Organization for Campus Women Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Organization for Campus Women
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, Noon to 12:55 pm
Cartwright 263
Present: Bodelson A., Boortz C., Brunk S., Butterfield S., Dobbs D., Holman J., Kratt B., Kuester J.,
Richter J., Strange M., Wilson M., Yoshizumi B.
Excused: Anderson D., Chilton G., Shulka K., Williams, A., Wilson J.
Committee Reports
Honors / Scholarships / Fundraising (Maureen/Sharie) – Scholarships winners have been invited to the
picnic on Thursday.
Newsletter / Directory (Bev) – Bev announced that Donna Anderson will be taking over the newsletter.
OCW Symposium (Diane/Deb Hanson) - Carmen has set a meeting for May 21st at 3:00 p.m. to discuss
symposium results from this year and planning for next year.
Program Committee (Becky/Jara) - OCW Book Club: Jaralee will send out more information (Campus
Connection and via email) about a date (late June or early July) for the next book discussion on Snow
Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See.
Social Committee (Michele Strange) – Michele reviewed final planning details for the OCW Spring Picnic
which is this Thursday, May 15, 2008, at the Myrick Park Gun Shelter. Diane will take photos. All are
welcome to help set-up at 4:00 p.m.
YWCA Tribute (Susan Butterfield) – Susan announced our campus nominees:
Arts & Sciences: Karen McLean (Medical/Health);
Business Professions: Paula Knutson (Administration);
Office Support: Nancy Jones;
Special Interests: Barbara Stewart (Multicultural Relations);
Special Interests: Janet Abnet (Volunteer Services);
Education: Chris Bakkum (Administrator)
Future nominees include: Beth Hartung, Betsy Morgan, Sibbie Weathers, Peg Maher, Jan Von Ruden,
Penny Tiedt, Deborah Buffton, and Deb Hoskins.
Susan Butterfield (chair), Sandy Grunwald, Ingrid Iverson, and Ronda Smith comprise the YWCA Tribute
Committee. Congratulations to both current and future nominees.
Website (Galadriel) – no report.
Officer Reports:
Treasurer: (Jo Ann) – Our account balance is $485.20. Michele will bring receipts to Jo Ann for
reimbursement for picnic supplies.
Membership/Elections (Diane) - Steering committee chairs that are vacant have been identified; Diane
will work with Jen (during Galadriel’s leave) to send out ballots for those positions which are vacant.
(Items/vacancies for discussion are hi-lighted in red below). Diane sends out the ballots/requests for
people to chair a committee if a vacancy occurs or to be a representative. Carmen will send out an
email to faculty to see if we can get some new people on board.
Steering Committee Elections
2007-2008 Steering Committee ~ Officers and Representatives
Galadriel Chilton
Jenifer Holman
Jo Ann Kuester
Committee Chairs
YWCA Tribute Chair
Symposium Chair
Program Chairs
Newsletter Chair
Membership/Elections Chair
Website Chair
Steering Committee Members
Classified Staff Representatives:
Carmen Boortz
Amery Bodelson
2008-2009 OPEN (Faculty representative)
Past President
Susan Butterfield
Maureen Wilson & Sharie Brunk
Jennifer Wilson
Becky Yoshizumi & Jaralee Richter
Bev Kratt
Diane Dobbs
Galadriel Chilton
Diane Dobbs
Carmen Boortz
Krista Shulka
Academic Staff Representatives:
3 of 3
2 of 3
1 of 3
Michele Strange
Amery Bodelson
3 of 3
1 of 3
Antoiwana Williams
Faculty Representatives:
1 of 3
Jenifer Holman
Donna Anderson
3 of 3
0 of 3
1 of 3
New Business:
Survey for Symposium Planning 2008-2009
Galadriel and Carmen had a discussion and shared some email communication regarding a new survey
to gather information about the symposium. Many surveys have been distributed this spring; we would
like to wait until fall to survey all women on campus about what they liked about part symposiums and
what they are looking for in future symposiums. Also, we may know more after the meeting with HR in
May. Perhaps the survey might even be changed a little after this meeting. The 2007 survey is
attached below (page 4). Sharie recommended phrasing the survey in the future tense: what would you
like to see for the spring symposium? Jaralee recommended adding a sentence describing the
symposium. Susan recommended two HR folks from Madison who talked about dealing with “Beasties
and Bullies in the Workplace” at a recent conference she attended. This idea was very popular.
Becky is planning a steering committee social outing for June, possibly on a Wednesday night.
Jo Ann suggested we walk in the fall Gundersen Lutheran breast cancer walk (stepping out in pink) as a
group. Carmen also brought up volunteering for Rotary Lights this year.
Thanks to Carmen for doing an amazing job as OCW President this year!
Next Meeting: TBA, August 2008
Meeting Adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenifer Holman
May 13, 2008
OCW Symposium Evaluation Questions
(Used for 2007 Symposium – Modified for 2008-2009)
1. Please review the following and indicate your level of agreement.
(Strongly Disagree / Strongly Agree)
a. Having the symposium held from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm is convenient for me.
b. The day of the week the symposium is held usually makes a difference for me.
2. Which
day of the week would be most convenient for you to attend the OCW Symposium?
3. How much would you expect to pay for lunch at an event like OCW’s symposium?
More $10
4. Three things that you like about OCW's annual symposium.
5. Three ways that OCW's symposium could be improved.
6. Suggested topics or speakers for next year’s OCW symposium?
7. If we could bring in speakers that may require more funding to attain, would you be willing to
increase the amount paid for OCW dues annually?
8. Additional comments about past year's programs and presenters?