La Crosse Institute For Movement Science (LIMS) 2012-2013

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La Crosse Institute For Movement Science (LIMS)
Thomas Kernozek, PhD, Director
The Institute was created in 2005 at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in the Department of Health Professions
in the Health Science Center. The Institute brings together
scientists and clinicians of various disciplines seeking new
knowledge related to human movement, factors related to
injury, the foundations of therapeutic exercise used int the
treatment and rehabilitation of injury.
Each year over 40 students from graduate and undergraduate programs across the UW-L campus are involved in
laboratory research including Physical Therapy, Exercise
and Sport Science, Physics, and Biology. High technology
funding from the State of Wisconsin supports 8 Physics
Biomedical student internships in the lab.
The clinical biomechanics laboratory has a national reputation from published and presented work.
Current Projects
 Understanding mechanisms of non-contact ACL injuries in females.
 Evaluating patellofemoral joint stresses with running mechanics of females with patellofemoral pain.
 Examining the effects of multifrequency vibration on blood flow and
muscle activation.
 Evaluating changes in bone stresses during running in those with a
previous history of stress fracture.
LIMS Scientists
LIMS acquires HBM System
Chris Durall, DPT, ATC, MSPT (UW-La Crosse Health Center)
John Greany, PT, PhD, Exercise Physiologist, (Health Professions)
LIMS partnered with Motek Medical (Netherlands) to
evaluate HBM system for the quantitative assessment of
human movement.. The HBM system uses motion capture, external forces and muscle activation to estimate
muscle forces in real time. These measurements allow
researchers to better understand tissue stresses of
movement leading to acute/overuse injury or muscle
force generation during rehabilitation exercises. The
system is located in the 2,250 square foot clinical biomechanics laboratory.
Thomas Greiner, PhD, Biological Anthropologist, (Health Professions)
Di-An Hong, PhD, Biomechanist, (Laboratory Manager, Health Professions)
Tom Kernozek, PhD, Biomechanist, (Health Professions)
Stacey Meardon, PT, ATC, PhD, Biomechanist/Motor Control, (Health Professions)
Robert Ragan, PhD, Computational Physicist (Physics)
La Crosse Institute for Movement Science LIMS
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Recently Published or In Press Research
Song, C.Y., Peng, H.S., Kernozek, T.W. (in press). Muscle Activation of
Vastus Medialis Obliquus and Vastus Lateralis during a Dynamic Leg
Press Exercise with and without Isometric Hip Adduction. Physical
Therapy in Sport.
Bolt, A., Willson, JD., Barrios J.A., Kernozek, T.W. (in press). Effects of
Medially Wedged Foot Orthoses on Knee and Hip Joint Running Mechanics in Females with and without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.
Journal of Applied Biomechanics.
Kernozek, T.W., Greany, J.F., Heizler, C. (in press). Plantar Loading
Asymmetry in Native Americans with Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy. Diabetes and those without Diabetes. Journal of the American
Podiatric Medical Association.
Wirtz, A., Willson, J.D., Kernozek, T.W., Hong, D. (in press). Patellofemoral Joint Stress During Running in Females with and without
Patellofemoral Pain. The Knee.
Durall, C., Greene, P., Kernozek, T.W. (2012) A comparison of two tests
of trunk flexor endurance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26(7):1939-44.
LIMS Reputation Continues to Rise
LIMS in the Department of Health Professions enabled the
Physical Therapy Program to reach in strategic goal of publishing 25 peer reviewed papers over a 3 year span. LIMS
researchers accomplished this in two!!! This distinguishes the
Physical Therapy program in the upper tier of scholarly output
nationally in physical therapy education. This could not have
been done without dedicated faculty and student scholars.
Congratulations on a job well done!
Rose Excellence in Research Awarded to John Willson, Tom
Kernozek, Rebecca Arndt, Dan Reznichek, & Scott Straker at
the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical
Therapy Meeting on 2/10/12 for their paper “Gluteal muscle
activation during running in females with patellofemoral pain”
published in Clinical Biomechanics.
Greene, P., Durall, C., Kernozek, T.W. (2012). Intersession Reliability
and Concurrent Validity of Isometric Endurance Tests for the Lateral
Trunk Musculature. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. 21(2):161-6.
Kernozek, T.W., Ragan, R., Willson J.D., Koehler, C., Lopez, T. (2012).
Variation of Anatomical and Physiological Parameters that Affect Estimates of ACL Loading during Drop Landing, Open Orthopedics Journal.
Rogatzki, M.J., Kernozek, T.W., Willson, J.D., Greany, J.F., Hong, D.,
Porcari, J.P. (2012). Differences in peak muscle activation, joint kinematics and kinetics during an elliptical and a stepping movement pattern while using the precor amt trainer. Research Quarterly in Exercise
and Sport. 83(2):152-9.
For more information contact:
Southard, J., Kernozek, T.W., Ragan, R., Willson, J.D. (2012) ACL tension
in landing with typical and flexed postures. International Journal of
Sports Medicine. 33(5): 381-385.
Durall, C., Kernozek, T.W. (2011). Association between single-leg postural control and drop-landing mechanics in healthy females. Journal
of Sports Rehabilitation. 20:406-418.
Peng, H., Kernozek, T.W., Song, C. (2011). Quadricep and hamstring
activation levels with changes in drop height. Physical Therapy in
Sport. 12(3):127-32.
Tom Kernozek, PhD, Director of LIMS
Lubahn, A.J., Kernozek, T.W., Tyson, T.L., Merkitch, K.W., Reutemann,
P., Chestnut, J.M. (2011) Hip muscle activation and knee frontal plane
motion during weight bearing therapeutic exercises. The International
Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 6(2): 92-103.
4071 Health Science Center
Laughlin, W.A., Weinhandl, J.T., Kernozek, T.W., Cobb, S.C., Keenan,
K.G., O’Connor, K.M. (2011). The effects of single-let landing technique
on ACL loading. Journal of Biomechanics. 44(10)-1845-1851.
La Crosse, WI 54601
University of Wisconsin—La Crosse
1300 Badger Street
Willson, J.D., Kernozek, T.W., Reznichek,D., Arndt, B. (2011).
Gluteal muscle activation during running in females with
patellofemoral pain. Clinical Biomechanics. 26(7): 735-740.
Olson, T.J., Chebny, C., Willson, J.D., Kernozek, T.W., Straker,
J.S. (2011). Comparison of 2D and 3D kinematic changes during a single leg step down following neuromuscular training.
Physical Therapy in Sport. 12(2): 93-99.