Organization for Campus Women Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Organization for Campus Women
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Noon to 1:00 pm
Cartwright 263
Present: Carmen Boortz, Sharie Brunk, Jenifer Holman, Diane Dobbs, Jaralee
Richter, Jennifer Wilson, Maureen Wilson, Becky Yoshizumi, Jo Ann Kuester
Carmen Boortz called the meeting to order.
Committee Reports
OCW Symposium
Jennifer Wilson announced that the date for the symposium (on the subject of how
do women deal with stress: better than men?) is set for Tuesday, March 27th, from
about 11:30-1:30, in Valhalla. Release time for classified staff was approved by
chancellor. We discussed handing out pens, pads, or coins with an inspiring
message on them. The coins were well received as a way to “pay it forward.” Food
options will most likely be make your own sandwiches and soup. OCW will
subsidize part of the lunch cost for OCW members.
Jara reported that Bev has a template ready for the next newsletter and she wants
our submissions by this Friday so she can send it out before the February 23rd.
Program Committee
Becky and Jara quickly reminded the group of the upcoming brown bags: February
15, March 15, and April 19. The February Brown Bag is in Port ‘o Call tomorrow
and will feature Carmen Wilson and Wil Van Roosenbeek speaking about leadership
opportunities on campus. The March 15 brown bag will feature a book group
discussion. The April 19th brown bag – last of the semester - will feature Beth
Hartung doing a work/life balance workshop.
Social Committee
Jo Ann announced that the Gun shelter at Myrick Park has been reserved for
Wednesday, May 16th from 3:30-7:30.
Officer Reports
Jo Ann announced that we have $275.23 and 32 members. Could we change the
annual cycle so that when people sign up at the symposium, their membership lasts
until the next symposium? If that is when most people are signing up, maybe it
would be easier to keep track of. Current members would have to renew for the
next year at the symposium. Jara suggested that if you come to the symposium
and renew for the following year, it should cost only $7.00 for the membership
instead of the $10.00 membership that will be the renewal cost in the fall. Jara’s
proposal passed unanimously.
Jo Ann and Diane will write up something about elections for the next newsletter.
Steering Committee members should think about their involvement for next year.
Please let Galadriel know by March 7, which is our next steering committee
meeting. We could have more information about our committees available at the
symposium so that participants can learn about opportunities and possibly
volunteer. Shari and Becky will be available at a table at the symposium to talk to
people about who they can get involved in OCW.
Old Business
UW-L Food Pantry: A Spring Semester Food Drive Update
Galadriel (not present) sent in this announcement about the food drive: E-copies of
signs were sent out, and I have placed a box in Murphy Library. Verification of
other box locations is needed, and then I’ll send a note to Campus Connections.
Box locations announced during the meeting are as follows:
Wilder Hall – Maureen and Shari
Main – Carmen
Cartwright - Bev
Murphy Library – Galadriel
Wing (2nd floor) - Becky
These boxes will be out until Spring break.
Next Meeting: March 7
Meeting Adjourned at 12:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenifer S. Holman
February 19, 2007