Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission technical series 16 General Plan and “Implementation Programme 1977-1982 Unesco 1977 The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariats of Unesco and IOC concerning the legal status of any country or territory,or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitations of the frontiers of any country or territory. ISBN 92-3-101524-9 1;rcnch edition 92-3-201524-2 Spanish edition 92-3-301524-6 Published in 1979 by the United Nations Itducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7,place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris,1:rancc Printed in the workshops of Unesco 0 U n m o 1979 [SI Printed in France CONTENTS Page r: FOREWORD INTRODUCTION General Purpose Principles Expected Benefits Elements of IGOSS Review of the Programme Developments (1969-1975) Recent Developments Need for Further Systems Development 7 RELATION OF IGOSS TO OTHER INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES AND ORGANIZATIONS World Weather Watch 7 Marine Meteorological Services System 8 Long-term and Expanded Programme of Oceanic Exploration and Research/International Decade Ocean Exploration 1971-1980 8 (LEPOR/IDOE) Global Atmospheric Research Programme 8 The Global Environmental Monitoring System (GENS) 9 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research s International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 10 10 10 OBSERVING SYSTEM Purpose and Principles 11 Observational Data Requirements 11 i Network Design and Observational Strategies Parameters to be Observed IGQBS Basic Observational'Network . Purpose and Concept Network of Stations Accurac? and Resolution Observational Platforms Oceanographic and Meteorological Research Ships Page Ocean Weather Ships 18 WMO Voluntary Observing Ships and Ships of Opportunity Ocean Data Buoys Coastal ana sia and Stations Satellites Further Studies and Development Work Required 18 18 19 19 19 21 TELECOMTKNICATION ARRANGEMENTS Purpose and Principles 21 Collection and Exshange of BATKY and TESAC Reports Methods of Data Collection 21 22 Dissemination of Products to Users 23 IGOSS DATA PROCESSING AND SERVICES SYSTEM 23 Purpose and Principle Organization of the IDPSS 23 24 Specified kinctions of WOCs for 1977-1982 25 Specifications for Initial WOC Products . 25 Development Aims for WOCs 27 Specifications for NOCs and SOCS Quality Control 27 28 28 The Exchange of Processed Data ~ Archiving and Exchange 28 DATA ARCHIVING AND EXCHBMGE Purpose 29 B A T W and TESAC Data Future Developments 29 29 Archival and Exchange of Products 31 32 32 32 Archival Services 33 MARINE POLLUTION MONITORING PROGRAMME 33 35 Marine Pollution Data Satellite and Aircraft Data Other Data TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAMME RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Scales and Processes 35 35 Techniques and Methodology 36 Approach 37 Since the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the World Meteorological Organization adopted the IGOSS General Plan and Implementation Programme for P b s e I in 1969, the routine international exchange of oceanographic data within the framework of IGOSS has become a reality. The Pilot Project for the Collection, Exchange and Evaluation of Bathythermograph Data, which waa the initie1 operational phase of IGOSS has demonetroted that the pravieioa of o o m m p h i c services is feasible and beneficial. It m w t , however, be pogntetf out *ha& not all , the concepts outlined in the General Pian hsrtre proven su~ceeefuland that @orne I ~ the PflQt PrsJeot operational deficienciea atill exist. Beverthelere, the B U C O ~ I of has led to the conolurion that IC054 be deiaig9eited operational while, of b8UP0QI further progranme developnsnte to BtrePgth8n eJid SXpeind the ayit- are B e b W rrndertah This recormendation was approved by the SOC Emacuhive Oouncil m d tho mK) Pseoutîve Committee in 1975 at their fifth a d W e a t p e r o m o h oe8JiOn8, tJapectiWefJ. . Reoagnieing thet develcipments in oceenogrephio nervios f a h *8+6sion 08 00me c€mn&m in the sloops of IGOSS, ths Fmrdh i for nmsa and the SzeamQire Committee P d ~f -erte.on HetssxWoEdW A ~ R Ocean &ifdo& reo0-a peeparartSon O# %hie new &meraï Pien rad Z k p X m t a t k thu aaope tr oW'ootir pr~grairae. 'phi0 pian does not eu,egeet w d o r xwîsione & guide fer M b r developslan$ and rSr 9.rprlion O IGOSB bat ie intended manner in w h b h partioi'pahiag n a t h m i riih I W W to &auelop. W n e d fa*-r Seo*General Plan incorgorathg new $.ohaique6 rnd xemnlfe o f - e X P e r b n W 8 h . d 8 - h waa foreeeen and-oall-d for in the General Plan end Implementa%fon M g r r i p e for Phaie I During ite next phase, ICOSS will be improved and e r g d i e d byt the . incorporation of oceanogrephio data gathered via setellifme end. buoye; tbe a t r t ~ ~ t l ~ ~ i of shipboard obeerving teohniquea; the implementetion OP a synoptic cumlyaîr cpû prediotion epetem and the m o n i b r i n g of w i n e pollutants. Yet a very brjio problrii, the of an adequete bathytherm-ph data base, still faosa IcOsEl @oiprnQr. ia ~ e ~ a * ~it y , is important to re-emphasise the principle m n t a i n e â th0 General Plan and Implementation Programme for W a e e I that "the o o e m &the atmosphere should be obeeirved ausd a t a d i d together booause they oontinuuumlf d f e g t each other in a number of important ways." Thie prinoiple has been rehiforom3 while IGOSS has been developing end it is oorreot ta expect X W S S to aontributa a+fieentlf to the slolution of important p r o b l e m beetudied jointly by aetsorolo@rrt0 arsd oceanographers. The Firet GdRp Global liïkperiaent sad GARP sub-progresmes reqwirs oceanographic inputs ernd have identified IGaSS ae a eupporting progrmwe. Ooawu&cap&ia expsri8ientai Being conduoted rinder the euapiaee of £be hag-P5~!~ end Rkpan#ed M m e of Ooeania Xzplorstion aad Besettach mwyxîm msteomlogiortl. data end e e n i o m in simil,= manner through the World Weather Watoh and the Harine WeteorolwiQill Servioes Syetem of W. Tha concept that the WeteorologfcBl Servioes Bystem anti IWSS are complementary end shonld thus be developed and operated together remaine e oentrsl theme of IGOSS. The Integrated Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS) Plan and Implementation Programme 1977-1982 INTRODUCTION General 1. The 1t egrat e Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS) is a joint IOC/WO operational service programme for the provision of infomation on the stad& of the oceans. Through ICOSS, states are provided the means by which they may cooperate multi-laterally in pursuit of their efforts to improve oceanographic eervices to various marine activiti~eand to support the scientific atudy of the o c e a m and the atmosphere. When IGOSS is fully operationall participating states throughout the world will be able to obtain: additional oceanographic data; aynoptio and nearreal-time oceanographic analyses end prediotiom; data Burammiss; seleatrd seryices designed for epecial, perhaps limited area) applications; ai8 technical support in the operations of oceanographic service programea. It ie understood that for technical and perhaps financial reanons, full implementation of this plan might not be achieved in some parts of the world during the period 1977-1982. Purpo s e 2. The need for oceanographic services and scientific study stems fron mankinds' continuously growing need for more food from the ooeane and land alike and other resources that may be in or be under the 5ee, for improved maritime transport, and for better protection against hazards of the ace- and atmosphere. The availability of food and water, basic essentials of life for man, ie controllad to a Zssge degree by the n a h r a l and man-induced characteristias of the oceans. Long-term anomalies in the thermal structure may induce climate cllpbngee that have adverse effects Q&cropI, even to the emtent of c a u s i q droughts, Current& may meandert $%king vital fish out of the reach of' m ' s fleets and relied upon upwellings snd the associated good harvests may not appear. Growing marine pollution af$slc%5 richnens and quality of living resources and may alter exchanges of energy and; rnetter between the o o e m an4 atmosphere and, henee, the stsbilityaof the climst Energy, -other eesentid need 8ouroe8 discovered or of modern m m in short supply, muet b e ioneerved a d developed. The oceans are h i g h w s p on which goods rnllet be transported safely and over the Boat economical route; h a s t fuel consuming in thia oa0e. O c e a ourrent I I ~ I ~data ~ Q fkem V ~ and wave observekioqs and forecaste @re qeieded 40s this $arpose, o a e a aream rsuld contriBute to %he iieveI&&nt of forma tropical storms. In addition, aoze information conoernin -laos ooam conditions is neoessary to allow improved weather formasting madbls to be developed, The ICOSS programme should be %xpbCaAed appPopristdJt by natfoae to meet the data and : product services required to satiefy these and other needs. 3a Some of the needs for operp+,ional OorPng and prediction aervices, the e previous p,atra&aph. A comment on primary role of IGOSS, were cited brieflyi the potential of nations to provide ocean0 ic services is necessary at the outaet of this plan as, in Borne respects, capabilities are limited. A fill understanding of the physical processes involved and the develogment of models to describe and predict the oceanographic and atmospheric environment have not yet been achieved. It is - 2 - * still not clear what avenues must be followed to correct this situation but several scientifio activities to which IGOSS may oontribute and benefit from should be undertaken. IGOSS, through ite obaervetion p r e p a m m e can contribute surface and sub-surface data, particularly from bathythermographs, at fixed locations and along standard traoka as part of the global-monitoring programme. Further, processed data and global and speaialized analyses could be provided through the IGOSS Data h o o e s e i n g and Services Syetem ( IDPSS). The principles for the development of IGOSS stipulated in the General 4. Plan end Implementation P r o m a m m e for Pliase I are as relevant for the period 19774982 as they were for Phase 1. They, along with additional principles, are as follows : i. ii. iii. iv . V. vi. vii. IGOSS should be a global oceanic system and consist of national facilities and services provided largely by the participating lviember States themselves with co-ordination and oupport from IOC and WMO and other international and regional organizations. IGOSS, to be effective, should be a co-ordinated system responsive to the operational and research requirements agreed upon among the participating nations and should utilize the most modern observing, communication and processing technology available. IGOSS should be a dynamic system, flexible enough to scientific and technical advances. to be adapted IGOSS should be planned and operated closely with the World Weather Watch (WWW), and Marine Meteorological Services System (MMSS) of WMO. IGOSS should be capable of providing support to co-operative investigations and scientific experiments through the provision of data and products derived from these data. ,. All types of IGOSS observations, their accuracy, frequency, technical characteristics, means of telecommunication, reporting codes, and methods of data exchange and storage should be standardized and uniform. IGOSS should be used only for peaceful purposes, due account being taken of the national sovereignty and security of States, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations. Expected Benefits 5. The need for information about the ocean environment goes beyond the oceanographic community. Scientific and industrial institutions, as well as government, public, and private interests concerned with maritime policy and economic development need information to achieve practical goals. The following list indicates areas of interest which could benefit from information made available through IGOSS programmes which provide data and/or analyses and forecasts of - 3 - surface, sub-surface and bottom water temperature, salinity, surface and sub-surface currents, tides and tidal streams, storm surges, tsunamis and other water level anomalies. i. ii. iii. Fisheries including mariculture exploitation and management. vi. vii. viii. ix. X. improved efficiency, Shipping, safety of navigation, routeing and cargo care. Ocean and offshore engineering - improved efficiency, design, planning and management, exploitation of mineral resources, protection and safety. iv . Meteorological Services forecasts. V. - for - improved short-and long-term weather Sea ice and iceberg prediction services movement and decay. - formation and breakup, - Pollution abatement and control protection of living resources and man, effluent and waste disposal, distribution and transport of pollutants. Recreation - planning, navigation, safety and protection. Search and rescue operations. Harbour control and safety. - scheduling, management and design, protection Support of oceanographic and’ meteorological research, undertaken in national and international programmes. Elements of IGOSS 6. The basic elements of IGOSS are: (i> The IGOSS Observing System (10s) consists af various facilities for obtaining oceanographic and marine meteorological observations at sea from ships, buoys, satellites and other platforms with the support of the Global Observing System of the World Weather Watch. (ii) (iii) The IGOSS Data Processing and Services System (IDPSS) consists of national, specialized and world oceanographic centres forthe processing of the required observational data and preparation of required products (oceanographic analyses and forecasts) and provision of services to various marine user groups. - the use of the WWW Global The IGO,SS Telecommunication Arrangements Telecamrdunication System, satellite relay or interrogation links or other newly developed facilities and techniques for collection and distribution of the required observational data from oceanic observational platforms as well as for exchange and distribution o f processed information. -4- (iv) - The use of existing The IGOSS Data Archivinffand Exchange System mechanisms and channels for international oceanographic data exchange, consisting of *World Data Centres (Oceanography) (WDC), Regional Oceanographic Data Centres (RODCS), National Oceanographic Data Centres (MODCs), Designated National Agencies (DNA), and IGOSS Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centres (IRNODCs) in order to ensure preservation of observational data and IGOSS products and their provision to users on national and international levels. Development of archiving and exchange procedures for oceanographic data including IGOSS data are the responsibility of IOC Working Committee €or International Oceanographic Data Exchange. 7. In addition to the basic elements mentioned above, IGOSS has embarked on the following programmes: (i) (ii) - The IGOSS Marine Pollution Monitoring Procrramme Established as a function of IGOSS and to be co-ordinated with IOC WC for GIPME. It is to comprise regular observations of selected pollutants as well as relevant oceanographic and meteorological parameters. The development should be c a r r i a out through progressive integration of national and regional pollution monitoring programmes and by launching pilot studies and projects dealing with monitoring of selected pollutants in certain oceanic areas. IGOSS Education and Training Programme - To enable developing countries to participate actively in IGOSS, considerable attention of relevant IOC and WMO bodies, in particular the IOC WC on T E U and Wp40 EC Panel on Education and Training should be directed to the subject of education and training for IGOSS purposes. The fields of synoptic oceanography, marine pollution monitoring, oceanographic observations, data processing and archiving and application of products and services should be emphasized. In addition, studies arein hand with a view to developing an ocean current programme. As well as the programme elements listed above, research is needed in 8order to ensure a sound scientific basis for the development of IGOSS. Studies are needed in areas such as: modelling of the general circulation of the ocean; studies of the ocean variability; and air/sea interaction. These studies should be conducted by scientists and research laboratories of the participating countries and within the framework ofintmational scientific programmes when appropriate. Support €or research may be provided through IGOSS in the form of data and products. Review of the Programme Developments (1969-1975) 9. The initial operational programme of IGOSS, the Pilot Project for the Collection and Exchange of Bathythermograph Data (BATHY Pilot Project) has been carried out successfully since January 1972. An average of 1,550 reports were exchanged via the GTS monthly during 1973 with 1,250 per month in 1974. Evaluations * For definitions of functions refer to IOC Manuals and Guides No.1 Manual on IGOSS Data Archiving and Exchange. - - 5 - of the BATHYsPilot Project were made in 1973 and 1974. In 1975 the IOC Executive Council and WMO Executive Committee approved the conversion of the Pilot Project into an operational programme. The following deficiencies were identified during the Pilot Project that must be overcome during the next phase of IGOSS: (1) relatively few Member States participated; (2) the amount of data made available by participants was limited; and, (3) a considerable amount of data were lost at various stages of data relay and transmission. Operational instructions required for participation in IGOSS are contained 10. in the following Manuals and Guides: - Manual on IGOSS Data Archiving and Exchange (IOC Manuals and Guides No.1) Guide to Operational Procedures for Collection and Exchange of Oceanographic Data (BATHY and TESAC) (IOC Manuals and Guides No.3) Guide to Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Instruments and Observing Practices (IOC Manuals and Guides No.4) 11. A second operational programme, the Pilot Project on Marine Pollution Monitoring was launched in 1975. This initial IGOSS marine pollution project is an internationally co-ordinated programme for monitoring petroleum-derived oils. An operational plan, containing a description of procedures for sample collection, preservation and analyses was prepared. This plan was accepted as a basis for the development of the Joint IOC/WMO/UNEP Pilot Project on Baseline Studies and Monitoring of oil and petroleum hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean, which is considered as a substantial input to the IGOSS Pilot Project on Marine Pollution Monitoring. Upon the initiative of UNEP, a study of the feasibility of a programme for monitoring background levels of selected pollutants in open ocean waters was undertaken by consultants appointed by UNEP, WMO and IOC. This study showed that such a programme can be initiated in 1976, as a pilot phase in the Atlantic Ocean. 12. A plan for the IDPSS has been developed the purpose of which is to make available to specialized and national oceanographic centres basic processed observational data and analyses and forecasts for real-time and near-real-time applications. Studies have been made on the design and development of the IGOSS Observing System. As a result of these studies a proposal was made for the establishment of an IGOSS Basic Observational Network (IBON). The IDPSS and D O N concepts are incorporated in this general plan and implementation programme fox 1977-1982. Other studies and reviews have been undertaken on the development of new ocean data acquisition systems, user applications of oceanographic products and services, an ocean current observation prograinme, telecommunication aspects of IGOSS and the provision of support for CARP experiments. Recent Developments 13. The success of satellites to provide sea surface observations as well as their potential for communicating data from platforms at sea to processing centres must be considered as an important development. Even though the use of satellites . - 6 - has not been incorporated in IGOSS as yet, expert groups have studied their use in conjunction with the development of automated data acquisition and transmission devices and the development of environmental analysis and prediction routines. 14. Planning bodies are now considering the role IGOSS may play in helping to solve the critical world problems concerning food and energy. One role will be to contribute to the global monitoring systems for apecifying the present climate for introduction into realistic models used to compute the future climate and to verify the predictions made in the recent past. Current observations in certain significant areas and predictions are needed for search and rescue operations, navigatian and ship routeing. The IGOSS ocean current monitoring project which may be initiated on a pilot basis in the 1977-82 period stems from the growing need for operational ocean current information. 15. The Global Atmospheric Research Programme has already contributed to a clearer understanding of the need for coupled air/ocean models and related monitoring. Continued co-operation between IGOSS and GARP will be mutually beneficial. 16. A significant event affecting IGOSS development was the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in June 1972. The action plan drawn up in Stockholm and approved by the UN in Resolution 90, called upon the "IOC, jointly with WMO and, as appropriate, in co-operation with other interested intergovernmental bodies, (to) promote the monitoring of marine pollution, preferably within the framework of IGOSS." The IGOSS Marine Pollution Monitoring Pilot Project is the first operational response of the IOC and WMO to this resolution. Need for Further Systems Development 17 An efficient global oceanographic service programme encompassing observational, telecommunications, data processing, product formulation and dissemination and data storage and retrieval elements is a vast undertaking that could only be considered if multi-national interest exists. The usefulness of an oceanographic service will be only realized when: adequate amounts of data become available; the ocean and air/oceam dynamics are better understood; the system is able to overcome technological restraints in response to user needs and, in addition, adequate resources are made available by participating nations, The state of IGOSS development relative to the optimum service is such that: (i) (ii) (iii) Data collection for synoptic purposes has only reached the 10-20 per cent level of foreseen requirements. For this reason, ships must be used to a far greater extent to measure surface and sub-surface variables and development must be accelerated on data acquisition devices such as buoys, satellites and radars. Sensing and transmitting oceanic parameters from these should be through automatic means whenever possible. A general shortcoming exists in most oceanographic prediction techniques in that a basic understanding of the physical processes involved is usually lacking. Studies and experiments must be directed at the understanding of oceanic mechanisms and their interaction through a range ?f time and space scales before oceanic prediction is attempted. Many of the innovations that will lead to a sophisticated service system have been identified. Further study and development will be required to take advantage of modern technology and techniques. - 7 - (iv) The long-term trend in the levels of pollutants in the world's oceans can be assessed only by measurements carried out over a period of many years of sites that are not directly influenced by inputs from the mainland or by ocean dumping activities. At present, information about the nature of open ocean water pollution is limited. Furthermore, because of different analytical methods that have been applied so far without thorough intercalibration, it is difficult to compare all the published data. RELATION OF IGOSS TO OTHER INTERNATIONAL PBOGFfAMMES A,ND ORGANIZATIONS World Weather Watch 18. The IGOSS will continue to use extensively facilities of the World Weather Watch and should therefore be developed in close relation with the implementation of the World Weather Watch, The essential elements of the World Weather Watch are: i. ii. iii. The observation networks and other observational facilities, called the Global Observing System (GOS), The meteorological centres and the arrangements for the processing of the observational data for the storage and retrieval of data, called the Global Data-Prooessing System (GDPS), and The telecommunication facilities and arrangements necessary for the rapid exchange of the observations and of the processed data, called the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). 19 GOS consists of the surface-based sub-system and space-based sub-system. The surface-based sub-system includes such platforms aB fixed m a stations, mobile ship stations and automatic marine stations. Fixed sea stations (stationary ship stations and fixed and anchored platforms) provide essential and detailed meteorological and oceanographic data from critical locations in ocean areas, where more economical means are not available. Mobile ship stations,known commonly as WMO voluntary observing ships, have been used for taking bathythermograph observations for IGOSS. Progress has been made in the development and deployment of buoys which take and transmit marine meteorological and some oceanoGaphfc obseruations. Mobile and fixed observation platforms mentioned above constitute part of the six WMO regional basic synoptic networks which in their aggregate form the global basic network. Meteorological satellites under the space-baaed sub-system of GO? are divided into two groups, those in near-polar orbits and thoee in geostationaPy orbits. They provide observations of, amongst other things, temperatures of the sea, snow and ice cover. One of the imp tures af mbteorological ay environmental data sensed by satellites is their capability to aallec on-s*ationary. a variety of ocean platforms both stati - GPS &wides the telecommunications facilities and arrangements far the 20 . 4distribution of observational data and rapid and reliable collection, exchar& processed information. IGOSS will depend on GTS for the international exchange of oceanographic data and processed information. Where the processing of data '8 - exchanged under IGOSS is closely linked with the processing of data exchanged under WWW, international co-ordination is needed between the data processing component of IGOSS (i.e. IDPSS) and the correspordin$ component of WWW (i.e. GDPS). Marine Meteorological Services System 21. The Harine Meteorological Services System (MQS) provides, to the extent possible, marine meteorological and other related geophysical information for all shipping routes, fishing areas and areas of o-bher marine activities. Activities undertaken under the MMSS are closely linked with the oceanographic analysis and prediction services developed under IGOSS, namely the IDPSS. The further development of the IDPSS should be undertaken in close co-ordination with the MMSS to ensure the rational use of resources available and to avoid duplication of efforts. Long-term and Expanded Programme of Oceanic Exploration and Research/International Decade Ocean Exploration 1971-1980 (LEPOR/IDOE) 22. The purpose of LEPOR/IDOE is ['to increase knowledge of the ocean, its contents and the contents of its subsoil and its interfaces with the land, the atmosphere and the ocean floor and to improve understanding of processes operating in or affecting the marine environment, with the goal of enhanced utilizations of the ocean and its resources for the benefit of mankind". The results of some of the research programmes under the auspices of LEPOB/IDOE will have immediate use within IGOSS and other oceanographic service programmes. As understanding of the ocean is advanced, so can monitoring and prediction pystems be advanced: important scales and processes can be monitored and accounted for in prediction models. It is the responsibility of those developing services, including IGOSS, to identify for the LEPOR/IDOE participants the research that is required to improve that service. The data obtained during LEPOR/IDOE experiments, if relayed to IGOSS 23. oceanographic centres in real-time, may be used in generating products already online. Data and products can be provided through IGOSS to researchers as well as to supplement their data collection programmes. Global Atmospheric Research Programme GARP is a joint WMO/ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions) 24 programme for studying those physical processes of the atmosphere that are essential for an understanding of the large-scale fluctuations which control changes of weather, and a better understanding of the physical basis of climate. In order to develop the necessary understanding, certain programmes and sub-programmes, essentially international in character, and of a theoretical and experimental nature, have been formulated. They deal with specific physical and dynamical processes, either of a global or regional character. Within the several sub-programmes experiments have been designed to determine the behaviour of the whole atmosphere or some part of it, relevant to the particular sub-programme. 25. Synoptic oceanographic data a d analyses are required for determining boundary conditions for operational medium-range wea$her prediction models and in research as one of the factors in assessing the feasibility of longer-range weather and climate predictions. Scientific experiments dealing with ocean-atmosphere interaction require data on sea surface and sub-surface temperature, water density and where possible, - 9 ocean currents. The scale in which these data are required is determined by the experiment and arrangements, therefore, include the establishment of a suitable network of observations in the area of the experiment. Members should endeavour to arrange for such a permanent and global network of sea surface and sub-surface temperatures, water density and ocean current observations by 1978, when major scientific experiments under GARP will be conducted. 26. The First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) is the main observational part of the GARP Global Sub-programme an8 is concerned with the large-scale dynamics of the atmosphere, the central theme of GARP. It is an effort to provide a world-wide teet of how well existing models of the earth's atmosphere can simulate the present climate. The Observational Phase of FGGE consists of a Build-up Year from September 1977 to August 1978 and an Operational Year from September 1978 to August 1979, including two Special Observing Periods of intensive data collection, each of two months duration. The data management plan for the First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) includes BATHY and TESAC as special observing systems. I O S S participants have been called upon to increase their observation frequency during FGGE and t o support specific GARP sub-programmes such as MONEX. The Global Environmental Monitoring Syatem (GENS) 27. Several programmes and studies on marine pollution monitoring undertaken within the framework of IGOSS have been recognized by UNEP as an eseential contribution to GEMS and are being developed in co-ordination and with the support of UNEP. This includes: Pilot Project on Marine Pollution (petroleum) Monitoring, Joint IOC/WMO/UNEP Co-ordinated Pilot Project on Baseline Studies and Monitoring of Oil and Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean and the preparation of the programme for monitoring background levels of selected pollutants in open ocean waters. 28. GEHS is a major step in the evolution of Earthwatch - a maJor funotional taek of the United Nations Environment Programvie (UNEP). The goals to be aqhieved t h r o w the functioning of GENS include, inter alia: (i) An assessment of global atmospheric pollution and its impact on climate; (ii> An assessment of the extent and distribution of contaminant8 in biological systems, particularly food chains; (iii) An assessment of the state of ocean pollution and ita impact on marine ecosystems2 An imprgved international system allowing the monitoring of the factors necessary fox the understanding and foreceetiag of disasters and the implementation of effioieat wmnirsg systems 29- The Governing Council of Ul@F.,&ae decided to: Include ocean baseline stations, analogoq to the etvaapheric baseline stations, which oould take the for@ of' island stations, data buoys or ships of opportunity; Assist in the expansion of the Integrated Global Ocean Station System to include other pollutants in addition to petroleum hydrocarbons; . , - 10 (c) . Support education and training efforts that should enhance the participation of developing nations and thus improve the overall effectiveness of the ocean programme. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations .30Events in the upper zone of the ocean in any area of the world may have some influence on living resources in that area. In this sense, any information that can be collected under IGOSS as to the physical,' chemical and biological characteristics of the upper zone may have some relevance to research on marine living resources. But oceanographic factors affecting the abundance and distribution of living resources are different from area to area, from situation to situation and from resource to resource. For example, temperature is one of the factors determining the distribution of fish; a sharp temperature boundary often constitutes a barrier to fish distribution and movement. Similarly, the extent and intensity of coastal upwelling appear very important, although it is not known exactly how this affects the abundance of fish. Surface currents often affect the distribution and survival of eggs and larvae. The survival rate in the early stages of development of fish is, to a greater or lesser extent, determined by the availability of the right kind of food at the right time. 31 FAO will attempt to identify the fishery requirements for IGOSS products based on which, and within the IGOSS programme, a "pilot project" will be developed for a specific region and fishery. The experience gained during the pilot project phase will contribute to our understanding of the ways in which environmental factors may affect fisheriesloperations. Based on the results, IGOSS services can then be developed progressively to meet the requirements of fisheries on a regional and global basis. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) of the International 32 Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) co-ordinates research and conducts studies which are directly related to IGOSS. For example, SCOR working groups have been formed to work on: Internal Dynamics of the Ocean; Oceanographic programmes during FGGE; the influence of the ocean on climate (with IAPSO); mathematical modelling of oceanic processes (with IAPSO); and coastal upwelling processes. As needs arise within IGOSS for oceanographic studies, SCOR should be called upon to assist in IGOSS development. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 33 The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is both a supporting and user organization of IGOSS. Members of ICES have provided data and participated in a pilot project for thermal structure analysis (OVERFLOW 73) for the north-east Atlantic. The Service Hydrographique of ICES is a permanent Regional Oceanographic Data Centre co-operating in the IGOSS Data Archival and Exchange Programme. The research projects conducted under the auspices of ICES have similar relationships to IGOSS as that of the LEPOR/IDOE programme. - 11 OBSEBYIIG SYSTEM Purpose and Principles The purpose of the IcOSf3 obtaerviz%&f syetem im -koprovide partialgating 34. netione with marine environmental &eta raqnlred for operational m d rereazotr pnrPQ6efB. Ita faoilitiee mar be used in eugpa~tOP a f ~ r ~ ~ f n QT e oi n t e r n a t i o d PrO&mniliie6, providirag that suoh utilisation would gurpoee of the XGQSS obrerpirrg ey 35, 'Eh@ fGOS3 ofrsmming sye tp the Uaitsd H a t i o m Globe1 Enwfrimmfa infammtfo-n on a rrgPltw besia foz m ~ on weather and climat8, ssl well a1 P b f $* w51x w o v i n ollntim W a t ~ ~ d&+B, w ObservaSional nata Beauimmmrzts A 8 for Phaes I of IGOSS, the pPidata olerquirements will ba for 008au 36 thermal rtrubture and Balinity data. Dur5ag 1973r approrinately 17.ooO Bl? reports were exchanged within the framework of the 2WSS B A W R pilot project, while during the eame psriod, in addition,the World Data Centre A (Oceenograghy) reoeired 58.083 This indicates observatione from oceanographic etations (temperetme and salinity). great potential for increasing the amount of m e a n temperature data on a synoptic basie. , While the BATHY pilot project benionetrated that the IGOS8 observ&q ryatem 37 is a viable one, it also revealed that aeeningful oceanogxaphio analyaee md prediction8 oould not be prepared unlees the prerent level of the avdlabllitjy of ocean teaperature data is significantly up-graded. Eetimates of the BA= data which would etnerble nations to produce meaningful sub-eurfaoe analyaee, have h e n made and are given in the table on page 12. One of the main uses of IGOSS data will be a@ input to ocean/&tnorphere 30 numerical models. For this purpose, the t h e r m 1 etruetarre in the upper 500 m will -e required. Real-time aurface ourrent information is also of great importanoar and a eignificant improvement in sea surface current observations should be d e . Network D.esim and Qbservetional S trateniee 39 Observational strategy in IGOSS aims to employ the most suitable technique0 and ensure that the frequency of sampling (time and space) is optimum, taking copizanoe of the way in which the observations are to be used. Information needed to formulate an observational strategy for a particular parameter is as follows: (i) (ii) A knowledge of the variability (time and space) of the parameter; Present, and likely future paramet er; methods of measurements of the --12 - ESTIMATED M T H Y REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATION OF MEANIKFUL SUBSURFACE ANALYSES Approximate Daily Minimum Monthly No. of Observing Observations Observations Required Water Masses Points Required (Best Di stri bu ti on 1 Approximate No. of AREA 14 56 112 3,360 South Atlantic Ocean 10 30 60 1,800 Mediterranean Sea 2 8 16 480 North Pacific Ocean 18 70 140 4,200 South Pacific Ocean 12 36 72 2,160 North Indian Ocean 7 21 South Indian 8 71 North Atlantic Ocean ' . 42 1,260 24 48 1,440 21 5 490 14,700 Ocean TOTAL - 13 (iii) (iv) The uses or purposes of the observations; Instrumental accuracies. At present there is not sufficient information available under any of the, above headings. The most important lack is under item (i). In addition, it is emphasized that the relative costs of different methods of measurement will become an important factor in observational strategy as the IGOSS system develops in m o p e and complexity. Overall efficiency and economy will become of increasing importance as total cost increaees. Network design can be considered as part of the overall problem of 40 * formulating 831 observational strategy. Network deraign can be interpreted broadly 88 determining the real density of obtlerving statione and the frequenoy of obeervaBione at each s t a t i m that are, in some ienee adequater Stations need not be geogrsph&oelly fixed. A question may arise a8 to whether drifting buoys or moored buoge wfll be more effective fop measuring the temperature structure of the upper boeLatlr Ti a etEbtiStiQ@x model for the temperature etruoture of the mized layer can be f o m l s t e d for different regions from available data, a network design approach providee a method for determining the optimum choice. 41 The problem of network design has been approached in a number of different ways. An approach developed mainly by meteorologiete starts from the statistics of the parameter and seeks to estimate the accuracy with which the value of that parameter can be interpolated at a fixed grid point in relation to (i). aoouraoy of observation and (ii) spacing of observations. !Chi5 approach has been used in the planning of the Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment (POLYMODE) and the Borth Pacific Experiment (NOWAX). A knowledge of time and space scales, as given for example by the appropriate correlation functions or structure functions, is essential in the application of this approach to network analysis. 42 A second and more direct approach is to divide the region of interest into sub-regions, based on acoumulated knowledge of the water masses in the area. At least three sampling stations should then be looated in each sub-region. Samples from these stations, if their positions are not cwlinear, allow some estim8te of zonal and meridional gradients in each area. With this approach, the queetion of how often samples should be taken must be answered separately, usually on the basis of experience or feasibility. 43 The primsource of v e r t k a l H % e m a - s h ? t ~ e kd~ a ~e k during the implementation period 1977-1982 will be from BT's or XBT's used aboard research vessels and voluntary observing ships. To improve the synoptic BT and XBT data coverage, it will @e neceasery to develop inetrument packages that digitize the data and transmit them sUtomrtically by satellite. 44 The present methods for determining sea surface curaents from ships' set rely on the comparison of observed position fixes with deduced positions made by integration of the ship's motion through the water from a single component log. This. method has severe limitations and further effozta are required to develop suitable cefined techniques for the measurement of surface ourrents. 45 The priorities for the next phase of work on observational strategy in - 14 the determination of statistical parameters for the more important properties of the ocean for many different areas, for example, etructure funotiona or the closely related epectre for SST a d heat oontcnt of the upper layers from existing data as well aa from planned research projects; the design of sutomatio data gathering paokagee capable of transmitting data via aatellite and their installation on ships. The moat important data to be gathered a d transmitted in thia way relates to the structure in the upper 500 m. Parameters to be Observed 46 ( a > The parameters to be observed in the IGOSS observing system with priority for implementation during the period 1977-1982 are listed below: 9 (i) (ii) Primary parameters: Necessary complementary parameters: surface and sub-surface sea temperature surface and sub-surfaoe salinity wind waves and swell eurfoce and sub-surface currents water level anomalies wind speed and direction atmospheric pressure air temperature dew point ice cover and icebergs solar radiation (if inatrumented) (b) For special projects, such as those relating to chemicals, pollutants, nutrients and the primary productivity cycle, the parameters to be measured will be determined a0 part of the programme. IGOSS Basic Observational Network The IGOSS Basic Observational Network (IBON) is established 47 framework of the IGOSS Observing System and is intended to act as the of this system during the implementation period 1977-1982. It should to be the minimum useful network in terms of the density and accuracy (see paragraph 53). within the major component be considered of observations IBON will provide surface and sub-surface data for analysis and prediction 48 of ocean conditions on a world-wide basis. It will also satisfy some of the ~ O / W W W requirement for sea-surface observations as specified in the WWW Plan and Implementation Programme 1976-1979, and will provide oceanographic data required by.GARP to continuously update information concerning sea surface temperature and sea ice. . . -. - 49 The immediate objective is to obtain a minimum set of surface and sub-surface temperature data to the upper 500 m of the ocean on a regular basis with time and space scales necessary to define the major features of the world oceans and to support synoptic meteorology. Special attention will be given to providing support - 15 to FGGE. IBON will later be expanded to include the measurement of other peraetersL as measuring techniques, instruments and resources become available. ------------------- Network of Stations The chart on page 16 shows the required minimum distribution and density of 50 observations believed to be necessary to define the major characteristics of the world's ocean^. Approximate boundaries of the major water masses and the number of sampling points within each area are shown in figures as well. The positions of the sampling stations need not be geographically fixed, but should be distributed throughout each area and should not be oo-linear. A recommended distribution iR shown by the dots on the chart. A minimum coverage would be obtained by making one sounding per day at each station. 51 It is recognized that in theltght g f later data 'analysis, such an initfal coverage may prove to be inadequate for gome tasks. The etatistical analysis of data will reveal the importance of mesoscale feaeures m d the d e s i w of the observing system may be modified accordingly. Aa a means of obtaining data on scales smeller than those indicated in the chart on page 16 and in order to provide spatial statistics on these smaller scales, it is recommended that wherever possible the basic system should be supplemented by more closely spaoed obseryations. Some areas may already be identified as meriting additional emphasis. These are: (i) (ii) (iii) where linkage mechanisms with the atmosphere have been ehown to be important; Hansen's influence points; * where present observational density is low; grdien A tar&et rate of progress of imglemntation of the neaessPry cover52 * iesb8hown i n the table below, 1 . + * Reference: W S E N , W. 1 0 - loo Uber den Ehtwurf baeanographischer Stationsaysteme. Wittwil. Ipst. Meereshnde, Uaiv. Hamburg, No. 13, 1970. x - 16 - -. n 0 - 17 - ....................... Accuracy and Resolution It is essential that the measurements should be made with sufficient 53 accuracy to make them operationally useful but with due account for the increased cost needed to attain high accuracy. An indication of the useful degrees of accuracy of three essential parameters is given below. Values indicated are representative on a scale of about 50 km. Marginally Useful Sea Surface Temperature Desirable for Water Mass Analy si s Optimum Accuracy Needed to Implement IBON Mixed Layer 'Depth 20 m or 10% whichever is larger Temperature Gradient below Mixed Layer ~ O C / ~ O Om. or 20$ whichever is larger I 0.25OC 3OC or 2%. whichever is larger ~ O C / ~ OmO I 54a 1 ....................... Observational Platforms 54 The f o l l o w i w ocean data acquisition p h t f a r m e &I% obnsidered as eseantid during the period 1977-1982: (a) ooewographic and meteorological research ships; b) ocean weather shlps; c) W¶O voluntary observing ships &d shipa 02' oppaxtunity; 1 - -------- Oceanographic and Meteorological Rerseqch Ships ----------------------------C-r -i---- Oceanographic and meteorological research ships are the most reliable data 55 source for ocean parameters required in the IGOSS observing systems. It is of - 18 particulax importance that during the implementation pgriod 1977-1982 participating nations endeavour to have as many as poseible sea temperature and salinity observations taken aboard their ships and transmitted on a real-time basis. Reports from research ships participating in ecientific experiments and special oceanographic investfgetion will greatly oontribute to the improvement of.the data coverage of the IGOSS observing ays%em .e i .! ’ Oceanographio observetions are carried olit aboaPd most of the presently56. operated ocean weather ships. WHO 16.mbars concerned encouraged to for sea temperature and salinity observations continue theee observatiana and srrto be trangmitted ch a real-time basis. ------------ --------- --------- ------ ------- WMQ V o l u n t a q Observing Ships and S h i p of OEeortunity --e- WMO voluntary observiq ehips and shipe’of opportunity will remain a 57 primary eource of sea temperature data throughout the implementation period 1977-1982. Therefore it is important t h d Member States make every eff0r.t to increase the number of observing ships c a r q i n g out 8ea temperature observations. In recruiting suah ships, socount should be taken of the areas or routes on which the ships are normally plying in relatian to the proposed IBON reference network of stations. -------------- Ocean Data B u o z ~ 58 The use of moored and free drifting buoy.8 as synoptic oceanographic data acquisition platforms is asrtalnly feasible and will soon offer the potential to expand the data base of the IGOSS observing system. Buoys have been undergoing tests for years in several countries. Moored buore may provide useful data and they-can be placed in xemote areas, outside of ahipping lanes where it is not practical to divert merchant ships and for which data are needed for analysiFs and prediction purposes. Effbrte should be cantinuert %.o devebop and deploy operational ocean data buoys. 59 Drifting buoys, while not capable of accommodating the full range of observations that can be obtained from moored buoys, may, for the near future (5 to 10 years), become a useful form of buoy system to deploy. Firstly, they are relatively cheap to purchaee, Secondly, they are expendable, thereby not requiring maintenance visits. Thirdly, their sensing packages are uncomplicated, within the state of the art. Fourthly, they can be launched with limited training and facilities. Drifting buoys have, however, more complex communication problems because buoy locations must also be calculated. Drifting buoys are being considered for uae in FGGE as one of the speoial observing eystems, particularly for southern circumpolar waters where clouds persist and surface conditions cannot be often 8en8ed by satellite. The results of the FGGE will provide an indication on the usefulness and feasibility of drifting buoys for operational use in IGOSS. - 19 - ........................... Coastal and Island Stations 60. Participating nations should be encouraged to select aoaetal and island stationEl and equip them so that they can obtain observations useful for IGOSS purpose@. In particular, meaeurements should be -de of sea levels, wavee, ice, water temperature and the complementary meteorolagiaal obaervatfons. Such statione will be important observing stations for pollution monitoring as well. Inoorporatlon of the coastal and island data should be considered when required for IDPSS product formulation. ---------- Satellites Monitoring of the ocean from space is now foreseen as one of the advancements 61. in operational data acquisition that will make additional data available for IGOSS use on a routine basis by 1960. Satellites have yet to play a major role in monitoring and a s ~ e s e i n goceanic conditions. However, as sensors and instruments have been developed, it has become apparent that much important and useful data on the ocean can be gathered from space platforms. Under relatively cloud-free conditions, sea surface temperature can be derived from infra-red measurements from satellites and some tracking of major ocean currents can be accomplished. Experimental satellite products such as hemispheric sea surface temperature analyses and current and water mas8 depiction charts have undergone tests and are proving to be useful additional components o services which already make use of surfaae, sub-surfaae and airborne observational elements. The advance made towards incorporating satellite observational techniques in operational service programmes is one technological development that should have a great impact on IGOSS. Member States developing and operating satellite systems are encouraged to make processed data available to others participating in IGOSS.' The requirements of the IBON for the data and information which can be 62. obtained from existing and planned satellite systems are -as follows: sea surface temperature surface thermal detail (fronts) surface wind field surface wave statistics currents upwelling8 open ocean tides storm surge icebergs and ice cover ocean colour floating pollutants ....................................... ____- Further Studies and Development Work Reguired 63 A consequence of the mixed nature of the D O N observing system (satellite, aircraft, buoy, ship) is that a particular variable may be measured by several very different techniques. It is important that these data should be comparable without - 20 - complex.processing. A particular example is the measurement of sea surface temperature by various systems at the surface and by eatellites which themselves employ different methods from one another. Difficultiee e i s e in the assimilation of these varioue date which reduce the usefulnees of the date set in practical applications. Problems are also caueed by the lack of compstibility between different satellite comunication syatens and it ia important thst there lshould be agreement on common standards in orqer that suzfaoe data colleotion pfatfome can work through a variety of satellites without duplication of transmitting equipment. Costs o m be reduced by cslreful choice of' the variables measured and by 64 reatrioting the mourroy and resolution delPanded to thst strictly required. C r r d u l aormting of the uee d e of the vsrioue data in deriving service products will probably lead to the elimination of some data now reporhd. 69mere ie the urgent need for introducing semi or fully automatic data aoquisition egstems. %!he desirable sttribtdee of ruch systems are that they ehouldr (a) be oompact, to minimiBe interconnections; (b) have an automatio communication systems (0) have long "mean time between failures" to eliminate the neceesity of eervicing at sea; (a) have stability of calibration to obviate adjustment at sea. Great emphasis is placed on the need to minimise servicing, adjustment and calibration. In most cases the cost of a data acquisition system totalled over its lifetime is dominated by the maintenance element. - 21 TELECOMMUNICATION ARRANGEMENTS Purpose and Principles The purpose of the IGOSS telecommunication arrangements is to ensure the 66. rapid and reliable collection, exchange and distribution of ocean data originating from the IGOSS observing system, and of processed infopation available from the IGOSS Data Processing and Services System, and is operated in accordance with the following principles: (a) IGOSS observational data and processed information are exchanged over the Global Telecommunication System of the World Weather Watch: (i) the National Meteorological Service responsible for the operation of a telecommunication centre on the GTS be it a World Meteorological Centre (WMC) or a Regional Telecommunication Hub (RTH) or a National Meteorological Centre (NMC) is also responsible for both the transmission to and reception from the GTS of IGOSS observational data and processed information; (ii) the WMO standard telecommunication procedures specified in the Manual on the GTS should be applied for the handling of IGOSS observational data and processed information; (iii) (b) where non-GTS circuits are used procedures applicable to these circuits should be followed. Methods and capabilities to be used for the transmission of ocean data from ODAS to the shore should include those offered by the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) International Maritime Mobile Service; Radio communication using HF bands allocated by the ITU World Administration Radio Conference; Geostationary meteorological satellites through their International Data Collection System; Polar orbitting satellites; Communication satellites, such as International Maritime Satellite System (IPJMBRSAT). Collection and Exchange of BATHT and TESAC Reports 67 The collection and exchafige of BATHY and TESAC reports involves the following four stages: (a)- Ship to coastal radio station or earth station; . - 22 (b) Coastal radio station or earth station to National Meteorological Centre HMC or an Oceanographic Data Processing arrd Service Centre OPC ; U (c) BFIC or OW to ~n app~og2iateCTB centre for data inaertioa in the 6988 (4 t "hie Semioe ie roroiwfosl =@porte fronl v b h n t a r y obrsrviry ehips aa8 airmllarly of Bb'pHII and ~ ~ r e l # r r t l l$or i Z#W. 'Pbrae -porte are defined by the ITU W i o Regulations a8 "meteorological radioteltwgzams" end rrhould bear a specified service instruction end paid eervice indioetor. WMO publirhes a list of coastal radio etations deeignerted by its Member States for the reception of ship reports, including BATHY and TESAC reports, free of oharge. Watch-keeping hours aboard single operator shipe and the inoreaeirig traffic in the Maritime Mobile Servioe, especially in HF communications, have been two main area8 of difficulty etfeoting the timely and efficient collection of ship reports. To overcome these difficulties, introduction of new teohnology, such aa the direct printing system with selective calling devioee and satellite data collection system, ehould receive urgent attention, I (b) ,Comunicrtion ~reimcsix HF bands allocated by the World &lminietrative R d i o Corrference: The ITTJ World Administrative Badio Conference (WAEC 1967) allocated six HF bands each 3.5 KHs in width in the 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 and 22 KEz rangea for the tranemission of ocean data. In response to a W m C decision and in order to assure the rational utlization of the allocated bands, procedures have been established whereby the IOC and WMO Secretariat jointly act as a co-ordinating body for their use. Frequencies reserved and/or allocated to various countries are recorded in the Agreed Interim Frequency Utilization Plan which is kept updatedand circulated to all WMO and IOC Member States. The WBRC-1974 decided that the present allocation of the six ED bands should be maintained without change until the next Administrative Conference in 1979. Therefore, the existing arrangements for the utilization of the frequencies should continue to apply at least until then. - 23 Satellite Data Collection System: (i) Data collection from buoys, ships and remotely located platforms will be possible via geostationary and polar orbitting meteorological satellites during the present implementation period (1977-1982). The geostationary meteorological satellites to be launched by the European Space Agency (ESA), Japan, the USSR and the USA in support of the First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) and expected to continue in support of the World Weather Watch will have an International Data Collection System. This system should also be used for the collection of IGOSS observational data. A similar system will also be available on polar orbitting meteorological satellites. (ii) The International Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) is undertaking a project for establishing an International Maritime Satellite System (INMARSAT) which is intended for providing, amongst others, an effective service for the collection and distribution of navigational, meteorological, hydrographic and oceanographic information, including transmission by direct printing and/or facsimile. Very High Frequency Transmission: Very high frequency transmissions (VHF) make it possible to set up short-distance links (within sight); they are being used for the collection of data from moored buoys situated close to coastlines. Dissemination of Products to Users 69. Dissemination of products to users is to be arranged on a national basis using,the national meteorological telecommunication network of the GTS and/or other appropriate telecommunication circuits. IGOSS DATA PROCESSING AND SERVICES SYSTEM (IDPSS) Purpose and Principle - 70 IGOSS has stimulated observation of the ocean environment and the regular collection and exchanee of these data in real-time. The IDPSS provid'es the basis for an international data pP'ocessing and services syetem for the provision'of oceanographic analysis and prediction products. The puppose of the IDPSS is to make available to users the 'tiasic processed observational data and analyses needed for real-time and near real-time applications. This system is intended to provide a common basis for the operations of the various oceanographic centres which have been established to meet the partibular user requirements of an area. The'functions of the various centres will fiot affect the status of any international commitment of countries to give support to shipping and air/sea rescue nor to determine the manner in which members execute these responsibilities. - 24 71 Products produced by the IDPSS will be useful in the following (not listed in priority order): shipping operations; engineering operations at sea; fisheries research and operations: aqua-culture operations; evaluating the oonsequences of man's activities in the sea, auch a8 oil spills, atomic power plant location, deep water port location, waste disposal and other modifications to existing systems; oceanographic research; ataospheric prediction models and climate modelling. Organization of the IDPSS 72 The IDPSS will be composed of three types of centres. their distinguishing characteristics, are: (i) (ii) (iii) These types, with World Oceanographic Centres (WOC) . These centres provide processing on a global and/or hemispheric, and major ocean basin scale. They collect and process IGOSS observations received over the GTS from specialized and national centres. They offer oceanographic products such as sea surface temperature and mixed layer analyses to any participating nations interested. . National Oceanographic Centres (NOC) These centres are organized to satisfy the requirements of the particular nations' users. They will receive products from the world centres as needed in support of their service programmes. They will monitor IGOSS data collection from sources within their nation; . Specialized Oceanographic Centres (SOC) SOCs are established when required by participating nations for data processing and the provision of products for users in their countries. This type includes centres which are specialized in the processing of certain ocean parameters and which serve, through their products the particular needs within a well-defined ocean area or sea. A SOC could be a national centre or one established as a joint effort of several countries and will be included in the system only when a willingness has been expressed to adhere to IGOSS objectives. These specialized centres will be treated the same as national centres for IDPSS purposes, with the World Centres taking full account of their specialized needs for synoptic oceanographic support. 73The Global Observing System of the World Weather Watch (WWW) and IGOSS will produce large amounts of marine environmental data. As in meteorology,speed in processing oceanographic observational data in the form of analyses and prognoses is essential. To begin with,the ocean thermal and density structures of the upper layers will be analysed. Eventually, ocean current observations and analyses will be included - 25 as the IDPSS develops. Considering the scarcity and high cost of observations of temperature and salinity in the ocean, it is also necessary to have efficient systems for data storage and retrieval for both real-time and archival uses. Specified Functions of WOCs for 74 1977-1982 Real-time processing functions: WOCs will : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 75. receive observations and prepare analyses of sea surface temperature according to the specifications set out below; receive observations and prepare analyses of temperature at fixed levels for the upper ocean; prepare edited collections of observations in standard and special formats for users; and execute quality control procedures. Non-real-time processing functions:, WOCs will : (i) (ii) document procedures for quality control and exercise quantity control procedures; provide IGOSS Responsible National Ocean Data Centres (IRNODC's) with collections of sub-surface data in standard formats; , (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) . publish descriptive material fully explaining methods of analysis; prepare product analyses for routine periodic exchange; provide processed products for research uaes; provide opportunities for exchange visits. The forms in which data are processed for climatological and research punposes should be such that it can be published. Data which are needed for large-scale investigations should be readily available in a convenient format for machine processing. Specifications €or Initial WOG Products The initial products for exchange will be the sea surface temperature at 76 * points of the numerical weather grid in common use at the time of the initial exchange ana the mixed layer depth for the same points. Each of these initial products is now described in operational terne. Additional requirements for oceanographic infarmation on a r e m l a r basis 77 will include sea surface temperature and the temperature structure with depth down to 500 metres on a grid of one degree latitude dimensions. It is logical to begin the exchange between the WOCs and the NOCs and SOCs with products which are somewhat less comprehensive than those needed for the 1978-1982 time period. Specifications for these products are as follows: (i) 26 - sea surface temperature (SST) sea surfam temperature from open ocean areas (i.e. 100 km from land or ice, and greater than 200 m water depth) ; scalar variable; range - 5OC to 4OoC; temperature of the surface sea water layer to 1 metre depth; grid point values are to be in degrees and tenths; data points will be at grid spacing commonly used; 100 km spacing by 1978, northern hemisphere to start, later globally; isoline charts with contours at 4OC with 2OC spacing optional in flat gradient areas; polar prodections for areas at latitudes higher than 20' to 30 . Mercator projections for areas at lower latitudes and as one which may be used for global coverage; internally WOCs may produce charts with different characteristics; daily analysis; exchanged once/day; day-to-day difference fields and indications of diurnal . variations will be maintained as much as possible; (n) (ii) mean charts may be prepared as required (e.g. 5 day, 10 days, 1 month); mixed layer depth (MLD) - depth of (a) mixed layer depth temperature; surface layer of homogeneous (b) computer definition increasing levels of depth from the surface are considered until a temperature 2OC colder than the surface temperature is reached. Then the last significant level considered is egtablished as the MLD. If the entire profile is within 2 C of SST then the MLD is the depth of the profile's bottom depth; (c) grid point field 10 metres; (a) information on existence and day-to-day persistence of transients (i.e. shallow niinor thermoclines due to surface heating) should be maintained when feasible; - - depth will be defined to the nearest - 27 (e) analyses, using WMO Code Form FM 47-V-GRID, should be exchanged daily over the GTS; (f) initially (1977-1978) analysis will be aonfined to the northern hemisphere with global analysis available later (1978-1980). Where possible, analysis of a parameter will be based on corrected data and 78 will be prepared using computer methods. In producing the analysis, it is desirable to make broad use of observational data obtained from all available platforms including ships, aircraft, buoys and satellites. The results of the analyais may be presented either in graphical form or as a field of data at fixed grid points and as a list of accepted, rejected and interpolated data. The distribution of the results of the analysis should be through the international GRID code or graphically. Forecast of variations of a parameter in time should be made using numerical models for presentation in digital and/or graphic form. Development Aims for WOCs 79. The WOCs should endeavour to develop and adapt research models for operational analyses and interactive predictions of the atmosphere-ocean system for up to one or two weeks into the future. These models should include predicted ocean temperature structure as an output, and will have realistic first approxiEations to atmosphere-ocean energy exchange mechanisms. Further they should develop and adapt research models for ocean motion and circulation which will accept water level and current observations and predict these as long as possible (2-5 days) into the future. Specifications for NOCs and SOCs 80. To provide a useful contribution to the IDPSS, centres should: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) use uniformly accepted formats or codes for input of the original data; make its products available on request to uaers outside its area of concern in a form compatible with general international standards. Besides distribution of its own products, NOCs are responsible for making available the products of WOCs to those requiring them. These may be in the original form or as modified by the NOC; endeavour to provide additional products in its field of speciality, when requested, on the basis of user requirements arising through the IDPSS; store data in a format compatible with those specified in the Manual on IGOSS Data Archiving and Exchange; publish selected data if required; co-operate in the training programme conducted within the framework of IGOSS; exercise strict quantity and quality control procedures. - 28 Quality Control 81. The basic elements of quality control of BATHY and TESAC data obtained through the GTS system consist of the detection of errors occurring during the production and coding of the data, and of errors and distortions which creep into the text of the bulletins during transmission along the telecommunications channels. 82. The responsibility for primary quality control of transmitted observational data rests with national centres which eliminate such crude errors as: distortion of vessel position co-ordinates, incorrect ordering of groups in the report, substitution of initial figure of the groups and errors caused by the telecommunication line. Primary control also includes correction of group indieators in the bulletin and the number of figures in the group. It is desirable that national services use similar procedures for control of their observations and make provision to ensure that data entered into the GTS in the form of bulletins be made error free. 83 Quality control procedures should be an integral part of the operational programmes but efforts should be made to minimize delay of transmitted data to processing centres. In order to ensure high quality product outputs, data processing centres must eliminate errors which were not detected during data control at national centres and which arose in bulletins through the fault of the telecommunication system. Reliability control of the parameter under observation (temperature, salinity, waves, current, etc.) should be carried out at the processing centres by objective analysis of the distribution range of the parameter concerned. The Exchange of Processed Data a4 The data received at WOCs via the GTS from national centres is transferred onto magnetic tape for further processing (analysis/forecast). The cullected data bulletins are combined for each individual ocean region, part of the ocean or individual basin for further processing and return transmission to national centres. In addition, the data is entered on the appropriate form for further transmission and processing in non-real-time at IGOSS Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centres (IRNODCs) and National Qceanographic Data Centres (NODCS). 85= The NOCs and WOCs on the basis of the data collected, and using objective analysis and numerical forecasting methods, issue products (analyses/forecasts) in response to the needs of users and other centres. For the sake of greater operational effectiveness in receiving the processed products, exchange between centres is done in international GRID code numerical form. At the request of the centres, the exchange may be done using combined data forms which have undergone primary processing for individual regions of the world oceans. Archiving; and Exchange Observational data (BATKY and TESAC) received by NOCs and SOCs should be 86. transferred by them in non-real-time, in appropriate form for further periodical processing to IRNODCs. IRNODCs should carry out the procedures for archiving and exchange of data in accordance with the Manual on IGOSS Data Archiving and Exchange. - 29 DATA ARCHIVING AND EXCHANGE Purpose 87 From the earliest stages of intergovernmental planning for IGOSS, it was recognized that most data collected in conjunction with IGOSS would be of permanent value and that arrangements should be made for their preservation, beyond their initial operational use. Consequently guidelines for archiving and exchange of data were developed. These are contained in the Manual on IGOSS Data Archiving and Exchange. 00. One basic objective of the system prescribed by the Manual is to establish complete archives of the IGOSS data in its shipboard encoded form within less than six months from the time of collection. The primary role of the World Data Centre System i n - t h e IGOSS scheme is to maintain various indexes to the archived IGOSS data. Normally however, much of the IGOSS data, which have been shipb$ard encoded, will be carefully processed in greater detail and with greater accuracy by land-based activities. This conventional type of data is exchanged through the NODCs and the WDC (Oceanography) in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the IOC Manual on International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IODE). BATHY and TESAC Data 89 The Manual is primarily concerned with BATHY and TESAC reports and offers procedures for their handling and disposition. BATHY and TESAC reports coded on shipboard on standard IGOSS BATHY and TESAC loge reach archiving centres via two separate routes: (a) Logs are mailed to the appropriate National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) or its equivalent. The NODCS process the data on the logs into a standard archival format for IGOSS data, the O C W SYNDARC Format, and transmit them to one of the IGOSS Responsible NODCs (IRNODCs). The IRNODCs are certain NODC's which have assumed the responsibility to maintain complete archives of IGOSS data for specified regions of the world's oceans and to provide exchange and other services to the "secondary" (i.e. non-operational) user community. (b) The BATHY and TESAC reports, telecommunicated in international Code Forms FM 63 and 64 and transmitted through the GTS are to be recorded on suitable technical carriers (e.g. magnetic tape) by the Oceanographic Centres and delivered at weekly intervals to the nearestlRNODC. The IRNODCs will, subsequently, compile a comprehensive OCEAN SYNDARC formatted archival file. . ' Future Developments 90. In the period 1977 to 1982, it is anticipated that there will be three major developments within the framework of IGOSS which will require expansion or modification of the present scheme for IGOSS Data Archiving and Exchange: - 30 - IGOSS Data Archiving and Exchange System (BATHY and TESAC) Ships Buoys Aircraft s Oceanographic Centre for data processing and product formul- Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centre \ .......................... Laboratories Telecommunicated BATHY and TESAC Reports Inventories BATHY and TESAC Logs Tapes, Cards, etc. (OCEAN SYNDARC) Tapes of BATHY and TESAC Reports, Data summaries , analyses products - 31 - New Data The broadening of programmes, either directly stemming from IGOSS or utilizing IGOSS for their support, to include new types of data such as surface currents and telecommunicated data from platforms other than ship@,. i.e. satellites and buoys and data from marine pollution monitoring programmes ; - IDPSS The implementation of the IDPSS and the establishment of National, Specialized and World Oceanographic Centres an13 their operational capabilities will most probably have a profound effect both on the archiving procedures for BATHY and TESAC data as well as for other telecommunicated data; - IGOSS Archival Services With the growth of the data banks, there will b e a corresponding growth of services offered by the IRNODCs. At the same well occur an increase in the numbel’ of IFUTODCS of their areas of responsibility. IGOSS archival in the range time thefie may and a realignment ..................... Marine Pollution Data 91 Data collected through the Pilot Projeot on Harine Bollution (Petroleum) Monitoring are not intended for radio transmission. The data obtained from observations using standardized techniques are recorded on standard IGOSS logs and forwarded to national agencies by mail. The data are then transmitted to NODCs or their equivalent The urgency of the data flow to IRNODCs depends on the and finally to the IRNODCS. type of data, e.g., data on visually observed pollutants may be required to flow rapidly, whereas data on, say, dissolved hydrocarbons need not be handled so quickly. Having regard to the complexity of these collection prooedures, close monitoring is called for and an effective liaison established with IODE. Harine Pollution Monitorina Pilot Pro3ect.Ds*q Arohival and BxohanRe Syetem National Pollution Konitoring Platf o w National Environmental kenw Ooeanogrsphio Laboratoq or other national agency World Data Oaeanographic Bate Centre (BO=) or designated rkat ional agency (DMA) heeponsible National OO.rnaobc.PhiU _-_-- - --* - Centres (W) AandB ’ &(Oceanos=pW Cenlre for IIP.1Ymim of Pollution Monitoring Lo- end S u p l e e Insentorism Pollution HdnShriu# l+=txga Porn and mode am m e a b e w e e n Centres Note: 1 A This scheme will further be ao-operation with the IOC Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange in the course of development and implelnenttrtion of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Pilot Project I - 32 Satellite and Aircraft Data -----------*-----3--------- 92. At thio stage, information concerning the type of sea surface temperature data l i k e l y 3 0 be available from direct reading equipment in satellites and aircraft is incomplete. This data should be held in centres specializing in the archiving of such data and not included in IGOSS archives. Inventories of the information held can be kept at &RRODCs. The procedures for archiving this important data demand further study and IGOSS must work qlosely with the IOC Working G,TOUP on IODE on this matter. ---------Other Data 95. The a m h i v a l prooeduFes for Bimp3.e types 6% data such as eurface currents which are r6)t)@thded similar to tempera,tura and salinity data on standard shipboard Logs and telecommunSoated ueine; s ' t a n d d imtemational code forms, would be essentially the B ~ as O for BATBY and TESAO reports. An increaae in data recorded and telecommuncally is expected during the next phase of IGOSS. The main sources of euch data will bb surfaoe and sub-surface sensors mounted on buoys and fixed platform, buC may aleo include bathythermograph and other data automatically encoded on board ships. Thie data is highly desirable from an IGOSS archiving point of view. It $8 telecornarwioated and subsequently tjcmsmitted via the GTS in etandard international codes, transferred from Oceanographic (3ehtrae to IIWODcs on aamputer-compatible carriers, and convertedbinto an O C W SYNDARO archival format. 9 h e m being no llLogsll, no timeconsuming digitization and related processing would be required. 94. The planned implementation of the IDPSS and its associated NOCs, SOCB and WOCs will result in major benefits to the "seoondmy" users by broadening and etrerwthening of the IGOSS*DataArohiving and Exchange acheme. The most notable of these benefits is expeoted to be in tbe area of improved quality of archived data, generation of archivable data summaries and products, and greater efficiency of the archive-related processing. One of the functions of the WOCs and NOGs is to apply statfetical and analytical quality control to data received aB an integral part of producing synoptic millyses and predictim products. It would therefore be highly advantageous lPor tho IGOSS Archiving Centres i.e. WM:s and IRBODCe, to reobive their telec-l~lted NOCs ofter these have been subjected to q w l i t J f control data from the WOCs &lor rather than before. This arrangement would not preolude efforts at further quality control of the data by ElODCls and IIiHODCs. The intescoaparison of data from diverse sources such as ship SSTs and eatellite SSFs is an example of an IDPSS control service. 95 96 For many secondary user requirements, data summaries may actually be of greater interest than the b a s h data. Decisions on what to archive at IRNOM=s in the way of products will have to be based on a careful review of potential long-term user requirements and the nature, attributes, and volume of the products as they evolve within the IDPSS framework. The judicious archiving of data products is one approach to encompass auxiliary data from multiple sources. For instance, satellitesensed SST data are certain to be utilized in digital or*image form in order to enhanceconventional SST analyses, but are poorly suited for archiving within the context of IGOSS. The archiving of analysis products would, in a sense, preserve the effect of such high volume or specialized data sets for numerical analyses without the need to place them into the IGOSS Archiving Scheme. - 33 - ----------------- Archival Services 97. The IGOSS Archival Centres, especially the IRNODCs, though not operating in a "real-time" mode, can provide oceanographic services. The principal functions of the IGOSS RNODCs are defined in the Manual on IGOSS Data Archiving and hrchange. With the expected growth in the volume of data in their data bases and with improved geographic coverage of data, the IRNODCs will eventually be in a position to provide certain additional services on a routine or occasional basis. These will fall into three broad categories: i. Data summaries and analyses ecompassing archived data from time periods of greater duration than those used by the WOGS, SOCS and NOCs. Most operational products of the latter will be based on time periods of days or at most perhaps one to four weeks. The IGOSS RNODCs archives would furnish the appropriate source far monthly, seasonal or annual data summaries. ii. Preparation of special, near-operational, or delayed mode products for specified regions based on the telecommunicated data. The capabilities of the IRNODCs may be used to augment the services provided in the context of the IDPSS. For example, in a certain region there may be an operational need for analyses based on a grid spacing, time period of averaging, contour interval or depth level, other than those provided by the IDPSS. iii. Services to users of non-telecommunicated data and data documentation. For types of data such as are being generated by the Pilot Project on Marine Pollution (Petroleum) Monitoring, the IRNODCs may be the most suitable IGOSS component to provide data and services to agencies conducting regional and global assessments and analyses. MARINE POLLUTION MONITORING PROGRAMME 96. In response to a recommendation of the UN Conference on the Human Environment,,IOC and WMO have agreed jointly to u n d e d a k e design, planning and development of a marine pollution monitoring programme ae a funotion of IGOSS. Actions have already been made in this direction a+ they have received substantial sugporO from UNEP in view of the close relationship of this programme with activities aimed at establishing a Global Environmental Monitoring System. The Seventh World Meteorological Congress stated that attempts ahould also be made to meet requests for monitoring pollutants in addition to oil within the framework of IGOSS. As a first step in this regard, IGOSS will concentrate on the monitoring of background pollution in the open ocean. 99. The objectives of the IGOSS marine pollution monitoring programmes are to organize, through international co-operation, systematic observations of marine pollution to obtain information about long-term changes and trends in the levels of pollutants which can endanger human health, have a harmful effect on living organisms or which influence the exchange of energy and matter between ocean and atmosphere. - 34 This information should contribute to the formulation of mass balance relations which can then be used to develop the scientific basis for the periodic assessment of the state of pollution of the world's oceans and to assist in decisions on the need for regulatory -$ion to control marine pollution. 100. It is envisaged that the following pollutants should be monitored within theae programme8 : (a) ChZorinated hydrocarbons ; (b) Heavy metale; (c) Petroleum and petroleum poduots; (d) [e) Surface aotive eubstarnces; Transuranic elmente. The mazine pollution monitoring programme8 ehould be planned and carried out 101. in oo-ordination with the Globs1 'Inveetigcrtim of Pollution in the Marine b v i r o m e n t lonal end b w e l i n e statione for monitoring air (GIPMB) and the VMO nettwork' of pollution at backgroand i e ~ e i ~ en a pw$ of the Global Ehvironmental Menitoring System of m 9 . Oloee bollsborstion is requirad between relevant IGOSS bodiee, the IW Working Committee for G I m , G E S W and the W O Executive Committee Panel on Ataoepherio Pollution. * I 102 A number of development effort8 will be required to achkeve a comprehensive oaean monitoring ppograme. to I Particular attention during this period should be given (a) Further development of regional marine pollution monitoring programmes, e.g. in the Mediterranean. (b) Deeign and development of a s p t e m for monitoring background levels of selected pollutants in open ocean waters. (c) Development of Pilot ProJecta, similar to the hilot Project on &brine Pollution (Petroleum) Monitoring for the monitoring of pollutants other than oil. (a) Further development of international prooedures for the exchange of marine pollution data pa.rtic,ularly with the IOC Working Committee on IODE. (e) Intercomparison of sampling and sample preservation methods and of sample analysis methods particularly with the Working Committee for GIPWE and GESAMP. (f) Provision of assistarme to develaping countries to enable them to participate actively in the programme particularly with the IOC Working Committee on TEMA. - 35 TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAMME 103. To create a global system, efforts must be made by IOC and W O to involve as many countries 'as possible. Particular attention in this regard should be given to the training of specialists in the developing countries in the diverse aspects of the work associated with IGOSS, both on the national and international level. Training should be provided on oceanographic and marine meteorological observation techniques, instrument installation and maintenance, data processing, analysis and prediction of oceanic processes, and user application of products and services. The collection, preservation and analysis of samples of sea water for the purposes of monitoring of marine pollution should also be included. 104. These activities should be further developed through the existing mechanisms in IOC and WMO: the IOC Working Committee on Training, Education and Mutual Assistance (TEMA), the WMO Executive Committee Panel on Education and Training, the Division of Marine Science of UNESCO and the WMO Secretariat. The major task of TEMA is to develop and recommend programmes for training, education and mutual assistance as well as appropriate mechanisms for the implementation of these programmes. 105. During the period 1977-1980 attention should be given to the identification of special requirements for training and education for existing IGOSS operational prcgrainnies and projects, initially the BATHY/TESAC operational programme and the marine pollution monitoring project. The training and education programme may include: training courses and seminars; shipboard training; participation of specialists from developing countries in the work of IGOSS Data Processing Services Centres and marine chemical laboratories; preparation of textbooks, Manuals and Guides on various aspects of IGOSS Programmes; and participation of specialists in seminars and workshops related to IGOSS. The use of UNDP, UNEP, VAP and IOC trust funds will be required to plan and implement the IGOSS training programme. 106. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Scales and Processes 107. It is recognized that an understanding of oceanic mechanisms and their interactions through a range of time and space scales, even if only empirical, is necessary before oceanic predictions.ore attempted. Pilot studiee, both in terms of ongoing or finite scientific: experiments or as limited tests of specific IGOSS component operations, should always be,undertaken. These pilot studies need not necessarily involve advanced technology but may be based on simple widely available techniques. The purposes of such studies should be: (a) to obtain a quantitative basis for ocean data network design; (b) to improve our knowledge of oceanic mechanisms, their interactions, and their relative dynamic importance; (c) to develop methods for processing and analyzing the data that will be collected in IGOSS. The difficulties of large-scale ocean data handling should not be underestimated. - 34 108 Studies and experiments directed at defining the structure and behaviour of thermal anomalies and the development of diurnal and seasonal variations of the thermocline for an ocean basin are of considerable importance to the development of IGOSS. Time and space scales of variability are aspects of these studies that will have a great impact in the design of any form of global monitoring network. Studies and also airof the pnset and variation of upwelling and related predictive models sea interaction studies aimed at predicting small-scale and large-scale processes, are being conducted. These particularly in the lower atmosphere and upper ocean experiments are aimed at elucidating fundamental physical processes that will form the basis of predictive models. Considerable importance is placed on work in physical oceanography at intermediate scales (days to weeks and tens of kilometres). Experiments are taking place in an area of weak currents which indicate horizontal scales of the order of 100 kilometres and typical speeds of the order of 30 cm/sec for the dailyaveraged surface currents. The importance of smaller-scale processes in many problems is also recognized, but not enough is known about them to take them into account explicitly in the design of a global network. - - 109. The continuing need for examination of the problem of the development of network design criteria by scientists competent in statistical sampling is recognized. The design of a global network of stations, for example, should be subject t o a statistical analysis of scales of variability, keeping in mind the use to which the data provided by the network is to be put. Studies of time and space scales of variability must be linked to the variable under consideration. Techniques and Methodology * 110. Research priorities in techniques and methodology should be specified in relation to the desired application, bearing in mind the limitations imposed by the scales of variability of the relevant parameters in the ocean. Questions on the siting of baseline stations, key regions, and standard sections should be decided by consideration of the processes that they are intended to elucidate, rather than by technological or logistic considerations. Some improvements in the operations of IGOSS can be made with reasonable economy, for instance by improvement and standardization of sensors used by ships. More effective use of these and similar observing platforms depend less on research than an better organization, increased funds and on some further engineering developments. For example, improved methods could be provided for measuring sea-surface temperature; improved logs could be fitted to ships with high navigational capability so as to allow better estimates of near-surface currents; underway profiling devices could be developed to sample plankton, temperature, salinity, etc.; and the use of expendable bathythermographs could be increased. 111. Models, both mathematical and analogue are being developed in several countries. These aim at representing marine phenomena and circulation on various scales. The most important contribution to these models would be in the development of techniques and methods for satisfactory incorporation of processes, of which the scales are smaller than the sampling grid. There will also be a need for monitoring their output, by direct comparison of observations and predictions for suitably chosen parts of the model or by checking the simulated integrated effects against observed values. - 37 Approach 112. The responsibility for the studies and experiments which would lead to the solution of the problems cited in the previous paragraphs lies with Member States. They are urged to undertake research programmes to facilitate the development of IGOSS. In doing so, the international mechanisms already in existence for co-ordinating and designing research programmes, such as LEPOR, SCOR and GARP, should be used whenever possible.