University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
MINUTES of the meeting of Tuesday, October 29, 2013
PRESENT: Scott Cooper, Nick Bakken, Huiya Yan, John Nunley, Josh Hursey, Walter Elder, Gretchen
Gerrish (chair), Steve McDougal
The meeting was called to order by the chair at 11:03AM in Cartwright Center Room 257.
The minutes of the meetings of August 28, 2013 and of September 10, 2013 were approved as
presented on a voice vote.
Evaluating Proposals
The rubric and the points system are for the Committee’s convenience, as decided by previous
committees. Their use is up to the members in their reviews and evaluations of the research proposals.
The limits of 1-10 points per proposal and 100 total points will require some ranking of proposals at this
early date.
Distinction noted between “Notes” (which are for our use and will not become part of any record) and
“Comments” (which will be returned to students, especially those who do not gain funding). Scores will
not be shared with students.
The “cover sheet” contains important information: the abstract (which is not always included in a
proposal’s narrative), anticipated graduation date of applicant, a proposed budget for the research, and
an indication of whether the research proposed is part of a student abroad program, and if so, how the
research projects is distinguishable from the general requirements of the program: how distinct is the
research vis-à-vis the general requirements of the study abroad program?
General discussion of: the rankings that will derive from individuals’ points scoring; the problems of
evaluating something outside one’s discipline; the distinctions between “purpose”, “objectives”,
“outcomes” and “dissemination” in evaluating proposals; how the scoring rubric will work so long as
there is internal consistency on one’ judgments.
On Budgets – we can make judgments about appropriate items and amounts, although there are
limitations under University rules. But, it is appropriate to make a judgments about the size of the
stipend request and whether it seems reasonable or is inflated.
On the problems of data definition and of data analysis plane.
NEXT UP: - Final Project Scores to Scott by 12Noon, Monday, November 11, 2013. These details will be
for the long meeting of the Committee at 5:30PM, Tuesday, May 12, 2013.
Meeting adjourned at 11:53PM
Respectfully submitted.
Steve McDougal