Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes December 9, 2014

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
December 9, 2014
Members present: Allen, De Cora, Frye, Gendreau, Harrington, Houselog, Moeller, Nelson, Ritterling,
Van Liere
Absent: Carey, Giddings
Consultants present: Bakkum, Burkhardt, Herling, Keller, Knudson, Rahn
Guests: William Ross, Adam Driscoll, Karen Terpstra, Michelle Stertz
Approval of November 25, 2014 minutes.
M/S/P to approve minutes.
First Readings:
A. Management
MGT 414 – new course; title “Crisis and Contingency Management;” 3 credits;
effective Fall 2015.
MGT 483 – course revision; title change; course description and prerequisite change;
effective Spring 2015.
MGT 494 – course deletion; effective Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve on first reading
B. Sociology
SOC 261 – new course; title “Technology in Society;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2015.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
C. Art
ART 450 – course revision; credit change from a range of 3-15 to 1-3 credits;
effective Spring 2015.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
D. Mathematics
Mathematics Major with Applied Emphasis – program change; adding substitution
of CS 225 for CS majors; to be implemented Spring 2015; for the 2015-16 catalog.
Mathematics Education Minor (EAA Certification) – program change; adding
substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; to be implemented Spring 2015; for the 201516 catalog.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
Consent Item: None
Informational Item:
A. Ethnic and Racial Studies is updating the change to the ERS minor approved on October
14, 2014, to be retroactive to all catalogs instead of new catalog only.
Old Business:
A. Retroactive credit and credit by exam discussion.
New Business:
A. Records and Registration will demo the new curriculum inventory management system.
UCC will be using the new Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system, beginning
in the Spring 2015 semester. While proposals will still be accepted during spring
semester in the old PDF format, departments will be encouraged to use CIM instead.
Beginning in Fall 2015, PDF proposals will no longer be accepted and all proposals will
be submitted through CIM. The Records Office will be doing training on the new
software in the spring semester.
Future Business: None
Meeting adjourned: 4:35 pm.