Soil Water and Thermal Gradients in the Vadose Zone: Assessing Evapotranspiration, Recharge Rates and Shifts in Phreatophytic Water Source Jeremy E. Koonce1,2, Michael H. Young3, Dale Devitt4, Zhongbo Yu1, Amanda Wagner5, Lynn Fenstermaker6 1Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV ( 2Division of Hydrologic Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV 3Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, TX 4School of Life Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 5Water Resources Management Program, University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 6Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV With large uncertainty in precipitation rates from interannual variability and increased demand for water resources, understanding these processes is critical for assessing the movement of mass and energy through the vadose zone. • Water Level: Mod / Low R Can we correctly estimate water flux in (infiltration/recharge) and out (ET) of the vadose zone using soil temperature? II. Do changes in temperature signals follow shifts in water sources for plants? I R T – Transpiration E – Evaporation I – Infiltration/Percolation R – Recharge Experimental Location and Design Eddy Covariance & Meteorological Tower (ET and Meteorological Data) UTAH Spring Valley T E Water Table ---- Capillary Fringe Type T Thermocouples (Temperature) 6 5 4 3 2 1 SV6 10 TDR 8 (Water Content) Focus of Study (Upper 300 cm) Summer T 14 16 0.20 100 cm 200 cm 0.12 0.08 300 cm 0.12 0.08 300 cm 250 300 0.00 • Recharge: Low • Near Surface θ: Mod FO DTS – Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing • Water Level: Low Groundwater Well w/ Pressure Transducer (Depth to Water) Fall • ET: Low E / Low T Soil Temp (Deg C) I 100 150 200 4/7 4/17 4/27 FO DTS appears to pick up cold wetting fronts near surface 100 cm 200 cm Small variations between100 and 300 cm possibly due to poor insulation of equipment box 5/2 300 cm 6/2 6/12 6/7 6/22 6/17 7/2 6/27 7/7 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 Continue soil profile analysis to the water table (~550 to 600 cm) 20 15 Use HYDRUS 1D to optimize water content based on changes in soil temperatures 10 250 300 3/28 Using high resolution FO DTS in the subsurface provides continuous temperature measurements both spatially (depth only) and temporally allowing for a better understanding of the processes within the vadose zone, and subsequently a better understanding of the flux in and out of the system 25 50 Seasonal temperature changes through entire profile 18 16 14 12 300 cm 10 8 200 cm 6 100 cm 4 30 cm 2 0 3/23 4/2 4/12 4/22 Changes in soil temperature observed during this time period are due mostly to atmospheric conditions, but are also influenced by changes in water content (volumetric heat capacity) due to infiltration, percolation, and ET Continued Work 30 cm • Infiltration: Low Changes in soil water observed below 200 cm appears to be influenced predominantly by ET Early Spring and Summer wetting fronts do not reach lower depths Clay soils from ~80 to 300 cm Recharge through valley floor does not occur during this time period Soil Temp (Deg C) Soil Temperature Diurnal variations in near surface; dampening effects deeper in the profile 200 2 0.04 300 cm – Constant theta in Spring; decrease of theta in Summer 150 4 0.16 200 cm 200 cm – Constant theta in Spring and Summer 50 0.28 0.20 30 cm 0.04 100 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0.24 100 cm – Increased theta in Spring (1st wetting front); continued increase into Summer, followed by a decrease, and then another increase (2nd wetting front) 0.16 Changes in soil water observed in the upper 100 cm appears to be influenced by infiltration and percolation from large precipitation events (increase in theta) and ET (decrease in theta) Loam soils from surface to ~80 cm 18 100 cm 30 cm 0.24 • Surface: Moist FO DTS Pole (Temperature) HDU – Heat Dissipation Sensors 12 Water Content (theta) 30 cm – Increased theta following precipitation events; decrease follows E Site located in east-central NV: ~323 km (~200 miles) north of Las Vegas, NV TDR – Time Domain Reflectometry Sensors 6 10 Higher temperatures and larger diurnal changes during Summer 0.28 Depth (cm) 12 8 Ambient Air Temperature Lower temperatures and smaller diurnal changes during Spring 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 14 HDU (Matric Potential) 6 Increased ET following precipitation events 0 Soil Temp (Deg C) I 4 May (29–30) precipitation event (19.56 mm) 0.00 Ely, NV 2 ET and P April (2–8) precipitation event (20.07 mm) 7 R Spring NEVADA Focus of Study (Upper 300 cm) E Water Content (m3/m3) I. • ET: Low E / Low T 8 Ambient Temp (Deg C) Winter Goals and Questions Overall goal of this research is to have a better understanding of the impact of interannual variability of shallow groundwater semi-arid systems. In doing so, we hope to answer the following questions: Discussion and Conclusions Data provides interannual atmospheric and physical soil variability in Spring Valley, NV (early Spring and Summer, 2011) Precipitation (mm/day) • Recharge: Low • Near Surface θ: Mod T Early Summer Results (29 May through 7 July 2011) Ambient Temp (Deg C) I Evapotranspiration (mm/day) • Infiltration: Low R Early Spring Results (23 March through 2 May 2011) • Surface: Frozen/Moist E Water Content (m3/m3) T Depth (cm) Background and Motivation Soil water and temperature are important variables in water and energy balance studies, particularly to processes involved in evapotranspiration (ET), which provides a direct link between the balances and is crucial for closing the water budget. Abstract # GC31A-1024 5 Soil Temp (Deg C) Abstract # GC31A-1024 Others (Dr. D. Devitt and A. Wagner) are looking at isotopes and sap flow measurements to determine shifts of plant water from vadose and phreatic zones Acknowledgements Funding for FO DTS supplies in Spring Valley, NV, provided by NSF Cooperative Support Agreement (EPS-0814372). Educational opportunities and funding for Jeremy Koonce provided by NSF EPSCoR under Cooperative Support Agreement (EPS-0814372). Additional support from my academic committee (Dr.’s Young,Yu, Nicholl, Jiang, and Devitt), UNLV Geoscience, and Desert Research Institute (J. Healey, B. Lyles, and Dr.’s Berli, Jasoni, and Arnone).