Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes March 11, 2014 Members present: M. Allen, Frye, Moeller, Ritterling, Terpstra, Van Liere Excused: R. Allen, Baggett, Not present: Gendreau Consultants present: Bakkum, Dittman, Keller, Knudson, Rahn Consultants excused: Guests: Kimberly Vogt, Michelle Stertz, Amanda De Cora (guest student), Cecelia Manrique, Eric Kraemer, Sharon Scherwitz I. Approval of February 25, 2014, minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes. II. Second Readings: A. Sociology and Archeology 1. ANT 312 (previously proposed as ANT 358) – new course; title “People and Cultures of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union;” 3 credits; lecture; effective Fall 2014. Postponed to next meeting. III. First Readings: A. Sociology and Archeology 1. SOC 350 – course revision; course component and description changes; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. B. Health Education and Health Promotion 1. HED 475 – new course; title “Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2014. Withdrawn. C. Political Science 1. POL 250 – course revision; title change from “Applied Practical Governance” to “Leadership and Engagement;” course description change; effective Fall 2014. 2. POL 342 – course revision; title change from “Ethnic Politics in Contemporary America” to “Identity Politics;” course description change; effective Fall 2014. 3. POL 346 – course revision; number change, was POL 246; effective Fall 2014. 4. POL 446 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 5. Political Science major – program change; course elective change; description change; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. D. Philosophy 1. Philosophy 200/300/400 courses - course revisions; prerequisite changes; effective Spring 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. E. Art 1. ART 217 – new course; title “Painting for Non-Majors;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2014. 2. ART 323 – new course; title “Intermediate Blacksmithing;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. 3. ART 223 – course revision; prerequisite change; repeatable for credit change; effective Fall 2014. Held for second reading in regards to repeatable change. IV. Consent Item: None V. Informational Item: None VI. Old Business: 2013-2014 Charges 1. Summary form to accompany large numbers of course changes VII. New Business: None VIII. Future Business: None Meeting adjourned: 4:15 pm.