Friendship Action Group Responsible for Implementation Timeline Progress 1 Provide annual training program for recruitment chairs/committees, open for all members of the FSL community to participate. UCO, GOV U, I Underway and ongoing: a recruitment training was offered to members prior to the start of formal recruitment. Additionally, in-depth training was provided to the recruitment counselors, and open forums for the sororities to educate and prepare members for the new system. 2 Increase awareness and use of campus offices and support through increased participation in programming and educational efforts. GOV NU, I We have been promoting the use of various offices and campus programs in our meetings with Presidents/Councils/Chairs/etc. We have also added a few links related to org operations on our website. This is an area we need to continue to expand, and provide further resources. 3 Develop a marketing strategy for the FSL Office and community, focusing on the community’s four stated pillars. UCO, GOV, ORG NU, I FSL office now runs the FSL Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Additionally, we have developed social media policy and separate handles for IFC and Panhel. While presence has grown, there is still a need for an overarching strategy. 4 Create a quarterly report/newsletter that can be shared with FSL alumni members to better improve awareness and continued involvement with UW-L and our community. UCO, ORG NU, NI Two newsletters have been developed and sent out. We have partnered with the Alumni Association for this connection and they send it out to roughly 1600 people each time. We have also put the newsletters on our website, to help inform and engage alumni. Additionally, we have been sending out regular emails to advisers so they are aware of the big things happening not only in our community, but on campus. We hope that it will help them encourage their members to be engaged on campus. 5 Coordinate efforts between FSL and the Cleary Alumni Center to better track and record alumni members of our community. UCO, ORG NU, NI We have been establishing our relationship with the Alumni Association. However, we aim to find a better, effective way to share and track alumni information. 6 Create a standard expectation of support and process for inter/national organizations looking to colonize at UW-La Crosse. UCO U, I The NPC has a very established outline and process for bringing new groups to campus. The IFC established an expansion policy outlining expectations for new groups, the process, and information needed. This item, while we will continue to review and update, is completed. Leadership Development and Involvement Action 1 2 3 4 Values based programming will be essential. This includes programs like the NIC’s IMPACT retreat and hosting a leadership conference for all members of the FSL community focusing on leadership development, organization development, and values congruence. Host a yearly transition training for governing councils. Offer additional training and support for FSL organizations. Create a credit-bearing leadership course with a focus towards the FSL community. The community will participate in annual diversity training and programming to improve cultural competence and understanding. Additionally, they will encourage participation in diversity leadership training through programs like the OMSS Leadership Retreat and White Privilege Conference. Group Responsible for Implementation UCO, GOV, ORG UCO Date of Completion U, I U, I UCO NU, I GOV, UCO U, I Progress The budget for an IMPACT retreat was again cut from the budget. We created the WiGreek Conference, a statewide FSL leadership conference to help provide a valuable experience to our members. The inaugural program brought over 130 student leaders from nine campuses and 25 different orgs to UW-L to learn and connect. There were a number of FSL members who participated in LeaderShape again this year. We continue to encourage and promote participation in events on campus, particularly those connected to the values of our community. Our office worked with the governing boards to provide a transition training for new officers to prepare them for their new roles. The focus was helping them understand their roles as officers on a governance board, best practice principles for their individual positions, and effective communication. A training was also offered this year to the councils through support provided to their presidents. We would like our office to be more hands on in future programs. While we provided programming and support, the implementation was left to the councils, and things did not unfold as planned. We aim to be collaborative but want to ensure an impactful program. No progress has been made on this item yet. Steps will include outlining the course creation process, selecting suitable textbooks, and developing initial curriculum. The governing councils placed a requirement in their bylaws to host a diversity/social justice program each year. Our community participated in an ALLY training, offered by the Pride Center. We also encouraged members to participate in the diversity open forums hosted in Spring 2015. Additionally, we did have members participate in the White Privilege Conference. Our community also hosted a program on mental health, focusing on healthy behaviors, and supporting others in need. Service Action Group Responsible for Implementation Date of Completion Progress 1 The opportunity to build community through a shared service experience is of paramount importance. The development of an annual FSL community service trip should be developed. UCO, GOV U, I A service trip was planned to New Orleans for J Term 2015. However, the finances were not able to support the trip. We are revisiting our options and looking for other avenues to create service opportunities for our students. 2 To strengthen the understanding of the importance of local service and commitment to the La Crosse community, the FSL Community will identify an Annual Service Event that allows the community to work together on a shared project. GOV, ORG U, I Conversations have been occurring with Presidents and the Councils. This concept needs to be flushed out in greater detail, as they have not identified a shared project at this time. 3 To better understand the differences and importance of service and philanthropy, an annual training will be help for service and philanthropic chairs and committee members. UCO U, I We are convening this group, in an effort to present and reframe the role of service and philanthropy in their organizations and in our community. 4 The role of service and philanthropy will take a more prominent role in the marketing and PR of the FSL Community and organizations. Develop overarching goals regarding service and philanthropic work for the FSL community. UCO, GOV NU, I Our FSL Twitter has highlighted more service and philanthropic efforts. A number of chapters have as well, but it has primarily been relegated to their own events. We need to follow up to work to expand these efforts beyond the chapter walls. GOV, UCO NU, I This conversation should be a point of conversation for the councils, as they can research current levels of service and philanthropy, and aim for appropriate stretch goals. 5 Academic Excellence Action Group Responsible for Implementation Date of Completion Progress 1 Provide stronger training and support to the Order of Omega to expand their presence and awareness in the community. UCO NU, I The Order of Omega launched a new leadership program for the Fall 2014, encompassing the pillars of our UW-L FSL community. They received a programming grant from the national Order of Omega, and are being considered for a national award. 2 Continue to encourage and support the community to achieve GPA’s above the campus averages. ORG, GOV NU, I We continue to encourage and empower our members to achieve academically. The community continues to have higher academic results than the general campus. However, we are working to ensure that continues and our chapters improve. 3 Encourage organizations to better understand and implement their inter/national academic plans and use available resources on campus. ORG, UCO U, I During our meetings with Presidents, we have been stressing the update and implementation of stronger academic plans. Many organizations have made updates, with two organizations completing significant overhauls. We have stressed the importance of utilizing campus resources, and finding methods beyond study hours for a more well-rounded, impactful program. 4 Develop an annual accreditation and assessment process for the FSL community, tied to the pillars of the community. Additionally, the results of this process will be tied to annual community awards. UCO, GOV U, I Our focus is to begin on assessment, then move towards an accreditation process. In addition to our programmatic assessments, we have begun to collect a wider span of information, including GPA information, college enrollment breakdown, and financial impact on members. Our accreditation aim is to collect information that will not only help us gauge the impact of involvement of involvement, but aid our members in the completion of their own year-end reporting. 5 The FSL office of will undergo an outside CAS review within the next two years. UCO NU, I University Centers is currently undergoing a strategic planning process. Our FSL Office goal is to begin to identify options for an external review, and have the process begin no later than next year.