Meeting Minutes for February 9, 2004 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Meeting Minutes for February 9, 2004
College Committee of the College of Science and Allied Health
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
The meeting was called to order at 3:25
Present: Rob Tyser, Marc Rott, Rob McGaff, Becky LeDocq, Mike Jackson, Andy Matchett,
Rafique Ahmed, Adrienne Loh
Excused: Dan Sutherland
The committee undertook further discussion of the MS in Occupational Therapy proposal. Some
of the topics touched upon included:
The requirements for entrance to the program
The proposed degree requirements
The GPA requirements for entrance to the proposed program
Track records on national board exams as an indicator of program quality
After the discussion had ended, a motion was made and seconded to support the MS in
Occupational Therapy proposal as submitted. The motion passed unanimously. Becky LeDocq
will write a letter to Dean Michael Nelson indicating the Committee’s support of the proposal. A
draft of this letter will be distributed electronically to the committee for comments before it is
sent to Dean Nelson.
The Committee briefly discussed General Education science requirements. Andy Matchett will
distribute a draft document on this subject to Committee members electronically before the next
The next meeting of the College Committee will be held in one week at 3:20 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Rob McGaff