ON THE INSIDE , Mr, lucky's shooting -Poge 2; University Administra tion Reorganization-Page 3; Bicycling Feature-Page 16. • '- North De Bot landscaping Feature-Page 10; Next Week's feature story-Summer Orientation . uw~p~-------------- POIN-TER SER IES VII . VOL 18 UW·Stewns Point, Thursday, July 25, 1974 • Welcome back NO. 1 ~~~·~·~2_____ T~H~E~ PO~I~N~ TE=R~-----A~~ ~u~••_ 29~,_1_ 97_4 Bar manager conceals information Shots fired at Mr. Lucky's bytl.obKttluleek A SOI.rce .,.-ho wisbes to rematn unldtnlified ha s re po rt ed t h at som eti me August l4 OC'" August t S, eight :!lul . bullets ...~eflftdat theeastsideofMr. l.ucky's, 200 Isadore St. The source poi nted out four hoJes .,.·hiehappe:aredtobe bullet holt'S, \1110 in the front door. and t""-o in the mrtal panels on the east side of the bui ldi~. That person ~id that a tleastoneof thebul lets .,.ilich hit the door ""ent through into the bui lding Ueutenant Perl11k of the 9:e•·ensPoint CityPolieesaid yesterday that there had been noofficialreportofthe.in· ci~ t but that he would chcck theincident ...iththe Luck v's for furtht>r tn rorm;ittonb)' tilof ttmeofthts v.ntmg The soun:i.' 5atd that thr manager ...-as a11art of tht•nt'tdent but had bec'n tr~mg toconttaltM .nformalt<m Th e 10urce -also cllf'!i.fl'aU thatpatron s nu~:htbl'hurt should lhetnctdent happo.'ll mane.gerof Mr . l.utky's . This reporter wasWiableto agatndunngtht-hOW'SIIIht('h reach the manqtT of Mr. thebarisopen . fi It !I II II II II II ll II :I il I II II Il lf n11 5 1-"5 Uppo$('(l lyoneoftwo .22cal llulll-t holes tn the door of Mr Luc:lr.y '~ l'huto by Bob KH kSieck II "-- ., :1-- - Th is 11 aupposedly a .22 cal. bullet hole. one of eight reported to Uve been fired at Mr . Lucky 's sometime on Aucust 14 or Augu.st IS. Photo by Bob Kerksn~ck UWSP to be science education center The UWSP wu design11ted a111·a rded to UWSP this yea r '"July as one at lix regional by the Nlltional Scien('e The overall science education centen in F'oundation proc,ram as being directed theslllte. An education professor. from the Ctnter lor lhe AdRoecr Wood , will re«ive vance m ent or S(' tence partial relief time from the Education in Superior UWSP faculty to direct the Other centers in the state are U W Oshkolih . UW federaUy funded program. The program ts int ended t.o Whitewater . UW Pla tteville. ancb.nce "a more intnnive UW L aC r oue an d UW and effec:ttVi' tm plement.alion Superior of contempo r a r y S('ien ce. Wood nid ac tivtlii!Sin the m athematics and socia l center wi lllocU.!ion p rovidinz st udiescurricular~elop­ e du cattona l aness m ent ment.sin public ~ehools . '' procedurH for local school The UWSP w i ll be di s tri ('tl and developtng responsible for assi sting inservlce arrd preservtce ~ehooldistrict.san an area learning pac k ages fo r boun d e d by Rh ineland e r , telll chers. Neils ville , Portage 1n d Wood added that it will;~lso Weylt.rWeg~ . foc111 on cliuemiu.ting mA g.r~t at $12,643 will be form ation about science and mathemattcal cur n c ulum developments and proo.• tdln~t Otnevaluahon proct'dun·for· momtonng rifrch•~~ of vanO!.IS pro}e('t ach~ t hf'S m lhepubl~es.choob Wood satd ht- expects flli('Ulty parttct patu.m from many dlffeTent departments on umpus tn a vanety <If programli OffeTfd forthtnut three yean Afll'r lll penod of t.hree • yen'S.Iht~ntHUprctsthat the:w:hool dtstnctswtll ha•·e lht:tr prog ra ms unde r wllly andwt!lpi ck up anyexpeOSft tnvolvfd One llf the firil programs Wooduidhepllllrll loconduct for area teachers is 01 :;:,~:~hop on the met r ic Th i1 is ~ld to be another .n u J. bullet hole. 'llli• one is loca ted In a side J»nd ontheeastlideollhebul ldlng. :.:A:ouo,;:u~"-2:;9_,_ . _:,1:..; 97...:<_ _ _T:.:.H.:.:E:_PO:..:::,:I:..:NT .:.:E :::.R:...__ _ Poge 3 UW-WSU merger bill signed ,..__ by BobKtrksiKit the p~tige and marne of the Legis lation which com- Un[\'tni ty of Wisconsin can pleted the merger of the do nothinc but help. Unh~rSity of WiscOI!Sin and 1 sec tion or the bill , Hamilton $aid he was \'try happy wi th il'l passage and was looking forward to the im - was referring to the gove r no r 's veto of an :amendmt11t to the merger bill which woul d have Jiven With regard to that !Nit section wu \'ttoed. lie amendment. Jim Hamilton. uid that he hoped the ' president of United Council. cha~llors ,.-ould cooperate sald that It was a good thing fully 1n 1mplement1na the bill because it brought attention But the nght of studenu to lhe fllct that some in· ·-tomakerulesgqvcr ningthei r rule-making. L:r.F'ollette was the author or the amendme nt which would ha\·e put into effect campus rul es made by s tudent gove r nments im- . .hnelv=~~it~i~;o ~~;:,s S~a~: Slgnedlntola,.· July3byGov. Patnck J Lucey The action culminated nearly four years or erfort to merae the two systems. ~govemorsaidheused :~e f:l~t:l m\~~::s ~:~t~: ~-=- not ntoed and became ~e~~~~~~al~~l :r:'~ ~'::.:!;!' po't'o~=~~~~c~!a';!: r!~~u~:::~~re not getting their ~ ·s~~~~;;s ~~g;l:~d': ~~~!~~ ~~~er.~~~~~l$r~e~ the form it had rollowing a report from the Merger Jmplemenlation S tudy United Council rtpresenu ten atudent gove rn ments within the uw System . ~t~~;~~o~~v:~:~::tn~e~~ ~~!,!id!~~·:r ~~t~e:::!~ Comm1ttee. ~Or~~:en:-ho ~t~=~ ~~!~~~~g:e!!: ~:ttln ~~ An equal funding for equ.:~l programs amendment, sponsored by Sen. William Bablikh tO-stevens Point! David Coker long term . "ther e is no question in my mind that it's goinJ to be JOOd for goodone foreveryuni~rsity genera l.'' "'In the short term, what wit h en rollment $hort falls. UWSPwouldhavebeenkllled 11 Ll hadn't been fot" merger. Because of merger we rece1ved $600,000 to equaliufundin& ·· " Merter had nothinJ to do and some spedallties.'' said Ba rb S t ie f vater, vic::e pres i dent o f S tud en t Govemment. "But that isn't what's happening . The $maller univ ersities uc~:pt for Green Bay and Parkliide are really Retti,. hurt." " We weren"t funded ' 'Thec::onc::eptoliMf'ler iS a severe blow by a guber· natorial item veto.'' said State Sen. DolJilasl.aFol lette tO-Kenosha). said. " provisions for student rule -makin& powers are quite vague,and lfearthatbyslate • made rules before they go intoef(ec: t." Th e o r ig in a l merger meu ur e. s igned in 197 t , turned the University of Wilc::onsln Into the third tarcest univenily syatem in the nation . Only NrM York and California have larger sha~ . A Centr.al Administullon study releas.N in February V.OV.'ed that UW Partside net slate support per student as UWSP. With rega rd to the atuden t Elwin Sigmund ~:J,~!~\~thesiJ!i~~:y Lafollette, a c::andidate for Wisconsin Se<'retary of Slate, a pproxi ma te ly 1315,000 th is fa ll . ofWisconsiniSellp«l~tobe May grad baffles for county seat by8ob~k.i1Kk Gary Soren sen . a Ma y graduate of UWSP. isoneof the candidates m the four way battle fo r co u nt y Rql$1er Of Dftda. The other c::andidates who ...,ucompete,.ilhSorcnsenin the Sept 10 pr1mary are : Theresa CTen-y l Judzewski . now deputy Registe r of Dreda. James J . Hakl and Robert Fulton . a Sl:e\·tns Point alderman . O.sttict Attorney Daniel G Go lden, Clerk of Courts. Allr ed Lewandowski and Surveyor AnthonY Liedrowskl . There will be a rate in the general election In this area. Incumbent State Re p . Leonard Groshek 10-SI:evens Pointl.isbeinlchallen&edby About 350 candidates filed nomination paptrs for the V.1sconsin Lqislat..-e by the July 9 df-adline. J.Jemocuts failed to rue In only two districts while Republicans are not r unning in aboYt IS rac::a. Sorensensaidthat tlefe\lhe IS well qualified for the po1111on. and that he could do agoodjobinthepositKln. He was cha~rman of the Portage County Dremoc:ratic YouthCaueuslastyea r andis now SUite Treasurer of the Oemoc:ratic Youth Caucus. "This is in no way an attempt to pit studenll against the comm unity , " uid SoreNen, adding. " I ,.ill rtp~t e•·eryone" • ~~:het~::'C:eeg~~:de~~ gettinJ their fai r share of funds ; while UWGreenBay, UWParkside. UWMilwaukee and UW Madl50n are getting much mot"e than their fair ~~;eh~~ ~~la'!r~:~ef~~o:r~:: ~~~~e;rl;~:n!a!.!~~ :~: ~~~:~~~~~~~ ~~ ~:nt'"_slty'• Board of th~u.nn:~e':1C!b\ft~~;~1~t: by a unanimous vote a t their May meeting. H.amiliOI'I said that UWSP and UW Eau Caire are ~nTt~he:'~e:~s~t~f!~w:~ ~~!~':~~~ ~~b~~ ~X:i~~~e~;~~:1':'i;~~:! ':.'!/:'!J:d_t history of be1ng un- supposed to be equalized.'' df-rfunded, " said Dreyfus said StiefVIter ·'Ttlat just The chancellor added th.at hasn' t happened. " makin& pro«dure of holdi ng hellrinp and publlc::il\ng rule cha nges. These student ru les All fo..- candidates are Democ rats. No Republicans liled for any county posit ion. In the only other primary Nttle for a county pw.ition. the inc::lftlbent Oerk. Resin• Hilger. will fac:e oppositioa rrom Raymoad Disher. lnc~m~bent Coroner Joseph Bodzislaw had •been challenged by Michael Spencer. bW Spencer did not Gory have enough signat ures on his nominatlonpttitlonsand waa Re pu b lican Pame l a AnAl l 99 AJ.Hmbly Jtll ls and disqualified. Unchallenged are Sheriff denon in the 71sl Dlsltict 17 of the :13 Senate seall will Nick Chec:: k , County whic::h indudes almost all of be on the ballot. The foliowiq is a ll$1 of Treas..-er Stephen Molskl. Portage County. Sorenson candidater;for llatewldeand lsi Congest!OIULI dlJ tric::t : co ng ressio n al off ice in Les Aspin (i ncumbent D· Wisc onsin who f i l ed Rac::inel a nd Leona rd W. nomination pal)ft"l by the Smith t R-Wh itewaterl . July9deadline . Candldatno( znd Dlsltlct : Robert W. the same par1y for 1 linll:le Kasteruneier Unc::umbent Dposition will oppose each Sun Prairie I and Eliz.abeth T. t R - Portage ). other by the State Elec:t\onJ M ill er ....... U.S. Sena ~ : Gerald L. Mc::Farren t Ame r ic::anMarion), Gaylord A. Nelson ti n c umb e nt De m oc:: rat · Madison I. Thomu E . Pc::tri Utepu blica n-Fond du L..a c::l a nd James A. SIJI CR· Milwaukee I. Goveraor: William D. Dyke IR·Mtldlt Horebl, Edmond Hou·Seye t O-Maple Bluffl and V.111iam H. Upham l A· Milwaull:ee ). UeutenantGover-:John M. Aiberts (ft..()c1)nomowocl. Donald D. lfoeft IA-New Franken I. Martin J . !kh r eiber !incumbent D· · Milwaull:ee l and Andrew J Tripoli tO-Sheboygan I. Attorney General : Anthony S. Earl tD-Wausa u l. 'Thomas M. Jocobson ID·Milwaukeel. Br onson La F"ollette CDMadison l. ~aid K. lArge IR-Bear Q-eek I and Edward Nllger t D-M Jdl~onl SKreury of SUo~ : Kent C Jones I R · Milwaukee l, Douglas J LaFolleue tD~aJ . EugeneParks C D­ Mad ison ! and Eugene R. 1..immerman IA·Beloitl . Tre u ur e r : G r ace E . Mattison tA- Manhfie ld l, Oiarles P . Smith llncumbent D·Madison ), and Nina J . Weir t R-Whitefish· Bay). :.Od DIR rld : Alvin Baldus t D-Menomon iel. Cha rl es Colliila ID-Pia tteville l, Keith D. Elli son fA· LaCt-osse). Theodore Fetting tO- Ri chard Center I, TI!omas C. Stanton tD- Eau Clalrel and Vernon W. Thomson tlncumbent R. c::ql . tth Dfstr lc l : Lewis H. Collison tR -Wauwatosa l , Herbert 0 . Jahnke l A· Milwaull:ee 1 and Cement J . Zablocki !inc umbent 0 Milwaull:eel . 5th Dl • trl c t : Mildred Morr ies IR-Milwaukeel and Henry S. Reuss tincwnbent D- Milwaukeel lith District : Harvey C. LeRoy tAl. Nancy Simenz tD-&eboygan l. William A. Steige r Onc umbent R· Oshkosh I . 7thotsltld : JosephButll!t tR-Wausaul a nd David R. Obey tinc::um bent D· Wausau ) . l th District : Robert J . Cornell t D-Oqlere 1. Harold Froelich !Inc umbent R· Appelton) and Donald R. Zuidmulder ll).(i reen Bay). llh Dlllrlct : Lynn S. Ade lman ID·S hor ewood l, Glenn R. Davis llnc:~m~benl R·Waukesha ) and G. Sam Davis CO-Hartland) . THE POI NTER Page 4 August 29, 197.4 Leon Bell retires llrBtrnbtrgrr·.a l ie's ht:ld tnt h ~t:S uf c: olont:l , vice prnldt:nt. assil tanl chancrll or. and Portage County 5Upti'\'ISOI', In a more rGmplttr tl!rltl ht 5 the pert:nrnal Lron E lkll. AND - featuring - ftshntt lnd!Jspruds ineenatlndbumen Russel Stover C11Mfies Vermont M•l»f u ndies Pennycandydep,ar1 ment unusual gttttlng catds lcecrtam sodas plant holden suiW!g wu stuffed anim~s mobiles and chimes ..... calendan coffee mugs posters music boxes cribbage boards .••. andon, andon.. .•. you1 1ike our unusual shop .•• .-or carl'le1',henowis~inga ntnt' months late r secondcareer asauniH'f:ll l)' ltdmlrnsll'ator but h:u no loolungf~~N·ardtosomecto55 he 's ,.·:aJlungtrtt"IWIIllacane. ("I)UII!r)' Skimgtn wintl!f" ~d ptansforidlth~Mrs nnother roWldof~huntmg Now he's mo•'llllt dt'("pt'r tn t915. 1010 ~tyboardpolitK'S ~~oi thahOJM"il~~olllprovldl: ~~!"Wru~~~~ol• .::t Whe n Be ll fin is hed his m ilita r y ca r eer s pannin more Ulan 30 )'tars of rewn-t1 and acUve duty. he ~~o-u :C7:~:d:~an~~~~~~~t b and M quickJy aecrpttd iovitaUon to be pan ol tht l'lltw Al berlsonadmilllstralllll at Stevens Pvi n t. The University Ct:nttt II"H ha ving IOmC finllllel<~l dtf· fic:u!Ues and facing SOrnt :~;J"~p~~: :!\~-~ aoothe-rdlmension to lift as a: moved up the laddtr 111 the un ivers it y a d mlm strattoa ra pidly . " It wa s fun - it was ant-· cl Ung experie nce to be in· volvtd when th ere ~~o·;asJurh t r e m e ndo u s gr owth ," ht !'ffalls. ln a ddit iootnlht ri nll ncla l m a n agemtnl . ht was res ponsibl e with lie\·erll assis laots ind ucting P'lannrr Hay Specht in !Ill• mul ll· m il li o n d o ll a r bu1ldint program that took pial"(' There wer e day' of tl'II>IOII. heapproad~ n is&ndbl r · lhday in October. . Bell . IMIStant chancdlor for 1Ju 5ineu Arfa irs 111 positionformer ly labl'll'li\'1('1! prt:si dent l at UWS I' h~5 IK'aded one " ' thtl'lt' 1113111 divisiono f lhe mshtuli<lnfor the past eight years For thrtot)'tarsbeforethat he wasdi rectorofthe Urn•·er:~~ t y Q-nt~r Downtown, Main at Strongs (.bull()" 11 httle,..hile.hislife hUll& 1n the balaoce but only Jr Rctirtd m 1963 from a d1 stl ngu1 5hed military OLD FASHIONED SODA FOUNTAIN 1M mtdst o{ a m1raculous n'C"O\'~ from a gun~ot would to the lq rt«IVtd fr om 3 Sl ray bull." las t S<lnmbrr ~~o·ht le hunll.n& d_l'lt':r IM'ar h1sla ke i:Oilllgt:ln Vtlas lU C. I Toda y . Bell , an oph nust .,.,,thual for physical fitnt'Ss andinteresttngthlng, todo that can ''hcl ppec~ple "t~ m helladm it,buttht'yt~ not to take:. persooal loll1111 IX•II has e,·ur reason to h.oulr. forwa rd to maoy more prudt~t·u,·e,·ears lbli father . urd:u Ht'd Mtlhodisl rmm~l••r turiK'd philosoph y .111 andJI.'i}t'holugypro fes~~ t. a pr11at•· t•ullt"&t' m Vtrgtnla IIH"tlht•althytoagt'91. IJis moi iM'Ttt'OK"ht-dl9 t'WSI ' (llaot'1.'11or Lee S. llrt·) f~oif;h:~llyannOUilc:td lkll'~ rt'hrt•mrnt Monday ntj:hl . •\ Ui: 26.:u aspecial lllt'\"llnl:<~flhc facultya sit bt·gtns an other aca demic )"NifiMilhe:-IKlth anmversary uf t~ IRi'll tutiOil "s opening. !)rt•)"IUII. also a nnounced a r t'o r ~antta ll o n <1 f ad · rnuu~>traltn•offtcnth.a t a re lube m c-fftoctlmmtdiattly . In a prepan:d statement. faoo-~a"toalt lheway Up llrr)fussatd thehllt,doW11tlw olopo-o.. "l.t:on Bellh.as 1.-uugh\ lo lhiS Ufl iVtr:ll t)'l lrou.adi.Jwoblock . Covtr lr tml'ltdo\6 a mount of ex· pt'rlt'll('l'lndantnnateabilit y IJl undt:r t t andi n g nqtantUIIOna l st r~K:t ure . Girl•aion• •lth Jou ~:,t'n a.~ ~ ' "' rH, II is on his flldltrncntlha t l rely huvlly ''"' h•sn.- oraamuhooto meet the new c: ha llengu o f Stll btlt t atwn at thi 1 In · ~l •luhon " "" Ahove a ll , I ~ Bell has ht-tna true a nd loyal c ri tic andlrtcnd "" ~'film l.k!IJ the high S<:hool l(r :. duate wh o joined the S;lltonal Guard iiS a bu&Jar. IO /14•1J tl\l• COWity board • :::~~::,!'~:n:h;t!!r,s~= a b111 jllh ~head in pvl ltlcs d~altnK wt t h p o ll ution 1Jrohl l'ms of !le'o'tTal area laketO,thcrc'sa nerai n bet..,~.,lofmore l han 40 years that ha~e mvolvtd ' 1erriric au ,gnmcn ts .' tt: rr ific e x per.enc:u and te rr iric PNPie " 19.99 SHIPPY SHOES In t~ Uc-11 made 10me ~'o!ICta tionsthatltdto hls MAIN AT WATER 1·•entuald«-1sionto moveto SIPVmJ I-'<It nl Y."hilt:lef"ving :. prllf"'-sor llf a~r 5Cintc:e and ht-:.d ol itOTC at U.all State llnl\"tt.S.I)'In Munc:ie lnd he br..":aml:'l<"qu;llnltd ;..; th .•Uie iiJ;S~l>l.ant tu lht: l)fe:Sidenl, lames II. Albertson ..mo 1 lotUe /at~ WH k1 be n~mtd II the man '*"ho had kJif'o• m u:h bigger problems .. earlier jobs , he rrcau~ F"o r lhe past st\·cral }fMS he has been a member of thf Porta1e Coun ty Ko.:1rd II Supervison , mo•· m~e .., 111 those ra nks rapidly . tou lit c.'UI"fl'tlUyis a memberoffl•t major committtt'!i ;and ~t chilirman of lh r~ ~trp.lr1 ::~~~uc~~i'!., sp~·~.:.j, a~;~ volvesasti<:kyproblt~nno. of danger ous pollu1t"'' lf'u•ls in l...akes lle lrn and Emtl) llealso in on t ht:bo;ardoltht Com munity lodustr ws. Jnr . 3 mem ber of Rolar)" Ouband a ves tryman 11 the 1-:p•~ Olurc.'h or the ln tcrcC"S51011 All a J lobe INI!l('f, bt 5peak.s glowingly of ht~ aiiCI his fa mil y 's ruponSt' tu loft' 11 Wisconsi n . " You can't kilo-. how much we 've apprt'l:l~ltd the Jae t OW' kids ha •·t'll "t 11M' to go th fOU&h the probkn» ol arowina up in big c111es."' bt told a reporter . Bell wi ll be honort'd tlus on cam pus a t a fart"llril r rt:rp ti on h os ted b)" h1s r• coUeagues . Saga offers coupons byTI.'fTy V.1U Off -ca m pus ltudcn1S De:lz.dl Hall residents and ,.,u hil ve"the opUon of UStlll tltt ne w coupon prog ram pll inl tla ~ a t th e Unll"rrSII)" Cen ter t U.C. I in addthon If the r ra:ul ar 15 and 3l mtal f:: pr.WO::~ by r isillll 1:,1~: ~d .'!~n;r::t 1blt ~~:~'·,~~n}=~yf~ :,~el~ ~~it7'!~at= UW .cmtnl Administrallat ~- ~~;;a:~~ OeBot l!:er rtsideni:S ""tft nots!r'"~~ . theolf~ ~~:~w:;.!!!:~ =~~haJu.Sa&:e~;n ~rn.z: 101 o p e r at e at a Page 5 byTerry \'.1u John B. Ellery, assistut to the chancellor since 1968, was named Vice 0\ancellor of becat1'lethe aN-a is pleasant, he is comCortable nere and amoog people of wbom he is fond . Academic Affairs and Dean During the sc reening ·~o;:~:~~e:fer~!c~~h! i:J~"m~~~e ~d ~~~ !l'turnedtothe facult y, in the and faculty support tnat he number two position on l.'ampus July 1. A sea r c h and sc reen C'Ommittee of studenu and fac ulty headed by F'r;lflk t;row, history p r ofess or sefected Ellery from approximately tOO candida tes. !lad ntver expected. " I think it .,.-as one of the nicest thincs that h.u ever happened to me in my acadtmic career and it ""'Ould stilt have been the nice!'tthingif I hadn't gotten the job." · EJ!ery emph!UiU'd that he The chancellor and tile Board intends to build on that of Regents approved the support to make the Vice selection in June. Chancellor of Academic In addition to his previous Affairs Of(ice the fO<:<II point ~ponsibi l itiesasa»istant of decision-maki ng on this to the chancellor, Dlery was thetirstdeanoftheCoUegeof Natural Resources CCN RJ "'ilenitwas organiudint!r.O. and has been a facul ty member 11f the Com mWlication Department . Prior to coming to Stevens Point . Ellery was head of the 1-:nglish Department and ac t ing dean ol Nja l a Uni•·ersity College in Sierra Leone lor tw11 yea~. Earlier he "'"as ch.a riman Ill the Ellglish Depar tment at East Tenoesset' St.ate University, di re ctor of radio br11ad · castuig at Wa yne State Uni•·t risty, and a member of the facu lt y at both the Umvt rsity of Montevallo and the Uni\·trsi ty of Iowa \lihydidhtfinall ysetUe in He said Stevens Point ? campus . lie said that Academic AUaln is the primary office within the adm inis tration and therefore where the power should ~ide. Thetinalword should be in ter ms of -..."hat is good for the academic program, he said . Ellery im plied 11\at In the past. the Oftice of Academic Affairs was trea ted as an equal11f Business and Student Affairs. and :at time s domin<~ted by the two. Ulery 1\as recommended that the vice chancellor Ill Acadm1ic Affa irs be made the permanent chairman of the Administrative Council, the most inOuential committee on campus. li t !laid that it wasn't mean t to be a power grab. but rather to ., _S___t-______f__f'__: I 1 11 _ ' :~:~~ ,e~.~~re~,:: ..-'l_ I at thiS uniVIU"Sity . I He hinted that there might _ I alsobe a changeontheOf(ICe 1=:,:-~· ~=;.. .. _ _ , of Academic Affai r s in- <.}.. , , _, ..., _ , l~ ··:'£~~§:=-- ! ~~f..,:S~tte:U~~~ !if~~E?§j,." ~~~~;~~~~ I-·- •·• .,,., 1...... _ . . _ . _ - ....... 1 Ellery Indicated strong academic reasons, ~at ~me L::-_c:::_::::: / ~~=r f:rul~t; ~:~ ( # ~~ Men \...1-.•v ~~ and Women's ~ Hair Styling by ~ .. -- · ~ "t'~,~- ;~;~. Mr. Richard . .; · ( and , ~· · t, Miss Lu Rae - · ~ ~.! . • .~'J .\PPOI~JT'.H ';T r~ ()U CI)'.1L IN TODAY' 341-1717 TODAY'S HEADS ~l-\IJTY SAL ry., <;'~l,cq !JV \', 3] 1<) (:h"" t, $! .. ~·! P,c~u r d •l·. • ',' 1] • oi ~ P"" T ,.~~ """ ~" I •.&;.• Soi••"lo·f'l.o••·I•I2)0Jortt Te nure might guarantee se.: urit yfor an"undesirable instru.:tor," buttheyarea minority , ht said. The quality of an ins tructor is dirficult to measure, and only an indlvldual'speers are capable of that type of judgment . said Ellery . He said the student is a peer In a ~tricttd sense, and their input is essenllal. Ellery added that he 's not worried about involving students in fac ulty co m - ~~t~=~ ~~u~ 11~e ~~!fo! wit h the Individual com· mittee. Thoseareaswherehe is most ramiliar, such as the Planning Prog r amming, Budgeting Advisory Com mittee IPPBACI win give student ob&ervers Including thecampuspress,previnusly excluded. Hismajorconcem istoget more input into Studtnt Gove rnm ent f o r In formational purposes," said Ellery. Joh n Ellery WELCOME BACK STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF. HAVE A GOOD YEAR! 'D IAMOND RINGS BY ORANGE BLOSSOM KEEPSAKE COLUMBIA BELOVED COSMIC KAYNAR 'DIAMONDS · OUR SPECIALTY' COME IN ANO SEE OUR DIAMONDS IN COLOR GREEN - CANARY - BURNT ORA~GE DIAMOND IMPORTERS CHECK OUR PRICES GRUBBA J EWELE RS 941 MAIN ST«.U'r STEVENS POINT, WIS. S4411 PHONE 171SI J44.7121 RECREATION SERVICES SPECIALS AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 8 -33% discount on rentals of bicycles (Including tan dems) Tennis Racks Back Racks -25% discount on rentals of Golf Clubs Sc ub.i Equipment STOP IN AT THE UNIVERSITY CENTER, SEE OUR INDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES AND PICK UP A COPY OF OUR OUTING EQUIPMENT RENTAL PRICES. Poqe 6 THE PO INTER August 29, 1974 Lack of leadership dissolves Pacisci G«~~;---------siE~oMuSI~ : 745 MAIN ST. I by AI P:nllk l THE l l HARMONY l BAR lI lI l WELCOMES YOU BACK TO POINT! l I I I 1 I I STOP IN TODAY j HOURS: MON .· THURS . 3:00 ·ON FRI.·SAT. · SUN . 12:00·0N leAdership. It railed btca115e .n~:~~~ -;:~e::~O:c'!!~ olP~t'::f ~~~~:~a~~ t.-:lp and otMr assistance to CUrtis outlined the openturc ~;;·e:K=~~u:~!rf;:?:.; =~~n~:c::t!t ~~.1:) Aug 1 11M.' Pac:"asc:l Board was lol.d 10 ri lher •dopl ce r tai n r«ommrndatioos in ortlef' to be lundrd by the Wisconsin Counc1l on Q-imi~ l Justice 1wcCJ t, or u •Jecl the S~t'SIIOIIS. lose lh~ runds and d1aoi\·r l'aci!l('l'l votifll members \'oted.nJLJiy todissoh·ea ft~ r be..• om mit con v i nc~d that 1he organ• za t ion nee de d <"hangll. but thatth~ people to do lhe wo rk we r e no t FOOS LEAGUES POOL TABLES L-------------------- \ people lo nisethemont)' l.lld lhc people to •dminbt"' lht mont)'." Tom Hogel•nd. • 11\flnbtr or the P aclsci Bo..rd or ~irrc:t~rs . who proposrd d1S1olv1ng the orpnir.al 1111 Sllid ,"what 'sa tstak~hrrf il the leadcnhip or Pacisci. ancl il appears we don't ~~~~~ any." WUJiam Phllllpa, chairman ol thetask rorc:e, nidheabo did not see who wa& going 1o provide theu rvlc:cs loq•outh a\·a•labl~i ntheSie\"ensPoint whlc: h Pacisci had bren 0:· a~a rcrin a . Thr vole was 26 in favor or Gerha rd Heltlr r . (rom the d1s.solving Pac:"1Sc:i, one op· UWSP Uealth Center. uid posed. and lwo undecided. the Comprehensive M~ntal Thr th reil l lo Padsd Health !5 1.421 Board voould emtrgl'CI in JW1e v.·hen the takeu ptheslac k. WCCJ decided to fund Pacisci llettlcr nid the 5 1.~2 Uoard for lh rre monlhs inslead or will provide a 24·hour cnsu th~ norm;~ \ one )"car grant. phone, and could tak l' 0\'f'l' •\ t.askfo~t·compl'lsed or suprrvisionor\.herapgrouPI Pac•sc• membrrs was then and even tu.all )' dt\'l'lop 1 orgamud to devt'lop con- mental health clinic ~~ohfc~ ~·n•tr , mra)u r abl~ objr(:livcs could take the plact o( lhr ror thr Pac1SC1 program, job drop ·in center . do:~c:"npt10ns ror its sta rr " I don't s-ee tt\;!t many nwmbt•n and a melln:S by ~~~~r::;;!~~~~~ :~Ja~ ~:C:hll!::tlv=-··bel~~tt': t">ol:lbh!Jtrd so tha t referr;als said Engt'l Sllid, hov.·rl't'r. ltut ~~o•h •le he did not opp!lSf ot JUierui~'S m trooble v.·1th tht• Ja~~o rould he rt'Crll'rd ~~~~·~.~~~~~:er ~r~'!'c~!~i ~~~~~~~~\!~.:~~ht>h~t~n~~ 0 HI! I'M HENRY Here we are again, back at school. Year after year one wonders what to do or say about your business that won't seem trite or unlnter~sllng. At Parki nson ' s it ' s sim ply this: We' re a Men 's Clothing store; full line , from suits to jeans and everythi ng In between . We are both quality and pric e conscious and guarantee everyth ing we ..u. Stop In and look us over. We 're low pressure peopl e; In tact you mi ght even sell us somethi ng. We have charge accounts, tailor shops and all that neat stuff . But most ol all we have a great group of guys to take care of you . I' ll be seei ng you around town In the next couple of weeks so look for me; or stop In the stOJe-l 'd like to meet you . Who knows, one ol you sliver tongued cutles might talk me Into going hom e with you . This Is really a classy office! Wonder who's il ls?????? Register now at Parkinson ' s Wi,n Henry or one of His Friends ..... would br morr or ;an edura11onal . mformationa l and de ..elopmrnlal type or 01'gamut10n d!rertcd 1oward Hllfln~Jiht• nl'Cds ol )'outh to thecomrnllnllv •• "1lu.• only lhmg it Jacked "as ltadershrp 1-:ngrl sa1d. add1ng all f,.r members of lhr taslr. forrr ag reed tr thr c:"om muruty had seven pcQple 1n1erntt'd m the needs or yoo OI . Pamciv.·ouJdstandup andgrow·· . '" BLJt Par1sci dissolve d bra ausr or Its illck or lhe 51.42 Board. ''The StU Bowl r dhadnomoneydlft'('lrd tov.·ard youth in its 197~ budget and won 't 1n 197S,'" Engel said . llelller said he v.·ould pu:s.h likcmadto&et sometlnglnto th e 1975 budget d1rer1rd speei(lc;ally toward youthl Brenda EnRel , anothtr member o( the task !om'. hoped that "'wilh' thr slarllq: olclaues •t UWSP,studc!IU therecan rt'CO!J nizrlhrnrtds ol you th •nd help pr0\11!f someserv k:e" ~~~~i~~~~DS the imported gift w +" • s • PoW sh cutouts and wood unlngs •Nania & Zuni turquoise jewelry •Atrlcan baskets •BioLJses anddreuufrom lran •Embroidered purses tram Plklltan • Silver and AbalonejewetrytramTaxco •New Mnlcan Pueblo pot1ery •Haus Bittner originll sclnor cuts •Mnicanweddingshlr1s • Embroldmd T·l hlr1s from lfaa · •Mnltanprlmlllves-pt.anlert,potttry • Guatemalan loom Wlllllftglngs ~Oj!._Church St. _144;2.62 AuQust 29, 1974 THE POINTER Poge 7 Communication department moves to GeselL Communication, one of the fastest&rowitll ditp&rtmmt.. at UWSP leta Its own home this fall. • in~~~~~~~ of the institution's foundinl, comm~r~icaUon majors :zo faculty members will settle in the three-story Gesell Building. Gesell had been us.ed as a laboutory school seTVing toddlers and element a r y-class children since it was built nearly ~S yeanqo. Durinl t9n, the gymnasium will be remodeled and transfonned Into a tw.Htudio ,t'ieviston laboratory. Some other alte ra tions will be made, but In aeneraJ the 300 and buildina will. be retained muehinilspresftltstatewilh many of the old furnishin&s ~t int.act . lbetotal C'OSlof the project will be a ppro!U mately St .2 million . The campus radio station. WWSP-FM,whkhalwayshas been in quartt'rs on the fin! story, wil l be enlarged for additional news room spaee. There'll a\10 be new dark fOOIT'S for processifll of film for still and motion pictures, a newsroom to be used by the curricula that has been developed so penons in this developed here for eom- category can pursue munication majon , op- masten: degrees. portuniliesoncampw;andin Accord In 1 I o theareaforpractical student Ch ri s topherson , ''O ur experience, plus a rowln& curriculamakeasense tobotll opportun ites for car~rs a her the students and their emgraduation are basic reasons players." AI a result, he for the department's t'X· report ed. placement o f traordinary arowth . communication graduates Fi\'e years ago. there only last yea r ~~o•as 100 pt'rCt'nt with were about so majors or one· .. the graduates gettina jobs in sixth of the number today. high school or vocotioiWIJChristopherson said the t«hnica l school, radio and department has been a leader television br oadcastinJ, medium for attracti n& memben of the public U. campus to participate in the viewircof outstadin1 movies . 0\rlstopherson believes the location of the unlven:ity In thecenteroft tlest.atenear several clUes of appreciable iize affords studmts with special opportunites to ac tually be employed, In most casesonapart-timebasis,in radio. television. newspaper and public relations offices. ~e:;isn!W:SJ:u~usan~ ~~~~ ~e~i~r'!t !}it:·~~d ~~~!~~r~~fni~~t!~ re~=~=v:':Yr!. typoara ph y laborato r ycommunication mi.ISfum . Department Chairman. M)'Tvin 0\ristophersoa, said he believes the kind of unique IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\\\1\UJII\\IIJIIIIIIIIII in the state to tab the name communication . Several othe r school a have since followedsultinWiseonsinand other parll of the country. ln the curricula, theol.dwas and personnel work. • Ouistoptuenon believes the ' 'hands on" e~mce the majorsgetinvariousareuof communication has provided the extra maraln of appointment to se r ve a se-cond thr~year term as head of his *Partmmt, Is a native of Milltown In PQ!It Coun ty. He e41 rned deirftl fr om Dana Coll~e and plained, "to provide op· portunities for our students to cain expe r ience in th r ee major contexts in which com m~r~ icatlon ocx:urt." Those con texts a r e in· terpenonal or lace to fKe small croup CGm m wUcation; Ol'laniz.ational lnvolvifll the them About 1t studenta are in· volved in the operatkln of the radio station, WWSP-FM, which sen~ a t.i&nal through much of Por1a3e Comly, ano th er 70 Invo lve !hem selves i n the cam pu s television or1anlution whlcl! pr-oductS prosrams of local coming to Stevent Point lD the fall of 1989. • 1n his department, most of the members bold th e Ph. D. degr~ and represent about len of the co..-.try't "finest " instlt ution a that h ave programs in some phases of CGmmmlcalion. "'Th ese are ~esh:!dea!;":~~tart~ r,~~'t:;.~:~..malte ~~Un~~~i!~:mb~f::'! ~:~:f ~~::rc:~on ~~ ~~t:;s',.J~utlbr~a;e::: = i:bi~ r;ot~e ,; ; : butiness. Ind ustry an d Point and Wausau, and upgoverMlmtal hlt't'ardlies; ~~o'lfdsoftoareenla&edin the and public communlcatlon production of a weekly via radio, televition, print campus newspaper , th e and mm . PoUitH. Some of the majors p~ Somethinl relatively new is for teachina careen mainly the Film Socle t l which on the lf!C'OOdarJ level, and Rained lnstatJt populU'Ity aiithe curricula bas abo been ltudmt activity aDd abo a or co mmun ication," 0\r istopherson said. Amqthoseprofeuorsare the unlvenity's two hl&hest officials, Qaocdkw Lee s. Dreyfut and Vice O.ancfllor John Dlery, both o( whom teach one co urse each ~m~eater . We'd like to be your First Friends in Stevens Point! . ' • • f ~. .-· fLI-:.. . • ' -. ! Fl RST NATIONAL 1245 Main StrHI GeHing settled In a place can be pretty tough If you don 't know who to tum to for help. So. . . we tellers at Aut NaUonal Bank lnrite you to turn to us. Sure , wa can hefp yO\! with your ~nklng qu"· lions. But mcwe than knowing just wha l you 'd e xpect . . . we know our way arou nd Stnen• Poi nt pt"etty well, too. So don ' t heslt• te to ask which way to the nearest book stcwe, bike 1hop, cw where's the best plus in town. At Fksl NatJonal, we're gl•d to help you In ..,.-,waywec:an. St(l9byand ... lll todayl "·'-lriftoaJone---.tt...:-.:~~~ :::::;!',:!'::.!"',:...:: =~ BANK OF STEVENS POINT Pc9e 8 THE POINTER Au9ust 29, 1974 Student fees to help fund men's athletics CORN & BEER FEST SAT. , SEPTEMBER 7 12:00 . 5:00 2 bloc:kl North ot Roach Hall on Res•n• Street ALL THE BEER YOU CAN DRINK! ALL THE CORN YOU CAN EAT! LIVE MUSIC AND DRAWINGS FOR DOOR PRIZES HELD OUTDOORS ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE FROM MEMBERS OF A PI by Terry Will Men's athletics at UWSI' ,.·as gauranteed an annual $4Z.~ofstudl.'nt money from acth·ity fees o••er W next four years by Olancellor l.t'l' Sherman Dreyfus m a t«t'nl annoul'll't'mrnt. but " ithout student go1·e r nm e nt ap· pro1·al. TheChancellor 's guaranter sur pr ised members of ..S tudent Go••crnment "' ho normally determine ..-hieh athlt'ln: prot;rarn. he added. ··wr h:••'<' prolcsslonals in thatareaand lthinkthey should de<:1dc, not Student c;o,·cn•mcnt.'' .said Dreyfu.s. Unlk•r tht' new univeNIIy systt•m mt'rl;t>r. just complcted. the Chancellor's authority to •·eto Student Go••ernmcnt decisions is quest10nablr ! lit' consideTs the •·ttut'SICJitial to ensure rnpuns1blc st udent acti005) nor could t_. control student studentorganizationsr~11·e nlont•y 1111 four year s tudent money. fnclud1ng gu:•r:mtt.,.ofa fixed athletic men's athletics. Tllt~tion bu~ct "'all interpretf'd by followf'd an earher dt>cislon membus of Studen t thi s spring b)' S tud't'nt <:Ovt'fnment as a financial co..ernment to shrink the ht.-dgr agamst a loss ol power mens athletic budget to the 0\'t•r studt'ntmoney. Dreyfu.s eurrentS42.500 1CI'el,inpart had••oicedhisoppositionto due to predicted enrollment . partsofthemerger becauseit declines. d iluted the Chancellor's Dreyfus told the l'ointu control over student money that men's athletics could no and incrcasedstudentpower. longer suffer budget cuts Orc)'fiA said his dcci~ion from Student Go\'ernmen t \1'3Sbased largelyupona new and still field tompetiti\'e re:>olution from the Board of teamsintheWisconsinState llcgcnts !the primary ad· Uni\'trsity Conference ministrnli•·e bod)' in the UW CWSUCJ. St udent Govtrn· S)'Stl•rn ) that requin-d an ment will n-ot dt'<'ide which annual minimum of $4!i,OOO athletic pr ograms remain frornstudt'ntacli•·•t)' fees 1M! through budget cuts •n the US(-dfortheathleticprogram ~· at unlver&illes \l'ilhin the WSUC. The resolution ron de~ l gned to_ promot, ~Ul~ble athletic PI'Oitr.uns "lthin the WSUC. It dot$ ;'~~~~~~r':'~en's ath.letk-! ~ Since the Student Go,·t'rll· ment propos;tl or ro.500 1~ 115 short o f th e SH , oeo ~wr:cm::!iutv('e '::';;~:~z Pointer athletic t'\'t'nt.s to WWRW-FM of Wisconsin :~~,:·. to make up th!- d1f. The major conct'rn of SILKient Body Vice President Barb StieJvater and Studmt Controlles- Bob Ba.dzinsld .,..-as the possible efftoct of a fixed budge I on other organizational actil·itn~. if the enrollment dr ops Slidvates- aDd Badzinsld fe~ that other student actll'ities may ha•·e to be dropped, if the e nrollment dt>elines becausethe inflexibleathletl; ~::~will eat into other Dreyfus opUmishcally pr edicted no futurr :::::::~: ~=-~~:.~~~ full time 1tudent.s. .,..·O:Ukl W{' GLAD YOU'RE BACK! HERE' S WHAT'S HAPPENING AT THE UNIVERSITY STORE IN THE CENTER be eligible for a subs1dy to mtoct the $45.000 mmimwn allocat.ion forattlletlcs," !l<lld Dreyfus. The estimated enrollmmt at UWSP for lht> 70 S acadt-mic year is morrt~~ 1,SOO. Frank lin mall • approved by JoeiGuenU.rr The proposed f-'rankhn Sl:nct Mallis,.-ell on•ts.,..·ay to becoming a reality Thr :;~~~~ ··;~e: Point Co m mon Counc1l breezed through the pubiK: hearing on J uly 15. Tht-n.,..·as only one dissenting ClllUII and twoaldennene~rpressin& preference foe- a shorter tmn cont ract. The Mall Is a UW finan«d p-ojecl in cooperation .,..;!b thec:ityof StevensPoint Tht project is estimated loC'OSI t h e UW System 3p· proximately $1 00,000. The lease of th e strttt extends for twenty }'ears plus. Within the(.'()rltract.if thecitywlshestocancel tht lease,a prflnlwnofM,OOOPfl year would be paid to thf Univers ity System for ~mbt.r~ent . The con1truct ion plans must now be drawn , an e n vironmental impact statement nJed and bids be opened for construction. Raymond Spech t, w.lves-sity planner, does 1101 for esee any immedi~te problems. '1'he money is alrud)' SHIRT !MpR!NT!NG SERVICE GREATER VARIETY NO DEPOSIT JtjOJVIOUAl SHIRT SAME DAY SERVICE . ~::~ ~o:r~~~t He Indicated thattbe onlY J::.~. ~et~e~ t;: It wun'lllkdy. "If eve ryth ing sou --------------------------------------------------------J !~~s~~~~ 1. beain In lilx moatM:' Auqust 29, 1974 Halfway House,Conference and Reservations lose Home • byJoe!Gurnther seeuredandthestategrantis The re-establishment of e•pected to go tlvou&h. Oelull Hall as a residence A rise in the cost of hall has forced both the operations is not expected Halfway House and Con· andcostsmayf'\•enbereduced terence and Reservations to by the relocation . The vacate. llalfway llousehasrelocated. The Halfway House deals Mary Moser . director of the With offenders of the la w who Conft!rence and Reset\'ations donotha\·ea long history of prognm. said the loss of crime. ltisaprogramtohelp Delnll '"\o.-ill hurt from a \'iolators.,.'hoha.,.espenttime. Conference point of view "" m ja1l to reintegrate into The close prnimity of the socu!ty . studentwtionanditsfacilities Conference and Reser · offered a great con\·enience vations is a universlty .to theprogram . pro11ram dev ised to ac · Debell also offered o•·er· comodate outside groups in night attomodatlons to those the use of un i versity .,.·ho .,.;shed them This was facilit ies especiall yattracl\\'etoyouth groups.,.•hocouldnotafforda ~like Houlihan. the motel. or1ginator of the Halfway House program in Ste\'ens '"Delzell's loss will Pomt. indicated that he is not probably effect 40 to ~0 upse t with t he si tu ation . percent of Confe r ence "Usi ng Dellell gave the business during the school program a good start, for the year but won't have any ef· budget could be precisely feet on th e s ummer madeout,but it also made the program." This is due to the p r o g r a m m o r e i n · vast amoun t of dorm space ~titutionalized .'" Moving to a during the summer months. hoi.ISe ""may help the people The future of the Con· by forcing them to k«p 11 ference program Is unsure . household.'' said Uoulihan At the moment there is ttn 1dea to make Nelson Hall The mo\'e will no1 affect ava1lablefor Conference use. fmanc1a l support for the Nelson .,.·ouJdbe redecorated llalf.,.·ayBoi.ISe The program to furmsh o•·ernight ac· 15 both federally and state comodations for guests But Ill! Moser sa1d. "It IS Only an 1deaand:t possibility ."" er~n~~~ ::a~~is h~i~eb:~ • THE POINT ER Page 9 WWRW-FM airs UWSP games Radio Station WWRW-FM of Wisconsin Rapids has signed a tlv~·)·ear contract for exclusive tights to commcrtially broadcast a.ll basketball and football games in "'"hich UWSP teams compete, 0Htncellor Lee S. Dreyfus aMounced in July. The agreement, with WWRW. the FM arm of WFIIR · AM in Wisconsin RaDids does not exclude educational radio broad· casting of games or del:~yed tt~le\·ision broadcasts. ""Forthefirsttime, Pointer fans.,.illhavelheopportunity to hear broadusts of all games. both home and away. over radio.·· DreyfiiS said. He added tllat it is also Important because it will ptO\'Ideane.,.•sourceofincome f or the a thl etic programwhichwiU recelvea share of the revenues from the sale of advertisements. Uni\'ersity Personne l believe the Pointer basketball andfootballteamsareonthe doo r step of con fe r ence championshipsinthe wakeof aggressh·e recruiting efforts r~ultlng in one of the best groups of freshmen athletes l>ver to enroll on campus. Conseqlll'nUy, there was an .,!fort to assur" that !!very game will be broadcast, especially those in distan t pl:tces Particul:trly in basketball. Pointer fans ha\'e had little opportunity to get any kind of 1n-depth report on the per· formances of teams which ''--· ha\'1' traveled t o non- to Dreyfus. has never before conferencegameswhi<: h are negotiated a contract for out of state. excl usive comme r cia l The unh·enity according broadcasting r ights Back To School Jean Special At Er~inqel"~ Pant Tree Over 3000 Pair to Choose From in Sizes to Fit Men27 to3Binlengths to38 '" Gals Slzes3/4. 15/18 THIS .COUPON WORTH $2 .00 OFF ANY REG . PRICE GUYS OR GALS JEANS IN STOCK GOOO THAU SAT ., SEPT . 7 BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS!! POINT PEDALER *ALL FRONT GENERATORS • Ntl. l9 Sevbittt 4.99 •19· 5.99 ~ oUN ION • HAT SU NE .WOIIOUUTE 4.99 Reg. 5.89 4.99 Reg . 5 .79 3.89 4.60 R~<g . STOP IN AND SEE OUR SPECIAL BIKE OF THE WEEK -HOURS- Mon.-Thurs. 7:45 a.m.6 p.m. Fri.-7:45 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat.-7,45 a.m.-4 p.m. llm.-11-3 p.m. •10 % off all tubulars (sewups) in stock! •10% on all locks & cables in stock •10% off on all seats in stock •10% off on all front and rear derraiHeurs. • Pant Clips 49'/pr. • Used bikes and bike parts also! • Many other back to school specials. BEGINNING OCT. 15 THE POINT PEDALER WILL OFFER WINTER STORAGE FOR YOUR BICYCLE. CALL AND INQUIRE. 800 CLARK STREET - STEVENS POINT 341-6152. In the beginning there was only mud ond trencnes. b~ TtrT) WiU sampled the enUre campus ltc:lurm n11 \'~terans of the for ide:aa and based upon mud fights and s pr ingtim~ those ld~as. working without t a~ a budget, theJ dec.ided upon Pfob:lblyshll,.·ondt-r~ngwhat old ra ilroad Ilea as the basic happened tothear~a 0\'e r the construction material. The t Stlmmcrmonlh!i ti~s would be durabl r . 111t-"Ptt"alsokoo••mas economical and couldn't bt the backdoor of Watson. used aa "''~llponl Henderson Burroughs . Thomson an d said. J(nut t~n He ~t deno::e lla lls When he was dir«t or of 'III":Uiandsn!ll'dthtss j:W'ingbJ Knut;ren Hall . H~nderson uid stud~ nt lillndsca ptng crew he felt there 'lll"ere at least h!:ad.:d b) !)on lleodcrson, thr ee c han1 es that were former Knutzen ll a ll needed to make the dorm s ()l rtttc.mor~ liva ble . He wanted I l lammoth octagon no...-~r do r mito r ies ca rp eted . bed s o;on51ruC"t~d of old pa mttd and-lan~aped . The 1 · ratlruad hrs. surrounded bJ o::~m~nt patm bloo::ks t rees ami gra~~ • nut that kmd of gras" ' no ..· decorate th~ bndsc;tpo: . prevtou.~lJ ba rren ol \"tf.:eb hllfl Tiler~ are also ~H·ral new st;lttll'il ys built WJt h r~ll r !Jlld hes ll•'e r area s tr:tntttl~-d br st udent traffic &Jopholrs 111 the " l"lt " mtta ., t yt·ar ~; AltcnQntera ndtiWJcircle dr wt' at tlw base of Hanson SchmeeC"kl t . lla ldw m illnti Seale ltesnll'nce llalls a re S.:htod uk'tl tu he landscaped th"' fall Plan ~ c;a /1 for boulder ga rd e ns 111 those an•a) 111th lrt.-n and s hrubs planteda mnngthc boulders . Oldr;uJ road t~t~ WIIiagain be ~IObutld Owoff bcdslike those tn the " Pit. " llcndcr!o6n ongina ted the :: ~~~~'it!:n:ca: ::f~: A Iorge flower bed In bock of Knutzen Holl gets o Yloc. "' Kldl drenching from the sprinkler system 01~ 1 r uou r c~ ll ud~nt s fr om cour ae numbe r 2ti· UI devtl oped plana for im pl~m~nlaion . The c la u - PII.C..,)' R. .ff"tl•rr Visiting cheerleodef3 inspect landscape proj~ in it's eorly SlogeS. blooms-~--North of DeBot thath.ashumansca.le. h·uiT'an quahties and that'5 whlat ,..e're trylna to do ,..,th the landscapeproj«t:·~said . ~initia l eo~tsolthe JaMbcape project Vt'n"t absorbed by HousinJ and Work Study f~<b underv.TiUen by Deo.n Tra1nrr of the College of fall ~emest.tr. but Hen· den011uidhewould prefera longer term proaram be initia t ed to continue foncastin&the needs of the entire unh·ersity in area of lat~d!;capina: . lle said this campus woold be idea l b«ause of the excellent natu ra l rtSOUrce program. The problem would be funding . ''This Ia whue Student Senate mla,ht come program could continue In· definitely ." Natura l Resources Withou t thei r cooperation, HendersonSind the project would ~\'t died1ntheplanningstages He no t ed the ucellent ~:oope rat10n fr om almost t\·e r yone '"the ad m•nisO"ation u the major 5tlmulusin tbeprojtoct . Flowers and· trees grace rhe residence holi landscape after the finish ing touches were applied THE POINTER Pcge 12 August 29, 197 4 Dreyfus announces administrative changes 5 11 1 David Coker was named was announced ~onday ef· /:~":Sas~~~~ 11 ::;~ 0 r~! ~-~~~ 3:t~o~~~ -,n~~.e an~W~~~ 0 ~~!: to s~~~~~~~d~Ji:r sa~d ~~~~-=~~~~ ~e~:~Jo; n~; :~~~~:!!:~o~~~~~~~~:~. ~~~n~e~l~ 1r~: ~~~n~i~ ~~d ~~\~aeti!n:_ rll~ ~~:lattitJ~ ~=~lhede~d :or d1~; ~~~~~=of~~~~d~~;l~~~~ ~k~~~~':ti'~;d:elh:!~ ~~~~n,..~~h~~~~~~~a~: ~~~a;~~~c:~~~~ ~;~~ ~n c~~~~~o~w~~-st:: ;!~~~~::i~7.h~~k~~ :~~ ~hda~~o~· ~~~errc:e~~~ ~~!n::ili!~an:orto A~':de~~: :';e a~'!'t'~~~~~~a~. campus A st reamlining of the 0 3 0 30 nounred Monday night by O!ancellor Lee•S. Dreyfus as Affairs. 3 post 10 which ~ the functions of the old was named earlier lhts summer al so be in charge of many of ~~~:!~uti:~ ~n~~e ~~~ ~~~~:~o~a~fh~~~~ ~:~~ l.ni•···.~•~•~Yo~f~fo~~~di~""~·~~~S..~II.~J~'·~·~·h~o~~re~ti~re~m~on!<!!!lf!ow!•!~'!'!·.!"!m!o~o~f . the GET QUICK ANSWERS TO TOUGH QUESTIONS! A f f 3 i r 5 ...,, hen Go r don 1-:llery has bee~ here si!"Ce llaferbeckcr held that post. 1968 ~~d rece 1 ~ed Wide Sigmunds's sta ff wil l reeog~T1at thehm~~ was • 0 :~~:e~=~ ~~~~~~~t::~ ~:;f'lL!l 0~ ~Jynl ~!'~~nv\c~ a'nd institutional research chancellorshipincharseorthe headed by Paul Holman ; budgctplanningandanalf!iS led by Paul Kelch ; phys1cal p.lanningheadcdbyRaymond Spec ht ~ systems 11nalysis headed by John SWJdstrom ; and data processing headed by Robert Schmidt . Coke r 's en larged area responsibility will be divided into n~ major afl'aS and he -.ill be assisted by Adolph J . Torewski. a career civil serviceemployeinthestate, graduate of UWSP and expcriencl'd administrator in state government both here and in Madison, as his assistant . Toruwski will be personally resporu;ibleforthe operation of the personnel offi ce headed by Ro land Juhnke . The fi•·e majur afl'as uoder CokP.r'.o~ difl"':tion are student life services to be headed by Fred Leafgren : co-<urricular services headed by Helen complete aeademic program which includes fou r col!f'iH plus the a rea of educauonal se rv ices and innovative programs. Thret! years ago. Coker, at 11ge 34, was one or the )"Oungest men in the old Y.~sconsin State University System to be elevated to a •ice presidentiai2Q$ition on a campus when he was named in charge or the Student Affairs area . Later the position was renamed AssiSIIInt Chancellor. Sigmund. as the new assistant to the chancellor. comes to that position with long ex~rience as both a faculty member and ad ministratorat UWSP, having ar rived here in 1956. lie became the Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for ,\cademic Affairs m 1967 and in tile lastcoupleofyearshad ~~~~~; :a~ ~~d ~~~rn~ \::~e~fa1~nl~;o~~~a~~n'': Gibb , controller 1\eaded by theuniversitywhich led to his DonaldJ . IIosie . andge~ cur rent appointment. services dir~ted by ltlram Krebs. SiKmund has been active in LeaiKren will be respon- faculty go•·ernance and in sible for housing , the promotingthatconcept here. University Cente r , food Ea rl ier he was Stevens • ~::\~~·. dl~~~~~:~f~~le;:,sd ~~~~-s~:~=i~tag;~~~~~~ e e SEITER GRAD ES HORE FREE TIME • • • WILL DEMONSTRATE CALCULATOR OPERATION AND WILL ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS . a Portable Slt·ID ellou ..,at talt~latlon• po11Lble • Ltb ta&l&euln& 1t1de r~lu. I Ll&bt eatnh& diod e dllphJ abo • • l·di&Jt••otLaa a. 2-dLilt e , PODtatall.d 2a1 111• . I Portabl eor ACoperat ton : C ~&fii"I".IDPIIt eHbtr IUV / 60 H z or 220VISO tb. I Carr7 cue. coanrter/ dlaraerlacladed. I Po• t rful tutur u • ~ •I · llCIUtitlc portable •bleb pl"".li": Lh. const &atudp! ( n J •d •clmt lrtc aouuoa. 1 Llcbt UJtt]O&d]Od•dJap]aJIIIOUI·dlllt l&llt h u , 2 •dlatt . . PODtat, Ud 2 llpa . I -.fUll CN.CIJI...UOit•Ofl••·atiP IDUC,.ted c 1r ~1111t. I Port a bl• o r AC o perHJ o a; dl uur LDIIU t ~I tiler ll~vt eo liz or 230V/ ~D ~:~ lud~d~ arr 7 cue . co aurt e r / c b•r&er SR-11 79.95 student government. of the old Association of ~frey wi ll lead the ad· Wisconsin State University miSs ions , r egist ration , Faculties which now is The orientation. l inancia~ aids, Association of University of Programs recogniung In · Wisconsin Faculties. dividual Determination throughout Educat-io n There will be a 511ving of PRIDE and foreign students dollars in the reorganization offices or progr;ul}s. al though Dreyfus did no t mention s~ 11Lcs . But he Gibb"s responsibi lities will •odicated the new structure be the recruitment program. Will set an atmosphere of alumni , placement. con- economy which he predicts Is ferences and parent s a !rend or emphasis In the prOgrams or offices . operation of higher education Fun~tion~ in account ing, nationwide for the next installment billing. cashier decade. andpay rollofficesare inthe chargeof llosle . 1 Krebs is de~ igna ted to re~~t~:~~~:~n.a~~aar':e Xs:! head the maintenance , Sigmund, Dreyfus said, will cu s todial , facilitie s help meet the Inc r eased management , antral stores, needs for data requested by purchasing, communication sy5lemwide administrators ser vicea. heatin&plantand in Madlson who likewise are protection . sec urity and an s we r ing t o a s tate safet y operations. legislature better acq011inted In the a~ademic affairs than ever in the area of area.thenewViceChancellor higher education. Ellery will have as his assistant Carol Marion, a " We e:an't afford losln~ history profe:ssor here for tomorrow's battles trylq to approJdmatelya decade who plug hole s in today'1 has been a~tive in The problems ," Dreyfus said In Association of Univ~nity of oescriblq the new budget Wi sconsin Faculties plannlng functiom. ITAUWFI of whi ~h she is a 31 statewide officer management for e:hange William B. Vickentaff will without the growth and Ita fl'main as the person in accompanying growth in charse of flllanagement of the dollan for the campua budget ch~ncell~~r·• orfle:e pluJ th a tpu ne: tuetedtheee:ene un•vers!ly relation• . herei nrecentydrs. u~sk~~ h~ \~nlfc~:;~ ~! • AuQusl 29, 197 4 Page 13 THE POINTER Michigan Avenue plan is revised byJodGuornthn- an arrangement all the ""'I)' tothebeltline " ltealsonoted this ,..ould relie\·e trafrlc from the Ct'nter of campus. mer. The previo~a~ route was Burke added that "safety Is critidzedbyorrldalsubeing the number one conside-ration cbmagina to se\·eral Ullique for the campua." reaturesofthearu . It .,..as noted tht trees The new route ""' as could possibly be tran de\·riopecltoprt'lft'\'ecertain !iptantrd to mmimize damag~ """tlands, uplands of pa rklllc.t 1n constructiOn and that nature. a nat~ral stream, and recreat1onal facdtties could ttrtain rock format ions and be promoted Most noticeable ...-as the hardwoods. lllenewplanisthelatestof Dr ~yfus Lab Idea The four~evlousidcas . ltwoWd Dreyfu s Lake Idea is place the r011d east of the presentlyunderafeasib.ihty original plans and wiU crou study by II'UVetSit)' offic1als. North Point Drive lJlO to lOO The lake ""'ould encompass The planned extention of Michigan Avenue has lrl· dergone rtVision this iUm · yardseast oftheR~seneSt .· ap~olnmately30to4Gacres North Point Driv e in Michigan Av tersect ion . ""uuld then meet Reserve St . near the Sentry complex . Areawide Planner, ¥.111iam Burke said. "We appannUy do have a route now that protects. and in some ways mhancesthenaturalfeaturcs ofUlllverliityhands : aroute that meets with Sentry's :~pproul and !hal meets w1th the Wli\·ersity's approval .. The City Planrung Com · m1ss1on and the Board of Public Worts appnwed the rxlt'ntionpriortobeingvotrd 1nonthe June 15meetmgof the· Stevens Point Common Council. 'The Cll)' then voted for an Envinwunental lmpact Sta!ementtEISl 'The EIS was later g1\·en to John Strand of Madison At'COrdlng to City Enginl!'ft" . Tim GN'mmer. the road ...;n probably be "road and gutter." Grtmmer was unsure if Michigan A\·e ...-ould be ""idened . A goal of completion was let at t.,.·o and be used for study . recreational and 1\' ater retention purposes It would be locatrdnorthea.stofMaria Dri\·e on Uni\'ersny Foun· dation land . "The cit y may parl.lci pate m the lalc.t pr-oject ," said Gremmer . butmdJcated that the fea s1b1hl)' study and e nvironmental 1mpact ,utement must f1rst be Along wit h the Michigan ""' Ave.eJrtention is a possibility for the closure of Reserve St andtheconstruetionofabike route and foot path . Grt•mmer sald . "The bike route would probably include DNR adds to deer plan by Joel Guet~LhnThe Wisconsin Department of Natural Resour«stDNRI h:J!I're«ntlyanno~.mceda new aspect to its long range deft" management plan. The new aspect consists of openin&small patches of dHp northern forests to produee edge habitat . Edge habitat Is Impo rt ant in maintalnl n& large quantities of food . Tlle edge made by the openings ...;u aiJo provide food and CQVtr for species besides ...... To make the opening• the ON R would probably cut the trees necusary and then bulldoze the st umpt . It will then be seeded with 011ts to ~ovide a cover crop for cloversanclg:ruta. Uttlemainl.l.i.na.ncewillbe neces.ury to ke-ep up the qualityoftheseopeninp. The Pf'OIIItn Is expected to increuelhe numbertof d«r in tbe northern foretts . Prevk)laJy. the berd was &rowin.& small« due to a mat~rina of the foreab which produce lela food . Regular Vota-- Regi~.tratlon dosed at s p m \\ednesda y until after the St:ptvnber t O primaryelection Priorlotbe deadline . Student Governmen! held a thfft-day Voter Rl.."&istrallon dri\•e on cam pus . When registration dosed Tuesday. the second day of thl.' drive. 360 new regist rations had been filed. Those who have not registn-ed, but ...·ant to vote on September 10. may stlll do !iO According to a new statut e . any non-t"egistered, but othe r wise eligib l e resident may regiSier at the must be accompan ied by two ~Tgistert.od voters from tile ward in .,.·hich they are claiming resid~e . Student Govt'mment provide the t.,.·o registere-d voters to accom pany any s tudent regi stering or no t ing a O t y0erk'soffice~r~til5 p.m . change of address from Monday . Sept em bet 9. They previous regist ra tion under thiS proviRon . .,.,II Poster and Blacklite Headquarters Largest Selection in Central Wisconsin Incense Fish Net Gifts and Novelties P IIOIIilloiNST. ACII.OSSFII.OIIII OSCO C"Ompl~ed --wiilcome back UWSP students! CABLE TV SPECIAL FREE INSTALLATIONSAVE MONEY FULL YEAR OF CABLE TELEVISION FOR LESS THAN THE 2 SEMESTER MONTHLY COST Total bill $66 33 tax inc. Free installation (usuALLY s12.So) Plus service up to one year (USUALLY $6.03 per month) FIGURE IT OUT: IF YOU'RE HERE 9 MONTHS THATS $66.77 with the instal lation . YOU CAN SAVES .44 DIRECTLY . THE POSTAGE . AND THE HASSELS COLLECTING YOUR ROOMATES' SHARES MONTH AFTER MONTH . SPLIT $66 .33 UP ONCE AND FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR YOU'VE GOT NO PROBLEMS . IT'S CHEAPER AND EASIER FOR THE BOTH OF US . ~ J025Cl¥11St ~ ]41·0116 --~ l025CbrtoSt. ~ l4l· Oll6 ~ a::;; l025ca.t.St. J4l -Oll6 PoRe 1• August 29, 1974 THE POINTER Lake close to reality by Joel G~~mOaer A lake of approximately30 to 40 acres may be buill! noc theast of the campus. It would lie north of Maria Drive a nd Th e Village npartments . Presently the lake is under :a fusibility scud y by university o rri cia ls . A Madison firm is doinc the ~ngin~~ r in& . Recr~ation , Rudy and wat~ retentton llWS a~ btm& cons•dend By ron Shaw . fac ulty member of the College o( Nl!.tura l R esou r c~• t CN R ) said, " My firat impression was not so &ood as to quality, but aft~ a f~w lnillaltt:Sts. it's bttt~ . " chai rma n of the Natural to the chan«llor, itldicatfd Resow-~ Departmftlt said that the lake ,.'OU!d be a big that the area in question "has txxmfor univBSity promotion not really been used in· anc. stiXIent recr eation . " I ~sive\ybystudents." th ink \Oo'e :are at the point There iaalsoa quesUon as Y.tltre "-e're very close on to use of the Ja ke . CUy of- th is thing being a reality," ficials have lndkate!d that a said VlckenLifr. mull iple use objective is opti mim . This may include r~ r utlon. fl ood control. aesthetiul and shKiy pur· poses. But univtn\ty olficials question Ule multiple 15e CM«pt. "No way c.an I see the Jak~ I Wildli fe of all kinds will have a smallopenspKe ln Mllc:b they can seek the sun, food and other diverse needs th at tbe forest edge and tbis future small meadow will prov ide. 1be openingwascarvedoutofa poodysl.ocll.edfornt a rea by a bulldo:tert oforesca.ll a declineinlocalwildllfepop ul ations, partlcul:lrly the wllltetailed deer. !Department of Natw-al Reso~rce. photo ) • asawlllt ~retentlonareaina multiple use program, " said Newman. John H~a ton , CN R faculty member noted , " Many uses are not co mp a tib l e . Sacrifices would bt made for one use at the ~ICJ)mSe of Much of the controversy of others." the lake has come from its Neverthelna, William past use. James Newman , Vickrntatf, spedal uaistant Powder burns and backlashes t!!! byJotiG~.enther With Ule advmt of clnses res wn ing, I wi&b to bt the fi rst to ..,-elcomelll ll udents. ~•~ads and freshDersons. Unfortunately th.la wtltome unnot be ex tended to the facult y or administrat ion. You m1y think this a bit ra5h but I believe we outdoorsmen have that right. Especially when in.ttructors purposelyscheduleexamson beautiful gunning d1ys. And theyevengoto far as to upect rev~ed h~ters to attmdclassduringtheduclt season! Considering we help pa y theirsalaries,wouldyou say they are gnleful'! Then ther e Is the ad· ministration. In front of the wtloleworld , theystillhave theaudacity toopcn school during the trout seasonl And they wouldn 't even listen when a meaa:~ settlement was proposed, that of closing 5hop during the deer season. circulateapetltion derna.n· ding that 1 ri&oroua clau schedule be maintained Cor the months of April and May. All~ al l, one 5hould refuse to allow school to l nt~fere too seriouslywithhls hll"l lingand fi$hing . l::.ditor1 oot.e:: DH't mbs ou t ..,.«lis C:oiiiDII wbea Guenther loilds his pu for bea r and rensls -111eo1 liberation •• 1 communbl· pi nko plot to undoermiae tbe democ:rat ic u lec:tlon of , Ame ric a n bour b on over ~·odb . OH NO! You boya g1t out of thos1 shi rt s hiiY HI Darn kids , you e1n hard ly bl1m1 tMm though! Wh1n you IH ~:l:,sd t~:~,•;•e:::~ s::::_ ~~ ::r';!w'~~ b ~if\h~ ahlrts that look so much Ilk• wool , you e.an't till th1 d!Herenu. Of eourn Parkinaon 's ha" Plndillton , too, l« you puria ts. ThoH pl11ds ar1 so rich 1nd IJEC itlng It mikes 1 SJUY w1nt to howl 11 the moon. Som1 of my frlends do that, you k,_ , 1nd they lta nd just on th.W hind ~~ - Anyw1y, If It 's s hirts you w1nt , It's Partlnson 's . Don 't worry 1bout the kids , the Parkinson PlOP!• und•111nd: they ~ty of their own. 1 hi•• Register now at Parkinson's Win Henry or one of His Friends ) In Wisconsin budget review bill ~UQ U$1 29, 1974 THE PO INT ER Poge 15 UWSP receives $2.7 million by BobKerllslec k Ovtrtllo·omillioncfollarsin would spend $67 m lUion and the Democrat co nlrolled Assembly approved a budge! review planworth ... trnillion. Final pu u &e of th e com promise bill came on Gov . PatrickJ. Lucey signed June t:z. the budget review bill Into Among the partial ve toes law Jl,ll)e 27. made by y was one Lucey used II putial de n yl n& I g lsla t ors and \'tlOH to cut U .4 million from tha!thereisa~ncyin constituti aJ offi«n a nve other parts ol the m million 0 1 Ar!fn':!t~ll~~ :,hic~en~-~~ sai d the perc e nt os t -of-ll ving pay bill The s:u million In bonded released in fo'ebruary showed "B«aust of thai. I'm very compromise bill was a very inc rease on top of the aubr espons ibl e p iece o f st anlial p ay Incr eases 1mprovementswillbeusedto thatU\\'SP rec1!ivHtht least optimistic." evacuate and levt.l Old Main , amount ol net state su pport Chancellor Lft Sherman legislation ~laDy when alrudy cont ained in th e and to pr'O\ide ~l•cemtnt peT student of all the UW Dreyfus said that he believed compared to w~l the Senate reaular budget bill a pproved last year. s p ace l o r the eamp u s Systems campuses that Ctntn.l Administration. had originally dont. Withtheg~rnor'saction, Da ve Htlb ac h . ad· th e ie&isla tur e a nd the Both houla ~ ealled admi nistrat io n and, the gO\·emor tta~·e always been back (or a special session to thebillcarrietaS35.3milllon commi tted to equa l fun ding e na ct the bill aft e r the price tag. well above the $ 17 andthatthiswasjusta nother Republ ican controlled Senate million proposed otiginally step in that direction. He also passed a review bill which by Lucey. bonded improvem~ts and 5601) ,000 in relie f funds for UWSP survlv~ vetoes wh~ Commumcation Oeparlment. The 1600.000 in relief fWl · m1nistrative ai d to Sen WiUiam Bablit.ch t D,SJev~ Point I, said !hat ht believed giving UWSP the 5600,000 at bttwnn the UW System the expense of UW Green Bay c;1m puses lt ,.,i\1 be used to and UW Pa rk.side implied rehlrefacultyandslalf,a nd r«ognltion on the part of to continue programs wtuch ~ntral Admii!Utration, the ...-ouldotherwisehavebeen le& islature a nd the governor dine is a ste p toward equa\iu t ion of fu nding '"' Ban on alcohol lifted by Bob K.er kJied: espte1aliy true when tMt The Board of ~ents vottd student can s1m pl y walk a ac roulhe Sir~ and &ct a in drmk It's like tr)1ng to dorms. pretend that thil dorsn 'l J1m Hamillon. pres1dent of e1t1st " Umted Coun ctl. said !hat the Regents m support of the repeal of the <:Qde prohibiting change ..,.ere Nanc)' 8arkla. akohol m donns iho""'l that Edwud llaln. John La•·ine. the Regents are finally &ortram McNamara. Frank begtMifCtOreahtt tht nghts Pfl1sek . ~Irs Jkl..,·ard Samhn. of st!Kients. Jame.. Solberg and ~lary Untied Council represents Wdltam ~ ten student gove r nments Opposmg the chMge were w1lhln the UW Svstem Roland O..y, J ohn Dixon. W •s July 12 to repul restriction against liquor :~m~~P "':J:i~'t.-~~ :!:;'ba":':~:~~ Renk ment last year llamllton satd tht>re were thr~ baSic things ""Tong ""1\h the former oolicy o f protub111ng liquor " t"1rs1 , Regent polic)' ~mply was not in hannony ""llh Jtate law Alter all. the ~ents certa1nly couldn 't and Thr« Regents "''ere ab!i('11t " lthmk the regents made a m1stake ""'hen bHr ...-·as a.Jio...-·ed m the dorms. " said ()gy , ont>ofthefi~·e..,·ilUil.llrd agaJnSI le&alizing hquor " I knowv.-e 'renotgoutgto$1op ta'llage dnnlong regardleu. 1 ~!!trl~~·aitu;~~ \:?' ~rm~ ~ds:f ~:r::'ho~'1g~~ from I'Ohng ." Second. Hamtllon said tllat hefeltthattheruteamountE'd 10 noth1ntt niore than prohib1lion. and that. like prohibition. It brtd contem!»' for rule malting authority m genera l. Third. Ham illon said that it doesn 't r eall y foste r th e . education of the s tl)(!,ent to dent h1m something . ..This is 11 our stamo of aoprovai 1 fHI 1t 's an abdication of our respon.s~blllt)' " " I'•~ always felt lhlll "'~ cannot Jeg1slate mor als," Siud McNamara. one of those ""ttovottdforthechange He 1-11d he thought the leg~slat ure made the ~111on for the Regents wtlen 1t a p· provcdtheagtmajontybill two years acto. uid thai he believed more of the 5600,000 came from UW Madison and UW Mi]..,-aukee than from UW Parkside a.'ld UW Green Bay. T he budget review bi ll reachtdthegovernorafttra com pr omise comm ittee worked out a ve rsion ac · ceptabletobothhou.snof the L~ "fy~;:" ~aa:l'P~~~- '1:fb~~- th~t August 29, 1974 THE POINTER PoQe 16 Bicycle accidents up in city hyKri~l'lto.&uu I' To date thcff ha•·e beotn bicycle accidents in the city of Ste•·tns Point compared ..uthnineln tWO,t:!intm andt11ntm.aC1:«"ding to the Stevens Point Pollee Department. Ric~·clt safety ts nothing new to the bicyclist . It has beoentaughthimsincehefirst bl'gan to ride a bike . Yet. faih..e to follow these safety bike ritkr an- simple to unrules 1\a~ resulted in causing der s tand and easy to remember and they could many of ll'lese accidents. A pe r s on who violates sa ··~ y01.r life. The first step in bicycle any provts.ons otlhe ctty of Steve n s Poin t fo r the s.afetyisto keepyour bic)·cle operationofbicyclescanbe tn good condillon. Q)eck the fineduptoS25orlhecourt handleb;lrsandgripstomake mayproh.ibitthepersonfM>m ~theyanolig.hl . Make riding a bicycle for a pet"iod surelhese.atisattherlg.ht height , ped;llstlght.and)·our noc to exceed ten days. The rultsof safety for the brakes takr hold quick ly. ~~dlf~~d~:l~H~~ec: ~~ se-e tha t the chain and sprocketan-Ruarded. V.1tetMr you ride on highways or on city str eets you should o bey a ll t raffic regulationsandnomember to use hand signals when tur- mng or stopptng . When riding in an area whenotherearepa rked cars, caution should be takr:n. Keep approldmattly four feet fromparkl':dcarsinca.sethe drl\·er dOH not sl':f! you and openshis door. Also. lookout forcarspullingin.andoutof parking !)lac~ . Aoother Ja fr:ty rule is to notpas.!l automobiles in front of )"OU. Whendrh·en bthind )"OU honk. pull ovr:r ttnd let them pass. took out for cars that may attempt to pass on lheright . llemembcrthathiJis...,·hich aretoosteeptor!deupare also too sleep to ride down, andifitisnecessa rytoma ke repalrsonthebike,getoff the roadwaytoma kethe.m. Along wit h foll owing bicyclesafetyrules tot nsure yourse lf while blkins, precautions should be taken to protect your bike from bl-in.11 stolen. By lic:enslnJI yourblcycleinthecity.it lllill ass.s t thepollcelnnccr.·cring il .shouldltbes tolcn. 11le make, sr:rlal nwnber, color and other data are re<"Ofded to "help the police in \.hei r ) tm·~tlgalion . Bicycle licenses may be purchased a t the F i r e Orpartmr:nt llcadquarters. 1701 F'ranklln St., located at ~~i:ro;.thae:Jtt~:;'k1in ~~he ) Watson, Delzell go coed by Joel Guen th er Both Watson and Delzell residence halls have opened as coeducationa l dor matories. Drlzell was previous.ly a womens residence ha.ll wttil a drop in Sludtnl enrollment allowed its usc by oll'ler prOf!tams. SHIPPY SHOES :::: THE FOOTWEAR SPECIALISTS Mel vtn Karg • .assistant director of Uousing , said the need for the do rm was "' necessitated bJ. a stabilization of stuilent enrollmentandthenwnberof si ngle room ~uests . ·• He illso noted the quality decorating of the halls by tM students makes them ma« soci;iilly allractive . Thus . Need Advertising For An Event? more students are staying m the dorms r:.ther th an moving off campus. ln Delzell there will be women on thfo fi rst and third noorsandmenonthe!IKOOd. The Sla ff will con5ist of two male Residen L Assistants I RA 'sl a nd th r ee femal e ~ -~ Jack Renken is the di rector and DeaMa Ohman •sthe Assistant Dtrector • ""The addition of Delzell shouidallowagoodly numbcr of Jt ngle-room requesU to be s atts fied ."" sa1d Kara . It III'OUid rcli e•·e the pressure to a gre.at extent on the other dor!" s .and allow them to ma•~tainSiudent loungcsand ~decided . AtWat!!On llall , menreside in the first . lec"Oild and fow1h noon. Women are on the third floor . The thirtl and fourth floors also tst.ablish the new Intern ational Proaram for internationa l s tudents and others In · terdledinforeignlanguq:n. tnternational politics and roconomiCJ,di fferingreligjons and philosophies and world history and t«ioiO(Iy. f'red Leafgren, assistant dean of students for &tudent devdopment said, " We ano being trai ned to help students with certain internt.a get living space tocelher." In the fall of t971 Hanson Ba ldwi n and H y~r Hall ~ became UWSI;"'s first coed livlna facilltlct . With the additions of Wilson and Deltdl \.here are now nve noadinll rooms Karg noted that "'this is not a permanent c han1e ."' Um versity orticials have discus.sed the possibilily of uung Delzell fo r ad ministration. At this moment the administr ation J)«lject is coN~~ - PUBLICITY SERVICE (U .C. ) DOES: • • • • POSTER WORK ENGRAVING LETTERING B!JoTTON DESIGN • SILKSCREEN • MIMEOGRAPHING • GENERAL ART WORK AND•PRINTING GIVE US A CALL TODAY! EXTENSION NO. 4242 Bill's Pizza ) Is The Talk Of The Town! Made Just The Way You Like ·HI - DELICIOUS Give- Us A Can Today • 344·9557 Del. Service 1319 Water Street II AUj:Just 29, 1974 All UWSP athletics =;n~Q a;:.r~~:usl~ lherewassomecloubtthatall the pr ograms wou l d be funded. Th ere we r e recomen · dations t.o limit the number of programs so thll the ~maini ng ones would be better dev~oped . In his "1uments to keep the whole p r o&ram Bob Ktllflter,alhleticdir«torof UWSP,said, "I think the boy ..'ho comes to thls sd-oot and wantstocompeteindifferent 'J)Ortsshouldhavetheop- pmunity. Once you star t dropping ipOrts, I don't think )ou're&oingtogetU:ttn~ck and I want to keep as many as lc~ "· Ther e will be marked cNflifS. though. dut to low budlctin&. F'orinstance there 11:1 new guideling placing a 250 null' radius tr:n•el n"SifiCIIOO em all 5p0rtll. 11ie ••ill only ex«p~ions only those games tK- for DJready cootracled. The baseball proc,ram may be the most effected by lack of funds The team ~~o· &Jl not pl:iy all the turns in ttw confe rence due to a ne~~o· Northern ·Southem schoedull' and they may not get a southerntnpagamth&syear Th&s~~o·ouldiOIIo·er the number ofgame5p!ayedandalsobea rf!C:ruLting factor form· coming pla)·ers. At this time though . Kn•egr:r 11 trying to ~ehedule gama on Friday, Saturday and Sunday thus opMing moredatH. ThiS )~ar there will be a change Ill conference stan- ~~\~e[ne•::,t(~!~ dings Only football and football coach and Lynn Blair basketball champions ~~oil\ be ~~oill take Kasson's piKe IS determined by won-loss golf coac h. Womens athletics will not records . All other programs change. rield hockey ' tennis. detemune th~r cham- vo\leyl»ll , g)'mnastics and pions by conference meets. s~~o·im ming~~oillstutbeoffered Thesemeets~~o·iiJilllkeplacein tnthefallandbasketbal!'ind one of the C'ei'Ltral umvcr· track ~~o,ll take place later on m thesemestu. si tLei • .,.,u lntramurals Page 17 .I. Sports ui'P--=p___Jo'---1--=-N=-= T=-=Ec-=-R Athletic program unchanged by JodG Dtetll~ THE POINJER Super Sports Quiz ....... ~)' lha•)' Wiftd.., Tl• ~ se.ason1, was the only player to score t~~o~ safetiea in the aame game? a. Ed O'Br.aovich b. Bill George 1. In the NF'L'I ~~o't\o d. Toby Ki mball e . Frtd Biletnicoff 6. Y.'hoisthefirstplayu in professionalfoot balltustory torushforovert,OOOyardsin eac h o f his first th ree ~uons? a. b. c. d. Ji m 8n)wn John Brockington Lmny Moore e. Cart Eller Mel F a rr footb.:lll Lntramurals are all 2. Who Is the all.time e. Leroy Kell y slatedtogetunder~~o·aywtthin leading pass receiver among 7. What player played in thenexttwo ...·eeksatUWSP pro tight ends? ~~~~~:~!oT Bowls~ Tontght. Augu st %9, an a. Ron Kramer organit.ational m~tmg for b. Mlke Ditka b. Hub Adderly ~intuested&ntheAII ­ c. Jackie Smith c. FOrTest Grega Campusfl.u&obaiiLe~ue"",ll d. Job\ Mackey d. Marv fleming beheld e. Alghonquin J . Calhoun e . Dickie Post Entr)' cards for the s mglrs residenc-ehall~~o·inptollst26 3. Y.'hat player pic ked up 1. Vtbo won the "Comeback t('nn.s tournament may bt- par!iclpants on thei r rosters. TYo'O blocked punts in the !"'ayer of the Year" award ptcked up Ln room 10301 the The new ruling will permit same game last se;ason and last year? f.'&eldhoust Wednesday . "''"gs to &nchlde orr ampus carried them both in for 111. Larry Brown The ildditlons, touchdo~~ons? September " · ts the deadhne students b. 81.11 Brown forallentnrs hollo' t'\'U . m\15t DOt be \ivins in a. 0111Ude Crabbe c . Roman Gabriel Those mteresled m football other dorms, must be UWSP b. Mike Ban d . Nick Roman offlclatmgforthemtramural ~t.ldcnt5 and must play for c. Spider Lockhart e. " Bad" Leroy Bro~~on season ~hou ld cont41cl Jmt that~~o·ingtheenitreyear . He d. Tim f'oley 9. Wha t player holds the Oark, bud of mtramurals may also play for a student e. Lcm Dll rney record for mos t li fetime An entry fl~ f11r football. Ofll:3n&tatum. "· Name the ooly lUcker punts? :O.Ionday evenntlS. from li who made sill rield goals in a. Bill y Van Heusen ,·olle)ball . ~ krtl»ll. and slow ptlch softball ha! bft>n p.m toiOp.m, the fieldhouse two sepvate games. b. Don Chandler re'fttables tlltdthes)·eartoa&d ~~o·&ll be resen·ed for ~~o·omen'• a . Jerrel Wi lson c. Bobby Joe Green 1nred1K"Lnl the forfeit S Any Lntrilmural activi t iu . b. Jim Bakken d. Bobby Walden Both Wednesday and c . Errol Mann team ""1th less than 111o-o ru!:i~b~ ~u :eie ~~ f11rfi'Lili rna)' rece&n• their t'ndil)' nights have been d. Fred Cox moelt')'backatlhcendofa reservedlorco-reerutional e . R~:U~eJncluon dividual was ~mashed last actwttlrl ti'Lis )'ear. Wed~- ~I pro player showed yea r by? sc;ason All campwosports , opento nnda)' even&n&S. from 6 . to up with a Moh.awk style a . Bobby Dou&Jau both ! tudentsandfaculty,'are I : :JO p.m ., have been set ukte 1\aireut last yea r ? b. Oluch 1-'oreman t.cnruli, bastb.:lll . racquetball . lor organ&ud play . Fridays a . Oti1 Sistrunk c . A phei!L&ant ~~oTnthngandthethrtem an llo'LII continue t ~ be. u n· b. MaMy t'erna ndez d. Allie Taylor structun!drecreationnlghtJ. c.JohnRl&aii\S e. Ron Johnson bil s ketbilllle;ague ~J-K.oM<k Tenrus . l»~ball . andtouc:h lntramuralaetivitiesthls~: =y~ry semuter for men include touc h footba ll. h or ses hoea, cross country and p~t. pus, and kick . :Sw&mmma:. ano \'olleyball, racquelball, and foul throw a"' also included. t9N-75 prutram will allow A major change in the the 197-l-?S Pro&ram will allow 0 0 Til[ GF.t:AT AM£RICAN HASSll IS (J\'1]1! ' .. . r"' •· · · I ·. .~ When your account averages $100 per month your checking . doesn't cost you a mckel. Bike on down to Citizens today. 1 August 29, 197 4 THE POINTER Poqe 18 Charles optim istic on Pointer future byJoti Gut qllltr "Whtll you look at the t.altllt,.;e'\·egot and,.,hatwt ha\'e comi"l 111, I can't help but be opti mistic ," said MonteOiarles , he.adcoac h of the UWSPgr~dders . Coach Charles' op(imism doe s see m warra n ted . begmrung with the coaching staff U st year there were on ly t,.·o other coaches beside$Ch3rles Jkcauseofthesmall st.a ff. httlemd1v1dualattentionwas &1\'en to the players Thus. thclrfullpotentialcouldnot be de,·eloped. But this year theslaff is at full potentutl There ,.;n be Ron Steiner. de fensh·e line ; and Dave Henderson . defensh·e backfield. Along with the rqulars two fresh· men coaches. Pete Kasson ~ Jim Oa.rk will help out. Pat Robbins. a gr aduate assi!i'lant. will aid in the <k-fensive backfield. Optimismisalsoconceived ""hcnonelooksatplayerslost 111 conjunction "'it h those gai ncd .The Poi nters lost only nint'playersi n graduation of "'hic:h on ly live pl a yed rt'gula r ly ln retW'll,30 freshmenhavemovcdu p. Bothoffensivegu.ards were lost but Coach Charles said , .. I d o ha ve g o o d foorassistant.s : Jac k ~nk.in. replacements ." At quar· off ens 1vc l in e : No rb e rt te rbac k to rep lace Ma r k M1ller. offenswe back!ield. Olejnic:ta k the r e a r e six Hetzer's Bicycle Shop " Serving the Area for Over 50 Yea rs" WE SELL THE BEST! • Sc hw in n • Ra leigh • Motobe cane • Botte c c h la possibles wit h Ch.a rles em· phasiting " and they are ;rJI ilamngoodooes." Monte Matt ei is the mos t li kelychoicebut Oia.rlesnoled that Ret'd Giordana Is exct'llentand.theothersstill ha\'t a good shot at the position. Othe r than players. !he offensi\·eallack may also be somewha t cha nged . Last years,\ eria! Ci rcus may tone do wn t o a me r e b orn · banlmen t thisyea rduetoa bellt'r running ga me. Ma rk Schoon from Illinois is ex· pected to lead the runn ing attack. "Offensively, I would say we are a good deal stn:tnge!T thanl utyear ."saidOiarles . " The big qu est io n is a t quar te r bac k because we haven't act.uall yi.IM!da ny of lhem .'' He alsoindica tcdthat the rushagainst oor quarterback should be slowed be c a use " we have th e full back potenti a l to kee p them honest." When the qu ar terbark does throw, which will be most of the time. he'll have some great t.arg ets to ehoose from . Jeff "'Go-Go" Go5al will lea d the r eceivet" corps ha vi ng help from Doug Krues er. :::s~~~.~~ a nd a host of Center , Orie S)obe:rg , will be Oanked by both veterans and fm hmen in duties of protection. " The line Is bigger , quic ker , andslro"i t r than before," said Charles. ~e ~hl!x;=:!~~~~~c~orne ~ pH AND SERVICE THE REST! Ustyea r 'sdefensegave up ~ro·er 300 point.s. Charles af· fectionatelycalled them ''The Sieve" but notedthisw.as due to invtperience and the yoolh or players a t certain key positions . " This yea r they' ve got experience!" And the coach said they're "big and fast." " In the defensive backfi eld las t year nt!tded four pla yers and had three. This yea r we' ,·e got twdve and will kee p the bes t six. nw, t.a lentis thereand they 're al l 1\ard wor kers," .sa kt Diar ies. ' In regards to the speciall y tea ms Charles fee.ls they ha\·e "reilly picked up strength." He said he has liO t.a lented athletes compared to only 20 to ?!I previously. He said this PROFESSIONAL ONE DAY SERVICE AT A REASONABLE PRICE. 344·5145 21 54 Church Street m odern • Interior Inc ...... ...-.... . tl tiQ.nf!Sl. 0, .. . _ _... .. , ,....,._ 'Il l WELCOME STUDENTS Coach Charles, M o nle Aerial Circus ringmaster. would add great "depth" fot " I don't see nny weakneu the specialties. ,.-hatsoover," said Charles. Wlth thespet'd and strength "The only pOMl ble weakfltSI could be at qu a r te rba c k because of ine:a: perit'n«" but andkickoffretums whic h put he believes the talent will points on the bo.l rd. And if proveitself. • ntr:eua l')l , Charl es ind i<:ated The optimism is there. ~ tha t Mike Monien is a great the coach said, " I feel that kicker . we're goi ng lobe right up In Olar les is looking for both there, one and two a ll the way. We've got the ta lent to ~~OS:: , :d b~a:!:~::nc~ benumber oneand ourgoal is pci'A"ers. He indica ted that to win the championship!" most of theteamsare built on ala rgestock of jun iorsa nd Whether the Pointers will senion whereas the Pointers be number one wlll be shortly will be most ly youn ger . dete r mi ned They play Char les said . " It will be a LaCr osse, Whitewa ter a nd ba UJe Of ta lent VI tll. · Oshkosh in their first th!ff perience: conference games. ~'hi:r=~~~ ro:~f~-~~ )• Ex - Pointer LaFleur na med to coa ching post Joseph L. t.Joe l La fl eur has been named assistan t football cooich a t Southern Colorado State Collt'ge by !lead Coach Mi ke Friedma n. Fried ma n wu na med head coach on Mar 2, 197~ replacmg Joe Prater who resigned Novem ber 19, 1973 after heading lht' sese football prog r am for 11 yean. U tleur will handle t he rKeiven a nd qua r te r ~ac k ~, 111 a d~i tion . his dulles w1 ll also mclude the Directorship of seuon tic ket sa l ea and f oo t ba II promotions. La fleur is a 1973 grad ua te of UWSP In 1972 he was the leading pass r eceiver in the WiKonsi n Stale University Conference. Lafleur won e ight varslt y lette rs in foo t ba ll . base b a ll an d basketball while in college. He ca pt ai ne d th e 1973 "Pointer" buketball team . ln hissenioryea r at UWSP he was elected President of the Studt'nt Body . In t973 he dld gradua te " 'otk in busineu a nd served as g ra~teauisUint to Head F ootba ll Coach F o r est Perkins at UW Whl tewalt'r I CE COLD • Beer • Liquor •Wine •Soda • Snacks 51 South Welcome Back UW/SP Students Qt~fffl€es Jewelry & Qt~ifil€es Gift Shop )) THE POINTER Auqust 29, 1974 Parking and Vehicle Regulations Park1ng and ve hu:le regul atio n changes and corT«llona for\974-7$ Thisi.S a list of changes in the Parking and Vehicle ~ulalionsfor 1974-75. Page • · Arllcle 5 Section A: Routine Assignment Proct(lure- cNewl 3 Setlior Citizens enrolled in regular Un1verslty courses are exempt. fMm normal lot fees and may request appropriate permits from Pro tective Sen· ccefi . Etro r t sha ll be made to assign them to lots most convencent to thei r cJas.sroom a reas . Page$- Article 6 Section C ; soecial Aulgnments t :"«ew l 8. E!ttended pa rkin ~~: prt\' tleges not invol\•lnJ! serious need will ~ graned .,.-here space permits Thefto.e fur s uch "'Jeeond lot "" prwllege "'' Ill be$.$ or the add1t1onal CO!It of the second lot. .,.htchever•sgreater In as~>~ grnng e !tlended P"~Tking pTI \' IIegt' appliCa ll onl , student lishallha\·etheopt•on of rt'<Jues t cngfaculty ·fi talf lots.provtdedlhat so.a~arr :n·atlable PageS. ArttCie 7 Sect1on8 Spet"lal E!tt'eptiOn S· ' Re-.·lSIGn l I Vehtde5 "'' tth i.·aiLd faculty and fi tafl park1ng pl'rmtts are authonzed to park cn any fat"ulty-sl3fl t"ampus parkin" !ot , exceptC.E .Jt and U from 3 pm to 7 am tfollo.,.·cng da yl. Stoe article 2 Section A· 1 3 Allparkmglota. exct>pt C.E J I and U, a rc open tc -.•htcltswithvahdstudl'nt . faculty or s taff parkcng ck.-calsbct.,.·een3p m and2 am ~ Allparkinglotsexrept P .N.M.Q.C.II and U• .,..,11 tit' opent"dtuanyoOI' bet'A't't'n the IM!urs of 7 p.m and 2 a .m lll'lcred lou 'A'tll also be open for fr~ parklnc from 7 p.m 1u2am F'rom 2am Wltll7 am the m~tttecl lots .,.,JJ be\'losed to e\·eryone 'J'hew ~n Iota ar~ to facili13te parktng fo r •nd• vi du alfi patroruz•n& 1-'ine Arts even~-S . and allending oth~ r Umver sity prosramfi Page 6- Arlicle 1 Sec Lion A Permtt t'ea- t Revision l I An annu.a l rqcSlfallon fee t de~dentuponchoice of lot . Fund drive for needy students The UW Student Lobby launc hed a city -wide fund ra1sing dri,·e to gain the s up po rt of the Madison community and fundi for helpul& needy s tudenta " f irst, we hupe to acquaint people wi th the fin.nc ia l needsofstude ntain the stat.e, andwtthlheroleoflheUn•ted Counctl in promotina those needti." said Peter Coye, ht,ad ol the fund raising campaign. " ~onll;' he cont inued . ..,,,e hope to raise sufficient fundstobeabletooffer a fichola rs hip or internship program th rouJh United Council which would give needy students a financial buolt a nd experience In the realm of student JOVtm· ment." Reallachedma porcharll be paid at the time of iuuance of permit. Submission of a signed payroll deduchon aulhorila tion card plusassf:lo.,.·npay~t ...i ll sa t u f y the l ump s um requir~ment Student inSCallment btll authonzation chang~· p:aidforaspecial carp!XII licit 85e<:tion ANo.41 deca l. Addi!ional decals for Page tO- Art ic le 13 Section canutilizedinacarpoolare A. · 1-'lnes· tRevislonl 4. Class uailable at Sl each . A IV hnes : Violatioos nwnber maxtmwn ol si x cars may~ IO.II .tZ ,I3,1•. •s and 16 ol the usedwiltunacarpool . ....i th Un •ve nit y of Wlsonsin· theslipulationthatonlyone Steven~ Point, Vehic le and ca r may be parked on P~rking He~~:ulallon are campus at a tim e. subjt..-ct tofinnof S7.50.,.·hen plusthr~nihalfeewillsat isfy Paget- Article 1:2 Section patd .,.,tlun ten days . After the lump s um requirement A: Violalions· t Hevis ioiri"l IS ten days the fines. will in· t~age 7 8 An annual The abuse of the ca r pool cre~se to SIO. These fines are ll'gistrahon r~ tdependl'nt opt1on IArlide 8 Section A pa)·able at the Uni\"ersity of upon chuice of lot. s.ee at· too;o8 Jt /l:e""' lt5. Theabuse of Wisconsm,Cashiu,room007, tachedmapor c ha r nm aybe the s~und ca r option tAr· Student Services et:nter ...,u Page\1 · A.rtk:le t4 Section C: Appeals Board - (Revision I ~- If the appellant is not s.alisfiecl with the fi ndings of hi s persona l appearance before the Appeals Hoard further appea l may be made to the Otancellor of the Unh·ersity within \.en class days follov.ing notification or the d~ion of the Parking Appeals Board. Page II - tlnterpretaUonl Mett'f' ticke\5 may not be a ppealed. Make that big dayinyourlife two big days. '~·11•..::• ::o.oclu.ol""'''"' ttoan .ot"-' 110.• <1•·•ln"ho1<<•••::•·•••""'''"'rn"'""'"'"" ''" " o~h••-• II lui, ""~""'""'' ''"'tal r \nmlo{lll( \i ll>\ lo{t 1/f . o~nt•ll .olll"'lr.oo~l,:<' "II""" ,.1\\o..::< ••l<M.rl~"l \1\ ::_1\ ~~~~ ""' , ..,,,.,,.,._..,,tlo.oolor.Jup o•'t••r,..IMr ll::hl•"' '""'1"" \:,-;:non::.""''ll ••.on""''""l''""'" U>o~llt ... _. <o·.o< ''"" t.1•l l <o<•O<'.OO•<~Ih< ·J M< ., •: • •mllo::.~<nr.:.•••<lhotto•<>o•l••""''-''"" uiiU<"r. <ll<•<ll\<'<111 1\ <IIIII !O R <''<'r\C lOII\Il-'11<'111 \<•n•• IUlrC<:>nn"-:ou~lnc<.fthol'l!..... (<O~ '"''-"t •~>tll<• llut u n il>o•<l:n <'<" <::.r~du.oi<· <•lit<"!;:l" ll"lli<IK'.OII<"M'<I'I'\ho::l\un::ToonoU h~··· .~ .... ··~k-::•· c11 1 >~.no>~. y,.,,·n '"" '"'" . ... ............ ,, ,,,.,·n .oh<~h.o••· """ •·~""""""'"'"" \ nm .~, .. \oom lU l l( ROTC AT POIHT IS STR JtnY YOLI.JHARY. (. I IK· n•••·•·••• •••"'-.o<U ~. IT'S AN OPTION THAT YOU CM TRY FOR 1.1' TO T'.«l FULL YEARS WITMOIIT Atl ORLJGATJnN TO TH£ ARHY OR ROTC. THAT "1£ANS VOIJ GET A LOT OF TIM£ TO LOOK AT IT A/'10 S££ WHAT AOVAKTAG£S IT HAS FOR YOU. AND JUOG£ FOR YOURSELF. TRY H. S. 1n1 A.'tO 017 WHY tlOT INV£ST 00 0011~ PER WEEK IN YOUR FUTUR£? AOO SLIPS AHO KI RE 1NFORt'ATION ARF AVAILABLE AT TH£ MILITARY SCIE/'IC£ DEPARTHEIIT. W£' R[ LOf.ATfD ON Tit[ SF.COHO FlOOR OF Tl\E STIID£NT SERVI CES BttllOING IN 110{)1.1 Page 19 ?.n.t (ABOVE THE R£GJSTAAR. AIJ\ISSrflHS, HOUSJNr. , ANO FINANCIAL AIDS OFFICES). TRAINING FOR POSI TIONS OF RESPOifSIR iltTY AND TRUST Poge 20 August 29, 197 4 TH E POINTER Poland university professor to speak here UWSP News Turowski will lec:t ure on .. Communities: Th ei r Changes and Prrspectlvn uhePotllhExperience)'' toa sodoloty dass at noon on w~Hday. September 4, In room t:ZS Collins O ass.room Allpros!)Ktiveintcmaand juruors ma)or•fli 111 medi~al t«hnoii!IY are required to ;atl~dameetina:tobeheldat 1 p.m . TuHday, ~ - 4. In room A· 121 . S.:ift\Ce Bulldinc. The primary item on the ag~a Wl\1 ~ the procns )l Q,n ter. Of applying to the u r ious hospitals for internsttip and on the logistical details It entad a )l AUGUST 1974 SUN DAY MON DAY TUES OAY WEUNES OAY DIAL [Yllll • ln forNtiCIII 011 "'wwl..t h ll.lppmlng 011 t-U$' U ll be obUIMd by dltlhlt lat. 3000, All Uudtrlt org.atli,tiOI'lS .,.. "''IICto IIUI I./lair CO...C:IIrTicu!U IVR!Itl ~l"dotd 011 tllh t.H I t 110 C.OH If lllll lllforrUIDII h 1..t.ltUII to tN: St uderlt Actlwltln Oft lu 1t tun I~ prlor to tN: •~•t. T IHJH S IJA Y FUIUAY SATUlt DAY 2'J 30 l··,_,,,._· - . ,.,_, ... . u.-,._ _ . Ce11ter rtlas • 8[[1,1 ZUO. IZII4 4: )0 ,_., (ut) CttiUIU/UAI UAI Trippe" !lock ...... ,,_ 31 llllb·Oevtl'slt kt--- f"rhbn (OIIUSt, WestofA.C. SEPTEI\IDER 1974 SUNDAY 11JESDAY l\IONDAY WEDNESDAY _ VO\IO!'IIOI' a. r • • ., ·---t-.1 Tr ippe r-s bet C\lllb-Oew\1'1 '"' T llURSIJAY 5 3u.oo,,_. .....,. 8UIIEINLOYE, {v. ~~ut) FUIIJAY 6 U.UC.T-oo i UCJ 7: )(1p ••• . . ... . c._ SATUHIJAY ....... "'""""""'"'.... u!~O:~ooCUCI ILIJI(I N LOYE, C.nterrtl• ·lO O CII E · 12N I 4:)0 ·• · (ut) • •• o.ntul Clllloqw t -.., 7: )0, .•. (.t.121 7: l0p .• • Go lf,L t Cros n (T) UAICofftthollu/ ro lk r tHivt l, AllO.y(UC) Scl . lldg , 8 u•·,.,. !ln*o.o. w-. 10 12 11 RHC IIovle , ftc~·'' ··· rc...nl--·~-o \oJ· ~ ) )1 Ctntt r ftlm • 101 PAitl.llE Of COIIEOV • 12N I 4: )(1 ~-•· (UC) • • • • • • • • , •• , •• , • • CAUJiOAAII'Oolort ·A follooo·WPof tile ctltndtrutnts • llll tddltlons, e~~..-.~s. tiMI unctllttiOfls • Ill be plltllhhed""kly. Plunsllboolt Str.:,:;;'.:lh;:r~~~~c:r2c:-"1:',~!~ t!,..u-...! . . ::~.~1!wt.... ,.hto 111-... U.. Incl uded I• tN ~ l •nd•r upd.ett .