Faculty Senate Meeting of September 12, 2013—3.30 PM Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall Vol. 48, No. 2 I. Roll Call Present: Keith Beyer, Tracie Blumentritt, Linda Dickmeyer, Natalie Eschenbaum, Anne Galbraith, Peter Haried, Kerrie Hoar, Jess Hollenback, Francine Klein, Ryan McKelley, David Riley, Kirsten Rosacker, Joyce Shanks, Binod Shrestha Absent: Karen Terpstra II. Approval of minutes. The minutes of May 9, 2013 (47th) and May 2, 2013 (48th) were approved as distributed. III. Reports: A. Chancellor Gow updated the Senate on: a. Continued financial cuts to higher education in the state. b. With respect to shared governance, Gow believes ideas are best when they come through shared governance. We may identify examples of good shared governance and share these with politically involved people. c. In support of the tuition reimbursement policy being voted on later B. Bob Hetzel—CFO: a. There is a $62 million budget cut to the UW system. UWL $2.1 million budget cut from reserves this year. Another 400K cut in ‘14-’15 also from reserves. b. Building projects – the parking ramp is open, GMH auditorium remodel will begin in October, gymnastics center, chiller building moving along, new student center in design mode and on schedule to begin ground breaking next May, architect for the new science building, plans for new dorms, Wittich Hall pre-design process in next biennium. C. Chair Galbraith reminded Senators of the importance of the work of Senate, and encouraged them to come to the meetings prepared to discuss the issues. IV. Approve Georges Cravins’s nomination as UW-L’s Faculty Representative. M/S/P to approve. V. Faculty Representative’s Report – Georges Cravins. Faculty governance: a. Some UW campuses are seeking input from their Chancellors b. Other UW campuses are taking a wait and see approach c. Important to connect with people that are politically involved regarding UW’s tradition of shared governance d. Vote, be active, try to make a difference e. Please share your ideas with Georges Cravins VI. Approve SEC nominations to the Individuals with Disabilities Advisory Council. M/S/P to approve the following faculty to the IDAC David Annino – CBA Patricia Ardovino - SAH Carol Oyster – CLS VII. Approve one-year additions to APR Committee. M/S/P to approve the following additions to the APR Committee: Curt Czerwinski, Mike Hoffman, Andy Matchett, and Mary Tollefson VIII. M/S/P to approve SEC Nominations to: A. Joint Promotion Committee (3 yr terms) Tracie Blumentritt, Lise Graham, Eric Kraemer, Steve Simpson Consultative Layoff Committee (3 yr terms) David Hart, Kirsten Rosacker, Brad Seebach IAS – PC (3 yr terms) Kathleen Dailey, Ryan Friesen B. Committee on Faculty Committees Marty Allen, Natalie Eschenbaum, Kerrie Hoar, Ryan McKelley, Kirsten Rosacker (Convener) C. Senate Elections Committee Peter Haried (Convener), Janet Kirsch, Binod Shrestha D. Faculty Ombudspersons David Howard, Ronda Leahy, Ken Winter IX. Compensation Plan. Bob Hetzel and Bob Hoar presented the proposed compensation plan: a. Using CUPA as the measure, we are behind our peers b. Strives to provide salary equity adjustments and address inversion c. UWL’s goal is to get to all faculty/IAS to 85% of CUPA d. Last year’s plan was sound and valued; however, it was viewed as a pay plan which System does not support e. Time is an issue The Senate will continue the compensation plan discussion at its next meeting, being provided with an alternate plan using last year’s Phase 1. X. Discuss Joint UWL Governance Tuition Reimbursement Proposal. M/S/P to approve the tuition reimbursement proposal. XI. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Submitted by, Kirsten Rosacker, Secretary