A biophysical gradient analysis of climate for understanding treelines in mountain ecosystems of the western U.S. Jeremy S. Littell1 and Lisa J. Graumlich2 1JISAO CSES Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington jlittell@u.washington.edu 2School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona ABSTRACT Conifer establishment at upper treeline is controlled by both physical and ecological phenomena. The physical limitations on tree establishment and growth as well as the ecological and edaphic factors moderating climate vary significantly across western mountain ranges, from the more maritime Cascades through the basin-and-range to the heavily continental central Rockies. In order to understand the factors limiting tree establishment and estimate rates of ecosystem change under future climate change, it is critical to understand the climatic factors limiting tree establishment. We use a multiscale approach to identify climatic patterns associated with upper treeline in nine mountain ranges: the north Cascades, central Cascades, Eagle Cap, Bitterroot, Teton, Beartooth, Wind River, Snowy, and Zirkel mountain ranges. We examined NCDC divisional and SNOTEL and snowcourse, seasonal averages/totals for temperature and precipitation variables to compare the climates at treeline sites identified for conifer establishment research. Divisional data from 1948-2004 indicate a strong geographical gradient in winter precipitation/PDO correlations, but according to SNOTEL and NRCS snowcourse data from all mountain ranges, these differences are much weaker in the more recent past. Snow water equivalent at all the sites near the PDO dipole evident in the 1948-2004 correlations appears negatively correlated with PDO. We present DAYMET, SNOTEL, and snowcourse normals for the mountain environments near the treeline sites and relate them to species composition and the nature of recent establishment. Tab.1 Site, state, elevation, and dominant species across the transect. Numbers correspond to Fig1 and axes for other figures. Number Site State Elev 1 E. Cascades WA 2000 2 Goat Rocks WA 1950 3 Eagle Cap OR 2630 4 Bitterroot MT 2960 5 Beartooths MT/WY 2970 6 Tetons ID 3000 7 Wind River WY 3130 8 Snowy Range WY 3300 9 Zirkels CO 3350 *LALY = Larix lyallii; PIAL = Pinus albicaulis; PCEN = Picea engelmannii; ABLA = Abies lasiocarpa; TSME = Tsuga mertensiana 1 2 WA MT 3 4 5 WY OR 6 ID 7 8 9 CO RESULTS The SWE anomalies for site averages of all available snow data (Fig.4a) indicate that there is little evidence of a consistent dipole. During several periods of the record, there is notably increased variance between the regional time series, and these periods could be ENSO related. The distributions of mean April 1 SWE values for the constituent series show an increase in SWE in cool (-) PDO years and a decrease in (+) warm PDO years across the sites (Fig.4b). There is substantial variability, however, within these groups, and the relationship is strongest in the northwest portion of the transect. Correlations between PDO and April 1 SWE are strongest and least variable where mean April 1 SWE is highest (Fig.5a) , but this may have more to do with autocorrelations associated with proximity to the coast. However, correlations between April 1 SWE and the Pacific North America pattern (PNA) index are nearly as strong as with PDO (Fig.5b) and point toward an interannual relationship for these sites between circulation and snowpack variability. Certainly at both upper treeline and lower treeline, the role of temperature and solar radiation in growing season length and potential evapotranspiration cannot be excluded, and further analyses will focus on characterizing these variables across the sites. A Fig.1 Nine sites form a transect from maritime to continental climate and serve as a basis for comparing the factors limiting and facilitating conifer establishment at treeline Species* LALY, PIAL, PCEN, ABLA TSME, ABLA PIAL, PCEN PIAL, PCEN PIAL, PCEN, ABLA PIAL, PCEN, ABLA PIAL, PCEN PCEN, ABLA PCEN, ABLA NARRATIVE In this analysis, we sought to understand climate variability, particularly winter precipitation, as a potential control on conifer establishment at upper treeline. It has been speculated that conifer recruitment at upper treeline is episodic in nature and that decadal climate variability may play an important role in structuring treeline environments. We established a series of nine sites along a NW - SE transect between the Washington Cascades and the Colorado Rockies (Fig.1). This transect has three gradients that make it useful for testing assumptions about treeline establishment. These are (1) maritime to continental climate, (2) variable ecological communities (Tab.1), and (3) regional dipole in sensitivity to PDO (Fig.2). Sites were chosen on the basis of relatively gentle topography and soil development to mitigate the confounding effects of microtopography. We obtained the SNOTEL/snowcourse records for every possible site within 50km of the chosen study sites and developed seasonal and monthly indices for available snow water equivalent (SWE) data (usually Jan - Jun). In this exercise, we focus on April 1 SWE, although some sites have peak SWE in May or March. Elevation of the snow data vary, and are in Fig.3 We analyzed a total of 98 SNOTEL/snowcourse records. This analysis is a preliminary component of a larger NICCR-funded study that will examine the coupled climatic and ecological controls on conifer establishment . We have deployed temperature microsensors at 12 upper and 8 lower treeline sites along the transect. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Matt Germino (ISU) and Philip Mote (CIG) contributed advice and data, respectively, to this effort. Fig.4a (left) SWE anomalies averaged within sites. Note periods of coherence and periods of increased variance. 4b (right) shows distributions of means for all analyzed sites for all years (top), cool PDO years (center), and warm PDO years (bottom). Fig.2 Nov-Mar winter precipitation correlation with Nov-Mar PDO, 1948-2006. Note transition in central WY and CO. Fig.3 Elevation range of SNOTEL and snowcourse sites associated with each treeline Fig.5 PDO (left) and PNA (right). Correlations with SWE Anomalies. The correlations are very similar in sign and magnitude. IMPLICATIONS The decadal variability present in the SWE time series suggests a possible mechanism for decadal pulses of recruitment in mountain ecosystems, and the correlations between SWE and PDO suggest an external decadal driver. However, it is noteworthy that interannual variability seems to be associated with variations in SWE as much as, if not more than, decadal climate. Differences in conifer species’ tolerances to heavy snow, cold temperatures, and lack of snow across the transect point to the potential for very different climatic factors limiting establishment. It is also possible that the interaction between these differences in climate and the local conifer communities structure treeline and determine what thresholds exist for pulses of establishment to occur. B