Organization for Campus Women Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 15, 2008, Noon to 12:55 pm Cartwright 263 Present: Bodelson A., Boortz C., Brunk S., Butterfield S., Dobbs D., Holman J., Kuester J., Kratt B., Richter J., Strange M., Wilson M., Yoshizumi B., Williams, A. Excused: Anderson D., Shulka K., Wilson J., Chilton G Welcome to New Steering Committee Members: The following two individuals were write-in candidates, and have agreed to serve on the steering committee: Faculty Representative: Academic Staff Representative: Donna Anderson Antoiwana Williams Committee Reports 1. Honors / Scholarships / Fundraising (Maureen/Sharie) – no report. 2. Newsletter / Directory Bev asked for articles for the newsletter as she plans on having it ready to go out soon. 3. OCW Symposium (Diane reported that Jennifer has been working with a potential speaker at Franciscan Skemp to put together a program for the spring symposium. This speaker may be part of the EAP program. Jara mentioned that there are people who would like to be on the Symposium Committee that need to be contacted. Right now the committee is composed of Jennifer Wilson and Diane Dobbs. Galadriel could send out an email and invite participation on the committee so that we can be sure that all those interested in working with symposium have the opportunity. We should be sure to indicate joint sponsorship on advertising as well (if WAC will co-sponsor). Carmen is setting up a meeting with concerned parties to discuss the PAPD Campus Climate Survey and determine whether anything about this survey needs to be addressed at the spring symposium. Susan Butterfield submitted the following idea for symposium: INFORMATION: A SPRING BOARD FOR CHANGE • • • Definitions for Dummies -- a help to identify abusive behavior Communication -- tools to build a positive campus climate Resources --- books, counseling and sources to empower This session would define terms, identify tools to build solutions, and refer staff to resources that can help empower women on campus. The campus climate survey that classified women took in the fall may be revised and sent to a larger population. Becky suggested: What is a healthy work environment and how can you help create a healthy work environment? What motivates employees? What things are most important for employee satisfaction? It’s not just salary. The time frame for symposium is before spring break (week of March 18). We would like to have a food donation station available at symposium as well. 4. Program Committee Jara reminded the group that the OCW Book Club will be discussing The Namesake tomorrow in Port O’ Call. Jara wondered if we should choose a book related to work/life for the next book club book. Maybe the book would be scheduled for after the symposium; we could announce the book at the symposium. If people have suggestions, please let Jara know. Sharie Brunk suggested Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. Becky indicated that we could have additional brown bag lunches to discuss important topics on campus, possibly working with WAC to schedule these as an additional opportunity for discussion. 5. Social Committee Michele has reserved the Myrick Park Gun Shelter for the Spring Picnic on Thursday, May 15, 2008, 3:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. This date will be in the next newsletter. 6. YWCA Tribute (Susan Butterfield) – no report. 7. Website (Galadriel) – no report. Officer Reports: Treasurer: Jo Ann reported that OCW has $475.20 in the account after paying for the shelter reservation. Membership/Elections Diane reported that OCW has 37 active members. Renewal can be handled at the symposium again this year. We still have OCW pins, but not a lot of them. New Business: Potential fund raising idea (done in the past?): OCW Mugs for sale? OCW Making a Difference in Your World Diane thinks there may still be stress balls and mugs available. Other: Becky received a request for OCW to co-sponsor a speaker with Women’s Studies from Sandi Krajewski: Ellen Bravo, who teaches at UW-Milwaukee. “Taking on the Big Boys” is the title of her new book. She is coming March 10th and giving two talks. Bravo is speaking at 4:00 p.m. in Port O Call and at 7:00 p.m. in Main Hall Auditorium. Her 7:00 p.m. talk is titled “Forget the Glass Ceiling, We Need to Redesign the Building.” Antoiwana suggested asking Jennifer Wilson about how we could support this – could it be part of symposium? Next Meeting: February 12, 2008, CC 263 Adjourned at 12:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jenifer Holman