Poster C33C-1283 Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) in Alpine Headwaters, Glacier National Park, MT University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada R. Larson, J. Byrne, S. Kienzle, M. Letts, and D. Johnson The predicted continuing trend of increasing rainto-snow ratios (McCabe and Wolock, 1999) will likely have the following hydrological consequences in the area: • More winter runoff; • Less snow accumulation; • Decline in spring and summer water supply. (Lapp et al., 2005, Leith and Whitfield, 1998) Colder temperatures and modest precipitation in the Alberta-Montana Rockies cause larger and more persistent snowpacks than in most regions of the western USA (Selkowitz et al., 2002). The headwaters of the transboundary St. Mary River system provides water to approximately 200,000 ha of irrigation in Alberta and 56,600 ha in Montana (AAFRD, 2000). Therefore, climate change effects on snowpack in the upper St. Mary River are key to determining the basin’s future downstream water supply needs. Detailed assessments are needed to predict whether increased winter precipitation will compensate for increasing temperatures in spring SWE. The two main objectives of this study are: • Develop an alpine hydrometeorology model for predicting daily SWE over the upper St. Mary watershed; • Apply the model for the historical period, for validation purposes, with the objective of applying to future climate change scenarios. 2. Temperature Routine Validation SIMGRID-simulated TMAX and TMIN were compared with observed values from Lakeview Ridge, for the 2005-2006 winter period. Lakeview Ridge (Figure 2) is located approximately 50 km from the upper St. Mary watershed (Figure 1), and exhibits near-perfect NW, SW, SE, and NE aspects, with microclimate measurements on each. Sensors are at 1900 m elevation. 1m-height TMAX comparisons on opposing aspects are reasonable (Figure 3). Site simulations are based on Park Gate base climate station. Overall, the temperature simulations are well correlated with observed values (Table 2). Due to the site’s proximity to the study watershed, the temperature routine is considered valid for our model. Also, this model was developed and validated for sites in Montana (see Hungerford et al., 1989). 20 20 15 15 10 10 0 -5 -10 0 Preliminary Results -10 -15 -15 -20 -20 -25 -25 ov 26-N n 26-Ja ec 26-D Observed (Site) eb 26-F Simulated (Site) ar 26-M Park Gate (Base) ov -0 5 26 -N ec 26 -D -0 5 Observed (Site) 26 06 -Ja n- 26 Simulated (Site) 6 -Feb-0 26 -M ar- 06 Park Gate (Base) Figure 3. Temperature Comparisons of two sites at Lakeview Ridge The model was run for several years within the historical period (1981-2003). SWE fields were produced for random years for display purposes. SWE (mm) The maps below illustrate April 1st watershed SWE fields and total snowpack depth. As expected, higher snow accumulations occur at higher elevations. April 1st, 1991 April 1st, 2003 April 1st, 1986 Figure 2. Microclimate stations are located on all aspects of Lakeview Ridge (in the background). The flat prairies are visible beyond the peak. Total April 1st Snowpack Methods Table 1. Watershed Site Classifications Figure 5. The Preston snow survey spans from 1300 m to 2300 m, an elevation area comprising 81.6% of the upper Saint Mary watershed area (see Table 1). The linear regression used to derive C1 in Equation (1) was determined by having the difference between ∆SWE and StMP on the y-axis, and the adjusted elevation on the x-axis (Figure 6). C1 was 0.261, and the forced origin r2 value was 0.56. 6.19 X 108 m3 Summary and Directions Figure 4. Snow surveying in the upper St. Mary watershed Figure 6. (∆SWEE-StMP) vs. Elevation. The wider, outer band is the 95% confidence interval (CI) for an individual case. The narrow inner band is the long-term 95% CI. We are thankful to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for providing the SWE database, as well as continued support with the project. Research funding from the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research (AICWR) is greatly appreciated. ∆SWE (m m ) 600 600 7-Feb-95 500 7-Mar-95 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 200 600 400 600 800 0 200 600 20-Jan-00 500 ∆SWE (m m ) 400 600 800 600 800 25-Feb-03 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 600 200 400 600 800 0 500 200 400 600 27-Mar-03 ) Box 1. Preston Proxy Precipitation Derivation 1. Further work is required to calibrate the model. A second base climate station may be added, and the effect of dominant westerly air flow patterns will be investigated. Calibration will proceed using the Many Glacier SNOTEL station. 2. Large-scale natural variability governing hydroclimate will be investigated. Although there is a consistent upward ∆SWE-Elevation relationship in the watershed, monthly variability has been observed (Figure 7). 3. Monthly and annual precipitation and temperatures are influenced by seasonal synoptic patterns, as well as interannual and interdecadal large-scale climate indices, such as the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (Fagre et al., 2003; McCabe and Dettinger, 2002; Regonda, 2005). If relationships between such indices and hydroclimate are found, indices may be used to better characterize variability over the watershed. 4. Climate change scenarios will be applied to the watershed, using appropriate Global Climate Models (GCMs), Regional Climate Models (RCMs), and possibly large-scale variability indices. Acknowledgements: 1. Terrain Classification 5.19 X 108 m3 28-Feb-06 500 400 400 ( Figure 1. Study area maps. The SWE modeling is conducted over the upper St. Mary Figure 1. Waterton-Glacier the Canada-US watershed (using the St. Park Marystraddles base climate station). The nearby Lakeview Ridge climate border in the west, in station) the left map. Study area stations (and Parkappearing Gate base are used to validate the model’s temperature routine. details are in the right map. 6.15 X 108 m3 ∆SWE (m m ) Snow course data was used to derive a precipitation formulation for the watershed. Approximately monthly snow surveys were conducted during the 1994-2006 period (Figures 4 and 5). SWE from one survey to the next was determined for each location (elevations adjusted to metres above St. Mary climate station, 1390 masl), see Box 1. The watershed area’s terrain characteristics were classified into 869 categories (sites), shown in Table 1. In a GIS, a 10 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to create the categories, which were then reclassed to 100 m pixels. The SIMGRID code was updated to incorporate monthly base precipitation, and the new precipitationelevation relationship (Box 2). -5 3. Precipitation Routine Formulation The distributed hydrometeorology model SIMGRIDSNOPAC was adopted. Based upon the MTCLIM microclimate model, SIMGRID extrapolates base station climate information to sites distributed within the watershed, according to aspect, slope, and elevation. Subroutines derive daily solar radiation, relative humidity, and of greatest importance to this study, maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation for each site. SNOPAC then uses the daily site temperatures and precipitation to calculate snow accumulation. Four steps were taken to begin applying SIMGRID-SNOPAC to the study watershed, explained in the following two columns. Box 2. SIMGRID-SNOPAC Inputs and Outputs 5 5 Study Area The upper St. Mary watershed is located on the Rocky Mountain eastern slopes. Predominantly alpine regions lie to the west of this region, while the flat prairies lie to the east (Figure 1). The headwaters study area is 722 km2 and lies almost entirely within WatertonGlacier International Peace Park, MontanaAlberta. 4. Model Modification SE Aspect Site - 1m Tmax Comparison NW Aspect Site - 1m Tmax Comparison Table 2. Lakeview Ridge site characteristics and temperature simulated-observed statistics. Tmax (°C) Snowpack contributes between 70-90% of annual runoff in mountain watersheds of western North America (Stewart et al., 2005, Palmer 1988), and accounts for more than 60% of the annual variability in streamflow over the same area (Doesken et al., 1989). Monitoring changes in snow water equivalent (SWE), the depth of water stored in snowpack, is important for water supply forecasting. Tmax (°C) Introduction and Objectives 300 200 300 200 100 0 100 0 0 200 400 600 800 Local Elevation (metres above St. Mary, 1390m) 0 200 400 600 800 Local Elevation (metres above St. Mary, 1390m) Figure 7. Monthly ∆SWE-Elevation graphs are plotted. The lines plotted exhibited high r-square values, and were chosen to depict the monthly variability observed in the watershed References: Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development (AAFRD). Irrigation in Alberta, Part 2. Lethbridge, Alberta. 2000. Doesken, N.J., D. Changnon, and T.B. McKee, Interannual variations in snowpack in the Rocky Mountain region, in Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, pp. 21-30, 1989. Fagre, D.B., D.L. Peterson, and A.E. Hessl, Taking the Pulse of Mountains: Ecosystem Responses to Climatic Variability, Climatic Change, 59 (1-2), 263-282, 2003. Lapp, S., J.M. Byrne, S.W. Kienzle, and I. 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