- - -------------- ,. • PAPER ICES 1992 Demersal Fish Committee C.M. 19921G:66 Re/. F SruDIES ON ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN GENOTYPES AND GROWTH RATE OF O·GROUP COD By Knut E. J~rstad • Institute of Marine Research P.O.Box 1872, Nordnes N-5024 BERGEN - Norway and Gunnar Nrevdal Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology University of Bergen Bergen High-Technology Center N-5020 BERGEN - Norway • \ ABSTRAcr The aim of the present study was to investigate genotype dependent growth rate in young eod. The material of O-group cod was colleeted from pond produced eod in western and northern Norway, and analysed for genotype distribution of haemoglobins and several tissue enzymes. The mean growth rate (meastlI'ed as size at sampling) of the different genotypes were compared by analyses of variance. Associations between growth rate and haemoglobin type were found in one sampIe, and likewise LDH genotype dependent growth rate was indieated in one sampie. The results are discussed in relation to the biological significance of biochemical genetic variation. • . , INTRODUCTION Studies on' blood types and blood proteins of eod, Gadus. morhua wer~ eondueted in Norway . in the years' 1962- 1972 (FrydenbCrg' et al. 1965, Mpllcr 1968 and unpublished) for appIleations on ideritificatiori of sclf-sustaining populations of this spccies. Sincc 1978 likewise tissue enzymes have 1>Cen siudicd by stareh gei cicetrophoresis (iprstäd 1984 arid unpublished, J~rsiad & Nrevd1l11989, Gjpsreter et al. 199I). The more rceent studies have bcen eoriducted as bascline studies in connection with aftlficial propagation and sca nmching of eod. .' .', .. " ' . '.' ~ ,.., . ' ' Kaipov & Novikov (1980) found that the furictional propeities of the haemoglobin genotyPes of eod were differentially iriOueneed by environrriental ternperature. Likewise Mork~ GiskepdegäTd & Sundnes (1984, a,b) found that tbe three ~acmoglobin genotypes possessed , different growth rate .capacities, and Mork & Sundnes (1985) found different survival of different Ldh-3 arid ,/>gi-1 genotypes of wild eaptured O-group eod which were kept in captivitY.· Jßrstäd (1986) found no genotyPe depende'nt groWth rate in an extensive sarnpling,' programme of eod produced in a marine pond. while Gjpsreter et al. (1992) fouod indieation. although not eonsistently, of ge~oiyPc deperident growth rate in O-group cod from the southeasi eoast of Norway. •. . , ·Tbe aim of ihe prescnt stucty was to investigate poteritial genritypc depcrideöt growih riüe in O-group eod raised in semi-natural ponds for usc in sea ranehing. The resultS will bc of value for understanding the significance of biochemical genetic variation and for the application of gerie frequencies or/and geriotype distributions in studies of populations structure in this and other fish species. ' . , MATERIAL AND METHODS Sarripling of blood and tissüe have been dcscribcd by MplIer (1968) arid j~rstad (1984). For analysis of hacmoglobin. the method describcd by Siek (1965) ~as applied with modifieations (Jprstad 1984). Starch,gel electfophoresis was used for analysis of tissue enzymes. After an initial sCreening of a large numbcr of enzymes to identify polymorPhic loci, the following were chosen for routine analyses; lactatC' dehydrogeöasc (LDH-3), phosphogluco-J!lutase (PGM), glucose-6-phosphatri dehydrogenaSe (GPD). phosphoglucoSc isomerase (PGI-l),arid .'isoeitraie dehydrogenasc (IDH-2). ,For the present änalYsis. the genetie systems with a . reasonably high numbcr of sPccimens within two or more genotype groups withm sampIes ,were chosen i.e. haemoglobin, LDH and PGI. . .. f. • I I. _ .". , ," ' ," :" \ -. ' . ',. , ';' " " , ,... '. .'. ",. " • '. , An overview of thesamples is given inTable.L All sampIes were eoUected in the autllmn when the flsh were 4-6 months old and chose to the time of release of the fish inti> the riatirral' . environment. Sainples 1-3 were coIiected from eod produced in a porid near Tromsp while the rest of the ·samples.were ~wn fro~.eod produced iri,ihc pond Parisvarine4located mi island west of Bergen. In 1990 and 1991 two groups of fish were' produced iIi. the pond; orie offspring of non-sciectCd broodfish. arid one, offspririg of geneiieally tagged broodfish~ 11te productionof broodfishhomozygotous for the rare a1le~e Pgi-l(30ßO)is desenbed by Skäala et ale (1990) and Svasand er al. (1990). Offspring of the geneiically tagged broodflsh; (ealled 6a arid ja) are treated ~ iwo gioups.· ' an . " " '. <. Individu~ length were reeorded for all fish sampled. ,Lcngth at time of sampling is regarded as a measuremcnt of realized growth rate from hatchirig to sampling. Mean lengths wiihin frequent genotypes were coiriparcd, by ,one-way and two-ways ANOVA statistics. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION I • ( , , Gene frequencies calculated from obse~ed genotype distributions are shown in Table 1. . Considerable variations bCtween sainpJes were found. Frequencies of the gene Hb-I(1) in the range 0.25 '-0.40 for coastal eod in northern NOrWay and in the ran'ge 0.50,-0.60 in western Norway arC in aceordance with eadier findings (Frydenbcrg et al.' 1965. Mßller 1968. ]prstad and Nrevdal 1989). whiJe the frequencies of the more eommon LDH and PGI genes wece fOllnd io bc vcry' high in some of the present sampies eompared to earlier findings (Jprstad 1984. ]prstad and Nrevdal 1989). Likewise rare genes seemed io bC absent or extremely rare in some sanipJes. As expeeted in the sampJes 6a and 7a only the POl gene Pgi-3(30) is represented while the other genetic systems are unaffected. However. it is not at all sure that the gene frequencies in pond produced fish afe representative for the populations from which lhe broodfish were drawn. bCcausc these frequencies probably are influenced by genetic drift. Although the numbC..s of spawning eod in the spawning pond are high (Sväsand et eil. 1990). the 'actual numbcrs participaiing in the spawning the few days the eggs were collected. are unknowri and'probably low. Thus genetic drift is IikeJy to take piace. and too much weight should not bc pui on the variation bctween samjlles. . Mean lengths' of fish of different gen~types within ~ampJes ~. shown in TabJ~s 2-4. These vatues were tested by one-way ANOVA within sampies. arid by two-ways ANOVA for all or groups of sampies. Conceming haemoglobins significant differences were found in sampie No. 4; fish of genotype Hb-I(212) showing the highest mean lerigth. This is in aceordance with tlle resuJts of Moik et al. (1984 a.b). and Nrevdai et al. (1992). fouod highest mean le~gths of Hb-I(212) regardlesS of environmental temperature under experimental conditions. No trend or tendencies were seen among the non-significant differences. and two-ways ANOVAgave no indication of significant interactions bctween genotype and sampie conccinirig, mean lengths. ..... ", .. .' . : . ',,' .' . • .Likewisc only orie sainpld (s~ple 6) showed significant differenc~s in mean length concerning LDH genotype. No sign'of interactions were found arid no trend among the norisignificant differenees. cxcept that ihegenetically iagged eod (Pgi-3(30/30) were on average smaller in 1990 and larger iri 1991 thanthe rest of the fish raised inthe same pond. This. however. Me due to differences in age ai start of the pond experiment and not associated with genotype (Biom 'et al. 1990). ' Thus the preserit study have shown indication of genotype dependent groWth rate in only two .cases of totally 27 comparisons. However. the results ace not c·onsistent. 'and the differences are showing up only'in a few Sarriph~s. This,is in accordaricc with earlier findings (GjPsreter er al. 1992) and the biological significance of biochemical genetic .variation in fish still serims obscure.·, . . "; ,. "' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS " nie aulhors . . . . . . "-:'.. want to thank Torstein pederSen. Oie lrigar Paulsen and Solve.ig Thorkiidscn for .,: .. ",I ;) sampling and laboratoiy analyscs, and the NoiWegi~ Fish~ries Research Council for'Financial 'support.' . . ..' REFERENCES BIom, G., SvAsand, To, J~rsiad, K., Otterä, H.~ PauISen, O.I~ and Holm, J. Chr. i990. eomparative growth and survival of lwo genetie strains of Atlantie eod (Gculus morhua · L.) rcared through. the early' life stages in' a' marine pond iIi western NOrWay. . Coun.Meet. Int.CC!ün.EXplor.Sea 1990 (F: 48), 19 pp. . Frydenbcrg, 0., M~ller, D., Nrevdal, G. and Siek, K. 1965. Haemoglobin p~lymOl.phism in. · Norwegian eod populations. Hereditlis, '53: 257-271.. , . Gj~sreter, 1.. J~rstad, K. Nrevdal, G. and Thorkildscn~ S. 1992. Genotype distributions of eod · from the Norwegian Skag~iTak eoast. Sarsia 76: 255-259. ' . '. . '.. J~rsuid,K.1984:Geneiie äriaiyses of eod irinortherii Norway. In: E. Dahl, DoS. D~ielssen, . " E. Mokiness tind P. SoleiiuJal (ed;ts), The Propagation • 0/ eod, GluJus morhua,' 1. Fl;devigen rapportser.; 1'(1984): 745-760. . J~rstad, K. 1986. Growth studies on eod (Ga'dus morhua L.): eompansons bCtween gcnoiypes identifled byelectrophorcsis. EIFAClFAO Symposium on Seleetion, Hybridization and -Genetie Engineering- in .Aquaculture Fish and SheÜfish. for Consumption and Stcicking:-Bordeaux (Franee),' 27-30 Mciy, 1985(posie;)~', . oe, J~rStad, K. and Nrevdal; G. 1989. Genctlc variationand popuiaii~n strueture of'eod; GQdus · . mOrhua L;, in some fjords in northern Norway. J.Fish.Biolo; 35 (Supplement A): 245.' , 252. ..' . , ' " '. Kaipo, L.K. and Novikov, G.G. 1980. The häe~oglobin allofoJms in eod (GaduS morhua L.), their functional eharacteristies arid distribution in' the populations (Trarislated from rUssian). Voprosy iehtiologii (T.20), 6 (125): 82.3.827. . . Mork, J. t Giske~degärd and'Suridncs, G. 1984a, The hacmoglobin polymorphisnt'in Atlaniie . eod (Giulus morhua L.): Gcnotype differences in somatlc growth arid in maiuiing age in .riatiIral populations. In: E. 'Dahi, D.S. jjanielssen, E. Moksn,ess lUuJ P. Solemdal .' (edits), The Propagation 0/ eod Gadus mOrhua, 1., FI;devige~ rapportser.;l (984): 721-732. Mork, 1., Giske~degärd and Sundne~~ ci: i984b. Population gencitic' studics on coa '(GaduS · mOrhua L) by means o(the hae~oglobin polyiri~iphislll; observation in a Norwegian · emisiaI'population. fiskDir. Sf,..S~r.HavUnders.,! 7: 449~?1.,' ' • < ~.. ..' • • • • '-v I • ' . ~. • . Mork, i and Sundncs, G. 1985. O-group eOd (Gadus morhua) in eaptivity: differential s~v31 of eertain genotypes. HeIgoi. Meeresunters, 39: 63-70. , , 'M~ller,ri~ 1968. Gcnetlc divecsity 'in spawning.cod along the N.o~egiari cOaSLHereditas, . · I I l., 60 (1):1-32. .. ' .. ' . , .- " . ,'. .. . ..<. , ~ Nrevdal, G., Folkvord, A., Otterlei E. and Thorkildsen, S. 1992. Growth rate related to genotype of O-group eod at three environmental temperatures. Sarsia 77: 71-73. Skaala, 0., Dahle, G., J~rstad, K.E. and Nrevdal, G. 1990. Interactions between natural and farmed fish populations: infonnation from genetie markers. J.Fish.Biol. 36: 449-460. Sväsand, T., J~rstad, K. and Kristiansen, T.S. 1990. Enhancement studies of eoastal eod in western Norway. Part I. Reeruitment of wild and reared eod to a Iocal spawning stock. J.Cons.lnt.Explor. Mer, 47: 5-12. Table 1. • Allele frequencies in samples of O-group cod produced in marine ponds for stocking purposes. 6a and 7a represe~t samples of genetically tagged cod i.e. off spring of boodstock homozygotous for the gene Pg~-l(30} . Sample no. Locality Hb-I 2 70 .69 .76 .76 .39 .60 .41 .36 .3B .26 .56 .61 .62 .74 .25 .74 1 TROMS0 1987 140 2 TROMS0 TROMS0 1988 1989 191 172 .31 .24 .24 19BB 19B9 1990 2B6 252 .5B .47 145 .57 3 4 PARISVANNET PARISVANNET PARISVANNET 5 6a Ldh-3 1 .42 .53 .43 100 150 Pgi-l 30 70 .01 .02 .03 .03 .03 .02 .01 .01 .01 6b PAR I SVANNET 1990 160 .62 .38 .32 .68 7a 1. 00 .13 PARISVANNET 1991 243 .5B .42 .32 .68 7b 1.00 PARISVANNET 1991 162 .55 .45 .43 .57 .02 100 150 .01 .63 .34 .02 .63 .61 .76 .02 .83 .34 .38 .21 .13 .71 .16 .70 .28 Table 2. Mean lengths (in mm) of cod of different haemoglobin types. s: standard error. n: numbers One sample showing significant genotype dependent 1ength variation is underlined. Sample no. Hb-I(1I1) T 1 Hb-I(1I2) T Hb-I(2/2) s n 14 147.2 1.6 56 145.1 9 12 146.3 147.5 142.4 3.0 2.3 72 164.2 156.6 102.9 2 3 4 150.9 131. 7 143.3 3.6 8.7 5.4 .!!.1d 1.5 94 5 6 7 162.5 156.3 102.8 2.8 2.2 3.0 54 107 110 s n T s n 1.3 57 139 1.9 2.4 1.7 64 147.5 148.2 1.2Q..& 2.3 1.5 2.1 1.7 127 135 167 161.6 157.5 100.6 2.3 3.0 2.6 106 97 48 70 53 66 , . j. Table 3. Mean lengths (in mm) of cod of different LDH genotypes. s: standard error. n: numbers One sample showing significant genotype dependent length variation is underlined Sampie no. Ldh-] (70/70) 1: Ldh-] (70/l00) s n T Ldh-] (lOO/lOO) s n 1 76 82 77 96.0 1 2 142.1 141.4 3.6 4.5 19 33 146.8 149.1 1.5 3.0 3 147.4 4.1 23 147.6 1.7 4 144.0 2.2 46 142.1 1.3 5 168.5 4.4 6 7 172.8 4.6 3.4 23 27 162.6 156.8 1.9 2.2 132 89 120 53 101.1 1.6 188 99.8 s n 146.7 2.1 48 146.0 147.7 3.1 2.4 63 145.9 162.7 1.7 1.6 ill...1. 1.8 1.6 62 107 140 156 165 • Table 4. Mean lengths (in mm) of cod of different PGI-genotypes. s: standard error. n: numbers Sampie no. Pgi-l (3D/30) I s n Pgi -1 (100/1 GO) T Pgi-l (lOO/lOO) Pgi-l (150/150) s n 1: n T 53 145.0 149.1 147.7 73 77 149.8 141.5 1 2 146.6 144.5 1.9 2.7 77 3 4 147.4 143.0 2.3 1.2 61 161 5 162.5 1.2 175 163.6 2.7 98.3 2.5 6a 155.9 1.8 146 6b 7a 102.8 1.5 243 7b 5 1.8 3.2 5 n 82 144.1 144.6 1.8 1.7 2.7 5.3 3.8 96 165.6 2.8 53 140.8 151.4 7.4 4.4 9 5 83 158.3 4.3 36 122.0 4.0 2 76 88.4 2.1 71 93.4 3.2 9 11 23 23 •