------------------- . . ICES STATUTORY MEETING 1993 , , , ' I\fariculture Committee , '., 1993/F:24 . PERFORMANCE OF TRIPLOID PACIFIC OYSTERS CRASSOSTREA GIGAS (Thunberg)REARED IN HIGH CARRYING CAPACITY ECOSYSTEM: SURVIVAL, GRO\VTH, AND PROXIMATE ßIOCIIEMICAL COl\lPOSITION. by P. GoulIetquer *, J.P. Joly*, A. Gerard**, E. Le Gagneur*, J. Morieeau*, J.M. Peignon**, P. Phelipot**. " * IFREMER RA, B.P. 32 14520 Port-eri-Bessin (Franee). ** IFREMER URGE, Ronee les Bains, B.P. 133, 17390 La Tremblade. ABSTRACT: Triploid oysters C. gigas were produeed in 1990 by u-eatlng feitÜized eggs with cytochalasin B. Triploids, treated diploids, and controls were deployed in early 1991 in a high carrying capacityeeosystem on the Eastern Coast ofNormandy (Franee). A nionthly monitoring in 1992 showed that triploid yielded signifieantly higher growth rate arid biochemical composition. However, growth was more heterogeneous. No evidenee was found for abimodal distribution within triploid groups arter a 26-month rearing cycle. Triploids showed retardation of garnetogenesis. Carbohydrates content in triploid rcmained almost constant (40%) from Jurie to September. Their survival rates were significantly lower than diploids, and treated diploids were found more sensitive to environmental conditions than controls. Therefore~ method of iriduetion should be improved to maximize triploidy rate. We reeommend further field testings to assess triploid response to stressfulenvironmental eonditions, parueularly in low carrying capaeity'eeosysterri. Keywords: C. gigas, trlploidy, survivai rate, i>iocheinieai composition. RESUME: Une production d'huitres japonaises triploIdes C. gigas a 6t6 iiaiisee eri 1990 par induciion ala cytochalasine B d'oeufs fertilises. TriploIdes, diploIdes refractaires et urie population temoin ont ete mis en elevage au debut 1991 sur la cote Est de Normandie (France). Le suivi mensuel moritr6 une meilleure cmissance et composition biochimique des triploIdes avee cependant une plus forte heterogeneit6 en taille. Un seul mode a ete observe apres 26 mois d'elevage. Les triploIdes montrent iin retard de gametogenese et une teneür eonstarite en sueres de juin aseptembre. Les taux de survie sont plus faibles chez les triploIdes~ et les diploIdes traites sont plus sensibles que les temoins aux eonditions environnementales. La teehnique d'induction doit etre amelioree et la resistanee des triploIdes testee en eonditioris stressantes. a ·" e MoLS-eies: C. gigas; triploidie, survie, composition biochimique. Introduction Extensive literature is now avaiIable regarding ploidy manipulation iri mollusean shellfish (for review, see Beaumont arid Fairbrother, 1991). Triploidy has been stlldied on several species includirig the Pacific oyster C. gigas and the Eastem oyster C. virginica (Stanley ei UI., 1981). Ploidy manipulation is usually considered as a methOd for enhancirig pfoduction. However, few studies arialyzed oyster production over a full reäririg cycle, arid most of them have focused on yearIings (Allen and Downirig, 1986; Arashige arid Fushimi, 1992). Since oysterreproductiori effort increases with age and is arfected by triploidy, it seems ofprirticular interest to study their production over the entire rearing cycle. Moreover, only few studies eorisidered eiwirorimental constraints on genetically rnanipulated species (Shpigel et aI., 1992).TIlerefore, triploid oysterpioduetion is almost unpredictable before field testing. I . 1 " / Oyster culture is widely distributed along the French coastline, from the English Channel (Nonnandy) to MCditerranean lagoons. Therefore~ oysters face various environmental conditions affecting theirphysiological activityarid growthrrite. By way ofexainple, natural spatfall Occurs only iri the SOlithwest pari of France. Before full-scale cuIture using genetically maniimlated shellfish, it appeärs Critical to test their physiological capacity and survival rate in various ecosystems. Besides survival rate, and from a management point ofview, cohort homogeneity is also ofparticular interest for oyster farmers. The preserit study was undertaken to rletennine (1) the triploid oyster proouctlon at two leveis of stocking density in a high carrying capacity ecosystem, and (2) a possible birriOdal distrlbution resulting from trlploids creatCd during the rrieiosis I arid meiosis 11, and (3) the effect of the biochemical treatment on diploid. The overall objective is to assess the corrimercial feasibility basCd upon triploid oyster production. Materials and Methods • , .... .. ~ , Oysters used in this fieId study were produced as pan of a comprehensive cytogenetic research progi-am airning to develop new methodologies and improve three species characteristics, the Manila cIam Tapes philippinarwn, the flat oyster Ostrea edulis arid the Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea , gigas (Dufy and Diter, 1990; Desrosiers et a1., 1993; Gerard et al. 1993). ,C. gigas broodstock was conditioned at IFREMER's research hatchery faciIitY (URGE), Ronceles-Bains (France). Triploids and diploids were prOducCd from the same mass spawn on July 5, 1990. Triploidy was induced by ti-eating eggs at 25°C with 0.5rng.l- 1 cytochaIasin B (CD) dissolvCd in DMSO (Img.!-I) for 20mm, beginning 15mm after fertilization. Methodology was derived frorn Downing and Allen (1987) protocoI. After settlement (day 25th), spat from the CB trei:lted groups were assayed and found to contain 66% trlploids. Oysters were maintained in nursery and fed with mixed phytoplankton culture. " " " On 19 March 1991; oysters (triploids averagirig 2.33g arid diploids 2.63g) were randomly seleetCd and equally deployed on two sites located on the Eastern Coast ofNormandy: Ste Mane du Mont (site 1) and BayofVeys (site 2), shellfish cultured areas characteriiCd by a low (1,500 metrlc tons) and high (10,000 tons) stcicking density respectively (Kopp ct aL, 1991; Jeanneret ct aI.~ 1992) (Fig. i). Moreover, this area is chamcterized by low Summer temperature (T°=17°- 20°C) impedirig intensive natural spatfall. , , In 1992, experimental populations were sampled on a monthly basis. Length and total weight were measured individuallyon 30 animals to the nearest inm and o.oi g respeetively. Relative survival rate was estimated by counting dead animals. Oysters were shucked arid a piece of gill removed for ploidy control by image cytometrY (Gerard et a1., 1991). Thc remairider of each oyster was stored at -60°C, then freeze-dried 36 hours before weighing whole diY meat. Proximate biochemical composition wasestimated using lOmg of freeze dried homogenate. Lipids werc extracted, ptirlfied and then analyzCd according to Marsh and Weinstein (1966), and aIigh and Dyer (1959). Carbohydrates and glycogen analysis followCd the proCedure ofDubois et a1. (1956). Three groups were defined for datll treatment bllsed upon ploirly levels: trlploirls (3N), CR treated diploids (2N), and diploids (contiul). Results Survival , " . We estini~tCd.th~proportion oftriploids in t~e.spat priorto field deployrrient; 60% ofthe spat sampled were trIplOId In 1990. After a 26 month reanng cycIe, a sub-sample showed that 53.6% and 70% oftreated rinimals were triploids on site 1 and 2 respectiveIy. A Chi-square test was performed 2 10 km ~ Oysters I+nl Musseis Fig. 1 : Geographie distribution. 100 : : · . · . .." 90 60 ::l ·:·· .:.." ··· .. ~ 50 (1) .~ "tU ~::l 40 30 Ü 20 10 0 I Stte 90 21 .: .:,_.1. .. ·. .., . I • ~ ~ ~ ·. ·· .. ·.: · ,.:..., .. ,. .: ./ ····.:, .." ....,,,. ::l ~ U. 70 60 50 .~ Triploid "tU 40 <3~ 30 f ·. ···· .... ··· ... :....... .......... ...... ·.. ···. ..- . . I (1) Control :,,--~ • r-" 80 , ... ' " 0U. ,-~ : ~ 0 70 (1) ,--- :-' 80 ~ lOOI.,---------._-~,---_----_, "--,, ,,--' • { I Diploid (treatedj 20 '" ,, 10 ,,/ ' Diploid (treated) Triploid Control __ ,' I 01~~~~"""'""":'_""_::.:~c:_'"_:!:"'""'""":!:""""'_:!:"'~c.:'T'"7!':'....._:;~"':"!:':~ 17 22 27 3237424752576267 72 77 82 87 92 97 10107111171z12713P14147 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 101071111712P71321314147 Size dass (mm) Size class (mm) Fig. 2 ; Cumulative frequeney (sites 1 & 2). 3 oh data resulting from the 1992 inorithly monitoring on site 1. There was no signÜicarlt (Üfference in triploid proportion over the course of the experimerit <x2=3.42; d.f.=5, 1»0.05). None of the 62 controls were triploid. Similar tests on the survival rate of the treated and controlled populations estimated by field counting showed significant differences (2 x 2 contingencyx2 =31.41; P<O.OOOl, site 1; X2=9.07, P<O.OOl, site 2). Survival rates of controls were sigriificantly higher thari treated populations (Le., sitel: 68.9% vs 48.6%, site 2: 87.1 % vs 73.8%). Growth Distribution fitting e ." . Analysis of total weight frequencies did not allow describing abimodal distribution within the triploid group, in spite of the 26 months life span. Cumulative frequencies described distributiori patterns among treated, controlled diploids and triploids (Fig. 2). The lowest slope coefficients were observed for bothtriploid groups, demonstrating growth heterogeneity. Negative Skewness and Kurtosis coefficients characterized treated diploidson both sites (Le., site1: -0.15, -1.41; site 2: -0.32, -1.35) and indicated a distribution trend toward a flat curve with short tails, arid the lower tail longer than the upper. ControlIed populations showed positive vahies forboth coefficients (Le., Sitel: 0.45, 0.31; Site 2: 0.39, 0.12) describing a steep distribution at the center and upper tail longer than the lower. Regarding triploids, the distribution tendOO to a flat curve with the upper longer than the lower tail (Le., site1: 0.69, -0.41; site 2: 0.52, -0.30). However, assumptiori of normal distribution was still valid in all cases to allow parametric testing. Site effect , , ' . ; No significant difference in length and total weight was notOO bCtween sites within each group. Iri contrast, ANCOVA for the dry meat weight with the total weight as, a covariate estimatOO significant difference for each group (Le., triploids, F=181.4, P<O.OOOl; treated diploids, F=26.9, P<O.OOOI; coritrols, F=165.0, P<O.OOOl). Overall growth performance on site 1 was significantly greater thari those on site 2 (Fig. 5). Ploidyeffect , After completiori of the reanng cycle, total oyster weight and length were significaritly different among triploids, treated diploids and diploids for both sites (ANOVA: site I, F=3.5, P<O.05; F=4.4, P<O.02; site2, F=6.35, P<O.Ol; F=7.57, P<O.OO2). Monthly growthdata on site 1demonstrated that the main difference favoring the triploids occurred during the reproductive period in Summer (Fig.3).. " ... ' . . . ", . ,, . . From 18 Februafyto 15Septeml>Cr 1992, overall increasein dry ineat weight was 637% in triploids, and only 381 % in treated diploids. Following spawning, which oCcurred on site 1 between 3 August and 15 Septeinber, dry meat weight decreased by 9.1 %, and 14.4% of pre-spawn weight for treated diploids and diploids respectively. The reproouctive effort for triploids reached 3.9~ of pre-spawn weight for a standardized oyster (65g totaI weight). Although initiated, triploid spawning Was probably still in progress at thecompletion ofourstudy. On site 2, spawning was retarded fortriploids and treated diploids. Dry ineat weight for controls declined by 42.3%. Ploidy effect was anil1yzOO on Septemberrlry ineat weight daci using ANCOVA with the total weight as a covariate. Significant difference was observed amorig ploidy level on site 2 (F=1O.7, P<O.OOOl). Since the spawning was delayed, multiple range an3.1ysis classified treated diploids and triploids as a homogeneous group. In contrast, ploidyeffect was not significanton site 1 (F=2.76, P=O.07). This was probably due to the high post-spawning variability (mean±SD: triploid; 4.18±2.07; treatOO diploid 2.68 ±1.03, diploid 3.04 ±1.27g). Proximaie Biochemical composition Triploids, and diploids and treated diploids showed different paiterns of utilization of carbohydrntes, glycogen and to a lower extent, lipids. cafbohydrates storage occurred imtil June wheri reaching a record high of 42% for diploids and triploids (FigA). Thereafter a steadily decline was notOO for controls arid treated diploids until pre-spawning (29.7%). In contrast, carbohydrates content for triploids remairied constarit around 40%. A similar pattern was n<>ted for glycogen until 4 a August. Then~ glycogen declined slightly in Septemberwith concomitant lipid increase, indicating gametogenesis activity. Carbohydrates and glycogen incieased in diploids after spawning while lipids increasoo and carbohydrates decreased in triploids ~ ANCOVAs with the dry meat weight as a covariate were perfornied on September data. On site 1~ significant differences were observed among ploidy groups regarding lipids (F=3.25, P<O.05) and carbohydrates (F=8.1, P<O.OOI). For both variables. treated diploids and controls were significantly lower than triploids (Fig. 6 and 7). Since glycogen concentration increasoo in postspawning period in diploids and treatoo diploids. and triploids had the opposite trend. no significant difference was noted among groups (F=1.75. P=O.18). Similar ANCOVAs on site 2 were significant in all cases (lipids, F=4.03. P<O.OO5; carbohydrates, F=38.1. P<O.OOO1; glycogen, F=40.5. P<O.OOO1). However. since treatoo diploid spawning was delayoo. average lipid conterit was homogeneous between treated diploids and triploids (Le.; 3562mg, 41O.2mg) arid significantly higherthan control mean (i.e.• 156.7mg). Similarly. carbohydrates ilOd glycogen (Fig. 8) contents were significantly lower in diploids and treated diploids than triploids (351.5mg. 346.5mg, 645.2mg; .311.6mg. 318.2mg. 593.hrig respectively). Discussion . e • ... ' . Allen and Downing (1986) have demonstrated an effective gametogenesis and spawning in tiiploids. Gonadal development in triploids was retarded and resulted in substantial differences in glycogen coritent during gametogenesis. In our study. triploids showed also a reproductive activity but ndther carbohydrate and glycogen decline during Summer. Gametogenesis for treated diploids and controls. induced catabolism of energetic reserves, resulting in carbohydniü~s decline and concomitant lipids iricrease. The reduced reproductive activity in triploids limited this biochemical pathway. Only a slightdecline was noted in September. The particularly high food availabilitymight be responsiblc for this dissimilarity since glycogen content is rcgulated byenvironmental conditions including tClupcraturc and food level (Gabbott. 1975). Temperature cffects ncurosecretory honllones. which control storage tissues andgerniinal cells (Gaboott. 1975; Lubet arid Mathieu, 1978). Moreover. Summer temperature in this ecosystem varies around 17°-20°C. the criticallower limit for C. gigas successful spawning (Herm and Deslous-Paoli; 1991). However diploids did spawn. Therefore. we can assurne that triploids are urider the same regulatory control as diploids but their physiological responses might be tied to various thresholds. ..We have shown that triploids weresignificanily largerthan diploids ami treated diploids by the end ofthe monitoring. This might beexplained by thereduced energetic spending for gametogenesis. energy preferentially used for growth (Allen and Downirig. 1986). Refererice to heterozygosity has also often been used to explain growth discrepancies. Triploid oysters created during the release of the firSt polar bOOy (Meiosis I) are characterized by higher heterozygosity and would yield enhanced growth. even though this theoretical advantage has not yet convincingly been demonstrated (Stanley et a1.. 1984. Yamamotoet a1.. 1988). Li eta1. (1992). Jiang eta1. (1993). on the pearl oyster Pinctada martensii and Mason et a1. (1988) on Mya arenaria were unable to establish a positive correlation between heterozygosity and growth. In our study; triploids were created at both first and second polar releases (Meiosis I & 11). CB treatments at first body fonnation may effect laival sUrVival (Downirig and Allen. 1987). Since no heterozygosity control was carried mit on triploids~ it s6ems difficult to conclude on anyrelationship. Howeverno expected growth difference within the triploid groups was observed by the end of the experiment. Individual variability. selective mortality. or lacking effect of heterozygosity inight be either responsible for this final distribution. Scveral studies have shown comparable survivai rate between diploid controls arid triploids (Stanley et al.• 1984; Allen et a1.. 1986; Chaiton and Allen. 1985). Allen and Downirig (1986) obscrved higher survival during reproduciive activity. arid Akashige and Fushimi (1992) reported twice as much survival as contrOl during the resting perioo. This study is an exception to these findings since triploid survivorship is significantly lower. Moreover, no long-terrri negative effects from cytochalasin B were found on shellfish testing (Downing and Allen, 1987). Since triploidy percentage remained constant duririg the experiment and survivorship of treated animals lower. we conclude that treated diploids ure more serisitive. to environmental conditions. Even the recent evidcnce suggesting there may be some spontaneous chromosome loss in triploids as they age does not counteract these results (Allen. 1993). This is also ofparticular iriterest forhatchery production and prompt us to recommend to optimize the methodology to maximize the triploidy rate. Recently. 5 .,--------------------,-90 5 6 0 0 , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -......10 I Site 1 I 80 460 70 ~# _ Oig> ~ E 3600 W ~ <t ~ 2600 . / / /~., 30 -e- lW.3N sag- .LO+--.....,....---.--....--.....----..--.----.----+-2O 1D-Mar 09-Avf 09-Mai 08-lun 07-Aoü 08-lul / 1600 -lW.2N - (treated) 08-Fev ,'fl/ 40 Le.3N 06-Sep El ., 06·Oct DATE .,( PI' , / ;J. ., ., ,. ',8 ~.'\._ _,.;tt'" r / 8 ...... I . . . . "t .-:-i-~ Ö ~ I- 0 -. P-... ... ~';.' 3 cu Len.2N (treated) I '1-. 60 C) .Ql _ 0.> 50 I " ~';~N (treated) 6 x 0.> ~ c:: .Q ~ • 4 "0 § ü CI.3N --DMW.2N (treated) -0- 2 DMW.3N ev 09-Avr 08-Jun 07-Aoü 06-&t 10-Mar 09-Mai 08.Jul 06-Sep DATE Fig. 3 ; comparison of length, total weight, dry meat weight and condition index between control (0) and treated 2N and 3N oysters from site 1. 4 5 . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r45 40 .......... . I Site 1 I •....••. . . • .. . ..• 18 16 35 ~ 30 ~Z <ft. w- C)OO o 9 25 Ü - a. C) Car.3N 20 12 --lll-- Glyc.2N (treated) -eGlyc.3N - Diploid (treated) 15 Triploid 1o-6-:----.---.--......--......-~=::::::;:::;::::;::::::.-J 08-Fev 09-Avr 08.Jun 07-Aoü 06-0Ct 10-Mar 09-Mai 08-Jul 06-Sep DATE 10l--.....,....-_--....--_-~==:==:;::=:..t.10 08-Fev 10-Mar 09-Avr 09-Mai 08-lun 08-lul 07·Aoü 06-sep 14 ....... ......•.. ~ :J Car. 2N (treated 15 I Site 1 I 40 O6-Oct DATE Fig. 4; Comparison of carbohydrates, glycogen and lipidsbetween control (0) and treated 2N and 3N oysters from site 1. 6 4. 7 f~~=~:-:-=-:)~~~~l 'I:: .. . ~.• ~~:; r" ; . Itl: ~ .......: ....f"i:\." ", .::; l ~~ ' .' t :r ~ 1--, I I < · l~· · : ' . [ 1" : JI . . t· I.. : ~ :.JI :. ~:1 : . ' . : ' ..' 2. . ~ . .. . I' ~::l : . . .. ·f·I : 2""'n~~:~r=~~ I. : : r ~ :. -j . : ~ . .. ~;. 5 f:·········.•...........•.........., I: r: ·...1::: ,:.. , . : . !.. : ....... ~ j .~ ...,... '11 ~:j~:! ~:~ I'" : 1······ ! :::; i~rM: ::::::1 1 ................. j. ! ".-10." : .• I !" : .I :'1 I: I" : 2" ? I:· j !" ". "'j! . ,: : • ·~ ..:I : . , j1" . ....:... . ..... .I::: ' . : "'j :: . I ~.:-' ]' : : ':' ':' • • • •• : "I ': "1 .'. 1 I . ..,, : ~. ,. :···········.···········.·········T·········. 1 :1.,,4 !.. : : l : . "1 . ' I..... : 1 :- j i i 1. " .. : ...1 . j.• r I: : I . : :::! : :~ ":~:; t:.. ;.~. .:..:.,.~~. .:.~. .:..~.:.i.~. .:_:.~.~ . .:.~. .~. :..:.!.:...:..~..:...:...:...:...:,..:..,:...:.I,:...:...:...:..:,..:...:...:...:...:...:i..:.::1 i . .I • ! : : :! i : lI ':' '1 . • I" : l:i ·.'L' 1",:." t • I.i·. : !...... I , I .. :.. . . :...,::.." ~r""""'f"""'" .: L: '.'11 :. . I, . ,~, t.. ~ 1. l::.. i..:.. . .:..:.:..:..:..:..:..:.l. . ..... . -.1.... '. :;~~ :~:: :"1 :.~. :..:..:..:..~. :..:. :.;~..:.:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.;.:. :..:..:..:..:.~. .:..~.~. .:~.:.: I .I:~ • ...1 Fi& 5 ; Dry meat weight ANCOVA on septembre data from site l(left) and site 2 (right). Ploidy level: 2 = 2N treated, 3 = 3N treated, 22 = control. (mean ± SE). 5:'0 r-~~~~·~=~:-:-::r:-:-~~T~~~~~~l ~ . ' ~ L: ! . !... ! . a::j·:5i] j... : . i . . : ,l ....,... i I ._,..- ! I ,"-'. (fl ·.l·..········· ·i·········· .;.] . i . ..... ....,.... ·1·········· ':' ;.....: . I : "j t . ~ ....,!.. ....... I . .., : ! ::::: . ':' : I '.:' '1..I : ! Li... : ..I : .J : 1 • • ... : • : : · "! • 1 ·····1 : I · .J · ! I '~r! : I , ... i... i.... _ . . __ J __ _.._ L. _ L_.__ _ .....1 L....! .,.,''. ....' n •••••••••••••••••••••• _ .:. __ .1 .~ __ . .) Fi&. 6 :Lipids ANCOVA on septembre data from site 1 and 2 (mean ± SE). 7 1 __.__ _ · ! ·· "1I • •.1 • I • I :j _..L....l r··r·---·--_·_..· . ·. __··"I"--_·_··-_··..__·_·_·.."[--_········..····_···-T-...._·--_···_.._···--r-· 1~ll:;l!~i i·.. : : : :....•. '" ..:...1 [. : : ~ t< ,r' .. t~90 ~ T- : :-I ) ..: .."1 1 '1" •..........•......... t·········.···········.l .,i~: r: j ((1 !' • LU ::,1 I i' . ~.. : ..1 i : : : ~!, ':<J r. ~ ..........:. ..........:. .........,:. ..........j ·:1 1::::'1 : 1 · j · i !, .. : '] · j.•• I •• ! . ,', . . t :J I i- . i.. . ....1 . . . . · . J... l . I : ! ! . ! ·····i 1 . I ·1·········· ,', i i : ! . .,! I :. . . . . . • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • .• .•,!j L : ..1 L.-l L _ __.__! "'1' ' '. ...' Fig. 7 : Carbohydrates ANCOVA on septembre data from site 1 and 2 (mean ± SE). 1.. : 1..: ! ' i;.. :. .. ,' ', ,', .. · ! . "'''t · ..! ·.l j' '.:.: ; r . • : . r "':1" !:i;:;;j9U :.!.~:'.:"""'" ':' e) :-.. ......i :'1". . "'::?l;:;:ij . ................ . , . '0' :· ..ti I" : :,':: :. .. · ' '1 j- : .. · ~ I.. . ! "'T'" :. j ••• i ! : ••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••• ~ : '"1"" , ..1 · .~ I·· : I . j l ::1 .~ . i , "'''! ·, "I! . "I; I . ! . ..\ , i' ..................... 1.. r . · "1; ',i, ~. . f~; l;;;' i~i ~.. : . . . . . . . . .. )" :..I · i I 1..· : .... · ! · "I · l : .I ! ' ; 1:::J w , _ . _ ••••" J __."'." " _._1__ , ,_ -,''. "."._...l "' L i i ,j i_ _ " .I. _ '''1' " • ...1 ••••1 Fig. 8 ; Glycogen ANCOVA on septembre data fromsite 1 and 2 (mean ± SE). 8 j i i ---- - ---------- .. ' . : ' .. .: .' , new inductions yielded 95% of triploid using CB. Besides, the new chemical inducer 6-DMAP has been alreädy successfully tested, yieldirig to higher larVal suivivorship and 85% of triploid (Desrosiers et al., 1993; Gerard et al. 1993). : , .' ." ' .' " ' " ~ , -~.' " .' ' ,'. " . The unexpected results of survivorship as weIl asthe higher growth vanability in triploid demonstrate the need for further testing in vanous ecosystems including low caiTyirig capacity environment. 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