Wisconsin State Unl'lferslty Ste!fens Point j SfRIES VIII, VOL. 13 Student ·Opinion Is Irrelevant Subtitle : Student demon.e:trato~ are often uktd this queaUon by thoee they demonstrate aga.inat, "Why can't we lilt down and d!Kuu t.b.lnp reuonably!" Two 1tudenta on thil cam pus at tempted to do just that with n1cmben1 of the hittory department. 'l"ha 1.1 the accou nt. THE POINTER ' I._J' University \ ) 8 PAGES NO. 13 "N~gotiates With State Department ~~ ~~IH~n~l~----------~----~---------------------=DK=•~~~·~I~ J.~i~9M~ ,._ 2 THE .PODIUM CommmrsOnGold.rtein Case Tbe guest editorial that appears on the front P'<'''"'~"'""'"up.-.ulooofooo•'"· ··"''' oplnlo". Mo"d'Y Mlk• Houllh•" · - " ' the meeung of the Pointer Ed1tonal Board an _¥ presented thi8 imprtM!on of the hlatory deputment'a tenure meeting. He had at tended the tenure meeting in an attempt to perwade the tenurN. members of the department to retain RobertGoldatein. The Pointer aupporta the impl.lcation of the Houlihan article that there Ia a need for atude:nt voice in dep&rtmenl&l matter. (ddlnition ol th1a voice being lett to the dilcretion of the department Itself). We are, however, .omewhat akeptleal of the validity of the artiele'a allegation th&t the history faculty did not make a con.clentio\1.1 effort to understand the particular clrcumat&nces concerning Mr. Golcbtein'a at titude toward h1a pro!eulon. Tb~ 1kepticiam wiD hopefully be dWpelled when the iuue Ia -.ired tonight at a meeting of hatory majors and minors in the W lacon- aln Room at 8 p.m. The question ot student participation t ranscends this one department and the partlcul&r isaue ot Robert Goldltclo. Justus Paul Interviewed: Re t ent'IOn A nd G0 ld st eln • ' · Letters To The Ed~tor Student Writes Nixon Registrar Explaini Procedures For Registration For the !*'It tever~l )~~ -.erial ra~m~n for "'1Cl>tnlloa hllvellftnauiKJWdoo ~ buil ot wnlon. Junion. cr.odu.a~ and sP"'Ialiflnt :than~ and fH'Ih- n <laoslft. lll(IHf, u Uon-baad oo u,._ ~rot credlu .-."'"' 11 tilt ~lnnl.,..ofthecuntnt lf',.... Wlthlnuch ofthe uttror~ts nwn~n ..·ere "llli:IW'<I o:.n..; 111 avoid hJ,vlna the A·1 al"•l'S flmanclthcZ'a a J.....y1 1ut. alpha~t!calbaab. ln~ a~mester c)'c!.,~btf!l deviled: 42J Z 10 A. t3J Middle to both ends : A ._.~z. Ul Both met. 10 the mlddlt: ~~. -.-..z. ln &enera l. thJ.hu ,.wkf4 reuanablywe ll, althouchtbt at~nl "'hols.cheduied]llt han1l)' eYI!T f~ll that tbeo)·s. tc m 11 a rOOd one: Out ol mr uptrlencaa•rerlatrar, l ha•·c come to the eonc:IU$Ion 111.11 theR b nO tell!)' IOQd "IJ ofrer\lterln~e. 11ltra are110n14'Khl'mcttllit Hem tQ be Wa lrOUbl~ than oth.cn. But tht~ Ism;~ rood WI )' to l[ ltl~r a ll tt.. !fl. formation that b ttoqulrt'd by the varlolu a rnu o1 lhf 11ft!. versltywlthout the uptndlt~~n o1 a rreat Mal of time an11 e ffort. Better utlllz.aUon ot dall 1'1'0' cenlne de:vku -.1<1 htlp. lklt thlartoqulrelcon&ldtrabl)'lf,tl. I!Tbudt;~ and rnoret.,lnfd thlon are cun e<>ll)' provldcodfOrlhU jlUI'llOR. pc'n.ontlei IIOIO"eYer . one~·~ ,.... c llank:&l prOblem dtveloptd. Durlnt the tint da)'l of cl•~ ualplrnent, !he ~parllnl'nll whoftll'OU mo~~tlyhuhmenand IOphornores had relatlv~ly little w do. dtport· Convt....-1)'. thoH m enta who enroll mostly junion andpnklnhad llttietocloto. wa rd tht e nd ol tht period. f'llrtMr~e. thole d~part· mtnu with hlth aophomono en· rullmenta (e.c. En&lllh wi t h IO~IIterat~ cou.I"UU. U.S. Hlltot)'l ..·ere owam]>ediHI tl\e da)'l"iltlllhciOphomorrs we re d ljlp: and Hit! fr e.hmon En&llah table " 'II hit too hard ..~n the freahmen a rrln'<l. ln a n attempt IDI\~d tht>W proble m• ....nne retalnlnt t h~ mora dHirabl.e feature• ol the J)'stem. It wu dcrldfd not to lla\·e m t m bt>n ol e ach cl•» rtpor11n-cutl\'i!O td eo·, therefor... att~r P nlor. priority, !he d 11Uts are m in d , 'I1Ila Jprtad• U.. diamond lor eertaln types of COU.rHI throuahwt mo:st of the WHk; lntt. .dol treallnc tht piJ,o.,,Jl·• '-'nlor whldtha~OfC'I.IC<!d. GIUH:.RT FAl15T &f:CII~ar .... 3 OPINION COintlnUC!d rrom Pf.Ke u . aod that more tlme be given ut to tum In all the petltlont before a declalon be made. I tugge.t.ed that a public bearing take place .o that atudenta aod faculty could communicate their view. to each other. Or. Goldateln workl with ttuderita: he teachet1 them, no~ the faculty members. • Studenta, I felt, tbould at least be given a chance to upreu how they felt, though I did not uk that the atudentl t hould render a vote or make the final decitlon. I j111t wanted to aee the tludenie repre.ented In the matter. I menUoned next that a queltion of academk: freedom wa1 Involved - that if Goldatein'• cue estabU..hed a precedent, then any lnatruetor'a teat procedure~ might eome under queaUon and might be ground• for non-retention. From the faculty viewpoint I thought thla would be frightening. (But. of course, these were a.U tenured membera of the faculty, whote teach- ~e:~~~ ~~~C:~v:; =~~~e';.u;:.tt~d (Conllni.IN from pace 21 1 cannot. To condemn an lndlvldual to death for a purpo&e or cau• that 1\e 11u no pan In formulatlna and.soe. notundentand ll themo.t.aensel~.tlle moat bn.ita1 and the ~ut humane tactic 1 non (On· ffiw. ' But while thll: mentality ltdanceroua, the orcanluUon ls not. SDS is not the ImpOtent revolutionary foru for the reuont ct\'tn In t he n.1tlonal media, le. amall nwnben and dlvlded leadl!'rshlp. R.IUIC'r the . . -r canbe foundlnMmll!undel"'lrouildpubl!nltlons. Ken ~;Aly~,:",~=: ~1~...~~~-~htfr~~ln:e!': theyrotVerU.tentowhat peoplewant,wh.lt peopleare Into and now SDS ls J..st Into rhetoric. Everytl'ltnr el.w Is cotnr on, and all tl\ey Me 111 rf!<ttorie.~ SDS hu be<:onle \IT'I'Velent. What t he twenty-five of us h~ lut "J'Uaday nlalll ODU1d In no way be re- lated to 0\lr pftdlcament u atudenU In a amall mldwaternunlwnlty.Andldonotthlnkltwutntl!ndrd to relate to ua, for Gold and JQI.h were 80 Intent Ln malntaln lnl thflr own J"e'VViutlont..rY uaJ that they f or- eottotakeuaalonawlthlMm.ltli:Ju.stuwelltlley t,..v~l the road to Hlf-dHin,ld.lon alone. c. ...... LAST WEE'K'S. PIZZA BUCKS ARE GOOD FROM NOW nLL CHRISTMAS YACAliON W HITE STAG SKI CLOTHING Men's &Ladles' Parkas &Ski Pants v~L There w!U be a meeting of the blatory majora and minora tonight at 8 In the Wiaconaln Room of the University Center. I u r o, : ; aU atudent." to attend. Dr. Gold· g to present hi.a Aide of tbe matter ateln Ia ·at thil mee ng. Also, there II a echeduled dlaeu.alon of student parUelpaUon within the department. I further advocate tludent.a to write tbort ttalementl to the heto:l or the hiltory department expreaaing concern or disagreement over the non· retention of Or. Goldltein and expreaaing Interest . in ttudent voice. Send a abort letter to Pretlldent Drey!ut, too. written by Michael Houllb.u s15oo _s65oo DOVRE SKI CARRIERS THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU teflt procedure, not learnlng. 01:- Go141teln'• teaching ability wu hardly eorllldered. Whether ttudenta were learning wu not beingdl.scut&ed. (Let me add, the overwhelming student tentlment Is that the test-eating Incident wu a learning experience). Finally I u.ked bow many of those present actually knew what kind of a man Or. Goldl!teln w . ., how- many knew what kind of a teach~ he wu. They were taking away hla job, and, I \ thonght, they bad tn obligation to know aa much · about the enUre tltuaUon u they poulbly could. I f lnlahed my pruentaUon. Mr. Morrison ttood up and uld that my pretentation waa ao "arrogant atatement." (He may have been referring to the whole tpeech or juat the laat teetion where I queatloned what they know or Or. Goldttein) . He appeared to be quite angry. Some queatlont were put to me and I answered uiem aa beat aa I could. Someone aald that aU of my "tennt" weren't correct. I nplled that I wu new at thete proceedlnp, and, perhaps. If more faculty·ttudent dlacuaalont took place I would get my tenn1 atra.lght. l tald all theMl thinga politely. I wu being nlce: although I wasn't feeling ao nice. Kurt then t lood up and read the two petition• and waa aaying a few worda when he wu Interrupted by Mr. Richard Face, who tald worda to theetrectthatthey {the tenured membera),were profeulonally tn.ined to nuder dcdtiont In theae matters, that we were acting naively~ and tha t "ttudent opinion !a irrelevant" In theae mattera. (In grad achool do theae people take eounea In hiring and f iring, I wondered). Kurt then uld that perhaps. there waa no uae In carrying on a dl.acuaaion If our opinions were Irrelevant. But a ditcuuion of 110rta took place anyway after that. We were uked aome queationa and aome bia"to~ana made statement.. In faimeaa, .orne of the tenured membera seemed Interested and w!Uing to llatn to ua - but the.e were f_ew. Th majority, I think, (altho.ugh aome were ailent and It wu hard to tell) conAidered ua audacloua tor approaching their meeting. I think, wewerenottaken aerioutly. • And thil I feel ttrongly - tha.e 6.iatoriana were not really llatenlng, not really hearing what Kurt and I were taylng. 'I'hey would not deal with the real ileue. They kept tllking about proper procedure, proper tenna, fonnula, ete. They were not willing to de-al with Dr. Goldateln u a teacher. He II a atimplating, vibrant lnatructor, but they weren't interested 1n that. They didn't eare If learning took place In hia clau. They did not ea.re Uiat here Wa.t a man who could communleate, though he dared be dltrerent. I learned a painful. poignant leuon. The atudent Ia a "nigger." The atudent Ia Jnvialble. I think It Ia time that we tak1! on auhlltance. Something m111t be done. Our opinlona are not lrrele- STYLI TO FIT ANY CAl DAILY PICKUP & DELIVERY AT ALL DORMS 1 ~% Discount on Cash & Carry Dry Cleaning W·HRYI(f lAUIIIRIES & CAll OfRW Poge -4 DecCimber 11, 1969 THE POtNnl THIRD OF A SERIES- Writer Looks At Point Building Program 'Take Moratorium Home' Campaign Is· Launched NEED PICTURES? WE'Ll TA~E THEM ALL'! W1IITfR CARNIVAl (ANDJOAm, PARnES, FORMALS, WING PICTURES, OR I i wonder of Christmas centerpieces AVAIU.ILE ANYTIME TOM KUJAWSKI 344.3279 ornaments 0 0 0 0 wreaths candles 0 0 0 COtne to t htl Tret~tu,. Chut , , . w!Mte 1lfh for the . . _ .,. dleployed I• • ho- , , , Stevens Point Brewery ;.::lft """P '-"ttfulty, he of - R~l Sto.w c.ndill - -"' · ......., .-- 2617 W.-ter St. COLLEGE MEN ~~~~~~~~~111111 1: 1~: ~ ~ ~ ~im1i-~-~~~~·~-- - -~::~::~:·~~:~·:~;~ ~~~::--~=~:•_o_~_o~_ ~_·~_·_j~- ~C~ -~-: _: _~ -~-:'_~ -~ ·~_: ~_;~_:U_~ "r~- ~-p~ 1 ~tm~r 11, 1969 THI POIHnl . ... 5 Courses Offered In Extension Division l Miles North on Hwy. Sl SEIVIHG PIZZA • Hamburgers THlY' U A TllAT TO EAT! '* * j f\ or drink it straight "I know the WaY. home with my eyes closed." •. ThenyouknowJIM~YI'JO.,... ' Btcadu:.:;.~~:::::~YC:.::~you Jllhll l\appeMonyour wl yllome tor ClvlllmM. pull-r. lake 1 br•U and iiUIWO~.ll'll help you drtv.llome. withyour ~•C~~Mn. 10< NoDol. Ho eat lhoo.lld btlwiii'IOuli~ 'It 1969 Greekvine Hey Tom Cats I Expertise assistance for your Kitty Kots 'for Christmas Phone )44..1252 Many Student Citizens Maire friendly CITIZENS ·Their Shippy Shoes MAIN et WATU Banlr .AlP~! ~l '' ' NATIONAL BANK STIVINS POINT· WISCONSIN • ()e(:tmber II , 1969 .... 7 Woods And Waters 'No Way But Up' 10things Americas·new small cars won't talk about. Nonta!baboutthinp thosc:ncwliulennprc:fernoctomwtion. For in~ta~~Ce. ( I ) ~ c::u&o-&uard luu;ir;e rompanmwc (Z) an u.tra BILL'S PIZZA SHOP 344-9557 We only serve the Best No Brag Just . Fact ~tof"remlcninsidethefenders.: (l) Hu~arlddryroc:kerp.JMhthathc!p prt>·cnt ru!.larldcorrosion; (4) a quality built Body by fisher: (SJ MaP:·Mirror:u:l)·li<: lacquer linim: (6 ) a firm. 1-!C.Jd)" ride pr01f1mmed by romputer-~ed loj)finp; (7) B1HONA . has a F0 FT TP ' ~=~ir~c;~~n~;:n~;: ~;; ;. ~u"r'::~"!~~ ~~~n~~J~J: ;~~~':.:.that with antennas buill rif.ht into the wind!ohidd and ( 10) the anilibility of a ne ..... more compact mlio/1-lereo tapc.s)1-ltm. America's lin~ e;.n; do!l' t ofl'er them. Nova dots. No~-:r. ~ •cry ~ppealinc priC"C. And lol of lo)-:r.l friends. Woodcrwhy. · ' a Puuin&)OIIIirl-l, keipsusfi~ Point Whips Warhawks In Conference Opener ...."''""" Polnltn l'l,I'\IJ)IIn take a at halftlrnt'. v:::;::=: . o~r ~~!':L outstandln&' ·:'"'":..:_,:··: ..,··::::: all-around 1•me, lfll W P<llnten ..ith H =~~= ~~~~ ~:~:~;~~~·.·~~''_i;~~~-~~~~;;,~.o~~C0.11=-------"==---:----I Ke"n Rlttrnthaler ,.,;th 9. V&m- l '" elM HC'!JY'tl allo led the Point· ~ - Ill reboundln1 ..~lh I .. nd Tllrry All'>(lfWOtl p<~lled doo.o.1'1 6. TOM RITZEI\'TIIALER secured that rebound de.· pite the coverage of the offensive playen: from St. Mary'•· Ritunthaler'a teanunate Quinn VandenHue· of~~;~',:~~~ ~! ~~.e~.~~~~ the·~~:',~~ ~;-:; ',;.: .. ·;,~:co.mi: .,;.,;;,: .A~•~ I~.''•-~ othispJ..yen' ta lenu. The J(nlcb may be the but O\'trall learn to e•·er tneNBA.Itl.ppearatha t a~dynuty*l&hell!to Give the Packen the Jlopj)y uck.llnll ol the araln~t the Browns. Cleuland played we ll, Inn hu played f - t r WOfH &l.rntl In lhf:H lloU IWO The VUdnll:• aeem to ha•·e the bu t o •·erall Ith.lnk they'lllo all the way. . . I vel wa.lll for the posalble feed and two po!ntl other end. (Mel Glodowakl Photo) Set Fieldhouse -.. Mark First Point Victory DECEMBER 14, 1969 CHRISTMAl MORNING PARTY FRANK llOYD WRIGHT LOUNGE 2:GO • 4:00 P.ll ALL ELIGIBLE WOMEN . INVITED SCHOOL CLOTHES APPROPRIATE Hunters' Corner 1114 MAIN No Bands on iJ,ursday Nite - Just 'Beer Come Out and Load HOLIDAY DRESSES ARRIVING DAILY AT. We've Got T~ lrresistables GREAT PIZZAS S9ers, 79ers, 89ers Sandy, Rose, Ben, Toni, Carol, Pat, .Kathy, Kris, Louis, Bonnie, Marlene, Ann tl\tb lantern IliON.· WED. W:tl SAT. Lt..a:M '1'111111&. W~ SUX. u.s.- Finest in Live Entertai nment POUR HAUS THURS, NITE 1129 MAIN -d> ,.,1 "Religion Hang-ups" ~ IN COOPlllATION WITH , UCM EVERY TUES. 7:00 P.M. BEGINNING DEC • • 9 THE SOUND STREETS ·. FRI. & SAT. THE fAIULOUS ANIMAL'S FAX OF LYFE 0 -. of tt.e Mow F.•b.llout Group• of Mklo!t•• THURS. AU CAN BfER 301