lCES 1996 The ShelfEdge Current and lts Effects on Fish Stocks 0 --- C.M. 1996/5: 12 Poster Session "'·'''·~·''>'···'''· r-, L_ I ~ 11.) . I"., I-~. ,. /" ........ ? . ~ ~~ " ,j f' • ". ) .,' /' ~ ...: \' INCIDENC~ OF THE POLEWARD CURRENT AND VERTICAL MOTION IN HAKE RECRUITl\IENT by • Gi!, J. and F. Sanchez Instituto Espaiiol de Oceanpgrafia Apdo: 240. Santander, SPAIN ABSTRACT • The historical series of battom trawl surveys carried out in autumn in the waters of Galicia and the Cantabrian sea show that the processes ofhake recruitment lead to well-defined aggregations ofjuveniles which are found in certain areas ofthe continental shelf. These concentrations vary in density according to the strength ofthe year class, although they remain generally stable in size and spatiallocation. The size ofthese aggregations, estimated using geostatistical techniques, is found to be between 30 and 50 km. The mesoscale dynamic and vertical motion ofwater masses associated with it seem to have clear consequences with respect to the distribution and size of hake recruit concentrations. The areas of greatest spatial eoincidenee are found where there is vertieal foreing (obtained from the fonnulation of the vector Q in the Omega equation), whieh may be caused by hake feeding behaviour. This species makes nocturnal vertieal migrations to prey on organisms living in upper layers. 1 fNTRODUCTlON The area covered by this study (Fig.l) is the waters of Galicia and Cantabrian sea (lCES Division VIIlc and the northem part ofIXa). In this area. european hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) spa\vns during the early months ofthe year and adults gather in the deep \vaters ofthe shelfbreak (Fig. 2). The larvae orthis species are usually found over the slope at depths between 100 and 250 m. The process ofrecruitment of juveniles to the battom originates in the shelf break and they move towards shallov.,·er areas to . concentrate in autumn in bottoms between 90 and 150 m (Sänchez, 1995). These juveniles make vertical migrations at night to feed on spedes which live in upper layers, rnainly anchovy arid silvery pout (Olaso, 1990). The historieal series of battom trawl surveys earried out in auturnn show that the processes of hake reeruitment lead to well-deflned aggregations of juveniles whieh are found in certain areas of the eominental shelf(Fig.3). These eoneemrations vary in density aeeording to the strength ofthe year class, although they remain generally stable in size and spatia! loeation. The size of these aggregations, estimated using geostatistical techniques, is found to be between 30 and 50 km. The distributions of juveniles in the area studied over the last decade (Sanchez, 1995) show the highest concentrations in three defined areas which are repeated every year, and which are those denominated as La Coruiia, Ribadeo and Peiias. Iri some years another two smaller concentrations appear, that of Rias Bajas and that of Guetaria. These areas ofhigh concentration, situated between 90 and 180 m and ~ith predomiriantly muddy bottoms, must provide the appropriate habitat and ihe availability of the necessary food for recruits. • The strength 0 f annual hake recruitment has been contmually 0 bserved in these waters since 1983 by means ofa series ofautumn battom trawl surveys carried out by the RN CORNIDE DE SAAVEDRA. The analysis of the recruitment indices obtained since 1990 (Fig. 4), together with the faet that the biomass ofspawners has been at a historicallow (Anon., 1995) shows four years ofvery poor recruitment (1990, 1992, 1993 and 1995) and two )'ears ofgood reeruitment (1991 and 1994). This implies, a eeitain level ofindependence between the strength ofreeruitrnent and the spawner biomass, and the existence of other faetors greatly affeeting the reeruitment proeesses. To studywhieh abiotie parameters may influence the survival of recruits, the environmental variables from 1993 were studied under t\\'o main working hypothesis: 1. The eurrent pattern in the slope area eonditions larval d.rift towards reeruitment areas. An intense geostophic flow towards the western part ofthe Bay ofBiscay carries eggs and Iarvae towards the oeeanic area, thus increasing mortaIity during the later process of recruitment to the bottom of the continental shelf. 2. Once the juveniles are recruited to the bottom and are abie to move, their tater development is affected by the avallability offood. Enriehing processes ofthe surfaee layers which strengthen the food chain may favour the presence ofrecruits over the bottorri. ThWLUENCEOFTHESHELFEDGECURRENT ON THE STRENGTH OF RECRUITMENT A flow begins to appear towards the interior ofthe BayofBiscay in aunmm in the study area. This flow grows notably in the 'Ninter months due to the polewar'd current. This phenomenon ean be appreciated in the results obtained in the central area ofthe Cantabrian Sea in 1995 (Fig. 5). Ifthe intensity ofthis flow, which trrinsports warnl and sa1ty Vfaters, is intense enough to last unti! the spring, the salinity ofthe 2 • surra~e la~ers iS observed to be abnonnally high. as happened in April in 1992 and 1993 (Fig, 6), According to hypothesis 1, thiS is reflected iri very 10\" recruitment indices in these years (Fig. 4): IMPORTANCE OF ~1ESOSCALE ACTIVrry IN THE LOCATION OF AGGREGATIONS OF RECRUITS . Thesalinityobserved at 20 m in the autumn surveys shows 1993 as being radIcally different to 1994 and 1995 \\ith respect to circulation over the continental shelf-slope area (Fig. 7). The high va.Ities of saliriity observed in 1993 are a consequence ofa ctirrent pattern towards the eastemmost panofthe Bay of Bis~ay. To the contraIy~ the low salinity fourid in 1994 and 1995 is due to the absence ofthe supply of salty \vatersfrom the west. In the eastemmost area, it is seen how waters ofvery 10w saliriity appear in these last two years, originating from flows corirlng from the French contirieniril shelf. In 1994 these areaS were paniC1llaIly conspicuous with nucIei cf very low scilinity (34.6) with clearly mesoscale characteristics. . • , The temperature distnbu~ionS at 90 m clearly show the different originS ofthe water masses of 1994 arid 1995 With respect to1993 (Fig. 8). In the three )'ears studied, the important degree ofmesoscale activitY iri the ofanticyclonic eddies is clear, notably the repetition ofgyres over the coritinentril shelfwith negative vomcity offui Coruila, Estaea-Ribarleo arid Cape peiias. This is due to the fact thai the entrance ofthe relatively warm waterS ofthe poleward current is mtroduced between the cold coastal up\vellirig \\aters and the cold stratmed waters outside the continentaI shelf in a geostrophic balance with negative vorticity (anticYclonie). The fact tMt the presence oftheSe eddies is repeated in the same lireas in the ihree years studied may be down to topographie faetors which induce negative vortiCity in the water masses previously described. form The dynarnic associated to the eddies with important variations in vonicity causes an outstaridmg ageOStrophie \'erticril motion. The Q vector fonnulation ofthe Omega equation (Hosldns et al., 1978) is tiSed to stUdy the relationshiP between mesoScaIe StructUres ärid the induced ageoStrophic vertical forcing. The convergerice ofthis veetor mdicates the regions where upward fOfCing eXiSts (Hoskins arid Pedder, 1980). 'I'he vertical motions are rei'eated to a gi-eatei or lesser eXtent in the areas of La Corufui, R1ba.deo and Peiias in the three yearsStudied. In 1994 thei'e Was an intense vertical mesoscale activiij throughout the area ofthe Cantabiian Sea (Fig. 10). . • In accordance with the hypOthesis 1 and 2, the years of weak eastWard flows and intense vertical mesoscale activity, regenerating the photie layer, may be favourable to hake recrwtment. In 1993 the flows were clearly e3StwaId aIid mesoscale aetMty Was reciUced to the tmee areas ofLa Coruiia, Rtbadeo and Peiias (Fig. 9), Which as a consequence gave nse to low recruitment indices and rhe presence ofhake juveniles only mthese three areaS. 1994 was favoUrable mthe two hypotheses mentioned, .with weak flows over the slope and great mesoscale aetivity thl"oughout the Cantabtiari Sea, which led to high recruitment indices arid high density of recl"l.lits in the eoneentratioDs in this sea (RIbadeo, Peiias and Guetalia). Thils, the originofthe concentration ofGuet3.riä.lies in the supply oflarvae fromspawners in the French contmental shelt: In 1995, although the eastward floWs in Spririg were not very intense, leading to a mvourable larv3l drift, the areas ofvenical motion were very scarce in the Cantabnan Sea (Fig. 11), which caused the fall in recrWtmerit indices arid low den.sity ofconcentratioris. REFERENCES Anon. 1995. Repert oftbe Working Giciup on the ASsessment ofSouthem ShelfDemel"sal StockS. 6-15 3 September 1994. ICES Doe.CM 1995/Asses., 6, 545-598. Hoskins, B.!., 1. Draghici and H.C. Davies.1978. A new look at the Omega equation. Quart. J. Ray. Meteor. Soe., 104: 31-38. Hoskins, B.!., and M.A. Pedder. 1980. The diagnosis of middle latitude synoptie development. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soe., 106: 707-719. Olaso, 1. 1990. Distribucion y abundancia deI megabentos invertebrado en fondos de la platafonna cantabrica. Inf. Tee. Inst. Esp. Oeeanogr. 5: 128 pp Sänehez, F. 1995. Distnbuci6n espacial de los principaIes recursos demersales deI norte de Espaiia. Actas IV Col.Int.Oeeanogr. Golfo de Vizcaya: 39-47. • • 4 - - --------------------- so- ~- FRANCE 46- SPAIN • 40- 4- Figure 1. Studied area. ,....-----------------------------,0 Seit Edge Current Mesoscale hydrographie anomalies " -c fNight ,,~ LARVAE , March-Apnr EGGS • ~ -+ 100 200 300 400 500 o 5 10 15 20 25 NiutiCalrriJeS Figure 2. Lire cycle of euroPean hSke. ·5 30 --"""--------l600 40 35 Perias 44- '\,~.'.:::;"":"";;""""'\ ~ ::: . Guetaria ::, ~ •••• ; 0" " . ' C.Ajo ::: .. R. Bidasoa HAKE RECRUITMENT Main nursery areas (September-November) • 5- Figure 3. Main nuisery areas 750 Catch (nO) per trawt hour , , ' " RECRUITMENT INDICES PER AREAS 500 • 250 o 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 _Rias Bajas .La Coruria .Ribadeo DPetias .Guetaria Figure 4. RecruitmeIlt indices per areas 6 1995 ".0- . 43.S- . • . september 1995 . GeOstiOPh~ CUrrel"lt at1 0 m (level 200) ~ SOcln's Temperature at 90 m 43.2- '---_ _~:__---.J...-----L-----l---~.....J 4- 43.S- • .. 43.S· .3.4- . DeC:8inbei 1995 GeOstfOphic current at 10m (leVel 200) 43.2- \-- Temperature at 90 111 L......J.- .- _ --L-_~ _I. ....J Figure S. Geostrophic eurrent and tei'IlperatUrc during September arid December of 1995. 7 44· APRIL 1992 Salinity at 20 m 34.734.834.935.035.1 35.235.335.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.835.936.0 .......... , • . 44· APRIL 1993 Salinity at 20 m 34.7 34.8 34.9 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 36.0 42· Figure 6. Salinity in April of 1992 and 1993. 8 • AUTUMN 1993 Salinity cit 20 m 34.7 34.8 34.9 350 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 355 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 10" 9" S" 7" 6" 5" 4" 3" 2" 4· 3" 2" • AUTUMN 1994 Salinity at 20 m 10" 9" S· 6" 5" • AUTUMN 1995 Salinity at 20 m '4'-ta·..· !.:~~~ t. :"",": . _ • . .' .'. ~ 34.7 346 34.9 35.0 35.1 352 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 10" 9" S" Figur~ 7. Salinity at ~O In during autumn 9 cf 1993, 1994 Y 1995. ,s I ,- .i4. 43· AUTUMN 1993 Temperature at 90 m :~ 11.5 10· 9· 8· 12.0 12.5 LJ'~·~·~~_ 13.0 13.5 14.5 5· 6· 7' 14.0 15.0 'C 3· 4· 2' • AUTUMN 1994 Temperature at 90 m 12.0 10· 9' 12.5 13.0 6' 7' 13.5 14.0 14.5 5' 15.0 4· °C 3' 2· AUTUMN 1995 Temperature at 90 m ~"~';J. ~~~0~ 12.5 10· 9· 13.0 S' 13.5 S· -. 14.0 .::. '. 14.5 15.0 'C 3' Figure 8. Temperature (Oe) at 90 m during autumn of 1993, 1994 y 1995. 10 2' I ~ • , , ~ ~. . ~. .... 44' , 43' I ~ .. , ,,,.. I \ 4 , AUTUMN 1993 Geostrophic current at 10m (level 200 m) --+40 cmls S' 9' 10' 7' 6' 5' 3' 2' • AUTUMN 1993 Water vertical motion Divergence of Q at SO m (level 200 m) 43' ·5 -4 -3 -2 ·1 o 1 2 3 4 5 42' 10' 7' S' 9' : . 5' 6' 3' 4' 2' . 44' • 43' AUTUMN 1993 Hake recruitment (nO I hour) .... 100 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 4000 42' 10' 9' 2' 8' Figure 9. Geostrophie euerent, water vertieal motion and hake recruitment during 1993. 11 .,\ . /,.\:',., ... ,,, .... , ~I ... O' 44' AUTUMN 1994 Geostrophic current at 10m (level 200 m) ---. 30 cmls 10' 9' S' 7' 6" 4' 5" 3" 2" • AUTUMN 1994 Water vertical motion Divergence of Q at 50 m (level 200 m) 43" 1 42" 10' 9" S' 7" 6" 2 3 4 4' 5' 5 3" 2" • 44' 43' AUTUMN 1994 Hake recruitment (nO I hour) I I 100 250 I:~;:'t·:::;;t _ 500 750 1000 _ 1500 2000 4000 42' 10" 9' S" 2" 7" Figure 10. 6eostrophic current, water vertical motion and hake recruitrnent during 1994. 12 44° r .... - .. '.. , 43" \ I ( ... / /' I • \ I __ .. , .,. I I , \ • ... - ~ • • ~ .• . AUTUMN 1995 Geostrophic current at 10m (level 200 m) , -+30 cmls 10" 9° 5° 6" S" 4" 3° 2" 3" 2" .' AUTUMN 1995 Water vertical motion Divergence of Q at 50 m (level 200 m) 43" 42" 10" 9" S" so 6" 7° 4" • 44" 43° AUTUMN 1995 Hake recruitment (nO I hour) 11··- 100 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 4000 42" 10" 9" S" Figure 11. Geostrophic current~ water vertical motion and hake recruitment during 1995. 13