THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE I 0 6 6 6 N O R T H T O R R E Y P I N E SR O A D LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 920]7 619455-9100 For information: Robin B. Goldsmith (619)ss4-8r34 # 06t093 Prominent Scientist to Join The Scripps ResearchInstitute La Jolla, CA. June 10, 1993-- A nationallyprominentscientist,recognizedfor making fundamentaldiscoveriesthat led to the identificationof oncogenes,or cancer-causing genes,that control cell growth and differentiation,will join the staff of The Scripps ResearchInstitute(TSRI) as of June 14, 1993. A memberof the NationalAcademyof Sciences,PeterK. Vogt, Ph.D., has servedas HastingsDistinguishedProfessorof Microbiologyand Chairman,Departmentof Microbiology at the University of SouthernCaliforniaSchoolof Medicine, a positionhe hasheld since 1980. He joined the staff of USC's Schoolof Medicinen 1971,. "Dr. Vogt is truly one of the preeminentfiguresin the field of virology in the world today," saidRichardA. Irrner, M.D., TSRI President."He hashad a highly productive career.of importantfindings and insightsin cancerresearch,virology, cell biology and genetics." At TSRI, Vogt will heada new Division of Oncovirologywithin the Departmentof Molecular and ExperimentalMedicine. Accordingto ErnestBeutler,M.D., Chairman of the Departmentof Molecularand ExperimentalMedicine, "Dr. Vogt brings to our MORB Page2 - Peter Vogt Joins The Scripps ResearchInstitute departmenta broadcomprehension of the control of cell growth. I am certainthat his experienceand his insightswill help us in our goal of a betterunderstanding and ultimately bettertreatmentof a variety of diseases,including,but not limited to cancer." Vogt expressedhis enthusiasmfor his new appointmentin this way, "A big attractionfor me in joining The ScrippsResearchInstitute is their extraordinarystrengthin the areaof structuralbiology, particularlyx-ray crystallography,and DNA and protein structure. I look forward to a productivecollaborationwith the Institute'sdistinguishedfaculty that will enableme to branchout into new areasof investigationwhile maintaininga focus on my work in the studyof control of cell growth and cancer." The work for which Vogt is well known beganat UC Berkeleymore than 30 yearsago, when as a doctoral student,he showedthat the Rous sarcomavirus -- common in chickens-- containeda portion of DNA that he later identifiedas the src oncogene,a substanceresponsiblefor cell transformationfrom normalto cancerous. This later led to his discoveryof the jun oncogene,which servesas a switchthat activatesand shutsdown a numberof humangenesand therebybeginsthe cell transformationthat results in malignancy. In 1988he and his colleaguesdiscoveredthat this and anotheroncogeneinteractto control the function of other genes,therebyregulatingtheir expression.Thesefindings are nuclearoncogenes.They code are particularly importantbecausethe two oncogenes are for proteinsthat act directly on geneswithin the cell nucleus,whereall life processes regulated. MORE Page3 - Peter Vogt Joins The Scripps ResearchInstitute The control of geneexpressionand regulationis centralto oncogenesis, the origin and developmentof cancer. It determineswhetherthe normal order of the body's communityof cells will prevail or whetherdisorderwill allow unbridledand potentially harmful cell growth. It is believedthat by discoveringthe interactionof two oncogenes so closely involved in geneticregulationthe possibilitiesfor understanding the molecular geneticsof cancerare great$ enhanced. appearsto control a collectionof The geneticswitch formedby the two oncogenes genes,possibly 100 or more, with somefunctionhavingto do with cell growth and cell occur in humansand animalsand can producetumors. A goal division. Both oncogenes of future researchis to identify within the group a specific geneor genesimportant in oncogenesis. Prior to his appointmentat USC Medical School,Vogt held faculty appointmentsat the University of WashingtonSchoolof Medicinein Seattleand the University of Colorado Schoolof Medicinein Denver. He receiveda Ph.D. from the University of Tubingen, at the Max-Planck-Institut, Germany,in 1959and completedpostdoctoral'training Tubingen,Germany,and the Universityof California,Virus Laboratory. In addition to his academicappointmentsVogt has servedas Vice Chairman, Chairman and Councilor, Virology Division, AmericanSocietyof Microbiology; and hasbeen appointedto numerousboardsand committees,includingGeneralMotors Cancer ResearchFoundation;SwissInstitutefor ExperimentalCancerResearch,Scientific Committee;GermanCancerCenter,Committeeof ScientificAdvisors,CancerSpecial ProgramReview Commiffee,NationalCancerInstitute;Council for Researchand Clinical Investigation,AmericanCancerSociety;Virology Task Force, U.S. Deparftnent MORE Page 4 -- Peter Vogt Joins The Scripps ResearchInstitute of Health, Educationand Welfare; and the Boardof ScientificConsultants,Sloan Kettering Institute for CancerResearch. He has or continuesto be on the editorialboardsof Virology, Journalof Virology, Current Topics in Microbiology, Virus Research,Intervirologyand Comprehensive Virology. Vogt has beenthe recipient of numerousprestigiousawards,including the Ernst Jung Pfize for Medicine; the WaterfordBiomedicalScienceAward; the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig DarmstaedterPrue; the RobertJ. and Claire PasarowAward; the Bristol Myers Award; the Howard Taylor RickettsAward, Universityof Chicago;and the CharlesS. Mott Prize, GeneralMotors CancerResearchFoundation. He has publishedextensivelyand is the author of more than240 scientific articles. ###