How Evaporative Water Losses Vary Between Wet and Dry Water Years as a Function of Elevation in the Sierra Nevada, California Jessica Lundquist University of Washington and Steve Loheide University of Wisconsin, Madison Dry Year: 18 June 2007 Granite Lakes, Yosemite National Park, California Wet Year: 29 June 2006 Seasonal ET is limited by Energy (snowcover, temperature) early in the season and Dryness (moisture availability) at the end of the season. If they balance = Same ET in wet or dry years Energy limited = More ET in dry years Moisture limited = More ET in wet years Gaylor Lakes 6/29/2006 Questions: 1) How does annual ET vary between wet and dry years in the Sierra? 2) How does this depend on elevation? 3) What are the most crucial parameters in modeling Sierra ET? 7/13/2005 8/13/2007 We examine two nested basins of the Merced River in Yosemite. Upper Basin = Merced at Happy Isles Lower Basin = Merced at Pohono – Contribution from above Happy Isles Discharge normalized by basin area illustrates where most streamflow comes from at different times of year. Winter runoff originates primarily from rain in lower elevations. Late summer runoff originates primarily from snowmelt at higher elevations. Annual ET estimated from Water Balance On annual basis, storage is negligible, ET = P - R ET = Annual Precip (from aggregated PRISM (Daly et al. 1994) monthly 4 km values) Annual Runoff (sum of annual discharge) Precip (P) and Runoff (Q) vary much more than ET, but ET is 30-50% of total P ET increases with precip in Lower Basin but not in Upper Basin ET increases with precip in Lower Basin but not in Upper Basin Lower basin trend is positive, statistically significant (p<0.01), and robust Upper basin looks a bit like Tague and Christensen results but is not robust across all tests of precip distributions Simple model to address what controls these patterns in ET 1. Start with the Penman-Monteith Equation, as prescribed by Allen et al.(1998), for reference potential evapotranspiration: ET = ∆ ( Rnet − G ) + ρ air c p (e s − e) / ra λρ water (∆ + γ (1 + rs / ra ) ) 2. Use 2003-2007 met data from CA DWR stations at Dana Meadows and Tuolumne Meadows, Snow-17, and MODSCAG MODIS snow-covered area to include snow processes. 3. Distribute this across 200-m elevation bins and weight by basin area for the upper and lower basins. Assume actual ET is limited by 3 things: 1) No ET above tree line (>3000 m) when fractional snow covered area (SCA) exceeded a set threshold, where snow cover was represented by direct MODIS observations of fractional SCA 2) No ET when Tmin < -1˚C, indicating a hard freeze, based on studies showing that low soil and air temperatures inhibit plant metabolic activity 3) Soil moisture deficit limits actual ET A “leaky bucket” (Manabe 1969) is the simplest way to realistically model soil ETactual = f (θ ) ET potential θ = soil moisture in the bucket Above some critical value, θc, plants transpire at the potential rate. Below that value, ET decreases linearly (Brandes and Wilcox 2000) until soil moisture is depleted to the wilting point, θwp. Even a “leaky bucket” requires a lot of poorly known parameters flow in = snowmelt + precip flow out Assign each elevation a bucket, a local snowmelt model, and a transfer coefficient for water to move to soils at lower elevations ET P + Melt + transferin − ET − transferout ∆θ = Zr K tc n θfc θc tc=transfer coefficient Zr θwp Zr=rooting/soil depth K=rate of soil drainage n=porosity soil dependent θfc=field capacity θc=water is limiting veg dependent θwp=wilting point Model run for 2003 - 2007 because those years have good met data and good MODIS data 2005 and 2006 = Wet years 2004 and 2007 = Dry years Criteria for a “good” model based on water balance values for the lower basin: 1) mean annual ET (2003-2007) for the lower basin (54 cm); 2) mean annual difference between dry years (2004 and 2007) and wet years (2005 and 2006) for the lower basin (-12 cm) Contours = model – observed 0 = model got mean annual ET (54 cm) right What does this mean? 1) A lot of parameter sets get mean ET right 2) There are trade-offs between soil parameters Mean conditions for Upper Basin are similar, but the Difference (Dry – Wet) is more interesting. 1) Most common model – obs difference is about 10-12 cm, which corresponds to a model Dry-Wet difference of about 0 = MODEL predicts the same ET in Dry and Wet years 2) Model only matches observations (0 line) when transfer of water from higher to lower elevations is high (high transfer coefficient, tc, and high flow rate, K) So we pick a value that fits both the mean ET and the ET difference: Transfer (tc) = 75% Flow rate (K) = 1 m/day Field Capacity (θfc) = 0.3 Rooting Depth (Zr) = 0.75 m With these values, our model shows: 1) Soils are saturated (at or above field capacity) the entire time snow is present With these values, our model shows: 2) Soils drain to the wilting point at all but the highest elevations in every year With these values, our model shows: 3) Soil moisture stays high so long as water from higher elevation snow is transferred to lower elevations 4) This allows for more ET in the wetter year Ranking our years from dry to wet, the model matches the lower basin observations well. In the upper basin, ET is relatively constant. In the model, all but the highest elevations are moisture limited, with more ET in wet years. Conclusions • Because most elevations are moisture limited, warmer temperatures and longer growing seasons are not likely to increase Sierra ET. • Rather, annual ET will stay constant or vary with water availability. • In modeling Sierra ET, some representation of moisture transfer from high to low elevations is critical to represent inter-annual variations in ET. • This is included in models like RHESSys (Christensen et al. 2008 and Tague et al. 2009), but not in most large-scale climate simulations. For details, see paper: Lundquist and Loheide, 2011, Water Resources Research Extra slides (in case of questions) follow: Simple model to address what controls these patterns in ET 1. Start with the Penman-Monteith Equation, as prescribed by Allen et al.(1998), for reference potential evapotranspiration: Net Rnet − G ) + ρVapor e s − e) / ra ∆ ( radiation air c p (Flux ET = ( ) scaledλρ by water aerodynamic ∆ + γ (resistance 1 + rs / raand ) other constants 2. Use 2003-2007 met data from CA DWR stations at Dana Meadows and Tuolumne Meadows, and MODSCAG MODIS snow-covered area. 3. Distribute this across 200-m elevation bins and weight by basin area for the upper and lower basins. Model set-up: 1) Snowmelt follows temperature-index model with melt-factor as defined in Snow-17 (Anderson 1973). Snowmelt stops when MODIS detects <10% snowcovered-area in a given elevation band. 2) Precip contributes to soil moisture only where T>0 ˚C 3) But how do we pick those soil parameters? 2) For faster drainage rates (high K), we need a deeper soil (rooting depth) and higher field capacity (soil holds more) to hold onto enough moisture to get the same ET 3) Unless we have a high transfer coefficient of moisture from higher elevations, then a wider range of soil depths and field capacities work Christensen et al. 2008 and Tague et al. 2009 used RHESSys model of Merced River above Happy Isles, California to show that . • ET peaks in intermediate water years at elevations from 1800-2600 m Moisture limited Energy limited but that’s only one model, and models can vary a LOT! Most hydrology models use PRISM, developed by Chris Daly at OSU, to distribute precipitation to model grid cells. • Parameter Regression against Independent Slopes Model • Breaks west and east slopes into facets and interpolates between stations using elevation • 800 m grid cells based on 1971-2000 data Precipitation Checked • We conducted additional analyses (not shown) – with Yosemite Valley precipitation scaled using 800 m PRISM – with 40 central-Sierra snow pillows aggregated by elevation – with a snow accumulation and melt model compared to MODIS snow disappearance dates • Some variations in absolute values of ET calculated, but no change in patterns and inter-annual variability. ET and climate = critical unknown Climate models working to predict Precipitation (P), but what about Evapotranspiration (ET)? Predictions of Colorado River decline vary from 5% to 45% depending on how models handle snow and ET. Southwest Hydrology, May/June 2009 90+ years of flow at Merced River at Happy Isles, ranked by volume 1) Most common model – obs difference is about -3 cm, which corresponds to a model Dry-Wet difference of about 0 = MODEL predicts the same ET in Dry and Wet years 2) -10 cm here indicates that MODEL predicts the more ET in Wet years than Dry years 3) So this model is generally not energy limited in the Upper Basin, but our observations of precip there area also less robust, and snow storage can also occur at the highest elevations in the wettest years.