Evaluation of the representativeness of snow water equivalent sensors in the Rio Grande headwaters 1Noah U53A-0701 1 0 1 2 Wyoming 3 N Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico 45 107 W Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado, Boulder; 2School of Engineering, University of California, Merced Introduction 10 20 30 km 38 N Del Norte Gauge 6 P. Molotch and 2Roger C. Bales SNOTEL 30 m The representativeness of measured snow water equivalent (SWE) at six SNOTEL stations in the Rio Grande headwaters was assessed using detailed observations of snow depth and density, remotely sensed data, binary regression tree models, and a spatially distributed snowmelt model. snow pit Scaling point observations of SWE to the resolution of model-elements and remotely sensed data is one of the most pressing challenges in mountain hydrology as up-scaling is needed to estimate initial conditions and to evaluate remote sensing retrieval algorithms. This work aims to improve the scalability of current observations and develop an unbiased and systematic approach for future network design. 1 km Methods Results: Maximum Accumulation physiographics Snow depth & density data collected around the SNOTEL sites on 2227 April & 3-12 April 2002 were interpolated using regression tree models. Daily snowmelt was computed for each 30-m grid element throughout the melt season. wind exposure srad04<228.5 elevation slope srad04>228.5 74 24 elev<3286.5 elev>3286.5 ndvi<2.5 ndvi>2.5 100 67 ndvi<1.5 13 50 srad04<193.5 ndvi<-10.5 ndvi>1.5 srad04>193.5 ndvi>-10.5 62 76 122 93 0 71 102 solar snow albedo temp. relative humidity 47 ndvi<7.5 ndvi>7.5 Snowmelt Model Inputs longwave 67 SWE 63 35 2 km 4 km Results: Ablation Season Daily SWE distribution, estimated from the snowmelt model, showed that representativeness at Upper San Juan deteriorated in a short time period, particularly WRT the 4 and 16 km2 areas. SNOTEL SWE values are indicated on selected cumulative probability functions with black stars. DOY 2001 DOY 2002 Results: Optimal Site Location Optimal observation areas (shaded in black) around 4 SNOTEL sites (white rings) are areas with the lowest cumulative absolute deviance from the mean regression-tree-modeled snow depth. Only the Wolf Creek SNOTEL site was within the optimal area. a Slum 4 km2 cumulative probability 16 km2 3000 April deviance = 0.61 cm April and May deviance = 7 cm solar radiation, W m elevation, m Sx, degrees NDVI slope, degrees aspect, degrees -2 Slumgullion min. max. STEL 218 226 215 3514 3530 3518 4 26 13 -0.01 0.40 0.01 8 25 9 83 91 65 Upper San min. max. 218 223 2935 3152 -21 0 0.02 0.29 1 31 220 352 c 3420 WC April deviance = 8 cm 3180 d Lily 2960 3080 3210 3330 1 km2 April deviance = 1 cm 39 106 35 100 94 26 31 88 22 82 17 76 13 70 64 58 9 4 0 The relationship between observed snow depth at the SNOTEL sites and the snow depth distribution of the surrounding areas were fairly consistent in 2001 & 2002; significant positive bias was observed at the Slumgullion site. Juan STEL 227 3089 -3 0.07 6 195 2001 Slum USJ 2002 WC Lilly Slum USJ WC Conclusions 3300 snow water equivalent, cm Regression trees were used to identify the physiographic attributes of optimal site locations. Bold font indicates that the value at the SNOTEL sites are outside the range of values at the optimal site location. The Lily Pond site (not shown) is also not optimally located. b USJ April deviance = 2 cm 3300 3390 3450 120 130 140 150 160 170 100 110 120 130 140 initial condition temp. BATS GOES RH Veg. Veg. TOPORAD USJ April 2002 USJ April 2001 112 20 slope<12.5 srad04<223.5 slope>12.5 srad04>223.5 3300 3390 3450 N 62 NDVI SWE distribution was relatively consistent in 2001 and 2002. The Upper San Juan SNOTEL site (white rings) is located in an east-west oriented valley; north (south)-facing slopes to the south (north) experience greater (lower) SWE accumulation. Other sites showed repeating snow depth patterns as well, with SNOTEL sites located in anomalously high accumulation areas in some cases. SWE biases at the sites, caused by biases in solar radiation, elevation, aspect and slope, were not consistent from site to site. On average, less than 2.4% of each study area satisfied the physiographic criteria of optimality for future observations. This research has shown that SNOTEL SWE data are often unrepresentative of their surrounding areas (i.e. 1, 4, 16 km2). The spatial and temporal signatures of the observation biases identified in this research will improve the utility of current observations. Lastly, the methodology presented here provides the basis for designing ground-based observation networks in support of spatial applications. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a CIRES visiting fellowship, the NSF STC for the Sustainability of Hydrology and Riparian Areas (SAHRA), and by the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS). Walter Rosenthal, Bert Davis and Ceretha McKenzie provided technical assistance. Mike Gillespie and Tom Pagano provided information about the SNOTEL sites. Logistical support was provided by Davey Pitcher / the Wolf Creek Ski Area. Jennifer Hamblen, Kevin Dressler, Steven Fassnacht, Sean Helfrich, Derek Lampkin, and others contributed to the field data collection. Lilly