·> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 1995/N:22 Publications of interest to the • Marine Mammals Committee 1994 compiled by Harald Benke Denmark compiled by Dorete Bloch Comment: This list includes a1l works conceming the Faroes. including the previous Froeses. now Danish co-workers. Drs. L.W. Andersen and G. Desporles. • Andcrscn, L.W. and Sicgismund, H.R. 1994. Genetic evidence for migration of males betwcen schools of thc long-finncd pilot whale Globicephala melas. Marine Ecology Progress Serfes 105: 1-7. Bloch, D. 1994. Grindadrap , ~frum londum. Fr"fi 3: 30-31. Bloch, D. 1994. Pilot whalcs in the North Atlantic. Age, growth and social strueture in Farocse grinds of the long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas. PhD thesis, the Univcrsity of Lund, Sweden. Dalgärd, C. 1994. Vurdcring af fisk og grindehval som levnedsmidler pä Frer~erne, speeielt ud fra rieid vcd kviks~jJvcksponering, selen, N-3 FA og andre essentielle nreringsstoffer. Afd.f. MilNmedicin,ISH, Odense Universitet Specialerapport: 1-77. (unpublished). Desportes, G. 1994. Symmetry in testieular development in long-finned pilot whales. Mar. Mammal Sei. 10(3): 376-380. Desportes, G., Andersen, L.W., Aspholm, P.E., Bloch, D. and Mouritsen, R. 1994. A note about a male-only pilot whale school observed in the Faroe Islands. Fr6fskaparrit 40 (1992): 31-37. Desportes, G., Andersen, L.W. and Bloch, D. 1994. Variation in foetal and postnatal sex ratios in long-finned pilot whales. Ophella 39(3): 183-196. Desportes, G., Bloch, D., Andersen, L.W. and Mouritsen, R. 1994. The international research programme on the ecology and status of the long-finned pilot whale off the Faroe Islands: . Presentation, results and reference. Frofskaparrit 40 (1992): 9-29. Desportes, G. Saboureau, M. and Lacroix, A. 1994. Growth-related changes in testicular mass and plasma testosterone concentrations in long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas. J. Reprod. Fertil 102: 237-244. Hansen, H. 1994. The International Whaling Commission: The Transition from a 'Whaling Club'w a 'Preservation Club'. STV 561, August 1994. International Politics. Department of Politieal Science. University of Lund. 1-22. Loekwood, W.B. 1994. Etymological notes on some Scandinavian whale names. Maal og Minne 12: 31-34. M~hl, B. 1994. Testing acoustieal methods for detection of odontoeete whales. Froiskaparrit 40 (1992): 39-43. . 1 12.. Federa) Republic of Gerlnany compiled by Harald Benke Bannasch, R 1994a. Functional anatomy of the 'flight' apparatus in penguins. In: Maddock, L., Bone, Q. and Rayner, J.M.V. (eds.). Mechanics and Physiology of Animal swimming. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 163-192. Bannasch, R. 1994b. Mechanismen der biologischen Formgebung - neue Ergebnisse der bionischen Forschung an Meerestieren. Proceedings Luftschiff-Kolloquium 11, Lighter Than Air Hight Systems. DGLR: 1-6. Bannasch, R. 1994c. Optimale Strömungskörper nach Pinguin-Vorbild. 11. Bionik-Kongreß, Saarbrücken. Bannasch, R., Maier, E., Schöffer, J., Stache, M. and Rechenberg, I. 1994. Drag reduction by slotted wing-tips in soaring birds. 1. Ornithol. 135: 38. Bannasch, R, Wilson, R.P. and Culik, B. 1994. Hydrodynamic aspects of design and attachment of a back-mounted device in penguins. J. exp. Biol. 1194: 83-96. Behrmann, G. 1994a. Die Bewegungskoordination des Penis während der Kopulation beim Schweinswal Phocoena pllOcoena (Linne 1758). Säugetierkd. Inf. 18: 611-616. Behrmann, G. 1994b. Hoe vindt de Penis van de Walvissen de vagina? Marswin 15. Jahrg.: 154-159. Benke, H. 1994a. Menschlicher Einfiuß und Schutzmaßnahmen. In: Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima, M. (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, 1. cd., Vol. 6/1A, Meeressäuger (Walei). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 112-122. Benke, H. 1994b. A note on cetacean bycatches in German waters. In: Perrin, W.F., Donovan, G.P. and Barlow, J. (eds.). Gillnets and cetaceans. International Whaling Commission, (Special Issue 15), Cambridge, pp. 217-218. Benke, H. and Siebert, U. 1994. Zur Situation der Kleinwale im Wattenmeer und in der südöstlichen Nordsee. In: Lozan, J.L., Rachor, E., Reise, K., von Westernhagen, H. and Lenz, W. (eds.). Warnsignale aus dem Wattenmeer. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 309-316. Benke, H., Siebert, U. and Wulf, J. 1994. KIeinwale in deutschen Gewässern. In: Jahresbericht 1993, Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste, Außenstelle der Christian-AlbrechtsUniversität zu Kiel. Universität Kiel, Büsum. Culik, B.M., Bannasch, R and Wilson, R.P. 1994. Externat devices on penguins: how important is shape? Mar. Biol. 118: 353-357. Culik, B.M., Wilson, RP. and Bannasch, R 1994a. Underwater swimming at low energetic cost by Pygoscelid pcnguins. 1. exp. Biol. Culik, B.M., Wilson, RP. and Bannasch, R. 1994b. Underwater swimming at low cnergetic cost by Pygoscclid penguins. J. Ornithol. 135: 100. Harder, T. 1994. Robben, Wale und feHne Viren. Kleintierpraxis 39: 407. Harder, T.C., Lebich, M. and Liess, B. 1994a. Seals, Dolphins and Feline Viruses. Ann. Md. Vt. 138: 65. Harder, T.C., Lebich, M. and Liess, B. 1994b. Vereinfachte Identifizierung und Differenzierung felider, canider und phociner Herpesvirusisolate mittels monoklonaler Antikörper. Tierärztl. Praxis 22: 408-412. Harder, T.C. and Liess, B. 1994. Besteht die Gefallr eines neuerlichen Robbcnstcrbcns im Wattconlccr? - Eine Übcrsicht nach fünf Jahren virologischen und serologischen Monitorings. Seevögel 15: 24-26. Heide-J~rgensen, M.P., lensen, 1., Larsen, A.II., Teilmann, J. and Neurohr, B. 1994. Age estimation of white whales (Delplzinapterus lellcas) from Greenland. Meddclclscr om Gronland 39: 187193. Janik, V.M., Dehnhardt, D. and Todt, D. 1994. Signature whistle variation in a bottlenosed dolphin, Tllrsiops trllncatus. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 35: 243-248. 2 • . • • . . Klima, M. 1994a. Anpassungen an die aquatische Lebensweise. In: Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima, M. (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, 1. cd., Vol. 6/1A, Meeressäuger (WaleI). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 49-79. Klima, M. 1994b. Peponocephala electra, Melonenkopf oder BreitschnabcldeIphin. In: Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima, M. (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, Vol. Band 6: Meeressäuger, Teil IA: Wale und Delphine. Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 482-487. Klima, M. 1994c. Verbreitung. In: Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima, M. (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, 1. ed., Vol. 6/lA, Meeressäuger (Wale1). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 109-111. Klima, M. 1994d. Verhalten. In: Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima. M (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, 1. ed., Vol. 6/lA, Meeressäuger (WaleI). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 103-109. Klima, M. and OelscWäger, B.A. 1994. Phylogenie und Systematik der Cetacea. In: Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima, M. (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, 1. ed., Vol. 6/lA,' Meeressäuger (WaleI). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 31-48. Lebich, M. 1994. Vergleichende immunologische Charakterisierung typspezifischer und konservierter B-Zellepitope phociner, felider und canider Herpesviren. Tierärztl. Hochseh., Hannover. Diss. . Lebich, M., Harder, T.C., Frey, H.-R., Visser, I.K.G., Osterhaus, A.D.M.E. and Liess, B. 1994. Comparative immunological characterization of type-specific and conserved B-cell epitopes of pinniped, felid and canid herpesviruses. Arch. Virol. 136: 335-347. Martens, E.W. 1994. Identifizierung linearer Epitope auf ausgewäWten Proteinen von Pesti- und Morbilliviren mit Hilfe sequenzspezifischer, synthetischer Oligopeptide. Tierärztl. Hochseh., Hannover. Diss. Möller, K., Bretzke, C., Hühnerfuss, H., Kallenborn, R., KinkeI, J.N., Kopf, J. and Rimkus, G. 1994. Durchlässigkeit der Blut-Hirn-Schranke von Seehunden für das Enantiomer (+)-:1:-1,2,3,4,5,6Hexachlorcyclohexan und dessen absolute Konfiguration. Angew. Chem. 106: 911-912. Renjun, L., Gewalt, W., Neurohr, B. and Winkler, A. 1994. Comparative studies on the behaviour of lnia geoffrensis and Lipotes vexillifer in artificial environments. Aquat. Mamm. 20: 39-45. Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima, M. 1994. Wale und Delphine. In: Niethammer, J. and Krapp, F. (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, Vol. Band 6: Meeressäuger, Teil IA. Aula Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 503pp. Robineau, D. and Klima, M. 1994. Diagnose der Ordnung Cetacea. In: Robineau, D., Duguy, R. and Klima, M. (eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, 1. ed., Vol. 6/1A, Meercssäuger(Walel). Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 26-30. Schwarz, J. and Heidemann, G. 1994. Zum Status der Bestände der Seehund- und Kegclrobbenpopulationen im Wattenmeer. In: Lozan, J.L., Rachor, E., Reise, K., von Westemhagen, H. and Lenz, W. (eds.). Warnsignale aus dem Wattenmeer. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 296-303. Vogel, S. 1994. Ausmaß und Auswirkung von Störungen auf Seehunde. In: Loz:1n, J.L., Rachor, E., Reise, K., von Westemhagen, H. and Lenz, W. (eds.). Warnsignale aus dem Wattenmeer. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 303-308. Wilson, RP., Culik, B.M. and Bannasch, R. 1994. Foraging behaviour of gentoo penguins breeding at King George Island. J. Ornithol. 135: 154. Wilson, R.P., Culik, B.M., Bannasch, R. and Lage, J. 1994. Monitoring Antarctic environmental variables using penguins. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Sero 106: 199-202. 3 1fo France compiled by M. E. Hussenot ARNOUX A., AUGIER H., hlIALON S., MONOO J.L.; 1994. -Polychlorobyphenyls contamination of the dolphins (Stenella coeru/eoa/ba Meyen) from the Mediterranean coasts. - Proceedings of the 8th conference of the E.C.S., 8: 215-221. AUGIER H., PARK W.K., RONNEAU C., 1994.- Neutron activation study to the elcmentary composition of the striped dolphin (Stene//a coeruleoalba Meyen) collected from the French Mediterrcnean coasts. - Procecdings of the 8th confcrence of the E.C.S., 8: 227-234. COLLET, A., 1994. Les cchouages de mammifCres marins sur le littoral fran~ais. Recueil de Mcdecine Vctcrinaire, 170 (2-3): 93.96. COLLET, A., A. GOURVENNEC, V. FIRMIN et F. LEBOULANGER, 1994. Harbour porpoises and other small cctaceans off the French Channel coast, status and threats. Report to SCANS Scientifie Committee, 37 pages. COLLET. A.• A. GOURVENNEC, V. FIRMIN ct F. LEBOULANGER. 1994. Lcs marsouins et autres petits cctaccs au Iarge des cötes fran~aiscs de la Manche. statut et risques encourus. Rapport SCANS pour le Ministere de l'Environnement, 37 pages. CRETON, P.• ALLALl, P., GUINET, C.• LIRET, C., and RIDOUX, V.• 1994. Zonation and regulation for a marine national park proposed from field studies of habitat use by resident marine mammals: the example of the projet Pare National Marin de l'Iroise. Brittany. Franee. European Res. on Cetaceans 8: 14-17. DELIAT, G. 1994. Utilisation de l'espace par les grands dauphins de nIe de Sein. Rapport de Maitrise de Biologie des Organismcs ct des Populations, Universite Picrre et Marie CURIE, 26 pagcs. DELOFFRE, L., 1994. Participation aux echouages de mammifCrcs marins. Rapport de stage de DEUG B. Universitc de Lille, 50 pages. DI MEGLIO. N. and A. COLLET, 1994. Growth and reproductive parameters in striped dolphins from the Mcditerranean and Atlantic coasts of France. Proccedings of the eighth conference of the European Cetacean Socicty, Montpellier, France, 5 pages. GOUJON, M.• L. ANTOINE, A. COLLET and S. FIFAS. 1994. Approach of the ecologieal impact of tuna drifnet fishery in the north-east Atlantic. Proceedings of the cight conference of the European Cctacean Society, Montpellier, France, 8 pages. IIUSSENOT. E.• & ROBINEAU, D. 1994. Tursiops truncatus. In Klima M. (ed.) Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, Bd 6 HUSSENOT, E., CRETON, P. & RIOOUX, V. 1994. Cetaceans in Brittany : a synthesis of stranding data collected since 1976. Proc. 1st European Congress of Mammology, Lisboa. LIRET, C.• ALLALI, P., CRETON, P., GUINET, C., & RIDOUX, V., 1994. Foraging activity pattern of bottlenose dolphins around He de Sein, Brittany, France and its relationships with some environnemental parametres. European Res. on Cetaceans 8: 188-191. MISON, V. , 1994. Etudes des cchouages de cctaces sur les cötes de France entre 1980 et 1993. Rapport technique, DEA d'analyse et modclisation des systemes biologiques, Universitc de Lyon. 47 pages. MISON, V., 1994. Aspects de la dynamique des populations de cctaccs. Rapport bibliographique, DEA d'analyse et modclisation des systemes biologiqucs, Universitc de Lyon, 36 pages. NACCACHE, 0., 1994. L'occan, un autre monde vivant. Rapport de stage INP-ENSAT, Universilc de Toulouse, 27 pages. PERRIN, W.F., J.. LEATHERW 000 and A. COLLET, 1994. Frascr's dolphin, Lagcnodclphis hosei Fraser, 1956. p. 225-240, in: S. H. Ridgway and R.J. Harrison (Eds.), Handbook of Marine Mammals, 5, Academie Press, London & NY. REMBOTTE, 1., 1994. Inventaire des connaissances concemant I'impact des polluants sur les populations de cetaces. Rapport de stage DEUSTL, Universitc dc Calis, 49 pages. 4 1g • • RIDOUX, V., GUINET, c., CARCAILLET. c., and CRETON, P., 1994. Reserve dc la Biosphcrc dc l'Iroise : Utilisation de l'espace par Ies mammireres marins et propositions de zonagc. Contrat de Recherche MAB/SRETIE/Conseil General du Finistere, 51 pages. ROGER, Y. 1994. Elaboration d'un protocole d'observation des rythmes d'activitc du phoque gris (Halichocrus grypus) dans I'archipel de Molene. Rapport de DESS Ethologie Appliquee et Chronobiologie deS Comportements, Universite Paris XIII, 22 pages. SOULIER, L. 1994. Parasitologie des cetaces de l'Atlantique Nord-Est captures accidentellement lors des campagnes de peche germonicre fran~aise au filet maillant derivant. 1992-1993., Rapport de DEA, Universitc de Montpellier, 37 pages. SOULIER, L. and A. COLLET, 1994. Note on the crustaceans recorded on dolphins incidentally caught in the northeastem Atlantic. Procceding of the eighth conference of the European Cetacean Society, Montpellier, France, 4 pages. • • 5 LI Ieeland compiled by Gisli A. Vikingsson Allen, J., Clapham, P., lIammond, P., Katona, S., Larsen, F., Lien, J., Mattila, D., 0en, N., Palls~ll. P.• SigUljsnsson, J.• Smith, T. and Stevick. P. 1994. Years of the North Atlantic Humpback (YONAH). Paper SC/46/NA9 to thc IWC Scientil1c Committee 1994. Arnason. A. 1994. Genetic markers and whale stocks. International Symposium on the Biology of Marine Mammals in the Northeast Atlantic, 29 November - 1 Deccmber 1994. The Research Council of Norway: 13 (abstract). Danmelsdsttir, A.K. 1994. Genetic variation among different species and populations of ba1een whales from the North Atlantic Ocean. Ph.D.Thesis, University College Dublin. Ireland. 308p. Danmelsdsttir, A.K., Halldsrsson, S.D. and Arnason. A. 1994. Genetic variation in Northeastern Atlantic minke whaIes (Balaenopteraacutorostrata). International Symposium on the Biology of MarineMammais in the Northeast Atlantic, 29 November - 1 December 1994. The Research Council of Norway: 14 (abstract). lIauksson, E. and Fagerholm, II.P. (eds). 1994. Proceedings of the symposium on Parasites of Biological and Economic Signil1cance in the Aquatic Environment. - Thirty years of research and future trends. Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology. 4(2): 1-116. lIauksson, E. 1994. Larval anisakid nematodes in various l1sh species from the coast of lceland. Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology. 4(2): 8 (abstract). lIauksson, E. 1994. Abundance of Pseudoterranova (=Phocanema) decipiens (Krabbe) larvae in Icc1andic cod. Comparisons between three surveys in 1980-81. 1985·88 and 1990-91. Bulletin of the Scandinavian Socicty for Parasitology. 4(2): 12 (abstract). lIauksson, E. 1994. Survival of larvae Pseudoterranova decipiensin cod (Gadus morhua). Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology, 4(2): 12 (abstract). lIauksson. E. and SlafsdsUir, D. 1994. Distributions of anisakid nematodes in the digestive tract of common seal (Phoca vitulinaL.) and grey seal (llalichoerus grypus (Fabr.». Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology, 4(2): 10. lIauksson. E. and Slafsdsuir. D. 1994. Seasonal and regional variation of anisakids (Nematoda) infections in common seal (Phoca vitulina L.) and grey seal (llalichoerus grypus (Fabr.» in Icelandic waters. Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology, 4(2): 10. Hauksson, E. and Slafsdsuir. D. 1994. Grey seal (llalichoerus grypus Fabr.), population biology, food and feeding habits. and importancc as a l1nal host for the life-cycle of sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens Krabbe) in Icclandic waters. International Symposium on the Biology of Marine Mammals in the Northeast Atlantic, 29 November - I December 1994. Thc Research Council of Norway: 48 (abstract). Sigurjsnsson, J. 1994. On the life history and autecology of North Atlantic rorquals. International Symposium on the Biology of Marine Mammals in the Northeast Atlantic. 29 November - I December 1994. The Research Council of Norway: 14 (abstract). Sigurjsnsson, J. 1994. Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758) -Schwertwal, Grosser Schwertwal. In: R. Duguy og D. Robineau (eds.) Saugetiere Europas: 433-468. AULA Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1994. Sigurjsnsson, J. and Larsen, F. 1994. Planning for a North Atlantic sighting survcy in thc summer of 1995: NASS-95. Paper SC/46/NA 10 to the IWC Scientil1c Committee 1994. Vmkingsson, G.A. 1994. Body condition of l1n whales during summer off Ieeland. International Symposium on the Biology of Marine Mammals in the Northeast Atlantic, 29 November - 1 December 1994. The Research Council of Norway: 32 (abstract). 6 15 • • The Netherlands compilcd by Pctcr J.II. Rcijndcrs • • Boon, J.P., I. Oostingh, J. van der Meer, M.ThJ. Hillebrand 1994. A model for the bioaccumulation of chlorobiphenyl congeners in marine mammals. Europ. J. Phannacol. 270: 237-251. Camphuysen, C.J. 1994. The lIarbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the southern North Sea, 11: a come-back in Dutch coastal waters? Lutra 37: 54-61. Camphuysen, C.J. 1994. Terugkeer van de bruinvis en tuimelaar in Nederlandse wateren? Sula 8: 271-274. Couperus A.S. 1994. Een oricnterende studie naar de bijvangst van zeezoogdieren door Nederlandse vriestrawlcrs. Rapport CO 33/94, Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek, IJmuiden. Diekman, 0., M.C.M. de Jong, A.A. de Kocijer & P.J.II. Reijnders 1994. Thc force of infection in populations of varying size: a modelling problem. Proceedings 2nd European Conference on Mathematics Applied to Biology and Medicine, Lyon, France, 15-17 December, 1993. Report AM-R 9403. Centrum voor Wiskunde en Infonnatica, Amsterdam, 9p. Kastclein, R.A., M. Muller & A. Terlouw 1994. Oral suction of a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in air and under water. Z. Säugetierk. 59: 105-115. Kasteiein, R.A., P.R. Wiepkema, E. Berghout & 11.J. Groenenberg 1994. Effective mass transfer in a suckling Grcy seal (llalicllOerus grypus). Aq. rv1amm. 20: 11-27. Kastelcin, R.A., J. Ford, E. Berghout, P.R. Wiepkema & M. van Boxsei 1994. Foodconsumption, growth and reproduction of Belugas (Delphinaplerus leucas) in human eare. Aq. Mamm. 20: 81-97. Lebich, M., T.C. lIarder, II.R. Frey, I.K.G. Visser, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus & B. Liess 1994. Comparative immunological characterization of type-specific and conserved B-cell epitopes of pinniped, feIid and canid herpesviruses. Arch. Virol. 136: 335-347. Leopold, M.F. 1994. Walvisachtigcn in de zuidelijke Noordzee: twee survey methoden vergeleken. Sula 8: 207-225. Mces, J. & P.J.II. Reijnders 1994. The harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, in the Oosterschelde: decline and possibiIities for recovery. lIydrobiologia 282/283: 547-555. Murk, A, D. Morse, J. Boon & A. Brouwer 1994. In vitro metabolism of 3,3',4,4'tetrachlorobiphenyl in relation to ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase aClivity in Iiver microsomes of some wildlife specics and rat. Europ. J. PharmacoI. 270: 253-261. Reijnders, P.J.II. 1994. Historieal population size of the harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, in the Delta area, SW Netherlands. lIydrobiologia: 282/283: 557-560. Reijnders, P.J.II. 1994. Conlaminants and celaceans: reasons for concern? International Whaling Commission, SC/46/08, 10 p. Reijnders, P.J.II. 1994. Toxicokinetics of chlorobiphenyls and associ~lted physiological responses in marine mammals, with particular reference to their potential for ccotoxieological risk assessment. Sei. tot. Environm. 154: 229-236. Ross, P.S., R.L. de Swart, I.K.G. Visser, W. Murk, W.D. Bowen, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus 1994. 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