Committee on Academic Policies and Standards (CAPS) Minutes for February 14, 2014 Members present: B. Butterfield, P. Miller, R. Wolf, T. Docan-Morgan, R. Gillis, D. Annino, and E. Strauss Members excused: T. Seddon and J. Dziak Alternates: Allan Macpherson, James Peirce, Sherwin Toribio (not in attendance) Consultants: J. Von Ruden, T. Walls, S. Keller, C. Burkehardt, and G. Herling Guests: none 1. B. Butterfield called the meeting to order at 2:21 p.m. 2. Motion to convene. Motion approved. (7-0-0) 3. Motion to approve minutes from 11/01/13. (7-0-0) Motion to approve minutes from 01/22/14. (7-0-0) 4. Committee considered Summer Session Start Date Appeals. 5. Appeal: ECO 110 – 3 credits. Request to start June 9th, 2014 running over Summer Sessions I/II. Justification for appeal: To allow students who need ECO 110 as a prerequisite for courses to be taken in Summer Session III. Also Instructor will be presenting at an international conference. The Committee voted to approve the appeal of the start date. Motion to accept waiver. Motion accepted. (7-0-0) 6. Appeal: BIO 313 – 4 credits. Request to start July 7th, 2014 running over Summer Sessions II/III. Justification for appeal: BIO 313 is a very high demand course with an unfilled wait list nearly every semester. This start date would allow students to take the complete sequence of BIO 312 and BIO 313 in the summer. The Committee voted to approve the appeal of the start date. Motion to accept as a permanent waiver. Motion accepted. (7-0-0) 7. Appeal: PSY 241, 212, 305, 318, 334, 391, 717 (3 credits each). Request to start July 7th, 2014 (changed from 7/1/14 due to typo) running over Summer Sessions II/III. Justification for appeal: Departmental policy recommending that online courses last six weeks for pedagogical reasons. Also, summer offerings provide for introductory courses and courses that serve as requirements to be offered in the first 6-week session, which allows for two 6-week sessions for course sequencing. The Committee voted to approve the appeal of the start date. Motion to accept waiver. Motion accepted. (6-0-1) 8. The Committee revisited the change of Final Exam time process. The Committee decided to present Provost Macpherson with a possible wording change to the current Final Examination Schedule policy. The current policy is as follows: Final Examination Schedule A final examination shall be given for one-credit courses at the last regular meeting of the class. All other classes (two or more credits) will have final examinations given as scheduled in the special examination period prescribed by the faculty, the deans, and the administration. The schedule for this special examination period can be found here. The nature and relative importance of the final examination are to be determined by the instructor in charge of each course. Instructor-initiated changes to the published examination schedule are permitted only if approved by the Provost & Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. Instructors may send requests to change an examination time to the Provost at No student will be required to take more than three final exams on the same day. If a night class is not involved, instructors of the fourth and subsequent exams on that day will be obliged to reschedule that student's exam if the Office of Records and Registration certifies that such an overload exists. If a night class is involved, the night class and the student's first two exams of the day will remain as scheduled and the other instructors will be obliged to reschedule their exams for that student. Changes to the second paragraph as follows: Any changes must be approved by the Provost & Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and will only be granted under extraordinary circumstances. Instructors may send requests to change an examination time to the Provost at 9. The Committee considered the size and configuration of the committee and its appropriateness for the workload. The Committee feels that the current size and configuration is more than adequate for the workload. They wish it to be noted, that although they were open to and actively sought out student representation on this year’s committee, no student representatives attended. It is the Committee’s hope that future recruit of student representative could stress that these students could find the process extremely valuable, especially to those interested in the area of Student Affairs. 10. Motion to adjourn. Motion approved. (7-0-0) 11. Meeting was adjourned at 3: 00 p.m.