Water Monitors Invite Citizens to World Water

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March 22, 2010
Water Monitors Invite Citizens to World Water Monitoring Day
[City, State or Province, Country] [Date] – Members of [Watershed Group] will participate in
World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD) this [Month] by hosting a [Monitoring
Event/Workshop/Water Festival] to help local citizens gain first-hand experience in assessing
the health of their local watershed.
[Watershed Group] plans to conduct local monitoring at a number of sites within the [Name of
Watershed] watershed. Sites include: [List Location in/near City, State/Province). The public is
invited to join with more experienced monitoring volunteers on [Date].
[Describe the watershed(s) your local organization is planning to monitor and describe any
related projects in which the organization is involved.]
The monitoring activities are easy and fun to carry out. Volunteers will perform tests for
dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity (clarity) and temperature.
[Watershed Group’s] event is part of a months-long monitoring window lasting from March 22
until December 31, which is designed to educate the world’s citizens about the importance of
water quality monitoring and personal stewardship of our water resources. WWMD is officially
observed on September 18.
The Water Environment Federation and the International Water Association serve as the
primary coordinators for the program. A complete list of sponsors and partners is found on the
Web site.
For more information, contact (list local watershed group contact) or visit the World Water
Monitoring Day Web site at www.WorldWaterMonitoringDay.org.
World Water Monitoring Day™ is an international education and outreach program that builds public awareness and involvement in
protecting water resources around the world by engaging citizens to conduct basic monitoring of their local water bodies.
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