International Council for the CM 1991/N:6 Exploration of the Sea PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO THE MARINE MAMMALS COMMITTEE • compiled by P.l.H. Reijnders 1991 2 PUßLICATIONS ßELGIUM Joiris, C.R., L. Holsbeek, J.M. Bouquegneau and M. Bossicart, in press. Mereury contamination of the harbour porpoise Phoeoena phoeoena and other cetaeeans from the North Sea and the Kattegat. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Joiris, C.R., in press. Spring distribution and eeologieal role of seabirds and marine mammals in the Weddell Sea, Antaretiea. Polar Biology. Joiris, C.R. and J. Tahon,in press. Distribution and eeological role of seabirds and marine mammals in the Norwegian and Greenland seas (July 1988). J. Mar. Systems. Joiris, C.R., in press. Distribution and ecologieal role of seabirds and marine mammals in the Norwegian and Greenland seas (June 1988). Polar Res. Joiris, C.R., J.M. Bouquegneau, M. Borrens, J. Tavernier and F. Coignoul 1991. Heavy metals, pathology und mierobiology of two harbour porpoises stranded along the Belgian eoas1. Eur. Cetaeean Soe., 5th Ann. Conr., Sandefjord, Feb. 1991. 25 p. CANADA Benoit, D., and W.D. Bowen, 1990. Seasonal and geographie variation in the diet of grey seals (Haliehoerus grypus) in eastern Canada, p. 215-226. In: W.D. Bowen [ed.] Population Biology of Sealworm (Psuedoterranova decipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Bosts. Can. Dull. J. Fish. Aqua1. Sei. 222. Benoit, D., und W.D. Dowen, 1990. Summer diet of grey seals (Haliehoerus grypus) at Antieosti Island, Gulf of S1. Lawrenee, Canada, p. 227-242. In: W.D. Bowen [ed.] Population Diology of Sealworm (Psuedoterranova decipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Bosts. Can. Dull. J. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222. Bowen, W.D, 1990. Dehavioral eeology of pinniped neonates, p. 66-127. In: D. Renouf [ed.] Behaviour of Pinnipeds. Chapman Hili, London. Dowen, W.D. [ed.], 1990. Population biology of sealworm (Psuedoterranova deeipiens) in relation to its intermediate and seal hosts. Can. Dull. J. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222: 306 p. Drattey, J, 1990. Effeet of temperature of egg hatching in three ascaridoid nematode speeies from seals. Can. DuH. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222: 27-39. Drattey, J., and W.T. Stobo, 1990. Group Report 2: Infeetion of definitive hosts, p. 139-145. In: W.D. Dowen [ed.] Population Biology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova deeipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Hosts. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222. 3 Brodie, P.F., J.R. Geraci, and D.J. St. Aubin, 1990. Effectiveness of tetracycline as a marker for age determination in beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas. In: T.G. Smith, D.J. St. Aubin, and J.R. Geraci [eds.] Advanees in Research on the Beluga Whale, Delphinapterus leueas. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 224. Byers, T.W., and M.C.S. Kingsley, 1990. Abnormal pregnaney in a ringed seal Phoea hispida. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 6: 243-247. Cleator, H.J., and I. Stirling, 1990. Winter distribution of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) in the Penny Strait area, Northwest Territories, as determined by underwater vocalizations. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 47: 1071-1076. Cosens, S.E., and L.P. Dueck, 1990. Spring sightings of beluga and narwhal ealves in Lancaster Sound, N.W.T. Arctic 43: 127-128. Cosens, S.E., J.F. Craigf, and T.A. Shortt, 1990. Report of the Arctie Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee for 1988/89. Can. Manuse. Rept. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 2063. Cruiekshank, J.J., D.M. Haines, N.C. Palmer, and D.J. St. Aubin, 1990. Cysts of a Toxoplasma like organism in an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Can. Velo J. 31: 213-215. Geraci, J.R, 1990. Physiologie and toxie effeets (ofoil) on eetaceans. Chapter 6. In: Sea Mammals and Oil: Confronting the Risks. op. cit.: 167-197. Geraci, J.R., and D.J. St. Aubin, 1990. Summary and eonclusions (on the effects of oil in marine mammals). Chapter 12. In: Sea Mammats and Oil: Confronting the Risks. op. eil.: 253-256. Geraci, J.R., and D.J. St. Aubin [eds.] 1990. Sea mammats and oil: Confronting the risks. Academie Press, San Diego: 282 p. Geraci, J.R., and T.D. Williams, 1990. Physiologie and toxie effects (of oil) on sea otters. Chapter 8. In: Sea Mammals and Oil: Confronting the Risks. op. eit.: 211-221. Guigne, J.Y., J. Lien, and J. Guzzwell, 1990. Development of aeoustie protection for fixed fishing gear to minimize indicental catches of marine mammats. Second interim progress report for the Centre for Fisheries Innovation. Centre for Cold Ocean Engineering (C-CORE), St. John's, Newfoundland, August 1990: 14 p. Guigne, J.Y., J. Lien, and J. Guzzwell, 1990. Development of acoustic proteetion for fixed fishing gear to minimize indicental eatches of marine mammals. First interim progress report for the Centre for Fisheries Innovation. Centre for Cold Ocean Engineering (CCORE), St. John's, Newfoundland, June 1990: 14 p. Hammill, M.O., and T.G. Smith, 1990. Applieation of removal sampling to estimate the density of ringed seals (Phoea hispida) in Barrow Strait, Northwest Territories. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 47: 244-250. Hellou, J., G. Stenson, I-H. Ni, and J.F. Payne, 1990. Polcyclie hydrocarbons in muscle tissue of marine mammals from the northwest Atluntic. Mur. Poll. Bull. 21: 469-473. 4 Innes, S., G.A.J. Worthy, D.M. Lavigne, and K. Ronald, 1990. Surfaee areas of phoeid seals. Can. J. Zoo I. 68: 2531-2538. Kingsley, M.C.S, 1990. Counting whales, pp. 75-78. In: J. Preseott and M. Gauquelin [eds.] Proe. Int. Forum for the Future of the Beluga, 29 Sept.-l Oet., Tadoussae. Presses Univ. Quebec, Quebec. Kingsley, M.C.S, 1990. The status of the ringed seal Phoea hispida in Canada. Can. FieldNat. Kingsley, M.C.S., and I. Stirling, 1990. Population dynamies of narwhal (Narwhal monoeeros). J. ZooI. (London) 219: 201-208. Kingsley, M.C.S., and T.W. Byers, 1990. Status of the ringed seal population of Thesiger Bay, N.W.T. in 1988-1989. Rep. prep. for the F.J.M.C. Dept. of Fisheries and Oeeans. Unpublished: 22 p. Kingsley, M.C.S., M.O. Hammill, and B.P. Kelly, 1990. Infrared sensing of the under-snow lairs of the ringed seal. Mar. Mammal. Sei. 6: 339-347. Kingsley, M.C.S., M.O. Hammill, and B.P. Kelly, 1990. Deteeting the under-snow lairs of ringed seals by infra-red remote sensing. Mar. Mamm. Sei. 6: 339-347. Kingsley, M.C.S. 1989. Polar bear attaek on a juvenile narwhal. Fauna Norgeviea A. Koster, M.D., K. Ronald, and P. VanBree, 1990. Thoraeie anatomy of the BaikaI seal, eompared with some other phoeid seals. Can. J. Zool. 68: 168-182. Kovaes, K.M, 1990. Mating strategies of male hooded seals, Cystophora cristata. Can. J. Zool. 68: 2499-2502. Kovacs, K.M., and SJ. Innes, 1990. The impact of tourism on harp seals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Applied Animal Behav. Scienee 26: 15-26. Kovaes, K.M., D.M. Lavigne, and S. Innes, 1990. Efficiency of mass transfer by lactating harp seals, Phoca groenlandica. J. Zool. (London). 223: 213-221. Kovacs, K.M., K. Jonas, and S. Welke, 1990. Sex and age segregation by Phoca vitulina concolor. Marine Mammal Science 6(3): 204-214. Lavigne, D.M., S. Innes, G.A.J. Worthy, and E.F. Edwards, 1990. Lower critical temperatures of blue whales. J. Theor. Biot. 144: 249-257. Lien, J., J. Huntington, W. Ledwell, and T. lIuntsman, 1990. Whale entrapments in inshore fishing gear and a summary of the Entrapment Assistance Program in Newfoundland and Labrador during 1990. Unpublished report to the Fisheries Development Branch, DFO and the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries: 36 p. MilIer, J.A., and K. Ronald, 1990. Ultrastructural aspects of captive hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) platelets. 16(3): 129-133. MitchelI, E, 1990. Note on catch statistics recorded for minke whales Baleonoptera acutorostrata in the Canadian east coast land station whale fishery, 1949-1972. Int. e 5 Whaling Comm., 42nd Ann. Meet., Seientific Committee, June 1990. Doe. SC/42/Mi xx: 11 p. MitehelI, E, 1990. Winter records of the minke whale (Dalaenoptera acutorostrata Lacepede 1804) in the southern North Atlantic. Int. Whaling Comm., 42nd Ann. Meet., Seientifie Committee, June 1990. Doe. SC/42/Mi xx: 8 p. Myers, R.A., J. Drattey, 1990. Statistical models of age-speeifie and length-speeifie aggregation of Pseudoterranova deeipiens (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) in Atlantie eod, Gadus morhua. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222: 289-301. Noonan, L.M., K. Ronald, and J. Raeside, 1991. Plasma testosterone concentrations of eaptive male hooded seals (Cystophora eristata). Can. J. Zool. 69: (in press). Reeves, R.R. and E. MitchelI, 1990. Right whales, not humpbacks, taken in Cintra Day. Amer. Neptune 50(2): 119-126. • Roberge, M.M., and J.D. Dunn, 1990. Assessment of the subsistence harvest and biology of narwhal (Monodon monoceros L.) from Admiralty Inlet, Daffin Island, N.W.T., 1983 and 1986-89. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1747: vi + 32 p. Ronald, K., D.L. Gots, J.D. Lupson, C.J. Willings, and J.L. Dougan, 1991. An annotated bibliography on seals, seal lions, and walrus: Supplement 2. International Couneil for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen, Denmark: (in press). Smith, T.G., and M.O. Hammill, 1990. A bibliography of the white whale, Delphinapterus leucas. Can. Manuse. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 2060: ii + 45 p. Smith, T.G., D.J. St. Aubin, and J.R. Geraei, 1990. Research on beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas: introduction and overview. In: T.G. Smith, D.J. St. Aubin, and J.R. Geraci [eds.] Advances in Research on the Deluga Whale, Delphinapterus leucas. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 224. Smith, T.G., D.J. St. Aubin, and J.R. Geraci [eds.] 1990. Advances in research on the beluga whale, Delphinapterus leucas. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 224: 206 p. St. Aubin, D.J, 1990. Physiologic and toxie effeets (of oil) on polar bears. Chapter 10. In: Sea Mammals and Oil: Confronting the Risks. op. eit.: 235-239. St. Aubin, D.J, 1990. Physiologie and toxie effects (of oil) on pinnipeds. Chapter 4. In: Sea Mammals and Oil: Confronting the Risks. op. eit.: 103-127. St. Aubin, D.J., and A.W. Mansfield, 1991. Distribution and abundanee of the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus (L.» in the Southampton Island - Coasts Island region of northern Hudson Day. Can. Field-Nat. Vol. 105, No. 1: (in press). St. Aubin, D.J., and J.R. Geraci, 1990. Adrenal responsiveness to stimulation by adrenoeorticoptropie hormone (ACTH) in eaptive beluga whales, Delphinapterus lueeas. In: T.G. Smith, D.J. St. Aubin, and J.R. Geraci [eds.] Advances in Research on the Beluga Whale, Delphinapterus leueas. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 224. 6 St. Aubin, D.J., and V. Lounsbury, 1990. Oil effeets on manatees: Evaluating the risks. Chapter 11. In: Sea Mammuls und Oil: Confronting the Risks. op. eit.: 241-251. St. Aubin, D.J., J.R. Geraei, and P.E. Shewen, 1990. Assessment of immunologieal funetion in eaptive beluga whales, Delphinapterus leueas: humoral response to sheep red blood eells. In: T.G. SMith, D.J. St. Aubin, and J.R. Geraei [eds.] Advanees in Research on the beluga whale, Delphinapterus leueas. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 224. St. Aubin, D.J., T.G. Smith, and J.R. Geraei, 1990. Seasonal epidermal molt in beluga whules, Delphinapterus leueas. Can. J. Zool. 68: 359-367. Stobo, \V.T., and K.C.T. Zwanenburg, 1990. Grey seal (Baliehoerus grypus) pup produetion on Sable Island and estimates of reeent produetion in the Northwest Atlantie, p. 171-184. In: \V.D. Dowen [ed.] Population Biology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova deeipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Bosts. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222. Stobo, \V.T., D. Deck, and L.P. Fanning, 1990. Seasonal sealworm (Pseudoterranova deeipiens) abundanee in grey seals (Haliehoerus grypus), p. 147-162. In: W.D. Dowen [cd.] Population Diology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova deeipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Bosts. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222. Stobo, \V.T., D. Deck, and J.K. Horne, 1990. Seasonal movements of grey seals (Haliehoerus grypus) in the Northwest Atlantie, p. 199-213. In: W.D. Dowen [ed.] Population Diology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova deeipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Bosts. Can. Dull. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 222. Strong, J.T, 1990. The domestie beluga (Delphinapterus leueas) fishery in the Maekenzie River estuary, Northwest Territories, 1981-1986. Can. Data. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 800: iv + 52 p. Therriault, J.-C., J. Painehaud, P. Hodson, J. Gearing, M. Kingsley, and B. Tessier, 1990. Le plan d.aetion St-Iaurent a la direetion des seiences, Institute Mauriee-Lamontagne: orientations ct objeetifs. Can. Manus. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 2055: 15 p. Zwanenburg, K.C.T., and W.D. Do\'ven, 1990. Population trends of the grey seal (Haliehoerus grypus) in Eastern Canada, p. 185-197. In: W.D. Dowen [ed.] Population Diology of Sealworm (Psuedoterranova deeipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Hosts. Can. Dull. J. Fish. Aquat. Sei. DENMARK Andersen, L.W. 1990. The population structure and sex determination of the long-finned pilot whaJe, GJobicephaJa me las, und the hurbour porpoise, Phocoena phoeoena. PhD Thesis, 7 Aarhus University. Andersen, L.W. (Submitted). The population structure of Phocoena phocoena in Danish waters and part of the North AtIantic. Can. J. Zoo!. Andersen, L.W., G. Desportes and U. Friedrich, submitted 1991. Sex determination in 10ngfinned pilot whale foetuses off the Faroe Islands. Mar. Mam. Sci. Andersen, L.W. and G. Gradl submitted 1991. Sex determination of 5 Odontocetes species. IWC SC. Angantyr, L.A. and F.O. Kapei, 1990. Harp seal feeding habits in Greenland - our present knowledge, April 1990. Technical Report from Greenland Fisheries Research Institute, Nov. 1990 (i + 72 pp). Anonymous, 1990. Denmark. Progress report on cetacean research, June 1988 to May 1989. Part I. Greenland and Denmark. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 40: 190-192. Anonymous, 1990. Denmark. Progress report on cetacean research, June 1989 to May 1990. Part 1. Greenland and Denmark. IWCjSCj42jProg. Rep. Denmark, 6 pp (Mirneo). Bloch, D., G. Desportes, K. Hoydal and P. Jean, 1990. Pilot whaling in the Faroe Islands, July 1986 - July 1988. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2): 36-44. Bloch, D., G. Desportes, K. Hoydal and P. Jean, 1990. Grinde-fangst pa Freroerne juli 1986 juli 1988. Nordurlandahüsid i Foroyum. Arbok 1990: 45-50. Bloch, D. and K. Hoydal, 1990. Faroe Islands. Progress report on cetacean research 1988. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 40: 192-194. Bloch, D., K. Hoydal, J.S. Joensen and P. Zachariassen, 1990. The Faroese catch of the long-finned pilot whale. Bias shown of the 280 year time-series. North Atlantic Studies 2( 1-2): 45-46. Bloch, D. and M. Zachariassen, 1989. "Skinn" values of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands. North Atlantic Studies 1(1): 39-56. Born, E.W., 1990. Aerial census of walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) in Central West Greenland in April 1990. Gronlands Hjemme-styre, Afd. for Levende Ressourcer, Teknisk Rapport Nr. 21 - oktober 1990 (Summaries in Danish and Greenlandic): 11 pp. Born, E.W., 1990. Distribution and numbers of Atlantic walrusses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in Greenland. Appendix 11, p. 95-153, In:F.H. Fay, B.P. Kelly and B. Fay (eds): The ecology and management of walrus populations. Report of aninternational Workshop, 26-30 March 1990, Seattle, Washington. U.S. Mar. Mamm. Commn, 186 pp. Dorn, E.W. and S.A. Henriksen, 1990. Presence of Trichinella sp. in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from northeastern Greenland. Polar Record 8: 313-315. Dorn, E.W; and L.O. Knutsen, 1990. Hvalrosundersogelser: Rapport over feltarbejdet i 1989. Gronlands Hjemmestyre, Miljo- og Naturforvaltningen, Teknisk Rapport Nr. 13 februar 1990 (Summaries in English and Greenlandic. 8 Born. E.W. and L.O. Knutsen. 1990. Immobilization of Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) by use of etorphine hydrochloride reversed by diprenorphine hydrochloride. Gronlands Hjemmestyre. Miljo- og Naturforvaltningen. Teknisk Rapport Nr. 14 februar 1990 (Summa ries in Danish and Greenlandic): 15 pp. Born. E.W. L.O. Knutsen. 1990. Satellite tracking and behavioural observations of Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in NE Greenland in 1989. Gronlands Hjemmestyre. Afd. for Levende Ressoureer. Teknisk Rapport Nr. 20 - oktober 1990 (Summaries in Danish and Greenlandic): 68 pp. Dorn. E.W. L.O. Knutsen. 1990. Walrus studies in NE Greenland. August 1990: report on field work. Gronlands Hjemmestyre. Afd. for Levende Ressoureer. Teknisk Rapport Nr. 22 - oktober 1990 (Summaries in Danish and Greenlandic): 19 pp. Dahl. J.• 1990. Beluga hunting in Saqqaq. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2): 166-169. Danielsen. F.• H. Skov. J. Durinck and D. Bloch. 1990. Marine distribution of seabirds in the North East Atlantic between Iceland and Scotland. June - September 1987 and 1988. Dansk Orn. Foren. Tidsskrift 84: 45-63. Davis. R.A .• W.W. Richardson. L. Thiele. R. Dietz and P. Johansen. 1990. State of the Arctic environment report on underwater noise. Danish contribution to the Finnish initiative on protection of the Arctic environment: 151 pp. Desportes. G.• 1990. Pilot whale research in the Faroe Islands. Presentation and preliminary results. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2): 47-50. Desportes. G .• 1990. Den freroske grindeforskning. Nordurlandahusid i Foroyum. Arbok 1990: 51. Dietz. R.• C. Overgaard Nielsen. M. Munk Hansen and C.T. Hansen. 1990. Organic mercury in Greenland birds and mammals. The Science of the Total Environment 95: 41-51. Fregteborg. M.• 1990. Inuit organisations and whaling policies. North Atlantic Studies 2(1 -2): 124-129. Hansen. C.T.• C. Overgaard Nielsen. R. Dietz and M. Munk Hansen. 1990. Zinc. cadmium. mercury and selenium in minke whales. belugas. and narwhals from West Greenland. Polar Diology 10: 529-539. Härkönen. T. and M.-P. Heide-Jorgensen. 1990. Comparative life histories of East Atlantic and other harbour seal populations. Ophelia 32(3): 211-235. Härkönen. T. and M.-P. Heide-Jorgensen. 1990. Short-term effects of the mass-dying of harbour seal. Phoca vitulina. in the Kattegat-Skagerak area during 1988. Z. Zaügetierk. 55: 233-238. Heide-Jorgensen. M-P.• 1990. Small cetaceans in Greenland: Hunting and biology. North Atlantic Studies. 2(1 -2): 55-58. Heide-Jorgensen. M-P.• 1990. S~lernes okologi i Kattegat. Undersogelser fra 1978 til 1985. 9 Rapport til Skov- og Naturstyre1sen, Miljoministeriet og Verdensnaturfonden fra Danbiu ApS, Henningsens Alle 58, 2900 Hellerup: 124 pp. . Hertz, 0., 1990. Environment, eeonomy and wha1ing. A ease study from Uummannaq, West Greenland. North At1antie Studies 2(1 -2): 192-195). Hoydat, K., 1990. Management of marine resourees. North At1antie Studies 2(1-2): 85-86. Joensen, J.P., 1990. Faroese pilot whaling in the light of soeia1 and cu1tura1 history. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2):179-184. Joensen, J.P., 1990. Färöisk grindva1sjakt i 1juset av soeia1- och kulturhistoria. Nordurlandahusid i Foroyum. Arbok 1990: 39-44. Joyce, G.G., Desportes, G. and Bloch, D. 1990. Thc Faroese NASS-89 Sighting Cruise. IWC SC/42/0 ll, 10 pp. KapeI, F.O. and L.A. Angantyr, 1990. Gron1andssa:1ernes fodevaner ved Vestgn:m1and. Teknisk rapport fra Gron1ands Fiskeri-undersoge1ser, Dee. 1990 (v. + 63 pp). Kinze, C.C. (MS), 1990. Cetacean mortality in passsive fishing nets and traps in the Baltic Sea: a review. IWC SCjO 90jG 25 (Mimeo). Kinze, C.C. (MS), 1990. The distribution of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Danish waters 1983-1989. IWC SCj42jSM 34, 14 pp + II tabtes, II figs (Mimeo). Kinze, C.C. (MS), 1990. Incidenta1 catches of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Danish waters: Recent data and behavioura1 implications. IWC SCj42jSM 51, 20 pp + 6 tab1es, 1 fig. (Mimeo). Kinze, C.C. (MS), 1990. Life tab1e ca1cu1ations of a theoreticat harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) population: Predietions on 10ngevity. IWC SC/42/SM 33, 19 pp. (Mimeo). Kinze, C.C., 1990. Marsvinet i danske farvande - udbrede1se, yng1eforekomst og trusler. Flora och Fauna 85(3-4): 114-121. Kinze, C.C. (MS), 1990. Marsvineundersogelser i Vestgronland 1989: Afsluttende rapport. Zoologisk Museum. 16 pp. (Mimeo). Kinze, C.C. (MS), 1990. Non-metrie analysis of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the North and Baltic Seas: Implieations for stock identity. IWC SCj42jSM 35, 15 pp + 10 tables, 5 figs (Mimeo). Kinze, C.C., 1990. Overvagning af marsvin 1989 (Distribution and breeding areas of the harbour porpoise in Danish waters 1989). Report to the Ministry of the Environment, 14 pp (in Danish with an English summary). Kinze, C.C., T.B. Sorensen and H. Kremer (MS), 1990. The growth and reproduction of westgreen1andic harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena (L.» with remarks on sex and age distribution. IWC SCj42jSM 48, 9 pp.(Mimeo). Larsen, F., P.J. Clapham and P.S. Hammond, 1990. Humpback whales off West Greenland. Resurne of IWC SC/41/PS 12, Rep. int. Whal. Commn 40: 597. 10 Lemche, E., 1990. Management of stocks. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2): 87-88. Lynge, F., 1990. Whaling: SampIes from a contemporary debate. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2): 138-144. Mohl, B., 1990. The feasibility of obtaining vital parameters by acoustic means. North Atlantic Studies 2(12): 77-78. 0lafsson, A., 1990. Faroese whale and whaling policy. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2): 130-137. Overgaard Nielsen, C. R. and Dietz, 1990. Distributional pattern of zine, cadmium, mereury, and selenium in livers of hooded seal (Cystophora cristata). Biological Trace Element Research 24: 61-71. Rosing-Asvid, A. and E.W. Born, 1990. Fangst af isbjorn (Ursus maritimus) i Avanersuaq og Upernavik kommuner: en interviewundersogelse. Gmnlands Hjemmestyre, Avd. for Levende Ressoureer, Teknisk rapport nr. 23 - Dee. 1990: 63 pp. (In Danish with an English summary). Sanderson, K., 1990. Grindadnlp - The discourse of drama. North Atlantic Studies 2(1-2): 196-204. Sorensen, T.B. and C.C. Kinze (MS), 1990. Growth and reproduetion in Danish harbour porpoises. IWC SC/42/SM 32, (Mimeo). Tougaard, S., 1989. Monitoring harbour seal (Phoea vitulina) in the Danish Wadden Sea. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 43: 347-356 FINLAND Helle, E. 1990: Norppakannan kehitys Perämerellä 1980-luvulla (summary in English). Suomen Riista 36: 31-36. Helle, E. and Stenman, O. (edit.) 1990: Itämeren hyljekannat 1986-1990 (summary in English). - Maailman Luonnon Säütiön WWF Suomen Rahaston Raportteja Nro I: 1-76. Helle, E., Stenman, 0., Olsson, M., Helander, B. and Härkönen, T. 1990: Baltic seals. Population size, reproduction and organochlorines. - Ambio Special Report 7: 16-17. Stenman, O. 1990: Les populations de phoques dans le Golfe de Finlande au cours des annees 1980. - CIEM C.M. 1990/N:13. Stenman, O. and Tissari, A. 1990: Organochlorines in Baltic seals in the 1980s. - ICES C.M. 1990/N:12. • 11 FRANCE Antoine, L. 1990. Des dauphins, des thons et des pecheurs. Equinoxe 33: 11-14. Babin, P., R. Duguy, G. Grandon 1990. Intoxication par ingestion d'hydrocarbures chez le Phoque gris (Halichoerus grypus) et le phoque veau-marin (Phoca vitulina). 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A note on methods used in shipboard whale surveys. Paper SC/42/019 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 1990 (unpublished). 6 p. Gunnlaugsson, T. 1990. Reanalysis of a minke whale sightings experiment onboard Hvalur 9 in Faxafloi, southwest Iceland, July/August 1988. Paper SC/42/NHMil presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 1990 (unpublished) 3p. Gunnlaugsson, T. 1990. Effects of Beaufort on minke whale sightings rate in Ice]andic wha]e observation surveys 1982-1986. Paper SC/42/NHMi25 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 1990 (unpublished). 10 p. Gunnlaugsson, T. and J. Sigurjonsson 1989. NASS-87: Estimation of whale abundance based on observations made onboard Icelandic and Faroese survey vessels. Rep. int. WhaI. Commn 40: 571-580. • Gunn]augsson, T. and J. Sigurjonsson 1990. A note on the problem of false positives in the use of natural marking data for abundance estimation. Rep. int. WhaI. Commn (special issue) 12: 143-145. Gunn]augsson, T. and J. 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Sigurjonsson, J. 1990. Icelandic whaling-catch limits and numbers. North Atlantic Studies 2: 89 (abstract) Sigurjonsson, J. and A. Galan 1990. Information on stornach contents of minke whales in Icelandic waters. Paper SC/42/NHMi28 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, June 1990 (unpublished). 6 p. Sigurjonsson, J., G. Vikinsson and T. Gunnlaugsson 1990. Progress report on canditates for Comprehensive Assessment: North Atlantic fin, sei and sperm whales. Paper SC/42/020 presented to the IWC Scientific Commitee, June 1990 (unpublished) 8 p. Sigurjonsson, J., S.O. Halldorsson and A. Konradsson 1990. New information on age and reproduction in minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) caught in Icelandic waters. Papers SC/42/NHMi27 presented to the IWC Scientific Committ~e, June 1990 (unpublished). 17 p. Sigurjonsson, J. and T. Gunnlaugsson 1990. Recent trends in abundance of blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) off west and southwest Ieeland, with a note on occurrence of other cetacean species. Rep. int. WhaI. Commn 40: 537-551. Sigurjonsson, J. and T. Gunnlaugsson 1990. Distribution and abundance ofcetaceans in • 19 Icelandic and adjacent waters during sightings surveys July/August 1989. ICES Marine Mammals Committee, Copenhagen, Oetober 1990, ICES CM 1990/N:5 26 p. Sigurjonsson, J., T. Gunnlaugsson, P. Ensor, M. Newcomer and G. Vikingsson 1990. North Atlantic Sighting surveys 1989 (NASS-89): Shipboard surveys in Icelandic and adjacent waters July/August 1989. Paper SC/42/021 presented to the IWC Scientific Committe, June 1990 (unpublished). 30 p. Skirnisson K. and E. Olafsson 1990. Parasites of seals in Icelandic waters, with special reference to the heart worm (Dipetalonema spirocauda Leidy 1858) and the sucking louse (Echinopthirius horridus, Olfers 1916). Natturufraedingurinn 60 (2): 93-102 (In Icelandic with English summary). Spillaert, R., A. Palsdottir and A. Arnason 1990. Analysis of the C4 gene in four species of Balaenopteridae: Fin (Balaenoptera physalus), sei (B. borealis), minke (B. acutorostrata) and Bryde's whales (B. edeni) using a human cDNA probe. Rep. int. WhaI. Commn 40: 600 (abstract). Spillaert, R., A. Palsdottir and A. Arnason 1990. Analysis of the C4 genes in baleen whales using a human cDNA probe. Immunogeneties 32: 73-76. Svansson, V. 1990. Selafarid i Evropu 1988. Dyralaeknaritid, May 1990: 4-12. Vikingsson, G. 1990. A note on strandings and net entanglement of minke whales in Iceland. Paper SC/42/NHMi29 presented to the IWC Seientific Committee, June 1990 (unpublished) 6 p. Vikingsson, G. 1990. Energetic studies on fin and sei whales caught off Iceland. Rep. int. WhaI. Commn 40: 365-373. • NORWAY Anon. Norway. 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