Finance Checksheet (Updated 10-19-2015) l. SKILLS CATEGORY ___ CST 110 (3 cr) (grades of C or better) Students beginning Fall 2010 or after ___ ENG 110/112 (3 cr) (grades of C or better) II. LIBERAL STUDIES CATEGORY A. MINORITY CULTURES/MULTIRACIAL WOMEN’S STUDIES Choose one course ___ ECO 336 (3 cr) ___ EFN 205 (3 cr) ___ ENG/ERS 207/210/215 (3 cr) ___ ERS 100 (3 cr) ___ HIS 306/336 (3 cr) ___ MUS 209 (3 cr) ___ PHL 229 and PHL 335 (3 cr) ___ POL 205 (3 cr) ___ SAH 307 (3 cr) ___ SOC 225 (3 cr) ___ WGS 100/210/230 (3 cr) ___ PSY 285/318 (3 cr) B1. INTERNATIONAL/MULTI-CULTURAL STUDIES ___ HIS 101 or 102 or ARC 200 (3 cr) ECO 120 fulfills requirement B2. C1. SCIENCE Choose one course ___ ANT 102 (4 cr) ___ BIO 100 or 105 (4 cr) ___ CHM 100/103 (4 cr) ___ ESC 101 (4 cr) ___ MIC 100 (4 cr) ___ PHY 103/106/203/125 (4 cr) ___ PHY/AST 155/160 (4 cr) D. SELF AND SOCIETY Completing ECO 110 fulfills this requirement ___ FIN 207 (towards 48 Gen Ed credits if short) E1. HUMANISTIC STUDIES Choose one course ___ ENG 200/201/202/203/ 204/205/206 (3 cr) F. ___ RUS 305 (3 cr) ___ GER 399 (3 cr) ___ MLG 299 (3 cr) ___ ART 160 (3 cr) ___ PHL 332 (3 cr) ___ MUS 105 (2 cr) ___ MUS 110 (3 cr) ___ MUS 317 (3 cr) ___ THA 110/120/201 (2 cr/3 cr) ARTS Choose TWO courses (Different Departments) ___ ART 102 (2 cr) ___ ART 172 (2 cr) ___ ESS 104 (2 cr) G. HEALTH/PHYSICAL WELL-BEING Choose one course ___ HPR 105, HP 105, HED 207 Additional Requirements: EIGHT additional credits from the courses in the box below. Completing the minimum requirements in each general education category plus the CBA requirements fulfills 40 of the 48 required general education credits; consequently 8 credits not otherwise used are needed. l. A foreign language course 102/201/202 (4 cr) C-S 101/120 (4 cr) MTH 150/151/208 (4/5 cr) ll. A An additional course from Minority Cultures (llA above) ll. B2 ANT/ECO/GEO/ POL/SOC 202 (3 cr) ENG 208 (3 cr) ENV 201 (3 cr) POL 234 (3 cr) HIS 101/102 (3 cr) ll. C2 ll. D2 ll. E2 ll. F III. MUS 201/204 (3 cr) PHL 230 (3 cr) GEO 110/200 (3 cr) INS 250/251/252 (3 cr) PHL 101 (3 cr) MIC 130 ART 301 FRE 220 (3 cr) An additional course from Science (C1 above) or BIO 102 (3 cr) BIO/PSY 107 (3 cr) ESC 211 (3 cr) Another Self and Society course from ANT 101 (3 cr) ERS 110/220 (3 cr) ARC 100 (3 cr) FIN 207 (3 cr) ART 302 (3 cr) GEO 102 (3 cr) ENG 220 (3 cr) CST 271 POL 101/102 (3 cr) PSY 100 (3 cr) SOC 110/120 (3 cr) THA/ECO 376 (3 cr) Another Humanistic Studies course (E1 above) or HIS 205 (3cr) POL 251 (3 cr) PHL 100 (3 cr) An additional course from Arts (llF above) WRITING EMPHASIS FIN 485 – required for majors THA 351 (3 cr) PSY 280 (3 cr) MLG 304 (4 cr) THA 130 (3 cr) UWL 100 (1 cr) HIS 306 (3 cr) Students must be admitted to the Business Program before enrolling in 300/400 level business courses. Applications for admission to the Business Program must be submitted before mid-semester during the semester in which the student is completing the requirements. Normally, application is during the second semester of the sophomore year. Applications are available in 138 Wimberly Hall. Although your application is due before you will have completed these requirements, admission will be contingent upon successful completion by the end of the semester in which you are applying. If you apply for admission and register for 300-400 CBA level courses, but do not meet the requirements as of the end of the semester, you will have to drop the 300-400 level CBA courses. BUSINESS PROGRAM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS (* indicates course also counts towards General Education) 1. A minimum grade of "C" must be earned in each of the following: ___ ACC 221 (3 cr) Prereq: 15 credit hours ___ ACC 222 (3 cr) Prereq: ACC 221 ___* ECO 110 (3 cr) ___* ECO 120 (3 cr) ___ BUS 205 (3 cr) Prereq: Soph. Standing, ECO 110 or 120 2. Complete at least three of the five pre-business core courses listed below. The remaining core courses should be completed during the first semester after admission to the program. ___* ENG 110/112 (3 cr) ___ I-S 220 (4 cr) ___* MTH 175 (4 cr) or 207 (5 cr) Prereq: MTH 150 or appropriate placement test scores ___* M TH 145 (4 cr) Prereq: MTH 050 or appropriate placement test scores ___ BUS 230 (3 cr) Prereq: ENG 110, MTH 145 3. 54 or more credits earned AND a cumulative GPA >= 2.50 (including transfer credits). PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CORE (15 Credits) ___ FIN 355 ___ MGT 308 ___ MGT 393 (MTH 145 & 175 are prereqs) ___ MKT 309 ___ MGT 449 (Final Semester, and all core courses are prereqs) REGULAR FINANCE MAJOR (21 Credits) RISK, INSURANCE & FINANCIAL PLANNING CONCENTRATION (RIPF) ___ FIN 370 ___ FIN 370 ___ FIN 380 ___ FIN 380 ___ FIN 390 ___ FIN 390 ___ FIN 485 (Note prerequisites of FIN 370 & 380) ___ FIN 485/460 (last semester) ___ Group l: FIN 407, 410, 437, 440, 447, 474, 475. See table below [460 not offered regularly] [362,430,477,480 not regularly offered] ___ FIN 360 ___ Group II: Any Group I course not already used for Group I; ___ FIN 407 FIN 360,456,465; ECO 301,305,308,310; ___ One course from: ACC 301; ACC 301,321,325,330; MGT 395 FIN 361, 362, 408, 465, 475; ___ Group III: Any 300/400 CBA course not used for I or II ECO 471; MGT 386; MKT 362 120 CREDITS NECESSARY FOR GRADUATION Students who take the minimal requirements will have 101 credits and may need several electives. See below. 40 CREDITS IN COURSES 300 OR HIGHER A minimum of 40 credits in ANY courses numbered 300 or higher. If only the minimum requirements listed above are taken, students will only have 36 credits above the 300 level. Check your WINGS Advisement Report. 48 CREDITS IN GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES See the section "Additional Requirements" from previous page. All courses on the left side (except ENG 300s) and those with a * on this side are Gen. Ed. courses. ADVISING TIPS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) BUS 350 (1 cr prof develop—offered each semester—for those short 1 credit @ 300 level). FIN 355 is offered each semester, including summer, and usually in the winter term. FIN 485 has both Fin 370 and 380 as prerequisites and must be taken the last semester. FIN 370, 380, 390 and 485 are offered each semester. Usually at least one of FIN 370, 380 and 390 is offered during the summer or winter terms. FIN 485 is NOT offered during the summer. ECO and ACC minors can double count in both FIN and the minor—ECO majors can double count in FIN and ECO. (Courses cannot be double counted for any other two majors within the CBA.) (8) BUS 205, BUS 230, I-S 220, FIN 355, MKT 309 and MGT 308 are prerequisites for internships. (9) Additional information on some Group I courses is below. FIN 440 FIN 447 FIN 407 FIN 408 FIN 410 FIN 437 FIN 475 Group l Multinational Advanced Advanced Financial Retirement Bank Financial Portfolio Course Financial Financial Planning Planning Management Modeling Management Management Analysis Fall Spring Fall Spring Term/ Spring Spring Spring FIN 355 & Senior FIN 355 & FIN 390 or FIN 355 & Prereq FIN 355 FIN 355 FIN 380 Standing Sr Standing ECO 301 Dept. Approval