This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. USE OF A HABITAT/NICHE MODEL FOR OLD GROWTH MANAGEMENT: A PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION Bruce G. Marcot Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon Cautious analyses of ecological interrelationships and extent of behavioral stereotypyare necessary requirements within any forest management program for avian species. (McEllin 1979) ABSTRACT The basic tenets of a life history approach to a wildlife habitat relationships information base are explored. The life history approach involves detailing habitat, niche, and general descriptors of each wildlife species, and sifting by a computer program to generate groups of functionally-related species. An example of the model to assess stand conditions for obligate old-growth wildlife species is provided. INTRODUCTION With recent legislations guiding multiple-resource management on National Forest lands (see Salwasser et al. 1980), the need is great for a multi-species approach for the assessment of habitat conditions for forest and rangeland wildlife, including nongame birds. Such a multi-species approach should be effectively incorporated into the management system in regard to specialist input and planning needs. The approach also should be user-oriented and theoretically sound, and should deal with terrestrial vertebrate species of both emphasis and nonemphasis statuses. This paper explores some of the basic tenets underlying a habitat and niche based multi-species model, and an example of how the model may be used to aid management of older age stands of timber for wildlife. Model Axioms The model to be explored is a product of the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (WHR) Program of the U. S. Forest Service (Salwasser et al. 1980). The WHR involves a compilation of information on the life histories and habitat relationships of species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The goal of the program is to develop new tools to assist biologists and planners to assess occurrence of and change in wildlife species in relation to existing and potential land managemen~ activities. 390 Conceptual Framework Warren et al. (1979) define a conceptual framework as a set of axioms characterized by low verifiability and high explanatory power, existing at the "most encompassing level amenable to reasonably complete and adequate verbal articulation." Using this notion, the conceptual framework of the habitat/niche model involves the following tenets. 1. Wildlife habitat is a product of forest and wildland management. Thus, wildland management is wildlife habitat management, desirable or undesirable (Thomas 1979). 2. The degree to which wildlife habitat is managed desirably is dependent on a) the accuracy of prediation and simulation models of wildlife habitat relationships, and b) how well a WHR program can be integrated into multi-resource management schema. 3. All habitat types and their seral stages provide suitable conditions for some groups of wildlife species (Thomas 1979). The Blue Mountain tome of Thomas et al. (1979) goes a long way in establishing an ecological, interdisciplinary and even socio-political conceptual framework under which a WHR program and subservient models may be subsumed. "Species have niches and habitats" is but one of the numerous tenets of the ecological facet of this conceptual framework. Another and a more general tenet is that "the concepts of species and viable populations are meaningful and are a useful base for conducting wildlife resource management." The mandates of the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (NFMA) specifically addresses management for retaining viable populations. The conceptual framework provides a foundation on which a habitat/niche model may arise. Theoretical Generalizations On a logical level down from the conceptual framework, the theoretical generalizations of the approach to be considered here involves a detailing of the life history characteristics of each wildlife species in terms of their environmental needs. The environmental needs of species can be specified along the lines of niche theory and macrohabitat (vegetation type) affiliation. At the base of this detailing of species' environmental needs is the fundamental tenet that only species' life histories and ecological performances define such (theoretical) terms as (suitable) habitat, viability, facultative and obligate associations with habitat elements, and niche. That is, in contradistinction to an agglomerative approach which may ~ priori assign species to ecological categories or roles, the proposed life history approach allows such categorization~ posteriori in a nonfixed manner. Such ecological categories as life forms, guilds, species types, habitat use, and levels of response to habitat change, are generated in the divisive approach from initial life history details. To be sure, certain categories are initially given, such as the species/habitat matrix, but these are still subsumed in an interacting life history information base and are generative of categories, indices, etc. in a functional and fundamental way. The agglomerative approach, on the other hand, may begin with a particular category or index as "fixed" and from this say things about species' viability or response to habitat shifts. The enumeration of a species' environmental needs as a theoretical generalization may be regarded in light of the species' habitat ("address") and niche ("occupation"). The WHR information base allows the description of species' habitats (the 391 I species/habitat matrix) and niches (the life history narratives) in a categorical and codifiable fashion. (Emphasis species guidelines and special habitat narratives can serve to deepen these descriptions.) A guiding tenet of the division of species into such detailed life history categories, at the level of theoretical generalizations, is that specific life history information can be used to develop predictive capabilities and simulation models, to help assess (i) effects on the wildlife resource from habitat manipulation and (ii) spatia-temporal arrangement of habitats (macro and micro) necessary to optimize a particular fauna, to meet particular goals for wildlife management. The question of whether this habitat-and-niche approach is either adequate or necessary will not be addressed here. The life history approach seeks to describe species in details of their.behavior and their ecological and geographical distribution. This description may be aided, in part, by adopting a multiple-category niche model. As well, distributions may be described by a combination of habitat descriptors {specifically, vegetation types and their seral or structural stages) and political geographic locators. Additionally, political and social categories, such as legal statuses, taxon/species i.d. numbers, and some indication of social concern or desirability, may further describe each species. Another theoretical generalization is that the divisive approach may be based on, and feed back into, habitat management as contrasted against single-species population management. From a multi-species approach, planning scales may widen to encompass as large a land base as necessary. Theorems and Models Following the life history approach, a number of more specific theorems and models may be informally deduced. Species can be grouped according to functional (habitat and/or niche) relations into species groups or guilds. The grouping of species in the model used below is based on a computerized data storage and access system, the Wildlife Habitat Information Matrix Program (WHIMP), of the WHR. WHIMP uses multi-level boolean algebra to allow sorting (delineation of habitat or niche parameters) and sifting (grouping of species having the specified characteristics) through the WHR information base, which is set up to represent various categories of each species' habitat, niche, and other general descriptions (Table 1). Table 1. Species-specific categories of information coded for computer access by the Wildlife Habitat Information Matrix Program. GENERAL DESCRIPTORS Species common name Species scientific name Taxon/species i.d. no. Legal status Abundance, by geographic landbase NICHE DESCRIPTORS Nesting substrate Diet items Residency Foraging substrate Foraging methods Time of diel activity Breeding season, range and peak Territory size, range and mean Breeding home range, range and mean Wintering home range, range and mean Nest height 392 HABITAT DESCRIPTORS Vegetation types {by seral or structural stages) 13 zonal types 5 azonal types Life functions, by levels of use Breeding Feeding Resting Season of use Guilds or groups can be a set of species bracketed by management activities as such activities affect the species' habitats and/or niches. A guild-generating model can make (testable) predictions of species occurrence and changes given a description of a habitat and its manipulations. A guild-based model can generate indicator species based on detailed functional relations and fealties to micro- and macro-habitat elements. Several levels of models may be used in the life history approach: (1) simple storage and sifting access of WHR information for a generalized predictive tool; (2) statistical treatment of particular, sifted information; and (3) higher-level ecologi~ cal or mathematical assessments of within- and between-group parameters, e.g. indices of niche/habitat breadth and overlap, for more site-specific predictions. Further, each species needs to be described in detail (niche, habitat, and general descriptors) in order to effectively combine species management needs, such as by optimizing habitat diversity for particular groups of species. Wildlife management may be thought of, in part, as the descriptions of a range of manipulations in a given space, over time, for particular groups of species, that balance or optimize species' needs. This range of management options to·attain a particular optimum ·for wildlife may then be narrowed down according to the needs of other resources. Other resources may similarly identify the range of options that would still meet· ~their management goals and objectives. The overlap of options among different resources' management is the range of total management options, over time, that will meet needs of most or all resources in a given management area. (This overlap may also be derived through linear programming, n-person games, iterative solutions of effects on land base suitabilities from different resources' management options, graphic multi-resource assessment of mini-max or saddle points, etc. While such multi-resource management and planning goes beyond the domain of the present discussion, the life history approach nonetheless may provide deductively-derived models to fit into this schema.) I· DEFINITION OF "OLD GROWTH" -- A Brief Discussion The term "old grm:vth" literally refers to a mature age class of vegetation, a seral descriptor, but stand age is only one variable of a forest habitat. Because various types of land modification - especially timber harvesting - can cause such a wide spectrum of changes, the specific component or structural descriptors of "old growth" that the wildlife manager is most interested in must be clearly defined. Among the components of "old growth" that may be of importance to wildlife species and that may be affected by land management practices are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. large-sized trees old-aged trees decadence of standing vegetation much dead and down woody material uneven-aged vegetation multi-layered vegetation moderate foliar height diversity mesic microhabitats afforded by high canopy closure. Many components that are associated with old growth can be differentiated and defined according to different wildlife species' needs. Indeed, to arrive at a singular definition of old growth is a dubious goal. What is therefore recommended is to define old growth in terms of any combination of these or other attributes, as 393 '· I~ , I delimited by the needs of species that are to be managed in a particular area. Not all the attributes of old growth as listed above may be met on every site. Managing old growth areas for wildlife therefore may involve knowing the specific requirements of the species to be managed and relating these requirements to the special components outlined above. In this way, old growth can be more efficiently managed on a species-specific basis. "OLD GROWTH" SPECIES -- Meeting Their Needs In light of the model axioms developed above, the following theorems may be outlined that guide the use of a life history approach in regard to management of old growth areas for wildlife. 1) "Old growth" -- a la its components -- may be defined not by a priori definitions and categories, but rather by the environmental (macro- and micro-habitat) needs of the wildlife species that live there. 2) Wildlife species may be identified that use older age classes of forests facultatively and obligately, based on the species' life history patterns that involve macro-habitat components of general seral (age-class) stages of forest stands. 3) Such a facultative or obligate set of species may be further represented by their needs for particular microhabitat components. 4) "Old growth" - using species can be ordinated according to their life history (microhabitat and niche) characteristics to show functional relations. The wildlife habitat relationships information file was queried using WHIMP to extract species that are associated with old growth habitats as defined above. Specifically, the following queries were made. }fucrohabitat Associations The habitat descriptors in the wildlife habitat information file was queried to determine which wildlife species are associated with mature or over-mature stages of coniferous vegetation types on the Six Rivers National Forest in northwestern California. Two classes of associations were defined: Table 2. facultative and obligate (Table 2). Definitions of facultative and obligate associations of wildlife species with mature seral stages of coniferous vegetation types. Seral Stage Use Association Mature Early Facultative Breeding 0 or S and 0 or S Feeding 0 or S and 0 or S or 394 Table 2 (cont'd). Early Mature Association Obligate Breeding 0 or S and M, N, or? Feeding 0 or S and M, N, or? or Use levels: 0 ? = unknown. optional, S suboptional, M = marginal, N no occurrence, Many species (12 amphibians, 16 reptiles, 86 birds, and 42 mammals species) were found to be facultatively associated with mature forests for breeding or feeding. However a key interest for managers lies in those 14 bird and mammal species that were identified as obligate associates. The remainder of this discussion will deal with these less flexible species. Microhabitat Associations and Functional Relations Table 3 presents selected microhabitat and niche characteristics of the 14 obligate old growth species on the Six Rivers National Forest. Based on this table, a similarity matrix (Table 4) was calculated by using S~rensen's (1948) similarity index. Finally, Figure 1 presents a cluster analysis of the obligate old growth species. The clustering methods followed the two-axis, Euclidean distance method in Mueller- Dombois and Ellenberg (1974). I. 395 Table 3. Selected microhabitat and niche characteristics of obligate users of mature forest stands on the Six Rivers National Forest, California. (Information summarized from Marcot 1979). sa ~ 1. Spotted OWl MKC MKC JQ-100 X "large" 300 2. Pilt."atcd MOC MKC 15-70 X 20 100 2-20 ? 10 4. Little Brown Bat MKC n/a X 12 5. :Lort;J-leqged MKC n/a X MKC MKC n/a 7. Red-backai z.blse MKC MKC X X X X X X X X X WooCpecker 3. BrO\'i':l Creeper M M 20? X X X. none X X X X ? none X X X X ? n/a 512,000 ? ? n/a X n/a 5-15 X 24 100 X 2Q-BO X 12 300 X -n/a, X 15 ? ? M)Otis 6. Wolverine 8. t'lhi tc-'headed c KC i'b:x!pecker 9. Goshawk 10. Marten K K K c n/a 12. \"uma Myotis MKC n/a 13. Ialg-eared MKC n/a 11. Vaux 's SWift X "small" 20 "snail" n/a none 12 ? ? ? X X X X X X X X X ? ? ? X X X X X X X X X ~l,iotis 14. Northem Flyinq 2 MK X 12 7-10 f ffiI'll~·i~CD X X X Squirrel l.m ~~ n~ ~ g. ::s rt' Ill ~ -I'll Hlrt' !:i..... '§. rt' ..... • HI~ I I'll ..... 0" ;;m c: Ll ~ ~~ ~B-CI !j•rt' i ro @8" ~rt'l1 tii 0. "S"!=i () ..... rt:J"g I'll g ~ 0 ..... fg I ~ lCD ,~ I ~~ [ mB'cT I'll ~ 5- o.Q a ~c: I'll ~ c:: p:ffi g·~ I ~ ~I'll..... () roi:! ~ 8a ~ro ~~..... ()() l :1' fj ~ ~I aB = use for breeding. bF = use for· feeding. CKuchler vegetation types: M = Mixed Evergreen Forest with Chinquapin or Rhododendron; K = Klamath Montane Forest; C = Coast Range Montaine Forest. (Source: A. W. Kuchler. 1977. A map of the potential natural vegetation of California. 396 ~ ~ §" c: !J) ~ I'll I I Table 4. Similarity (lower left) and diss:imilarity (upper right) matrix of the species characteristics presented in Table 3, as calculated with 5¢rensen 's (1948) s:imilarity imex. a:Ms and oolumns are n\lll'bered acoonli.nq to the species' rumbers in Table 3. 1 2 1 - 2 83 3 45 35 4 67 3 4 5 6 17 55 33 30 33 - 7 44 56 56 53 60 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 33 39 33 67 65 44 42 36 23 - 8 68 45 45 38 44 42 45 68 37 37 44 41 73 47 67 5 53 33 30 26 29 43 18 30 47 47 6 5 t· 47 95 - '. 50 30 26 33 37 38 12 5 70 6 67 64 40 47 50 7 72 77 32 67 70 67 8 67 56 56 70 74 35 48 - 47 9 61 58 59 74 67 13 60 53 - 58 55 53 63 33 65 87 71 - 52 40 44 73 29 56 47 63 53 33 44 67 f. 27 '· 1 .· . . 57 65 65 52 37 85 75 - 0 10 82 57 57 10 67 11 33 32 33 57 62 18 27 43 15 36 12 55 63 27 82 88 43 67 35 25 43 18 13 55 63 53 94 100 43 56 35 so 14 62 53 95 90 33 73 70 71 - . 64 50 30 57 43 44 82 64 60 - 57 36 86 48 70 56 40 78 14 22 - 22 78. ... _ 397 Figure 1. Cluster analysis of old-growth obligate species on the Six Rivers National Forest, nort.hwestem California. Analysis was made based on the EUclidean distance metrod in Mueller-Ik:mbois and Ellenberg (1974), using the similarity matrix data fran Table 4. Numbers on the graph refer to species as numberoo in Table 3. * = bird species; + = mamna1 species. 100. 90 *11 80 ' ... ... ~ - .... , , ~ "" 70 60 8 * *3 50 I +10 40 s+ ' 30 ' ,, I I +4 *9 \ \ \ '• I 20 6 10 ,, *1 *2 +13 +7 I I ~ ... -- - - "' .... 0 10 20 30 +14 \ \ ' '' 40 50 60 398 70 80 90 100 ... What are the implications of this clustering of obligate old growth species based on their microhabitat and niche characteristics? First, the uneven dispersion of the species throughout the ordination plane suggests that some species are more closely related functionally than others. Therefore, by inference a particular management prescription that would provide for some obligate old growth species may not suffice for all such species. Second, four species are distinctly different in life histories than the remaining ten, which occupy a central cluster in the graph. Three of these one-species "clusters" may not be considered in the development of old growth descriptions. These are: wolverine (Gulo gulo), which ranges widely, and of which little is known about its distribution and ecology in Six Rivers National Forest; Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis), which uses buildings, caves, or mines as well as snags, as hi9ernacula or nurseries; and Vaux's swift (Chaetura vauxi), which uses hollow trees that may be found in other than old growth stands. The remaining clusters include spotted owl (Strix occidentalis), goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), and the central cluster of ten species. The large distance between spotted owl and goshawk on the graph suggests different prescriptions for their concomitant management, although managing for one or the other may as well manage for other species in the central cluster. Thus, two clusters of "old growth obligates" fall out, guided by spotted owl and goshawk as focal species. The stand characteristics necessary for meeting these species' needs are as follows: CLUSTER 1 - Multistoried Unevenage Stands - these stands are of a multistoried nature usually of pure conifer or mixed hardwood - conifer vegetative composition. The average DBH of both live and dead (snag) trees of the overstory exceeds 20" with a high degree of decadence including heart rot and natural occurring cavities. The canopy is closed (>60%) helping to create a mesic microhabitat at ground level. Dead and down material is present. Close proximity to riparian areas is essential. Wildlife species associated with this habitat type are: *1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Spotted Owl Pileated Woodpecker Brown Creeper Little Brown Bat Long-legged Myotis Red-backed Mouse Marten Northern Flying Squirrel Long-eared Hyotis *Not in Cluster II, below. Other habitat requirements are: Area Size: To include the territory and/or home range of all species listed requires contiguous habitat >300 acres in size. This may be irregular in shape but long linear strips are unsuitable. Location: The area needs to be tightly adjoining or incorporating perennial streams or other water bodies. 399 ,.. CLUSTER II - Evenage Stands - these stands are of a single storied, park-like, nature usually of pure conifer or conifer/hardwood mix. Trees are greater than 18" DBH. The prime user of such stands, the goshawk, does not require a high degree of decadence or snags for its needs. Therefore, such stands may better be termed as an evenage mature forest. However, if such stands are to be used by other "old growth" obligate species decadence and snag requirements must be met. Microhabitats are usually drier but mesic situations are optimal. Crown closure is >60%. Close proximity to riparian areas is essential. Wildlife species associated with this habitat are: *1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Goshawk Pileated Woodpecker Brown Creeper Little Brown Bat Long-legged Myotis Red-backed Mouse (?) Marten Long-eared Myotis Northern Flying Squirrel *Not in Cluster I, above. The more specific habitat requirements are: Area Size: To include the territory and/or home range of all species listed requires contiguous habitat >100 acres in size. As with Cluster I, this may be irregular in shape but long linear strips are unsuitable. Location: Loosely adjoining or incorporating perennial streams or other water bodies. In addition to these two clusters, a third might be established to account for more open canopy users such as the white-headed woodpecker. It was not considered a major management concern in this discussion. DISCUSSION The above clustering is based on gross, nominal data, and such assessment should be considered with caution. Functional relationships between species inferred from such a model could vary with more refined information on species' microhabitats and niches. Other ecological factors not presently included in this approach may limit the degree of both general and site-specific predictability that resultant models may offer. These factors include: (1) "diversity" of the habitat, including juxtaposition and configuration of different habitat patches (Marcot 1979); (2) species-area and habitat "island" effects (Whitcomb 1977, MacClintock et al. 1977, Johnson 1975, Diamond et al. 1976, Simberloff 1976, and others); (3) interspecific interactions, especially competition and predation; (4) density-independent effects such as weather, which may greatly affect wintering bird populations (Anderson and Ohmart 1976, Fretwell 1972); (5) edge effects (Thomas et al. 1979); and (6) the timing of habitat perturbations. 400 In general, a multi-species model and information base, using a life history and habitat approach, must be usablf> by field personnel such as biological technicians and by resource planners, who may or may not have greater training in computerese and ecological theory. The system- to be used in management on a project level (i.e., on a day-by-day level) - must approach a cookbook formula, or at least present access to information on a fundamentally simple level, or else it will not be used. In conclusion, a life history approach utilizing the model axioms developed above may be useful for assessing habitat conditions on a multiple species basis. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, B. W. and R. D. Ohmart. 1976. A vegetation management study for the enhancement of wildlife along the lower Colorado River. Ann. Rept. Bur. of Reel. Lower Colorado Region. Contract No. 7-07-30-V0009. Diamond, J. M., J. Terborgh, R. F. Whitcomb, J. F. Lynch, P. A. Opler, C. S. Robbins, D. S. Simberloff, and L. G. Abele. 1976. Island biogeography and conservation: strategy and limitations. Science 193:1027-1032. Fretwell, S. D. 1972. Populations in a seasonal environment. N.J. 217 p. Johnson, N. 1977. Controls of number Evolution 29:545-567. ~f Princeton Univ. 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