the This Is the lost Issue of the Pointer for this semester. "Have a nice vocation. SERIES VIII , VOL 16 UW-STEVENS POINT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1972 NO. 13 Oh , don't worry about him, he's nobody . In This Issue: Jesus University Film Society The Electronic Battlefield Holiday Cakes \ · _:~~~2--------------------------~~~·~ ~~~ ~·~--------------~··~~~·~0K~~~~·~·~·~"~'~,_ The Electronic Battlefield ........... . .,.,...........,....... ...,.. .. ........ ........ ...........,_ ... ......, ............ _..... ""' ......._ ...,_...,..,.. .................. ........ ......- ., ,.. -...., .... _,.. ......_.... _ , ....,... .. _................ ... .........._ ......... ...... .,..._ ... ••__...,._.,-" ,.....,.....,,_...,f.,.. ................... ....... . . . . ,.....,_ ............. .. .....,.. ..... .. -...'t.:": .. .... """"........... ...,...........,.....,_ ............... __........,.,...._... ,.. __ ...,._,.., ....... _..., "•'"'''• ..,..,., .. ........ 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"'114""1 ., •.,lt8t ....... . _..,..,......... ....~ ~- ,_.,,.A...,....,.,,....... ... . . . . .N ....... .,. . . . ....., ...................._... ... ., ~IW(t'". . . . . . . . . ,.... . . . _ ~~~­ Friday, December 8, 1972 THE POINTER Page 3 Sniffing Out Best Food Bargains Over hall oll hc student population Jives oil For a t4 ounce bottle ol ketchup, Red Owl h.1d the best bur with IGA second best lor a 12 ounce bottle. Posgty-WoggJy had the third best price with Bob's fourth . Many students buy macaroni and spagetti lor an inexpensive meal. IG.\ had the best buys ,on these items with Piggly·Wiggly the s econitbest. Salad oil and shartning are both needed items and !G.\ again hod the best buys on these items . Red Ow l ha s the second bes t buys with Piggly·Wiggly a nd Bob's having the most expensive prices Cor oil and shortning . ca mpus and m:.ny students feel one way they ca n sa ve. money is by ea ting cheaply. With th1 s In m~nd the Poi~ttr has briefly s urveyed fou r major s tores an Stevens Point to S("C wher e studen ts ca n go to find the best food bargins . Stores su r"cyed were P iggly- Wiggly , Ray ' s lied Owl. Bob's rood King , and !G.\ . .\t each store a number of commonly bought meat, produce and packaged items were looked a t and compared. Then each store was rated in compa r ision to the others on the basis of the items checked. This comparision will hopefully ser\'e as a guide to s tudents looking for the lea st expensive food items. P iggly·Wiggly a nd IG.\ were rated abou t i.'Ven for the best bar gins in town. IGA 's packaged goods were a little lower than P iggly ·Wiggly's but Piggly-Wiggly's meat pnces were lower than IGA 's. Red Owl wa s rated second because even though its packaged goods were comparably low , it's meat pnces were very high. Bob's Food King was rate-d last ma inly because it's packaged goods were more expens ive then the other three s tor es C\•en though their meat prices were fa irly low. Meat . of course, is an important s table food and what kind or meat pr ices a store has often de_termines where a person shops. Piggly. W1ggly had the least expc.nsive meat prices or commonly bought items. Their Ground Bee!, a popular item lor budgeting s tudents. was 73 (."("nts a pound Cor one to three pounds : it was 69 cents a pound Cor three to rive pounds and it was 68 ce nts a pqund Cor five pounds or more. .\t Red 0"•1, ground beel was 69 ce nts a pound for any am ount. Bob's rood King had 75 cents a pound Cor one to three pounds and 69 a pound lor three or more pounds . !G.\ ha s the most ex pensi" e grou nd beer at one pound Cor 75 ce nLc; and two or more pounds at 73 cents a pound. Pork pric("S are rx>t ver)- cheap at this lime but a fai rly economical cut or pork is the pork stea k . Piggly·Wi ggly had a very reasonable price on it's pork s teak. 68 cents a pound. The oJher stores sold this item Cor 89 cents a pound. H one hod room in ,._ Ute an C'Conomical way to buy pork is the pork c hop pack . one quarte r or a loin or pork. lGA had the least expensive price on this item at n cents o pound . Piggly-Wiggly had 88 oeents a pound . Bob's Food King did not have this item a t the time the sur vey was taken. Chic ken see ms to be the most econom ical buy or a ll meats. It is bes t to buy a whole r h ic k('n rather then a pr~ut- up one because the pru:c IS mu ch lower . II is very easy to cu t up a c hic ken a nd the money saved makes it worth the few ex tra minutes 11 takes to cut it up. Piggly-Wiggly and Bob's rood King had the Cheapes t price (or their whole ChiCkens, 29 cents a pound. IG.\ had 32 cents a pound and Red Ow l had an expensive 41 cents a pound. ,\ bcc l chuck roa st ca n mak e a nice meal for seve ral s tudr nts or SC\•er a l meals ror one stude nt. It is a lso one or the mos t economical cuts or beer on the market. It is bes t to buy the roa s t with the bone in it because boneless roasts are more expensive. The price or a roa s t at Piggly· Wiggly was 69 cents a pound . Bob's F'ood King had 79 cents a pound lor it 's chuck roa sts and both !G.\ and Red Owl had a price or 89 cents a pound Cor their roa sts . Li\•e r makes an economical meal and Piggly-Wiggl y again had the best prices lor its li ver. It charged 48 ce nts a pound Cor 'lOrk li\•er and 68 cents a pound Cor beer hv~ . IG had 49 cents a pound Cor pork uvct ~·~~ ... .~ cents a pound lor beel. lled Owl also had 49 cents a pound Cor pork liver but had 79 cents a pound for ~ r liver . F'or ma ny s tudents. hot dog.-; arc a s tapl e r~ because th ey are so ine xpensive. P iggJy l,oggly ha d the best buy on ot'>own Food Cl ub bra nd of hot dogs a t 79 cents ;~ pound. The IGt\ brtllld hot dogs we re 87 t'ento; n pound. Hf..'<l Ow l had f"a rmdal e brand for 89 cen ts a pound. Hob' s h.a d Schw+·1gcrt brand fo r 99 C(.•n ts a pound Dairy 1tems a re a must Cor students and all the s tores had identical prices lor one holl gallon ol milk , SO cents. IG.\ had the cheapest For Cish lovers , perch is about the most inexpcns ivl.' ri sh item except for fish sticks, or course. Both Piggly-Wiggly and Red Owl had perch lor 69 cents a poW1d and IGA had Gorton's perch ror 91 cents a pound. One pound ol lish s ticks would cost 78 cents a pound a t P iggly -Wiggly lor it's rood Club brand. Red Ow l brand cost 79 cents a pound Bob's had Gorton's brand lor 89 cents a pound and IGA had the same brand, Gor ton's lor 99 c...-e nts a pound. During the winte r months the produce buys a re not the best. For a student who has a tight budget . the best idea would be to buy the s pecials on produc e at his or her favorite store . But their a re certain items Owl many s tudents buy often . Kcep in mind though that most or these items will fluctuate in price throughout the winter. Lettuce is very popular and both PigglyWoggly and Bob's had the best price on let· tuce , at 39 cents a head. !G.\ had 39 cents and 43 ce nt s a head depending on the size and Red Ow l had 45 cents a head. Ca rrots at Red Owl wer e " good buy at 19 cents lor a one pound package. IG.\ and Bob's had carrots Cor two one-pound packages for 39 cents or one package for 20 cents. Piggly·Wiggly's price lor carrots was two one-pound packages lor 49 cents or 25 cents for one package. Oranges are a good fruit buy in the winter and Piggly·Wiggly and Red Owl had Cali for nia Eating oranges Cor 79 cents a dozen . Bob"s had the same oranges for IS for Sl.OO and IG.\ had the m lor 89 cents a dozen . Delicious apples a re a nother common fruit in winter and Red Ow l had five pounds ol th ese apples lor Sl.OO or thrce pounds lor 60 cents. IG.\ and Pi gg ly -Wiggly had these a ppl es priced at three pounds lor 69 cents and IGA had fi ve pounds lor Sl.09. Bob's pr ice on those apples wa s three pounds lor 89 cents.Onions are always needed and the best buy was at IG.\ and Red Owl. Their three pound packages of s mall onions sold Cor 59 (."("nts and th eir large onions were 19 cents a pound. Bob's three pound package ol s ~ :lll on1ons wa s also 59 cents but it 's large onoons sold lor 25 ce nts a pound. Piggly· \\r1ggly had the most e xpensive onions ; a th r ee pound package was 69 cents and the large onions sold Cor 29 cents a pound . margerine with Piggly-Qiggly having the second cheapest. Bob' s had the least ex· pensive butter with Piggly-Wiggly a nd Red Owl havong the second best prices lor butter. Sugar, !lour and salt are needed items and the best place to go lor suga r is Bob's or Piggly-Wiggly. Each oltheir brands ol sugar sold lor 71 cents lor a live pound package. IGA hadncentsand Red Owl had 73 ce nts lor five pound packages. The cheapest nour is found at Red Owl· with Piggly-Wiggly having th e second best price. IG.\ and Bob's have the lea s t expensive salt , 11 cents Cor a 26 ounce package. Piggly·Wiggly and Red Owl sell their salt Cor 12 cents Cor the same siz.e package. .\n item always needed is bread and most stude nt s but the pre·packoged sliced bread. IGA has the best bread buy lor T/ cents lor Copps brand one and one hall pound Joal. Piggly·Wiggly's Frances Hamilton brand sells Cor 4 loaves for $1.00 or 29 cents a loaf. Rl'<l Owl sells its bread lor three loaves lor 93 cents or 31 cents a loa I and Bob's AG brand bread sells lor jus t 3t cents a loaf . Eggs are the cheapes t· a t Red Owl where targe eggs sell for ~ cenlS a dozen and medium lor 47 cents a dozen . Bob's and !G.\ have the next cheapest eggs and PiggJy. Woggly has the most expensive eggs. Th ~s listing by no means completes all the rood 1tems 10 th e s tores but it is an indication ol where the best bargins are. It wii l depend on what the s tudent buys as 10 how much he can save at any store , and if the s tudent b,P.ys the specia l offers at any stor e he will sli've money. Because most ol th e canned and packaged goods pnces weren ' t mentioned in this article. they may be obtained by contacting Carol Cartwright in the Pointer Ollice. The pnces a re a lso broken down into how much an item cos ts per ounce. Pointer Staff t:dltor : G.E, Rutkowski ,\ssocillt Editor : J enni fer Urban \ s ~lstant E d itor: Pat Solie .\ :uhnant t:dhor : Jane Sadusky Potatoes a r e or t.·ourse. a ma.)Or s taple lood a nd ~ t the mc;-uen t a re still relatively inexpensive because Wisconsi n potatoes are still on the market. IG.\ had the best buy on pobtoes with Wisconsin potat.oes selling Cor 69 cents for tO pounds and ltbbo potatoes selling lor 99 cents lor 10 pounds. PigglyWoggly and Bob's both had Wiscons in potatoes lor 79 cents lor tO poWlds and Idaho potatoes for SJ 09 for tO pounds. Red Owl had Wisco nsin potatoes for 99 cents for 10 pounds and Idaho potatoes for 79 cents Cor Cive pounds . Th er e are many packaged goods on the market a nd Ihe best advice any one could give IS to s tay away from the name brands if one is on a tight budget beca~ in most cases the namr brand 1tems a re more expensive then the tndividual s tore brands. 1\lso . mOLSt of the mdividual s tore brands are of equa l qualit y to the nam{' bra nds In many cases the in· divHiual s tor e brands a rc...manufac turcd by a name brand f..'ompa ny IGt\ had the h(_1\t buys on cann ed and frozen \'(' J•Wllohlcs ~,~,1t h P 1ggly ·W1ggly second . Red 4tw l h.1d thl· th1rd best pnces and Bob's had th£' most rxpcnsl\'c The- vt'gNablcs checked w(•rt> corn . l' Ut gret.on beans and pea!' .\d ,\1an•gu: Dia nne Riggs ,\d,·rrtlslng Assistant: Rhody J akusz Hu~Jnru Managtr: Becky Yeager lbportut: Ff'atwf' t:dltor : Ell ie Peterson Sporu Editor : Lar ry' Gilman Sfocrrtarlts: LyM floback Shelly Laska c;raphkl: Marty Lave ,\d \•1501' : Oan Houlihan The Polntn is a second class publication, published w<dtly during the school year in St~en s Point, Wisconsin S4481. The Polntrr is a university publicalion. published under authorily granted to the Board oCHtgents of State Un iversilies by Section , Wisconsin Sta tues. Publication costs are paid by Jhe Slate ol Wisconsi n under contracts awarded by the State Prmllng Section, State Department or Administration, a!i prov1ded In State Printing Operational Bulletin 9-24 of Se pt • mber t , t970 Carol Cartwright Bob Lattin Darlene Peterson Dan McGiyM Dave Gneixr Steve Okoncl< Trchnlcal Crf'w: Jul ie Berntr Audrey Robran Chip Biglow Jane Welge! Bob Kellerman Vhotugnphy: Tony Menur ll ich !Iogar -· ...... .. ..,(........ ,..,...._....1 ~ .... <'ftll. - . -.. u. ..~ ... THI P04WTDl .,..._,_......,.. . .. .. ·-· ..--_ ____............ .. ........ .,_.__"""""' .... ........ cr-..... _.,..._ ... ....,.,"""-_...,..... l, ......... - ('lwo.4t... _......~........_.., .........,... .... ,....c.. . . . . ..., h . . . . . . . ,_.._.._a... .. ,..,_. .,.,....... S.f/IGIC, ............ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QNI ....... ~ c:Mfll•~ =:;--.t~=-~: ~-::: ~~ kl'-tl~ffl !';:. •lch ~cy J"•Chr~ ......... llopt --~- lttOeC .. .... 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'*'' .. joN,",. ............. .......... ,......., .,..., ...... c+.o......~· . . . . ............................ .. . . ...... . ...... ·-·~w·~ n., ...,...., .... .._.,_.., ar.n.w. .... ............. OlliMiu .... ~ Friday, THE POINTER December 8, 1972 Page 5 C ~· h i t e raisins I C chopped nuts .l .. ' > C flou r The Best Of athy's Kitchen Slir the flour-coaled fruits into the balle r mixture , a bit a t a time. Spread into the bread pan. Trim off extra WdX p.1per. Bake ror 2 hours m center or oven at Z75 degrees - wi th a large pan or hot wat e r on the bollom rac k of the oven. Cool cake in pan fo r I hour - then tum out · on to a rack and cool further. Brush with br andy t opt ionaU anc.J ~Tap tightly in t infoil. \':a s iloprta l.ig hl Fruil Ca kr Holiday Cakes Th is reliable • recipe y ields one fai rly inexpensive. surprisingly tasty Olristma s fru it ca ke . I'm giving lh is cake as Christmas g1hs thi s yea r . Gr ease I large bread ~n with crisco. and line with Jlayers of wax paper. Grease again. Then blend with a n electric mixer at low speed : I 10 cent package or yellow ca ke mix (a I· layer cake mix) one-third C a ppl esa uce 2 eggs •:: t sa lt •:: t lemon ext rac t M1x a nd beat for 3 minutes. TI1cn combine in a large bowl : tlb. mixed candied fruits tor I Jb total or chopped datC'S and candied c he rries and pinea ppl e I Once agai n this New Year' s eve. the people or Greece must look forward to another year ot despotic rule by a military d icta torship. The events in Greece have been outrageous : rrf'e msti tut ions abolished. free men and women ex1 led or jailed The movie " Z" accurately plrtrays the activ1 til.-s and ideology of those Greek colonels who no~· con trol Greece. You a rc familiar wi th Melina ~1c cou r i: she is no longer allowed to enter her beloved Greece lx>causc or her vocaJ OpplSi tion to th is tyran nica l military ru le. And she is but one example. Whe re is the Uniled States in th is cruc ia l dispute? Are we aiding the fight to restore constitut iona l government and~ measure of freedom to the Greek people? o r course nol. l.F. Stone reports : " The Nixon ad· mini stration progr am med S90 million in noi lilary aid to the Greek d ictatorship this fiscal year a nd$11 8 m illion nexl fiscal year." In order to maintain U.S. corporate control of the Gree k economy, and the loca tion or U.S. mil itary bases on Greek soil, thB."~ U . S . has become a principal s upporter or the oppression of the Greek peopl e. Know that as yo u share r wit h th em th is year their tradi tional nl w yea r 's cake. Ingredients : 1 1 pound butter 2 C sugar J C ll ou r 6 eggs 2 t baking powder 1 C lukewarm m ilk <barely warm to your louchl · ~ t baking soda juice of 1': lemon lor 1 to 2 T bottled lemon juice• 2 to ~ T chopped nuts 2 to ..J T s ugar Begin heating oven Jo 350 degrees. Mix suga r and butter until light. Stir in Oour until mixture is mealy. Add eggs, one at a t ime. beat ing well a ft e r each addition. Stir baking powde r Into milk and s tir milk into the egg mixture. Mix sodn and lem on juice and stir in. Mix well. P our a nd s prea d batter into a greased laye r cake pa n 10 inch es in diameter and 2 inches deep. Bake for 20 m inutes. Sprinkle wit h nuts and s ugar and continue bilkin~ for 20 to 30 m inutes lon~er. or unt il ca ke tests done . Yield : t medium·site cake, with a weird texture and a subtle lemon t aste. Public Library Offers Services Did Howard Coscll ever live in Steven s Point ? What re s tau r a nt originated th e t 't•asar's sala d? Both of these questions have bee n resea r ched by the people at the Charles White Memorial Library in downtown Stevens Point. The 1mpressi ve s tructu re wa s opened m Ja nuary of 1969 . Jt houses approximately 56,000 books fo r all ages on its three floors. The current director of I he library IS Marjorie Warner. In a s it ua tion whe re the publk library cannot possibly come close to the total resources :•vai lable fr om the LRC. wha t 1:, thl' role of the publi c library in the communlt'Y '? Ms. Warner stated. " Wl" have to try to appeal to <' very 01ge a nd educational le"•el in the com · m un ity In doi ng this . ~·e become mo r e interested in ~ett i ng the popular books tha t tht• public ~· an ts such as lhe best se llers. She ~·ent on s tating. " Our re lationship w1 th the l...ea rn ing Resou rce Center is good but is not ex tensive. U we are in need of a short reference we may call upon them lor he lp. On nume rous occasions we refer peop le to the LRC for documents. We try to keep up wllh 1he mo r e popular documents here . but it obnous ly 1sn' t possible for us to have the quantity that the l'ollege library has." When we se lect 1tems . It isn ' t r eally with the college s tuden t in mind." Because of . the li mi1ed ;tmount of material he ld by the local hbrar r. part ic ularl y re ference material. an inter· lib rary loa n progr a m called tho Wisconsin Valle y Library Se rv1ce ha s been or~nized • usi ng both federal a nd count y The Service has it.s funds. headquarters at the Wausau Public Library . and ha s a fa r mo r e ext en sive refe r ence section than do a ny of the in· dividual libraries. When in· fo rm ation is requested that the loca l library doesn't have, the Wausau headquarJers can reserve . This charge is used to be called vr wri tten'dependlng mail a postcard to you r home , on th<> urgency of the reques t. notifying you when the book w11l Short reference a nswers of bt.• avai lable . Norm a ll y. course can be given over the rese n e books a re held four lelcphone. In the case or days. but if one is unable to pick periodicals not owned by the the m up , a phone ca ll to the local library . the Wausau servtce library wi ll hold them longer wi ll pholo·copy up to len pages fr~ of cha rge and mail it to the person requesting the m . Jr I he One advant age or the public \\ a usau outlet is unabl e to library is that per iodicals may provide the desired data . the be taken out for one week at a facilities a t Madison an d time. The library subsc ribes to ~ 1 i l w aukec can be used. :!2 1 dHfere.nt periodicals a nd 14 newspapers . Ms. Warner said. " We try to get the magazi nes listed in the Reader 's Guide Ms. Warner suggested lha t heca use these tend to be by rar rhe library services a re open to the most popul a r ." She added , all collegt.• s tud en ts her e . "The s ituation can get a bil whether they are residents of rough at te r m paper time. but Portage County or not. The more people a re tend ing to use library does request however . the photocopying machine. a nd tha t " 'hen a pply ing for a library much work ca n be done here in l'ard . tha t the ind ividual bring the libra r y Ni ne teen of tht.• his stude nt tO card and Jis t one most popular magazines we reference. norma lly his advisor ha ve are now purch ased on or a raculty membe r he knows . mic rofilm in or der to conserve There is no c ha r ge for getting a s pace. We have many of lhese libra ry ca rd . magazine-s on microfilm for issues back to 1962. Books a re norm a ll y lent out fw 28 day s . Exceptions howt-ver a re in the case of popu lar books wh ich arc lent out for only one week . The fine for a n ove rdue book is 2 cents rer day There IS a 5 C~ts cha rge to have a book pu t on The libr ary has a record sec tion a nd alt hough 11 1sn 't particularly la rge 1 1300 LPsJ It-is extremely popu lar In cl uded a r e JaZz. popular . folk , classical. country a nd western . a nd comedy recordings~ This past yea r , the library added a pproximalely 300 new records to its collection. The records l'irculate for one week . a nd a s tereo and headphone se t is a vailable for use in the library. Seve r a l su mm e r s ago . a program was set up so that books from the local library •·ould be ci rculated to the outlining area s of Portage Count y. A s tation wa gon loaded with books made weekly vis its 10 Hosholt . Ba ncroft . Junction Cit y . Ahmerst. and Almond . The program turned out to be a grea t s uccess and is being cont inued now. The Stevens Poi nt Public Library can s upply the fl os holt , Bancroft. and Jun ction Cit y s ta tions with hooks . It can a lso suppl eme nt th e coll ec tions a t Amherst a nd 1\lm ond whi ch have ha d village libraries for a long time. S tarting lhi s Januar y, a program wi ll be initiated where paperbac k books can be mailed to th e hom ~ or people unable to ~e t 10 lhe library because of lac k of transportation . ill ness. c·tc . The individual wi ll only have to pay re turn postage. In ~ p ecla l cases it might be poss ib le to mail hard cover hooks beca use of lo~·e r pos tage ra tes for libra ry books. 0u1s1de o f holiday s . the library 's regular hou rs during the school yea r a r e 9 :00 a .m .· 9 · 00 p. m . ~1onda y throu gh Friday . a nd 9 :00 a .m .·5:30 p.m . on Sa turda ys . The building will close a t noon on both Christmas and New Years Ev e. a nd will be open only until ~ : 30 each night during the week between Chris tm as a nd New Years. The ground level Ooor con· la i ns the refe r e nce books. reco rds . non -fiction, and the newer periodicals. The lowe r level is ror the young peopl e below the sixth grade, and the upper level has the fiction books. the two Unfortunately questions noted at the beginn ing of th is article were never com· pletly solved by the starr. Ms. Warner noted that the library was a ble to rind out that Cosell, the s on of a s ho e make r travelled through much or the South a nd Midwest with his fa ther . Hesearch couldn ' t find <~ ny mdica tion that Cosell had eve r li ved in Stevens Point . a llhou g h th e ge ntl e man des iring the inJormatJon was give n s e ve r al a ddresses lo contact Cosell. The case of the Ceasa r 's salad had many dirfe rent a nswers. because there wero several r es ta urants in San Fra ncisco I hat lay cl aim to origin a ting the lettuce topper . Working for the library has its humerous aspect.s. Ms. Warner remembered an ins tance whe n a little boy came in requesting books on "Noa h's Ark" . Takina him to the children 's section ~md showing him some books on the Bible, she noted the young man 's uncertain ty . " Why isn' t the re a ny music in here?" he asked . Healizing tha i boy wasn 't really inte rested in the a rk. she took him upstairs a nd found him a book on "Mozart " ..... ...... ..,...,..,. University Film Society : The Reel World .,o-,.~t)•• Y•m•yu.l,...bow...tlal CI'OUCMM•r.. OitiiSiliOII .... l)no:uJ;,IIIt\'f'l~t_..on.bul clwt_.,• .,,c.. .n..,,..... ... "*'~~~ u ~.Godard.-Trwtt..l -'t•tfMnolrau iOJOIIU -ib ..... Kllbri(k...,., Hll• clt('O(t.IMt.amf'~-lt on_.., Alltlfi~Pf1' . . . . . . . _ ll;a'o'l!' ae.t !kw M• t~.~:r_:=J.2-&:? ..... :: n..t"lllll~f.,_., lluckntf•C'IIIt)' Oflllnu•uon ""'"'"'"'"'"·-"'~ llw , ,,. ,.._," thll ...., ...\. ,,..,..,. ..l~-~llfn' "" •n•••t-•...:-•n ...)'upt'C'Wd Our .... TlwH'•••.-yyw tobtl60t c-.. rftltf•l-tlf•nr••ndof UliiibrafOt ........._... "'f' 'o\,...-- ..111••orll!ollop .,.., ,..,..uIll..... hi"" 1M ., ~= el.~";'....rAt:..:~'e doit ..lkf'lllaboul • f'f'f'l)'\""" HIIUII~f w~~~~~·.a.. Jllilllill& ...... fiUIPIIIMI', Of •• ~.n,,..,dc-alo..,.•ttllf•l• <twvledooi!'M'nllld-1~­ ""'""..... •rtldes, -.d)' ~ou1 Gfce-- ,......., '* •"'"--.. I ~! ~ ':::! JH"'C••••· .,."' 1n tom.• ,,..•kt'n tNt act' •on "'"'""M'"""')-f,.ndll .... lt'fN'QI!'IIUhVII' fl lhf' oootodi••'""nl,biitaffoiM• IM 'tl 'ft ..... )'Qr,anclwlllt " ' ' " llff'b)'. ··-~llortlf.yf\lt l'llflrtt'¥1'Miy ,.f'C'f'h'fod sc..._Stuw~forlk ......, ..,w...,,91· :.:v... ••n U)..., .. lfCabroatiM-11'. U~H,...W.'<tf'l"' -.,bulot'sdll(-&. lulld cvl allllllr""IIIIHII 'n.tM'UCinb U¥f .. ikftclr,latft'll'bello. . . .... .,.. ....... - u.,.. -- ~~~. . .~opi-IM'I a-... iloU...,_ot II lM foa.t, .......... ••of,.filldlart,...•iniiiPOid )bon Avdllor..m ff'n•a"dloofl.lOf,llwHIO ._.,_...,........,., ,_,................ ....,., ,,_, SontQ1lw ~rmlly llonta onWtf!lorbelthr~IM'IIII;) Pi'~ 'o\f'C'ef~~NIInnc • upuim~talfolm•ckfftr...l lbr"1•1 ~.,,... tn. l)'ptUII)', .. Tlwrt af'f'aiiM~Uof •"•IMn •n4 ,..,.., •n ,...,._.,.,.OMNIM ..... biit Mudfoool• . t'*-Ch.,.. -bc-nllop•Juel'l' 1111"11 llloat l1w llltoe-t , . , . , -bf'n. Tot~y~f'lftototc....,.ancl ltllfW &.II!Oio, . , ..... ,....,., llw ··-~Cat-~ .,.. . ....., Ill~••_ , ,.,.._.....,...,.. u~ol.>lb -lbudllto~&f•vlybii!'Are&N ~totrntor~~l)'ll',......,l - ,....,.,.,....M~t'llldpocl~ •IClla ll. . of•omaaiiJudcf'l • tor.,, " .....m~b '"'' ..., ... - 1"' hiiB "~ INI 1M twf'n I'll• SK..rty •••~ - OIIU'NW 1o1M. .... 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'""~~~~ - .en...., p~oicl ,......,.""' toed •ork I I h Qllm,r.ll!'4 lh•l liM- ••II ,...,f'fnl"'ll "' oll tlt.....,.I...,NC:II-dl. AS: ~btnllip fft' 0 fM,..,., ud SOOcf ,ntn '"' NM'f . . «oll plw-• 10 ..... ~ ....,.,_... _.. ~_._ - b « .........iud thlltht' ~~Jollui..... tf'IUiandtndon" r~u.. nne. .rkup • • m•h poNiWr .,.,.,., .....u .....,. ... ,_ _, INt • • f"'f" OwiM_...,,..,.Wdlnolit .!.:!~:!';.~·: .....,..._ r~ rnliu.., -~~~~~~ se....,~ •"'f'l•bln. Pwt to.O, t. IOIOdtW•hn'llw~ul lrolldll• CGm m• Jolll• tt •hiC'fl.-..'ft ...'ffJ,(JI)OI'"f't ·-~••ftllt)fooclord« ., .."'*... ;t~..........~t.!; _,.. . lit.... .. - llwfM<'\btoltlwC'O.,'lo-n ,,.k.nd.chl!'r~ II"Utlltr.B" TM llopffully.•ltlllllni!'..U IOPff' ~Atfl I•Wfl ,a• l!'n lltl!'or w dtrlront"' <Of'ftl) ff'6h' .... Mlll*'b"" -GI'IhiiJ .... . , , _ ,. . . " .~,;·~ ............. "'""""" butthi••·••NJof'll ~ -~ (Oftllll'bt onl)'-4lii,.(Jf!W c..,·,_..bfon,hlp llft'~efi~C'O-ilPCnlnY UhiA', ,..., .. lin' - '-•1 IN*nofc,_n_.., "It ' " ' "" ' :.r ...... _ .._." l •tf'fntNI P<'f'"n" IUf' f"<'lj-..tMI l o Gou )I,,_,_, 1/W -IM:nhlp ""*"'' .-ou~. ..e .... I-JI.D VflCIHil.-olltlwlltsl )Hf """""totwc~.okll!'r Fifth Annuol WWSP ..,_, "'' 1Nt '"' oot typ~eall) .....,nnl...., T'ltM&rulfJdw T• l•thon To I• Held Like to meet new and interesting people? Willing to stick your neck out for o story? flllt('l-flll•nrfllmwcwl)'•• ............ lnitiotes Food Co·op IIC'bt •• U II« 'NC!Nu alld tan~!)'. $3 $1 kw all ..:Mnl dourrer.c..._... ,A-..torr fol••• lolm\ Ioii i!' l "lllrn """IWc~ llrt. •••dl _ _IM•wtttlf ., .... ..... ~_..,... Stevens Point Nit. • 'hiclafil•tar•-tlllllfO'I.NII .... .,......, foiiM.....,. .. 10~ clw»IIIO~a.r;am,....flll ,,._,.cllt'f a"' t•• )t'lln.Wio<IIII•H•poptilar tM~t ~that o.-. t.ox oftt«"_.C'ftHS 1 lhonk"""""'• ~ ........... ............, . .. tM *'tn••aiJII f•nor •n .......Ill ~ ~"" l!lvllllttl:t~IW.Wfotolltlft vff'*'"'M''"'-·...._ .... - kr off.ktlnlllvf'IObl!' ~.... A"*'fftt.Mtoe .,.IOMII l'- _ ...,u. ""'-"n. r~ •llidlla 111111 ,_ t.ftfl '"'nwtwr .............. ............ .t*""'-..._ , ... "'"""""'Of of • 111111 II Nil liP , .... m¥Ut •. •'hat llw •hat '-*' an. •llol.tlllt'aciiOMt.lo•..U~ .........,. .. ... .. ..1Wo1011!'tll!Otab....,.,. w,_.....w ... .,..... Ud.&yt:.tb rdi,Q.aln . . nef W'WSP Qrftc• u fodroll d.-~ " 'o\, ~ .. tt..N--'•"ialtf'trntmml l.acl llol&tMtUIIa!f'Ofl...c"~ ,.. ..,.,,....,. , IMid&f'l hnutati06J o rt' • ..,..~ · - " ....... .,. Uoot 5NOfM kut' an alloiltJMooot .r tl.)(oO IOial, MOttllll dle7 ....... ,..,....,.IClla"n~•• ~tiMOt moat. ··,u.s.UM ,., 'Tlwt ~lly · ·u ~WMWina•probll!'m. TdtOIOII c.m..,.. rllodlo 5tlt- •-.;:u• ~~ff9m ... lf''"'-'W111 _.lhlotU...,~rfoftllall· .... , ............UCirC..Oft' w_. .... ,_ta.r;.._T........,_.,.,II ~ s.tw8y at 11• p ...... ·~ U'••~oly C..!~ TMT.._•.. Nflforll ~ .....~llbtollrN<k•M ­ W11iSP•fldnbtfT\'~· 11K'~I•U...yl!'•'• T ......... • ''MHc!h 0. ~ T~~ll•nd- •11111 ,._,.,_.,••~I•M.YJO All\he ..~.... houl¥"1>''. ... . ,...,.,... c....,, Auw•"••n lor tt~t•rdt'd (-M llt'llrflc:..,..,t,tllor~·· ~~ ttwoor.......... liNII aw.~11or l)r~r .. '""-··,.. ill .......· ....,... ..... ~ bt ••llrdM .. 1M ~ larl'"buon!To!V'- Be a POINTER reporter. Reporter ond other ttoH positions o,_n 2.nd N m•lter. CAll NOW POINTER oHice, 346-S270 or drop o line to the POINTER.. Univen;ty C•nter. .. THE POIHTU Friday, December 8, 1972 How To Use The Library A new s kill can be acqu ired . uwolvmg only abou t IS one-hour l'lass sessions. at UW·SP. l!'s how to usC a librar\' . On campuses in- particular ;t nd 1n pub li c faci lities tn gcnt·ral. libra ry holdings a rf.' gr owtng and bccommg mor e divcrsiCicd. ,\ s resu lt. 01 increasing numbers of peop lt• a r{' entering libraric-~ on ly to discover . With ::1 s inking leding. that they hav<' no 1dea where to turn or \\ha t to do At U\\' -SP. an exper imental l'OUrsc was ini ti ated this fa ll in thc wake of ;t four -day workshop held on campus last .. pnng The workshop was so !'IUcC'cssful that a one ccedi t dass tn the use of the Albertson Lcarmn).! Hcsourcc Cen t er • LHC 1 was made ava il ab le to lntcr<-stt·~ students. It ts \'Oiuntartly taught by a t('arn o f 1:\ LHC faculty rnem · IH.· rs St udent s learn the svs tem s of l·ard <.·aw logumg. how 'to usc the mdrxcs . wht:-rt' to rind certain m;•tc r ials. SUl'h as the location of journal artu:les. and the usc uf m •cr ofilm machines. They Becomt• ac.· quatntcd wllh n:h.•rc•nce o;;.ourccs m literature and humanities and rrceivc pra clll'C m us1ng ;1bStracts . .\ cl·ordmg to :\tis!" Lmeltc Zlmmt•r . of th<' faculty. the dass 1s one of awa reness. " We han• ~• ll lht..>S<' f<H:i lities but \'c ry fl'" s tudents know how to usc l hcm · One of the ~rea test benefi ts of takmi{ Lca rn il1t.! Hcso ur ces 101 X 15 that a pe rson learns how tu USl' tht• mic- rofil m machmes ·· :\l any people thmk t h ~•t 1f :-.omct hin g is nor on the s he lf. ~' l' don ' t havc 11 <til Thi s as JUS t not true ." J\liss zimm er advised ·The recen t ,,enodical matenal s da ting back three 111 four months nrc on lh<· she lves but e \·e rythin~ c lst.• 1s contaim.>d nn minofilm ." " Hopefully our cl;~ ss will cl un ana te ~omc ur t his frus t ra ti on and bene fi t t h<· :-tudc1H m his future college career." .. :\luch of the material presented in thC" 16 onc·hour :-.css1ons t·an be pu t to use in other LllC 's or libraries as \\' l~ll, " according to :\l iss Zimmer Two sections of Lca rnmg Hesources 101 X arc planned fo r H'cond se mes ter thus a ll owing G4 s tuden ts to Jearn how to usc thl~ l. RC. Both sec tions wi ll be held in tht• evenings si nce the 13 mstru ctors have full tim t..• day posit ions wit h thl' universi ty ·· :-.1an y professo r s ass unH.• that their ~t udents know how to Summer In England usc rhe Learning Resour ce Offered t't.•n ter "hen they ass ign a te rm paper. but tn actuali ty. most ha\'t.' nC\'Cf n·cei\'ed any formal t r ai ning 10 lh(> usl' of the LH C. :-.hl' addt•<l " It IS amazi ng the number of persons who don' t eve n know how to use th{• ca r d ca talog ." t•xplaancd Pa tr ic ia P aul. coordinator of the project. .. Anothe r thing tha t dismays the s tudent IS that we usc thl' J.1brary of Co ngress system nf do•ss•fkalion rathe r than the l>l·wcy Dl'ttmal rncans of catalogmg ma tenal. It see ms that 1f ~ utdent.s ha\'e heen wught to use libr a ry facilities at a ll . 1t was m their early grade st·hool d~ys when the Dewey ~vstem was popular." Mrs Paul sa id Hegina ld Foa kes. Professor nf E nglish a nd r\m e r ica n Literature, Uni ve rsity of Ke nt , wi ll be t he general director of Htl• program . He will be assisted by !he Engl ish faculty £rom Darwin, a nd J\lr. Robert l.(•wis . UW-Wh ilewa te r in · s tr uc tor . The l'OSI of th r prog ra m wil1 be S-131 plus tr an spo rt ation to ;•nd from Lo ndon . It includes t uit ion for the s ix cr edit hours. roo m . a nd brea kfast a nd lu nda. Tra\'el at D<~rwin Coll ege. a rr angeme nt s: will be left to 111di\1idua l participant~ in thl' p ro~ r am . bu t helpful travel 1n£orrnation wi ll IX' sent to each ;1pplica nt. l ntc r cs ted s tudent s ca n l·ont:ll'l Dr. Thomas McLeRoy . ,\ ssoc •a te Dean of Gradua te !'itudics tmd Continuing Educa ti on. Hasem an 240. or Hobert Lew is. ~ n glis h Department. ll c ldl• 420 . l ' niV(>r Sity nf Wisconsin · Whitew<Jtcr . Whitewater . W• sco nsin 53190. as soon as possible. Atty. Gen. Robert Warren To Speak The UW- Whitewater English llcpa rt mcn t w ill s po nso r a summer program in Can· terbury. England during July , 1973 The progr am is bei ng .,rfe red m coopera tion with the lJnt is h Stud ies Center . I The !iiludy. which will a llow s tuden ts £rom the UW system to altcnd the University of Kent. Darwin Co ll ege. in England . Wi ll ea rn six c redit hours . Three English courses will tx• oHcred including Cha ucer C37· ~00 1. July 2 · Jul y 12 . Hcnaissance Drama 137·303> and ~ l ode r n Poetry 137·353). .luly 16 · Jul y 26. Tbe 0 Empr~ Room SUNDAY 5 P.M.-11 P.M. STEAK BONANZA! FREE BEER! $'2 .95 FREE BEER! U.S. Choice, Juicy Top Sirloin Potatoes Crisp, Garden-Fresh Tossed Solod Texos Toast D~XlELAND MUSIC 7 P.M. • 11 ·P.M. _.:f *~d!m\ ~~ Ill" ,U Tt~aching the one c redi t class an• fac ull y members fr om each u( thr fo ll owing ~•re as : Technical ser "ices. Mrs . Pa ul .tnd ~!iss Alice Handlc t t. Instruc- t ional :\t cdia, Dr Hochard Bout elle and Clifford Cune : and Public Sc r"iccs. Mis...; Z1 mmcr. .John (;iJiesby a nd ~ll ss Susan Schrup. Page 7 Ste~ens of Point Dinner rese"otions- 341-1340 Attorney Gen e r al Robert Wa rre n wi ll be the guest. speaker for the second a nnua l College of Na tural Resources Student Recognition Banquet February t6. t973. Mr. Warren's t.alk wi ll conce rn the role or his offi ce in the en· f o r cement o f pollution legiola tion . ..._ • College of Na tural Resources a wards will be gi ven on the bas is of academic ach ievement a s well as othe r contributions and olh<•r outstandi ng students will be recognized by various professiona l and eO\•i ronm enta l or ga ni za tions . The meal. pr imaril y wild ga me. wi ll be served at 6:30 p.m . in the Wi sconsi n Room of th e Stud ent Ce nt er on the UW· SP cam pus . The r e will be a rece ption foll owing the awa rds C'C remonies. Beer wil! 00 served . Stude nt tick ets are $2 .75 . Dormi tor y meal tickets ca n be applied to reduce the ticket cost . All other tickets a r e $3 . 75. Tickets should be purchased in advance from the College of Natura l Resources off ice in Nelson Ha ll. ARE YOU LOOIING FOR GIFTS! that ore reony unusual that ore limitfeu in variety that ore within your budget for inatonce, Swedish Angel chimes, coffee mugs, olde Tower Sealing Wax, tea&ets. Ru!18ell Stover candlt8, In· cense and bumeno, mobllt8, wind dlknee, Mother plates, fruit, •·egetable and nower -ps, bubble baths, bath oils, colon><! glaM, potho' ' ' 111, and on, and on, and on 9 Jlt.s:ttnbtrgtr .a DOWHTOWH Mo\.IH AT STlOHGS Open Every Evening Iii 9 SundaY" 1 to 5 MfRRY OfRISTMAl TO AU __, ,.,,..... ~- ... ~ -- .............. .............,............. ........ ,.....,.._ ,,.__..._ -·,,,.._. ........... ............ __..... .._..,...... .... ·"' ""' ........... .. ~~:!,~;IMI1u~ .... ......1~_.... ..... ... ....... .......... ....,. ...................., nor~ _ • ..._.,. n.:. .,~ ~ ~ .. IIWOUhl•,...-..•c."Mbc ..pclllft!l lilrnt .... f'MII-1 1 _ __ ..... I•M_..,,.... ............ __ .,.• ____ ................... .. ........... ... .............. ___ ... ... -_ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .f f . . . . . . . . . .,f'Nib' ... • - ~ ~ &~~1 ,.....,~..,.....w .... .. Ill!& ""- lliJM'l " "'"plOII wt .. .,. ........ :.:..~·::'"'"'7"::-:: ,.._ .... • • " ' - r.-.-..4f4) , t "" =:':l .:.~:..:.!, _ ~~'8~ ,_,...,~ n.- ..... lw ~''" """'- ....,..._,, ....,....._... ........... ., ... ._, ••114Woc"ll.... ., ......... .. Ill ' " ' " J«Wt ~. .. ... Santa Tells All ~ ................... ........ ....._............. ;::=:-.::.:"l::.. ll\ MHIAUO. l'ftl!lilp.-.ttnt . . . ........ ... ,_,..111.11 ,_.,.....,._Mfo;_,... .......""_4.....__ _ . ~~ NoM• • B ftlfoit ·~llcol' ,........ ..,. tnM . . ... ·-·~tw ·~~ .... " ..."1""'''-'"lllal_ .. llwma•O.tM•IIr 1•.-:. ..n lllt"MIIf"•bftHIMI........,~ I .... "'J......,. . . . ... a~,. !:':'i...~==-~~ ...... ....... ....... .................._........... ...... _ .. ... ....... .,._to.....,_ ... ........... _.. ..n-.... ____ ..............._... __......... ...,_..,. .._ -=-..... '--W .,......._...,........................ ....... ,...T.-r.-,· ,.__, ........ ............ _..., _. ...... .,~-....,._ ..... n. ........ ..., ............. , .. . .., ....... , a.- .....,_.. .. _" .... ,_ .......... . .......... , ..,..., . . . . ...... ... ............ ......... ..... .... -'"*" .. ""'-' ·-'-""'''"-'""""'...,.. ,...., .. ,,, ... ~~~ ~ _ _ ,.....~ fllfWII_._. . . . . . , ~..,_.o. n..~ ,~t:ll l.•u•~- E~_. "ffO'HoiiiiC' IO lloriM'al• _. 'fii'C'Iiwt.r-llot.I')'•WII*C ..,,...,.,.~.--, ~,-· _ _ -_..,.,_ _ .. _ -v -- -~·(~ for Site ~-~~ ,...,.r.~ ltft'IOM'dl-.;tapN..S.U.. a.)W•-s.fart'" (H~':;) IIO, C.ll Dfle ......... ,__ ........ AI SU41!!1 ,_ FOR SALE ............... lJ: ~:SS s• Ooter tl. ..n ~t.. .... ,__ .... .......... .-... _....,,....,_ ....... .... _, ........ ~ ~ - !or..;;<""... - vw.u~t Coli IUcJ. ot 344-4080 ...,..._.,__... N'~~ o-....,_ lito pt_r ....... Cal S.t o4011 bef•re ...._ 344-- --_ 3rd AniU! Rlri4l lor Brut ."'. . .. ...... ,......_ .. ........ Rider W o,.ted , ... , . . . ~., ~567 0.)'1-c a~rr. r a,..._ uo.. Jlri•.. ........ c...... ~!4r.:c) c.t ~ J.U.tltr. rw.., : ~ tt.&le:IMI~ ..._ ... CWh SU·l * ~ &weellt. . . ~U ) o.,.... c-p~ - ·... $12S.OO .. .. _ ·--- -- .. C.ll MT. 14t-6'71G ., MI·SUL ~ II..,.-. ( .f... .... ........... ·~l i&MJtd trlp A....,...DoM.t x-~._. a...rt (..... 111. . . . .... ...., m.,_....,. .,.....__._ ~,._, ,... . ~ ... ....._ ltu Cllefo ........ The Echo Nite Club • • • l'n N:.W, _, ltneflll P~. Wt .tf H...,. 11 Classifieds ..,.... ~ -1 tndl tape --· --· - ·: "SHARA" ~ ~,... ~.,, ENTERTAINMENT TONITE thrv SUNOAY ................ .. 2101 ~.r:~!. St. UO etl vtUiti..e. 341 ...70J HouM for roftt. 7 tVft or t if'ft . 344-2056 ox. ..::::.:. ~ ~ao-..s-. Coli Stuo 344-06)3 A.-,. • ........_,u- ~u. • •• , ..... , t id ~Htu r,.._. .... • for ..r.: _... ..... wu.~W ~--·-....... '*" ....... ~ c.u • ft•r 6:00 341 ...1JJ For Solo: ... '" ..,.. J.......... ................Street.... Vec:oncy for 1 , irt ~ lAkk-"- . ..... Oily SlOO/- * .,....., r • ..,., ....... ... ,_...,_ Coli )44.0971 ~Kr)..W. ...... ............... ..... ._..... ... s.k: --- CAlli Sf1·41 36 1963 Triumph TR4 Dom . Very reoiOnoble . Coli C.rt 344-6243 - ...... ..<»-•=c. u l t• tt4• •• :11 Friday, December 8 , THE 1972 ~TO p~ 9 Burroughs Introduces New Dorm Government A d('parturc is being made fr om the dormitory·hall couocil system to an execu tive council h<adcd by co-<: hairmon. Th< 1dea s tarted las t spring in Burroughs Ha ll when their hall cou n cil. made up of repr esen tativ es from eac h wing , was shown t o be inef· fE.'C tive Wing reprt"Se ntatives ort en did not rea lly want thei r position but took it because no one else would. The council got bogged down under tr ite issues. Abandoni ng the ha ll council system, Burroughs' residents were asked to volunteer if they were si ncere ty in terested in do rmitory goverment. From the group or volunteer s a I Wl·l vt~ · member exec ut tve t•num·•l was formed in May to be h•ad Jo mtl y by two chai rm an . Tht• two l'hair · men sha re the workload. cfi\'iding it accordiug to thei r interest areas. This also allows for two d iffe rent perspectives in m a king dl"Cision.~. During the s umme r a letter was sen t to incomi ng Freshmen ex pl aining Burrough's governmen tal s~r\te m a nd as km g for participation. The r t'sidcn t s were p e r sona ll y greeted by executi\•e council membtrs wherf they moved into the halt in August. Th e council them selves had been discuss ing s ponso r ing s.pc a ke r s every week . a tutoring system , oc· casional movies. and currently working on the formation of a hOSt fil r . Thev int en d to provide Burr o u g h 's re s id e nt s with co ffee a nd doughnuts during finals a nd coffee on cold winter days . The eouncil's projects are funded in part from profits on foosball a nd pinball tabl es in the dormitory and the y a r e a llo cated two dollars po r resident fr om !lousi ng_ Aeronautics Course Offered In th«.· early 1940's Wisco nsin Stat(' L' nive rsi ty ·Stevens Point provided ilerona ut ics training for young men who ' ' «.'rc in· ll're ted in developing sonw "kills m nymg . Our main focus at that tina• Wil!i to tr a111 tht· .\oung nwn who were plannmg to enter tht? sen •icc und "ho preferre<t the 1\ir Force ove r the other brant.·hes of th t.• ilrmed srrv u:es Int erest was high a t that llmr a nd ;1 lolrg(' number of ~oung men ~ raduatt.'d from the <.' oursc and d('\'e loped into very ,·apable performt.·rs 111 the aeronau tiCS field :'\ow . more than :!5 ~ ca rs later . l !\\' .S I' IS prO\' Idlllg ~ r o und sc hoo l I rtllninf,! ;md flight 111..'Hrul'II011 A prt.•liminary program has bt."\~ n ("Stabli~ hed for tht• s prm~ nf t9i3 This "Ill Include a ~round s<.·hool course meetin~ nn(' mght a IA't'Ck ro r :!·• .: hours for ~~ total of 16 wl"Ck s Flight traming will not he providt.>d ill U W -SP bu t a rr a ng e m e nt s han· l~t.· n discussC"d Wi th two privalr earner.; for indi\"idua l llight Ins truct ion "' hen and 1f it 1.. dl"'Sifed b) in di\'iduill nwmhcrs Th(' g round school non ·credll " rll 1nclude the ~.- our s c follo\\ ing : t Proflight fac ts t 1 ,\ irc:rart component ~ 1 2 The fou r fore~ 1 :1 Engin(' fact!ii t A The th r("(' axes 1 ~ Tnm S \ ' t em~ 1 fl Fue l S);Stem!" 2. Meteorology 2. 1 Wra the r 2.2 ,\ir masses 2.3 Weather advisor y scr v1cc Consumer Alert: Chain Letters 3 1-·li ght com puter Naviga tion Had1o na\" iga t1 on Fedcral 3\•iation regulations Tt•ntati\'C plans now ind ica te nur rirsl rnc:c ting " 'ill be held Orl ~londnv . J ;m . 15 in Hoom 120 of tht· classroom Cen ter Thl' cou rSl' will cxtend for 16 weeks. mt."Cting <'''cry Monday from ~o . JO until !t :Oo p. m . Ar r a ngement s wi ll be mildc at tht• t."Otn l)\t~tlo n of th<.· course to ha\'{' the FA.t\ Ground School F inal. t-:xamma1 1011 adminis tered The t·os t• for the course 111 · dbding books and materials \ \ill be a tor:. I of a pproximately $55 on 4 dependent . on t•nroll m t·nt • payable a t o r befor(' th(• t imt• of regis tration ,\ l'Crt iried ~ro und sc hool in· st ruc tor wi ll teach the course . If you arc Interested lf.l the ,\ t'ronautic~ Program . pl east.~ l"On lac t Thr Offi C(' Jo:xtt•nded Sen ·lces bcfon· thr se mes ter hr l'ak . or Student Government Elections The Student Governrnt>nt b. now accepting a pplicil lions a nd pe r sons mtc1 t·~t('(l in running for !he poSi tiOn of Stud ent Sena tor for thc s econd ~ emt•ste r . t"o nt act St uden t Government officc St'Cond floor l "mverslt)' Cen ter . EDISON'S Stop 1n at the Happlatt Place In T-n 'GOSH'S BAR ON THE SQUAilE Un Music Every Sund~y Nite 8:30-1 :30 Paul Bentzen and The Safety Last String Band (llue G..... - r\ Ho rnl'y Ge nera l Hobe rt \\' . Warren today issued a warning to consumers against a cha in INter ··ge t rich q uick " sc hemt.· ,·urre nt ly being drculatcd in \\ isco nsin. a s well as neigh IWJrinR states . \\'arren said the chain letter ur mves tmcnt plan. as it is dubbed by its orig i na tors. '1ola t('S both fede ral and s ta te la"'S. The c hain leu c r is billed as a SIU,UOO money m aker once your 11amt' hi ts th e top of the li s t. \\ a rn•n s aid . Warren sum · ma ritcd the opera t ion of the s chcmt~ as follows . ,\ person buys the lette r for SIO no li e then receives a $5.00 monev orde r from the seller made 'ou t to the name on the top nf th e Ji s t whi ch the buye r nwil:-o Tht· buyer then adds his uanU' to tht• bott om of the list. b~ two money orde rs for $5.00 maile out to the new top nilmc. and sells the le tter tu t'oi.'O mo re Wednesd~y Nite Specials Counhy) Women's O..inka 8-12 Men's Drinks 12-2 PRICE 1/2 , _ Man'• Nlte Loot Mon6ay af EYery Month Sc-10c BEER people . B('("ause th (l letter has not t.e('n mailed . som e people presume that the scheme is lega l. Warrt.·n t•autioned th a t . th is i~ no t l'Orre-c t . T he cha in !('tier vio lates Wlst-onsl n lott ery laws and tht• mailing of the money ord er in con nection with tht• t hain is agains t federa l Jaw. he said . Warren asked the cooperation uf a ll consumt•rs a pproached "1 th this scheme by urgi ng the m to contact the Office o! Consume r Prot ec t ion . S t a te t 'iipi tol. ~t ad i so n . tele phone 608· 2fo6-t 852 or 414-9JOI- tHH . FREE AIRE ALLEY with . thei r objl"Cti vcs . m eeti ng two days ~fore the fall semester . The new system has thus ,Ia pro\'od to be efl ec ti\'e. Some of the accom pli shments ha ve been M'EMORY Opening Thursday, December 7 tapes albums smoking accessories stereo com·ponents 12 noon to 9 _p.m. daily 14ft., S inches ft.)m Little Joe's Drinking Establishment STEP OUT OF LINE men and women for SHIPPY SHOES MAIN at WATER -· ~ -- Fr04oy, THt POIHl'ft Poge 10 Ot<~r 8, 1972 ( A Christmas Carol 1972 Every year. just afler Thanklgiving, the ~dne ol Ctviltm.u btgilu. The deeor;1tions go up, ~ S:!ort$ Stay opc-n, peopte bustle about for p~nll. and the litUepeoplesiton fake Sl. Nklt's lr.nee. Wi th Chis )'ear upon oltraditional ma.gic please allow k'~~'j::a~=':;rsoe~,~~u:n~ during Ctlristmas 1m. All around us is Ule constant reminder mat OuislmaS is a time of Civinc. Wl'lk:h, in our capiLahstic sodtty, mta.n~ c'vinc ol money: eharlty. '!bousands ol people \'olunt(tr to s.tud !:' C::.;'~:Cm=~nd~,:"~ u:: rlncing dootbdls bt'(aina for monin l.hls., tNt fpr ~~v:Z~tf·toA=c'fr~a:~~~~~a:: ::~iv~ larce sumsol moocy toC'harity. But, ju:Jt • ·htre did lbeir money come from if not from lht public l.hrough taxation and tofT\Ipt bu:s.tnea means? And just whtrt doel this money co'! It ctftaillly does l"llt so to tht government 19 build parks, old a1e homes aDd h05J> because charitable money earmt bt Ulxtd. Instead, It stays in private hinds ol p(!Ople who build private facilities.. And evtr)' lime thty build a new facility the "'' iN I thy lncrtase their powtt and conl:tOI owr lht ~ic. "nne publk tNt "donated" tbt~Tl()M)'. tbarity, Uw:n,lsjust anothtr. oemplifte~Uon of the convplntN ol bu$inas. II should bt scorned upon au year "round and es:pedally at Cllrlstm.u In f.JYot ol ru l good will, Il ls hard to speak ol anything In the Ulllttd SC.tts as separate from bullness. And this is e\'tn more evident the holiday stQOn. For. there al't the Ouistmas trees. presmts, decorations and food to buy. Ttlis would not bt bad if It Wfl'e not for the comaptne5s ol business. Wbatevtr Ctvistmas me~nt in the pqt, it mea.ns one thi"' now: buslnt$$. U no( for bt.a.IMSS there would bt no Owis.trnas as "''e now Mow it. Their ploys and Jimmkkl crt.ate Olirist.m.U SJ!irlt . lf this ts not trve, try ctkbratinc Chrlstmu In Stpte:m.btt and see If the' spirit is the-re. Stores dtcofate thttr windows U(\ blast Chri&1mN ml.ISic; thrqtlout so tNt when the perspectl~ ~r ente:rs he wtll gather the spirit of Christmas around him and find his bC':nevo&tncy 5Jlillil'll over I))(' ush rtiisttr. Ancl for thole who araue t1'13t it is still the church which susta!J'IS the Christmas spirit we ask this: ••ben: did the decorations, the robe$, the ehurch I!MU tome from. he4~! No, even the dwrch relies 0t1 business for its Olristmas spirit. , Christm.JS then, il a bulinea p&oy not solely for ..,.,.,",.'"' ...... an v11im.· ~~...::::~·::,; r~btr•IH ,,_ " " DuNe:*'"'-""'--· N~ •orlu~d '10'\Ch 1M ..... _ ~-anc~-....ct.tilil • .wy llllpei'W\1 n-. ''"*' 011 ~ll..._ . ,~·-· ,..__..,"' tht ~~and udhddval sr••P• ' " ~llo111ofAM«~rnbty "'PI'__.. ,_.,.. .,.. apptMIMMdy t1 wp!WuUOM in w~r tmporunt .,.....,,. ,. ., llte ~--,...,..,_..,..,.... It ILt rtpttUIIIIIN h to ....... •-tnnlll ~ I' ...H• 111d II-_ .Urf V• atMf'd Oil ) 'OWf lAIC'lot T1 \\Wt• I"Aiw II ,\ll ) ( ' ~IOtlw'-'tll.utflabd ~~..~~~·J:~ I,IYn-oldWP....,.., Iwill ......,.. ..,..,tuer "'To•llkll l'.cll&wil -t~ll'" Vou poit~tH M l U•ffll "IMIWMIIC~-~ 111. .... .-... eM '-d " "Lt•-..~PIMc<P•n•"l ......... IWo~· ···"'""•bvll ::r~-::::::;~u!.~ .:a~~oout•• tt..M Sf~...... 1•'*"'"--0.,L .t Ar1 Student Senat• G•ts A loott ~f:MiiMiitlaModW-" M11on • , _ tl.llf I do !fllolli'IN<tdlt'lwotk•'OOdr. el S!ri- , _, It • 1M moM ..,.. . ., _ lotllliotl lor •• • ...,,Ill ~ Md., WI II T• U... t:4kw1 AJ.:IIt.:lllldidM•fotW51lMrlll Si!:MI# IIIII oasl fl., I ,.. """"'" "'wer~oplll..lll -•IOnwla.Mof-~ ~-51-Pellll. obt- lM ''ao..fl¥'' nal el X..,.~ftltU..t..-111 t••4:tt•illl l h t lludtlll IIIIVtrtily com•llltn Prutfllly ,...,,, trt lp· l!fWMI~I)' It f'OifiMIUift !Not .., ..~ .. ~~w~a ... ~. ::"'Ci.::;.~bbnrr. ar:.~.:. n- ..:; ~ ....... .,,.,...., ,."'... .... ~Ill_..--, _..._.._, r..-c7 ~~~a1n. ponla, ciYnntlw'a wo-111 a fhh a. a n4 ump•• t l • 'II'*"MfllialnloiiNtloflcom-llfoa Tlwft-,_dy•l .......(..,..,., .. ~·- lhfw ~....... n..-...... ~-~ . . ...,..,. providftllli........ pi.M,., lleOMot!MbcMa~litKhooM. IU.. ~«tt • • • .....,.. • approprillttd bydleiii--IJ~IeMto '"" ThfM-- fiiiM(Ot UAI and o l.htr UMpva orsanl&llloat. ... ..• .• .." M THE POINTEJl Friday, December 8, 1972 Page 11 Tristram Coffin's Washington Watch :ontrol over the public. We are ~ dancing to three choruses of nd that is the Christmas Caroli972. inoperable and stairways and halls are filled with poisonous smoke? How do you deal with large, thick, heavy sheets of _glass which are difficult to break and dangerous to those below when broken? One need only. note the comments of the firemen who must fight such fires to realize the great difficulty, if not hopelessness, of trying to control them and rescue those trapped in them The insanity o{ it all is that such buildings, if they must and should be built (which is another i¥t-rise fires in New Orleans and question l, do not have to be firetraps. But business ·ven rise to much commentary has made them so-it is more profitable to build a ltfety of such buildings with respect cheap building than a safe building. You merely ious picture emerges from the trust to luck that a fire won 't break out. If it does , arge majority of modern high·rise you offer your sincere apologies to the victims, but traps . While the outer shell of the after all, business is business. A complete and effective sprinkler system would have added 1 per ~roof-constructed of inflammable s steel, concrete, glass-the con- cent to the total cost of the building. We had to be ng but. The materials used in content with limiting it to the lower five floors . Fire ts, draperies, etc. are synthetic drills ? We certainly couldn't use . part of the cs which burn at a relatively low · working day to practice fire drills. Think of all the give off toxic fumes . Once a firjl money wasted. Inflammable furniture and carpets? ecomes difficult tp cope with. MoSt We look for the lowest bidder, not the most firehave adequate s~nkling systems; resistant furniture . We would really like to have 1t all . In Milwaukee, for example, safe buildings, but it just isn't profitable. Yet the fact re~ains that we have the knowledge ·em is required beyond the seventh tg home in Atlanta had none. The and the means to make the buildings we live and uch buildings makes rescue work work in far safer than they are. That we do not do so almost innpossible. How do you is both criminal and immoral. But ours is a oor when your ladders don 't even business society, principled by profit, and it just .nth ? When elevators become isn 't profitable . ,, Profitable ~n e e .s dete rm ined soon . The City Boa rd of Public Works will be meeting on .Tuesday, Decem her 12. 1972. City Hall. Main Con· rerence Room . They will be making a decision about e whether or not the recycling center will continue to function . h y g Wi thout some show of cttiz.en su pport , it is the opinion that the ,·ote will be against the continuation of the Recycling I Center . Senate Supports O'Hallaran To the editor : Resolution : Whereas : Th e athletic program of the Unive rsity of WisconsinStevens Point has been. is. and will continue to be an integral part or the university atmosphere whic h we here at Stevens Poiqt _ enjoy and A.ssembly hereby express and r ecord , on behalf of the entire s tudent body !heir thank.s and a ppreciatio n to Coach Pat O' Halloran . the present coac hing stall and all the supporters of UW -Stevens Point athle tic teams especia ll y the Quarterback Club lor the line work they have done on behalf of lhe progress and enhancement or our university . Motion l'ass~ : Th~ lJ nrlnlshcd Business Washinglon . dazed a nd bleary from th e campa ign . comes back to work and a pile of cri tical problems and decisions. They arc: The Economy. I The Nixon program of .. trickle down .. . pouring Federal funds in at the top to encourage profits and jobs . ha s produced a $100 billion accumulated Federal deficil lor lour yearS; inflation. a badly weakened dollar, growi"ll poverty: brought "the jobless c-oncentrated wealth. and has not rate down to the hoped lor lour percen1. 1 The Fede ral budget is so oul of kilter wilh heavy military s pending. the Chr Science Monltor asks, "Where is the morley t.-omin e from ?" In the same newspaper, former Deputy CIA Director Her bert Seaville Jr. Slates: .. It is the laJ11e increases in the defense budget which are the major contr~bulors to in· nntion ... Why do we need to further enla rge our present strategic arsenal ?" Th e cost of living " dominates" letters to Congress. says Senator Vance Hartke (0-lnd. J A woman writes. " How can l keep m y house and buy food and clothes and pay heat lor my home Ibis winter? You see how it Is for me and all us poor people." lA growing number of Americans are barely hanging on. The Labor Department finds thirty-three mill ion women working .. because they have to. They need.the money ... I the Christian Sdrnce Monitor reports . The Census Bureau says 13.3 percent of Am_e r icans live below the povert} line: one-rourth the elderly a re in sc.noos need. as are a SC\'enth of the chi ldren and one-third or the blacks. The l'iew \'ork Tim .. notes . .. Hall the nation·s poor are still going hungry, accordin~ to the fi nWn gs of a leading citizens' organiza tion on malnutrit ion (Citizens Board or inqWrey into llunger and Malnulrition l.' Yet last year. the Agriculture Department turned back $·118 million in WJSpent food assistance. following White House orders to cu t uMeeded costs. I The Labor Deparlment repo rted in late October thai waRes rose only six ty percent as fast as prices in the nrst twelve months or con trols. I Bllliin ..s Week a dvises thai US companies .. put together a tru ly da:uling profits perfprmance in the second quarter or lm: · after tax earnings were nrtcm P.f:rcent above the same period last year. The Monitor reports that a lter tax profits lor the third quarter arc "substantial . estimated at an a nnual rate or up lo $54 .7 billion. This is a forty-six percent r esurgence in eorporate profits" since November 1970, and seventeen percent since August 1971 ; th is compares to gai'!s in hoorly earnings of eleven and six percent . .. Those who have seen lhe imposition of Feder al wage and price controls as fav oring business over the wage earner and the consumer are s upported by the resul ts to date." Fortune points out that the 500 la rgest industrial companies " now account (or sixtypercenl of the sales of all US industrial companies. sevenly·five percent of th eir total profits. and sevenly·Rve percent of their em ployees.·· To Subscri br : WASI II SGTON WATCH. South Point Plan, Lantr~ing. Michigan -189t0. Prier: Onr year at li Z; six months at 17. \\'A.."iiiiNGTOS WATCII Is published t wice a month. %4 Issues a )t·~r . unanamously d ~ fse If you are this, concer n~ contact any is y Norbert Miller 2009 Illinois Ave. Tel : :u4-7509 J erry DeNuccio 600 Sommers St. Tel : 344 ·3208 Nick Jelich 817 2nd St. Tel : :u4-3200 ..,. "' >e the following city councilmenmembers of the Board or Public 1\ork.s : Alfred Lewandowski 1608 4th Ave. Tel : 344-61106 ~ y e of about SlncrreJy • ~larUyn Bowen llll College Slt-venl Point. \\'Is. Whereas : The ath letic program is important as a fine mode- of recruitment for the student athletes and Cor the recruitment or all students to ou r university , thereby increasing the growth and sta ture o f our university and the beneftls accruing to it by this nature of enrollment and Whereas : The One group of inter ested alumni. townspeople . and bus inessmen known as the Quarterback Cl ub have e nhan ced th e sta ture and con tinuation or fine programs and relationships through their (.•£forts and This bill passed by the Unive rs ity o f Wisconsin Stevens Point Student Government is lo express our appreciation for the fine help Ulese interested parties have s hown toward our uni versity. As the recogniz.ed s tudent leadership organization on our c.·ampus. we feel it is our duty to make this public on beha lf of all our s tudents. STARVmJj IS GOOS WM a' PINSHlNG n«lSE WHO HAVE LITTlE OR NO FAITH CAPITAUSM ••• Slncrrrly. J~ Studt-nt Body l'rnidr nl Wherea s : Patrick O' Ha lloran. through whose effor ts the Quarterback Club was established. fostered. aud matured has been a fine asset to the University of Wisconsin· Stevens Point therefore : Be it Resolved : That the Student Senate and Student \... Poge 11 TH[ t.~l Intra murals Wf.-tllt lo.IIO'"IIIIt tum• Off' ell.- "''"'~ttfX"hNl! ll. . of.., ,...._.ll!lllrl!-rallfiOI'ttthil •·f'tk Towt~-..ull .. o.·« lor Olt'WIIooOI'I,llllltfC'NA~ ::.r.:-:.::·~.u:,:.,: : I1Ukt ...,..., M thr lnlnm.-.b <tlf'"' l'tw«l!C'O'IIft'W-'I*'l• ~._.,.,.... =:::r:.:: ....,..., 0111., ~= ~.~:,.,.;:;:: Baba. 11·0.. ~ 111· c,._s,..._.l\'odlf'V~ \'•IM El!M R-". \ 'l-IM S.UIII n.m-. \ 'll·llld Seoolill n.m-. ,......... ,...... ft~. IXSt-C..X·I."IIt \'~ ............... nw,. ,,._ ••ll~ylflwv-ftul .,a-. fll~ilft llat6 »p m ••U.Uw C'llul,....~p-lil n IM-. ~y...rt..l..llfff¥ffht~ ••tlla .Mlat tJr.t<Nm~., kl!-lltf ,..,..,.,., ................ '""' 8.100<1)' ~ u.. ~'11!111.,..., ....... bt ~~~ "* • n faltt,)' 1-!•""Y ,...,., . . . M"''H! Iftt_...,. ' "'"'t$anll)kt.H'"'""·- . ~~ s::~:·~-= ~tr !No* Ow UCh kope ••l)ll'JIMIH~ lt:.M Pray Yo'lil- tilt Sl•df'lll 0f lllliuoliou IW'•.elln~ .. ,IMMW tra~t~H .111 ,.-aniMilfd lolaMa J:w-'lwt~ ,_lhltlufi M Till' lorlldff ... "" ~·tJI-­ ., .·~ --·(IIaz:Jpo"'IOUII'.. ........., t~ooo11rc •• .....~ '"• tht """""'__. ~-­ klurlftnlira«.U" tonii$C ..... 4o) IN.IM lit~ 1M lb• .. - r .. tllrou.,.hhllw II'•• .. ~t 1.1wrt iiNI'l md lin alld Mil TlwdiOir lllftl d '-'n left"'"" It w_, " ~JehU w..,. l'Of'dll nw., ...., .. t~oU.,... ,..~'rlUfliii)IIII'III._IS Sl'l: nwtr to~alaa au ,..... Tlw ll~ «~(""•lfodb)' J &.~ alld ~ IOUI ol ~4 PM 1\J lli f ...... IIIlO 11M wc.-d ...ab ~., , ,.,fincflllllram ~-ltwfat4ta.allt. ~<lllthrtkwftrt&.ldonfJ h..-~··~ltolitl0161dll1r11 ..,_ 1'lley ,.,... nofrlfsbf.H-tht r1'14'-.btf'l Pi'I .. IIIW-IItiiM'IfiiiOdlect!IW alrndr ........ IIMt f>u) ~.:-•.0.1 11Ui ol:!'r.'6PI• l'tw \'ftt~ rf''aCieCIIMklen. TllloiS._ Voyaging To Vienna With Red-handed Riches? ll!M $pnlll. llm!Ubllnlo.Yi.,411111 fft!Ofltlw 1Gf'oooal71}. AIM t111 O.C.Mbn II. dlt v. . ... ., ••• l fllr am• r ah (llrtM_,,.,I'Q',u•!lflordlcwuf " llili"-'II.XIf'rH.I'•f'lllllft Ate"~ hnl ,,... , _ . 1111 ~~'':!:' Mlfi)Mollth i i O • - • • .. lht ot ,._ \'olklill' \ ... .OII('If"<Ooll-t11P6111 ~ ~~fW•'f'fl to) Jttr) l -l ,.,,~. P'OINTU '--" :::'n~~~~= -· ,. f.,.n. ,..._.... r-• Ti• IWiiYM .. ~"' M llw ~, a. lt71 ltftl"\ft', Ulltolll• flfiCb a ~~--- lt•nclbllll. ,..,.... ........,,_. ."' _,u.,.,t,.lN•••Ihl'-.,to bf ~ to pl!rtlt'op.Mf' In llwM- .,.,._ ,...... ._., .. crt,_ ...,. ~ •oototMiacno-a!. ...lft'Mbl" lhariJ.a_ r,.n .\,'l/91fofn...._, T• r o 111llo•1 tllf fl r l t .."""-"'' "'• I IIIH' """"- llbf)' ..O.Cf'Cib)'LJ-G~,.IIo llo»lltplUbl_..,._,.., , ..... ~ktyand,..,.,.. :OI.IIQ' l~nh.t.,- Sti•,..JM..wnam Tile $totolld ....,..,., 5Nf'p _........... ~('on~a&w'illbtiWN ~y. ~btr1.1ntlit 11tr1 GJ'II'l.- Tlleotf •trt tiny ~ ''" lhNI'q..,. ora poWMt u .,. -~ 'ftltM SNt"p Sboekn art inv~tN bt 1"- UM Sha.rp ""'1w•rd .,._eo Slloolll'ltn C'-'"L ••II bP dW .....,..,... llllaol•t Tlw;Nirllflol•ill""'l• M701p.• Ot«k witllllolc llltra- rall toii'WtiO-illfW ..........""" ....... • •"'101"-trtci!L. O..lit ttw ~thai ...... l 1a l'l"flli'Y toa......S tiM• 1 «sktfal*l lffofmMfortlw ,.._s,.~m..~Mctro.r .uflfltl OUI llwir flllld rlbiiC *•'~'ttfldtbl I'TtMIIlly.they ll"t~lliR..oot •deb!W Yo'orU. ,._., ••otrtom...ciiYo•lfwr,.,ll ,_. Yo'....fl l~kf'd •NI • oukl Npptfltftheydldfi'IU-IIw - r. IM.aid " l''dtlt'IWme if .. ~ . .., ,. ..... h lthme ,..__.... •· tlloor ,.d. .... . nw ~-"Z>n,.._,.lncl'"l ~ fetliiUAICIIM ThlT •t..u-I""'HCOicln'trMwthf> ..,.,tortfd•"""''...•lhr'a "*''l' l>ottar KHI)'11"11 S.•Ul. dtltt<'lortfWI.'fl!\~)' _ , "' a110111oH audM- and lht)•HeM'tf'llll,..lwtiW :rlill , ,.., .,., ..... , . _ ...... . hi ) 'tit of IIW 'JMpllillulll. IIIICI There are still a few left for the Hawaiian trip Spohorecf by UAB Call Ext. 4343 llifof . _ , . . . . . . AI• rou ~t.tY•nc tl'()l.lblt atu""C"' au toattiWfl How I'NI'Iy tlmH h.w. )'OU w.ct )'O'.IIt.t11 wN! ll 't 111 aboull' H0l85 Mal\ l!tld His Muni"J 3 c.t~!b To ((C)tf ltM• anolht<' rwman ~~"' " the lurld.amlnt~l pound from wrudl all PfUon•1 -~~ ~IS..\. Cont.e:m· pora,y ma"'' ~""' OIIHCI ') tM rtc.O\ftty oC •wtr· ttuou"' lll'lowiiiC otllotr ~$ l h•i COUrM: ~ onttl'ldt<l tO (.ttltt tl\.tl t(!Oro.h lr'l wtlocll l)trS<ONI mtii\I"C Clll tmefl t from tht .t.ote held ol llumll" t:.per~ef~Ct wtltn ,.,.., allow\ llfrn$ell l!nd l!notMt kl be, .,. lntftrlted rld"JCM!Iy MM Y!\iotl Of vaiUott emt'!CU, Thd COYflt ' ' about ,.oy. ~\t\4 11 ' ' lor )'011 11 )'OU 1ft ,.Oftde-r.nt abOut 104 Oltl'l•"'to. but ar1 hred o1 doutlt•tlfJ tYtrrtlwlc . l!vt tlld a , ..,.. 1 Thll ''aft tAtn$101"1 tourt.t of tl'. e O.v•tiOI"' ol 1111"1\111 Dtvt!OI>fl'ltnt. Sl•r'l'l Mary's Colltp. Wonona Monnnota. olle•t<l •n St~ Po•ftl loll'ldtr tN ..,.spc.n of Tile '"''-'•h;le fof Hum., DwtiOOf"t"'t. 'Mihltn Owtc.tor $awlt of Nort h Ct:Mr al »'*""'""· Miry's IS I IIW~ Thet.... llKtllllll)'llmGI'IIWy rartlt ••t ll ._..r)' pti!NS ~.:.reh~-:'u-:t .._ lon'll.,lld.,., aftii, IIW:re • •lltrt ""'' iiWo)" . . . . . . dult ,.,... pick posoiiiM ...... oiJ olli«"·"r ·~- 01'..,. II ~-~ttiM""" =.~i;,.'::a-: fen I'NY tie Cl.tod "" _.,tot~te or 01'1 the cla7 o1 Cosat ~,,.• rtpstr~.on .and lull c.rtltlt S50 (3 cf'tdiU) Col.lrt.e tiUt 110 tttdlll S20 __F_u~ d~ ~·~DK~~~~~·~8~·~19~7~2______________________THE ~~HT~U ~--------------------------------~p~~ ~~I~J-- Prote ction And Security Re port t:dii.OII''" llll>lf' Tlilf' Vo-it~ trt H'C'f' l\ .,4 till~ follo•n•l ••· hwm•t;.. lr~ lbof' Ulrtef' of l'ro-tn-cion a•cl ;-or.:-wri t ~ ff'l(ardin ll. u•t io11 ~ ~'"""" th"' ,..,, ..., ul ' o' . H throur,ll ' •h "' ' u \ t: \tllt: u t: 'H\'t:'lut:u :.. at:: ~;:,~!~.~~~n,.!!:!'; o'?df:;~,. ........ L.lfC<"n) 11rnah• 1-'rop('tl)o Allq:l"<h. li4C')d*', bo) ·, I)opt' rt"d Sch,.tnn. hPf"'d odomC'It'r b~nana ~t~t . C'hrom" f\'ftdt>,.. l..nlocktdat bllt t'tOJ<'' ~tlmt~kk> ll3ll one- AIIIWO.\Jm .. h• \:O.Iut· S&.SOO IUIIl't. on,· battN) t h m.nator \pptO\Inl.,ill' \0\JUt' J:t.'O 00 ,u,.:,tu•:n :1. l.;tt<'t'A) l 'r-l\3lt' l'ropt'ft) • AII('(lf'dl, f'our ~ubC!IPII !llokn lrom 'dlk'lt' 111 I-AIII Q Approum.ltf' \'.llut• S2S 00 horn, llot•.:.rn 1l3bt'IC1'S, •t:! \ and~ll"'rn .,1nd t<tn:con) l.,tl\31\" l'ropert) • Aih:&~d l l.«kt'd C'.tf \ a.ndaluf'd ll'l Loc H'fll "''ndo"' (or<'td optn. tap(' t•l-')('f \m:l~oh<'d. 19 ~ l:IP\~ ~<~ken 1-:~unatM totlll S 1:000 r. \' ancbhsrn l,tl\ .llle" Prc:~ptn) l.,.ock('d <ar 1n Loc T tt';)f slodl." "'~ndov. •Wlii~Md. radso'nn.• brolf'n olf to~ rn·•n l 'rl\aiC' l'r(lpt'll) Allt"ttt-.:1• \\ .. tkl 10 and ' 1'«111 'ar(b unlodt(-d loc-kt'r .,., ,u,\'e"n\ Sl:'llt> l,r.,pt•rh Alltgt'd ('h~m•ioU) Ut'pt S<u."Mt' Bide . Thrt',. '''P''' ~o:~lim.tll'(l dam.i)l.l' $-U(III rnC'fl " 'oci..CT room ~ ti) m 1'1\~ 1-:d Hiett: \jJPf"O'Im;)tt• '"\1-. \lltt. U ::,.,;: l..arc\"n~ f'rl\ at co l ' rGp.oru • AJtf.t:.t'd• Blt")Cif' blllc-k Sch v. •nn. J • Pl"tod. no ltndt•n.. bo) ·~ l~JI('. :.'!;", nol St"t"Urf'd from north )Jdl' Old M;un Uldg .\pptOlllmalt• \'~lut 160 00 ,o, •.,lttt:u :G.,,.~ l.arC'eny l'ti''<IIC l 'roperh ••\llotgf'd ) I'' our hub UJb fro1;1 ::~~~~Jo.ot I' ' II' t:,mt-;u : ;. Approli:UNtf' n~: \ ~ndah,m St~lf' l'rop<-tt) t-:) IIRI:ttrd "noun1 Gf tbmagt• \<!ncblt>nl" l.:art't'l'l) ..,.,;)1\' l'roprtt) • AIIt"':C"d l. l.«kt"d c-ar ~o~n.kno'o<on m Lot I' lt•fl \('l'lf "''ndov. t•rok c-n 'tt•rG tap~.• pf:l)t'r J (' \\ tut nf') \IOIII'n ·~~ollm .. !t'd lobi h) w l.arC'(!n) l'r•wutll' l 'ropert) •~\llotgrd • Brov.n aua~:h(o C':a ..• .:tnd ~ontt"nl~. DOt K"Nrt'd COPS llli!g ·~ll m:u~ uiUt- S31 » l...trt'\'1'1' \U~t"'i l 'rt\o~tt• l'ropl·rt~ 1\r. t'Oh ont' doU:u 1••11 ... from unludot"d room ~nnth u..u On It's Way Just In Time ' '.:llut• SIUOO ' 11\l-:\ m i-;H :t~. t»:: l.a r~CR) l 'fl\'illt' l' r OPf'tl) All~gt'd • Curr('n('~ from ~o~nlock('(l l(l('ktt. mf'n ) Ao(kf'r room Jkor~: Gym, Ph) for Xmas HITACHI Tope Recorders Wade \\'hltf' ~ t."ooor t .. to It'" ~" Pl"Oft~'(IIOI poi1IIC'31 \('lt'f'K"t"<lll Oltt>r. Compact Stereos f rwn 30 &o ~ wat&il nw t.t'hla.,r ~~~ from $ 14.95 from $240.00 AT THE STEREO SHOP (b)' lhtt ISth ) Comtr 2nd & Chrk 3-14~0 w lh(' U.U\\'D II) 10)''-l l'fll hOI$ b('(•n t·oord•nafii'IJ: ;1 Sptutl( tnp to the l \\ S f• "'Ill lt".ad tht• a nnwl 'U\ ll'f l nloOft .1nd ~ ptf'\aQW. OM lpnn,: ~'lt'C Sf<m•nar Tour 1\ad Q\tf'r "'nd I'll~ '"roll"'\ ulfl"n'd b) l \\ !)I' ''m•l~r tothol.\.4! ttl(-) hMf' bN"ff AI)(M.II !.1 IC~C.a l 't~o~ck-nh "' ' " tC'(IC'I'III} f\".llppc,Hnl\'<1 IO p;il rtk~I!Mh• 1n lht' lhr~ "'''l!'k Ttw- thtf'fll 01h.o' fa('Uit)' JWO!i:U tn from Apn l I lo thl· rnembtn for a S..m~t tr m ::l<d lifiUI!In ~eroup "'"''""'' >Nr' Ut.h•r .,.,,11 bt.· :tCC':tp lln~ rt"'t.t•nnltOI\.' from tntt'rhlf'd nus ) t•:tr• tour ""lllmdudC' s.tuck-nh pr-ov1dc· tN'It,•ntauou ''o~ '" llf'I.Su\k., 1-'m l~nd and ~~orb .tnd b(' •n t"hatgt ot a l.f'nlnltnd. T.alhn I\: it"' . thrt'f'-n"'-'t cour~· to b\• otf""c:<l ~~ . ~nd \1~..... :tll1n tht.ln COC'tJWM'I Ion ""Ill'! tht• tour '0\' lf'l l mon C ultural. Tht• IUJI t.,rn plt•ntt•n t s ,, lll(fltultur•l . •ndU)Iflal :tud ltt~»liln o~nd t.::Utt>rn •:uropeo.:.n nlhf'r t'ltl'llt'D "''II bt \~ltf'd ' " ""'r" ... Discount Week Mon Ott' lllb tht\.1 t-'nc:S;a) 1!1lh •Ill ~ OI:K'OWit Wf'd !Jlt' l:tll\f'f'Si t} Stort 111 tht (.)to( .11 U niVt'Uil)' Ct'nlt'r Tht' O.SC'OW\1 Scht"dult 1.1 '" follo• "t )!on -5oft Coocb De-pt 10 ptr t't111 otf all m('l"('~ndl.w- l'r~ra m "'h•<"h I& p:an af tht' l \\ SP currt<'uJum 1br Stf'\MS Po•nt ttroup ""'" 1-e- )l)lnt'd b)' tont mte,t'fl l~ from .,thf'r l ' \\ tampu''"' 1n ,, Coopt'r.IIIIH' IU\t'l \C'fiiUr C' t'or lht' pa,st f•n )~aD or a.o t~plat'n Costoltbt'mpu.S«.JJ ptr pt'rll.,n •ncludlnl( Iran 'porlatiGn, room. board .and Cit) lOUt\ f~t'UOn~ mil) t('CISttr b) t'onta~ung Ostl'T ~ - (i1IIJI & NO\Till~ 10 lll"fCflll oil a ll mt'rc:bandJ~ Wl"d - HooU toP"' c-.nt otr Thun C't'ftt ~rt Suppl~ 10 ptr otr all WHEN YOU .tllm~tn:Ntleb.W m~~h:;u~.M" KNOW 1-'n Sfhool Suppha- 10 per ""'' otr a ll mff<hlnda-M" Man) C1rt ll~m$ at 8a~1n ....... IT'S FOR KEEPS. Sweahhirts $3.25 each Little Joe's DrinkinQ Fstablisbment WE BUY USED GUNS Papa Joe's Gun Shop ~psa.k e• • •o••Y.- .. .-o oo -. .. o•o <~•• • • GRUBBA JEWELERS DIAMONDS OUR SPKIALTY 968 MAIN sr. wllh otl\ radio Radios Soviet To ur O ffered John J or Portablf' to ~ 01&1 W Clodt J:;d Uldl( t:'llfn;ttt-d amOIJnl Sl' l"<trtabk!Rt w hh from $99.95 from $49.95 THI I'OtKTU Pooe •• Joint Mtt ting Held &rl>~nn..,....,l l~f' Stf'f'IOitll c-matllf'toftllf'\\·~ C'Oil>lotiOIIfor~~.. T!lor l !'A'.SP C't>unc-•1 an4 'i)Oiti<UIOIII "''" a >.>C'~fi('M"'' r-- - -------, ,\ny- •n~lf'd • Wuno~""'ol)'«ffln.llndlt> COU,,E AVENUE GROCERY ,...,. . . .y ....... . . ..,. ··~·h- foor• .111 Ullt olt IOf~l-clr.Lkofllle•c•~IY \'f!M"' All) ...,e Vineyard !otvOrM pHwl.. "' ulldl'f'Jriltl~>~;lf' llli ~oJablc 1651 CoA-t• A.,., 341 ·0750 }oonl ~IIIIIIOIIIS..ndit)' , Ofotf'!Jobrr lit• .11 1 » pal on 111M! (:Jtrl.lladJI_,.flllllf'lln"f'noly C'f'Mf'r Come To A Cornlvolf 6-Pack Specials - Thf' C"•IJioloo n ·~ an -lill-oltlttrt'MCI'tiO:Oflli!o 12 oz. Schlffz Man Uq~or $1.12 16 oz. Schlilt Mah Uqaor • • • $1.18 12 oz. Old Slyle •••••. $1.12 odr«,..f'IIIOI~itf'.llllot".ll't-;a,M dlrf'('l_ ff/ ,cat•t,~porlat­ 'Tbc toe.:olohOIII ~l tffC!f'b. . . . . . . . !lwpo$ i JUtl4' rifwtt. .. ~tfofpul:liiC'­ tl'ill_l,....ldbf'oiiC'T~"~ lllf' mHIII'. <.;~~ Mf'b IO ~tpi)Of h11uly for Peace on earth to oil persons df good will ..,.,..,.,an n~qJ...,.~~.... ,._ ( 'oulol- .,ncJ llw l"ll!\of'hoty t:.O.or•n~N~tal Counrol t• Mdou-. !At' C'OIIMoOft ~to ,,..,. the ,.,.,..,... ,('!f.~l•t••<' liN«"'""" .... ,_.""""dlo'Ai_,.. Unirenily of W"ll(onsin Srlfem Btlnic & Minority Studies (eater l.lrw....l("" UC Governing Boo rd Voconcies No.rma~~ lAdner .~.... ~ppe. Ot'OI'Jt'l U'-hto."a' PAPA JOE'S 233 Division St.· b ;., t... -114, ., c~ • ...ttt. . •sa _.......,.., ...... •""' .,.,.,•..,_, Sh'"'""~ , Holiday Cheers ~ Tom & J erry's Hot Buttered Rum Scarlet O'Hara's Starting Frid ay ot Papa J oe's ...j.,.to.<itl.., .......... 310/ X :.---...!::-:e::.!:'""' 5:!:..~~·~ .....::u:J:;::..... MOVE TO THE VILLAGE SECOND SEMESTER 1. 2 Bedrooms, 2 aan.ro2. Disbwclers and Dispowl 3. AU IIIHnies Paid by uldlonl t Plng·Pong Tables and uundry F~eilities S. heryone has his own Desk 6. Yoke Intercom, S«urity loeb 1. Heated Pool lor Spring $44.95 0...• ro 9:00 P.M.. ""'""" ' fli91m. s.,......,._ H - to S P.M . -AU This lor only $300.00 -II yoa are going ~ be Studeal TU<hing you pay 011ly lor file lime here- 8 weeb - $150.00 MODEL OPIH 1:00 PM- 5:00 ·pM 341-2120 Fri6oy, Oo<embo• 8, 1972 TME I'OIHTn Unlnrslfy Union Arl 'Studlo and linolium prlnu lnt!M'ftltyun~hasbtftl a gtO'A'U'Ig t.brm~ ol''loi.n.c ~dt Evuy Monday throu1.b to Salt~c>' ' OM ""'&)' lft wtudt lh11 can ~ 1«0mplbht!d LS to ltudrnlaniolructon mah your J1olud10 OW>-n Thi.II'Sday, 6: 30 • 10'00 am b.lndltta!ts. T1w Un•on Cnttfr ArU a.tld Cufu Scud•o •s dH.ignt'd to gh~ to htf2 projcoru <ornll bt at lbt )OU vo t U'I )OW" Tht uM of a ll cq~oupmrnt ' ' t re-e to :~ ny Univmity student. The studio 11 &oc:a ttd on tbt S«<nd noor ot the- Un.on Ctnlf!l'. JUSt folJow tbt stud~'" ' the opportunity to lcoo~ rn arM~ parhapat.e •n such cnfts as leather work . m~~cu~.~ad',.,.oodcuts Hand madt g1tt.s 2 h''ti)'J c;any • SP«•.al .attntuon. and Please Go Away! v;nh CbriSlmu Only • mml.h and a hall a~o~oay then 11 saa.IJ bmf' to makt ~»•r o1 mOC'C'asms or brit for ,-our brolhtr or 1111~ II )'OU t.o ltarn a ( t.t!l, malct your O'llo'n Before you go - contact ""'i"" ~f t,s_, 01' C'XP«$1 )'OUtsd/ 1n a untq~.~t TRAVEL SHOP way "IN . . WE AlE AGENTS FOR AitU... • AeilrMch A...,.A..C.,. .., e Hour~ e H.,.._ e ALL OVLt THl W()ll.l) ' Santa Cant. O.t t 'l.aus w.•d. ··anyonr w. ho m.nkn such .t gl" ob\·~1 ) N.wt' l ,. "tudaed m) optor.at1on 'ery If~ «~mmon ~ lr.....,lt'dge that KudoU u. RC'd ' OiM"d. "'nd I .. ou.ld hl e to Sol} that IM•" a cr~11 to h•"' U<'t' I ,rm '<'fY ~tlad tha t 1 h1r('d ltud)', thou~th I m~&St :.dm1 tthltl I took .. 111-\t, \IHt:K I I I. U- lnhf't.,ll) trft1f't ; 00 ll m ·I 00 p m (:ndlt OO ; 00 3m · I 00.:. m Book liiOf'-' DONn:i l , IC'll:l n .'IIU•I 11.0nno~l C'Cin tr:u:1 food ~~ norm:.! , tr:~mt-,; room norn1at 1..-boool <'nlrr ; 00 ·• n1 ! OO.e m '\l;~~ctn.ll ('f'nltr .. 04U m lllldt\!ghl Snadt S.r 6 OOp m 1 00o1o m t on1uct t' ood ~ normo~ l \u ... oo .. m :! OOol m t"f'nltt ' 00.:. m nudn1Khl $Nick U;~r G OOp m I oo,, m ('c~tlltai."l t'oocl Sur nor•ual Ht:c·t .>!Ht:lt It- t nhrr,lll t .,., .. , t OO;~o m II OOp m t:tldltOn · ; oo., n1 II OOp m . Bootuton• norm:. I T""'' ltf' 10 00 •m iOO p m Contrut t 'ood ~, t,..,..,. ; nonnat Ca mC' Room normal, IHOot c:rntrr )l.ltf' Ctntrr Soon· U.u 600pm I Oll.1 m \'Mir.t{'l t 'ood Su..· fl(ttm a l ,, u..., t "" ' " ' 'l 00.. m MM!t-r•al c:rnt~r IO ~m S.rwQ. K¥ 600pm 1 OOolm onuart food ~· norm.1l 'OOft • »• m t t. \IIU: tc 1:- 1 • 1\ f'h lh : tt~.. m I 09 a m 1 lAb m Hook'lor.C'Otur~l tcu.~mt normal : f (J,• m t f'IUrt Gt1d1 r on ; OO.J 111 l"k~Mod Tut lknl~l t'ood ~: norm:d. ~., m.. llf'b.ol I f'n lrrl JOo1 "' \l a t t'f'J~I c. l'tUt'f '\oon )hdnJ;Ilht •towd ~=-:a::- .!n~ 1!!!!!!!!1 POINTI& TROUSERS • • • 59c ea. !>nat'~ K.u 6 OOp m · I OW m • t'ontnc:t t 'ood :o.ur ~«mal . \I If'• trntrr t •JO;J m ·% 00.. m , ).f~IC>rlal Cnun- Noon·MadmJthL Snack Oar " (kip m · I tXQ m • (()f'HraC"t t'ood nor· m.;~ l .. Op.n Ooify 1 o.111 •• 6 p.m.. IH:t. t :\tKt:K U·lt- l nht t1olt ~ t ' ntf'r (; r, dtron 7 00.1 m t 0001 m Bclobtort normal . Tut rmtal I OU..II m • l Sp m & 6 OOp m .; top m ~ontra<t food ,uc_- normal. gamt"l room nCi rmal . .,,.,01 ( 'f'rt l f'r 1 OOJI m •% OOa m . \l..ilt•u:al CMte-r 9 ooa m )hdnljLJJL Sn:K-k u .. , 6 OOp m · I (:~(» m CGnlr3C1 food ~""· norm ..l \llf'e I""'"' -: ~ m : (.(b m )l .al~ rl al Ctnter 9 Ob m · )hdnl&h t. 'nllC'k fUr 6 OOp m ·I 00. m . Cont r~t food 2.57 Di..-i1io.. St. : CICNl m · I 00.1 m ,~~~.. ~ Friday, Doc. 8, Satllnlay, Doc. 9 and Monday, Doc. 12. No Umlt with eoupoa. Ooopoa Vacation Schedule For Centers I lO am ·2 00.. m IUWpm ~~ell. Met • ...,~ Wotch oM List• n f01 DiffereM WH fdy S,.CMII1 Takt m) tTandtt-r. lor t'Umpl-t ~• fr "h 1u A floow•t & 1. _ ·m/IIT/11/l/Df. ::--:.:.."' ~... " TN" ab5olutel) n dtrolous, · lit I ShtpU..,. & • ._... manonl)' IJOUPI · ~ tunng Molp fot has annual opt'UtJon ('.Ut'fUII) • CM,...rH eM ~t-l.eet"'t ' "'" Fricloya 1 e.m.· l p.M. l44S2'77 ENTERTAINMENT Every Frida y & Sat urday WHITING MOTOR HOm lit;( t : \l tU·:It :•- tnhH ~h~ I rnlf'r 1 00.:1 m I 00... m Gr ad lton 7 0001 m 1 ooa m flookliiOft" fiOf'm~ l . Tf':c t ltC"ntal G .. mto Koom normal, CGntr act t'ood s ue liOf"mal O...bol c·... ,.,, 1 ooa m ·I ow m • \ Centn t (l();a m · II OOp m , Bar 6 00p m ·)hdNght. Conu-act food Sue . All~n Alltn (' t • ttr 7 OOa .m • 1 ooa rn Mate n al C~ nlt'r 9 .00a 1n • 11 OOpm . Snark Har 6 00pnl ·~hdntJtht , Contuct Pood SIX norm1l coni 10 p 16 PIZZA AS YOU LIKE IT "WE IAKI IT TO YO\JI TASTE" BILL'S PIZZA DOWNTOWN STEVENS POlHT SANDY'S New Fast Food Restaurant NOW HIRING Full and part time employees APPLY IN PERSON 4 :00 to 8 :00 P.M. Friday, December 8th Monday, Decmber 11th Tuesday, December 12th HOLIDAY INN -· ~~~~:.; smrtP BIG DADDY'S SALOON ,.j, the ...or.on to b. jolly, So, come down and drink, by gollyt, CurYe them curvet which it only foir, While rvmon of finolt ore in the oir, Ner.t year will bring on o new profenor, And we' n all c,ome bock strong ner.t ... metter. - U.wk ,....._..altl&eft..otr -on t he Squo re - Get out of t he donn second semest er re nt a furnished, 2 bedroom mobile home at RECREACRES 544- for os little os $40/month p~ 16 Frldoy, DKembtr 8. 19?2 t'Uit'l" lla.ouia•'ff)' lltff'C'I I • •) Electronic Battlefield Cont. n.t"- """' a - - ,, f1nt IlLllS ,.,.,. po.w•ppln,tact. - . , ,.. '"-' w-. s.w Ct• "'•lhamH,._ .. Wr k ollf'd ,., S••• \'..cnam~ toNNn - =-~~~':'-==~= ..... ,..,. .. ln-""~hodtiW(CII1 to~wiC'tartan"""""" •oUII n.,._..,u_ . M•l•.&hl Itt•"•-'- apott •li•C'IIII C'.tn UorSI:bbr••l'lrr&hlu_._... da)I'CM "'' •lil l. . ditVfttlll' ~...c.-rv.,..,ndMII•IIM .. larot .. '-'l.llw)'t;tlll't Ulf JC"~ " ' " ' " " " ' · ·....... ·\~pv!"'flilrtiiW.-Irttll't .... fllfft(W ...... ,.._,,.._ ..... Mf •...,.....f'll ..duniiJ ~ pii'IM'tr;MC' ~ ' f1C'Uit 1111' dlllrhlolniJIII~ Solltfalliloit~._-~IM ~rttJOMIIIII.l\'fiW..afil l ... l)ll'f tKboniOIUiotllf'"r ••yof a laM'r Wam Mid I!Uln lll&ht ""''"" d...rlllll clrM"l''ll•lowff"• -.t onlr ~ fw •HUit'r, ~Ill at-,Mnc Kill'< lfTtr~& .,..,. t.wr bC'.tm A,..t lllrr ••a rt totmb n n ,.,.:ao ~ ~Pf'llt'tf•~ ... ~,..•r ""' ~pu!ly Tllftt' tan .,............... atr... , a • - ~,.. dltpNduc ,lw,._~ A,....ll' :::~:~~.::::: =:-..~ .-)"'-'-'JOWrr.dtwtm .. .,.,... aft.... 41•Pf*ln• ••~•afltM..._w DtJIOf . . uniM~...-h o r . - .,._bo ,,.Tlwfkoot'lwutt ........., ,,.,. ...,.._.,.. ............. ......~r- '""*'· .,...,'" .... llofuiM. tally !Jrllltlw,.,.yllodm ._.............."""' .... t'lootlllla.-.~ ...... ........fld . . _t'fnt'lt'tll l'lw11t.,.,..allw•ldtut'i1 ...... - .tOOpr-.u, 11,.,.__. •N....... a• ~I'M ·~· .... • l i d \.ntft ~U•!IIII · bomba ~f\AodtolltM'<'Urilltt'• illml ' lfoft altfllilln. To r""o•·tt"'·f'll-tmftl frono t~ Nlllrtlifld, lkft a• . ........ ...,..,., ,....."' ........... ....... ,-~ M•-filll piloUna a~ru-.JJ ...... .._)',,,...... ~"t' b . . . ... . lhf<nMIYn s....,.,.,~ u.~ ~ C'$pl. . .,lrllfff't'plo. . ~y ...........~~In .:r: Srlr•U•IIforM'Owflf~IA~I ........ ........,. ....... ,,_ 4 1ft'<"U.... th\ot IJVIIIII l ht - w -.t-PMI« '-b lfan .....lll -~ ..-afbUitOUCft tht'jlllltltu....,.a•clw•lyto ,,. .net SaM! - nw lf'('tl\t •llfti....,.I.MopnDt U.lftot ... *ttwbl. .. V.Vf. llfirMf lllf llllb Ell J~nilrMt l ilt' ~IJI111t'bt.w "'---·~-· ...... ~ -""'·-......,.. w.a·~--~-Uit' ~pk11Wtli!M ........ plaM ..._.,_ ,., .....-aa .. bt'f'f'la~"raal#l..,. .. t,... bomb ~~IW'we .. "'""" a "'""'" ., c-a-b ~tUIOICWiortdlfwhv•lll,_ ldt'.-.-MCa••~an ......, • nw. ., .... ~"'" _,.,.._~••dl•n ...... t'lffUOIIIK • liM IM1tltf14'1d. m.~<:"-...W _...,. fcJrillf- _...~W'ft •"""* -a~~~·•tftUtt('f jllfT· __.~,.._..,. ,Of butiiiiii(, u · •II;QIMN-tt' ...Jf"U.and il>(t'.t . . . . . boont.•. . f'f~MJH ···¥-Wlotlllabii.MIW ln~ol~•"'l1att, flt.,.....IHIIMt~art.aillto btii!Ottttl«tl"'bft''- 'tlt t'MIIII)••d.Div• ... *~ __ ~~~~~~Ttl<tr.r­ •n \'tclnam a•hl"'f"MIIIIWt ..... -·~·· ~~'~~'~'- " \of'l....... cl!Jbolllt'dftllf!al'f •NOOM ..,~ ar• .aid " _,; Satllf ..""'"'&wt .,.lllot~lloM•tCIIUo •kf'fa . . . . ..,...._.,. . ~ rtll'_f, _ aon:niiUW Oit."S q,_ alto~ lro. alouot _....._...,....,... IIW ISLU:S.....,. ~.C lllf"""tt..--••Lus .. tooM'It_,,.,.......,_..,,~ .,ttum1beyart~tlt ~~~It' . "' It•noitiMiboll)"ol-•-an t llla t had """' r.-.N "ilh ,&uuc- ptllt'lt. Tlwr "'"' ... toodyatll•l~'tlontou«fttlflt Will._ ""'"ttl\' ulb surt~lw•t to•"IJIOI'In'tlftll. Thf}'UIII,IIf'letatf'd•i(hX· art' llur'Mf-lltdat t~ ,,_.. .U.., anlllll'l'y ,...... -........ f'OIIUolllllill • a•lf. N>"' bvl tN bf ,......, •lUI utua~o(nkahon'l Tilt \ 'wt-ol-...........,.. Ullt'd .... . . _ , , , _ ~·- ••rat -btf•ot •ramotM---IOn _, n . - • Jio-IUrtforU.. ~- vlcot"""'• · NMI'-m•-all' .,_.. ..,.~~ «'IWI&a. . fOf~ltY'III .. I"WC'Wtlwvl<'l•"'"- f~ A lwmB •lfordtMo~t~ fiiC't'tlfd•hldllf'OtbonthtllfiP· h•oll labllwmNttlfyMrM _ . ~ , - Ul•lelon• bor'*dCIIf~.IIOipet'llllil,.-1 ""hlva, Wt' f iftd. c;a~-~~~- · ...... IUnt,Hooot...,. 1W ,.,., lat.• ftntH a11n1 pla.JIK A m. . •nto .,.., ,) ••• oKI'Mlat) 011 111apalm .,. ltaMhnt l111Khfllot4 ••th a.loml- • ....,,._ et ,.,atllllalt- aad oltw. ,......llf.«~t ta~tr_. ............. .. 18111bt't'auwtllltoa..c..,. t~e~I)~.Mp.almiS -..~ NaiMtloM-..IIMd~ f'Oflt'. .UallOM .,, trcoop ~ C'ftltWII'"""·and!~f'":t't'nl ;~w•M<f a ~'"" lor 100 ..,.,..1m II •n..-•lolr), Jill)' 'A')Irlt'~ ltlll50 . .= _.., II lipolfa ... NM~ '"""' ~rlt~_. ... too.•d•flkulteo :=c:~Jf'·..~·=.,. ··""'_,_ ,.......,~*'« • et•npfolo"rt ··-·--,.... -....... •lwtll IMhJ4t.J atl!.loftll• ,....,. • .,~&ti el lll flll"'t, ...,.~-..... _._..... 111 upr- lttn and k•••• lilt' "ltllla • rl>douo ot D:a !9'10 ""'kniOI'HiJ,tH . . .IIIOnt "C:'"" ' 'J<~knll l .-..(·- .,..,,., IN. $0 flt'f"tt'llll l'OI)M:yri"M, ~Pf'l' ..,..... _... ,~ . ...... q ) .. •od 11111•t'd ~..,..,.......,)'atlk aMiur,. ...................."".... ""' ~IIJOt'rMm ll oa...,.t'IIIJt'f«~lfl'•l lftflllllfVWII..... ofallpaiM ""'n'"'""~"r""'..-.. TlM-r n....,..M~eln.-t ror ~llnr'-'"' ln<Mc111u Ia .,.ty allptly l¥fn' '"'*n Tnn ,., _ ...._ ..1(11' ot -.unit-. •'-' ~ '"""""'l'lll, oi ..,..._IM, .., ~·" ·"'"-,_.,, r-l<"t' !~lv.wdb)'thilto.WtrydllfWI ~llvf "'' Wat II ~"'"I)" n~ .. aboui....,I IIOUO "'ldNt'-'-"' ... ·)~t'll· plodtdat ll.......wna Of llwX...._PW!Idt.aboooll!i:.';,.~"! nflllll•t.•""- '•' Wfflf atlkb ththvB.\JOnt)'lr.,and n~Oot$wtlll\'ft'IN• ..,.,.._ •n(IIIIO ~,.- Sommtnn lOt' polMIIM ~ U tbofll • -• • for"'"" d•On& ""'"-'" ......._~billa'-- .. _....a,_""~"""""'"­ ... tQM..,, SPT , .......... ............-4hfor11Mit'l Th« ....... a. ..n,...or'"'~ ..• tnd at.......... f'ftC"Iowlt • • -u.~ ......... -ur ~...... V."'IINoan•kd•ICJI., ,.....,. .. "''111ft-.-· ""MIIt... Wabwi .OO..,_ ..~:-~~·='='· ,..... ,.., ""'"'..., --......................,., .. .... ·-IIII'I'·WIUJI--~('&tiM bv~tllclorH~,t~~.U I ISLUS! ,.,...fllasw,-lotC!loMIMM..- utlal lhtNrrd i ~C>Middi-· ...... ,....... '"'·.... ,' ~·~~~ U;~~ --~~ lor ,.,..lrilln al Slt'J)IIH,'II......aiMI ...... it .............. ln1"'- 11MA•rPOI"((t ""• • . - *'"'"'fd on lM rlftcMUidieN II'IJI ... .......'ft W1llh '-liM "t'l.,_. ,,_ :Dtl to IJ,..OII» ahocM-c df'toonaln f'llo~ll.w•..,-. a ~ ,'Q.,b att' aiM-" • -'*lun •fMib ..-1111~fl aft' dft"(t iVf -~~~~~~--- T11t'M· I9tillt un t!tt nailt -.taMe~ • a •llldl ......... Tt'ftor! wvatta ••~~~t prilfct. .... -·~ ,, . _ .....,....pd,....ol lliaMIIC' a~ Wold IIObr ..... l,...,. ._ an!;;:?=•-;:; ~IMfll>(ff'ftVI....... (0tttd 1"-lay l l•'f lt'lf¥1MII ·~ . . lll'l'rll. . . . . """fllil« ;o,,.,. "1)'._ . . , , _ .teofoONjnt • ~anrt~M..,.,if tum· ~·::. "':-.!•:; . -•••n•fll& 10 .. ..-hldl•n tw ill II " ' AAI')l$ 1'lw f'l~h andllol'(an....,.._ •liN rt"lUJit'G., • ptn •• " ' •11 'AM,.-.)Ibto~ ._,_ 'A AAPM$ '-1. •Pflllll ,.,..,. ... fti'I'Yifll l - • - t or .... TlMw (.._.. .,.. IOIOtltlarbMulll . .lllt"'IMH lllus.,llw . , . . . , _ , MIM l VIMPloll ,\.n ourcr~fl ~.II'Ttft - a l a.,.,__.. .,...,_,_.,.., .._".w ........ _ _ _tly .. . . . ,.,,...,_ n.n.r - u"'"'"'<~ac--.aMs """~" pvbhutoon . ,~,. .!>tl... l lot l)l arc-11 • · 19TJt « porlfd thatGru-.1 mlrlibarr (~lfoll :~7= a:.~:·::~~ •• - """' p!llfU ......... - M'""""lorn•KN '1t-Utotnllo mt't-J, t'.-:lt10t01foe'IIIIO ·- lllottlf'IOJt' .. . . , . , . "' ... "nli:l rfPt- . a n •vft',.,tll ll'l~pounds.o$.)0i(t,!P"",...,_ ., ,,..,_...,m,1 • flt'f" • •• 004'oC1\In l ......... """'"' . . . ..,ll......,.ltm•-.....,.. (raun"'"'llll abolttt ....,..... ...,n tl liltallhOI, ....,... .. AI'VIur H 'A'nt1111 ..... t: • • """''"". . .,.., ... k a .. ...,. ... .,..,If.,, •"u"--' 110-'fiii•IP IOf f'Oibl "' l oti., Ui.M- . . "r"'I!Wk \~IUot ' ""-.) tnl, ""'-" 111. Ott) ~·bt-tf'alefr.on • ;\l~l>rtl•nnpaddyu .... ~.'"' '*~· . . .. .......l't'lll)~ldftto • llw nwtft', alit! f•IIH •11111 "' " fftlil_..,tll_. ,...,,,_,...,.....,.,, ...... ...,."" ••-....r•• llrt' IIMGr.-.t'lilnd! OUjl6nlo«<ii .... IM ll ptKtiC'.. Alia, ........ ol '""'~~~~~ ~ IHt'ii- clt'nt at ,.,,,..... -~ ~·-· A.ooiOfll~ ·· 01111onlwbltaW.. "''"""' - "'"""" ll.av• l onlir ~tiii:.Cpa..-OTdloldtf'ftorl ..._ ............. "'""f:JU. .. prOift1-)bJA~-..od .I batll .. ~,_.. tior ... wor.. .. . ............ "'""'""" .. ,.. "• t'Wlcllllaoo ~ llo.fOOIIIIf U a tnorll roll'l...-t'r ,, .. ......... .. .., • ..,.. ~~~o ""'" A<"""'"' aro <"M tor ' "'11-t>•Whtulhoovft .. b rm _..ab and! _ _., •-b.Jofld•n••,--.•w * ' '""'ftl•-tt'd iii U... ._. drf'Chcit........... AIIU.......... ol b~llan<"""'DIIt'd "''""'"• • all l 'ftdl tt ~·"""' ....,...... tOfftt C"MIIaininc. o1 _, ~'Ill"' ... ··~~"''""' . . .ltt tiOdlkoM.... . nd ...... _, ..... _..u,..,...a- •O'IIWH ptl(f"l l«t'l"" ... lM<Ibtt .,.Mout » ptr «wrt .u,.. ....._ . ,,a,,.....,~, Ia ••fH II. . by t'all6t'd ....,.,,_ Ont' pl•nta•- ~1141bff oNinal aMI t11a1 1wt'C'NI etW.Ifte. ...... """"""""""'-·-.. ... lrladcbtiM,Iarl tforftla,...o ~; fl"nchann.orrtorM'tol......,tatp. ......_. .... .,liiC' I.... ·· .,....a.-.QOt attn t» _.. ,..lmoa,... . .id1o.,.~beom ( ....f'f .... da,.. .......... ""Nn'fT .....,. . . . . . land! btort~Mm.llilonlya~ _.. .....l&lllf'llllilai ..... 'IM.-t-~M lllllabiWolf b ) ' - - a .......... Mklk'a(i.aylwii~. Tht 4tmal • " - " ' b)'~· diHt.ta•ltal ton .. UIIP till• br for C'WW!I ....... aid Wn;l_, aad l"'toflff T'llftt.M'IfoMisu.Mid ....••1'twtoON (rvtlu•onyCIIf .. •• ~thai $6llllt \ 'ott.un ............. btt'fll bfi)H off •1,--"'' .,..,- r• ~'t;t. IIJinoilt.Jo. •"VWnt~ IMVItably.~llitBilt;.,. .. llol' -"itOrlmt'llll ""' alf« l lilt pallft'naol1hfP"plt'. too '" .....,. ,_s,., 5olllll \ lt'lna•.la)'t';llnap. til"fll ...'fdillutbefll lltflla. Ntwllw a........,..,... ...... 60""'~'""' .. -. Sacon-... MoM• ,.., ·~ftkd~lty t.lflt' •OtW- lll"t'CII) IOI""'tft"JI..., l..oAIJffl In $Mtl ll Votlna.-.. hal~ NY 1..._ MrUI ot dlt P"Pk 1111 ~ pet ac-rtaMM...,_,. :OIIDpn- acrton&hcttaa. Tel)e hUIDJI"Mn Sorllo \ ·1114. . .. A "'"'" u.ndtr •.., ...r.~y J....,_ o\d-iurat -indit'•tfddlat '*"bifl&..,.··~so.-· \'t't••llldff'l1h'<t. tl ""'' t l)' teqiPI'd . . .-id ,, _ t .... Nid!'t lhllloM, Ia ttMPt..iotNI Joh••u «saalton or,_. .....,..,, .... ~ In rM.~IIIIIat .._.lusOofllt" t~t'ft"port...J in•M....,.~ -cod. -.. .,.,_., ....._...._ dwlt'd by ,. . .wrr.~rat- S i...,. !t'cnut)'of •....._ lMnl'• atftn • oiiUt)' ,_tft avai&Mk .. ""PJPJI«IIw..-..,,s...u. \'W....a.. •btUottotfHIIA)'II- ICILartlll • ·M•I* " I•Ottobrt'of ta.r -) to~t,Gon>W'fttmortlafld UIIOIMK'rd ._,u~ urw: rktu • k • .-.. o..:-~o«a of&MI)"ffltthtboon. . . . Sor\111 \·~. .-..-;t.t-"'"r ....... el f't-*nt N1.10111 0. ...... 21,'"" Nt• \'..-• fi•" aald ~otillll)'. M. nw ...ytffl'C1etbombifll•llw •"ltiMNOfeh\'ifcMMiiJihal olompllllftllarlWtiiJIIOflllw Pf'Opl~ ol SOt\111 Yotlllam II ....... ....., . - - · · bvl ,, .,*in&lwp~~M, It •INIII onllllt!Wt' NOf t l!l Vitl flla m 'l P-ohtkro to 10fttn In poait.. itt P.arit.._ IMIIMWtdldMilllwpAM .. wp~OMioof; Vocorion S<hedvle Cont. Pogo 17 Frodoy, Ooumbor B. 19n tMIU\l . OUt:)IBt:k• '~· • n \ Mun.lll) ...,..... 1141) lM) t'~.D(eiUlf'IMIN<'Ullk~... M•~ ._,u tM' Thund.t) ~~ 4 Up m , t"nd.l). 11 ,....... am • U and &GO pm aU 111 U :r-.~m•• COII.IITJIItoR 8dh 14?$ Y.atrr S.bblth Stnecu 7 00 p m Trot~n ~tn!rfi Spof~liO«< )U-4111 lah•nit) nutn: 1 pm, Jml1ns 'T'IM><tlt•, t'IM AfU &lld.II'JC " l"'hilb '' "nMD\\ . DEtt.\laDt~ --~t~T....,._ ,.,.,~ •.albt-~1lff-~(.a.kT\ ' ' " n1 • . 1 a • tudunc "' Uw ''""It ll'mntf'f trY to n1ffl • tth MIM IClmi\H' \ .,e~u.c 1 p m , I·~~C"t Cam~ \ 't>nU•r Ali)OM tnlttn11fd tn carollll& 011 l)cocofmbH IJ. rnft\ al P<ta« Campw, Ct,ltf'f It I p m '11'.. "'' "'-'«; 6 •pm 1•.-.n- C..~n.-- Cntff' ,..., w•.- 1.111.,....1 t;...r1Yna4 .- Uw ....._lin .......,~ . . .atau-.1 ., ·~Jrft ..~, ........'SP nlto.12~-Urot t llflhl MliCIIIlrebt • OK ....,, lN\ff"Wt)' Gmt..- "'tO,t..l!oO\\ , DUt.-'-lllat U '"~ ............, t:AI \bjlon . . . \tt.n i pm . Room lit ..,.,.waJ l::dYC"all. . Cf'ftt~t \\om<tft ph)ttUI t'CIUtatton ma,110n « nunon •'- ·~ •tu6me tk Sc""~ pm . "'~" twom. lnu·~t)'Cftlttt ·~T4Uth,"dllt'('t4'dby ~lllf.....,.••lll• Ad\ftlt ,..,..,., MdUw llloptdlla10III )W lehf'nk) l.rfft I pM ~IC'twtwe HaD. F1M AIU BudduiC l~ftot'M ~~ ·"TM ~ fll CbmUUt un6tt llw da.rftttOoft ot Or Donak' fUIIdWII« '- •hrnk) Tlllc-atr"; I p tn , Jtonk.uu nw.llrY, f"tnt Arts &akl~l\l t"\tMtan.- ~J , ... )~'""""' ......... ""1' ........... )koft 4ar«tftd. Ill") \hl:<r TrNIIftl \.t~""-lh ('~ . . . J pM \h('htiw'ft u.~u. r ... Aru BY~khfilt t..W \bn 6 pm , $1 M.lln't l'PS~« t'h-.w('h llwt.oldm MU111 al'lt-.1tl) l'athOIK Ltt~ «lf'bnttd ... tn (f'fmOM') •ncl pr.~a«-ntryv.tth(holf"S '" ""hldl t:.old \C'IIntt'"IS and llfLt -rapped., cold fotl aiMI ,.""" lrY l•ftHtd b)' Uw ~rtJC't~nQ nw aJt. u~ ~-CIM-Il(IIOr Tlwbr.u.K'~'·""""" an•• ,.... llllH$0,\\ , 0tltt', .\ ltst;K II "~~=~~~:~ pro)f"c'u .... ~,.,........, "'- ' " ' ' · ot:u:Mat.M •• GtidMC•fts-r..eii«Wbtotii)OYN~,- ...,f« \ ..... - . , f~a&l! Uw bnil '"' Nl 0. CJit .. U.,. pow n. ,,., ~ '"' ... dw poor .. . . . , ....ood \W ('oN ~~ ri -- a~· Honuhst for \ht' CioW MaM •111 ~ Jo' athfor AJ 1bomu. O•r«tor Gl l"ANrltMI!ft. I,.Cf'ON.CI OtO«M and form''' Pl-'lor C)l ,~._n\an (.'..nmw:Ul)' Tht U" ·S I• (.'bQ4r •til •nd Ja~MS BM:untUn .. ,u br orptlut Orpfl~l bqllllt at S »pm ••"'I \ \K t' JI• 1 p .. , .. ~~~ lN,~t.)''l'. "'T lw Twd1 ""-'"ttO..r...,..K.-nUI a , . •._. r.- Aru ~ \IH,O\\ .... ...._. St""' Koom M~ '" t . ....twtJ- ltu'kl.iftt •..,. C..rt...t!.•twblt K• \ I"I .!Wll (oAIMt' I pm ~" ~ Po.nt u &au t"t.tff Tl t'O\\ . OU t.:.)IIIUt U .. liM# ,.,.............. ("011 ~·· t,.., ( . . ..,.. ff'Mf'f , .. J pm , l'f'at<t> PliM tor ft\f'Cll.a maulhoft ror Znd l \\I M . ..-.1 ,.,.•iUH' thG Uti l..t\1111 •. "•""•~Kt<kal ··~·.~. . Arb~ 1 • nd f p til , fllltM.In'· and I,M • .WIC'Iiw-hnl _ Is Christmas Nearer Than You Are? ,,....... ........ ) * pottery urchins * music boxes & figuriMI * beer steins from Germany Pr.nitf' 1 , .. ~ ,.,. .,.., KOOftl, ti10N '\Iaiii f,....l)ofoermbf'l' 'lhnfi~P ~bn"U. ('IMP•• T-• ( 'ampus tou.n ort£tNIIf' from lbt AdtniMIC!Nt OUttf', Monda) ~p l''rtday .~ tlt;JO•m alldl30pm ould bt' pk.aMCI to •«<mnlodat~ any prnon• •~'~~~ 11ught bt illltf1'nttd If 1*$1bk ple.aM tilt I cb) 111 ad'-aiiC't' te•t 2«11 o,.r.-,, "* IC'••btlor- ~"" •«'-. '"•• •• l•hrnh) t•m•••"> f'r•• •~.­ t'hrotm.u ~tttatiOn tlwr. "'111 •lto t. op fo.- Pfl\lt~ ~esaNN •.,....,~wh...,St'.-~ : lUll ••..,. Arb &:iJdlftC R.wi4C.... J....., lpm ,)hclwlwon Om>.:ttd b) Or "''" I&owl: Stucty - )bca..t,.!(JOa• Satwdai). soo,. s...di~J. ~tift ' Ma• 12 00 )hdrut~ l 01 a ,. Monda)', Drt-t>mbtr 11. 1972 1 u am 12:00 M1dntl ~ AiiCf llour1 Study It 00 ~ltdnil e-t 00 • "' Tuctday, l}flr<tmbfor It, 1m 1 u • m ·12 GO Mld.NWJ2 00 am \\'f'dnaday .l}eoffm.tlt"rliD. It12 74lam U OOMldiaiW' tloun.SQidy- tt . .1 GO Oto«Mbt'f fl_ tm top• tr.z..-n n..uncs., an .. ,... ~..., I ..rkt.a.n IHaiwr • • pM 1 4) am 21 1m 4· 00 pm • ooa m ~ w rr.u)'. Df.«tnbrtt:z 1m ~da)' Monda), Dfof~mbf'r 2J t~ ~y-fndly , ~btt t ·..w AIU C'f'lltn 1 U•• llrua.. pm Saturday, t4, Ut.n ;,.utt; M 1t. »21. ltn - aooam -4 OOpm Sa.t...S.y s...ctar "-d.a). ~wr "·httd.ay tm. • ,...,., J....,,J.,._,.,. 1. tm Oolotd 14 . , • • Ot .aAI -4 CIOpm '"''V' 't!"' (~ " " ''- Afthoueh '"C''ooord ~eft •• no1 prt.ntf'd .,. OW Ual\ftll) Ant~lllft \'llfoftdat tl tt thU ttl dfrfl ~. . .. Z'1 olllw l.tll\~1) Cal•klew at.atn. •..,... .. ,..... ~~~~ M'fflf'' namnt~hOM and ttw .,_ JI.MIAI) MoMiy•rnday. Jat~~o~~~ry •12. Saturda) ~y . !!oe:tM'dutr llkfo M artr•tlfft Mol) IY7J 1m - 1 oo 1) 1m u l'los«< '""P'Ilf'ICI!Aort:~lor,....IC'.,.,..... f'wtilfor f.-7. S<llurda).$wMI.a) .am-400pm pc-rkKI el M'Ul~ uamiNit<MU 11 r.n ~ldt'ffd u a ctowd pt"MMd dw•tl& •hK"h 1110 MttHlfft praoctiC'a,. or rftx~n.ah .Iff pAt WUilll..S ~.,tonal l4,.1tn I>Kftftbtr n. 1m tt ot Altrr ttoun )CUO) )I . . . .~ ~~ . 6 • p •, t'tM AIU(~l« Ha\.bt~a ll •·••" 1 pn1, twldhouM' Slf"\f'M P01nt "'"' t..Cr~ U. ClfUY'ft"'lll.y n oo )hdNI,_.2 00 a m t'hd.a). ~f1'1'btt' IS, am 1 4l am 12 ot Mtdlhl<t Aftn Uoun Sc..ty - 11 00 ~m tHUH\ llttt\IKtKI~ '4-*'PI ( ~Lt'k!.•u l)iM.rr 't' •• • ~~;~~;.,!~,~~ 1~\ 1 u # m 12 oo Mldnllr I lat.- Trip Te ll.lwJo ll. ~ 1ft Sc~"*' ladudtt. Joe( Fa,... Uahda) IM "•d.•l• ~nkf' ; lpm ,Nt-~~~omanChiPf>l Thforf'••ll' a ('eMnuo~nal l'f'n:~on« SC'rv~ ~.if-fore the ~II.UIII) "~ 1r~ft'a ror nt4 , ...., ~ ~ formattOft tall ~•• ou Monday Jaf!Uolt) U ::o.&.._l .,...._ Mf'luh 197J Rtosv.ltr Tbfo LlbrM) ._wid r. hau· aU ttt MldNip rt1wi!Cd b) ~,. Ofto u .... ~ r~t.)~)Drrc-1' c- rif'<lf' . . SECOND STREET GYM MILL -····'·1 ~ ~ -~ -~~ * ..alA'f 'IlL t ~~·ll.l br . . . . dw Offlln' ., t:at.mclrd 5crf1('ft .a 1111 I! GO \l.t4r~&AI 1 ., • u.,_., clr«'l from Sonh '-k S.lll.l C'l--. t 'tl•• ~;lot-I) b)'t:W~C..-.. t• \ uU ll.a._a., Campus Newsletter S \ l l UO\\ fOtfW'IIMI M'~ ftM A.uchtornuft MaJn Budcbnjl ~__. ................ ...,., ... bmt .a.u!M"d ter OW lAB~ tnp, )- It , t'IC'IdhouM'. :::;- :;:~~ !rft .t:~~ wm"''"' l flh t'O.Il) .. \arnta• a..-.a.uo.. ...... aiM~ . .,.,.ava:lbblf'lla~f'd - Ullf'-.r) ........ \\II t'tl• 1 pm , ,.,~ln Room lflt\f'n&l)' (f'nlft" ' "'TttiP" TOUf'h C"'l" 41'S-C1S """"' tonn1lly bfof"n appro' eel for llk" lat,-nm ~ ~"""" ~<tn ""• .cbrr cwnn .,... lA Plrt)aw:al oo~ftd f't'Jl(Wb Ptt~ Dt.Ct:.\IBt.:M II ~•1'"'> ..~._ A1U IM~Utt 10 l)r(o 21 M••"'. \ll.ftlt.Mr..f"• Ttll'ff('O.Inh, t'orntt) ut. ~·•I Studtf"\ :JOt. • l'ld ~.Jhwal Hf'SQUrtft ....._,.,.c:ulw•dwtw.adi•H.I,.... , . . ., 1hnr ••\. :,:*'::t«'d;.~:~M 'i:-t~~r. ~ydrtu uy ...~<tnlt)tlf'PMUU... wf'f"M'ltolutllt at.Wit..,. •• 1'hf' 411ft "" lhtt: ~U"'a dowd Pf'f'Od lrt' ~brt ab th"*Ch Dtnmbet tl•t ln tbt ~ml ol t•onnttu, Ht~ta~t Mary l}lr«tor 1)1 Studofoftl MU~IIIn, t:'t U4l "C' .. lnamu fkorxman. -.uni'IC F.IUot Ooukl "' ~~.., ..........~.Pf't-'al&ltdw~.t.«pt.... ., 1338 h d - R.INGr IN TH£.. HOU ITH C..L.OTHf....S FROM R.Z..I NGE- ~.S. M\N\ tV\ALL .... " " Roundy" Kl uet:z: Bre aks Five Yea r Scoring Slump ..,......._. ........ __... . .. ... .. __ .. ,....._. _... -~ ...... _ ..... .......... ... _, """- •llll .....,, ·- tf'C'flll~-~ ...... ~ n...·Jo-oo.M I,.MIIW'fl llf" .. , . ;oop~«t ~ ....... """' UtiiCNNIIIIpiM'alllliffl .,........_. .............. - ·" .., 1H-M tr;,... . . . . ' ' " ' l"••l"f I-Nti lf>t• fM)I'n- " " " " - 'llnolhb ""·......... r ...... tiW~bt(·-twrwMII., l<':tol. . . . . , ... ~-* ..., .............. twe"ll A.tdlllo }\ ""~,~~~~'"" _, 'lttM. • ........ ................... •... .,.. ,,_ t.•-"••• ••II .... .....,r...,. .. ---. n. _,._,..,.... ..... "-""'-"' .. ........... ..,.....,.n. n.ow ....... .,.,... ............--....-.. ..... ......_ ..... ........... .._...._ .. ... ,..., .,. ........... .w·· .._., ........... .......,.... .. ............ _..., .... .,_ co_,. , .,, •,..,.,... n......, ........ _,..,....,. _...........,...., .. ., .. ~-=---~c·:: ......,...._ ....,....... :....~t·. . ~~~ ,,_ .. _, ......... ,......... . .,."flo!!,_, "~·-···-u.­ :t:. .r,::. .... ... ,..... ,,""*'~~ " MouHJ•" Khtf'U • ;,.. Ptl~,a.)•tlff IW'•rnll)- .__,.,..~,.,...( _..... ~ .._ . ' " " NtU~bloll pM>IKII) '"""'-IIM'doiiW' lloforl•ll) Mt ....IM- 011 a t ' t i t \l o1t;w\'ICII ( - . 1 lilt ..., ....... ,.,_, Itt•'-• Tn~• tlwpmt nor , •.,... ..., ~·~,....... . . , - - - l o r i i N..... t• ~'-· -­ ............... ...................... ..................... ... . .. _., .. _ .......""' ,_., ~- \ ,. ............~~. . . . . , thor ...rl) •""""'"' ., ............ ......t.;M . . Thot\'tU•tn' ·- ... ..,._,... iflf« !Ia N.Mft ..... ···-··~"'·'""· c.~~~.._.,....,... ~- ~........ )t'tt - ·. . ~ '11.... t.t11'1.• ,..,....,..,~~"'""• .... ... . -- ...... --..... -== .• = ~ ~-..,.., ~ ...w ...... r. . . .,-..."""' ___ ·-1--..,.. ,.... ... . ....................... _.... ,..._ ..................... ..., ~.---- ...-. ........ -...;_ ... ..........."""" ,_..,._,.,._...,._ ... ,..... .,.....,~--­ ~ , ... - ' " " " " " "' UK.._rt ........ ....,.,,., .... \II ( ....... ...,, ., _All _ _Allltttt .. ..... •... , k._.., _,. ...,....,..,, ., ....,. •lwffhltllotcl-- cl~Mtlct. . ..... " . . . .... .. _loniWIO\""I(J•IIw ltt~roo........ IICW'f't . ............. .f'lill iltllt-lltlll '"' • • •• ptay,t.W .. flntll)' didil. t • • .till ................... .. -- ••• .Of'lll """"" ,.,.."' 11 . ., . . . . . . .01') Guolll ...,.. ~·pt'tifoll ..., ......... '"'....., . ......... . ....... ......... :-::................,.,.......,\&_, .,,._ ................... ........ ........_.._ ,_............... * L.tao...-."'.,.., .... ....,......... '- ..-.11 IO!Mft .. . - , ~ " ....... - ........... .. ......... ..... . . ., .... l b ...... ...... _ ...... , .. c-. ... ~ ::::, .:::;"'A.!-:.-= .. ,.,.._ _ ............ - ...-..rn• .... .._.. _......... .-. ...... ...... __.. .... .-- ...,,.._""'"_,,..., -~-.....,~ ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,_.. Jilallo ~a.- ~-- ~__..,w, _,llM-<o .... ,..,""'"·-·'UIMCfl'f•.t "'fftMINII"'IIW~•Iot ''"'"lioMI-1'*1""""" ...................... _.._ .... \1-.,wl Dllk4 llt• . .• ..<'l.... lloiMioe) Ht•Ufill..... ''"" ,_., •IIIII 11- ••,. ttt.\f'tM .,._ ....... - l'la~""-"""•l•t)•IIIM• '' 1111•., M,_,., io.Wu. aM t•»ttOflt..t•IIH .... \' ~""' t.loltnl.lwn~ ..1111'"'lldlr"' .. _ _,....... 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