Grad Council Meeting Minutes January 30, 2015 Members Present

Grad Council Meeting Minutes
January 30, 2015
325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 am
Members Present: Clayton Camic, Rob Dixon, Bill Schwan, Michelle Thorman, Jorg
Vianden, Glenn Wright
Excused: Peterson, Lesher, Duquette
Absent: None
Student Members Present: Nicole Bushway, Jamie Wall
Consultants Present: Ray Abhold, Glenn Knowles, Steve Simpson
Absent: Bakkum, Martin-Stanley, Skobic
1. Adoption of Minutes (Nov 20) on D2L site – carries 5-0-1
2. Consent Agenda: None
3. Appeals
a. Nicole (Norby) Richter (supporting materials under “Appeals” on
Student was enrolled in a certificate program in SAH and completed it.
Some of the credits overlapped with graduate credits in the program
and she began working towards the degree. Did not finish and the
seven years for completion have since passed. Student has made some
attempts to reach out to department to see if she could return to
finish. Some evidence of student falling through the cracks and of her
attempts to reach out not being responded to.
Motion brought forth to extend Nicole Richter to complete the
program by Aug 31, 2016. Carries: 6-0-0
b. Meghda Das (Steve Simpson). No appeal – just informational for the
Graduate Council. Student transferred from Biology to business. She
accumulated approximately 30 credits with an overall 2.3 GPA. She
approached the MBA program and Martina worked out a plan for her
to transfer programs. She is currently taking classes but needs to
follow a strict plan (can’t get a “B” in a course or would be dismissed)
to show progress. Even with all A/Bs she would never raise her final
cumulative GPA above 3.0. Some discussion about potentially
exploring to vacate some of her biology courses; concern with the
potentially of not following department protocol by dismissing and
readmitting her allowing so many credits to generate a low GPA; and
complicated by being an international student and facing deportation
without a program of study. Resolved to have discussion in Biology to
see what happened and to have a conversation with Chris Bakkum
and Martina Skobic about potential to vacate courses.
4. Chair’s Notes
a. Spring Meeting Schedule
i. Bob Hetzel (funding for Graduate Students), Julia Johnson
(Interdisciplinary), Workload for Grad students (Jörg Vianden)
Still trying to get Bob to meet with GC but perhaps not right
away because of state budget woes. GC to prioritize
interdisciplinary and workload issues. Joint meeting also
happening this semester.
5. Director’s Report
a. Follow-up APR?
FS – has created an APR review task force. Should pgms that are
externally accredited be looked at differently?
b. Graduate Studies Self Study
Provost gave Grad Studies $ to bring in visitors from Council of Grad
studies in late Apr. to look at graduate studies. We have never had
external visitors to examine graduate education across the board. First
order is to conduct self study, which Rob Dixon, Steve Simpson and Chris
Bakkum have started. The results of the study will be sent to two
reviewers. Two reviewers will be from similar institutions as ours. Self
study will also be brought before GC to provide some reflection. The
budget shortfall notwithstanding, this review is still an important project
to complete. Could also dovetail with the HLC accreditation.
Hiring of GAs through people admin. Worked well for SAA. HR said we’ll
do it for everyone. SAH said it can’t work. In HR’s mind, in the next few
days everyone will switch, but SAH will not, at least not now. There is also
poor timing to implement for other programs due to application
deadlines (e.g., school psych). Meeting scheduled between Dean of SAH,
HR, and others.
New Business - None