ru se . Resilience and sensitivity of high-severity fire regimes to climatic variability from centuries to millennia )P .H Philip Higuera1* Ryan Kelly2 Feng Sheng Hu2 ig ue ra -p le as e co nt ac t fo AGU13 - GC24A-01 (c Univ. of Idaho1, Univ. of Illinois3 *@PhilipHiguera, P. Higuera, 2006 )P .H (c ra ig ue e as -p le nt co ac t fo ru se . Climate Change and Wildfires )P .H (c ra ig ue e as -p le nt co ac t fo ru se . Climate Change and Wildfires ig ue ra -p le as e co nt Climate ac t Moisture avail. fo ru se . Drivers and Interactions Fire Regime (c )P .H Vegetation Biome, stand level Stand-replacing ig ue ra -p le as e co nt Climate ac t Moisture avail. fo ru se . Consequences Fire Regime (c )P .H Vegetation Biome, stand level Stand-replacing nt as e co 1. Reconstructing the past ac t fo ru se . When do we see changing fire regimes in the past? ra -p le 2. Examples of sensitivity and resilience; inferred mechanisms (c )P .H ig ue “…ability of [a] system to absorb changes of…driving variables…and still persist.” Holling (1973) ac t fo ru se . Reconstructing the past ig ue |------- 1 cm -------| (c |---- 1 cm ----| charcoal: )P .H macrofossils: ra -p le as e co nt pollen: 7 7 Fire history from continuous sediment records e co nt ac t fo ru se . Theoretical / modeling: )P .H (c Empirical tests: ig ue ra -p le as Higuera et al. 2007, 2013 Peters and Higuera, 2007 Kelly, et al., 2011. Kelly et al. 2013 PNAS ru se . Lessons from PaleoEcology fo When do we see changing fire regimes in the past? Climate co nt ac t 1. …when climate change directly influences fuel moisture Fire as e Regime Climate (c )P .H ig ue ra -p le 2. …when millennial-scale climate change results in vegetation shifts that change flammability Veg. Fire Regime fo ru se . 1. Increased burning with post-glacial warming e as -p le ra ig ue Biomass burning (c )P .H *Sensitivity at multi-millennial time scales Charcoal accumulation (z-score) co nt ac t Temperature proxy Years before present (x 1000) Daniau et al. 2012, Global Biogeochemical Cycles – Global Paleofire Working Group: ra Generalized additive model Temp. explains ≈ 56% of var. (c )P .H ig ue Climate + + Fire Veg. Regime -p Charcoal accumulation le (z-score) as e co nt ac t fo ru se . 1. Increased burning with post-glacial warming Mean annual temperature (z-score) Daniau et al. 2012, Global Biogeochemical Cycles -p le Boreal Forest (c )P .H ig ue ra Forest-tundra as e co nt ac t fo ru se . 2. Increased burning with boreal forest development Higuera et al. 2009, Ecological Monographs Brubaker et al. 2009, Ecology Years before present ru se . 2. Increased burning with boreal forest development ig ue )P .H (c FRI (yr) ra -p le as e CHAR (# cm-2 yr-1) co nt ac t fo *Sensitivity at multi-millennial time scales Higuera et al. 2009, Ecological Monographs Brubaker et al. 2009, Ecology Years before present 2. Increased burning with boreal forest development *Vegetation mediated impacts of climatic change ig ue )P .H (c FRI (yr) ra -p le as e CHAR (# cm-2 yr-1) co nt ac t fo ru se . Climate + Fire Veg. Regime Higuera et al. 2009, Ecological Monographs Brubaker et al. 2009, Ecology Years before present 2. Increased burning with boreal forest development ig ue )P .H (c FRI (yr) ra -p le as e CHAR (# cm-2 yr-1) co nt ac t fo ru se . *Relatively stable mean fire return intervals, at 2000-yr scale Higuera et al. 2009, Ecological Monographs Brubaker et al. 2009, Ecology Years before present (c )P .H ig ue ra -p le as e co nt ac t fo ru se . 3. Sensitivity to centennial-scale climate variability Kelly et al. 2013, PNAS 3. Sensitivity to centennial-scale climate variability ru se . CHAR : FF (fire severity) -p le ra ig ue MCA )P .H *Fire frequency non-varying (c [except recent decades] Kelly et al. 2013, PNAS FF Years before present LIA Fire frequency (# / 1000 yr) *Biomass burned sensitive to climate variability as e CHAR co nt ac t fo *Increased fire severity during MCA 3. Fire-vegetation-fire feedbacks *Increased deciduous species limited fire frequency fo ru se . P. mariana -p le ra ig ue )P .H (c Johnstone et al. (2010) Kelly et al. 2013, PNAS FF Years before present Fire frequency (# / 1000 yr) as e CHAR co nt ac t Populus Proximal Mechanism nt Climate co Altered fuel moisture e Fire -p le as Regime Centuries to millennia (c Climate )P .H Regime Successional vegetation shifts Years to centuries Veg. ig ue Fire Fire Regime Years to decades Biome-scale vegetation shifts ra Climate Veg. Time Scale ac t fo Pathway ru se . Mechanisms for climate impacts on fire regimes ac t nt -p le as e co 1. Paleo records illustrate both resilience and sensitivity to climate change fo Lessons from PaleoEcology )P .H ig ue ra 2. Direct climate impacts from centennial through millennial scales 3. Vegetation-mediated impacts from decadal through millennial scales, including feedbacks (c ru se . Summary Questions? ac t nt -p le as e co 1. Paleo records illustrate both resilience and sensitivity to climate change fo Lessons from PaleoEcology )P .H ig ue ra 2. Direct climate impacts from centennial through millennial scales 3. Vegetation-mediated impacts from decadal through millennial scales, including feedbacks (c ru se . Philip Higuera, University of Idaho @PhilipHiguera,