Addition to Senate Policy Responsibilities of Departments, Department Members and Department Chairpersons At meetings during Feb and Mar of 2010 the Faculty Senate considered four recommendations regarding online instruction. The first and second recommendations were approved but the second was subsequently rescinded when the campus online course fee implementation was changed. The first recommendation read The department should determine the format (e.g., face-to-face, hybrid, online) of courses offered through that department. This was passed by a 2/3 majority vote with the required first and second readings for a Senate Policy. However no location was established for publishing this requirement. The SEC believes that Senate Policy IV which details the responsibilities of departments provides the most logical location and in particular recommends an addition to IV.A.4. Current Language IV.A.4 Keeping current on and developing new ways of teaching and learning in the discipline(s), including the use of appropriate technology. Proposed Language IV.A.4 Keeping current on and developing new ways of teaching and learning in the discipline(s), including the use of appropriate technology. Department will determine the offering format (e.g., face-to-face, hybrid, online) of courses offered through the department. Articles and By-Laws Proposed Language Departments will determine how courses offered through the department are to be delivered (e.g., face-to-face, hybrid, online).