Grad Council Joint Meeting w/Program Directors ~ notes November 15, 2013 325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 am GC Members: Rob Dixon (CLS/chair), Gary Gilmore (SAH), Shelly Lesher (SAH), Henry Petersen (CBA), S.N. Rajagopal (SAH), Bill Schwan (SAH), Gary Willhite (CLS/Recorder), Glenn Wright (SAH) GC Members Excused: John Greany (SAH/Vice-chair) GC Members Absent: Student Member Absent: Ben Kelly (SAH) GC Consultants: Raymond Abhold (SAH), Chris Bakkum (Registrar), Glenn Knowles (CBA); Charles Martin-Stanley (CLS), Steve Simpson (DGS) GC Consultants Excused: GC Consultants Absent: Martina Skobic (CBA- MBA) Guests: Graduate Program Directors: Note – I missed names so this section needs to be reviewed Carla Burkheart, Kasi P, Pat Markos, Jodi Rendt, Joe Halloand, Mike –Job rec 1. Introductions 2. Update from Graduate Director 1. Commencement 1. Hooding ceremony prior to regular commencement 2. In the ballroom – large enough room 3. All programs hood together 4. One hour prior to commencement 2. Notification of students on probation 1. Directors not notified 3. Fund students semester after funding 1. Can a student apply for funding the semester after graduation for conference presentation(s)? 2. RSEL monies may not be applied for 3. Travel funds (up to $400.00) may be applied for 3. Updates from Grad Council 1. GRC 798 & 799 1. Clarification of the policy to be implemented in January. 2. 799 – uninterrupted enrollment – 2 semesters – after the 2nd the student will no longer be charged for 799 1 Grad Council Joint Meeting w/Program Directors ~ notes November 15, 2013 325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 am 3. 798 – interrupted enrollment – enroll for 3 equivalent tuition credits – one time registration 4. Comprehensive exams have been added to this policy 2. RSEL Grants and mini-grants 1. Added mini-grant concept – turn around is quicker – up to $500.00 2. Revised the requirements for RSEL 3. If accepted conference proposal student may apply for RSEL and travel grant money 4. Looking forward 1. Communication with Program Directors 1. Suggest a mailing list to share agendas and minutes from grad council meetings 2. Appeals Process 1. Moved to due process concept 2. Grad council does not have the expertise to overrule program decisions 3. Website Development for Graduate Studies and Graduate Program Templates 1. Handouts provided with option A and option B 2. Option B is not informative for the student – option A is user friendly and informative 3. Option A does not address advising – Option B does 4. Some students – biology – prefer option B 5. GA information needs to be visible 6. Prefer 10 or less tabs on the maroon side 7. Dave riley is the chair of the advisory committee on the web site design 8. Graduate website 1. White handout form Steve S 2. Office of grad studies website more friendly 3. Office of Graduate Studies – more visibility 4. Please review handout and notify Steve of issues 5. Additional Questions and Discussions 2