DEFORMATION ANALYSIS USING THE RESULTS OF COMBINED ADJUSTMENTS Dipl.-Ing. Picht, Dr.-Ing. E. Kruck* Institute for Photogrammetry and Engineering Surveys Nienburgerstr. 1 0 ... 3000 Hannover 1 F.R .Germany Commission V ·Carl Oberkochen, F.R.G. o Summary Deformations can be detected analysing the results of bundleblock adjustments of two epochs. A deformation analysis program is presented and its connection to the BINGO program system is shown. One application is shown. ZU1wmenfaSIUM Deformationsanalysen konnen basierend auf Ergebnissen von BUndelblockausgleichungen einzelner Beobachtungsepochen durchgefUhrt werden. Ein Analyseprogramm wird in seiner Funktion und Verbindung zum Programmsystem BINGO beschrieben. Ein Anwendungsbei ... spiel wird gegeben. 1 Introduction Using geodetic networks to find out deformations of objects is a well known technic, but this kind of observation has technical and economical limits. The use of photogrammetry makes the monitoring of objects very flexible with respect to measurement speed, number of object points and repeating rate. For that reason a program is developped, optimized for this special data source. It processes information obtained by bundle block adjustment. Adlultment 9f. photoqrammetrlc data In a photogrammetric adjustment usually a big amount of data (observations, unknowns) has to be handled. Depending on the main application, several data reduction and optimization strategies can take place. A combined adjustment program like BINGO processes photogrammetric data and other observations, e.g. distances, simultaneous and is therefore a optimal part of a deformation analysis program system. For combined adjustments sparse matrices and profile minimization are recommended 11/. For deformation analysis it is necessary to be able to access aU parts of the cofactor matrix of the unknowns. V ... 311 matrix 2 unit epochs. This can be tested by variances are from variance component estimation coordinates and the fixed pOints. This The datum for matrices I"'ft'll'!:illIf"'lI'nll" of S-matrix is computed as and the cofactor S:: I ... ( G where I : unity matrix G: coefficients for transformation parameters o 1, if transformation then is :: S x (3) :: S epochs are and :: (4) :: F If test Indicates OtrrormC!atlOln is :l:Iin\IVJIMIAIl"'A in 1 presented BINGO 1 oI:!o"''II''''~'a.lI''a i Practical relults The gotic church MichaeUsklrche In Lueneburg Is the monitored object. It is build upon a salt dome on a very irregular underground, which makes it impossible to predict movements. One observation epoch is done each year since 1984. 103 points are marked on the walls and columns. of the columns visibility conditions are poor so about 90 photographs are necessary for a equal coverage . In addition 400 geodetic measurements and other constraints are introduced in the adjustment. Approximatly 1100 unknowns are computed out of 3100 observations. The mean accuracy for coordinates is mm. each is compared the preceding one and the epoch. Deformations 1 to 4 mm were ae1[ecte<l i Deformation analysis can be done very effective by using results of combined adjustments of photogrammetric and geodetic data. Special optimizations have to a five handling of the big amount of data. They will included in program DEPHO. A'IIT'CIII"'_ I llt.ature 111 Kruck, E. 121 Niemeier, W. Pelzer, Uisung groBer Gleichungssysteme fUr photogrammetrlsche Blockausgleichungen mit erweltertem funktionalem Modell, Wiss. Arb. Fachr. Verm.wesen d. Univ. Hannover Nr. 128, Hannover, 1983 Deformationsanalyse In: Geodatische Netze in Landes- und Ingenieurvermessung II , H. Pelzer (ed.), Wittwer, Stuttgart, 1985 Analyse Deformationsmessungen, Geodat. 90, 1983 UIner, I. 1