Promotion, Tenure and Salary (PTS) Committee 263 Cartwright March 9th, 2016 2015-2016 Members: Nicholas Bakken Sociology Nabamita Dutta, Chair Economics Jennifer Miskowski Biology Kim Vogt Sociology Adrienne Loh Chemistry and Biochemistry Victor Macias- González History Jennifer Kosiak Mathematics Tushar Das Mathematics Meeting commenced at 11:05 AM. Members in attendance: Vogt, K., Bakken, N., Loh, A., Das, T., Dutta, N., Kosiak, J., Morrison, H. Excused: Macías-González, V., Miskowski, J. Guest: Kristin Stanley Recorder: Kim Vogt 1. 2/24/2016 Minutes MSP with changes unanimous 2. 2/10/2016 Minutes MSP unanimous 3. Discussion of when we need to have a final proposal to SEC. Mita will find out this week when we need to have our final proposal to SEC to ensure that the Senate has time to consider and vote on the proposal. 4. Discussion of pay adjustment models a. The committee discussed gender inequities by college and how can we address it. The committee played with various models. b. Kristin will develop models by college, rank, and gender to address gaps in % to CUPA median. i. Look at addressing the inequities within rank and within college, address it in the following options: 1. Bringing those specific areas up to 85%, 86% or 87% with a cap of $5,000 adjustment. 2. Determine the amount of funds needed for those adjustments and set aside other funds for the remaining colleges/deans for discretionary. ii. Determine the amount of funds needed for bringing individuals up to 85%, 86% or 87% with a cap of $5,000 adjustment in the nonhighlighted colleges and ranks. iii. After the above discretionary funds are set aside, determine remaining funds available and allocate those funds out to remaining individuals under 100% by: 1. Dividing amount so everyone gets the same flat amount. 2. Dividing amount so everyone gets the same percentage. 5. The Committee will meet again next week to finalize a plan to forward to SEC/Senate 6. Meeting adjourned 12:12 PM.