CI 501 – Rozana Labanieh, Rex Heer, Yahong Xu October 7, 2002
Primary audience: children age 3-12;
Secondary audience: all citizens of Ames, young and old, multicultural, all backgrounds and levels of education.
Inform people about resources and services offered by APL.
Encourage people to visit, participate in activities, and interact with others.
Enhance appreciation for the diversity within our community.
Strengthen community spirit.
Get kids (and others) to go to the library.
Change people’s attitudes toward libraries: from viewing them as a quiet place where there is nothing exciting happening – to viewing them as a lively environment to meet new people, participate in activities, be introduced to new ideas, and learn.
Start by showing group of bored kids, looking bored. The sound trach should convey a gloomy mood.
Anticipation builds, implied by sound of something coming. Alternate between shots of kids and long telephoto shots of the Bookmobile approaching. The boredom of the kids is interrupted by the arrival of the Bookmobile. The kids are excited by the arrival of the big colorful bus, and jump up, exiting scene.
The kids enter the Bookmobile, and the mood of the soundtrack changes from gloomy to lively.
The kids discover what’s inside, and are told what more they can find at the library.
Transition to an outside shot of the Library (with people), then show the kids entering the library.
General wide-view interior shots then shift to focus on people learning, and interacting. Several close-ups capture the range of learning materials (books, CDs, computers, etc.) that the people are using. If possible show events and activities. A lively and fun mood will be ephasized by the soundtrack.
Summarize by recommending that kids think of the Ames Public Library as a fun place to be.
Challenge viewers to visit the library and be a part of the community.
1 Audio: Sounds of the street. Background noise.
Possible slow dragging kind of music.
LS of group of bored kids hanging out, looking for something to do.
Audio: Sounds of the street. Background noise.
Kids: “There’s nothing to do around here.”
MS of kids sitting outside, just looking around; one tossing pebbles.
Audio: Sounds of the street. Background noise.
Narration: Think there is nothing to do around
CU of kid’s face. . . Looking bored.
4 Audio: Sound of bus approaching starts to become audible over the bacground noise.
CU Kid looks up as if he hears something.
Audio: Loud sound of the diesel engine (bus sounds.
Cut to very short shot of just a little detail of the front grill of the bus approaching.
Audio: Sounds of bus definitely audible
Narration: Do you wish there was a place where you can find something fun to do, meet friends, and learn about the world around you?
MS all kids start looking to see what the sound is.
7 Audio: Sounds of the bus. fun music starts to build.
Kids: “What is that ??”
MS Kids seeing the vehicle approach (off camera), then the look of curiosity changes to recognition and excitement.
Audio: Kids: “Hey, let’s go!” sound of running.
LS Kids jump up run out of frame.
Audio: Kids arriving at bus, Music at full volume
Narration: Have you seen what the Ames Public
Library has to offer?
LS Bookmobile with kids moving into frame, and entering bus.
10 Audio: footsteps,
Kids: “Hey - look at this!”, etc.
CU kids feet stepping into bookmobile.
Audio: Climax point of music
Narration: The bookmobile brings the world to you.
MS kids inside bookmobile.
Audio: Music continues, Kids leaving bus, laughing.
Narration: And not far away, the library has something for everyone and all interests.
MS kids leaving bus with books.
LS Library, kids entering scene.
Audio: Music continues, sound of people talking
Narration: . . . if you haven’t been there recently, the Ames Public Llibrary has some surprises in store for you.
MS - entering through the doors as others are leaving.
Audio: music grows quieter
Narration: Discover a special area, filled with stuff for kids.
LS of hallway leading to kids area. kids walk through.
Audio: music changes
Narration: Conveniently located in downtown
Ames . . .
MS Kids arriving at workstation.
Audio: Music continues
Narration: Participate in challenging educational programs, designed just for kids.
MS - Kids using computer.
Audio: Music continues
Narration: Check out the videos, CDs, and DVDs.
CU removing DVD from shelves.
Audio: music changes
Kids: “What’s this?”
19 Audio: Live music
Narration: You might even find something your parents will enjoy.
LS Inside the auditorium; people watching live performance.
Audio: Live music continues.
MS kids in audience with parents.
Audio: background sound of live music from the other room.
Narration: And of course . . . there are lots and lots of good books!
MS kid with an armload of books, shelves in background.
22 Audio: Live music in background.
Narration: So next time you think there is nothing to do,
CU of kid at the checkout counter.
Audio: Live music gets loud again
Narration: . . . think of the Ames Public Library.
LS entry of Library.
Audio: Music finishes
CU Kids pass by camera, with library in background.