Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes April 29, 2014 I.

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
April 29, 2014
Members present: M. Allen, R. Allen, Baggett, Frye, Gendreau, Moeller, Ritterling, Terpstra, Van Liere
Consultants present: Bakkum, Dittman, Herling, Keller, Knudson, Rahn
Consultants excused:
Guests: Michelle Stertz, Megan Lister, R. Daniel Duquette, Carol Angell
Approval of April 22, 2014, minutes.
M/S/P to approve minutes.
Second Reading:
A. Health Education and Health Promotion
1. School Health Education Minor for EC-MC and MC-EA Certifications – new
program; 31 credits; teacher certification program; effective Spring 2014.
2. SHE 410/510 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve both on second reading. School Health Education Minor with EC-MC and MC-EA
Certifications will be changed to School Health Education Minor for Elementary-Middle Level
3. SHE 492 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014.
Proposal pulled.
First Readings:
A. English
1. English Education Major (EA-A certification – program revision; electives change;
effective Fall 2014.
2. English Professional Writing Minor – program change; required course change;
effective Fall 2014.
3. ENG 314 – new course; title “Grant Writing;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2014.
4. ENG 330 – course revision; title change from “The English Language” to “History of
the English Language;” course description and prerequisite changes; effective Fall
5. ENG 331 – course revision; number change from 432/532 to 331; course description
and prerequisite changes; effective Fall 2014.
6. ENG 332 – course revision; title change deleting “Analysis of Language” and
keeping “Modern English Grammars;” course description and prerequisite changes;
effective Fall 2014.
7. ENG 334 – course revision; course component, description and prerequisite changes;
effective Fall 2014.
8. ENG 338 – course revision; title change from “Comparative Analysis of Styles” to
“Linguistics and Literature;” course description change; effective Fall 2014.
9. ENG 452 – new course; title “Professional Writing Practicum;” 3 credits; effective
Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
B. International Studies
1. International Studies Minor with African Emphasis – new program; 24 credits;
creating African Emphasis; effective Fall 2014.
Not presented. Held until first meeting of next year.
C. Educational Studies
1. Department of Educational Studies Admission requirements – policy change; adding
writing requirement; effective Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
D. Consent Items:
1. Mathematics
i. Mathematics Major with Applied Emphasis – program change; adding
substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. (Pending
receipt of LX form)
ii. Mathematics Education Minor (EA-A) – program change; adding
substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. (Pending
receipt of LX form)
iii. MTH 356 - new course; title “Curriculum and Assessment in Math and
Science;” 2 credits; cross-listing with BIO/PHY/CHM; effective Fall 2014.
(Pending receipt of LX form)
No receipt of LX forms. Hold items until first meeting of next year.
2. Biology/Nutrition
NUT 400 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014.
NUT 479 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014.
Consent item heard.
E. Informational Item: None
F. Old Business: None
G. New Business: None
H. Future Business: None
Meeting adjourned: 4:15 pm.