ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 6 No 3 S7 June 2015 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Effective Management of Property of Enterprises and Organizations of Agro-Industrial Complex Anatoly A. Smirnov Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia Email: Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p193 Abstract In today's economic system, taking into account changing legislation and regulatory acts of great importance is given to the management of property objects, as of their affiliation to both legal and natural persons depends largely on their effectiveness and efficiency in general, as the subjects of the federation and at the state level. Therefore, timely analysis of facilities management property will coordinate and make timely adjustments to the use of all forms of ownership. Keywords: property, facilities management, analysis, state, region, legal and regulatory framework, to coordinate. 1. Introduction Transition from planned system of distribution of resources to market was the first step in a chain of social and economic transformations in the Russian Federation. Transformation of the relations of property of the enterprises and agrarian and industrial complexes organizations is realized on the basis of privatization. It was one of the main and bright processes in the Russian economy and defined transition of the state objects to private property that in essential degree affected regions. 2. Results and Discussions In relation to regions it is necessary to note that the Federal program of privatization, order and form of its carrying out were developed by the central authorities of federal level without features and interests of regions therefore there were disagreements which slowed down effective use of property, being at the enterprises and of the agrarian and industrial complexes of the republic. The analysis of structure of different forms of property in Mari El Republic is provided in table 1. Table 1 - Number of the enterprises and organizations for forms of property Form of property Sum total Including all forms of property: State: Municipal: Private: Property of the public and religious organizations (associations): Other forms of property, including mixed Russian, foreign, joint Russian and foreign property: Result in percents: Sum total, % Including all forms of property: State: Municipal: Private: Property of the public and religious organizations (associations): Other forms of property, including mixed Russian, foreign, joint Russian and foreign property: *Statistical year-book "Mari El Republic. 2013" 193 Period, year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 14785 15389 15724 15497 15417 748 1555 10459 1607 416 773 1493 11422 1287 414 746 1441 12013 1164 360 718 1352 12172 902 353 670 1312 12300 811 324 100 100 100 100 100 5,1 10,5 70,7 10,9 2,8 5,0 9,7 74,2 8,4 2,7 4,7 9,2 76,4 7,4 2,3 4,6 8,7 78,6 5,8 2,3 4,4 8,5 79,8 5,3 2,0 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Vol 6 No 3 S7 June 2015 Thus, in Mari El Republic in the beginning of 2010 14785 enterprises and the organizations were registered, 15,6% (2303) of them fell to the share of the state, including the municipal enterprises. During the period from 2010 to 2014 the number of enterprises in the state and municipal property fluctuated round average value at the level of 2161 units. The considerable increase of number of the enterprises and organizations is observed only in structure of private form of property in 2010 – 10459 and in 2014 – 12300 enterprises, the enterprises of agro-industrial complex were one of three of them. Table 2 - Number of the privatized property complexes of the state and municipal unitary enterprises in Mari El Republic. Activities State unitary enterprises Stocks of open joint stock companies Other state property Result of privatization of the state property Number 3 1 19 23 2012 year 2013 year 2014 year Price of the transaction, Price of the transaction, Price of the transaction, Number Number thousand, rubles. thousand, rubles. thousand, rubles. 4583 4 44659,4 2 1734 3241,4 4 22400,3 31260,2 75 50579,5 20 74644,7 39084,6 83 117639,2 22 76378,4 Analyzing indicators of table 2 , it is possible to tell that there was an increase in privatization of property since 2012-2014 for 200,98%, in 2014 the privatization number decreased by 64,92%, it means that load of the budget increased, the income and receipt of funds in the state treasury of Mari El Republic decreased. This is consequence of decrease in number of large objects of sale, and decrease in consumer demand for them. The facts are only about industrial facilities and the enterprises of agro-industrial complex. Certainly, data about number of the enterprises doesn't characterize fully scales of any sector that is caused by differentiation of the organizations for the size, volume of the made production and other indicators. Before analyzing structure of property in the region, it is obviously necessary to formulate some problems in structure of property in Russian Federation. So, the most important problem is the problem of opacity of the relations of property of the agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises, causing possibility of activity of managers and owners to the detriment of interests of society. Besides, discrepancy of hierarchy of property and management, especially in public sector, leads to weakening of responsibility of owners and managers as the first one often has no opportunity to influence the course of management, and the last one as it was already noted, works more often in their interests. It is necessary to point on deposition of the actual property rights as the part of controlling functions passes to key contractors of an economic entity. The analysis of property of the agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises for natural material structure (the earth, subsoil, property, intangible assets) doesn't allow to characterize distribution of property between subjects and efficiency of its realization because of the incomparability caused by natural and material structure and also because of lack of reliable data about structure and quantity of property on material structure. In the course of the analysis the property can be classified by forms, it can be integrated as public and private, and also it can be detailed as federal property, subjects of federation, municipal, private, mixed, foreign and joint. The branch section of the analysis of property of the agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises allows to allocate the centers of its concentration, degree of concentration and nature of distribution for branches of plant growing and animal husbandry, including on forms of property. To the last, deserving attention, the plane of the analysis of property is territorial accessory, and Mari El Republic is the agricultural region. The most available classification of property by this criterion is the operating administrative-territorial division of the republic. This cut of the analysis of property can be combined with any other for purpose of increase in extent of specification. Further, proceeding from scientific expediency and existence of statistical information, the analysis of property will be applied in a section of forms, branches and territorial accessory. In this regard it is necessary to consider distribution of fixed assets, industrial output and investments into the main capital in breakdown on forms of ownership. 194 ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 6 No 3 S7 June 2015 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Table 3 - Existence of fixed assets in Mari El Republic in property forms on the end of the year on overall registration cost. Period, year 2014 year. to 2010 years., +/2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 State, million rubles. 22158,11 23190 20432,3 24750 21134,88 -1023,23 Municipal, million rubles. 11931,29 13527,5 12259,38 11250 10567,44 -1363,85 In total public sector, million rubles. 34089,4 36717,5 32691,68 36000 31702,32 -2387,08 Private, million rubles. 83519,03 100490 126680,3 141750 169079 85560,01 Mixed Russian, million rubles. 32384,93 28987,5 26561,99 27000 34344,18 1959,25 Joint Russian and foreign, million rubles. 20453,64 21257,5 18389,07 22500 29060,46 8606,82 In total fixed assets 170447 202884 204323 225000 264186 *Data are obtained on the basis of the Statistical register of Rosstat and the statistical reporting Forms of property Thus, in 2014 the share of public sector was 12% in the part of fixed business assets that is continuation of the tendency to decrease which began in 2010. Considerable changes concerned the private sector in the positive direction from 2010 on 2014year, where the main share is made by inhabitants of rural areas, also we can see increase in the main business assets by 15%, by 85560,01 million rubles. Table 4 - Structure of industrial outputs in Mari El Republic on forms of property. Period, year 2014 year. to 2010 years., +/2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 State,% 14,8 14,1 13,0 13,3 10,2 -4,6 Municipal,% 2,4 2,4 2,2 1,9 1,6 0,8 In total public sector,% 17,2 16,5 15,2 15,2 11,8 -5,4 Private,% 71,5 77,0 80,7 80,8 83,1 +11,6 Mixed Russian, % 8,6 4,0 2,2 1,9 2,9 -5,7 Joint Russian and foreign,% 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,6 0,8 0 *Data are obtained on the basis of the Statistical register of Rosstat and statistical reporting. Forms of property Analyzing these tables 4 it is visible that in 2010-2014 there is a tendency of increase in extent of production in private sector, mainly it is production of agricultural products that fact tell us about increase in share of private enterprises, at simultaneous reduction of state enterprises. Thus, in 2014 state sector of economy was 11,8%, and in 2010 year it was 17,2%. Further, it is expedient to consider the investments into fixed capital on forms of property presented in table 5. Table 5 - Structure of investments into fixed capital in property forms (as a percentage to a result) Investments into fixed capital - in totall Forms of property: Russian - state - federal - republican - municipal - public organizations - private - mixed Russian - consumer cooperation - Foreign - Joint Russian and foreign 2010 year 2011 year 2012 year 2013 year 2014 year 100 95,3 20,7 4,9 15,8 4,3 0,2 61,7 8,2 0,2 0,2 4,5 100 94,8 16,7 4,2 12,4 4,7 0,3 65,2 7,8 0,1 0,1 5,1 100 97,4 13,2 4,3 8,9 5,6 0,2 71,9 6,4 0,1 0,1 2,5 100 97,6 13,3 2,7 10,5 3,1 0,0 72,6 8,5 0,1 0,0 2,4 100 99,1 18,9 4,4 14,5 3,1 0,0 69,5 7,5 0,1 0,4 0,5 Thus, analyzing table 5, it is possible to make a conclusion that there is an increase in investments by 7,8% in sector of a private property during the period from 2010 to 2014, it is generally in Yola agro holding and Akashevskaya poultry farm. 195 ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Vol 6 No 3 S7 June 2015 Considering structure of investments into fixed capital, it is possible to state insignificant reduction of participation of public sector and in this sphere. If in 2010 20,7% of investments fell to the share of public sector into fixed capital in Mari El Republic, in 2014 this indicator was 18,9%. Also, during this period the share of investments into fixed capital of the enterprises in republican and municipal property significantly decreased and thus in 2014 it was – 14,5, 3,1 – respectively. Thus, We can make conclusion that the public sector of economy of the region is rather small and keeps a tendency to reduction. However last time there are a lot of opinions that process of transformation of the relations of property will turn towards reprivatization and centralization in the near future. Today in the region there is difficult organized structure of property of the enterprises and the organizations of agro-industrial complex, however, the reliable assessment of a role and scales of various forms of ownership is complicated by absence of unity in views on the matter. Besides, theory didn't resolve an issue of optimum structure of property of agrarian and industrial complex in the region, as well as, of existence of such structure therefore the optimum structure of property in the region represents rather debatable category. In scientific literature there is still no unambiguous definition of optimum structure of property, moreover there is also no unity in views concerning the parameter of optimization and criteria of its optimality. In this regard it is represented necessary to outline a circle of the general options of parameter of optimality of structure of property of the enterprises and agrarian and industrial complexes organizations. The internal condition of an optimality of structure of property consists in formation of the most rational organization of economic activity of the enterprises of agroindustrial complex. Thus, We can understand the conditions of market economy as a structure which provides full realization of the functions assigned on production, processing and realization of agricultural production, ensuring food security, performance of social functions as optimum structure of property of the enterprises and the agrarian and industrial complexes organizations and also promotes satisfaction of requirements of society, effective use of production resources, implementation of expanded reproduction, introduction of innovations and strengthening of economic security of the enterprises of agro-industrial complex. The optimum structure of property of the enterprises and the organizations of agro-industrial complex can be considered in several planes: macroeconomic, branch, territorial. So, in a macroeconomic section the optimum structure of property can be defined on the basis of the following signs: - Possibility of full satisfaction of rational needs of society for foodstuff; - Achievement of equilibrium level of food and solvent demand of the population; - ensuring reproduction of means of production of agriculture. - Industry characteristic of optimum structure of property of agrarian and industrial complex - it is characterized by the following criteria: - active development of branches - agrarian and industrial complex of points of growth and the knowledgeintensive branches in plant growing and animal husbandry; - Ensuring inter industry proportionality and balance. The optimum structure of property of agrarian and industrial complex in a territorial section can be characterized by the following criteria: - Balance of structure and scales in regional and interregional solvent demand; - Satisfaction of needs of the region for foodstuff; - The possibility of realization of superfluous made goods of agriculture outside the region. Indicators of optimum structure of property of the enterprises and agrarian and industrial complexes organizations have to integrate the considered criteria and give the chance of a quantitative assessment of changes of structure. Definitely, the optimum structure of property of agrarian and industrial complex depends on specific historical and social and economic conditions, and also on a level of development of productive forces. Nevertheless, at the level of theoretical assumptions it is possible to formulate the following conclusions of rather optimum structure of property of the enterprises and agrarian and industrial complexes organizations in the region: - in the conditions of the monopolistic competition it is possible to consider full preservation of property of the agrarian and industrial complexes organizations as optimum option; - the most rational partial privatization of property of agrarian and industrial complex is represented at an oligopoly; - in the conditions of the competition (imperfect, perfect) prevalence of a private property is represented as more optimum. 196 ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Vol 6 No 3 S7 June 2015 3. Conclusions Multiple layers and complexity of the category "property" cause variety of forms of its existence. Formation and fixing of these or those forms of ownership of agrarian and industrial complex give a rise to processes of formation of the institutional environment allowing fully realize the economic mechanism which is again created on this basis. Thus, the new system of the economic relations is formed and it is regulated by a number of objective economic laws. However separately taken form of ownership doesn't open features of functioning of property as categories, and in this regard we should talk about realization of the relations of property, as final stage of its formation. Modern conditions of managing at the enterprises and the agrarian and industrial complexes organizations undermine its (property) value as determinants of public hierarchy, In these conditions new proportions of optimum combination of personal and social interests, individualism and a collectivism are formed and, as a result, the dichotomy of private and personal property is born. Thus, each form of ownership carries out a certain function which quality of performance reflects effective management of the enterprises and organizations of agro-industrial complex. In expansion of relations of property of agrarian and industrial complex of the republic in various forms there is not existence of form of ownership, and real possibility of participation of the owner in management and distribution of the created cost, increase of production of qualitative food production became defining. References The Russian Constitution: adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 / Rossiyskaya Gazeta (1993). 237. 48. The Constitution of the Republic of Mari El adopted by the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Mari El June 24, 1995. Government of the Republic of Mari El on March 17, 2008 ʋ 62 "On approval of the accounting and management of the state property registry of the Republic of Mari El ." [Onlint] Available:; base = RLAW206; n = 29513. 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