INTER U!!!.IPPO • 4a

NO. 18
UW Budget Pinch Tightened
byTen-y Y.l tt
1"he budget pinch on the
UW.System this year appears
to have hi t UWSP mer. than
all the former Chapter 37
Universities. UWSP was
under-funded by more than
sooo.oooand perhaps as much
as $I ,JOO,OOOin1tate revenue
money, UWSP has 1$18,412.
The '"""o Khools ar e the extremes in base funding,
UWSP the Jo,.,·est of the
univers ity c lu 1ter , and
ParUide the hi&hest .
Elwin Sigmund, assi1tant
to th e vice-cha ncellor of
academic affairs , noted that
much broade r ra nge of
graduate programs when we
still had the CCHE Tenure
Plan back in li-10. I think we
have seen the continuation of
this In the more ~~
designa tion of Eau Caire and
Oshkosh as regional gradua te
centers. We haven't felt the
this year.
In budgetary t~. the
missing 1tate money Is called
''unidentifit!d base fWMiing ."
This money cannot be ac·
counted for alter Centnl
Administration's formulas are
appUtd to various funding
ca t ego r i es In a un i·
versi t y's yea rl y budget.
been around here for some
time. we 1\ave long feJtthlt to certa in un.lts in
the Chapter 37 c lu s t er ,
Stevens Point was not as ""~II
trea ted," said Sigmund. " It
would be difficult to substa ntiate but we fed that
recognized by Central Ad·
ministration," Sigmund.
~::!~ c:~r:;tie;, i~~
~!dW!n :,oi:~e~~~~ ·~ r~~~: ~a~~!'l~
thinkforlhoseof~a wholave programs were sufficiently
Where did $127 ,000 of in·
iC ruc!ional funds co?
"" 2nd floor Old M8ln."" uid
Badzinslti. " Looldy defined,
these are the people in the
general operations a nd
service~ area, whkh il really
what we rder to u 'ad·
~ fiJUru used by Bad·
zlnskl and Hami lton a re
based upon documents
prepared by the Budcet
Anal_ysil Offke a t UWSP _and
apphtd to formulas pr-OVIded
by Central Administration.
" If the administration at
this campus had followed
Central's form ulas, the state
Victorian flu outbreak
heavy in the dorms
Physicians in the UWSP
st udt'fl the01IU! servicea rtn "t
~rtalnwhe ther
the ..1ctor\a
s train of influenza hu
peaked, but to date they
believe it is not us.evereasa
AbRnteeism hu not been
··too bad,'" the physicians
report. although they have
received reporta of heavy
ou tbreak s o n aeve ral
midence 1\all winp.
This 1train. they note, In·
volves more than the usual
number of ao r e
thr oa ts
am ongper~on~ i t i nfec:ts . l n
m011t cases, the Illness lasts
fromt hrMtofive da ys .
The physicians l'l't'ommend
" fftt IllS needed , aspi r in for
the reduction of fever and
relief from ac:hes and pains
pl~a the drinking of more
than the ~aual amount of
fluid "" as treatment.
Tho le who be c ome
un~aually ill or nperienc:e
d ifliculty breathing a r e
advised to contact their own
un ·
derfunded lnstrucllonal
program whic h took top
Purc hases ol books for the
though student usage of the
facili ty twd inc reased. "The
net effect was simil a r to
robbing Peter to pay Paul."
said SiJmund . " We wue and
still are Wlderfunded," he
st~~~~d~ err!:'!~· the-la:'~:~:t:fr':,'i~ f~~~
made available. Student
Activities became a higher
priority la rgely thrq h the
argum enta of Student Controller Bob Badzinski who
mai nta inedlhatrirstpriori ty
should be given to programs
an d a reas whieh would
provide jot. for students."
said S igmun d . " Those
money in question wookt 1\ave s tud en t s who r emai ned
gone to instructional areas because they hid a job and
first and the remainlna funds money would con tr ibute to
to a dm ini1tration," said the overall b udget an d
Badzin1ki. " But the therdore help to re ta in
remaining money from the faculty and s tan : · said
budget would not have been Sigmund.
eno ugh to fund a d ·
Once the support
ministrative areas a nd so have been reimbuned and
they Hhe a dm inillration) funded properly, mtoration
chow to fund instructional of facWty positions wi ll be
considered. 1"he 70 faculty
··we concede th01t this notified of thei r lay-offs last
un iversity il ~r~derfunded," Mayarelastpriori ty. faculty
said Ham ilton. " That is notifiedthisfallbecaUJeofa
irrelevant. The fact rema in~ revision in the projected
that even with the money we enrollment shorUallwouJd be
got. the money wu milused. of a higher priority.
Dreyfus si mpl y hasn't seen
Sigmund said he could not
allthealte rttJti ves.''
besurewhentherelieffunHamilton uid that Dreyfus ding would arrive or how
should fordlf· much money wu involved
feren t types of budgets from Heulditcould easllyvaryby
ptQple with diffennt per·
spec:tives. Then ,aceordlng to
llamilton , Dreyfus co uld
decide on which way to go
~i th funding . "I don't thin k
Funding Information Loosens
by Trn-y Yt1 11
There i.s little doubt now,
at't'W1iing to Student Senate
Prnklent Jim Hamil ton, that
SI9S .ooo of ins tru ctional
fundine from !.he state was
used for administra t ive
purposes at UWSP.
H'imilton and Stude nt
Controller Bob Badzinski
have com piled statistics
,,,.hich show that UWSP il
ove rfund ed by at least
$12'7.000. admi nistratively.
Thil is more than UW· Eau
Oairt, which was cJOIIIftt to
UWSP in enrollment a t the
time the budcet was
Learning Resouru Centu
CLRCI and Sl:udenl Activities
are both considered support
categor ies . $14 2:,0 00 wa s
transferred fr om t hese
support areas in a special
budget plaMi n& eurcise to
Len Si pple o f Budget
trend ol undtrfWlding con·
tinues togtthcT with budget
reductions due to t'nrollm~t
shortfall, UWSP could wind
up with only about 2.000
favortd ," he
F'or example. Parkside, a
" l llllnkthiswastrue ""ith massive undcrfunding were
relatively new university, has rq:a rd to their designation as first felt In the "support
$2."a2,000ofthistypeofstate the univers ities at which there would be developed a
hu U!l$.
:!~n::1~e:l~t~di~f.e~~ =~~generally
teaching. As an exam ple. the
!~i':nw:~tt:i ~a~~:uft
to pin on anyone,"' said
llamillon .
Hamilton and Badz inski
wi ll ~tthei r findlngsto
thecl\ancellorwi thin the next
two weeks. If the,_ ~rties
there ill pouibility that the
student covemmmt will take
thei r findings to Centra l
Administration in Madison.
hundreds of lh0011nds of
dollars. Some of the funding
would involve transfers of
fu nds within the system ,
which wo uld r e qu i re
legislativeauthoriution .
Part of the relief fundln1
involves phasi n g In
Enro llment Adju1tment
FUnding and ahifting money
from Madison and Milwaukee
foroneyear1 tounltslnthe
university cluster with low
enrollmen ts . Ma di son and
Milwaukee ~ill not be able to
increase their faculty and
stafffor oneyear to takecare
of increued wor k Jo.aU. The
st rugg lin g universities
th erefore will pres um ab ly
ha\·e a financtal cuahlon,
smallerworklo.adsand will
have to ter minate fewe r
facultyandstaff , according
to Sigmund.
Student Senate filltd al l
mid-year election held Jan.
31 .
Steve Sleam1 and Runell
Lentz we r e eleeted from
distrk:t one. Bob Ktrltliec:k
and Tom Wojci«howski were
rlected fromdistrk:t two. Tom
Johnson. Tom Kruet:er and
Greg Burns were elected
from distrh:t three. Jerie
Moewa~elec:tedfromdis trict
four Don Nodolf was elected
fromdistrktfive .
..:J t votes,.,·r recast.
St ud ent Government
President J im Hami lton
calledthetumout ··a nor ma l
mid-yea r vote.'
Valentine ' s day massacres
the next Pointer issue
~: U t TUit "S SOTt~ :
liKIIIH of budJel ruta t.oeatlnJ
SI .S t:. Olrrr !nun of the VOtNTEit witt not be pri nted Oils
...-mrslt'r. Thr nul inue. IFrb. 14. tr741 will be the lint
cu t.'ln alldlorttosprndoutU.rcu tiiiiiiH.andnothavea
.,..,., ~ holr of ..evrnol wHks, the other two luurs r ut will be
IJof)h rc h 21 a ndApr1ll llnun . lnunarestlllptaanrd
for : t"rb. 2J. t"e b. :tl, l\olard t 7. Man:II14,A prilt, Aprii ZS
ll nd,\tayt.
Thr nn t luuf" of thf" POINTER will be printH Feb. 21 .
All acb a nd malt'r lal submilted for publkat1011 lhw::ludlnl
~:.mpu • catr nclar mak'!"la ll m•t be ••bmltletllly Fri., Fell.
Page 2
February 7, 1974
Budget Freeze Cools Activities
by J ohn Larson
Shnnking enrollment and
mcreased student attrition
are primarily responsible for
the current 5.5 per cent
s tuden t activities' budget
freeze. according to a nwnbcr
of student government and
university orricials . What the
freeze will mean to each
acttvtly rinanciaiJy remains .
for lhe most part . a mystery
Enrollment has declined
substa ntially in the last two
years The attrition rate
between first and second
semeste r has tncreased
approxi mately J per cent
compared with p<UI years.
based on figures provided by
the regtstrar 's office
UWSP is one of fow- s141te
system schools to suffer a
noticeable enrollmen t drop
thts past fall. Oshkosh.
Platteville and Whitewater
also suffered drops or bet"'·een 250 and 900 students .
" Student
recel \'ed less money this year
than anllctpated as a result of
the mcreases in attntlon and
part -lJme students and the
decrease m enrollment. " said
Paul Kelc h . director of
budget planning and analysis
for the unh•ersity.
.. The1r budget is tied
di rec tly to the number of full lime , full -year equivalents we
have here . The only money
they receive comes from the
s tudent activity fee which
each mdh•id ual pa ys ." said
" The state estima ted an
attendance here of 8,i00 last
fall Registration felt we'd
h3 \·e 8.500. and the unh·ersit)'
budgeted on that basls.
" OnJy 8,0S5 showed up and
of those that did, more than
anticipated were part -lime.
Consequently they did not pay
full -time fees. activity or
otherv.·ise .
" Add to this the jwnp to
approximately 12 per cent In
student attrition from the
previous five year average of
about 9 per cent.
" That means student ac-
.. s...w.,...,_
Tile l'll) uf SIC\'(.'ns Pmnl
di)('!o nut h!I\'C an easement
nght of way through the
pr~~g~~~~~~e ~~~k:frs~~~~.
!)(>en d{~ Jgnat{-d as a major
north -south artery by the
c1ty Tht' road extensiOn was
put mto the c1t~ 's master
~ tn.-,.· 1 plan back 1n the m1d
50's \'1ckcrstaff sa1d
"St.-n tr ) ·~ complex 1s the
tu tiK' .,.,hole discussion,"
Vlrkt•rs tarr
Th e y
kt.' )
!o :ud
!Sentry • have planned un
derground parking fac1hll ~
for 1800 autos and ar(' an
tic1pating a great num ber of
JX.'Op le traveling to the1r lll'"'complex. he said
The main concern 1s With
the great influx of traffJ(' ;md
its possible effeCt on ca111pus.
exp lained Vickcrsttlff It 1s
important to UWSP to rl"doc('
traffic flo.,.,, on Reserve St . ht·
a dded . Vickerstaff s;ud tha t
the Mich iga n A\•e (•xtenliiOII
appears to be the best ap
proach to allev•ate traffll'
When asked by a counc1l
member about alternall,·r
plan s, Vicker s t n ff <" orn
mented, " I haven 't
them ."
!low d1d !oOIIlclhmg like that
ever h:1ppcn " Fntschle and
l..~ t('f'Ski l cft the c:a r at about 2
am . to makt· a routme
~~:~~~ ~~~~ kl~)~ "'~e~:
the street . 1t hit a telt'Dhone: Washburn 1ufle r ed min or
poleinfronto(lhefleldhouse · cuu.
the pole snapped ; and sub:
There was S700 damage to
~ -.. - · - ·c...-..,_.... wStreet was dnvmg east on seque:ntly fell on the hood of the C,!_mpus a uto, and Ultrsk•
~~ ~·
~·ourth Avenue
.the Protec:hve Services auto. and Frit1ch le probabl y
The accelerator of his car
The Washburn car came to sustained slight shoc-k when
·.· ~-.N /:-"'-~-~:·::c.~ stuck . the car veered across ~estdat the foot of the stairs they returned to their car a
-J"' ~~---•...,...m.,.,"~t~"""''"""'""'''"':~.::::!. t.!. the building . rew minutes later.
-- ....
- · . _ - .. ..., ,,
n w ro.1d Ill not a Wli\'Crs•L)'
plan or a Sentr) plan . sa1d
\'ickl•r lllaff
II IS 3 COlli·
mumt~ plan formulated by
l' il ~ l'nguwcrs and IS not
tx•u1g pu~hl-d by UWSP or
&-ntr~ , he s..-ud
Pole Does $700 Damage
, .. ,. N"
program we want, " ll rumlton
" \\'l• mJ\' as k for a three or commented.
four dolla'r mc rease tn the
Some indavidunls ha\'t'
futur€.' 1f we come up short questioned the amount of
then. but s1ncc the Bo.1rd of money UWSP gets from the
th•gcnts htH• del'lared it s state per student in l'Om ·
oppusttwn to any increase li t ~~:!,~~. with other sys tem
thts tmll' . I don't know what
kind of a dt:~nce it would
··co mparison of fund s
h.1n-." dl.'t'la red llnrni llon . a llotcd to each school on tht
" \\\• don 't want any fund s basis of how many studfnts 11
from Ilk• stat<" ." said Bad - ha s is misleading ," cnultont"d
t w s k• " The act J\•i t ies Hamilton .
program • ~ more Mucational
" It costs more for examplr
bl'Caw.c :-.tudcnts run 11 . As to train an engme<>nng or
soon a:-. 1t -...·as labf.>led ·formal indus trial a rts s tudent than 3
Mucatll)n · and funded by the' history , teacher ," lla ma lion
stall'. pt.'Ople would be, said .
" All that astde, " s~ud
"H~~'l~~~~~- "7ad~~~~~~~itJ~ it Hamil
ton, "the fr eeze 1s
couJd bt.• sold to the· ha\·ing one bcneficml c(f('{t
payers ... sa1d Uadzmski.
It is forcing us to tnkl' a hard
" I don 't want the Boo rd of look at our orgnniutlions and
Hegc nt s to fund s tu de n t programs . The fat will be
acti\'IIICS because it's the trimmed away and hopefully
only area where we have the we'll be left with the good
fr<"edom to ha,·e the kmd of lean , strong ones."
Michigan Ave. plan still threatens woods
~·;:••~::t:.=.~~·-· co~ ......
Olht'r orl(:tnl zatwns appl'ar
11\•tiJes this year got many
more half-year fees as op- to IK• St'archmg for ways to
posed to full yea r than gt•l .1long wth I{'SS m the .,.,·ay
anybody anticipated~' e . - of student go\·ernment funds .
plamed Ke lch . _.,.,
" A suggt>Siton has been
made ,·· suld Stude nt
"We arc forced
because we c n't s pend Govt"rnnwnt President Jim
money we don't ha\•e," said llunulton. "that
Bob Bad z1 ns k i. st udent Um ,·ersJI) t\ Ct l\'lhes Board
become comp letely self·
cont roller .
"Fewer full-time. full-year suff1c1ent or at lea.o;t as clost"
cqui\' 3i<"nts than expected to that as poss1ble in the nexr
ha,·e left us about $16 ,000 two \'ears
" i'h1s c: ould result 1n
short or the budget upon
.,.,h1ch s tudent acliv•lles were ~\· m gs or up to s-&5.000 an .
allocated money for this year . nually
"U soml'Of){' had suggested
We OPf:r31e solely on the s--2
we rccei ve from th e Uus -...·hen we were boommg
Wltversity as the activity fee along, 11 would ha\'C be-en
from each full -time . full -yea r lubcled ·unthutkable ', " said
equl\'a ient ," said Badzinsk.J
"The freeze is designed to
11:111ulton and lladz1ns k•
cover this shor tage of about 5 both tnd•cntt-d there are no
per cent of our tota l budget plans at the present lime to
.,.,;th an additional .5 per cent ask (or :111 mcreasc in the
sa fe ty margin.'
student acll\'11)' fcc or to
" Thu s far we have reqlK'St funds from other
requested that each of our 23
programs look closely at
what they're doing to see
wht.•re they can come up WJth
the cuts we need .
"There IS no quest Jon m my
" I don 't thmk anyone ....,u
nund There ..... u be a street
be cut entirely for the
e"entuallv ," sa1d
rem a mder or the year . Some built
\\' 11l1am
\'icl~er s taff .
will be cut the fuJI 5.5 per
asto~stant to tht.• chancellor for
cent . some more , some less
dc\·elupment :md Wll \'l'r5Jiy
" How the freeze v.ill effect
each v.ill be up to the Finance
V1ckcr s taff made the
and Allocations Committee .
"We rea lize programs like sta tement before the Jan 30
197~ ntt.'l'l1ng of the En:
Arts and lectures contract a
yea r in advance and probably ' ' lronrnl•ntal 1\ wareness
do not have the needed UJuncJI m reference to the
percentage of their budget proposed Michtgan A\'e
left at th1s time . Obvious ly we l'XICII SIOn through l:WS P
can't get money back from proper I)
The purpo:-..e of the counc•l
Somebody who doesn't have 11
or who IS contracted to spend 1:-. to determme the en\'
n t a l •mpact of
'41lat they have .
" This will mean that some de\' clopmt•nt prOJt'Ct s at
organizations will be cut more UWSP It 111 made up of
than the free-ze amount ." COinniUIIII) r{'S idcnts, facull\'
and student members
Badl.inski concluded .
Athletic Di r ector Bob
Krueger Indicated that his
department has been told to
expect a cut, but increased
gate receipts. especially in
b) Shlrlt•) Spl ll /('fllt'i!. tn
football, will enable the
Ito.,.,, would you e,·er tell
sports program to finish this ~our boss th;1t the company
yea r as planned .
l'3 r you had ~n dn vmg wa s
h1t by a telephone pole" 1'\o.
oo ..not hit 1,1 telephone pole .
but hit b) one Well , that 's
>A hat Mary f-T1tschl e and
n ud} l..tterskl of Protectn·e
Sen-aces had to do after a
tclt'phonc poll' fell on the
Protective Servtct.os ca r they
had parkl"<l 111 front of the
~~SP heldhow.c on Dec -1.
:_: :.,. . .
de th
~~hbur~ bo~ld~ ~~~~ee;
··" *'"
trC: ~:-n~~~ fnends
(orever a friend
r emams within
;~r ~~~~rs
w0 r s
- - -d- -·.--•Y•ou- m.,ak•e•a-llv"i'"ng'""'l
II YOU love me . you wiiJ re
by what you get
You make a life
by wha t you give
The shame of the students
Time after time we hear
s tudl'nl s comphun abou t
unfa ircll)ll310o'Saimcd:atthoe
s tud e n t
Parking wa s
street s :1nd the students
romplain Soon trarric ~~o· i\1 be
racing through Franklin St. .
...-hcrrthemalllll'ass upposed
to be, and the s tudents ....;n
complain Maybe several of
u:~willd ie umk>rthe.,.•h~ls of
wtll complain .
We are sick of your com ·
plaints. Complaining doesn't
· Editorial Page
all thne studt'nts. not one
111-wld devote two rears to
,;;peaking for tiK- stud('nts on
th('dty council. llov.·('\"t'rthe
do nOI 11.3\"(' a monopoly on
apath y Then~ is n"t one
stud('nlonthelist olean·
tlldat t'll mth('spring<'l«tion
Granted. a positiM'in loc;ll
j;O\' Crnment requi r es a
certam amount of r~pon ·
sibility and effor t. Jlov.-ever.
tht•.,.,"Orkisno t withoutits
rewards . Perhaps th(' best
reward would be represen·
improve the situa tion. only student s Pres ent ly , the
action does.
student ''ote i~ held to
Second Ward Alderman ridtcule . ,\front -page story
Jl'romc nachinski \'Oted entitled. " No students on Jist
againstthemallandyetheis uft·andid.1tes."" ran in the
nmnmg unoppo$('(1 for re · Slf' \"f'!l~ l' ulnt lb ~ y Jou rna l
lie doe s 00\ ooJan JO
representthemajori tyofhis
We .,.,,11 probably get a
cons tituents The second nurr y of letters complaming
ward has an•helming hem· unfa•r th1s editorial was.
maiori tyofstudents · In But thcn . 1t IS easy to com·
Pray -Sims . Smith
Isn't i t ~
lh·erand the VIllage.
The party 1s over
by8obKer k!ilrc k
When the new age of
majority bill was passed, it
was assumed by many that
a maJOr role in polities . But
bot hf'r rd tu \"ote In the las t
r lrctl1111. Their inference was
that theyjus t .,.,·eren"tgoingto
bother to su ppor t us in
critical legislation , because
we 11.3\"e li tt le rea l political
~;~~~fn~~~ndar!w a;i~ua~~ ~~· have
wor k.
AI a legislative con ference
with G<wernor Lucy and a
numbe r of sta te !egislalots
two .,.,·eeks ago. Lucey and
some of tht' legislators cm·
phasized the lac\ that ] e5s
th ;a n h:a lf of th e co ll eg ~
sludenb in thi s sb~ n ~ n
much to la5e!
T11e proposed user fee and
graduate cuts were nar rowly
aver ted, bu t UWS P still h.3s
t h e~econd lowestper·s tud('nt
allotment !only abou t half of
Madison'31. And Gove rnor
Luccys tronglyhi nted that he
planned lo bring up user fees
agam .
Our campus mall ....·as killed
withtrickerya t thecity level.
Now Sentry wants to ron a
road ( ~ J'ol nk r , Jan . 2~ .
1974. page 161 right through
thecil)· councilwillprobably
support them!
There will be elections for
city aldermen and county
supc rvisors Aprii 2.Silt oft he
city seats and all of the
cou nty seals a re up for
elec tion . llut not a 5lnglt
~ lud tn t has filrd ftlr any tlf
lh ~ S4'al, .
Theconstitueneiesof l.,.,·oof
lhewardsup for electionare
predominately student. yet
rnakt'll you sign her in.
Both a r e
your name changes from campus mall
running for rc--ek'Ction. bu t
KcithtoJ91 -~.
aftcr tighteen years of bothcanbcbcaten . \\ln nlngll
parenl<ll gutdanee you meet
thedormdirector .
U t ·s get some people to
)"outry togeta)Oba fter
hambu r ger and Al po abuseourrights. llyouwant
con:i••tutelOOpercentof your further Information , inquire
Iota! meat mtake.
the \Oo"Drd raid no longe r the Student Gover nment
office Both are on lhesecond
refers loan insecticide
relativl'Sca ll you a smart flooroltheUnivcrsityCen ter
assandyouwis ht ha t youwere.
ll "sgoingtobehard . We'rt
the l'oin tuand il5 menia l
atte m p ts at ludicrous. goingtohavetoget a lotof
medioc rehumorlt'aveyoua t studcntsrcgisteredtovote.
lheendofthiswitha fir mbu t But 1f wedon" l do something
know ledga ble un.Perslanding "'""' ·maybe we'd all be tt er
transfe r to Madison .
of alm05t nothing .
You're a student when:
by K~ il hf!U~
thcdoclorsays tolov.·er
yuur starch intake and you
explam tha t you e:u on
the lectures begin to make
sense ·
the she-tr mention ol the
"'"Ord ··square" bnngs on
tantrums. nightmares or
yourhardcsttask inlifeis
crawlingtoyou r 8a .m clllSI.
clap is nO( 11 form ol apPelitions opposi ng !he M ichogon A ve . extension plause:
be sig ned in either the Poinler or Student
Government offices.
ex~C:'~fe s~~~~ b~~ 3~ 00~
price of your automobile .
yougetananunc~Cpec ted
The Student N o rm
by Tau rus S .
r;:=.::::o:==::::::===:::;- . - - - - - - - ,
Page 4
February 7. 1974
Cross Country Skiing Grows In Popularity
by Stev~ LybN'It
!usually on a well groomed
track ). Skis are more narrow
and looger than touring slus
fa;::,~:;~ ...~~~:g ~~~~~ ~ phasis •• placed on speed
the U.S. al}d Europe, todlly
trails are opening up in many
a reas acr"'U the country
"Cross country siding" ls a
loosely used tum olten applied
to lhe sport of W tourina
Touring is ,..hat most so eaUed
··crosscountry" skiers do. They
ski mainly for enjoynent over
various types of snow<averf'd Crou «MJnlty sklin& II
the h.ighly competitive sport o1
ski radng acrou country
touring ditrers from
~~\;~e:t ~;·~~i~~k~
for dO'olo-nhill skiing usUa ·
metal or fibergla
The bindings hold the heel and
t~ to the ski. 'I'M boots
are slirf to give ankle support
and are usually insulllted, for
warmth . Clothing IS designed to
be tight, wind rtsistant and
fashionable . Downhill skiing
mvo!ves speed and turning,
accomplished by shifting one's
.,.,·eaght from oot foot to the
u hrlor a to\1. b:trk to thl' to~o~of
the h1ll to rtpt"at the operat10n.
Crus.s l"OUnlry and tourmg
sk1s are usually ntade from
wood 1•oth .,., ooden bottoms
which nllo.,.,· \liD to slick to
them The lUX 11 apphed to the
s k• bouoms to atd thr slut'r m
grttmg a gnp m the.' snov.
surface ~~ohen .,.,t'1ght 11 .1pphed
to the.' slu Tou.nng dt1 bmdmgs
hold ~ rood to the.' sk• onl~ at
the !Of: llw!rt' arr t.,.,o mam
types of btndmgs, cable and toe
Qlblt' btndlngs can be used "'' llh
USt'S h1s poles for added push as
lw thrusts ont- ski forward a t
l'Siabhsh a rt'lnxmg, gliding
rhythm and co,·er considerable
di.sto.nC't' m a short t1mc. Tht< ski
tourer can go uphill, downhill .
across hills. across ll"\'rl fie;lds
and 3lmost an)"\lohere tht-rc is
sno\1, co,·er Golf counes,
parks. playgrounds. farmland
and unplo\loed logglniJ orada are
acceptablt- places to sk1
Tounng equ1pment IS inex·
pensl\'t compared to downhill
nllow for fre<'dom of
A turtle r~dt , ski sweater and·
or light windbreaker \~,' ill us \.lOIII)'
be adequate. The sport does
genuate consldt<rable bod)'
heat and most lnexpt"rit'nted
s lut<n "'ovt<rdrt' IS ·· A hat,
' wnm mLIIt'M 1nd \lo'Oill SOC'ks
complt<tt' tht' outrit
'The ttchn1qUt' of ski tourU\IIIS
' mort' hkeM'd to 1ce skating than
sklin& On le,·elground the sk1er
equipment 'A'hich can e 3 s 11\
~~ ~~~;:ss:d ~~~Yn\~~~~
purchaS«< for S60.
A Cr~ C~ntry Ski Oub on
ca m pus 11 Ul the proeto!>S of
de\•e loping more ski trail!> 111
this a r ea . The Univerl>ll)
~~~esol R,~: ~· c~;: ~~;;
b1ndings .1lte games room ha~
ordered 30 pair oi shoes and 5
pair of touring skis \loh1ch .,. 111
ho~fully a rrh ·e whitt' ther~ LS
still snow.
Alpha Delta Alpha
holds meeting
most ,.·ork or h1kmg shoH Tal!
I)'~ bindmg.s are ~ v.1th
crou counlry ski shoes. Toe
into holes at the 1«'5 while a
cla n1p from the top holds the toe
of the s hoe st'Curely to the sk•
S ki s~ art light nnd nexible.
Clothi ng for ski tourmg should
11me ,, practLC."-'d s klt<r can
Alpha Delta Alpha , the
pror('sstonal orga niz.1 tion ror
s tudl'nls interesll'<l in rood
and nutr1tton held their f1 rst
mN!ting or the IIC"'' yea r The
busuwss mcetmg or J an . 16
was for the ciL'<'Iion or new
The new ofric('rS
~ l arglt' Krc~rna nn ,
pres1d('nt . Kar la Pete rs,
ncc-prcs 1dent , Ltnda
Slt.>\'Cns. s£"Cr<'t;try , Suzanna
Kruege r , treas ure r : Joan
Allison. public rela ti ons. ;uu.i
Cat hy Smith. his torian
Blanche Erkel, from Uw
Food and Dru g Ad
m inis tration , will SJX'ak :md
answer questions on Monda\
Feb. I t from 6 :30 to 9 p m ir;
r~ rn 11 6 COPS . Her top1t.·
Wtll be food fads , raJia t:lh
and labeling . This meeting 1 ~
open to the public .
Trippers Plan to Involve More Stude ~ts
h) S h · \ t' I..\ brck
Tr1ppcr C.lHurman ~lark
D;t \'1:<> has :mnOUIIC.:l-d plans to
mcludc mnre lJWSP studt·rlls
tn Tnppt.•rs
"' Wc'r(' lry mg lu des troy
thl' myth that Trtppt.•rs art' a
s mall tltqut.• of pcuplt•."
IJ<t\"1!. S~ILd
TrLppt•rs IS a campus group
111\'0ived m outdoor a<.'lt\'IIH.-·s
~ uch :J!!t :<>no"shoc hlkt's.
backpacktng . canoctng .
skung . slt'1gh ndt-s and rock
c hmbtng They arc funded
through lht.• Unt\'CrSII)' Ac I!VIIIes Board rU,\ HI
03\' IS has hopes or tX ·
pandmg Tnppcr, and rnakmg
lht.'lr raclhltes :1\'aflabJe IO
more students than Ill tht.•
pa s t Trtpper s ha s off1ce
s pa _c c. a telephone , UAU
~1~1::1~ 1 :~ l1~us b~~g~av~!
ha s taken
the Cruss
Country and Oownht ll Skt
~~~.~~ d~~~~~o~~~?~ -~~{,,~,·~s
... ..
ril~~~,i~~~o:~ ~eor~~:~rfu'~
'~ Diamonds
Our Specialty"
chosen fi e ld of s tudy. and tu
provide them with an 1111
der slonding or wh:at !ht·Lr
future jobs mi ght cntarl
~~~~~:~~;:_'·~~~r:~c~·~~~~~';:! 1 ~~ ~: 1 d01 ~r~i~~~~ely 1':~·~
IIH~ swn mcr
su mmer 12 s tudents ,,.,r
,y, far about 5{) post tions in · t ici pat e d i n a sirntlar
:<>tate . fede ral. and private prog r am wit h ve r y good
~~~nn:;:: a~~d~;a~:~~le c'~~ :Sm~1 8~/'~=i~f~0e~~~~~~·~~
~\~;'!a ~nough Pl'oplc ."
A limit must be placed on
m ='="='="'="P
=Ic=pa=r==pr=a=<=tto=a=l="="'· ='="="=c·c~m=t~hc;ir
For Fhte Dini"t
h) d S t•l !!t un
L'ullcgl' uf N a t ural
Hcsuun·e!!t tCNH I slud(•nls
wil l haw an opportunit y to
su mmer uuernsh1p progr am,
!<t.<lld O~ntcl Tramer . dea n or
the C:\H
The program "''as planned
IQallowstu<k-ntstoga tnsomc
Treot Your Volentine To
Summer Positions
Offered to
CNR Students
and ottwr groups
ha·:M~:tet'~~~ni.s :.:,'r~ 0u"tccdy
bcllcr ,' ' said D~wis .
Trippers ha VC ciOSl' !O Orlt'
th ird of their a nn u;tl butlgl'l
lcrt They a r e prt•st•nlh
pl .a nn t ng s prtn g tr LJI'
Possible trips may inclutlt· .r
t·anoc trip in lhe Mid ·S<lulh
I Um,tk "'' c;m llll't.' l tht:w backpacki ng and mount.un
lll'<'tb-d1 th{' )ot udcnl much c limbing in New York St.rh·
t1c1pa1tng 111 ccr tam act lvt l tes
hkt." c:tllU\' tnps 0:1\'l!o rl'CIS
that tht.· H· an• e n o ugh
:, tudcnt:. wrt h dn•c r s 1rie d
~utduor lnll'rcsts that
rnppt.•r.-. t.•an '>l'n'l' most or
l425 O nu·c h St.
South Stn ens PotM
they learned more m ont·
s ummer tha n they had 111 .tn
entire semester .
Heprcsenta tives from tlw
CN H a pproa c h vartuu ~
are. \\'hen
likel) lht•
hi r e s ummer
representative finds suit ablt•
jobs avail a ble, he informs Hw
s tudents intcrestt.od
in working . If the agency 1s
Interested, an agreement rs
arranged whereby a CNH
student nus the position .
Credit Is given a ccord ing lo
job re levance and the k.ind or
e xperience gained by the
s tudent.
"This is just the begtn·
ni ng ," sai d Trainer .
everyt hing works out well .
the existing program could be
r:t,e,:t~t~~ t!:l!c&,r=.rams
Future meetinp are being
planned for early FebruarY to
provide interested students
~~h ~uur::e~e~"f'7::!~:Shr;
prosram .
February 7, 197 4
Racine County Scholarsh ip Available
The Racine Branch of the the fall after the grant is
Amf.'rican Association or awarded
Uni\'ersity Women !At\U WI
App lication blanks may be
has announced that ap· llbtained fromMs . W. ROOert
plications a r e now being Jennings, 12J9SouthMalnSt ..
~:~ojf::h~p ~~~ict~eA!0~ ~~:·R~i~~~: ~/rg~
awards annually to a l);lclne
Coun ty g1rl .
The scholarship award.
which is biased on academic
achie\·emen t and financia l
need, is awarded each )'ea r to
a Ra cine County gi rl
beginning the first or second
se.mesterorherjunior yea rat
any accre d iJed. degree ·
Main. UWSP.
t\ pplications 5hou ld be
retumed to Ms. Jennings
alongwithat ranscriptofthe
st udent's credits for her
college work to date.
Deadline for filing a p·
plications is April ·t:The schola rship ...; n be
awarded at AA UW"s a nnual
barntuel in May.
Drama comfXJred to campus
by Lu an~Rit hardt
The University P layers
"The Uosson," by Eugene
lonesco, was st r ange ly
paralleled with ou r own
Ste\·en.s Point campus. A
uniquely designed back-drop
curtain depicted overlap·
pings of Old Main. Fine Arts
and Science bui ldings.
··Pomp and.Orcumstance· ·
preluded a comical yet
horrible lesso n in three·
dimensional design. Three
tri os. each composed or a
professor , sec r eta r y. a nd
st ud ent, performed in th ree
similar office settings. The
audience was led into
methods . The students were
drh·en helpless to the sexual
whfms of the professo r s.
leading ultimately tomenta]
rape- and physical death
The one-act play. dlre<:tcd
by Robert Baruch and
assisted by Judi Iris. showed
acting arti s try as cast
members performed
simultaneously yet held to
separate personalitie!S and
""Woy zeck." by Georg
an opera . Robert Baruch
tran.slatcd the very lleavy
drama which shovocd stages
of ill63nity in the life of
Sexualdrive!Swasagain the
key to murde r. Woyzeek.
played by B~adley Bowl~.
stabbedh1sw1feMar ieinaf1t
of jealous passion . Heid i
Hawkos played Marie .
AI though the ci r ·
cumstances of the play get
multi-color. This was com-
Fi lm Society
T he Universi t y F'ilm
Society ...i11present Birlhof a
~'alion on t'eb. 12 at 7 p.m
and 9: 15 p .m . in Old Mam
e xtraordinary
panorama of the Civil War
and the Reconstruction
per iod . th is film took the
nationbystorm . ltdepictsthe
assasination of President
Lincoln inFord "s Theatreand
the night ride~ of the Ku Klux
Klan. It was the first film
t'\'Crlobeshown 1nthc- \\o'h ite
Presiden t Wilson
it was
like " Tiling
ghostly voices inter woven in
of his conscience.
The play showed dramatic
e:o::cellencebutdid not create
the exciting effeet of in·
vo lvement as did "The
Lesson ."'
Page 5
Philharmonic no rock concert
by Trny Rya n
"'O h s ure! Tell me the
andashoehorn , and l'lldo
""Gt:t going Ryan:·
""Relax, I'm moving . . .
That wa s Thur s da y.
yes terday. Today, Friday, in
Quandt Gym, hard narrow
ble3cher beneath me and
~~~~~ea!~ngit,t"fist:~~g t~-~
··warsaw Philha r monic". I
recall the scene!S of last
week's "Wishbone Ash'"
concert and the di fference
betwee n th.e cr owds: no
tough bouncer , '' Teen
Angel", just patience and a
hint of manhattans . Fifteen
minutes to go, my posterio r
beginning to ac he and I'm
looking over the orchestra
personnel list : Eugenius:z
Wi nnieski. Ka:zimien S:zc·
zudlowski , hmm George
Smiths . Well, just so they
know a little boogie . .
Polish finery
on display in LRC
Adisplayof fineryandfolk
art and crafts fr om Poland
ha"s been arranged in the
lobby o f t h e Albertson
Learning Resources Cente r
at UWS P .
The current exhi bition will
cont inue through March l ,
open all day and eveflings.
Mondays through Saturdays.
and afternoons and evenings
on Sunday.
The gig begins. running
through Stymanowski "s two
fraJ;tmentsfromHarna sieand
Utany. and I can"t say I'm
not impressed . Both were
measured and delicate. not
meant to arouse but rather
isyet tocome. ,\nd ! almost
forget my so~ rear as they
s II p in I o Rave I' s
Unfo rtunately I ca nnot say
I'm impressed with the
soloist. Stefania Woytowicz.
Though her voice is good, it
lac ks the strength neededto
dojusticeto the number.
In the lobby. during in·
ter mission, Marv , a good
friendandfe llowmusicbuff,
reflects on Woytowlc z's
performance, " I've heard
some who can hit the black
keys and some who can hit
the white keys, but she had
troublefindingthec racks".
Thanks 1\!arv . Listening to
more comments as I make
my way back Into the gym. I
gather the performance to
havebeenthus fa r , fairto
partly cloudy with hopefull y
be~tC: t th~\s ~~ ~~m~. e x 1 ?
Tchaikovs ky's Symphony No.
~in !"Minor. No hope of "In·
A·Gadda-Da-Vida ." They
sta rt with a number called
Andan te sostenuto-moderato
con anima, exhibiting the
genius of Tchaikovs ky 's
intricate harmonies. I find
my~elf becoming enthraUed
of this ON:hestra and its
conduc:tor. The movement of
1•iolin bows. cello and bass
bows. the conduc tor's baton
and spa rkling brass supPly a
l'isual ballet which heightens
the magnificent and graceful
music. The conductor himself. dancing and striking,
leading his attack with the
predsion of a pritc flghter,
make!S the music alive and
much more real.
Tile third movement,
Schen.o, Allegro, ~~o-ith piz·
zicatoo rpluckingstyle,isby
far the s tand out of th e
e1•ening. Its quick , precise
movemen t and soothing
oftheliste ncrs,swet'pingus
up with it.
Thunderous app lause into
the fou r th and final
movemcnt. ldoesn'teveryone
know not to clap between
mol"ements > F'inale, Allegro
confuoco. l meaningwith fi rel
and it is. It builds, it glides, it
lilts again and again unti l I
am lost in its brilliance. I've
forgotten my aching and stiff
body, myearlie r d.Jspleasure
and I'm left with deep Con·
tentmentandsatisfaction .
There a re Se\·eral hundred ' - itemscollectedoverth
by Mrs. Waclaw Soroka
Mrs. Adam Bartosz, both of
Stevens Point and long active
in projects which nurture
Polis h hi sto r y, customs.
traditions and ar t. Both are
natives of Poland who built
their co llectio ns mainly .
during return visits to thei r
homeland or from friends and
~lalivesthc-re .
On display are crystal.
chi na . wood carvings. many l decorat ive
figures. s eve r a l doll s,
decorated eggs . pape r
cuto ut s. linens and a
min iatu r ed ca r ved alta r
altar in the Mar iacki (51.
Mary "SI Olurch in Krakow.
Mrs . LinetteSchulerorthe
lea r ningresourcesstaffisin
chargeofexhibits such as the
one provided by Mrs. Soroka
and Mr s . Barton and
requests that anyone wit h
~~o-·ouldbeofinterest tothe
publicareinvitedtoan ange
lll•IJIIJ··~~·-~~·•Iilll )I~S;;;;;;;;:sc;c;o;;;:~55!055!sai~OS5!55!~~:1
Po::;g~e:.._:6:___ _:__T:...H:...E
:..R_:...__ _ _F:...e.:cb~
ruory 7. 197 4
UW System Energy
Saving Considerable
Tenured Faculty Fired
by Susa n Stark
Due to a decr ease in
s tudent enroll m ent at UWSP
and the necessity to reduce
spendmg here . the dectsion
was made m May . 1973 to
release 12 tenured fa c ulty
members from the unive r ·
l11c chnnccllor appo1n1ed
the UWSP HeconsldCriiiiOn
Comnuttce to rt'\'ll'W the
dcc&slon to relea se l,hC'O
fa(.· ulty membc ·
thc deciSIOn to Ja)' Orf the
tenured facult y be revers(.-d
The mam reasons Clt(.'<l for
th e1r r~commendauon to
rc \'erse the lay-orrs were the
f;ulure to ndhere to proper
procedures and princ&pll' S
and the lack of proof· thnt tt
fi sc al crisis exists wh&ch
would JUStify la y -oH o f
,\ ccording to a letter by the
comnuttce . "Te nure w&thm :1
un1versity represents the
prot ec tion ""'' h1ch msures
fr("('dom for research and
tcachrng . For th1 s reason
d1~m•ssa l or lay-off of tenured
faculty members IS a senous
thrc:1t to academic fret.>dom
Tht• co mmtlt f:l'
that dtsnuss:ll
)'(.':l r . they wou ld u..w ,111
prox i ma t ely t h l' ~amt•
amou n t o f kil owa ll huur,
saved by the UW ·Sy~tt•m 111
the month or Dccemtx•r
The s aving in heatmg ful'l
'""'as a ppa ren t almost nn
nu•<bately after t he tn&lt:&l
A senes of public hea ru~gs
order to turn back tht·r
were held m November and
Mcurdm~ to Hobert W
mosta ts last fa ll . It w:1s ault-d
0.:.'\.'ember , 1973 to review the
\\'u ih•r. \'ICC president for by the fact tha t Del't'lllht.•r
l'ases of five non-retained
,ld nii iii Stratmn . thc c<ampuses wa~ tO J>er cent w<~rm<'r th:
m:ult• :tccordi ng to st;uulard!l
tenured facul t y . One private
ut lhl' UW-Systl'lll drop1X'<I
the same mont h in t!l?:!
th ;at are acadcmH:nlly
hc:&rmg was a lso held .
tht•& r S-team re-qu•rement s by
ddt.•rL.. tble and cxpilctl "
Suvmg of elcc tn l':ll t'll\'tg)
t~ 1v e of those r e lea sed
~-'.US7 .tlJ2poundi during thn t
a ppeal ed that deci s &on
l't•llor Orc,·fus refused to ,,.,.r.utl. :1 figure eqwva lcnt to was required to r emoH• h.:ht
publicly Appea ls heanngs
.an,:t.•pt the· recommendatton :!. .OOO ga llons or fue l 011. or bu lbs and cu t orr Cl'rt;un
,.ere held for Randolph Klein
l'IUIU~h to hl•at a Cit)' Wt th a
b) hiS a ppoult('d CO IIIITHII (.'('
lig h ting a n d clc l'lr&l':JI
:md Owrlcs Rumsey of the
pupulat&on of m ore than
IU l'"l'\ Cf'S{' the d£'CISI OII Ill
IIJ ~tory
Department. Ken·
t.'<JU&pmcnt. " We e:cpt"CI b~
IIUIOO Th•~ represents an
rv~ard to the facully
ncth Brown of the Mat h
the end or the year tu :.htl~o~. an
llw dt."l·aswn to release tht• U\ t•r 0111 Sa\' lll~S O( almost 20 O\'Cr -a ll saving of t5 p..•r ct·nt
lk·partment . and members
ll:n urc d faculty mernb('f!t p..·r n•nt Cor the month or 111 kilowa tt -hour s ... :.:11d
of both the Phys&
cs and
"hu appt.•a lcd the1r l·ascs :->l 11l lkt'l'/1\be r 1973. over the Wmter .
Ph ys•cal
:-..Hill' month 111 19'i2.
~ l tuub
" II was easier and quu:kt•r
t:h·l'lnl· consumption has to contr ol t he hand ur1 tht•
hl·t•n n• du l·e d s imi l ar l y. s team ga uge than Uw 15,001.1
or so ha nds on the t•IC"Ctm·
.& lthuu~h till' b•g sa\•lng did
nut uu unt1lthe month or ~w 1tchcs. " he added . " Hut ttw.·
b~ J nnir Sway n~
d&sl'USSIOII as to whe th er ,, l>uht·~ uf thiS type Hut tht• Ut• t· t•mb(.•r . ~o~.· hen the
t:lwm Sigmund . chairman thl'~e predicted personnel bcncf&ts 1ncludc a mort· n'<lu~:lwn .unount(.'fl to IS 53
olthcplann&ng.programm&ng , dcl'lswns should be ke pt .. ,.,Jtl' and under:.tandw.,:
utll&t)' costs. the W S\'m
pt·r t't·nt or -' .6i~ . i68 k1lowoatt
budgetang advisory com · confidential. satd &gmund'Uit~ and ~llKient bod~
'""Ill s how a handsonw ::,,\111~
1~1ur. If UlOO e le<: tnl' ranges
m&li(.'C IPPBAC • asked the . It may be upscttmg to rind 11w lung run ga1n:. out"t'lt-:h
"''rt' hnt-d up w1th 4.000cooks at the cod or 00(.' ~l'.lr of
HUSirM..'SS AHa1rs Comnuttce onc~e lr scheduled fo r !Ill' short run p r oblem~ . hl•
prl',: meals for a n enti re l'OilSCt\'3t iOn.
t HAC 1 to fo r m
a s ub · nonretcnt& on or lay-orr and .&ddl-d
l'ornm lttce whose p r tme then ha vmg the 1nformat1on
B.& on cst &m ated
r es p o n sib il i ty wo u ld be made available. he added
c nrullments, theS(' s pec •al
asstsb ng PPBAC wi th the
Olancellor,t":cyfus w&ll make budgl'l p lan nmg exe rc1 sc~
UIIIVCtsity budge t. This in· the f&na l l ~~ :sio n but wants s huw what S1grnund t(.•r
dudes i ts pl a n ni n g, mon~ ad\ icc fr om deans and mcd " the accumu l a t &vc
dtstribut1on . and accounti ng . others rega rdi ng th1 s
hurror of 11 all " About 1-'0
S1nce mid -N ovembe r .
In the long run . Sigmund lt• :Jl' hm~ fa cult y here th 1s fall
P P BA C has been going ft."Cis ttus mformat&on w11l '""'II not be here by the end of
through a s pecial budget ha\·c to be more v,ndely 1976 hcs~ud Se\·cnt) facult~
Frb 11. l,a ck agl ng Cor · F~b . It, Shopko. Grrrn lb ).
plann•ng exercise. said d1stnbuted 1f a comm111ee •s members arc schedult>d to go pu r :. t ion o r t\ m~rl c a . Wis . AJI m ajor s · cspec•all)
Sigmund nus exercise was to function eHectJVely and .11 the end of thiS semester . -'0 ..:, ;a n, lun . Ill . All majOrs · busmess adm inistratton and
suggested by Central Ad· understand decis&
ons betng b~ theendofne:ctyear , and 15 (.'Spc(.'la ll y pa per scie nce hbernl a rts for pos!llOns m
m1mstrat10n for curricular m ade Many ma y be upset by b) May 1976. Sigmund addt>d
i(rado.a tcs for posiliOns In manage m ent
a rea expt."Cted to exper ience
'1.1lcs . markcllng, accountina progroms .
furlher enrollm ent drops in
and production managem ent.
the fall . It is a tte mpting to
F~ b . 19 , Na lco Ch t•Jui n l
demons t ra te w hat w i ll
SU MM t : H
l nt:~K o
1>1' 1
t;ompa ny . All paper ~C it'TICl'
ha p pen wi th p e r sonne l
t ;un11' of Jhc Am t!rica n
OC-cis ions wi thin the next t wo
Quil l and bea d wo r k of qHiot1ng 1, ma rl in s p1k e l. u lhcr . w Ch ur ch. t: lln · gr adua tes .
years. said Sigm und .
Native North Ame r ican !<oCUIIIanshlp , boa tmg la,. s. lum JII r . \\ i, ., ~o~.• ill mterv&ew
Presently there is some Indians will be offered from 7· f • r :. I a 1d. r ad 1o rom
un ca mpus on Tut'Sday . F~ b . Ft b . zo, Stale of \\hcon~1n
9 p .m . on Thursday Feb 7· mumcatwn . maneuv tnn~
1.! fur .111 s tudents cma lc and 1Hu rea u of P~ r son n rl l.
Madl.son . Wis . AJI maprs
m te r es te d in post lions 1n
the bea d wo rk a nd quill l'umple te the cour se . th<' ~r.-•twn-. Postllonsopen for : ge n e ral a d m ins tr all on .
em br oide r y or the North l'u;~st Guard Aux1hary ,.,u
'"'·'fllur counselors, wa terfront socia l services. laboratory
America n native peoples .
award yo u th e " Ua s &c d•n·cto r s. c anoeing a n'd and t h era py , en gi neenng .
A basic seamanship and Sl'o:u nan s hip Ce r tt f1ca te ". tnppm~ counselors , na ture n a t u r al r esour ce s. ac ·
by Kat hy O'Connell
sa fety course will be offered wh1ch may p ro v1 d c a 'Jll"l'ta h ~L~. craft directou, coWtli ng and linancc. Ill·
" A ser ies ol break-ins of fr om 7-9 p .m .. Thursday , Feb rl>duc tiOn in your boa t 111
t1Utc;:u up 111 g a nd ca mpc ra fl formallo n s ervi ces and
vendmg machmes and coin· loi ,Apr . 8. Descr ipt ion : Ba sic ~ urance
' IICt: &a h ~ t s a nd p r og r a m tea ching.
operated washers and dryers k now l edge or a1ds to
occurred a ~_begi nni n g of navtgat&on . rules of the road .
For rcg1 s trat1 on. ('a ll
F~ b . ZO, Hy der Truck Unr~ .
second se':!,~" reported c h a r t s an d compa ss Extended Serv1ces 346-3717
t-'r b. 1·1, Aid Anoda llon lor l~ .. J .eklon vlllt , t'la . All
business related majorS and ·
Alan Kunevsk \ Protective P**************** * *** * *************. l..uthrnns. Appleton .
or other major with t ..·o )'tan
a c t i ve m i litar y servtct .
between a ges of 1,._29, U.S
Orga n instructor for Stcreoeqwpment for sate All : pos &lions
only a re
clllzenship requi red and f r~
a nd c. a nd y
18·20 students . lns truct&ons maJ or brands available • chg&ble for off1 cer and top
t' ~~y at 560 was stole~ • held a t downtown locat10n lllscounts up lo fiO per cent • manag<'rnent posi~ions . As a to relocate .
rro~aonc vending' machine, • :WH007
Full y guaranteed Why pa y : f_ratc rn al ,l ife In s uran ce
he 'd
rcta• l pr 1ces" !ton at 341 • • cumpany , Ai d Association ror F eb . z:s. f'Nenl Civil Srrvlcr
"l>IJOuld bt.• undertak<•n on l ~
'l11t' thr(.'('·IIIOIIth effort of
tht· t !m' t'n.1ty of Wisconsin
to l.'Onscn ·e ene rgy
t~ 1 :. rl·~ulted m fuel savings
t , 1 r~ 1• l'nough to heat all the
htlllll'~ 111 tiK• City o( Wisconsi n
H..&pid:-. from Oc tober through
Dl'\'t'&nbt•r 1973.
l;t:,l al!ernatl\'f.'. and onh
' ml'antngful' par
tn·tpatton of fat•ul t ~ bodu_~ at
,til 1\~\'l'IS Of dl'CISHI!l
m.tklllg · The com nu th't'
\Will Oil tO S3} that If II ~3!1
'"'-''t'!'>~r\ to ma ke budget
t'UI!lo m the acadcm•c area:, by
hnng fa cull y ·· 11 IS 1111
f>t'f,IIIVC that til<' sclet:llllll bt•
PPBAC Sub-Committee Requested
;;~~~.~ ~~~~~r:f i~i~~~~~.f~~d
Job Interviews
Dates Set
Extended Services Offers
Non-Credit Courses
~~f -~~:tru~i,c~r~Sc~~1~~ ~.·~:,;rl' ;oo~or~:;:~~~fr) :;~·:.·~'c~- ~~~cs:~~~ ~~c ~~:~
Van do Is Pry
Sc~~c:timatedl~ fromthe :
~~~;~~~~was $150- : Wan~ :
classified ads
: ~~n~~~~e~; ~~~e :!~::
an the same va n· : Ca lc u l ato r s fo r sa le at
~-~:~a~~a'.:~~~sx~T~~ ~~ :''::~~;;·~~ ~ ~~~:~
dais !f~ responsible for an • dlscoWlt prices : Texas m· W:ult(.>d ..
• opport unit y
the campus break-ins. since a ! st ruments •nc
2 IH..'t.>d nde to F'londa ovtr ! code
e mploy m ent
pattern was established. said •
SH· IO S87
~ptHIK break We w& ll help •
KurKvslu The vandals were .._ SH· II $1 08
'41t h expenses
• {hl t'cb 15 197o1 Waukesha
able to stea l the money by !
~II Gar) m 103 or Jay m : J>ubllc Sch~ls 'waukesha
prytng loose t he coin boxes . !
!~3500 . S80
Ill o.~t 346-J740 1n llyer ll all : ~~1. w 1U be m~rviewing ~
T he ven d e r s a r e now •
Kradf'rs ol Slrvtns Point ta k~ It t.: mpus from 9 a .m . 10 4 p .m . ·
rein forcu'l&the coi n boxes as • Bowmar MXSO S99
note : \'lsl l Wausau 's only • Va~ancu.>s : elem en ~ry and
a protecllve measure sa1d •
ut,.dc._papuback book 1tore • M."t.:onda ry · Please s•gn up In
Cl aude A f ude r ma u ~ r o f : (.'t-alg "501 1130
Uuy Y'ur •., price or lradr rw'! room IOJ , Main Buildi ng .
Protective Ser vices ..
: A~f u~\f11
y guaranteed !lomrlyou ha,·en 't rea d ~ Uvc.r •,. t-'tb It
Most o( t he break·ms were
zooo t ties t.o choose fr om The
· Up joh n Co.. Min·
reported Lo Protective Ser· ~ Why pay more? Ron at 34 t· l~ ouk E xc ha nge . 212 · >lth ~ n.n pol~l, Minn . AU blolosy ,
v i ces by ma i nten a n ce .- S200
Strrtt. Wa usau
It t.:he m1 1t r y a nd-or sc ie nce
workers, said Kursevski .
• •••••••••
~t Krad u.a t es l o r ph ar ........
. ! •.': "'f~• m•ceuuca l sales DOIIUons.
Build ing, Room A· 121 from
8:30 a .m . to 12:00 noon All
Int eres te d s tudents please
Jign up for the exam in thr
Placement Office , 106 M::
~~~~~ i :nd a~~~ ~:~ t 100
et .
buck aod
~b . Zl. Sea~~: 111. All
e 01
n re l 1l l m a n ~ ~~ntalo&
tralnlna prOIJ'Iml
· ng
manaae m e nt tr a " '
proarama .
February 7, 1974
Page 7
Cry rope
Rape situation muddled with misinformation
byMa rc: VoUra tb
co•'ers the memory of the
once-g reen guss buried
beneath it. Durin& swn men
past, young boys played ball
here . Y+'henautumnmade the
lea•·es blush, the Cardinal
football team pi"ICtlcedhere.
Then. one cold and crisp
night. a Stevens Point coed
was raped here.
Fortunately , for most
St~·ens Point &iris, RAPE is
justawordinthe dictionary.
They ha•·en't had to live
through the trauma of its
scar It leaves behind. Since
1972, oo ....·ever . \J Sle•·ens
Point girls reported being
raJX'(t . llleactualnumber of
rapes, though , could be much
higher. F'BI statistics report
that onl)' about one rape in
five is e•·er reported.
There are many reasons
that rape victims don't
rcportbemgassaultt'd. Some
girlS JUS\ want to try and
" forgNit ."andothersare
" too ashamed."' Some victuns fear public o·posure.
"dr agged through a trial."
These. howe•·er . are :all
ml~concep t 1ons and "TV
la""'~t'rs" ha••e done nothing
tod1spel them
Accordmg to District AI·
IOr fl('y M3ris Rushevics. a
rapol• \'ICIIm " 'ill find no
" Information gatht>rinals
the key ," said Rushev1cs. He
also noted that wit11out the
public's cooperation, the job
of the poliee is severel y
When a rape is reported In
Stevens Point , the police
follow a set procedure . A
fema le off ice r . Audr ey
Ree ves. is notified l m ·
mediately . She is on 2-l·hour
eall to assis t any victim of
rape or other sex offense.
Ms . Reeve-s Sliid that she
"assists" and "advises"
" The Victim Is onlv
a rape victim . She doesn't
make any demands. Reeves
said \hot she suggests to the
Ne ver Given The vic tim of the attack that she
be examined by a doctor
immt'diately . If the victim
Third Degree "
follows her a dvice, the
police...·oman accompanies
- - - - - - - her to the hospi tal where the
lmmediate reporll ngofan victim is treated for any
attac:k is of the utmOI!I t im· bodily injuries she may have
por tance. Toemphasite that inc urred, as well as the
point Rushevics said that , pre•·ention of any poMible
"As soon as poMiblt" isn't pregnancy , o r vene r ea l
soon enough ... He also noted disease. lf the victim is in the
that it's impor tant to get the state ol extreme trauma .•
faciSwhiletheyarest illfresh tranquilizers may a lso be
on the ••ictim's mind . AI a administe red, she added.
later date, important detai ls
Ms. Ree•·es also noted tha t
she accompanies the attack
mightbeo•·e rlooked .
••ictim toanyqueslioningthat
may be conduc:ted. She also
said th at the victim of any
attack re<:eh·es the utmos t ·
consideration saying, " We
ha ndle the situatlon wi th kid
The D.A. alsofeelsthat the
personal well-being of a rape
•·1ctim is the most Import an t
thing. lie said a rape victim,
"is ne•·er given the 'third
deg ree'."
When osked about what
precautionsagirl shouldtake
to preven t rape, Rushev lca
and Ree vt"S r es pond ed,
almost in unison . " Don ' t
hitchhi ke ~"
Rushevies said tha t, "Of
the IJ reported rapes since
\972, II of the victims were
assaulted while hitchhiking.
Both Rus he•·ics and Ms.
Reeves also advise agaiMt
groups before police because
of the time fuctor in•·olved .
"All that can do is slow us
dov.·n." said Rushevies.
* Maro<
rr~ ~ih ~:: o~~~e;~~~~
Slenms Pmnt police
Rushe'''C$ statC'd that one
nl the biggest mi5COI'I(:ep\IORS
g1rlshold,sthat a \' ICtim of
rapehasto "barcherentire
her ·chastity'" Tht' D.A.
pomtedoot that this IS rarely
tht" c:ase He sa1d that
"ch:lsttt)'"ls only relevant
"'ht'n consent IS TUE issue
o\n~ordingtOI3w . agirl
lf ag irl is r:aped ,sheis
forced to make a crucial
she is in ast;ateofshoc:k. She
has two choice$, either to
report it, or th ink only of
hcrself, keep quietaboutit.
andlive.,..ith the thought that
•·lctim .
Rushe•·ics said t hat a
•·ic:timof rapeshould report
the inc:ident, "If not for
herself, then for others who
might be U1e victim in the
future :· tie pointed out that
one Stevens Point man was
:fr1! .•
e•·en reportthefac:tthatthey
h:ld been rai)M unti l they
read of his arrest in the
newspa per . Had they come
forward rarlie r with the
mformation they had , it is
possible that fe.,.·er of them
....·ouldha•·e had tosuffer.he
said. None of them would
Rushevics added.
1ncludes all Transportation
1ncludes all Accommodations
Choice of efficiencies or Regular Rooms
Di sney World Options
IS raped must resist to the
" lltmost" to prO\'e that she
didnotcoosen t totheac:t
Ac-cording to R.ushe\'ICS , a
j:lrldoesn't ha•·t to be beaten
up or bnused to pro••e !hilt
sheres1stede1ther Evenjust
the thr e at of phy s 1cal
•·ioll!nce . e1thcr .,...1\h or
.,...,thout a "'eapnn . 1s sufficient grOWids to pro••e noocnn5ent. het>xplau\ed When
1t 1s determined that the
' 'IChm did not g1ve her ap·
pro•·al to the rape. then
nothing of her past life IS
consJtlcred relevan toccanbe
bruught upm coll rt . he added.
Ku she•·ICS f1rm ly stated
that a girt who reports a rape
need not go to c:ourt The
mformat1on tha t she could
pro\' lde.however . i~•·ita l . He
nott.-d that ..·hile a g1rl may
cons1derhe r rapetobean
1solated casr. 'n reality 11
ma\' be the lm k 1n a chain
kadmg to the arTest of the
Other Special Options
Free Bar B Ques & Parties
in Daytona .
Scene from our 11173 Trip.
Sign up Early
344-5041 o r 341-1019
Evenings & WeekendS
8th Great Year
c~~- ~~',d~~:~ ~~~;~a~
\'1Chm rema1nsaoonymous
" lnfact,ltlstlleg:aldfor the
news pape r s . ra 10 o r
tcle•·lslon to ment1on the
name of the rape •·ictim.'"
out that
1d Rushe\'
lie alsoy
trwls are cJ(Md to the public:
•.. , .
use vour
Campus Calendq~
Hearts~~~~ ~~~,{es lfd~
Love:Bundle. A
bouquet of fre flow en
.. w ith a surJSrlse.
A copJule of Joie de Fleur,
FTD's uclusivc new
perfume. And we con
send flowers to your
Volentine girls across the
str«:t or a<:roS$; the
country. Stop In Of
phone us today. But
hurry! Don't be dis·
appointed-send early!
tloo<t tD 1\&
Thursday, February 7
AHTS ANU Lt:t"TU IU·: s St:IUFS· r
Fmc Arts Center. Jean·Jacq~·-~
t:IIHISTI,\N Sni:::Nl't: COLI.EftE OHGJ\ NIZt\TIUN : 6 : 15
p .m .. U C M Uuilding. comer College nnd F'rcemont.
UAU Fll.l\1 St :Hn·:s: 8 p .m ., Wiscort!
Center . ''Gone with the Wind"
" Patience must tun-e her perfect \lo'ork "
snt.:Set·: F IITIUS FILM : i and 9 15 p.m ., Old Mam
t\u(htortwn " No Time Ltke the Past," '1l'le Mooslers are
~>we on Maple Strt"CI " and " Charnctt>rs m Search of an
E.~tl ..
tt:t.Tl!ltl-: US t\ FIW·AM £ RICAS I.ITEH.ATURE : 8 p.m .,
Wtsconsin Hoom . Uruversity Center Lecture by Ramona
1\ ustin.
U!\'I VERSIT \ ' TII E1\TIU:: :8 p m , Jenkins Theatre, Fine
Arts Center ·:WoytcCk " and ''The l..essoi9."
Friday, February 8
7 p .m ., room to be announced la ter . J ohn W. Alexander.
national president IV will be here to speak on ''How to be
an Effecti\'C WitrH.'SS on Campll'i" and " llow to Get Along
..,_,ith Your Fam1ly " A question and answer period will
UNI\' E HSIT \' T IIEATitE : 8 p .m ., Jenkms Theatre, Fine
Arts Center " \\'oyzeck" and ''The Lesson "
t:UX CEHT U\' "WEi\l~oxs OF PEACE": De Bot Center .
Original a rrangenu.-nts of songs by ~atles . Santana.
Monday, Februo
Ui\ St:HAU. CANDIDATI-.:S \\',\.\'n; 1
mtcrested In trying out for baseb,)
~:~rst. to Coach Clark by f'<'h 12 an
auditorium , Colhns ctassr0011
congressman's pt'rspeociL\
WaterRate. He will be the e uest at a r«
p.m . in the University Center ~tot
UAU TttiPPI-:It ME.:Til'\G : 6.ll p 1
Univer sity Center . Old and ne ....·
Discussion of future trips plann~
Lounge. UniYersity Ccntt•r Jern Jte
will talk on Polish culture and \&,·~~
lecture wiU be rollov.'Cd by a tbKUSS:ton
1s s ponsored by History Department an
Central European Studies F3culty, ,
munily a re invited to parhc1patr
UAU FII.M SEttlES: 8p.m , W1srom1
Center . "Gone with, the Wmd "
.~ r·f!l··
Olicago. Yes, Hare Ear lh and Carole King.
Saturday, February 9
IH.t\l' l\ l 'ULTt:Ht: \\'EEl\ PLAY : 7:30 p .m .. Jenkins
Theatre. Fmc i\rts Center " Dope," directed by James
Luster t il. The play concerns usa~c of dope in the un·
derworld. sociolog1cal and psychological problems which
accompames 11s uS4.' DISCUSSion \4'111 roll~·
_ ,)
Sunday, February 10
F lltST UAI"TI~'T l'II Uitl'll CAME IUCt\N I: I!H8Churth St .•
Sunday services at to · o~s a .m . and 7: 15p.m .
l'lll!Ht'll OF Til E ll"'TEitCESSIOS t EP ISCOPALI : l-t11
O.urchSt . masscson Sundayat9a m andS · tSp.m .
Lulht'ra nStudrnt l'ommunlty !Peace Campus Center, Maria
Dr.1ve and Vmcent Sl I. Services . ,_, 1th £uchans t, Saturday,
6 p m . and SW1day. 10 JO a .m
~ t:W~I 1\S UNIVt-:HS IT\' PAIUSII tl'a tholll'l : Newman
O.apel -basement or Sl Sl.ln's. Oolster Chapel- 1300 Marla
Dr Weekend musslos Saturdays, -t and 6 p.m ., Newma n
O.apel : Sundays, tO a m , Newman tllapel. 11 :30 a .m .,
t1oister Chapel , 6 p m , Cloister O.apel Weekday masses :
Monday through t--.riday , JI ·SS am, Ne'tA•man Olapel.
Tuesday through f'r1day . ~ ~ p m . Newman Chapel
Confessions, Wednesday , ~ p.m , Ncwman Chapel
P I::ACI-.: UNITt:n l'lll'HCII OF (.'IIHIST : 17-18 Dixon Sl.;
Sunday sen'ICt.'S al 9 IS am. and 10·-ts a m .
~'T . PAUI.'S UNITt;U METIIODI!-t'T CII UROI : 600 Wilshire
Blvd . Sunday scrYICe at 10 a .m
~~~':::i:~~~t~ 1~!~s ~~~t~~~ro~d.<t!" •
Science Bu1ldlng.
Fmc Arts Center Hobert Goodberg. flull
plano and harpsichord . Oamel Slt'll
Ucadlc. bassoon
Wednesday, Febr
110 UETA IJIOI.UG\' SU(.'It:Tr .\lEI
Marx, a r esearch SCICnhsl and 1mmLt'll
shncld Oinic v.•sll .speak on " Lyso.somt
ll.cfreshmcnts w11l be scn •ed
Thursday, Februat
st.' I.; N('E Flt.'TION Fll.~l : i and 9 ~
Auditorium . "The 03y the t:arthSiood.
of the Mind."
\ 'UUNG LO\'Eit'S l. ITUIW\' : i 30 prr
Center Mar ia Dnve and \'mcent Sl
UAH . :ILM SEJUES: 8 P m . WISC'«<SLn . "Rain People "
Friday, February l
UA U FILM SEJU ES: B P m • \•tiSCOfiSlll
Someplace special for your
Valentine's dinner
Center. " Rain People "
JOl No. MlcW..o
~. No. S
Wright Lounge, Um\•erslt)' Ctnltr
American TrlnnJ(lc : Toward a New R
Presented by John Oster , Pol1t1ral Sa
1\U FIL~I SEHI ES: 8 p 111 , WLsc:onsu
Center. "Gone w1th thl• Wmd "
;.~~SI~ or~~~::!n " Hehg10us America "
The .Etna Coii&Qe Plan-.
Ufe lnaurance for students
UN I VJ::ItSI T\' F' IL\1 SOCi t:T\': i and ~
Auditorium . "Birth of a Nation "
~'Tt:O\' Gltol.:P : 6 3010 9 p m . UMIU·: Campll'i
Parsonage. 2009 Mam St 6·30 p m , 81bll' Study . 7::ll p .m ..
8 :30 p.m .
If you compare,
you'll select ftna ...
If you don't compare,
don't say we didn't warn you!
Tuesday, Februor
1140 Clark Street
DowMown, Strren1 Poi•
Fri. and Sat.,
Feb. 8 & 9 - t Dtr
Thun., 'Feb. 14 - CU
Sat., Feb. 16 -SHAD
Wed., Feb. 20 - CIR
Calenda ~
February 7, 1974
You~=-~·::~- day as s.::;~etth~~~ to me
:.~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ "Fu;uau.a~r~tul,
,\KTS A.~D l,E('T\JUt:s s t:ttlt:S •
t"inr AriS hiln-Jacqtlh
~'te::·~~!:~~~hs~t!P~%4 ~·seonw.a
you. 1t's a crime. Look. here
comes good old ~roy no-..·
l'mn•rs~\y " !ley Woy. how's it goin' _;,
··SoY.· that 's what I call
boy '
treads man. strooobin ' and
Poge 9
maaaa11aaaan ,
Hl::l-'. OA\'10081:: \' DISt"l.:S,'it:S'A'ATDt.!
· 8 p.m . auditorium . Colhns Cb~
,.,u discus.s congressman's pen;J~i!ftn"t• ·
Wa.tentate. Hewillbethell:ueslatat«'ttK!oo
p.m . in the Univtrsity Center 0Ptn10tht
UAH TR IPPER ~U:t-::T I SG : 6 lQ pill ..
Unive:rsi ty Center. Old and - ·
Discussion or future 1r1ps plaMtd
l.oungt'. University Cenh.•r Jtrt}' Jl'4lcb
\\111 talk on Polish cullu~ and Wtstmt
l«turewill~foltOYo·edb)•ad:isn&~an<~!ld i
1Sspon$0ft'dby History Drp.irtmtnlini!
Ce-ntral European Studies t'X\IIl y. 1
munity are invited to par tu:1p:11r
UAH t'IUt St: Rit-:S: lp m WIJC'Onila
~ter " Gone With the Wtnd
Tuesday, February
1,):';1\' ERSIT\' t' IL.\1 SOCit:n . : llldtU
AuditOC'1um ··Btrth ol a Sa\lon
tORt::AT Dl::ctS IOSS U : tTL Ht: SEll
Wright Lounge. Umn~rSII) Cf'llltr ·
American Trian~e To ... .ud a Mv.·
Preented by J ohn Ostn- Pohhral Snt:a
l:•\H t' IL\1 SERIES ~ I p m \ltSl"Oftl.lll
Ce-n\ff . " Gone .,..,,h ttMo W1nd
:6 30p.m.
Beadle. bassoon
" Him --he left 11 hours
(arrrr-oot !" agu'' lloly 1&U.S!S! Leroy's
''Er, Leroy, youalllhtre!"
~~~ 10~~~~~ ~~%~ ::~~zeona h!!.. ~h·ei.
potoS ~~h~e~~0~k~'!:v:c~~~ ~·~~~~'::~~Y~~~::~
11 1
:.~h:~h~=a~!::'ght .
lfe runs
~~:~:r· eatmg a slrobing
"'llea\·ens to your mom 's
. 1\"r•ght
l'o'3rsav.• gallbladder ~" We all scream
'"The~ he ts'
Man. he
hon The m panic and horror. "'lf e ran IIMi ks hke ~· ranken s tein 's
bour It 0\·er him again ~··
godfatJ\n-' !ley, he's grab·
l..e'rO)' was pretty wrecked . bin" that g1 rl '
and ~om·
l't, \ .'1/a,.'T,\R IUM SERit-:S: 3 p,m , Sctence Bw!dirt$t '"The
Best Way to Tr.n-el,'' difft:ted by Dennis Kol inslu
0Ht ~l;un t 'Al'Ul.T\' TR UMPET..ORCA~ RECITAL : lu.m . Trtnit y
Lutheran Chun:h. Robert Van Nuys and John Shomas
7 JO p m. l '.Ui t' ILM SERIES: I p .m .. Wisconsin Room . UniverSity
no·So\" iel · Centn- . "'Superfly "
PCI'"l'r •'"
'"''«'"' Monday, February 18
t..\11 t'IUI St:IUES: 8 p .m .. Wisconsm Koom . Um\"eTStty
~ 3ll , t:c.-nth' ··Superny "
""':1':7.; Tuesday, February 19
lS tvt:ltSIT\' t'IL\1 sot.,ETV : 7 and 9"1!>p m , Old Ma in
Aud1toriwn . ''Hirostuma . ~t on Amour ··
mtt-:AT OEOSIOSS LEt"'T UitE SERIE S: 7:30 p.m ..
WTight Lounge. Universit y Center ' 'The Mass Mt-dt a and
t'oretgn Pol icy ~ Whal Umits on the Pubhc"s Right to
1\no-..·:· by Olancellor l..ft SMrman DreyfU5
l ':"'I\"t-:RSIT\' SVMPIIOS\' Oltl' ltf:STRA CO.'I/CERT: I
p m , M icheJ~n Kall , f'ine Arts Center Directed by Jack
A"" I
":,;>;;:; Wednesday, February 20
."4-H.:'IICE Fll'TIO~ FILM : 7 and 9: 1!> p m . Old Main
l'arni)Ui Audttoriwn. ' 'YOt"bidden Planet.''
\KTSA.-...0 LECTURES: lp .m .• Mtchelsen Hall. Fine Arts
lii1H'rStty CentH. Dana Vered. pianist.
Thursday, February 21
!'it' lt:Sl'E t' ICTIO~ FILM : 7 and t · IS p m , Old Mam
,\udlloriwn . " Se-t.,._, Time" and ""Timbuktu,''
\tiTS A.'l/0 l.&'TURES : I p.m ., Jenkins Theatrl'. F"Uic
Arts Center. Amer ic.1n Ballet Rt-pertory
Fri. and Sat.,
Feb. 8 &9- l 0'ar•
Thurs., Feb. 14 - CLI
Sat., Feb. 16- SH~RC
Wed., Feb. 20- C
""Lick my lips ,"' Leroy
offers, bet wl"t'n sobs. The
copsh;weaTTived. and they
drag Leroy oil.
Which proves conc lusi vely
and beyond a shadow or a
doubt the harmful t'ffects and
prur~ en t ln t e r esls and
ll'ri 5tics of such toTTid
classes as Ast ronomy tOO .
Let 's.,.·rapitina newspaper,
to Alph.a Vega Ill, where it
Crtsp Toned S&hd
Hanemade loaf
of Brud & Butter
u.s. Choice Juicy Top S1rlo1
Pot& toes
Of Stevens Poi nt
Dtnner Reservat ions 341·1340
UWSPNEWS .u-._. . . . . . . .._~.
"""«"'' Sunday, February 17
I ~­
t't~Artl~lh' ftobtoriGoodbtrJ llu~
piano and harpSichord . Oamt-1 Slf'l~.
nurds , how gruesome. How
Pt'n-erled, sickening, av.iul
and plain unfortunate ! llehe"lilolenhertongue!"
llours later -..·e findl..t'roy
a grisly pile of sloppy tongues
at his feel.
llU.~~~!';':•;~ '~tl him to a
hoip!tal:' We nag down 1
laundry t ruck , stick him
learn today Lttoy!''
between a couple SheeU ana
" Shameort)"OULeroy , .. ,..e
''All them staaaaaaaaan ~~~ him to the ho5pital. allsayinpeculiaruni$01\.
student5 man st r oooooobin' and SixiH'r! hours pau .. J ask the " \\'ha l, a re you goin& to do
ng ~ld '."
nurse how Leroy's dolns.
.,.,th a. ll those tongues!"
tdocati<Wllnactton. Wa tc:h.a.
t-"AI.TLT \ ' t' LL'Tt: ttt:t"IT\l.
--------- Point Blank ---------
~~;:·".~~ >;;;~.:.":;':~~.?,!;
li bein&l.lken now for anyone
plann•nc to allend the
""J'uHday ~~ing seminars
.,,,htchbegin F"eb. tfifrom8to
9: JOp.m . Questions,callUCM
HO·· U'R
Feb 16 in th '" Ca r lsten
Stc\"cns Point branch of the
Ameri can Associa tion or
University Wom en CAAUW)
come on down and
hove o great time!
g:;',~7 "' "" ''"' "'~ _; DRINK FOR ONLY $1.00
~~~. ";.;·.e ~ ~ :0:~ 'i'.!:
W1 s~ un s in
Public Se r vice
Buildinc . There v.ill be used
h1ldren "s books and
f'i':::Cr::¥~· g~1~
tOO - 7:00 at
Buffy's Lampoon
o.. '"'- ~-,.
I• P-'ott
ft'llowshipsfundfor womenin ·=~~·=~~·~·~~~..,~~~~~
higher education . Th e
uni¥en•ty is a corporate
mcmberoi AAUW.
Summer Orientation Starr
Information and Appllut.lons
are now a\•ailable 1n the
Studt'nt AHairs Ofl'itt fOt"
"' D1rt>clion '7 4" CU WSP
summer program for new
st udent s! ,
If yo u have
QU~:StiOI'IS uti Helen Godfrey
Of" Julie 8odz:islawatext. 3361
or stop in Main :zz.. Ap·
ph~atton deadline - F"eb. 11.
.., ....
D. W. GriHittl' •
Gen. ,,... •• Jwt
Ooo """"
~===== az.A."fED a nDtliED
• •••• •••• • •••• COUP'ON ••• ••••• •• •••:
n.t. Me•' • • L-.40..'
Wittli CMpo.
Ne Umll "1Ut Oou-
: Of~~~!.."'~=..:· .
~; ·~:~:~ ·;~····~;¥:::·;::.; ·· · ·~;~;;
Y.Jrtn.ont\Mf7 a-norama fill lb<l 0 •11 War a
•tnM:Uon -w. ~~ wu- ~~~~ u - . like
WTllla&" h»tof7 w1th ll&"ttkorlln&". Dll'rdecl
Grtmtao, ot cttoe l"ft•teooc u. ......-. a11111 .,.,.. u...
tum IIOIIIlliall")' hu
TUES., FEB. 12
7:00 & 9: 1S P.M.
Page 10
February 7, 1974
Liv ing in the coun try
Area Residents Try Alternate Lifestyles
b v t\lbul Stan~k
When · Photo Editor Roger
"''ann feelings and an at·
Barr came into t~ Pointu mosphere or home ·spu
ofr1ce looking for a feature ~ renity was everywhere r
wnter to help him develop a nashed back to parts or Ray
few feature ideas I im · Bradbury's Dandrllon \\'lne.
mediately went into my The only thing missing was a
ac:h 1ng ulcer routine
I WISC and patient grond·
pl~aded with the people m
parent. In this s tory Grand·
power to get me off the ·· x is rna lives in Olicago
screWlng Y out of Z's money "
With all the "''isdom or a &beat
I feigned Illness
I )l'a r-old , Adam told me about
begged for mercy I even told h1s recent visit to Grnndma 's .
Kerlcueck I thought he was
" I like Grandma but I didn't
Ev1dently hke 11 m the City. I like it
something I said clicked and I betler here on the farm ."
got the job .
Adam's 4-year-old brother.
Roger and I de<:1ded to Seth , shyly n od ded
bt.•gm our effor ts ':\;i lh a look :1grcement .
at a ll£>roate lifestyles . L1 ving
Three years ago Hoga n
an the country m parlicular fought his way through the
We headed for Dancy . busy Oticago traffic to get to
whiCh IS near Knowlton . has little otrice m a big
"'htch •s nea r Lake DuBay
btuldi ng. He worked for an
Wh.,t we were looking for m msurance company Behind
f);mcy wa s the Hogan farm tus name were the words
and someone who could ex · ' Insurance Underwrit e r ·.
pl;un 'alternate lifestyle '
Somehow he dec1ded to
\\'hen we walked in, J1m ~dance over a Wtsconsm map
Hogan . ~t ar)' Reser and the1r .1s part or that day 's work
children . Adam and Seth, Ills e ~·es fell on the words
Winter is harsh on
.,.,en.• packaging meat they 'Ste\'e ns Po1nl' alongs1de one
a mmals
had JUSt butchered
There of those anonymous dots "It
wa~ .1 pot full of fat bo1hng
st't'ms like that "''ou ld ' be a
do"" n for SD.'lp on the wood mce place to Jive ," he said to h1mself ~ot too long after
that day . ht• and Ma ry chose
to make a 120 ac re farm . jus t
west of Dancy. their home
Hogan .,., as born and r:uscd
m Ch1cago
lie spent fi\'C
\'{'3r'S 1n tht• ,\lr Force \\1l<'n
he rcfu~ to drop nuclear
Thi1 Week : ·
"eapon!> m \ 'tctnam . the ,\ lr
f'orcc thought he m1ght be
crazy They had h1m talk to
the doctors th;at c;an tell you 1f
you ' re crazy or not
doct ors told J1m he "''asn 't
crazy so the Atr Force ga\'e
hery Week, Tuesday Thru Sundiy
worker &-s1des being a wife,
mother and farm worker,
Mary rs working on a masters
degrt~ m natural resources
at UWSP .
After t5 minutes and a cup
of sassafras tea with these
folks. I knew it was going to
tx> a good dny In fact I was
so euphoric I nlm05l forgot
that I was there to find out
about 'a lternate lifestyles' .
Alternate lifestyles? Years
ago hippies or freaks mel the
re<ruirements .
Today a
comfor t.1ble appearance and
a cool. sort of burned ·mellow
way of relating to things are
probably some trailS of a
~upposed 'alternate lirer' . I
don't know I st 11l ha\'en't put
1ttogether a nd thought maybe
Jtm and Ma ry cou ld give me
some clues
" ll's cuttmg your own path .
~ Oneyou'rccom fortablewilh ,' '
S, :-tud Jim . " F'or me il's
drnwutg a balance between '
Uw goods of lt'Chnology and
the goods of country hvmg .
Socrety tends to break things
both machinery and
down mto work and play
Work ts uncom fortable Play
IS fun
I think \lo'Ork a nd play
hun \lohat they call an ; both part or (.'\'crybody's
" llunor:•blt• DISCh.."'rgc " J1m cn:aii\'C potenllal I wouldn't
\ \t'l\1
nn to recCJ\'e two rt•commend my way of
ma!>IL"rs deg r ees
li e n •a l1ztng my crea tiv e
ptlh:ntl31 to C\'Cryone else
~~~~~:~yal~c:~thsc~~lg 1 ~ If's not that they couldn't
full lime fathe r and full ·tlme hand le 11 but they may not
t.'llJO)' 11 "
;\l:•r) Hcser 1s J1m ·~ ""1fc
~lary mdiented that their
and tht' mother or thc1r way of li fe duln 't neglect
duhlrt•n She too was hnrn 111 llltllerwl th1ngs but rather put
t'lu ca~o " )IIddle Class " arc
them 111 perspccth·c
" I'm
llll' words we chose to ust• 1n glad that we li\•ed a more
d4..'M,.'nhmg her background
l'tl!l\'Cnllonal life before You
)fary used to be a socm l sort or had to have made it to
• •
I LJ )(liN SorUIWNt Of
Stevens f'olnt., 'l..oll'!t't Ott KlwaJ' II
MOVIES OF~ YEAR!"-'"''"'
> \
are botlr
- C-.,.oo~•·.,.
•11 110
..,...... . 0
, f f!.UiiiJ,
~!EO<OCilOI!' .N.t{DABt•ts-- GD ~
Set. .. S..o. -
"u,...4 Of lowf CrH k"
J1m Hogan cu llmg wood on his farm near Stevens Point.
Living in the country continued
Jobs Open
tll•;Jbtetosayscrew it. The
bo.~tp.artaboutou rl ifehereis
a f:wtastic sense of being in
~ l~•;;~u~'!:t~\~r;h~":!i~~ most
of tlll'lr own food . Together
they r aise ca \1/ e, pi gs,
corn a nd a iful!
.:.1rden of vegetabl e s .
Huy Batcho.•lllf'. assist:ml
s t a t e co m missioner o f
edJH'atio n . a nd P a u l
Md ,itney, as.s1sta nt to the
tl~~~;~~~~~f{.~~ nji~J~
mureoft herepairson his
nHJllL'Sl collection of farm
,•qu •pment.
He n e~·e r
daun~>d to be mechanica lly
Jlldi nl"dbut !ea rned huw to do
thmgs w1th the help of books
111'0\'idt'(l by the Departmen t
uf Agncult ure.
Ttungsaren'tallwor k at
tht Jl og:m farm .
rl'<,:enUy corwe r ted ;m ol d
''''' as1de Saturday nights ai
"Sauna and Snowbank" gel·
t<Ji:l• then
dduutely~l'l' fou rlda pat h
that tiM>)' are comfortablt
10 ..1rmth and cnthus•asm for
h i"
,\., :O.Iary put 11. "The
·~~~~ r ... al problem is dC<'Idmg
"h:.tnutto do"
~exl•ssue10·e' ll takt•a look
·''anothe r ••ers10n of
\ltern.akl.ift-s tyle'whenwe
'""' ,\rthafarm . an org3m(.'
t.outlopo."1'3hon Jn!hl' Amhent
·•rt·3 Tl~o~;• people 31 Ar tha
IU IIl'tmn as a loose ly·km t
1-'l'h l:! tull day l 3nd Feb. l j
They are
•murnmg only I
1n te r esled tn l nler~tiewi n g
s" n 111r ~ a n d g r ad ua t e
students in de:1f l.'ducation
,.·lwh:wcei thercom plc tcd or
ll r.,comple ting IIJCJrstudent
teaching in aud ilory ·oral
prugr.:uns . A few posi tioos
;Jrl'availa btefur audlologists,
s p.,ech pat h o logis ts an d
IMgullge l~ lh ologists .
T h e T e n neuee S t a t e
I.A'Gi5l<~ turehas ast ale l aw
10hkh mandatt'S diagnostic
:unl m t cn•entlonser~tices for
all hand icap ped c hild re n
th roughagl'%1. Tttemcxl<-l for
tlw c ump rchensh·e se rvice
de h \'"f)' sys tem w11l be
11111 1ally de••eloped , field
l' UIIIniWl~'
Adamm tent lylooksout on the fields his pare ntsown.
Evaluations Planned
b,• ll ub .. rta l'ra non
when :1 lot of stude nts sign
upfurh1scourses But . ifh1s
Slud.,nt lio•·emment has dcp3r t mcnt 1s gcner:all)'
oiiiiiOil llCedpl;~nstorelease
lac kmg m s tudents and the
lur msfur studen t eval uat ion student-teacher ratJodrops.
ut lacultyth•ssemester
J1m Hamilton . s tu de nt woll be dropped and a less
'l'nah• pres1den t. said that pupulartcnuredprofesso r
h•tw red professor s ha~te can replace hun "
al10ays been the ones to
.. ,, mudi hl"d l.'f(.'(! Jtlloor
lw nefll fro m t he prese nt produc tion progra m should
~)ste m of retention
" Non· ha•·ebl.'("ftiiUhatl"dtiO·oyears
il·n uredfacul tyregardlessof :•gu:· sa•d llamilloo "'This
lht••rquah tyofl'(l uca lion.are school has a 101. of powerful
tht' lastm,andthe fi rstout . te11ured faeult~· mem be rs depa rt me nt is fu Med whodon 't w3nltoseegrea tt'r
II) thl>amoun t ofc hou r
stud ent in••olvemen t in
tW'oduc honper course. It's fac ulty e•·alua ti on
•·nt1rely poss1ble tha t a umn•rs•tyhasanobhgat JOf1
pu pu l a r n on·te nur e d to the faculty tha t came
'''.acher may mcreaSot: the dunug the sc hool's pcnod ol
furld•ng for h1s depa rtmt>nt ra p1d growth"
Safety Hazards Checked
h1gh safety 5tandards and
luv.-ermjuryle\·el thanlhe
nat Jo n3 l a~te r age. said
If the ft'(lera l mspectors
urd crto pre~tcntha:u~ rdous from OSHA foun d a sa fety
...,fetyconditions,said Claude haLard on UWSP campu5.
,\ufdermauer of prolec th·e they10·ouldg•\·e!hl'um"'er·
s1ty adt.'(l u:l te li me to ma ke
"The Occupa tional Safety CUITCCIIOflS [fno\tOI!Iplied
llt•a lth Act tOSIIA J, IO'hicn 10'1\h, they 10 0Uid 1mpose a
'tatt.-sthatanyemployeehas fllw, s:11d Aufdermauer
The funds needed b)'
lhl.' nghtto fi le a compla int
.a.:a•nst an employer fo r unl~tt'rSJta• s for mak1ng
unloOife conditions, will be sa fe ty co r rectio ns IO'Ould
f r om the state
cxtl'nded to include state
l.aciLJties by th •s summer ." go•·crnment. sa1d Kunie\'Siu
!l;"d"uferderm a uc r
"As uf now we cannot
Thl'statecan~keover th lS foi'Set' any scnous safety
""fetymspeclionplanif• tcan haLards," s31d Kui'Se\'Ski
llnr.·e to b(' as good as the
If UWS P s tudents see
f~'dt•ra l program, said Alan Wlsa fecondlhon5orpractJces
Ku rsevs k• of p r otecti~te lhey;~rl!askedtoreportthem
a t once to Pr oteeh\'C Se r·
The sta te o1 Will:onsi n has
by Ka l hy O 't:on nell
PrOlt'Chve Services Is m·
~o ln·d 1n l.'lt pa nding th e ir
m;untenanceandsee urity
dlt"'.' k uf the UWSP ca m pus in
l..enS.pple . bodgel 3nai)'Sl ,
,,,lid. " Wt• need to eva luate
our fw1dingofprogramsand student e~talua tioo forms to
St>l ne10 l·ntena to fund some Clltent . and there is
tk parl menls. Weha \'ebeen fl'l..-d bac k from s tudl'n l>i to
progrl'SSI\'ely losing c rt'dit ad1t1So r s a nd depa r t men t
hounand facu ltymembers." l'ha1rmen The univers ity as
E IIO' I n W S •gm und. a whole ha s no policy usi ng
a:.SJstanltothe ~ticechan· s tudent op1nion in fa cul ty
cellurol acadenuc affa •rs. relenllon, g ra nll ngof te nure
s:udth:ll ht>did not know or promotion, sa td Sigmund.
"New facu lty mus t go
abuot ttw faculty e~taluation
forms " It would be an ad· lh rougha lea r ning process
~tantagl' to st u dents to
e••a luatl•non·lenuredfaculty
members to see if they '•·e !ialary Hlcreases.
If th~y
tnetthecri terta. The ten ured don't,thl.' n that 's an•ncenti lte
faculty member has the loi m p ro~te:·said Sigm u nd .
:~~~~::~~ eh~=t~~~e~~
:~~t~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~'(j ;i~
plan em11hasiu-s ea rly in·
~~~~:I~·:~~~~~:, a~?::~~n
t 'or fur ther infurma tion ,
please l'otl llk.'t Ga ry Ni" of
Communicative Disorders or
<.,1a rles'otl t>tte of the
Carel' r Co un1eli ng a nd
Plaeem.,n t Office
IIY llllr Rl Ill
lllnCIS 11'111111
f lf llit U U ift ltlltlal flll, 1!14,
E•r ...dwill anllt,•llilidA• tr·
kllllllft• lsiftllilllrii M• IIllM
lrC~Iiz tf H IIIUI • rfk l l
"•lltl. Utar , ;., t Ut t•r•lll•ilf .
...,.". ,_.. "'""""'''"' til
g~~~~f~:~~ .:~:::
,. ..,.,,_
, ...........<&<.
..... . ,,•• u . ... .........
...,_" ..........
. ..........,. ......
. ,_. ........, ...........
, . . .. .. . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . ..
'•••J>l'I<U I"'" ' "ct rum•r •
o~tlatm i!< O ". II""" " Ioll l• n .
(BOO) 64 s.t2 J4
or wr ite.
Euromed. Ltd.
111 ... (_.., . ...
fll '"t OIO • •
fi iMI
Februory 7, 1974
Poge 10
i n t hP
rn1J n trv
Eau Claire Takes "foul" Victory
byJim llabt-cll
The effort .,.,·as there, but the
free throws weren't. An eight
for 17 performan« from r.M
free throw line acC"OUntt'd for
the msrgin in Monday's 77.Q
lop' Eau Claire The Blu.golds
__. -.·ere
1 u grnerous st the
stripe. hlttlna 25 of 32
rmpll. lnC'Iudin& 16 second·
half tries.
Bruce Wrink.aufa four quidt
points mllched Eau Claire's
fastest times ollhe year In the
lbomas with rhe &cON! 41000 yd. frtestyle and 200 )'d.
... The two aces eacb flnlshed .
baclr.strolr.e . respect ive ly .
with team high KOri n& honors •.
JH.Se's lime of 11 :%7.74 against
Winona was his belt until he
swam an u ·ZS.4 against River
Falls-Platteville Jensen s.,nm
2 : 19.S In the River Falls ·
Platteville meet, improving his
previous top score by elmost
It could have been !.he borne
Freshman Jdf HIU with a
court advanll&e. With Plat·
2 12 In the 200 yd. Individual
teviJie's Pioneers a t home
medley ,
hitting over 49 per cent of their
Sc:hraae S2.4. 100 yd freestyle ;
shots tothePolntu-. ' 34 per cmt,
sophomore Deve Winder!.
it was somewhat •maz.l~ to seoe
2:32.S, 200 yd brent stroke;
thes.corea mere79-68Saturd.1y,
and the 400 yd. medley rday
Platteville winning.
team tJemen. Slagle, Hill, and
Sc:hragel •:o., all posted their
The Point e r • were
best times of the year
outreboundtd by a negligible 43Freshman Ken
Kubic k
38 ~!die . They committed but 22
S<'Ortd 220 2:0 in 3 meter divlna.
turncwers to the Plmeers' 2S
hll h1ghnt total ol the season,
and canned 78 per cent of their
ageinst Winona .
free throw attempts to Plat·
The Potntrrt have Improved
ti"Yille's 63 per cenL While the
to such a point Uult Blelr now
Pointers attempted 10 mo re
ranlr.s his team with the thnoe
shots from 1M field . they
best lll the confermte "Eau
connected on ab; Ins than the
aa~re is prdty much in a clau
PionHtS. Bruce Wrinkauf, the
by itself and Stout has good
Pointer's scor1111 leader this
de-pth," uld Btalr. " but if ..·e
season, was held to seven
continue to Improve we should
points. Pioneer center Steve
challenae l..aCroue for th ird."
Krebsbach poured In ZS.
Swimmers turn
in best times
by Tom Enlund
1bt UWSP swimming team
defeated thr~ oppone:nt.s last
wtoek a nd a re developlna into
one of the top teams in the
MOlt Important to UWSP
C~c:h Lynn Hla•r at thiS point ol
thf- season 11 the continual
1mprove:m~ t of his team Point
swimmers turned •n the:1r
fastest times of the year fi\·e
Wtnona ,
Mike Slage set his best times of
the )'tar. 200 yd freestyle lllnd
2: 11 01 '" the 200 yd. ny He
c:hopped thr~ more uconds oH
ha time '" the 200 yd. freestyle
agatnst Rh·er Falb·Platteville.
uottmg a school r«ord He ~
another school record and
quahfled for the nallonals by
the 500 yd freestyle
' '" Frt'Shmm
s 013
, lan Jensen
1!:1 nntl 2J points,
re-sptelln~ ly Claire apprared to gain
the upper hand at 3'7·29. before
the Pomtrrs fough t baclr. to a
shght J'JJ7 hall·t1me deficit
W1th t4 Sl left. the Pointers
ued the contest at U--47 Nine
consrcutive Blugold points ,
ho,.·ever, aldtd Eau Claire to
talr.e a 60-50 lrad bdore Bruce
Wrinkauf can~ ttfit'l! stra ight
shots . After threatrnln.g Eau
Claire's lud n t 66·63, the
Pointers' foul troubl<> dropped
them out of contrntlon.
"This was the nAt game
outsldt of Whitewater where I
know we've been outrebound·
ed," commented Blugold
Coach Ken AJKko:rson. V.'hlle the
Pointen held a 41-31 rebound
edge. ea rl y tumoven:, mis.sed
fr~ throws and a Zl per t'ftlt
second·h31f s hooting display
ruintd their chances for an
upstl victory.
The l,olnten have a double
home weekend serln starting
f'rlday against Stout, and end·
lng Saturdey wi t h the
LaCrosse Indians. Game time Is
Pioneers Outrebound Point
times tn the Jan. JO met"t
lllilllnst Wtnona and nine times
in the Feb 2 mHI against River
Falls and Platteville The
PotntHS ckfeated W1nona li ·U.
Ri\'tr !-'ails 74·37 and Plalleville
sco ruiK
Dick Jnse and
tu~ m their
' Different' Valentine cards
" Roses ore Red,
Violeh are Blue,
" Love is sweeter
W ith a Valentine.;;,..,;_ _.::.;_,;
Both teams beaan olay
aa:gruslvely, with Steve
Kundert commill l"* his third
foul only 8:21 Into the game.
Down 11-14 , the l'olnters were
unable to narrow the margin,
and trailed J9.33 at the half.
Platteville was unable to
spurt ahtad the Sf'COnd half, but
steadily pulled away . With 9: 17
ldt . All -Conference forward
Kundrrt fouled out with a 18
point pedormence for the
Pion«rS, connecting on eight ol
Nne field goal attempts.
A beh.lnd the back pua from
P!atti"Yille's Bill Gardner to 26yur · old Army vet Dou&
Kr..~t.son a:•~ lhe P loneen a
lay-up and a commanding 61-SS
lead. After Krebsbach made II
10-s:J, the PtMnten finl~ the
conteSI with a 13-9 s purt, bot
never thrratened the Plew~eers .
Women overcome Superior
-- lose doubleheader
The v.·omen 's basketball team
posttd 3 VICtory OYH Suprr10r .
but suffered drlrats a l lhr
hands of Oshkos.h and LaCr015S1'
this past wttk
In the Jan 29 Os.hkosh game.
the J)olnters wf're handed a
heartbreakinK "~3 tlefeat m
li~~~~tu!~~rkl~ai~::S am!~~~
tained a nme po1n1 margin
going mto mttrmiukln At the
end of the third quart« . P01nt
.. u sullleading J0-22 Then the
Titans c.ame .alive and broke
open Potnl's defense to rally for
regulation play
conllnut'd to roll and too1r.
command of the gome m the
overtime prriotl . out sco nng
Stevens l,ol nt 10.,.
High score rs for t•oint ....·er<>
Marcy Mirmon. who netted IJ,
and Viet ll ellem with II
Os hkosh was led by loll
Zelinski and Jran ~lalkr With 19
and 18 pc»nts, rt:spt('llvely
On Fd) 2 the POinters rolled
O\'er SuperKW, :J3.17, but fell to
LaCroue l.tter 1n the day, 63-47
Dee S1m on grabbed 20
rebounds and scortd 11 po1nts to
lead UWS P past Superior
Mara3ret Schmelur chipped In
12 points
Saturday night Po1nt opened
up conference play as they ran
into a po..·erful LaCrosse t<>am
"We played a line game and
stuck with them the best we
could ,"Coach ManlynSc:hwartz
l.aC r our em plo yed
a full court press the whole
pme. which POint handled well
,.ilh a mln1mum o~~mount of
Stevens Point got oflto a slow
start as l..aCroue toolr. .1n 11
point lead at the end of the first
quarter They widened the
margin to IS po1nta at half time.
In the S«ond half, Stevens
Potnt and La Croue played on
e\'en terms ,..ith both teams
S<'Oring JO poinls The Polnters
bumtd the net on Sl per cent of
thei r M\ot.s, the best percentaae
this year
Vick llellen ltd Point with 15
points and Marcia Enaebrebon
SWIShed 10, Sue Meredith Of
LaCrosse. wu top scorer of the
g;;~me w1th 22 points.
crunches Ivan
byJim lla heck
It's true As of last Thursday,
Jan 31 , ~pound All · Sllr
Wr<'Stler Chris Taylor olfidally
proved he could fi t t hro~h the
Quandt Gym door . That proved
unfortunate for his JOO.pound
opponent, Moose Mu rowskl.
Taylor. 1n wlnnin&, .lpptared to
·•goose lhe Moose "
In the main event ,
Milwaukee' s Crusher. badly
wou nded a nd bleedln&
profusely. went on to defeat
h·an Koloff Before lhe matc:h,
the UWSP Vets dub presented
the Cnuhe r with a shirt maldna
him a n honorary Vet, whft'e·
upon the Crusher aound ly
humiliated the cheati n g
nu.~slon .
quiz answers
by Tim Sulll"'"· J Ot' Hurh and
Knd y WWY"I
The aruw~rs to our NUMBER
ONE sport qu11 are as followa :
111 ·b · Padrn; 121 · c · Oreaon
State. tl) · b . Valo : 141 -a .
Scarpa tt i; lSI · d · Sauldsbury ;
161 • b • Plasse; t1l . f . none
of above ; CSI · a - Ar t WaU ; Ill·
d· Boucha ; fiOI ·b- Auerbach ;
1111 · c · Smith ; 1121 -d· urn·
b o n I .
track team begins season
lty Diane VI~••
The UWSP women's track
team opened up the;r s.taiOtl
with a "fine" m~t a 1 Parkslde .
In the n.lne differ-tnt events
Point took aix firsu . No team
ICOrtt were ktpt, but C01ch
~~tfT~te~~ " the alrls did a
Point 's firsts were reai5tercd
~ Jane Adams in !he hl&h jump
w1th a jum p or S'4" , Becky
Sc:haW:a In the lhot put with a
tou of 30'11 ", Debby Yu-
eautertn in the440yd. dash with
a time or M.l aeconds, Shdla
Shouklcn in the: fiO yd. duh with
a tlme oHI.4 a«ondl and the
four lap re.lay team o( Mary
Vandertle, Lynn Herr mann ,
Shoulders and Zuelsdorf.
l..ast year the trac:k t•m
placed lhlrd at alate and thll
year Coach Tate ia hop~,_ to
Improve on that record.
Friday nllht the P~nkrl
Ita ¥e) to Eau Claire where they
do batUe •cal"':: the Blucoidl.
Poge 13
Wrestlers Take
Down Opponents
Gymnast to Nationals,
but Team loses
gymn.uttinlheconferet~ee ~oaid
Coach Schieu. lie added,
" Grrg iti \'tryconsi.ltent and 1
hopc th.JtM ..·oUbrmthetop
thrftattM~e~meet. He
wufifthlutyear ."
b) Tam t :atalld
t' or theHotond,..rdlifta,.,... ,
liWSI' Wrr$\long Coach It~
tunt'llar&e"·onmng mar1111)
.. , ,... nythouiJ.httht'me.-ta
• ·ouldbe ckMt' ," lilldWictuln
n!rt1'eni:Ce to the l'omter'llD-4
• ·oao•·erltopon, J2., •inO¥er
lli•·ert'alls. andll .....'lttover
Superoorla st,.eek Wicks ~\ada
..-h(on UWSP defeated P latte•
r$~la ll y ..,...rrlfd
about ltover ~·alii brcaUH they
Whitewattr .
Suptriolr bad 10 mah _ , ,
lineup dlange. Ln their•
,.·eightaandlt,.·utelll!d them
8oth dlouldbe stronaer by
tournament time," 111id Witkt ,
lloponmeet, Pvlntjwnpedoffto
an t•-o lud 011 ,.-;"'b)' Doro~
/loci Vick 11:.4 1, Cl l Tackn
t lt21 , Tom Dobbs 11~ 1. and 1
11in by 111111h,.. After toues In
lhrl61andl$1dasM'ti, Polnters
Wa )' M lhnu. 11771. KI'\H'Itr,
;~ ndJohniOIIaiJ,.·on , \llt'lal\er
oa;~ 5tCOftdp!mOdpta.
Oa t' eb L the J'olnten
dominated Superior Three
UWS P ,.·restlti'IWOIId"'ilions
and ~l ueller and KI'\H'Ier """
on 1«011d pt'tlod pinJ. Tacke.
!Mt2-otoa l,.ol1mecoaft'f'ft11Cl"
cbampioa. Warren J'opp 11!101
•·u bratea2-o ill tilt clol.ine
I«''OIds.antlltlc.ltNeipertt l'm
loll as-. d"'lllon IIlii Wicks
the fut remains t hat the
Pointer~ have bftn utremely
~lll'l'ller •on on a lint pt'riocl
pin , II~.~Cft. on a wcond period
pin , Ooroonforfett,andSidolf ,
Ntipert . Kn~tger lind JoMIIOn
~ultocbte. 'Tbt.tht'ec
,.-;,.. lll5t " 'eek e~ttnded their
ontact their Jtrtoak of st'\'t'fl
con$e(\ltln d1.11l meet whu .
all,.·ondeellionl . l'oppd~IKI
in the tSO.pounddua
I'OUI~I'eteDorotiiS J, Itick
Huaheati'ZII l ,l.ubySodofftllfJ.
PH Wee Mueller t iS.! , RUN
Knwcer 111111 and Joe~
t H,.·t. t are all un.defuted ill
conf~actlon. lnthelast
four ..-.ns, UWSP Oppontn\1
hav'" not scor«< ovtr nine
"Overall. I' ve been very
pltlll'd," lilid WICks. " We've
Coach Named
. To Camp StaH
lie& Wickl . UWSP wratlina
O..n Gablo Wre.tlln& C..mp1
thlsau.mmer Tbtrtt.t.rec!Gable
Md a lifetime Khool a r"'r
timeandl\avea 'tbftncaueht
loolnnaaht'ad. 'Tbt.liJht..,·e-ighta
L'llt\'t'b.-.-ngettfiiiUIOiftO a
fiaiahin& mona
of the
The umt)tl wtll hold tt1Jhl
le5SioM among .e•·tn states
~)' Phil
Kottkt' fdt W tum pla)"N
14 <'11 Saturcby but onee•g~on he
S.ilod lhey•o;erm 't up!Of thr~
penodsAiazy Jpelturly ontht
louestn a ro,.· forthePoontu
~:he Kapta in ;;o inmg at~-.
team drNOI1l5
ul pla)'llll Bul laat w~k 1M
l'oon lrndrvppedfouroutol
" \'ou can reaU)· tdl the cWIueoce brt,.·- ~hMHOCI and
WolCOn$on hcx:key," 1tatt'd
Konke ··tnMoMt'I<IUIMy are
COMtantly mo•·ong , litre tn
" I ftlt IOI'T)' for Paul ," w id
the co.1ch. " ttoc.o:o lucb ruUy
crank up and !itt the putb "
nw ottmm ..-m play St
Sc:holu 11ca of Minnnouo on
Satlll'day at2p.m lathe l'ot·
five &lmH •n fin
n o ~IIIJ asnotthetll'ldofKhedllll'
~ rol l~el>octey
ma rttoHO.
T!H. I'OIIIIft"' ftlit~ lht
"t"tk by i tffidlln&!Mtt win ·
nonlf l troi'a ktofouraama They
o• fN·Mimft!St Norbrrt 't\HI.
Ja nJO
liunda )·
•~W..·Ioll:l and
Paul Kapla led
till• tum Ill 1M rout
'('Of~ four &Nb. '111\lloe his font
li n<' ma t t Crndticl ewtti
'011'~ a l"t trkk . K.pla made
V.' lk'OI\Son•·e l Uondaround "
hnt Urftl' lh11loul by
out l2 GrMn Knl&ht
l.aac Thu.rlday, Stout'• Blue
Onob ~ 1M Point four
u - •-•MiiiiJtnat ..·•lh•._..
nc tory
'We o;GWd Mve Md 11; ·
nxnmenttdCo.ldl, "but
" ' '"~lboutthrftopennet
""""' •ndifw,MM'tkttlflln
tile fim. period alld the
~ low
on ... we would line
~•llri&hl- "
Sloutjwnpedtoa Wfint
IW~illllthe&eeond. Sto\lthad$2
<hob lorLMpnwoaplta
~ Poln~ :w.
GI'Udrielftoskl and Seyler
~ lpin
led the Poinl II·
La~t~ Wilb two and one &oab.
( 1'~::to Minnupoliahad
l'lfp\lve dfect on Kouke'l
te.. rn u Alloiea·f'-m.H)' Jr
'i.DCI :J..O,INt wftlr.tad.
\loe were ould&ued In the
ntght thl'" UWJV's maclr otiGUr
Two Intramural Basketball
Records Broken
t..ast ..-rdltheRe)K!Of'lvl. tllll
lndepmdt'flt l.eaiJIIt' WI In Ill
tome ontramural lwuketball
r«<tdvi.\Mn>OI-Iptllnt.s oa a
pme by a sin!IJe tum They
;~1\t,Htb)'lS BurT'OIIJhltll
The lte,eo:ton uu.bllllllld Ow
recordwothab.llaoced ICOI'IIII
Mth Lynott woth
Sou\h•-ftl24. Mirkc.tmbta)' ll
and J<m Qu.aema dupped on u
brollt'IIWaJit'l b1 Gary V.'eadt
oftheNacb 1ft the lndepnxleat
I.UI~~'~' · Wendt ('OIIn«ted on •
varoetyof•3potntalhlr." 'ord
led the Sadltoa 11--%2 w~ttorr
m ·erMr Luclo.y'l Tlll!pl'l!'¥10111
t ~tt.upno:ordfor
=_t':ri~ ~011..~1.. :
m,.t po11111 b)' an
· ·uJ$ . tttilltt101kro\ever .
atltlmer«<tdof~. llt'l by
1 11d•ntlGUtoffm.ewMtc.,;
~~~eJO)'ttOf2S Bu~tll
) OUdD•" •
tagtCIIUIIty i C\'Ar~
"Thty'relltopnotchttatn ,"
Kottb w id "They'll ~;~fly
sho..- thir IIRJ some arut
playt.. ..
"reallen ia
ooclvde Btn Pete.-- , olympic
l!ltDid medalbt , lt uu llo-lllcbon,
1M a~.Unt c--tl at I;W •
aoudupttl~ "
Th e Pointen ...-ere aot
striow;lyth reatenedinanyof
the threemeeta In IM Jan. lD
ag;~u-.sthim .
art loslalto 110me of the out·
1 11-l ,
Qlympie Gold Med~ "it110u1
M:ldliOIIand former <li)·mptan
ChritTa)·kll' Coad1Wicksit l
former NCAAch:impiunandAII
clrfeatt'd KC 60-)4 , n DaVJ
O'nseledlheBwnmen,.,\h 17
pointsTheA\hletest' eetlived
up to their rarly seuoa
~- J6.U Grt"& Odisc:h tallied 21
point• for tht victont The
HCoad teague victory of laat
,.-~k by the So Nam ... • foe-fell
Gamma H.ay'1 lubed 'Tbt.
Mother Trvcker ~23 Moke
~la,ltwiJio had 23 pomta for the
" 'IMt'ft The PT'I had littLe
tr011b!e bealina City Gardnera.
as !.My coaJu.:lto 1 7t·Z2 Vlt'·
tory o,.·e C..Lteu netted 11
ThompJOn added II for the
vocton The Crusl!t'rl rolled
o~er Uor Di111ppoutlt'ft 0-lt
theCrushtl'l with 15polnu
the fnd.-peadenu 71-tt. behind
t he
marbmaa , Paul WoiUo Wooc..
tallotdZ2ptllnllonthepme (th
Ave E•pr~ defuted F'1ve
•:asyt'oec:etM-17 8Jl1Aahbt-ck
ledtheb.llan«dattack"''tht &
Suggests Change In Housing
Letters To The Editor
U!!!J'P p 0 I NT ER
P0 In ter T00 s0 ft
5eH't 31 \lot'elu li KO I \lot•nt
down to the housmJt olflce to
Hl lk to Mr Taylor about movmg
off (':unpw lie 5aid. "We t'a n'l
allo"" rou to mo\·e oH campus
br,·a u<f.'
Wtscon "in
S ltlh•
..,.,.,," No•~oa••
., "''"'"~
3673 statts thllt
0 n Ad miniS
rat1 Sir :
can actually do wllh
It as a rare t'\'ent tha t ...,,IJ
cause me to rl5t' from my
m (o
a -.holt' St'mrslt'r, but as so
\OIIuablt' that hc can u5t' up tht-
dt'n t must ll\'e m lin!Yt'rllly
:;~~~~~s~~~~~·~ ~~~ur:; ~~
::~~~ry t~~'.,t;:~K~Idt~~ng
~!...~~fm:s~~~~a~s~e. ,~:~;~.
l'olntrr has cau.sf'd mt' to (t'el
tht• ab no r mal "ttrrtngs of
.1drmal1nc from that rn)'stery 1
l;~ ug tungl\' N'ft'r to 115 Ill) body
To bcgt~ . 1 "'35 a btl amued
and a bat dtsappoanted at )OUr
lt'adstot) husamuedtn that
I dtd not really think that any
rt.'al tMue could brtng 1Lwlf to
thl• ;~ttcnt ton of thts student
In gent'ral , 1 -.ould like to
('('lf'lgratulate J tm llamtlton for
h.w1ng the guts to take h 1s
rnmplamt 0\' f't tht' heads of thtpov.·ers th.:n bt' and ll) 1ng to gt't
3n 3ccurate accountt ng o1 -.·hy
our admarust ratl\'t' sta ff 15 50
If I may ccnttnue this lirade. 1
wou~d hke to druw you r at·
v.tth jobs larlrom campus. poor
acadt'mtc at'htf.' \'t'ment and
hnnnt'lal diHtcultii"S
Tht' pt'lll lon that S D S hu
o rC'\II:Itcd asks that fre.h men
a nd sopllomorn ha\'t the right
to moH~ off C-llmpus bf<c:aUSf' of
l~r !!tate lav. v.h1ch sUUt"' that
\\ tsc:ons tn reudmts 18 years of
?Jtt' ll~l' In bt• cons1dcrt.'d 115
~~~ 100 1 1 ;;.~s ~~;:c~lllh;,:~:
tranqutl and serme unt1l thtfloor frll out from bt'nuth their
ff't't Th1s problt'nl ol bodgt't
one afl« tmg the
'itudents, but SUK't' 11 manlfi':SIS
tt.wll1n small~ class offt't1ngs
nnd blank spots '" the fa culty
sectton of the cata iOKut, I did
not thtnk tt -.·ould wa ke them
I was d1sappo1nted -.·ith the
arttcle s1nce you fit to
-llpologllt' for 11
It setmtd
r•ther st ratght forv.·ard and to
~pon t II 1M admtnut ratton
ft"tls tht)' must rebut , sdl thtm
<;()lilt' v.3nt ·ad space
Smcr I am on the subject of
admantst r atio n , 1 ha vt' a
question that bothrrcd me
(Of scme lime. How Is II that
our \'aluablt' V1ce-Chancellor
fDf" Studftlt Affa in all of a
suddmhas so llltlt'todothat ....·e
Tu thr t:dltor
~~~~;~~ly 10ap;~ar~~tic:~ ~!
\l llv.aukf'f'Jour••l. Th isa n ldt'
amed 3 ht'adline announong
that , " No baste 1nequ 1ues appear tn thfo fund1ng o1 the
vanous UW c.:.m puses" L3tt'r
m the art1clr 11 states that
UWSP rl"Cetves 3 stale grant of
about S900 per studtn t. The
UWGB, however, got a gra nt or
about Sl'lOO per atudm l The
diflrrence Is placed on "start up
C"OSts" For a xhool as old as
Grten Bay to still ~ "starting "
15 just pla1n silly
While my soul does not 1~1
truly cleansed. I fee l a littit'
bette r for having givm a little
crt'dit where c r r dlt Is due.
Congratulations to a ll, so long
as they don't wen r the hat of
administra tion
f>•ul C. Gl"s"
$5000 & UP
900.4 Ma in St.
Appointmen t
Call 3-4 1· 1.5&\
On 'MM! Square!
lloo"lmg "
Th• umvrrstt) has lt't ot ht'rs
·•d~~he Umvers1t ies frnr there
,.,II be mass mo\'ement of
s-tudrnt soutof thCdOf"mtlorttsor
tht' kwi of mont')' from hou"ng
and food sen•tce ancome ..
Thnt' are good 3rgumt'flts.
but'n UOO of the ap
pro,umatf'l y 2000 students m the
Sports quiz
too hard
Of'ar t; d ltor :
Hea,·en kno.,.,"'S -..·e gtt enough
narns and tests around the
univenuty here to last us for a
long llmC', bu l 1 mll51
y 1
Cf'rlninly enjoyed that !!poe-t
quiz by Uurke. Wt l\~l nnd
Solhvan I figu re I got about
th r« of l~1r ques ttons n ght ,
.,.,hic'h IS about my 3\'t'r.age for
ALL tht- tests I til ke rn my
C"'Ursft Thnt>'s no doubt that I
fa•lf'd tht'l r quu, altho!J8h 1
h.nm 't had as much fun
nunlung a test rn a long
t1m e
The qut'SIIons wer e murder, but
they did lnspt r e me MOU&h to go
to an encyclopedia , wh1ch •s
!IOmethrng I nt"Yer fell like dorng
I '*•sh )OU guys ""'ould ha\'t' a
sport qu11 rvny "'' t'dc U )'OU do,
the only thing I ask l5 th:u )OU
make tflt'm .a hllle east~
lla\'r l'rtrnon
rooms pet tt1on fo r the r~g ht to
mo' e out , somrthinK tlr"'i'rong.
It SL<ems llouslng doesn't
l'otU tde r
academic and socml nt'flis of
the- studen ts
II oust~ feels th;ll dorms are a
" prop.•r
plaC'e for ga1n1ng
nt't'drd t'Xpt'rtcnct' an hv1ng
v. tth IM'OPit>
llov. d()("S llouStnlt have the
nght to dC"Ctdt' thru nl"f'<h nnd
,\re v.e not ablt' to p1ck our
acadcmtc curri('Uium • Why not
our Ju·mg env tronnwnt , be 11 on
1·ampus or off,.
\\h:tl I suggnt . If II IS trU('
that the dorm~ are ftnanctttll)
nl'CI'SS.1 ry. as thll t tht'Unl\'trsity
~t r allf) thf' rrstnettons for tM
dorms That '" ha \'lng ~m e
dorm:o tot all) unrtstrtcled and
otht'f"'l nil a long tht' Sptetrum to
the rcgulattons now prC'St'nt,
and ma)be t'\'en hnvtnK some
do r ms more rn trlcted
studtnts. gt\'en f r~ cholcf' of
do rms. can choose thetr own
t\' Dt' of ll\•inN t"n ,·iro nment
What is a WGHEP?
nur Polnlrr Stiff:
Lt't me ftrs t statr tha t your
paper ts ''t ry good shKSrnt form
and source of •nformatton ~l ost
of the time you g1vr c>nough
mformallon so that tht' rtatter
c.:a n rvllluatt tht' problem and
thfon pnnt a rt iclf'S by opposing
points of v1ew
l:Sut thiS t1mr I th mk you hllvt'
fatled to tnform tht studt>nt
body ~ thr spetallcs of the
Wtsconstn Guarantrt'd l11ghrr
t-:duca tton Plan In the Ju J t
page IIi, the 1-' rom thr
T u "''" f'di iOf"
At thts 11mr I h1vr tv.·o tttms
that I v.ould ltke tu comment on
il nd rna) be cl.11rtfy .ll btl
f'' trst of .loll, thr " UAB S«rt't
l'rOJt'<'t " as s tattd 1n the J a n
2,. , 1"ue of the l'olnt1>r IS not
:my kmd of a secrt't but only a
rt•luct:.ncr on the pnrt of the
11,\U peoplr as to statlnl( which
Rrou ps or auract1ons a r e
"''atlable dunng certatn tlmt'
pt'noc;b unlll thrrt' 15 a contract
or "iiffit' other sort of a com·
mttment Th11 IS an attem pt to
.1vo1d cons1de roblt conf usion
and hard ftt'hngs on tht' part of
'Orne students
Another related pomtllsted In
lht' article of Jan. 1" , il that
sr.oo •n t'5C roe lv.·htch was from
a eoncrrt 1n 1967. not two y~::ars
:.tgo l, was rt'tumed to UAB
Wt'll . thas 11 not tht' cast' There
11.00 to 29.00
1101 Mei"
l' r uldut a r llcle s trong ly
tht WGIIEP This is
hke N1lllon 's statrment that he
was •nnocent bt'fore the
hearings, whue tht fac ts that
no one knew about came oot.
I would like to know what the
WGIIEP Is all about.
s upport~
bu~le~;e ~ ":rt~~r~Y :ii.~e 1 !:1li
mform t'VC'ryone Enough paper
has bet'n wa1 ttd lo tell you this
SIn r "r" I y
y our s ,
n uld (;l bson
UAB secret project
gets an explanation
Kob Krlth
:!O I II) rr
All le tters to lhf' Ntllor must ~ lgnf'd by the writ.trs .
ll o~t'\'t'r. th t' na mr m ay bt' withheld from publlc:•Uon for
~hat thfo t'ditor df't'lll'i ~ ood and s urtlclrnt ru son.
llousin& mia,ht ~ surprised to
find that studt'nts have a dif·
lt>rent !I tt or norms lhan they
•\ \'3ild ~~rgumt'n t ngalnst this
ts that 11 tota lly unrt'strictt'll
dorm v.ould be bad for the
studrnts audemlcally. but thiS
fits wt'll into the scht'mt'
bccaust' tht 1tuden t who does do
bad can choole not to lh•e 1n that
type of do rm or . If he has to,
change his mind later. U the
un1\·erstty finds one type or
prrference more in de mand
thnn tht' others they can nlways
L'hange tht• do rm!! to fit the
studf'nts' -.ants
In gt'ntral v.ha t I'm saying is
tha t If tht' unhenity nt'fib the
dorms tht'y should make them
adaptablr to a v.1dt'r ''3rieh· of
5tudrnts, tnsl<'ad of ~tti n g· all
th(' do rms to ont' le\'el of s tudf'n t
llousl nK
1200 ,. .. St.
a re still lt'ga l restrictions on
thas S7100 (Of" a t lust one and
poss1bly two mort' yt'ars. Thus,
the S2700 thll t was counted on
tf some ~lp in a concert
sttuatlon •• not a vailable.
In the same Issue or the
l'olntr r 11 Willi reported that a
!1.5 ~r ctnt frtcle will be placed
on retmumn ~t :ttudent Actwt!Jts
accounts by tht' Student Con·
, trolle r
This amoun t, upon
approval of th r Student
Governmrnt. is to be retnO\'td
from tht' student group mot~in .
To m ~ ke a long story short,
UAB 1s trn tall vely scheduled
lOSt' S'2695, the highest amount
except for thnt a mount lost by
a thletiCI.
As a fina l note on the
"Secnt Projt'ct " tht'te Is no
longer the grou: opportunity for
ano the r " big conce r t " th is
semester with the tenta tive
unavail•bill ty of ablut WSI.
Getting away from the Idea o1
''Secret and SptC'Ial Projects,"
the Unlvenlty Actlvlllt'S Board
ts nearing the end of Its elected
members ' one yea r terms
which leaves all petitions open.
At this lime UAB would like to
Jnvlte a nyone lntert'lted in
programm lnc to come to the
UAB olfke on the I«<nd floor
or the Unlvenlty Center, or call
txttnslot1 2.4t2, a nd ask about
any or all open po~ltlons.
If there Is Interest In any
position , applica tions a r e
available from the UAR Office
until Peb, II.
Da v" Wlueler , Pre:shle• l
U•l•enlly Ae&IY!Un Beer4
Jed Clampett
speaks to Conwess
by Jerry LoaJ
ll oly rhetorical questions ,
u...tman ! The tt:l«ast of the
1-'N.-sldent'sSla te oft heUnlon
addrcusure v.·a.simomsivt!
All those imporlant people
sure did a magnifi«nt job of
actmg as though they were
mterested in a third rate
~peeoch that said virtua lly
JlOthma. And it
mteresllng to 5t1! the reactions of the seMtors and
n.ooresentat i\·es.
Cood ol' Vice-Prtsldent
t:d u l was there , w•& ·
gmg his tail and listening
111 his master 's voice and
gencrally havingagoodtimt.
Carl Albert was then• on
the da•s too. glaring 11 the
nt'Oph)'tton hisnght There 's
anartto51 ttingon ada1sand
was ob\·ious th:r.t the a f·
fl-clionate puppy-dog hadn 't
•ct leilnM'd il.
· Carl
Col rl Albt-rt
Mansfield and Harr y
l.h rd •••ere sitllng together
lt.ll mgeachotherdiM)' jokes
.md '"'"'ling for
l)umb-Guy to put
l ilt'
mnes m l'lls ca•·eTnou.s mouth
That hi" or count ry lawyer
~ perking
rules exp la ined
Kalhy OTonftf'll
·cars that are st.alled '"
l iWSP parking Jots a.hwld be
rcpurt l!d to Protechl'e Ser·
IH.• es 1mmechately ,'' sald
,\lan Kursevski of Protec t1 vt'
studenl$toha,·e thelr cars
bao:kt'd intoparkilll a.talls
dunng the winter months.
they can n a plexiglass
pn'mit from the Protechl·e
Sl>n·I«S Office w1th a SZ
dt'I)U'It , saJd KufSe\·slti The
money w11J be refu nded upon
thcreturnoflheperm ll
Sunday vis itors a. tay lng
tl\'ernight may park in lots J,
\land L un lll noon on Monda y
1f the license number h;ls
from liar••ard La11• School .
attheT\'nmeru, knoWing
full .,.·ell that h•s Neilsen
ratings .,.·ert" h1gher than
Nixon's would be When he
wasn ' t Wiltching t h e
camens. Sen . Sam \I'Otlid
napthosegrea t bw;hybrov.•s
and Sbno at the « iling.
remembning his days or TV
Bill Proxmire. to hi s
e••erlasting credi t , d1dn ' t
e•·en showup foe- thesp«<:h
Not. \11Shingtobebon!d. Bill
spent the time jogging
throujh th e st r eets o f
Washi ngton , dodging the
muggers . pusher s and
hoo kers. that Ni xon had
And guess .,.·hat~ E1·en !lis
Koyill Pftson:~ge . himself.
...·as there' And the message
that he brought was a
masterp•«e of convol uted
rhctonc f'llf mstanct'. e•·en
though unemployment and
mflahon wtll be- df u hcall y
up . therewdl~noreces.s•on
beca~ the man on hone·
back says so And the
energy c riSIS 11r1t1 be broken.
de5 p1tl'\11'lilthiSO\I·nad\•tsorS
say. beocaus..o tht- man on
horsebac k says so And 11·e
won'th.a•·ethat sub•·ersi\'e
o:radl e-to ·gra••e hea lth •n ·
surance . llut .,..e .,.·IIJ h:we
treasury·tO·UISurance comp3n)' msurance Because
the man on hoc'~back 5a)'S
!iO Andtheram11·on'tfalland
thecreeks.,.·on ' trise . a11
bl,>cause the 011111 on hllf·
Wasn't 11 "'onderlul hov.·.
ll'hen f'iixon c l ~1mc:d crt'dit
for thf.' p e:1c~ th3t th e
Cungress forced on h1m , the
Ke publ ican au tomatons
cheered and ~pplauded .. And
wasn 't 1t ,..ondcrful no ...· the)'
applauded when Nuo:on CTit'd
·unclc ' 3Jldvirtuall yasked
for amnesty~
Yes. mck«< It was im ·
Tht> State of th (' Union
mL"SSagt>,as pra yedby Nixon.
w·as at least as good a
program as Thf•·t'rl ) llill
llillif.~ .
every Monday 8-1 p.m.
Hoppy Hour Prices
ofso • . .
7 DAYl A WEill ~-6 P.M.
0" The Square
February 7, \974
Page 15
From The President
b) Jimltamllton
Sludcnts and faculty alike
h.ave bt•t•nm :~••• si blc•·oid as
to the current situation 11·hich
hu de ••e lop..-d at thll
Ulll\'ersity Let mt•. if I can,
ht'lp fill that VOid Student
Government ha s been
ca rr ying on an ongoing
mrrg:~rdt omtema l fund.i ng
atlhis unh•ersity Webelie•·e
wrha•·esubstanllal e•·idenee
tob:lcku,• e•·erythingwesay,
bt'CIIUSl' we ha1·e II'Orked
damn hard to find ou t what happenl'd Thef:~cultyon
cried and wh1mpered about
thefun dlng le•·elwhichwas
established for thisumv t'f'·
s 1t y. r11th e r than th e
alloeat ionswh1chweremade
once tht- money :~rrived . I
.,.·ouldcompare the faculty to
ach•cken.,.it hlts jobcut ofr,
kn0\1'11\g lt IS d)'IRg and
We may not be able to stop
11 ct1hcr . but at least the
:rotudcntstook the ti me tofind
oot \lhat \l':lS h3ppeni~~& to
the•r o:urrto:ulum and thei r
c."'!ucallon The fa culty did
nut c••en take the tune to find
out what \l'as happening to
the• r ,JObs.the• rca~rs . and ,
oh yes. thei r abiht y to teach
effec tively. I suppose I hat as
long as It was happeni111 to
1Wmeoneelse, itdid notrea lly
mat1er The " I ha1·e tenure,
and l'•·e been herl' so long
U1at yuu'll go before me"
ar gument \l'ould SCt'm to be
tht•one tupr l'\'all
lr tt st't.'ms that lam unduly
l' r lti CU i ng t he faculty
perhaps it • ~ because the
facu lt y ha s long used
:~ rgum t•n t s
that .,.·c, !he
studcnts. donotkno\I' What 's
nnpurt.:antand\l'h3tb not I
hope the faculty members
.,.·hohai'C been most cnt ical
ol 1tudent iii\'OI•·eml'nt in
urn•·ers.ty go•·ernaner ta ke
noteoft heractt hat thewor k
\l'o! han• done may help save
thelf jobs, Of thetr courses,
Of', uh yes. their ability to
leach dfecll\'ely. Bul then
"'e Re t i nt o :a mora l
a rgum ent ..should we eve n
OOther '!
NO MORE blocked corridors, falling masonary, hammering & drilling, migraine headaches or heartbreak of psoriasis.
The University Center Addition will open for operation Monday, February 11.
To help us celebrate this event, during the first week ~ Feb. 11 - Feb. 16) you will receive:
1 hour of pool free with every $5 purchase in the Univ. Store
1 free Ski magazine to the first 25 downhill ski rentals
Free imprinted T -shirt to first 25 cross country ski rentals
1 12 oz. coke or beer free with 1 hour of pool
Free copy of Playboy or Cosmopolitan with first 25 steak platters
2 free pinboll games with 1 dollar' 'p urchase in Gridiron or Ala Carte
Aog;d~on ~~~~X:.
e ll .- ~~~~~••
2/ 15. ttriu.. lncfu.te:
hou r clu rins weeki
- Josten's clan nng
-Ski jackets
..L Hardconr American Heritage Dictionaries
- Papermote pen set
- 6 tap selling LP'1
- Mony more
Alarm clock, ginoway of mogozine1
Free candy
2Sc Pepsi - keep tt.e glon
Jumbo burger witt. 12-oz.
b...erage 80c witt. Pointer
Bean• in tt.e jar - 1 gue11 witt.
eoch purchase. Prizes:
2 Alo Cor:e or an11ck bor tickets at $12.00
4 beer tickets at $6.00
6 25 cup coffee tickets at $2.50
1 hour of pool per couple on
Valentine's Day free witt. coupon
Half price snow shoe rental
(7Sc witt. coupon)
Random drawings for free
pool tt. rough the week
Largest daily pool receipt
worth $2 taword ony
equipment rental
.......................................... .......................................... .................... ···················· ..........................................
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BOOK PUROfASE OF wllll 12 oz. beYerqe
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