Prairie View A&M University Student Academic Success Center Career Cruising Assessment Everyone has a career dream. At Career Cruising, their mission is to inform those dreams to help bring them to life, by using their career exploration tools to find out real-world career information. This site will help you learn more about yourself and careers that suit your interest. Search for careers and find out what they are really like. 1. Log into a computer in the lab and go to 2. Login with username : pvamu password: 77446 3. Click on the Login to My Plan button at the top of the page and “Create a new account”. Your username:________________ Password:_________________ 4. Click on Assessments and choose Learning Styles Inventory then click “Start Now” 5. Click on Assessments and choose Matchmaker and My Skills and take the assessment. 6. Click on Careers and choose “Start Career Selector”. Select the subjects that most interest you. Review the matches and choose “Save to My Plan”. 7. Write down your top (5) CAREERS from the Matchmaker & My Skills assessment here: 1. _______________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4.__________________________ 5. _______________________________ Is your career choice included in your career match? If not, list the top 5 careers you are interested in here: 1. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 5. ____________________________ 2. _______________________ 4. ________________________ CONGRATULATIONS YOU’RE DONE!!! When all assessments are completed attach them to this form then wait for further instructions.