FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LX-1 3BP R&R rev. 8/05 LX 138P - NEW OR REVISED MAJOR, MINOR, EMPHASIS,ETC. X NEW CHANGE-check all changes credits FFFUPD SNAP Deot./ARC -^;^,^^ l';: .,' ,, , --rT-r requrreo course title X i vdrd rug___________ Proposal # otner (explain) Certific-afeProgram SUBMIT 1 YELLOW SIGNED ORIGINAL AND 20 WHITE COPIES TO RECORDS AND REGISTRATION OFFICE, 117 GRAFF MAIN. DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY NOON PRIOR TO THE NEXT TUESDAY MEETING. DEPARTMENTIPROGRAM: Undergraduate Major emphasis within major Minor emphasis within minor emphasis (no major/minor) prosram Titte: G€rtificate of Russian Studies Type bescription, as it should appear in the catalog. NOTE: indicate which college(s)/school{s) are eligible for program. Line through deletions and underline additions if a revision. Russian Studies Certificate / '6aIrl5,\-'oagitJt o'Y d,iil; - (All colleges) - 14 credits above Russian 102, including RUS 201, 20?/305 and three credits of electives: HIS 325, 339; POL 338, 341 ,344,355, RUS 398/ In order to complete the certificate program, a candidate must earn a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA for course work in the certificate- Concentration Core Graduate program option within program EFFECTIVE DATE: SPRING 2008 Semester/year Applies to students in: X all catalogs (retroactive) new catalog only Program size: 14 Number of program credits Program revision: lf this is an increase in credits, indicate if it will likely result in students graduating with more credits. Be prepared to discuss at curriculum meeting New Undergraduate Program (majors/emphases only) Extent of Majors policy limits majors to 40 credits unless required by extemal agencies, accreditation, etc. Justification for more than 40 credits. if applicable: Note: Dept. Chair and Dean's signatures certify qualified instructional staff; adequate student demand; adequate facilities; appropriate equipment & materials; consideration of exceptional course fees (above $20); and approval of college/school curriculum committee, if applicable; and communication with other affected units. APPROVALS: (Cross-listed courses ro,.(t'ire 4! Department cnair dep.artment chai.t it1 1s)tDate:!*f,p[ Other pertinent information: jr\fl \ -_ j Committee Chair/Date: ProvosUVice IL /al t fttl vl Certificate in Russian Studies pro_9ram Department of lv{odeni Languages, U\!--La Crosse Drafl: April 3. 2007 This proposal has been prepared following the Faculty Senate Document: "Guidelines for ertificate t the Universitv of Wisconsin - La Crosse: A Tw (approved by Faculty Senate on Sept 26,2002). I. DESCRIPTION OF CERTIFICATE PROGRAM: GoALS, RATIONALE. BENEFITS, AND TARGET AUDIENCE The proposed certificate in Russian Str-rdies',vill be a credit-bearing program offered by the Department of Modem Languages at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. This program aims to offer to UW-L students, non-UW-L str-rdents (from Viterbo University and Western Technical College) and community members the option to compiete 1,1 credits of coursework in Russian language, literature and history, and to receive a certificate upon completion of the requirements. Inasmuch as UW-L does not offer a degree itt Russiati langr-rage studies, this program will bencfit any candidate rvho rvould like to acquire an intermediate-levelproficiency in Russian langr-rage and knor,vledge of selected content areas: literature, history, or political science. This cer-tificate will enhance any candidate's education by providrng both intermediate ier,,e1 foreign language proficiency and intercultural understanding, which are essential to UW-L's generai education mission of fostering "responsible global citizenship." A certificate of Russian Studres at UW-L will consrst of 1l credrts in Rr-rssian atthe 200 level and 3 credits taken outsrde of the Department of N{odeni Languages, rvherein the course offering emphasizes Russian or Soviet history, or East European politics; or str-rdy is continued in a Russian university. The proposed courservork inclr_rdes: A. Required Cor-rrses: i I credits Russian 201: Intermediate Russian I (palt Semester) Russian 202: interntediate Russian II (Spring Semester) Russian 305: Golden Age Rr-rssian Literatr-rre and Cr-rltr,rre (Spring even numberecl years) B. Elective Course: 3 credits HIS 325 - America in tl-re Cold War (every orirer year) HIS 339 - History of Russia and the Soviet Union (every three years) POL 338 - E,uropean Govemment & Politics (every Fall) POL 341 - America and the World (every trvo years) POL 344 - Intemational Organization (every two years) POL 355 - 20'h Century Ideologies (every other year) RUS 398 - Directed Studies (1-3 cr) INS 250 * Orientation to Study Abroad (l cr) INS 251 - Study Abroad Practicum: Joumaling (1 cr) Certificate irr Russian Str"rdies Program INS 252 - Cross-Cultural Re-entry from Srudy Abroad (1 cr) This program will be of benefit to any number of candidates listed beior,v: 1) UW-L Students: The ceftificate program in Russian Str.rdies will potentially rnterest current degree-seeking UW-L students who are interested in studying Rttssian language, culture and civilization. In general, students enroil in Russian language courses at UW-L for one of three reasons: they are completing a language requirement; they tl-rink Russian is an exotic elective to be taken during their seniot' year; they are already studying one of the more traditional languages and want the challenge of studying a non-Romance or non-Germanic language. Despite the fact that rnany have expressed an interest in continuing their study of Russian. without a major or minor it has been difficult to retain them beyond the first year of language study. The most serious students have transferred to Madison or to Mih,vaukee. A few have completed four semesters of language study at UW-L. However, the urajority of students who enroll in Russian 101 , concerned about the number of credits ir-r their' declared majors or minors and not seeing theii efforts recognized in any tangible form, disappear at the end of the first year. A cerlificate program wouid demonstrate that the study of Russian language and Rr-rssiau/Soviet culture is valued at the univcrsity sincc there lvould be official university documentation. The cerlificate would be indicated on their diploma. The goal is to target and recruit UW-L str,rdents earl.y in their universit.v experietrce vie campus ciose-ups, early advising, or from our "captive gen-ed audience" (an1t langr-rage 102,201,202). Motivation fbr pursr-ring the certificate r,r'illbe found in the reiatrveiy siror-t amount of time it \\,i11take to complete the certificate. it is possible to complete it in tr.vo years. ln addition, there is a study abroad opporlunity in Dubna, La Crosse's sister city. Students will be encouraged to pursue this opportunity. The cerlificate program in Rr-rssian studies lvi1l have a positive impact on the Russiau program. It lvill ellcourage students to continue their studies in a specihc discipline. leading them to explore another paft of the world and potentially gain intemational experience. Indeed, this program dovetails well ,,vitli UW-L's commitment to internirtional educatior-r and its general education n'rission to prepare "lesponsibie globai citizens." 2) Viterbo University and Western Techr-rica1 College Students: The certificatc pt'o{t'rnl in Russian Str-rdies lvi11poter-rtial1y attract students from higher-education institt-itions front the sunounding area. It ma1, serve students from both Viterbo University and Western Technical College who would like to complete four semesters of Russian language and receive some training in Russian literature, politics or history and obtain official unrversity documentation for their efforts. It will enhance their undergraduate degree program by giving them additional skills that wiil complement their majors (making them potentially more marketable for ceftain types ofjobs or professional schoois). Currently, Viterbo University does not offer Russian language in its curicuium. Western Technical College (WTC) offers non credit-bearing Russian language courses from time to time. 01 the other hand, Viterbo University does have a Russian history course: His Certif,rcate in Russian Str"rdies Progran-t 360 Culture and State in Russia. This is an all inclusive course covering the history of - from its origins to the 20tr' century. It will be a substitution Russia for HIS 339 (one of the elective possibilities at UW-L). UW-L has a cooperative inter-institutional program with Viterbo University that allou,s students from either institution to take classes at the other (see page 25 of the UW-L Undergraduate Catalog 2005-7 for more information about this agreement). Hence, should students at UW-L not be able to register for HIS 339 at UW-L, they ma1,seek permission to take HIS 360 at Viterbo University. 3) The La Crosse Community: The certificate program in Russian Studies could also potentially interest local community members and/or business professionais r,vho would like to acquire an intermediate-level proficiency in Russian langr-rage and some knowledge of Rnssian content areas. but who do not have tire need to matriculate as ft1ll-time r-rndergraduate students. Students fi'orn West Salem and La Crosse have enrolled in Russiari courses at UW-L using the youtir options program and retired members of the communitv have also enrolled in Russian lansuase courses at UW-L. La Crosse had enjoyed a sister-city relationship r,vith Dubna, Russia for- 17 years. There have been rnultiple high schooi exchanges and the medical institutions in La Crosse have contributed rniilions of dollars (govemment grant monres) and thousands of hours over the years in n'redical exchanses. With all of this partnership, itis a 1itt1e surprising tirat more community members have not already signed r-rp for Russian. The formality of establishn-ig a cerlificate in Russian studies will vaiidate the program and may entice n-lore communitv members to Dursue this nossibiiitv. Ii. ADMINISTRATION. STAFFING. AND BUDGETARY ISSUES This cer-tificate program rvili be housed in the Deparlment of Modern Languages and courses w,ill be offered by Dr. Leslee Poulton and Natalia Roberts. Mrs Roberts r,vi1l continue to teach the Russian lan-euage courses. (These are Distance Education collrses olfered through the Coliaborative Language Program.) Dr. Poulton will teach tire Golder-i Age of Russian Literature collrse. Botir Dr. Poulton and Mrs Roberts wili advise students r,l'ho n,ish to corrrplete tlie cerlificate program. Dr. Curt Reithel (chair, Departrnent of Political Science) and Dr Cirucli Lee (chair, Department of History) have both offere d their support and ,,vi11 accomrnodate as muc-lt as possible cerliflcate students enrollir.ig in electil'e courses in the departments of Political Science and Historyr. All of the required colrrses are taught once a year with the exception of RUS 305 rvhich r,r ill be taught every other Spring. There is at least one elective course taught every year (POL 338). No additional personnel are required to offer thrs program. In the event that students fi-om this program choose to pafticipate in a study abroad experience. the Office of International Education will provide additionai student support. It is estimated that approximately 4-6 students r.i'rll be interested in this certiflcate in any riven year. III. ADIvIISSIONS REOUIREMENTS: Certificate in Russian Studies Program Since this certificate program will serve UW-L students, non UW-L students and community menbers, the follorving admissions cnteria w.ill be implen-rented. All cerlificate candidates must be "accepted" by the UW-L (Admissions Office) before qualifying for program entry into the Department of Modem Languages. Please note that these admission requirements are similar to those of the French Certificate, reviewed by Diane Schumacher (University Registrar) and Timothy Lervis (Director of Admissions) in 2003. A. Students enrolled at UW-L must have completed the prerequisite courseworlt (up through i02 level of Russian) and the necessary prerequisites for the elective course. There are no prerequisites iisted for HIS 325 or HIS 339 (catalog 2005-2007). Prerequisites forPOL 338. POL 341, POL 344, andPOL 355 are: POL 101, or 102, or 231or ANT/ECO/GEO/POL/SOC/HiS 202 or junior standing. B. Students from Viterbo University and WTC, and community members mLlst appiy to UW-La Crosse as a special. non-degree student. Appiications are available online at or they may rec1llest a special non-degree paper application from the UW-L Admissions Office. 1725 State Street, La Crosse. Wi 5:1601. Specific admissiotr requirements can be found on page 13 of the 2005-2001 UW-L catalog, but in most cases high school and college transcripts do not need to be submitted. A high schooi diploma or its equivalent is required. All Viterbo students rlho participate in tl-re Viteirbo-Uw-L Cooperative Program must also seek appror.'al by the University registr:ar at their home institution. ln is also suggested that Viterbo degree-seeking students consult the admission requirements pttt forlh for the Cooperative Program between UW-L and Viterbo in the UW-L Undergradr-rate Catalog (see page 25 for complete details). In order to complete tire cerlificate program, a candidate must earn a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA fbr courser.vork in the cerlificate (as snecified in the LrW-L Certificate Proqram Guidelines). Cerlificate in Russian Studies Progran-t