Approved by the Body Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Faculty Senate Minutes AAMU Faculty Senate Meeting – 22 August 2013 The meeting was called to order at approximately 12:35 p.m. with Dr. Jeanette Jones, president, presiding. Senators present: Dr. Jeanette Jones, Dr. William Stone, Dr. Josh Herring, Dr. Jacob Oluwoye, Dr. Maurice Dawson, Dr. Nareatha Studdard, Ms. Esther Phillips-Ross, Dr. Mira Kruja, Dr. Lynne Edmondson, Dr. Delores Price, Dr. Susan Brown, Dr. Thelma Townsend, Dr. Mostafa Dokhanian, Dr. Kamela Bhat, Ms. Rhonda Lang, Mr. Jay Gangasani Alternate senators present: Dr. Andrea Tillman Hawkins, Dr. Helen Grabe, Ms. Corine Williams Guest: Ms. LaBrenderica Hughes, Benefits Manager Office of Human Resources and others Business Dr. Jones gave the floor to Ms. La Brenderica Hughes, Benefits Manager Office of Human Resources, as guest presenter. After distributing hardcopy information about insurance companies Blue Cross and Blue Shield and PEEHIP, Ms. Hughes made a presentation regarding all aspects of each. After the presentation, the question and answer session began. Action Items The senate engaged in a lengthy question and answer session concerning a proposal to relinquish the current insurance carrier Blue Cross and Blue Shield and to adopt PEEHIP as the insurance of choice at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University. After much deliberation and coming to agreement, the senate asked that a resolution be written to validate Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Faculty Senate’s support of PEEHIP and, further, that President Jones write a letter encouraging members of the faculty to vote whether or not they agreed with the senate’s preference. The PEEHIP plan was passed by majority vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Adjournment: Motion: Dr. Thelma Townsend; seconded: Ms. Esther Phillips-Ross Thelma Townsend, Secretary and Recorder