Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes April 14, 2015 Members present: Allen, De Cora, Frye, Gendreau, Harrington, Moeller, Nelson, Ritterling, Van Liere Absent: Carey, Giddings, Houselog Excused: Consultants present: Keller, Knudson, Rahn, Vianden Guests: Joe Anderson, Kathryn Moran, Tim Gongaware, Carol Miller, Nick Bakken, John Grider, Terry Lilly, Jodi Vandenberg-Daves, Betsy Morgan, Bianca Basten, Linda Dickmeyer, Michelle Sturm NOTE: Proposals with links are approved through the new Curriculum Inventory Management system (CIM). All faculty and staff have access to CIM through the Records and Registration page, www.uwlax.edu/records/curriculum-resources. Login using UWL username and password. Firefox/Mozilla is the preferred browser for CIM. Using another browser may force you to login to CIM multiple times. Proposals without links are approved through paper format. After this semester, UCC will no longer accept LX forms. All curriculum change will be done through CIM. I. Approval of March 24, 2015 minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes. II. First Readings: A. Theatre 1. THA 270 – course revision; repeatable for credit change; change 1 credit to 1-2 credits; effective Spring 2015. 2. THA 271– course revision; repeatable for credit change; change 1 credit to 1-2 credits; effective Spring 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading. B. Sociology 1. Criminal Justice minor – program revision; elective courses added; effective Spring 2015. 2. SOC 212 – course revision; course description change; effective Summer 2015. 3. SOC 311 – course revision; course description and prerequisite changes; effective Summer 2015. 4. SOC 401 – new course; title “Sociology of Violence;” 3 credits; effective Spring 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading with changes. C. History 1. World History major – title change; changes to required course categories; effective Spring 2015. 2. World History minor – title change; changes to required course categories; effective Spring 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading with changes. D. Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies 1. WGS 308 – new course; title “Gender, Justice, and Film;” 3 credits; effective Spring 2015. 2. WGS 310 – course deletion; title “Masculinity, Femininity and Violence;” effective Summer 2015. 3. WGS 321 – new course; title “Gendered Violence Prevention;” 3 credits; effective Spring 2015. 4. WGS 330 – course revision; prerequisite change; removing slash status; effective Spring 2015. 5. WGS 333 – new course; title “The Gendered Body in History and Today;” 3 credits; effective Spring 2015. 6. WGS 376 – course deletion; title “History of Childhood in the United States;” cross-listed with HIS 376 which is not being deleted, Summer 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading with changes. E. Political Science and Public Administration 1. Political Science major – program revision; adding course into elective category; effective Summer 2015. 2. Political Science and/or Public Administration Honors Program – program revision; restructured requirements in program; effective Summer 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading. F. Psychology 1. Psychology major – program revision; revisions and additions to categories; credit increase; effective Summer 2015. 2. Gerontology emphasis – program revision; additions to supporting courses; effective Summer 2015. 3. PSY 285 – course revision; title change; effective Summer 2015. 4. PSY 316 – new course; title “Child Abuse and Neglect;” 1-3 credits; effective Summer 2015. 5. PSY 404 – course revision; title change; effective Summer 2015. 6. PSY 430 – course revision; title change; effective Spring 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading. Request to make psychology major change retroactive to Summer 2014 was denied. G. Communication Studies 1. Admission to Communication Studies Program – program revision; changing grade required for admission; effective Summer 2015. 2. Communication Studies Major with Advocacy and Communication Criticism – program revision; adding option to required courses; effective Summer 2105. 3. Communication Studies Minor with Advocacy and Communication Criticism – program revision; adding option to required courses; effective Summer 2105. 4. Advocacy and Communication Criticism Emphasis – program revision; removing deleted course from category; effective Summer 2015. 5. Interpersonal Communication Emphasis – program revision; removing deleted course from category; effective Spring 2015. 6. Organizational and Professional Communication Emphasis – program revision; removing deleted course from category; effective Spring 2015. 7. Communication Studies minor with Sports Broadcasting – program revision; removing deleted course from electives; effective Spring 2015. 8. CST 301 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2015. 9. CST 480 – course deletion; title “Broadcast Media and Modern Society;” effective Spring 2015. 10. CST 498 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2015. 11. CST 499 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading with changes. I. Consent Item: None II. Informational Items: A. EDS 203: The Records office is updating the prerequisites and programs on the attached document. EDS 303 was updated to EDS 203 or is being deleted. See attachment A. B. BIO 100: The Records office is updating the prerequisites and programs on the attached document. BIO 100 is either replacing BIO 103 or the BIO 103 requirement is being removed. See attachment B. III. Old Business: A. Retroactive credit and credit by exam discussion. B. Procedure - Records and Registration requests clarification on what types of changes the committee would like to see and what can be changed without UCC approval (e.g. the old 139 form, how and when offered). GCC has recommended no change to our current practice. C. Umbrella courses versus Topic courses – Records and Registration requests clarification on the definitions for these types of courses. GCC approved a document with definitions. See attachment C. IV. New Business: None V. Future Business: None Meeting adjourned: 5:34 pm ATTACHMENT A EDS 203 for EDS 303 Course Prerequisite Replace EDS 303 w/ EDS 203 Remove EDS 303 Comments EDS 203 or EDS 206 required (Jenn will update forms) Admission to secondary teacher ed preparation: Phase 1 STEP educational core coursework EDS 309 Yes EDS351? yes no action required-on CIM form approved by UCC 3/10 Early Childhood-Elementary Education Program (ages birth-11) B.S. no action required-on CIM form approved by UCC 3/10 Elementary-Middle Level Education Program (ages 6-12 or 13) B.S. no action required-on CIM form approved by UCC 3/10 Early Childhood through Adolescence (EC-A) (ages birth-21) Program no action required-on CIM form approved by UCC 3/10 EDS 309 yes EDS 402 yes EDS 412/512 yes MLG 306 yes no action required - on CIM form approved by UCC 3/10 ATTACHMENT B BIO 100 for BIO 103 BIO 103 included in majors, minors, Gen Ed, admission requirements, etc. Gen Ed: Science - Natural Lab Associate Degree: Science - Natural Lab Replace BIO 103 w/ Remove BIO 100 BIO 103 Comments make this change for the ED yes students as well??? yes Biology Major (BA, BS) yes Biology Major: Aquatic Science Concentration (BA, BS) Biology Major: Biomedical Science Concentration (BA, BS) Biology Major: Cellular and Molecular Concentration (BA, BS) Biology Major: Environmental Science Concentration (BA, BS) yes Biology Education Major (BS) yes Dual Degree Program in Biology and Physical Therapy yes Biology Minor yes Biology Education Minor yes Biochemistry Major (BS) yes Clinical Laboratory Science (BS) Yes Environmental Studies Minor: Natural Sciences Electives Exercise and Sport Science Major: Exercise Science Fitness Track Admission to Program Exercise and Sport Science Major: Exercise Science Fitness Track Gen Ed Requirements Exercise and Sport Science Major: Exercise Science Pre Professional Track Admissions Exercise and Sport Science Major: Physical Ed Admission to PETE Program Exercise and Sport Science Major: Physical Ed Teacher Ed Requirements Exercise and Sport Science: Sport Management Emphasis Admission to Program Exercise and Sport Science: Sport Management Emphasis Gen Ed Requirements Geography Major: Environmental Science Concentration (BA, BS) BIO 103 will no longer be taught after spring 2015 yes yes yes yes YES YES Only BIO 105 is acceptable in the ES- Preprofessional Track YES YES YES YES yes Per C. Berlin Remove for now Health Ed and Health Promotion Admission to Program Community Health Ed Admission to Program Community Health Ed Interdisciplinary requirements applicable to Gen Ed yes BIO 100 or 105 yes BIO 100 or 105 School Health Ed Interdisciplinary requirements yes School Health Ed Minor for Early Childhood-Adolescence Certification Curriculum yes Nuclear Medicine Technology Major pre professional requirements (BS) Since this will not be allowed as a prereq for anat and phys courses, then I will need it removed as a possible course the students can take. X Remove for now Physics Major w/Biomedical Concentration (BS) (pre req for major courses) TR majors will take BIO 100 as the pre-req for ESS 205 but TR majors who are pre-OT or pre-PT taking BIO 312 will take BIO 105. TR Advising Sheet will read BIO 100, BIO 105, or MIC 100 per A. Loh yes Therapeutic Recreation Major Gen Ed coursework General Science Minor Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence BIO 103 contained in a course description/prerequisite X BIO 105 course description yes BIO 202 yes BIO 203 yes BIO 204 yes BIO 260 yes BIO 303 yes BIO 306 yes BIO 312 yes BIO 315 yes BIO 333 yes BIO 341 yes BIO 390 yes BIO 463/563 yes ESS 205 YES ESS 302 YES HED 469/569 YES HWM 300 ok/JVR Introduction to Biology HWM 360 ok/JVR Introduction to Biology HWM 380 ok/JVR Prereq changed to HWM 300 HWM 420 ok/JVR Prereq changed to HWM 300 MIC 230 MIC 310 NUT 400 Remove for now Remove for now Remove for now ATTACHMENT C UMBRELLA AND TOPICS COURSE GUIDELINES APPROVED BY GRADUATE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE ON 4/7/2015 BACKGROUND In the spring of this year, 2015, GCC began using the recently deployed curriculum inventory management (CIM) system for collecting, reviewing, and acting on curricular proposals. During the transition from the paper-based LX form handling process and the electronic CIM system, the registrar asked GCC to clarify the distinction between topics courses and umbrella courses as well as clarify the workflow for GCC approval and offering courses under these classifications. DEFINITIONS GCC is unaware of any formal definition of these terms and thus recommends that the following definitions be used for purposes of GCC action and Registrar processing. Regular Course. A course where the syllabus remains substantially unchanged across multiple offerings. Topics course. A course such that the syllabus may change substantially across multiple offerings although each offering falls under the same broad academic topic. None of the offerings are expected to become separate regular courses. Umbrella course. A course that allows departments to offer courses that are expected to become regular courses after several offerings under the umbrella course number. Course offerings are distinct; having substantially different academic topics. WORKFLOW All course-related changes requiring GCC approval must be submitted via the CIM system. When submitted for approval, each course must indicate whether it is an umbrella course. Flagging courses as umbrella courses allows the registrar to manage policies when courses are offered under that classification. Each course must also provide a course title and course number. When courses are offered, the following workflows are implemented. Regular course. The section is scheduled and the course number and title are recorded on the student’s transcript. Topics course. The section is assigned a topic and a determination is made as to whether or not the topic will appear on the student’s transcript. These actions are under the sole discretion of the offering department. Umbrella course. The section must undergo a formal approval process regulated by Faculty Senate policy. Refer to Faculty Senate minutes of 9/9/93 and 1/23/96 for details.