 400 + u ω 30 + u = 0.01 + u = 0.025 + u = 0.05 + u = 0.1 u+= 0.2 6 10 + u ||exp(t M)|| 40 500 300 20 200 10 100 1 6 + 50 0.8 (a) β(ω) 600 u = 0.01 u+= 0.025 u+= 0.05 u+=0.1 u+= 0.2 0.6 ω/Gr 4 10 u+= 0.0002 u+= 0.001 + u = 0.01 u+= 0.1 + u = 0.2 10 ω/Gr= 0.52 ω/Gr= 0.54 ω/Gr= 0.52 ω/Gr= 0.42 ω/Gr= 0.26 + u = 0.0002 ω/Gr= 0.94 + ω/Gr= 0.94 + ω/Gr= 0.94 + ω/Gr= 0.94 + ω/Gr= 0.94 20 40 u = 0.001 u = 0.01 4 10 u+ ||exp(t M)|| β 0.08 n= 12 n= 10 n= 8 n= 6 n= 4 β/Gr 60 u = 0.1 u = 0.2 + u 2 10 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 0 0 1000 10 200 400 Gr 600 800 1000 0 10 Gr (c) 0 10 −2 0 50 (d) 60 − 50 β 40 30 u = 0.6 u−= 0.5 u−= 0.4 u−= 0.3 u−= 0.2 u−= 0.1 800 ω − u 600 u− 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 0 0 1000 200 400 600 Gr Gr (e) (f) 800 1000 −3 FIG. 14. Stability analysis along Nnl = Ngr . Linear dependence of max 关共a兲, 共c兲, 共e兲兴 and max 关共b兲, 共d兲, 共f兲兴 with the gravity number Ngr. 共a兲, 共b兲 Material parameter n 关61兴. 共c兲, 共d兲 Initial saturation u+. 共e兲, 共f兲 Flux ratio Rs = kr共u−兲. the gravity number Ngr and the nonlocal number Nnl. This is in accordance with strong experimental evidence pointing towards the critical role of the initial saturation and flux ratio on the observed saturation overshoot and finger development. As the initial saturation increases, the amount of tran- 80 100 (c) etM (t) 5 10 0.06 6 0.02 10 − 0.03 n= 15 n= 10 n= 8 n= 6 n= 4 0.01 2 10 0 −0.01 0 0 ω/Gr 1 (a) β(ω) 1.5 10 0 20 10 0.02 0 0.5 4 n 0.04 u β/Gr 0.04 4 ||exp(t M)|| 0.06 0.05 − u = 0.6 u−= 0.5 u−= 0.4 u−= 0.3 u−= 0.2 u−= 0.1 ||exp(t M)|| u−= 0.6 u−= 0.5 − u = 0.4 − u = 0.3 − u = 0.2 − u = 0.1 − u β/Gr 60 t Gr sient growth is reduced in such a way that only large perturbations can achieve significant amplification. Under these conditions, capillary diffusion will effectively damp perturbations, suppressing the onset of the instability. As a consequence, even relatively small initial saturations are likely to prevent the appearance of fingers for realistic values of the gravity number Ngr. Transient growth occurs within a short period of time, which precedes the transition to the asymptotic growth behavior, governed by the eigenvalues of the linearized system. Therefore, and in spite of possible nonlinear effects due to the interaction of nonorthogonal modes during the transient 10 0.08 0 0 −3 FIG. 16. Stability analysis along Nnl = Ngr . Influence of the initial saturation 共right state u+兲 on the stability of the traveling wave solutions to Eq. 共13兲. 共a兲 Dispersion curves, plotting growth factor  / Ngr versus frequency of the perturbations / Ngr. 共b兲 Transient growth of asymptotically unstable perturbations. 共c兲 Transient growth of asymptotically stable perturbations. 20 10 10 (b) etM (t) 1000 u−= 0.6 − u = 0.5 u−= 0.4 − u = 0.3 u−= 0.2 u−= 0.1 100 t Gr 40 60 80 100 −3 FIG. 15. Stability analysis along Nnl = Ngr . Influence of the flux − ratio 共through the left state u 兲 on the stability of the traveling wave solutions to Eq. 共13兲. 共a兲 Dispersion curves, plotting growth factor  / Ngr versus frequency of the perturbations / Ngr. 共b兲 Transient growth of asymptotically unstable perturbations. n 2 10 n= 15 n= 10 n= 8 n= 6 n= 4 1 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 ω/Gr (a) β(ω) t Gr (b) etM (t) 3 10 0.8 1 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 t Gr (b) etM (t) −3 FIG. 17. Stability analysis along Nnl = Ngr . Influence of the constitutive relations 共through Van Genuchten’s parameter n 关61兴兲 on the stability of the traveling wave solutions to Eq. 共13兲. 共a兲 Dispersion curves, plotting growth factor  / Ngr versus frequency of the perturbations / Ngr. 共b兲 Transient growth of asymptotically unstable perturbations. 036301-11 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 036301 共2009兲 LUIS CUETO-FELGUEROSO AND RUBEN JUANES growth, the modal analysis seems to be adequate to predict the most relevant features of the late-time fingering phenomenon. This conclusion is also reinforced by the phenomenological fact that, for homogeneous, initially dry media, the instability of the wetting front adopts the form of persistent and distinctive patterns 共fingers兲, whose width and tip velocity can be correlated to basic experimental parameters, notably the flux ratio, nonlinearity of the material, and initial moisture content. Using dimensional analysis, these correlations can be predicted through the analysis of the wavelength and growth factor of the most unstable mode for each particular point in parameter space. The predictions agree with experimental observations 关41兴. The key ingredient of the proposed model is the introduction of a nonlinear fourth-order term, which is formally equivalent to an apparent surface tension at the wetting front. The introduction of this term constitutes a departure from the classical Richards’ equation. In addition to modeling physi- cal mechanisms that are missing in the classical model and from a mathematical perspective, the new term in the proposed model introduces a new mechanism in the dynamics of the system: a significant degree of non-normality. Thus, in addition to the mere existence of asymptotically unstable modes, the transient growth of perturbations can be very intense depending on the parameter values and, in particular, for very dry media. 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